Esempio n. 1
        protected void cboCode_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            clsTransaction DB = new clsTransaction();

            cboCode.Text = cboCode.SelectedValue.Substring(0, 2);

            cboType.Text        = DB.Find_Type(cboCode.Text);
            lblDescription.Text = DB.Find_Description(cboCode.Text);
Esempio n. 2
        protected void cboRegNo_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            clsTransaction DB = new clsTransaction();

            decimal varExpense = DB.Find_Expense(cboRegNo.Text);

            lblExpense.Text = varExpense.ToString();
            lblIncome.Text  = DB.Find_Income(cboRegNo.Text).ToString();
            decimal varBalance = decimal.Parse(lblExpense.Text) - decimal.Parse(lblIncome.Text);

            lblBalance.Text = varBalance.ToString();
Esempio n. 3
        protected void cmdAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            clsTransaction DB = new clsTransaction();

                //Validate values
                if (dtTransDate.GetType() != typeof(DateTime))
                    lblResults.Text = "Select a valid date";
                if (cboCode.GetType() != typeof(int))
                    lblResults.Text = "Account code cannot be empty";

                if (cboType.Text == null)
                    lblResults.Text = "Account type cannot be empty";

                if (lblDescription.Text == null)
                    lblResults.Text = "Description cannot be empty";
                if (txtAmount.GetType() != typeof(decimal))
                    lblResults.Text = "Amount must be numeric";

                if (cboRegNo.GetType() != typeof(String))
                    lblResults.Text = "Please select a valid vehicle registration number";

                DB.Add_rec(DateTime.Parse(dtTransDate.SelectedDate.ToString()), cboCode.Text, cboType.Text, lblDescription.Text, decimal.Parse(txtAmount.Text),
                           txtUserLabel.Text, txtChequeno.Text, cboRegNo.Text);

                //string selectSQL = "SELECT * FROM tb_Customer ORDER BY convert(int,customerno)";
                //SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
                //SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(selectSQL, con);
                //SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);

                // Fill the DataSet.
                DataSet ds = new DataSet();
                ds = DB.FindTable();
                //adapter.Fill(ds, "tb_Customer");
                // Perform the binding.
                GridView1.DataSource = ds;

                lblResults.Text = "Operation successful";

                cboCode.Text     = ""; cboType.Text = ""; lblDescription.Text = ""; txtAmount.Text = "0";
                txtChequeno.Text = ""; cboRegNo.Text = "";

            catch (Exception err)
                EventLog log = new EventLog();
                log.Source = "Milorry Frontend";
                log.WriteEntry(err.Message, EventLogEntryType.Error);