Esempio n. 1
    // This method will allow us to display a record based on the patient's ward
    public Int32 PatientsInDataGridViewByWard(Int32 WardNoFilter)
        //create an instance of the class clsPatientCollection
        clsPatientCollection MyPatients = new clsPatientCollection();

        //apply the method FindPatientByName to find the patients in the database

        // apply the data table method to the gridview now and don't forget it is not a method as such it is a property
        PatientDataGridView.DataSource = MyPatients.Patients_DataTable;

        //Now Bind the data to the gridview

        // Make the the Gridview visible now
        PatientDataGridView.Visible = true;

        // variable to store the count of records in the object MyPatients
        Int32 recordCount = MyPatients.Count;

        // see the number of records found
        lblPatientMessage.Text = " There are " + recordCount + " Patient(s) found and they are sorted alphabetically by their Last Name.";

        //return the count of the records
Esempio n. 2
        public void InstancePatientCollectionOK()
            //create an instance of the class we want to create
            clsPatientCollection TestPatientCollection = new clsPatientCollection();

            //test to see that the instance actually exists
Esempio n. 3
    // Method to display the patient on the form
    void DisplayPatient(Int32 PatientID)
        //create an an instance of the class clsPatientColllection
        clsPatientCollection MyPatient = new clsPatientCollection();

        // create an instance of the class clsPatient
        clsPatient PatientToEdit = new clsPatient();

        // get the data for this record
        PatientToEdit = MyPatient.FindPatient(PatientID);

        // display all the patient's data found on the form
        txtPatientID.Text = Convert.ToString(PatientToEdit.PatientID);

        ddlTitle.SelectedValue   = Convert.ToString(PatientToEdit.Title); // take value of the Title and match it to the selected value of the ddlTitle
        txtFirstName.Text        = PatientToEdit.FirstName;               // put the value of the PatientToEdit FirstName and put it in the textbox txtFirstName
        txtLastName.Text         = PatientToEdit.LastName;
        txtDateOfBirth.Text      = Convert.ToString(PatientToEdit.DateOfBirth);
        ddlGender.SelectedValue  = Convert.ToString(PatientToEdit.Gender);
        txtStreet.Text           = PatientToEdit.Street;
        txtTown.Text             = PatientToEdit.Town;
        txtCounty.Text           = PatientToEdit.County;
        txtPostCode.Text         = PatientToEdit.PostCode;
        txtLandlineNo.Text       = PatientToEdit.LandlineNo;
        txtMobileNo.Text         = PatientToEdit.MobileNo;
        txtOccupation.Text       = PatientToEdit.Occupation;
        txtNextOfKinName.Text    = PatientToEdit.NextOfKin;
        txtNextOfKinPhoneNo.Text = PatientToEdit.NextOfKinPhoneNo;

        txtDateAdmitted.Text   = Convert.ToString(PatientToEdit.DateAdmitted);
        txtDateDischarged.Text = Convert.ToString(PatientToEdit.DateDischarged);

        // take the values from the PatientToEdit and put them in the ddl selected values
        ddlMaritalStatus.SelectedValue     = Convert.ToString(PatientToEdit.MaritalStatus);
        ddlSexualOrientation.SelectedValue = Convert.ToString(PatientToEdit.SexualOrientation);
        ddlEthnicity.SelectedValue         = Convert.ToString(PatientToEdit.Ethnicity);
        ddlTitle.SelectedValue             = Convert.ToString(PatientToEdit.Title);
        ddlReligion.SelectedValue          = Convert.ToString(PatientToEdit.Religion);
        ddlFirstLanguage.SelectedValue     = Convert.ToString(PatientToEdit.FirstLanguage);

        txtGPDetails.Text = PatientToEdit.GPDetails;
        txtNotes.Text     = PatientToEdit.Notes;

        // foreign keys data
        // take the converted integer value of the PatientToEdit WardNo
        //and put it as the index number of the ddlWard so it displays the selected value of that index in the ddlWard
        ddlWard.SelectedIndex = Convert.ToInt32(PatientToEdit.WardNo);

        // take the converted integer value of the PatientToEdit TreatmentID
        //and put it as the index number of the ddlMedicalCondition so it displays the selectedvalue of that index in the ddlMedicalCondition
        ddlMedicalCondition.SelectedIndex = Convert.ToInt32(PatientToEdit.TreatmentID);
Esempio n. 4
    // Filter all patients to be displayed in the listbox based on their fullname
    public Int32 ViewAllPatients(string firstNameFilter, string lastNameFilter)
        //Declare the variables that will be visible in the list
        Int32    patientID;
        string   gender;
        string   firstName;
        string   lastName;
        DateTime dateOfBirth;
        DateTime dateAdmitted;
        DateTime dateDischarged;

        //The foreign keys in the tblPatient are WardNo and TreatmentId ..
        //Int32  WardNo;
        //Int32 TreatmentID;

        //create an instance of the class clsPatientCollection
        clsPatientCollection MyPatients = new clsPatientCollection();

        // apply the filter by full name
        MyPatients.FindPatientByName(firstNameFilter, lastNameFilter);

        // variable to store the count of records in the object MyPatients
        Int32 recordCount = MyPatients.Count;

        // variable to store the index for the loop
        Int32 index = 0;

        // clear any data off the list first

        // loop while there are still some records to process
        while (index < recordCount)
            patientID      = MyPatients.PatientList[index].PatientID;      // get the primary key of the patient
            gender         = MyPatients.PatientList[index].Gender;         //get the patient's gender
            firstName      = MyPatients.PatientList[index].FirstName;      //get the patient's firstname
            lastName       = MyPatients.PatientList[index].LastName;       //get the patient's LastName
            dateOfBirth    = MyPatients.PatientList[index].DateOfBirth;
            dateAdmitted   = MyPatients.PatientList[index].DateAdmitted;   // get the date admmited
            dateDischarged = MyPatients.PatientList[index].DateDischarged; // get the date discharged

            // create a new entry for the listbox in the UI
            ListItem newEntry = new ListItem(gender + "  " +
                                             firstName + "  " +
                                             lastName + "  " +
                                             dateOfBirth.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + "  " + // ToString() to display just date without time
                                             dateAdmitted + "  " +
                                             dateDischarged + "  ", patientID.ToString());

            // add the patients data collected from newEntry to the list

            // move the index to the next record for the loop to continue

        // Tell the user how many records were found
        lblPatientMessage.Text = "There are  " + recordCount + " Patient(s) found and they are sorted alphabetically by their Last Name.";

        // return the count of the records found
Esempio n. 5
    protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        //create an instance of the clsPatientCollection
        clsPatient ThisPatient = new clsPatient();

        // variable to store any error message
        //string ErrorMessage;

        //test the data entered on the web form by validate each field based on each validation methof from the clsPatient
        string FirstNameErrorMessage        = ThisPatient.ValidateFirstName(txtFirstName.Text);
        string LastNameErrorMessage         = ThisPatient.ValidateLastName(txtLastName.Text);
        string DateOfBirthErrorMessage      = ThisPatient.ValidateDateOfBirth(txtDateOfBirth.Text);
        string StreetErrorMessage           = ThisPatient.ValidateStreet(txtStreet.Text);
        string TownErrorMessage             = ThisPatient.ValidateTown(txtTown.Text);
        string CountyErrorMessage           = ThisPatient.ValidateCounty(txtCounty.Text);
        string PostCodeErrorMessage         = ThisPatient.ValidatePostCode(txtPostCode.Text);
        string LandlineNoErrorMessage       = ThisPatient.ValidateLandlineNo(txtLandlineNo.Text);
        string MobileNoErrorMessage         = ThisPatient.ValidateMobileNo(txtMobileNo.Text);
        string OccupationErrorMessage       = ThisPatient.ValidateOccupation(txtOccupation.Text);
        string NextOfKinErrorMessage        = ThisPatient.ValidateNextOfKin(txtNextOfKinName.Text);
        string NextOfKinPhoneNoErrorMessage = ThisPatient.ValidateNextOfKinPhoneNo(txtNextOfKinPhoneNo.Text);
        string DateAdmittedErrorMessage     = ThisPatient.ValidateDateAdmitted(txtDateAdmitted.Text);
        string DateDischargedErrorMessage   = ThisPatient.ValidateDateDischarged(txtDateDischarged.Text);

        // compare DateAdmitted and DadteDischarged so admission takes place before discharge
        string DateErrorMessage = ThisPatient.ValidateDateAdmitted_DateDischarged(txtDateAdmitted.Text, txtDateDischarged.Text);

        string GPDetailsErrorMessage = ThisPatient.ValidateGPDetails(txtGPDetails.Text);
        string NotesErrorMessage     = ThisPatient.ValidateNotes(txtNotes.Text);

        if (FirstNameErrorMessage +
            LastNameErrorMessage +
            DateOfBirthErrorMessage +
            StreetErrorMessage +
            TownErrorMessage +
            CountyErrorMessage +
            PostCodeErrorMessage +
            LandlineNoErrorMessage +
            MobileNoErrorMessage +
            OccupationErrorMessage +
            NextOfKinErrorMessage +
            NextOfKinPhoneNoErrorMessage +
            DateAdmittedErrorMessage +
            DateDischargedErrorMessage +
            DateErrorMessage +
            GPDetailsErrorMessage +
            NotesErrorMessage == "")  // if the concatenation of those string is empty then all validations passed
            // do something with the data add patient or edit patient e.g insert or update

            // save the data by adding  the data to the database
            if (PatientID == -1) // if the PatientID is -1 then add the record.....
                // create an new instance of the clsPatient
                clsPatient NewPatient = new clsPatient();

                // copy the all the data from the user interface to the object
                NewPatient.Title            = Convert.ToString(ddlTitle.SelectedValue); // selected value in ddl
                NewPatient.FirstName        = txtFirstName.Text;
                NewPatient.LastName         = txtLastName.Text;
                NewPatient.DateOfBirth      = Convert.ToDateTime(txtDateOfBirth.Text);
                NewPatient.Gender           = Convert.ToString(ddlGender.SelectedValue);
                NewPatient.Street           = txtStreet.Text;
                NewPatient.Town             = txtTown.Text;
                NewPatient.County           = txtCounty.Text;
                NewPatient.PostCode         = txtPostCode.Text;
                NewPatient.LandlineNo       = txtLandlineNo.Text;
                NewPatient.MobileNo         = txtMobileNo.Text;
                NewPatient.Occupation       = txtOccupation.Text;
                NewPatient.NextOfKin        = txtNextOfKinName.Text;
                NewPatient.NextOfKinPhoneNo = txtNextOfKinPhoneNo.Text;

                NewPatient.DateAdmitted   = Convert.ToDateTime(txtDateAdmitted.Text);
                NewPatient.DateDischarged = Convert.ToDateTime(txtDateDischarged.Text);

                NewPatient.MaritalStatus     = Convert.ToString(ddlMaritalStatus.SelectedValue);
                NewPatient.SexualOrientation = Convert.ToString(ddlSexualOrientation.SelectedValue);
                NewPatient.Ethnicity         = Convert.ToString(ddlEthnicity.SelectedValue);
                NewPatient.Title             = Convert.ToString(ddlTitle.SelectedValue);
                NewPatient.Religion          = Convert.ToString(ddlReligion.SelectedValue); // selected value in ddl
                NewPatient.FirstLanguage     = Convert.ToString(ddlFirstLanguage.SelectedValue);

                NewPatient.GPDetails = txtGPDetails.Text;
                NewPatient.Notes     = txtNotes.Text;

                // foreign keys data
                NewPatient.WardNo      = ddlWard.SelectedIndex;             // index number of this corresponds to the WardNo
                NewPatient.TreatmentID = ddlMedicalCondition.SelectedIndex; // index of this corresponds to the TreatmentID

                // create a new instance of the clsPatientCollection
                clsPatientCollection NewPatientTable = new clsPatientCollection();

                // insert the new record of the patient table object created above to the database

            else // update the patient's record as the record is existing already
                // this is an existing record that we can update
                //creatte a new instance of clsPatient
                clsPatient ExistingPatient = new clsPatient();

                //copy the data from the user interface to the object created above so it can be sent to the database
                ExistingPatient.PatientID        = Convert.ToInt32(PatientID);
                ExistingPatient.Title            = Convert.ToString(ddlTitle.SelectedValue); // selected value in ddl
                ExistingPatient.FirstName        = txtFirstName.Text;
                ExistingPatient.LastName         = txtLastName.Text;
                ExistingPatient.DateOfBirth      = Convert.ToDateTime(txtDateOfBirth.Text);
                ExistingPatient.Gender           = Convert.ToString(ddlGender.SelectedValue);
                ExistingPatient.Street           = txtStreet.Text;
                ExistingPatient.Town             = txtTown.Text;
                ExistingPatient.County           = txtCounty.Text;
                ExistingPatient.PostCode         = txtPostCode.Text;
                ExistingPatient.LandlineNo       = txtLandlineNo.Text;
                ExistingPatient.MobileNo         = txtMobileNo.Text;
                ExistingPatient.Occupation       = txtOccupation.Text;
                ExistingPatient.NextOfKin        = txtNextOfKinName.Text;
                ExistingPatient.NextOfKinPhoneNo = txtNextOfKinPhoneNo.Text;

                // dates from form to the database
                ExistingPatient.DateAdmitted   = Convert.ToDateTime(txtDateAdmitted.Text);
                ExistingPatient.DateDischarged = Convert.ToDateTime(txtDateDischarged.Text);

                // selected value in ddl
                ExistingPatient.MaritalStatus     = Convert.ToString(ddlMaritalStatus.SelectedValue);
                ExistingPatient.SexualOrientation = Convert.ToString(ddlSexualOrientation.SelectedValue);
                ExistingPatient.Ethnicity         = Convert.ToString(ddlEthnicity.SelectedValue);
                ExistingPatient.Religion          = Convert.ToString(ddlReligion.SelectedValue);
                ExistingPatient.FirstLanguage     = Convert.ToString(ddlFirstLanguage.SelectedValue);

                ExistingPatient.GPDetails = txtGPDetails.Text;
                ExistingPatient.Notes     = txtNotes.Text;

                // foreign keys data
                ExistingPatient.WardNo      = ddlWard.SelectedIndex;             // index number of this corresponds to the WardNo
                ExistingPatient.TreatmentID = ddlMedicalCondition.SelectedIndex; // index of this corresponds to the TreatmentID
                //create a new instance of the clsPatientCollection
                clsPatientCollection NewPatientTable = new clsPatientCollection();

                //update the existing record

                // then go back to the the patient page

            // then return to the main page if everything went OK

        else // in case there are errors while filling the patient form
            //return the error messages one after the other depending on which data entry fails
            lblFirstNameMessage.Text        = FirstNameErrorMessage;
            lblLastNameMessage.Text         = LastNameErrorMessage;
            lblDateOfBirthMessage.Text      = DateOfBirthErrorMessage;
            lblStreetMessage.Text           = StreetErrorMessage;
            lblTownMessage.Text             = TownErrorMessage;
            lblCountyMessage.Text           = CountyErrorMessage;
            lblPostCodeMessage.Text         = PostCodeErrorMessage;
            lblLandlineNoMessage.Text       = LandlineNoErrorMessage;
            lblMobileNoMessage.Text         = MobileNoErrorMessage;
            lblOccupationMessage.Text       = OccupationErrorMessage;
            lblNextOfKinMessage.Text        = NextOfKinErrorMessage;
            lblNextOfKinPhoneNoMessage.Text = NextOfKinPhoneNoErrorMessage;
            lblDateAdmittedMessage.Text     = DateAdmittedErrorMessage;
            lblDateDischargedMessage.Text   = DateDischargedErrorMessage;
            lblDateMessage.Text             = DateErrorMessage; // to display the message between DateAdmitted and DateDischarged
            lblGPDetailsMessage.Text        = GPDetailsErrorMessage;
            lblNotesMessage.Text            = NotesErrorMessage;