Esempio n. 1
        private void _TestDocument()
            for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++)
                clsDocument document = new clsDocument(i);
                Console.WriteLine(document.Name() + "," + document.PropertyAddress() + "," + document.DocumentType().ToString() + "," +
            clsCSVTable testTable = new clsCSVTable(clsDocument.strDocumentPath);

            testTable.SaveAs("/Users/" + Environment.UserName + "/Documents/Professional/Resilience/tblDocumentTest.csv");

            clsDocument newDoc = new clsDocument("test", 1, clsDocument.Type.ClosingProtectionLetter);

            Console.WriteLine(newDoc.Save("/Users/" + Environment.UserName + "/Documents/Professional/Resilience/tblDocumentTest.csv"));
Esempio n. 2
        partial void AddButtonPushed(AppKit.NSButton sender)
            // store values
            string   address         = this.AddressBox.StringValue;
            string   town            = this.TownBox.StringValue;
            string   county          = this.CountyBox.StringValue;
            string   state           = this.StateBox.StringValue;
            int      titleHolderID   = (int)this.TitleHolderPopUp.IndexOfSelectedItem - 3;
            int      coID            = (int)this.CoBorrowerPopUp.IndexOfSelectedItem - 3;
            int      lenderID        = (int)this.LenderPopUp.IndexOfSelectedItem - 3;
            int      titleID         = (int)this.TitlePopUp.IndexOfSelectedItem - 3;
            DateTime acquisitionDate = (DateTime)this.PurchaseDatePicker.DateValue;
            double   price           = this.PurchasePriceBox.DoubleValue;
            double   bpo             = this.BPOBox.DoubleValue;
            double   rehabCost       = this.RehabCostBox.DoubleValue;
            double   pnl             = this.PnLBox.DoubleValue;
            double   months          = this.MonthsToCompletionBox.DoubleValue;
            double   loanRate        = 0.09;
            double   penaltyRate     = 0.05;

            // acquisition cost estimates
            double processingCost;
            double recordingCost;
            double acquisitionTaxes;
            double titlePolicyCost;
            double HOICost;
            double propertyTaxes;
            double initialDraw = -4500D;

            double programFee = -2000D;
            double commissions;
            double transferTax;
            double proRatedPropertyTax;
            double otherBudgetedCosts = initialDraw - programFee;  // accounting, travel, utilities, inspections, etc.

            double concessionPercentage = 0.02;
            double commissionPercentage = 0.06;
            double totalBackEndCosts;

            // other stuff
            double dispostion;
            double totalCommitment;
            double hardInterestGuess;
            double pnlGuess;

            int    streetNumber;
            string streetName;

            this.UpdateMessage.StringValue = "";

            // check State.length == 2
            if (state.Length != 2)
                this.UpdateMessage.StringValue = "Invalid State ID (Length must be 2)";
            // check date > today
            else if (acquisitionDate < System.DateTime.Today)
                this.UpdateMessage.StringValue = "Acquisition Date can not be in the past.";
            // check no duplicates in entities
            else if ((titleHolderID == coID) || (titleHolderID == lenderID) || (titleHolderID == titleID) ||
                     (coID == lenderID) || (coID == titleID) || (lenderID == titleID))
                this.UpdateMessage.StringValue = "Duplicate Entities - please check TitleHolder, CoBorrower, Lender and Title Company";
            // check address has numbers and letters
            else if ((!Int32.TryParse(System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(address, @"\d+").Value, out streetNumber)) ||
                     (streetName = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(address, streetNumber.ToString(), "").Trim()) == "")
                this.UpdateMessage.StringValue = "Invalid Street Address, must be {streetnumber} {streetname}";
            // check all values are positive
            else if (price * rehabCost * months * pnl * bpo < 0.001)
                this.UpdateMessage.StringValue = "Missing Values in price, rehab, PnL, BPO, or Months";
            // check things like lender elgible, borrower eligible, title company state eligible
            // Check valid address??
            // Check county??
                // calculate estimated acquisition costs
                switch (state)
                case "NJ":

                    processingCost      = -1150D;
                    recordingCost       = -415D;
                    acquisitionTaxes    = 0D;
                    titlePolicyCost     = -620 - 0.0044 * price;
                    HOICost             = -450 - 0.0054 * price;
                    propertyTaxes       = -0.015 * price;
                    proRatedPropertyTax = bpo * 0.002 * months;      // roughly 2.4% per year in NJ
                    transferTax         = bpo * 0.01;

                case "MD":

                    processingCost      = -875D;
                    recordingCost       = -1090D - 0.0025 * price;
                    acquisitionTaxes    = -190D - 0.0066 * price;
                    titlePolicyCost     = -463D - 0.0042 * price;
                    HOICost             = -1017D - 0.0025 * price;
                    propertyTaxes       = -0.009 * price;
                    proRatedPropertyTax = bpo * 0.0009 * months;      // roughly 1.1% per year in MD
                    transferTax         = bpo * 0.01;

                case "PA":

                    processingCost      = -250D;
                    recordingCost       = -425D - 0.0025 * price;
                    acquisitionTaxes    = -450D - 0.02 * price;
                    titlePolicyCost     = -1330D - 0.005 * price;
                    HOICost             = -417D - 0.0144 * price;
                    propertyTaxes       = -0.017 * price;
                    proRatedPropertyTax = bpo * 0.00125 * months;      // roughly 1.5% per year in PA
                    transferTax         = bpo * 0.01;


                    processingCost      = -250D;
                    recordingCost       = -425D - 0.0025 * price;
                    acquisitionTaxes    = -450D - 0.02 * price;
                    titlePolicyCost     = -1330D - 0.005 * price;
                    HOICost             = -417D - 0.0144 * price;
                    propertyTaxes       = -0.017 * price;
                    proRatedPropertyTax = bpo * 0.00125 * months;      // roughly 1.5% per year in PA
                    transferTax         = bpo * 0.01;

                // calculate rough estimated other costs

                totalCommitment = price + rehabCost -
                                  (initialDraw + processingCost + recordingCost + acquisitionTaxes + titlePolicyCost + HOICost + propertyTaxes);
                commissions = bpo * commissionPercentage;
                // total back end costs are Accrued Property Tax, Sale Transfer Tax (typically split with buyer), Sale Commissons,
                //   seller concession / assistance, and Hard Interest
                hardInterestGuess = (totalCommitment - 0.5 * rehabCost) * (months / 12D) * loanRate;
                totalBackEndCosts = proRatedPropertyTax + transferTax + commissions + hardInterestGuess + bpo * concessionPercentage;
                pnlGuess          = bpo - (totalCommitment + totalBackEndCosts);

                // Check estimated PnL based on State, Purchase, Rehab - Message Box variance, reject if outside $X
                UpdateMessage.StringValue += "\n Estimated vs Quoted PnL: \t";
                UpdateMessage.StringValue += pnlGuess.ToString("000,000.00") + " vs " + pnl.ToString("000,000.00");

                dispostion = totalCommitment + hardInterestGuess + 0.5 * pnlGuess;

                // if valid, then create new property, new loan, new cashflows, new documents
                clsProperty newProperty = new clsProperty(address, town, county, state, bpo, streetName);

                clsLoan newLoan = new clsLoan(newProperty.ID(), titleHolderID, coID, titleID, lenderID,
                                              acquisitionDate, acquisitionDate.AddMonths(9), loanRate, penaltyRate);
                int newLoanID = newLoan.ID();
                newLoan.AddCashflow(new clsCashflow(acquisitionDate, System.DateTime.Today, System.DateTime.MaxValue, newLoanID,
                                                    -price, false, clsCashflow.Type.AcquisitionPrice));
                newLoan.AddCashflow(new clsCashflow(acquisitionDate, System.DateTime.Today, System.DateTime.MaxValue, newLoanID,
                                                    0D, false, clsCashflow.Type.AcquisitionConcession));
                newLoan.AddCashflow(new clsCashflow(acquisitionDate, System.DateTime.Today, System.DateTime.MaxValue, newLoanID,
                                                    processingCost, false, clsCashflow.Type.AcquisitionProcessing));
                newLoan.AddCashflow(new clsCashflow(acquisitionDate, System.DateTime.Today, System.DateTime.MaxValue, newLoanID,
                                                    recordingCost, false, clsCashflow.Type.AcquisitionRecording));
                newLoan.AddCashflow(new clsCashflow(acquisitionDate, System.DateTime.Today, System.DateTime.MaxValue, newLoanID,
                                                    acquisitionTaxes, false, clsCashflow.Type.AcquisitionTaxes));
                newLoan.AddCashflow(new clsCashflow(acquisitionDate, System.DateTime.Today, System.DateTime.MaxValue, newLoanID,
                                                    HOICost, false, clsCashflow.Type.HomeownersInsurance));
                newLoan.AddCashflow(new clsCashflow(acquisitionDate, System.DateTime.Today, System.DateTime.MaxValue, newLoanID,
                                                    initialDraw, false, clsCashflow.Type.InitialExpenseDraw));
                newLoan.AddCashflow(new clsCashflow(acquisitionDate, System.DateTime.Today, System.DateTime.MaxValue, newLoanID,
                                                    titlePolicyCost, false, clsCashflow.Type.TitlePolicy));
                // assume entire rehab draw comes halfway through the rehab process, and that there is a two month lag from rehab completion to sale closing
                newLoan.AddCashflow(new clsCashflow(acquisitionDate.AddMonths((int)(0.5 * (months - 2D))), System.DateTime.Today,
                                                    System.DateTime.MaxValue, newLoanID, -rehabCost, false, clsCashflow.Type.RehabDraw));
                // disposition cashflow
                newLoan.AddCashflow(new clsCashflow(acquisitionDate.AddMonths((int)months), System.DateTime.Today, System.DateTime.MaxValue,
                                                    newLoanID, dispostion, false, clsCashflow.Type.NetDispositionProj));

                // Create Documents
                for (int i = 0; i < Enum.GetValues(typeof(clsDocument.Type)).Length; i++)
                    clsDocument newDoc = new clsDocument(((clsDocument.Type)i).ToString(), newProperty.ID(), (clsDocument.Type)i);

                // write summary to text label (this.UpdateMessage.StringValue)
                this.UpdateMessage.StringValue += String.Format("\n\nCompleted adding new loan ({0}), new cashflows, new property ({1}), and new docs ",
Esempio n. 3
        partial void AddButtonPushed(AppKit.NSButton sender)
            // store values
            string   address            = this.AddressBox.StringValue;
            string   town               = this.TownBox.StringValue;
            string   county             = this.CountyBox.StringValue;
            string   state              = this.StateBox.StringValue;
            int      titleHolderID      = clsEntity.EntityID(this.TitleHolderPopUp.TitleOfSelectedItem);
            int      coID               = clsEntity.EntityID(this.CoBorrowerPopUp.TitleOfSelectedItem);
            int      lenderID           = clsEntity.EntityID(this.LenderPopUp.TitleOfSelectedItem);
            int      titleID            = clsEntity.EntityID(this.TitlePopUp.TitleOfSelectedItem);
            DateTime acquisitionDate    = (DateTime)this.PurchaseDatePicker.DateValue;
            double   price              = this.PurchasePriceBox.DoubleValue;
            double   bpo                = this.BPOBox.DoubleValue;
            double   rehabCost          = this.RehabCostBox.DoubleValue;
            double   pnl                = this.PnLBox.DoubleValue;
            double   months             = this.MonthsToCompletionBox.DoubleValue;
            double   loanRate           = this.LoanRateBox.DoubleValue;
            double   penaltyRate        = this.DefaultRateBox.DoubleValue;
            double   points             = this.PointsBox.DoubleValue;
            double   profitSplit        = this.ProfitSplitBox.DoubleValue;
            bool     acqOnly            = (this.AcquisitionOnlyCheckBox.State == NSCellStateValue.On);
            bool     bfullAcqCostFunded = (this.FullAcquisitionCostCheckBox.State == NSCellStateValue.On);
            double   initialFundingMult = this.InitialLoanPercentBox.DoubleValue;

            // acquisition cost estimates
            CostEstimate costEstimateForState;
            double       initialDraw          = -4500D;
            double       programFee           = -2000D;
            double       otherBudgetedCosts   = initialDraw - programFee; // accounting, travel, utilities, inspections, etc.
            double       concessionPercentage = 0.02;
            double       commissionPercentage = 0.06;
            double       totalBackEndCosts;

            // other stuff
            double dispostion;
            double totalCommitment;
            double upfrontCommitment;
            double hardInterestGuess;
            double pnlGuess;

            int    streetNumber;
            string streetName;

            this.UpdateMessage.StringValue = "";

            // check State.length == 2
            if (state.Length != 2)
                this.UpdateMessage.StringValue = "Invalid State ID (Length must be 2)";
            // check date > today
            else if (acquisitionDate < System.DateTime.Today)
                this.UpdateMessage.StringValue = "Acquisition Date can not be in the past.";
            // check no duplicates in entities
            else if ((titleHolderID == lenderID) || (titleHolderID == titleID) ||
                     (coID == lenderID) || (coID == titleID) || (lenderID == titleID))
                this.UpdateMessage.StringValue = "Duplicate Entities - please check TitleHolder, CoBorrower, Lender and Title Company";
            // check address has numbers and letters
            else if ((!Int32.TryParse(System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(address, @"\d+").Value, out streetNumber)) ||
                     (streetName = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(address, streetNumber.ToString(), "").Trim()) == "")
                this.UpdateMessage.StringValue = "Invalid Street Address, must be {streetnumber} {streetname}";
            // check all values are positive
            else if (price * months * bpo < 0.001)
                this.UpdateMessage.StringValue = "Missing Values in price, BPO, or Months";
            else if ((rehabCost <= 0) && (!acqOnly))
                this.UpdateMessage.StringValue = "Rehab cost missing for non-acquisition-only loan";
            else if ((pnl <= 0) && (profitSplit > 0))
                this.UpdateMessage.StringValue = "Esimtated PnL Missing or Negative for loan with profit split";
            // check things like lender elgible, borrower eligible, title company state eligible
            // Check valid address??
            // Check county??
                // Create new Property, Loan and Documents in tables
                if (coID == -1)
                    coID = titleHolderID;
                clsProperty newProperty = new clsProperty(address, town, county, state, bpo, streetName);
                clsLoan newLoan = new clsLoan(newProperty.ID(), titleHolderID, coID, titleID, lenderID, acquisitionDate,
                                              acquisitionDate.AddMonths(9), loanRate, penaltyRate, points, profitSplit, acqOnly);
                int newLoanID = newLoan.ID();
                for (int i = 0; i < Enum.GetValues(typeof(clsDocument.Type)).Length; i++)
                    clsDocument newDoc = new clsDocument(((clsDocument.Type)i).ToString(), newProperty.ID(), (clsDocument.Type)i);

                #region Create Cashflows, contingent on Loan Parameters

                costEstimateForState = new CostEstimate(state, price, bpo, months);

                if (bfullAcqCostFunded)
                    totalCommitment   = (price + rehabCost - initialDraw - costEstimateForState.AcquisitionClosingCosts) / (1D - points * 0.01);
                    upfrontCommitment = (totalCommitment - rehabCost / (1D - points * 0.01));
                    newLoan.AddCashflow(new clsCashflow(acquisitionDate, System.DateTime.Today, System.DateTime.MaxValue, newLoanID,
                                                        -price, false, clsCashflow.Type.AcquisitionPrice));
                    newLoan.AddCashflow(new clsCashflow(acquisitionDate, System.DateTime.Today, System.DateTime.MaxValue, newLoanID,
                                                        0D, false, clsCashflow.Type.AcquisitionConcession));
                    newLoan.AddCashflow(new clsCashflow(acquisitionDate, System.DateTime.Today, System.DateTime.MaxValue, newLoanID,
                                                        costEstimateForState.ProcessingCost, false, clsCashflow.Type.AcquisitionProcessing));
                    newLoan.AddCashflow(new clsCashflow(acquisitionDate, System.DateTime.Today, System.DateTime.MaxValue, newLoanID,
                                                        costEstimateForState.RecordingCost, false, clsCashflow.Type.AcquisitionRecording));
                    newLoan.AddCashflow(new clsCashflow(acquisitionDate, System.DateTime.Today, System.DateTime.MaxValue, newLoanID,
                                                        costEstimateForState.AcquisitionTaxes, false, clsCashflow.Type.AcquisitionTaxes));
                    newLoan.AddCashflow(new clsCashflow(acquisitionDate, System.DateTime.Today, System.DateTime.MaxValue, newLoanID,
                                                        costEstimateForState.HOICost, false, clsCashflow.Type.HomeownersInsurance));
                    newLoan.AddCashflow(new clsCashflow(acquisitionDate, System.DateTime.Today, System.DateTime.MaxValue, newLoanID,
                                                        initialDraw, false, clsCashflow.Type.InitialExpenseDraw));
                    newLoan.AddCashflow(new clsCashflow(acquisitionDate, System.DateTime.Today, System.DateTime.MaxValue, newLoanID,
                                                        costEstimateForState.TitlePolicyCost, false, clsCashflow.Type.TitlePolicy));
                    if (points > 0)
                        // upfront points
                        newLoan.AddCashflow(new clsCashflow(acquisitionDate, System.DateTime.Today, System.DateTime.MaxValue, newLoanID,
                                                            0.01 * points * upfrontCommitment, false, clsCashflow.Type.Points));
                        newLoan.AddCashflow(new clsCashflow(acquisitionDate, System.DateTime.Today, System.DateTime.MaxValue, newLoanID,
                                                            -0.01 * points * upfrontCommitment, false, clsCashflow.Type.Points));
                    if (!acqOnly)
                        // assume entire rehab draw comes halfway through the rehab process, and that there is a two month lag from rehab completion to sale closing
                        newLoan.AddCashflow(new clsCashflow(acquisitionDate.AddMonths((int)(0.5 * (months - 2D))), System.DateTime.Today,
                                                            System.DateTime.MaxValue, newLoanID, -rehabCost, false, clsCashflow.Type.RehabDraw));
                        if (points > 0)
                            // points on construction draws
                            newLoan.AddCashflow(new clsCashflow(acquisitionDate.AddMonths((int)(0.5 * (months - 2D))), System.DateTime.Today,
                                                                System.DateTime.MaxValue, newLoanID,
                                                                0.01 * points * rehabCost / (1D - points * 0.01),
                                                                false, clsCashflow.Type.Points));
                            newLoan.AddCashflow(new clsCashflow(acquisitionDate.AddMonths((int)(0.5 * (months - 2D))), System.DateTime.Today,
                                                                System.DateTime.MaxValue, newLoanID,
                                                                -0.01 * points * rehabCost / (1D - points * 0.01),
                                                                false, clsCashflow.Type.Points));
                    totalCommitment = price * initialFundingMult;
                    newLoan.AddCashflow(new clsCashflow(acquisitionDate, DateTime.Today, DateTime.MaxValue, newLoanID,
                                                        -price, false, clsCashflow.Type.AcquisitionPrice));
                    newLoan.AddCashflow(new clsCashflow(acquisitionDate, DateTime.Today, DateTime.MaxValue, newLoanID,
                                                        -price * (initialFundingMult - 1D), false, clsCashflow.Type.InitialExpenseDraw));
                    if (points > 0)
                        newLoan.AddCashflow(new clsCashflow(acquisitionDate, System.DateTime.Today, System.DateTime.MaxValue, newLoanID,
                                                            0.01 * points * totalCommitment, false, clsCashflow.Type.Points));

                // disposition cashflow
                hardInterestGuess = (totalCommitment - 0.5 * rehabCost) * (months / 12D) * loanRate;
                if (profitSplit > 0)
                    totalBackEndCosts = costEstimateForState.SaleTaxes + hardInterestGuess + bpo * (concessionPercentage + commissionPercentage);
                    pnlGuess          = bpo - (totalCommitment + totalBackEndCosts);
                    if (!bfullAcqCostFunded)
                        pnlGuess += -totalCommitment * points * 0.01;
                    }                                                                          // if points were payed upfront, subtract from PnL
                    UpdateMessage.StringValue += "\n Estimated vs Quoted PnL: \t";
                    UpdateMessage.StringValue += pnlGuess.ToString("000,000.00") + " vs " + pnl.ToString("000,000.00");
                    pnlGuess = 0D;
                dispostion = totalCommitment + hardInterestGuess + profitSplit * pnl;  // user-given pnl rather than system estimate
                newLoan.AddCashflow(new clsCashflow(acquisitionDate.AddMonths((int)months), System.DateTime.Today, System.DateTime.MaxValue,
                                                    newLoanID, dispostion, false, clsCashflow.Type.NetDispositionProj));


                // write summary to text label (this.UpdateMessage.StringValue)
                this.UpdateMessage.StringValue += String.Format("\n\nCompleted adding new loan ({0}), new cashflows, new property ({1}), and new docs ",