Esempio n. 1
 public clsDocument(string name, int propertyID, clsDocument.Type type)
     this.iDocumentID = _NewDocumentID();
     this.strName = name;
     this.iPropertyID = propertyID;
     this.tType = type;
Esempio n. 2
 public static int DocumentID(int propertyID, clsDocument.Type type)
     int id = -1;
     foreach (clsDocument doc in clsDocument.Documents(propertyID))
         if (doc.tType == type) id = doc.iDocumentID;
     return id;
Esempio n. 3
 private bool _Load(int id, clsCSVTable tbl)
     if (id < tbl.Length())
         this.iDocumentID = id;
         this.strName = tbl.Value(id, clsDocument.NameColumn);
         this.iPropertyID = Int32.Parse(tbl.Value(id, clsDocument.PropertyColumn));
         this.tType = (clsDocument.Type)Int32.Parse(tbl.Value(id, clsDocument.TypeColumn));
         return true;
         return false;
        private bool _Load(int id)
            clsCSVTable tbl = new clsCSVTable(clsDocument.strDocumentPath);

            if (id < tbl.Length())
                this.iDocumentID = id;
                this.strName     = tbl.Value(id, clsDocument.NameColumn);
                this.iPropertyID = Int32.Parse(tbl.Value(id, clsDocument.PropertyColumn));
                this.tType       = (clsDocument.Type)Int32.Parse(tbl.Value(id, clsDocument.TypeColumn));
Esempio n. 5
        private void Update()
            // Update Stored Values
            this.addressSelected = ((ComboBoxStringListDataSource)PropertyChooser.DataSource).Value((int)PropertyChooser.SelectedIndex);
            this.docList         = clsDocument.Documents(clsProperty.IDFromAddress(this.addressSelected));
            this.docID           = -1;
            if (this.docList != null)
                foreach (clsDocument doc in this.docList)
                    if ((int)doc.DocumentType() == DocumentChooser.SelectedIndex)
                        this.docID   = doc.ID();
                        this.docType = doc.DocumentType();
            this.senderID   = (int)SenderChooser.SelectedIndex;
            this.receiverID = (int)ReceiverChooser.SelectedIndex;
            if ((int)StatusChooser.SelectedIndex >= 0)
                this.status = (clsDocumentRecord.Status)((int)StatusChooser.SelectedIndex);
                this.status = clsDocumentRecord.Status.Unkown;
            if ((int)TransmitChooser.SelectedIndex >= 0)
                this.transmittal = (clsDocumentRecord.Transmission)((int)TransmitChooser.SelectedIndex);
                this.transmittal = clsDocumentRecord.Transmission.Unknown;

            // Update Labels
            ChosenDocumentLabel.StringValue = "";
            if (this.addressSelected != null)
                ChosenDocumentLabel.StringValue = this.addressSelected;
            if (DocumentChooser.SelectedIndex >= 0)
                ChosenDocumentLabel.StringValue += " | " + ((clsDocument.Type)((int)DocumentChooser.SelectedIndex)).ToString();
            ChosenDocumentLabel.StringValue += " (" + docID.ToString() + ")";

            SenderReceiverLabel.StringValue = "";
            if (senderID >= 0)
                SenderReceiverLabel.StringValue = entityList[senderID].Name();
            SenderReceiverLabel.StringValue += " --> ";
            if (receiverID >= 0)
                SenderReceiverLabel.StringValue += entityList[receiverID].Name();
            SenderReceiverLabel.StringValue += "  |  " + this.status.ToString() + "," + this.transmittal.ToString();

            dtAction = (DateTime)ActionDateChooser.DateValue;
            dtRecord = (DateTime)RecordDateChooser.DateValue;

            SaveMessage.StringValue = "";
Esempio n. 6
        private bool DocListContains(List <clsDocumentRecord> list, List <clsDocument.Type> docTypesByRecord, clsDocument.Type docType,
                                     clsDocumentRecord.Transmission transmission = clsDocumentRecord.Transmission.Unknown,
                                     clsDocumentRecord.Status status             = clsDocumentRecord.Status.Unkown,
                                     int senderID   = -1,
                                     int receiverID = -1)
            bool found = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                if (!found)
                    if ((docType == docTypesByRecord[i]) &&
                        ((transmission == clsDocumentRecord.Transmission.Unknown) || (transmission == list[i].TransmissionType())) &&
                        ((status == clsDocumentRecord.Status.Unkown) || (status == list[i].StatusType())) &&
                        ((senderID == -1) || (senderID == list[i].SenderID())) &&
                        ((receiverID == -1) || (receiverID == list[i].ReceiverID())))
                        found = true;
Esempio n. 7
        private string[] DocStatus(clsLoan.State loanStatus, List <clsDocumentRecord> documentRecords, List <clsDocument.Type> docTypes, clsDocument.Type docType)
            bool orange = false;
            bool red    = false;
            bool yellow = false;
            bool green  = false;

            clsDocumentRecord.Transmission TAny = clsDocumentRecord.Transmission.Unknown;
            clsDocumentRecord.Status       SAny = clsDocumentRecord.Status.Unkown;
            int    EAny   = -1;
            string reason = " ";

            // Pending Acquisition or Later
            if ((loanStatus == clsLoan.State.PendingAcquisition) ||
                (loanStatus == clsLoan.State.Listed) ||
                (loanStatus == clsLoan.State.Rehab) ||
                (loanStatus == clsLoan.State.PendingSale) ||
                (loanStatus == clsLoan.State.Sold))
                switch (docType)
                case clsDocument.Type.Calculator:
                    if (!DocListContains(documentRecords, docTypes, docType, TAny, SAny, EAny, this.lenderID))
                        red    = true;
                        reason = "!r";

                case clsDocument.Type.BPO:
                    if (!DocListContains(documentRecords, docTypes, docType, TAny, SAny, EAny, this.lenderID))
                        reason = "!r";
                        yellow = true;

                case clsDocument.Type.TitleCommitment:
                case clsDocument.Type.TitleWork:
                case clsDocument.Type.ProFormaLenderPolicy:
                case clsDocument.Type.RehabBid:
                case clsDocument.Type.HomeownersInsurance:
                case clsDocument.Type.PurchaseStatement:
                    if (!DocListContains(documentRecords, docTypes, docType, TAny, SAny, EAny, this.lenderID))
                        reason = "!r";
                        green  = true;

                //case clsDocument.Type.Mortgage:
                //if (!DocListContains(documentRecords, docTypes, docType, TAny, SAny, this.lenderID, EAny))
                //    green = true;
                case clsDocument.Type.ClosingProtectionLetter:
                    if (!DocListContains(documentRecords, docTypes, docType, TAny, clsDocumentRecord.Status.Executed, EAny, this.lenderID))
                        reason = "!R";
                        green  = true;

                case clsDocument.Type.EscrowInstructionLetter:
                    if (!DocListContains(documentRecords, docTypes, docType, TAny, SAny, this.lenderID, EAny))
                        reason = "!s";
                        green  = true;
                    else if (!DocListContains(documentRecords, docTypes, docType, TAny, clsDocumentRecord.Status.Executed, EAny, this.lenderID))
                        reason = "!R";
                        green  = true;

            // Acquired or Later
            if ((loanStatus == clsLoan.State.Listed) ||
                (loanStatus == clsLoan.State.Rehab) ||
                (loanStatus == clsLoan.State.PendingSale) ||
                (loanStatus == clsLoan.State.Sold))
                switch (docType)
                //RED OR ORANGE
                case clsDocument.Type.ProFormaLenderPolicy:
                case clsDocument.Type.ClosingProtectionLetter:
                    if (!DocListContains(documentRecords, docTypes, docType, TAny, SAny, EAny, this.lenderID))
                        reason = "!r";
                        red    = true;

                case clsDocument.Type.EscrowInstructionLetter:
                case clsDocument.Type.Mortgage:     // no requirement to send executed mortgage to fund admin
                    if (!DocListContains(documentRecords, docTypes, docType, TAny, clsDocumentRecord.Status.Executed, EAny, this.lenderID))
                        if (DocListContains(documentRecords, docTypes, docType, TAny, clsDocumentRecord.Status.Unkown, EAny, this.lenderID))
                            reason = "U!R";
                            orange = true;
                            reason = "!R";
                            red    = true;

                case clsDocument.Type.PurchaseStatement:
                    if (!DocListContains(documentRecords, docTypes, docType, TAny, clsDocumentRecord.Status.Executed, EAny, this.lenderID))
                        if (DocListContains(documentRecords, docTypes, docType, TAny, clsDocumentRecord.Status.Unkown, EAny, this.lenderID))
                            reason = "U!R";
                            orange = true;
                            reason = "!R";
                            red    = true;
                    else if (!DocListContains(documentRecords, docTypes, docType, TAny, clsDocumentRecord.Status.Executed, this.lenderID, EAny))
                        if (DocListContains(documentRecords, docTypes, docType, TAny, clsDocumentRecord.Status.Unkown, this.lenderID, EAny))
                            reason = "U!S";
                            orange = true;
                            reason = "!S";
                            red    = true;

                case clsDocument.Type.RehabBid:
                case clsDocument.Type.HomeownersInsurance:
                case clsDocument.Type.TitleWork:
                case clsDocument.Type.TitleCommitment:
                    if (!DocListContains(documentRecords, docTypes, docType, TAny, SAny, EAny, this.lenderID))
                        reason = "!r";
                        yellow = true;
                if ((!red) && (!orange) && (!yellow) && (docType == clsDocument.Type.Mortgage) &&
                    (!DocListContains(documentRecords, docTypes, docType, clsDocumentRecord.Transmission.Post, clsDocumentRecord.Status.Executed, EAny, this.lenderID)))
                    reason = "!RP";
                    yellow = true;

            // Pending Sale or Sold
            if ((loanStatus == clsLoan.State.PendingSale) ||
                (loanStatus == clsLoan.State.Sold))
                if ((!red) && (!yellow) && (!green))
                    if ((docType == clsDocument.Type.SaleContract) && (!DocListContains(documentRecords, docTypes, docType, TAny, clsDocumentRecord.Status.Executed, EAny, this.lenderID)))
                        reason = "!R";
                        green  = true;
                    else if ((docType == clsDocument.Type.LoanPayoffLetter) && (!DocListContains(documentRecords, docTypes, docType, TAny, SAny, this.lenderID, EAny)))
                        reason = "!s";
                        green  = true;

            // Sold
            if (loanStatus == clsLoan.State.Sold)
                if (!red)
                    if ((docType == clsDocument.Type.SaleContract) && (!DocListContains(documentRecords, docTypes, docType, TAny, clsDocumentRecord.Status.Executed, EAny, this.lenderID)))
                        reason = "!R";
                        yellow = true;
                    else if ((!yellow) && (!green))
                        if ((docType == clsDocument.Type.Discharge) &&
                            (!DocListContains(documentRecords, docTypes, docType, clsDocumentRecord.Transmission.Post, clsDocumentRecord.Status.Notarized, this.lenderID, EAny)))
                            reason = "!SN";
                            green  = true;
                        else if (docType == clsDocument.Type.SaleStatement)
                            if (!DocListContains(documentRecords, docTypes, docType, TAny, clsDocumentRecord.Status.Executed, this.lenderID, EAny))
                                reason = "!S";
                                green  = true;
                            else if (!DocListContains(documentRecords, docTypes, docType, TAny, clsDocumentRecord.Status.Executed, EAny, this.lenderID))
                                reason = "!R";
                                green  = true;
                        else if (docType == clsDocument.Type.ProfitStatement)
                            if (!DocListContains(documentRecords, docTypes, docType, TAny, SAny, this.lenderID, EAny))
                                reason = "!s";
                                green  = true;
                            else if (!DocListContains(documentRecords, docTypes, docType, TAny, SAny, EAny, this.lenderID))
                                reason = "!r";
                                green  = true;

            // calculate return value
            string[] docstatus = new string[2];
            if (orange)
                docstatus[0] = "MIGHTHAVE";
            else if (red)
                docstatus[0] = "MUSTHAVE";
            else if (yellow)
                docstatus[0] = "SHOULDHAVE";
            else if (green)
                docstatus[0] = "TODO";
                docstatus[0] = "COMPLETE";
            docstatus[1] = reason;