public static void GrabOpenSAP(ref cSapModel mySapModel, ref string ModelUnits, string DynInputUnits = "kip_ft_F") { Process[] SapInstances = Process.GetProcessesByName("SAP2000"); // if (SapInstances.LongLength >= 1) { SapObject Obj; object getObj = ROTHelper.GetActiveObject("SAP2000v20.SapObject"); if (getObj == null) { Obj = new SapObject(); getObj = ROTHelper.GetActiveObject("SAP2000v20.SapObject"); } if (getObj != null) { Obj = (SapObject)getObj; mySapModel = Obj.SapModel; // get enum from Units & Set to model if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(DynInputUnits)) { eUnits Units = (eUnits)Enum.Parse(typeof(eUnits), DynInputUnits); try { int ret = mySapModel.SetPresentUnits(Units); } catch (Exception ex) { string message = ex.Message; } } ModelUnits = mySapModel.GetPresentUnits().ToString(); } //SET UP ... SET UP ... SET UP ... SET UP try { DefineMaterials(ref mySapModel); } catch { } } }
public static void GrabOpenSAP(ref cSapModel mySapModel, ref string ModelUnits, string DynInputUnits = "kip_ft_F") { //dimension the SapObject as cOAPI type cOAPI mySapObject = null; //Use ret to check if functions return successfully (ret = 0) or fail (ret = nonzero) var ret = 0; //attach to a running instance of SAP2000 try { //get the active SapObject //try the code form the example //mySapObject =(cOAPI) Marshal.GetActiveObject("CSI.SAP2000.API.SapObject"); //get the active SapObject mySapObject = (cOAPI)System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetActiveObject("CSI.SAP2000.API.SapObject"); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("No running instance of the program found or failed to attach."); return; } //Create SapModel object mySapModel = mySapObject.SapModel; // get enum from Units & Set to model if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(DynInputUnits)) { eUnits Units = (eUnits)Enum.Parse(typeof(eUnits), DynInputUnits); try { ret = mySapModel.SetPresentUnits(Units); } catch (Exception ex) { string message = ex.Message; } } ModelUnits = mySapModel.GetPresentUnits().ToString(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { //是否启动一个新的sap2000实例 bool AttachToInstance = false; //是否从指定的sap2000启动一个实例,如果不指定,则选择最新安装的版本启动,主要是计算机安装多个sap2000版本的时候 用来选择启动版本 bool SpecifyPath = false; //如果specityPath = true 则通过ProgramPath 指定启动路径 string ProgramPath = "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Computers and Structures\\SAP2000 19\\SAP2000.exe"; //模型的保存文件夹 运行完成后 在这个目录下将会看到结果文件 string ModelDirectory = "C:\\CSiAPIexample"; try { Directory.CreateDirectory(ModelDirectory); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Could not create directory: " + ModelDirectory); } //模型名称 string ModelName = "API_1-001.sdb"; //模型保存路径 string ModelPath = ModelDirectory + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + ModelName; //定义sap2000实例对象为cOAPI类型 先赋一个空值 后面会赋上实际的对象 cOAPI mySapObject = null; //定义一个变量ret标记函数是佛运行成功 ret=0 为成功 否则为不成功 int ret = 0; //如果AttachToInstance = true 则获取系统运行时中的sap2000实例 if (AttachToInstance) { try { //获取系统中处于active状态的sap2000实例 mySapObject = (cOAPI)System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetActiveObject("CSI.SAP2000.API.SapObject"); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("No running instance of the program found or failed to attach."); return; } } else {//启动新的SAP000实例 //创建APIhelper对象 该对象可以创建sap2000实例 cHelper myHelper; try { myHelper = new Helper(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Cannot create an instance of the Helper object"); return; } //如果specitypath=true 则从programpath创建一个新sap2000实例 if (SpecifyPath) { try { mySapObject = myHelper.CreateObject(ProgramPath); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Cannot start a new instance of the program from " + ProgramPath); return; } } else { //从最新安装的sap2000版本创建实例 try { mySapObject = myHelper.CreateObjectProgID("CSI.SAP2000.API.SapObject"); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Cannot start a new instance of the program."); return; } } //启动sap2000实例 ret = mySapObject.ApplicationStart(); } //创建实例的模型 cSapModel mySapModel = mySapObject.SapModel; //初始化模型 eUnits 变量是什么没搞清楚 应该是模型的类型 ???? ret = mySapModel.InitializeNewModel((eUnits.kip_in_F)); //创建一个新的空模型文件 用户保存模型 ret = mySapModel.File.NewBlank(); //定义材料属性 ret = mySapModel.PropMaterial.SetMaterial("CONC", eMatType.Concrete, -1, "", ""); //各向同性的属性赋给材料 ret = mySapModel.PropMaterial.SetMPIsotropic("CONC", 3600, 0.2, 0.0000055, 0); //定义一个矩形截面并将上面定义的材料赋给截面 ret = mySapModel.PropFrame.SetRectangle("R1", "CONC", 12, 12, -1, "", ""); //define frame section property modifiers //定义截面的修正值 这个我没搞清楚是什么 一个截面8个值 double[] ModValue = new double[8]; int i; for (i = 0; i <= 7; i++) { ModValue[i] = 1; } ModValue[0] = 1000; ModValue[1] = 0; ModValue[2] = 0; ret = mySapModel.PropFrame.SetModifiers("R1", ref ModValue); //设置成k-ft单位制 ret = mySapModel.SetPresentUnits(eUnits.kip_ft_F); //定义线框模型 3条线 Global为坐标系 temp_string1 为系统生成的名称 string[] FrameName = new string[3]; string temp_string1 = FrameName[0]; string temp_string2 = FrameName[0]; //第一根线框 ret = mySapModel.FrameObj.AddByCoord(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, ref temp_string1, "R1", "1", "Global"); FrameName[0] = temp_string1; //第二根线框 ret = mySapModel.FrameObj.AddByCoord(0, 0, 10, 8, 0, 16, ref temp_string1, "R1", "2", "Global"); FrameName[1] = temp_string1; //第三根线框 ret = mySapModel.FrameObj.AddByCoord(-4, 0, 10, 0, 0, 10, ref temp_string1, "R1", "3", "Global"); FrameName[2] = temp_string1; //增加约束 PointName 两个约束点 string[] PointName = new string[2]; //定义下部的约束点 //定义约束 1 2 3 4 约束 5 6 不约束 一个节点6个自由度 bool[] Restraint = new bool[6]; for (i = 0; i <= 3; i++) { Restraint[i] = true; } for (i = 4; i <= 5; i++) { Restraint[i] = false; } //获取第一根线的两个节点 temp_string1 temp_string2 ret = mySapModel.FrameObj.GetPoints(FrameName[0], ref temp_string1, ref temp_string2); PointName[0] = temp_string1; PointName[1] = temp_string2; //将上面定义的约束 赋给第一个节点 ret = mySapModel.PointObj.SetRestraint(PointName[0], ref Restraint, 0); //定义顶部的约束点 该约束点只约束 0 1 两个自由度 其他自由度放开 for (i = 0; i <= 1; i++) { Restraint[i] = true; } for (i = 2; i <= 5; i++) { Restraint[i] = false; } //获取第二根线的两个节点 ret = mySapModel.FrameObj.GetPoints(FrameName[1], ref temp_string1, ref temp_string2); PointName[0] = temp_string1; PointName[1] = temp_string2; //将上面定义的约束赋给第二个节点 ret = mySapModel.PointObj.SetRestraint(PointName[1], ref Restraint, 0); //刷新sap2000界面的视图 bool temp_bool = false; ret = mySapModel.View.RefreshView(0, temp_bool); //增加7种载荷样式 temp_bool = true; ret = mySapModel.LoadPatterns.Add("1", eLoadPatternType.Other, 1, temp_bool); ret = mySapModel.LoadPatterns.Add("2", eLoadPatternType.Other, 0, temp_bool); ret = mySapModel.LoadPatterns.Add("3", eLoadPatternType.Other, 0, temp_bool); ret = mySapModel.LoadPatterns.Add("4", eLoadPatternType.Other, 0, temp_bool); ret = mySapModel.LoadPatterns.Add("5", eLoadPatternType.Other, 0, temp_bool); ret = mySapModel.LoadPatterns.Add("6", eLoadPatternType.Other, 0, temp_bool); ret = mySapModel.LoadPatterns.Add("7", eLoadPatternType.Other, 0, temp_bool); //对第二种载荷样式添加载荷 //获取第3根线的两个节点 ret = mySapModel.FrameObj.GetPoints(FrameName[2], ref temp_string1, ref temp_string2); PointName[0] = temp_string1; PointName[1] = temp_string2; //定义载荷 第3个自由度-10 其他方向无载荷 double[] PointLoadValue = new double[6]; PointLoadValue[2] = -10; //第一个节点赋载荷 ret = mySapModel.PointObj.SetLoadForce(PointName[0], "2", ref PointLoadValue, false, "Global", 0); //添加分布载荷 ret = mySapModel.FrameObj.SetLoadDistributed(FrameName[2], "2", 1, 10, 0, 1, 1.8, 1.8, "Global", System.Convert.ToBoolean(-1), System.Convert.ToBoolean(-1), 0); //对第三种载荷样式添加载荷 ret = mySapModel.FrameObj.GetPoints(FrameName[2], ref temp_string1, ref temp_string2); PointName[0] = temp_string1; PointName[1] = temp_string2; //定义载荷 PointLoadValue = new double[6]; PointLoadValue[2] = -17.2; PointLoadValue[4] = -54.4; //第二节节点赋载荷 ret = mySapModel.PointObj.SetLoadForce(PointName[1], "3", ref PointLoadValue, false, "Global", 0); //载荷样式五添加载荷 第二根线添加分布载荷 ret = mySapModel.FrameObj.SetLoadDistributed(FrameName[1], "4", 1, 11, 0, 1, 2, 2, "Global", System.Convert.ToBoolean(-1), System.Convert.ToBoolean(-1), 0); //样式五添加分布载荷 ret = mySapModel.FrameObj.SetLoadDistributed(FrameName[0], "5", 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 2, "Local", System.Convert.ToBoolean(-1), System.Convert.ToBoolean(-1), 0); ret = mySapModel.FrameObj.SetLoadDistributed(FrameName[1], "5", 1, 2, 0, 1, -2, -2, "Local", System.Convert.ToBoolean(-1), System.Convert.ToBoolean(-1), 0); //样式六添加分布载荷 ret = mySapModel.FrameObj.SetLoadDistributed(FrameName[0], "6", 1, 2, 0, 1, 0.9984, 0.3744, "Local", System.Convert.ToBoolean(-1), System.Convert.ToBoolean(-1), 0); ret = mySapModel.FrameObj.SetLoadDistributed(FrameName[1], "6", 1, 2, 0, 1, -0.3744, 0, "Local", System.Convert.ToBoolean(-1), System.Convert.ToBoolean(-1), 0); //样式7添加点载荷 ret = mySapModel.FrameObj.SetLoadPoint(FrameName[1], "7", 1, 2, 0.5, -15, "Local", System.Convert.ToBoolean(-1), System.Convert.ToBoolean(-1), 0); //设置单位制 kip_in_F ret = mySapModel.SetPresentUnits(eUnits.kip_in_F); //保存模型 ret = mySapModel.File.Save(ModelPath); //分析模型 这一步会创建分析模型文件 ret = mySapModel.Analyze.RunAnalysis(); //下面的类容是后处理部分 暂时不用看 后面再研究 //initialize for SAP2000 results double[] SapResult = new double[7]; ret = mySapModel.FrameObj.GetPoints(FrameName[1], ref temp_string1, ref temp_string2); PointName[0] = temp_string1; PointName[1] = temp_string2; //get SAP2000 results for load patterns 1 through 7 int NumberResults = 0; string[] Obj = new string[1]; string[] Elm = new string[1]; string[] LoadCase = new string[1]; string[] StepType = new string[1]; double[] StepNum = new double[1]; double[] U1 = new double[1]; double[] U2 = new double[1]; double[] U3 = new double[1]; double[] R1 = new double[1]; double[] R2 = new double[1]; double[] R3 = new double[1]; for (i = 0; i <= 6; i++) { ret = mySapModel.Results.Setup.DeselectAllCasesAndCombosForOutput(); ret = mySapModel.Results.Setup.SetCaseSelectedForOutput(System.Convert.ToString(i + 1), System.Convert.ToBoolean(-1)); if (i <= 3) { ret = mySapModel.Results.JointDispl(PointName[1], eItemTypeElm.ObjectElm, ref NumberResults, ref Obj, ref Elm, ref LoadCase, ref StepType, ref StepNum, ref U1, ref U2, ref U3, ref R1, ref R2, ref R3); U3.CopyTo(U3, 0); SapResult[i] = U3[0]; } else { ret = mySapModel.Results.JointDispl(PointName[0], eItemTypeElm.ObjectElm, ref NumberResults, ref Obj, ref Elm, ref LoadCase, ref StepType, ref StepNum, ref U1, ref U2, ref U3, ref R1, ref R2, ref R3); U1.CopyTo(U1, 0); SapResult[i] = U1[0]; } } //close SAP2000 mySapObject.ApplicationExit(false); mySapModel = null; mySapObject = null; //fill SAP2000 result strings string[] SapResultString = new string[7]; for (i = 0; i <= 6; i++) { SapResultString[i] = string.Format("{0:0.00000}", SapResult[i]); ret = (string.Compare(SapResultString[i], 1, "-", 1, 1, true)); if (ret != 0) { SapResultString[i] = " " + SapResultString[i]; } } //fill independent results double[] IndResult = new double[7]; string[] IndResultString = new string[7]; IndResult[0] = -0.02639; IndResult[1] = 0.06296; IndResult[2] = 0.06296; IndResult[3] = -0.2963; IndResult[4] = 0.3125; IndResult[5] = 0.11556; IndResult[6] = 0.00651; for (i = 0; i <= 6; i++) { IndResultString[i] = string.Format("{0:0.00000}", IndResult[i]); ret = (string.Compare(IndResultString[i], 1, "-", 1, 1, true)); if (ret != 0) { IndResultString[i] = " " + IndResultString[i]; } } //fill percent difference double[] PercentDiff = new double[7]; string[] PercentDiffString = new string[7]; for (i = 0; i <= 6; i++) { PercentDiff[i] = (SapResult[i] / IndResult[i]) - 1; PercentDiffString[i] = string.Format("{0:0%}", PercentDiff[i]); ret = (string.Compare(PercentDiffString[i], 1, "-", 1, 1, true)); if (ret != 0) { PercentDiffString[i] = " " + PercentDiffString[i]; } } //display message box comparing results string msg = ""; msg = msg + "LC Sap2000 Independent %Diff\r\n"; for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++) { msg = msg + string.Format("{0:0}", i + 1) + " " + SapResultString[i] + " " + IndResultString[i] + " " + PercentDiffString[i] + "\r\n"; } msg = msg + string.Format("{0:0}", i + 1) + " " + SapResultString[i] + " " + IndResultString[i] + " " + PercentDiffString[i]; Console.WriteLine(msg); Console.ReadKey(); }
public List <PierData> GetAllPierGeometry(ModelUnits ModelUnits) { List <PierData> AllPiers = new List <PierData>(); //SET UP CORRECT UNITS EtabsModel.Results.Setup.DeselectAllCasesAndCombosForOutput(); switch (ModelUnits) { case ModelUnits.kip_in: EtabsModel.SetPresentUnits(eUnits.kip_in_F); break; case ModelUnits.kip_ft: EtabsModel.SetPresentUnits(eUnits.kip_ft_F); break; default: EtabsModel.SetPresentUnits(eUnits.kip_in_F); break; } //EXTRACT PIER NAMES int NumNames = 0; string[] _UniquePierNames = null; int res = EtabsModel.PierLabel.GetNameList(ref NumNames, ref _UniquePierNames); if (NumNames > 0) { } else { throw new Exception("Failed to exctract pier names. Check if ETABS model is available for reading."); } List <string> UniquePierNames = new List <string>(_UniquePierNames); //EXTRACT PIER GEOMETRY #region temporary arrays int _NumberStories = 0; string[] _StoryName = null; double[] _AxisAngle = null; int[] _NumAreaObjs = null; int[] _NumLineObjs = null; double[] _WidthBot = null; double[] _ThicknessBot = null; double[] _WidthTop = null; double[] _ThicknessTop = null; string[] _MatProp = null; double[] _CGBotX = null; double[] _CGBotY = null; double[] _CGBotZ = null; double[] _CGTopX = null; double[] _CGTopY = null; double[] _CGTopZ = null; #endregion foreach (var pierName in UniquePierNames) { List <PierStoryData> thisPierData = new List <PierStoryData>(); var ret1 = EtabsModel.PierLabel.GetSectionProperties(pierName, ref _NumberStories, ref _StoryName, ref _AxisAngle, ref _NumAreaObjs, ref _NumLineObjs, ref _WidthBot, ref _ThicknessBot, ref _WidthTop, ref _ThicknessTop, ref _MatProp, ref _CGBotX, ref _CGBotY, ref _CGBotZ, ref _CGTopX, ref _CGTopY, ref _CGTopZ ); for (int i = 0; i < _NumberStories; i++) { string a = _MatProp[i]; PierStoryData thisStoryData = new PierStoryData(pierName, _NumberStories, _StoryName[i], _AxisAngle[i], _NumAreaObjs[i], _NumLineObjs[i], _WidthBot[i], _ThicknessBot[i], _WidthTop[i], _ThicknessTop[i], _MatProp[i], _CGBotX[i], _CGBotY[i], _CGBotZ[i], _CGTopX[i], _CGTopY[i], _CGTopZ[i]); thisPierData.Add(thisStoryData); } PierData data = new PierData(pierName, thisPierData); AllPiers.Add(data); } return(AllPiers); }
/// <summary> /// Changes the units of the current SAP2000 Interface /// </summary> /// <param name="newunits"></param> public static void ChangeUnits(eUnits newunits) { mySapModel.SetPresentUnits(newunits); }
public List <FrameEnvelopeReactionResult> GetFrameReactions(List <string> FrameNames, string GroupNamePrefix, string ComboName, ModelUnits ModelUnits) { //Set Units switch (ModelUnits) { case ModelUnits.kip_in: EtabsModel.SetPresentUnits(eUnits.kip_in_F); break; case ModelUnits.kip_ft: EtabsModel.SetPresentUnits(eUnits.kip_ft_F); break; default: EtabsModel.SetPresentUnits(eUnits.kip_in_F); break; } List <FrameEnvelopeReactionResult> frameForceResult = new List <FrameEnvelopeReactionResult>(); List <GroupData> GroupData = ExtractGroupNames(FrameNames, GroupNamePrefix); if (GroupData != null) { foreach (var g in GroupData) { FrameReactionResult thisGroupResult = GetEnvelopeReactionResultForMultipleFrames(g.Elements, ComboName); FrameEnvelopeReactionResult thisGroupEnvelopeResult = new FrameEnvelopeReactionResult(g.Name, thisGroupResult); frameForceResult.Add(thisGroupEnvelopeResult); } } return(frameForceResult); }