public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            cCollisionMap cm = PrimalDevistation.Instance.Level.CollisionMap;
            float         fpOldX, fpOldY, fpNewX, fpNewY;
            int           oldX, oldY, newX, newY;

            // Update the particles in a fountain type of way
            for (int i = 0; i < _maxParticles; i++)
                cCPUParticle p = _particles[i];
                p._velX += PrimalDevistation.GRAVITY.X;
                p._velY += PrimalDevistation.GRAVITY.Y;

                fpOldX = _pointVertices[i].position.X;
                fpOldY = _pointVertices[i].position.Y;
                fpNewX = fpOldX + p._velX;
                fpNewY = fpOldY + p._velY;
                oldX   = (int)fpOldX;
                oldY   = (int)fpOldY;
                newX   = (int)fpNewX;
                newY   = (int)fpNewY;

                // If we have actually moved a pixel in the last frame (could have been less!)
                if (oldX != newX)
                    // If we collide at this new X position we need to rebound
                    if (cm.CheckCollision(newX, oldY))
                        p._velX = -p._velX * 0.5f;
                        fpNewX  = fpOldX;

                // If we have actually moved a pixel in the last frame (could have been less!)
                if (oldY != newY)
                    // If we collide at this new X position we need to rebound
                    if (cm.CheckCollision(oldX, newY))
                        p._velY = -p._velY * 0.5f;
                        fpNewY  = fpOldY;

                // Finally set the new position
                _pointVertices[i].position.X = fpNewX;
                _pointVertices[i].position.Y = fpNewY;
        protected override void LoadGraphicsContent(bool loadAllContent)
            if (loadAllContent)
                ContentManager cm = PrimalDevistation.Instance.CM;
                GraphicsDevice gd = GraphicsDevice;
                Random         r  = new Random();

                // Load the standard point sprite render effect
                _renderEffect = cm.Load <Effect>(@"Shaders/PointSpriteRender");
                _texture      = cm.Load <Texture2D>(@"Sprites/particle2x2");

                // Create the vertex buffer
                _vertexBuffer = new VertexBuffer(gd, _maxParticles * PointVertex.Size, ResourceUsage.Points | ResourceUsage.WriteOnly, ResourceManagementMode.Automatic);

                // Create the declaration
                _vertexDeclaration = new VertexDeclaration(gd, PointVertex.Elements);

                // init the points
                _pointVertices = new PointVertex[_maxParticles];
                _particles     = new cCPUParticle[_maxParticles];
                for (int i = 0; i < _maxParticles; i++)
                    _pointVertices[i]           = new PointVertex();
                    _pointVertices[i].position  = new Vector3(-100, -100, 0);
                    _pointVertices[i].color     = _colors[r.Next(0, _colors.Length)].ToVector4();
                    _pointVertices[i].pointSize = 2;
                    _particles[i] = new cCPUParticle();

                // Create a matrix to convert from pixel coordinates to clip space
                // So, before transformation, the screen boundaries go from 0 to (say) 640 horizontally,
                // and 0 to (say) 480 vertically.  After transformation, they go from -1 to 1 horizontally,
                // and -1 to 1 vertically.  Note in pixel coordinates, increasing Y values are further down
                // the screen, while in clip space, increasing Y values are further up the screen -- so there
                // is a Y scaling factor of -1.
                float viewportWidth  = (float)gd.Viewport.Width;
                float viewportHeight = (float)gd.Viewport.Height;
                float scaleX         = 1.0f / (viewportWidth / 2);
                float scaleY         = 1.0f / (viewportHeight / 2);
                _proj = Matrix.CreateScale(scaleX, scaleY, 1) *
                        Matrix.CreateScale(1, -1, 1) *
                        Matrix.CreateTranslation(-1, 1, 0);