public btCHSTRAS_091_Item(btSHFUserLogin shfUserLogin, btSHFUnitPractice shfUnitPratice)
     database = new btCHSTRAS_091_Database();
     bt = new btCHSTRAS_091_Base();
     userUnitIDs = bt.getUserUnitIDs(shfUserLogin, shfUnitPratice);
     startTime = DateTime.Now;
 public EGLPABC_SendEmail(Form callForm, btSHFUserLogin callLog, btSHFUnitPractice callUnit, btSHFStructure callItem, string ss, string na, string pass)
     : base(callForm, callLog, callUnit, callItem)
     mySendEmail = new SMail(ss, na, pass);
 private void button历史纪录_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     shfUserLogin.LoginUnitID = Typing03UnitID;//设置训练内容
     shfUnitPractice          = shfUnitPractices.GetOne(Typing03UnitID);
     //frTypeScore fr = new frTypeScore(this, shfUnitScore, shfUserLogin, shfUnitPrac);
 public uiCHSTRAS_091_Foreword(Form form, btSHFUserLogin shfUserLogin, btSHFUnitPractice shfUnitPratice)
     : base(form, shfUserLogin, shfUnitPratice)
     pratice = shfUnitPratice;
     this.label.Text = disForeword();
 public EGLPABC_SendEmail(Form callForm, btSHFUserLogin callLog, btSHFUnitPractice callUnit, btSHFStructure callItem, string ss, string na, string pass)
     : base(callForm, callLog, callUnit, callItem)
     mySendEmail = new SMail(ss, na, pass);
 public btCHSTRAS_091_Fault(btSHFUserLogin shfUserLogin,
     btSHFUnitPractice shfUnitPratice, int courseType, int itemNumber)
     : base(shfUnitPratice, courseType)
     item = new Common.btCHSTRAS_091_Item(shfUserLogin, shfUnitPratice);
     unit = new Common.btCHSTRAS_091_Unit(getSize(), shfUserLogin, shfUnitPratice);
     file = new btCHSTRAS_091_File();
 public btCHSTRAS_091_Puzzle(btSHFUserLogin shfUserLogin, btSHFUnitPractice shfUnitPratice, int courseType, int itemNumber)
     : base(shfUnitPratice, courseType)
     this.itemNumber = itemNumber;
     file = new btCHSTRAS_091_File();
     item = new Common.btCHSTRAS_091_Item(shfUserLogin, shfUnitPratice);
     unit = new Common.btCHSTRAS_091_Unit(getSize(), shfUserLogin, shfUnitPratice);
     finger = file.getImage("finger.png");
Esempio n. 8
 public btCHSTRAS_091_Unit(DateTime startTime, int totalNum, btSHFUserLogin shfUserLogin, btSHFUnitPractice shfUnitPratice)
     bt = new btCHSTRAS_091_Base();
     time = new btCHSTRAS_091_Time();
     userUnitIDs = bt.getUserUnitIDs(shfUserLogin, shfUnitPratice);
     answerTime = time.getAnswerTime(startTime);
     this.startTime = startTime;
     this.totalNum = totalNum;
 public btCHSTRAS_091_Memory(btSHFUserLogin shfUserLogin, btSHFUnitPractice shfUnitPratice, int courseType, int itemNumber)
     : base(shfUnitPratice, courseType)
     item = new Common.btCHSTRAS_091_Item(shfUserLogin, shfUnitPratice);
     unit = new Common.btCHSTRAS_091_Unit(getSize(), shfUserLogin, shfUnitPratice);
     file = new btCHSTRAS_091_File();
     open = file.getImage("open.png");
     close = file.getImage("close.png");
Esempio n. 10
 public int getPagesID(btSHFUnitPractice shfUnitPratice)
     int unitID = shfUnitPratice.UnitID;
     String where = "FatherID=" + unitID + " AND SubOrder=0";
     btCHSTRAS_091_Database database = new btCHSTRAS_091_Database();
     IDataReader reader = database.query("E_SHFStructures", new String[]{"StructureID"}, where, null);
     return reader.GetInt32(0);
Esempio n. 11
 public btCHSTRAS_091_Unit(int totalNum, btSHFUserLogin shfUserLogin, btSHFUnitPractice shfUnitPratice)
     this.shfUnitPratice = shfUnitPratice;
     this.shfUserLogin = shfUserLogin;
     bt = new btCHSTRAS_091_Base();
     time = new btCHSTRAS_091_Time();
     userUnitIDs = bt.getUserUnitIDs(shfUserLogin, shfUnitPratice);
     startTime = DateTime.Now;
     this.totalNum = totalNum;
     keyValues = new Hashtable();
Esempio n. 12
 public String getClassInfo(btSHFUnitPractice callUnit)
     btSHFStructures structures = new btSHFStructures();
     btSHFStructure stru = structures.GetOne(1);
     String classInfo1 = stru.StructureName;
     stru = structures.GetOne(2);
     String classInfo2 = stru.StructureName;
     stru = structures.GetOne(callUnit.UnitID);
     String classInfo3 = stru.StructureName;
     String result = classInfo1 + "|" + classInfo2 + "|" + classInfo3;
     return result;
Esempio n. 13
 public btCHSTRAS_091_Link(btSHFUserLogin shfUserLogin, btSHFUnitPractice shfUnitPratice, int courseType, int arrayLength)
     this.arrayLength = arrayLength;
     this.shfUserLogin = shfUserLogin;
     this.shfUnitPratice = shfUnitPratice;
     file = new btCHSTRAS_091_File();
     question = new btCHSTRAS_091_Question(shfUnitPratice, courseType);
     totalNumber = question.getSize();
     unit = new btCHSTRAS_091_Unit(totalNumber, shfUserLogin, shfUnitPratice);
     item = new btCHSTRAS_091_Item(shfUserLogin, shfUnitPratice);
     textNames = new String[arrayLength];
     imageNames = new String[arrayLength];
Esempio n. 14
 public btCHSTRAS_091_Teach(btSHFUserLogin shfUserLogin, btSHFUnitPractice shfUnitPratice)
     this.shfUserLogin = shfUserLogin;
     file = new btCHSTRAS_091_File();
     database = new btCHSTRAS_091_Database();
     btCHSTRAS_091_Base bt = new btCHSTRAS_091_Base();
     String[] columns = new String[] { "ProgramID", "PageID" };
     String where = "ProgramID=" + bt.getPagesID(shfUnitPratice);
     readerPages = database.query("E_SHFPages", columns, where, null);
     total = database.getSize();
     itemLearned = -1;
     itemCurrent = -1;
     arrayList = new ArrayList();
     startTime = DateTime.Now;
Esempio n. 15
 public btCHSTRAS_091_Link(btSHFUserLogin shfUserLogin, btSHFUnitPractice shfUnitPratice)
     this.shfUserLogin = shfUserLogin;
     this.shfUnitPratice = shfUnitPratice;
     btCHSTRAS_091_Base bt = new btCHSTRAS_091_Base();
     int programID = bt.getPagesID(shfUnitPratice);
     btCHSTRAS_091_Database database = new btCHSTRAS_091_Database();
     String where = "ProgramID=" + programID;
     String[] selection = new String[] { "TextInfo", "ImageInfo" };
     reader = database.query("E_SHFPages", selection, where, null);
     unit = new btCHSTRAS_091_Unit(DateTime.Now, database.getSize(), shfUserLogin, shfUnitPratice);
     item = new btCHSTRAS_091_Item(shfUserLogin, shfUnitPratice);
     texts = new String[4];
     images = new String[4];
 public btCHSTRAS_091_Question(btSHFUnitPractice unitPractice,
     int courseType)
     btCHSTRAS_091_Base bt = new btCHSTRAS_091_Base();
     file = new btCHSTRAS_091_File();
     int pageID = bt.getPagesID(unitPractice);
     database = new btCHSTRAS_091_Database();
     String where = "QuestionType=" + pageID + " AND " +
         "QuestionTag=\'" + courseType + "\'";
     String[] columns = new String[] {"QuestionID", "QuestionDiff",
         "QuestionScore", "AverageTime", "QuestionSubject",
         "Question","QuestionSolution", "QuestionAnswer"};
     reader = database.query("E_SHFQuestions", columns, where, null);
     angry = file.getImage("angry.gif");
     happy = file.getImage("happy.gif");
Esempio n. 17
 public uiCHSTRAS_091_Base(Form callForm, btSHFUserLogin callLog, btSHFUnitPractice callUnit)
     : base(callForm, callLog, callUnit)
     times = new btCHSTRAS_091_Time();
     btCHSTRAS_091_Base bt = new btCHSTRAS_091_Base();
     String title = callUnit.UnitPracticeName;
     this.Text = title;
     this.labelPageTitle.Text = title;
     this.label课程信息.Text = bt.getClassInfo(callUnit);
     this.label程序信息.Text = bt.getProgramInfo(callUnit);
     startTime = DateTime.Now;
     this.labelBegin.Text += times.getTime(startTime);
     answeredNum = 1;
     this.labelAnswered.Text += answeredNum;
     this.timer1.Enabled = true;
Esempio n. 18
 private void button训练03_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
         shfUserLogin.LoginUnitID = Typing03UnitID;//设置训练内容
         shfUnitPractice          = shfUnitPractices.GetOne(Typing03UnitID);
         //btSHFUserLogin uL = new btSHFUserLogin();
         //btSHFStructure stt = new btSHFStructure();
         //uiSHFCourseBase f = new uiSHFCourseBase(this, shfUserLogin, shfSHFStructure);
         //uiTyping03Option f = new uiTyping03Option(this, shfUserLogin, shfUnitPrac);
         this.Text = "综合练习启动 异常!  ";
Esempio n. 19
        private void button训练02_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                //shfPracticeID = 7; //设置训练课程

                shfUserLogin.LoginUnitID = Typing02UnitID;//设置训练内容
                shfUnitPractice          = shfUnitPractices.GetOne(Typing02UnitID);
                //uiTyping02Option f = new uiTyping02Option(this, shfUserLogin, shfUnitPrac);
                this.Text = "button训练02_Click 异常!  ";
Esempio n. 20
 public Hashtable getUserUnitIDs(btSHFUserLogin shfUserLogin, btSHFUnitPractice shfUnitPratice)
     Hashtable keyValues = new Hashtable();
     keyValues.Add("ProgramID", shfUnitPratice.ProgramID);
     keyValues.Add("UnitID", shfUnitPratice.UnitID);
     keyValues.Add("UnitPracticeID", shfUnitPratice.UnitPracticeID);
     if (shfUserLogin.LoginType == 2)
         keyValues.Add("TeacherID", shfUserLogin.UserID);
         keyValues.Add("StudentID", 0);
         keyValues.Add("TeacherID", 0);
         keyValues.Add("StudentID", shfUserLogin.UserID);
     return keyValues;
 private void button组合拼图_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     shfUserLogin.LoginUnitID = game02UnitID;//设置训练内容
     shfUnitPractice = shfUnitPractices.GetOne(game02UnitID);
Esempio n. 22
 private void button前言_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     shfUserLogin.LoginUnitID = inst01UnitID;//设置学习内容
     shfUnitPractice = shfUnitPractices.GetOne(inst01UnitID);
     //uiPageEditSimple fr = new uiPageEditSimple(this, shfUserLogin, shfSHFPage);
 public uiCHSTRAS_091_CourseShow(Form callForm, btSHFUserLogin callLog, btSHFUnitPractice callUnit)
     : base(callForm, callLog, callUnit)
Esempio n. 24
 private void button认识植物_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     //shfPracticeID = 6;  设置训练课程
     shfUserLogin.LoginUnitID = inst02UnitID; //设置学习内容
     shfUnitPractice = shfUnitPractices.GetOne(inst02UnitID);
     //uiPageShowSimple fr = new uiPageShowSimple(this, shfUserLogin, shfSHFPage);
 public EGLPABC082_ReceiveEmail(Form callForm, btSHFUserLogin callLog, btSHFUnitPractice callUnit, btSHFStructure callItem, string ps, string na, string pass)
     : base(callForm, callLog, callUnit, callItem)
     myReMail = new RMail(ps, na, pass);
Esempio n. 26
 private void button连结游戏_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     //shfPracticeID = 6; //设置训练课程
     shfUserLogin.LoginUnitID = game01UnitID;//设置训练内容
     shfUnitPractice = shfUnitPractices.GetOne(game01UnitID);
     //uiTyping01 f = new uiTyping01(this, shfUserLogin.UserLoginID, shfPracticeID);
Esempio n. 27
        /// <summary>题目编辑
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void button训练04_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                shfUserLogin.LoginUnitID = Practice04UnitID;//设置训练内容
                shfUnitPractice = shfUnitPractices.GetOne(Practice04UnitID);
                //btSHFUserLogin uL = new btSHFUserLogin();
                //btSHFStructure stt = new btSHFStructure();
                //uiSHFCourseBase f = new uiSHFCourseBase(this, shfUserLogin, shfSHFStructure);
                //uiTyping03Option f = new uiTyping03Option(this, shfUserLogin, shfUnitPrac);

                this.Text = "综合练习启动 异常!  ";

Esempio n. 28
        private void button训练02_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                //shfPracticeID = 7; //设置训练课程

                shfUserLogin.LoginUnitID = Practice02UnitID;//设置训练内容
                shfUnitPractice = shfUnitPractices.GetOne(Practice02UnitID);
                //uiTyping02Option f = new uiTyping02Option(this, shfUserLogin, shfUnitPrac);

                this.Text = "button训练02_Click 异常!  ";

Esempio n. 29
 private void button单元成绩_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     shfUserLogin.LoginUnitID = Practice03UnitID;//设置训练内容
     shfUnitPractice = shfUnitPractices.GetOne(Practice03UnitID);
     //frTypeScore fr = new frTypeScore(this, shfUnitScore, shfUserLogin, shfUnitPrac);
Esempio n. 30
 public String getProgramInfo(btSHFUnitPractice callUnit)
     String programInfo = "《认识事物 CHSTRAS_091》V09-1|CHSTRAS_091_UI|";
     programInfo += callUnit.UnitPracticeCode;
     return programInfo;
Esempio n. 31
 public EGLPABC082_SetEmail(Form callForm, btSHFUserLogin callLog, btSHFUnitPractice callUnit, btSHFStructure callItem)
     : base(callForm, callLog, callUnit, callItem)
 public EGLPABC082_ReceiveEmail(Form callForm, btSHFUserLogin callLog, btSHFUnitPractice callUnit, btSHFStructure callItem, string ps, string na, string pass)
     : base(callForm, callLog, callUnit, callItem)
     myReMail = new RMail(ps, na, pass);
Esempio n. 33
 public EGLPABC082_SetEmail(Form callForm, btSHFUserLogin callLog, btSHFUnitPractice callUnit, btSHFStructure callItem)
     : base(callForm, callLog, callUnit, callItem)