Esempio n. 1
 public btTransform(btQuaternion q) : this(BulletPINVOKE.new_btTransform__SWIG_2(btQuaternion.getCPtr(q)), true)
     if (BulletPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
         throw BulletPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
Esempio n. 2
 public btMatrix3x3(btQuaternion q) : this(BulletPINVOKE.new_btMatrix3x3__SWIG_1(btQuaternion.getCPtr(q)), true)
     if (BulletPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
         throw BulletPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
Esempio n. 3
 public void setRotation(btQuaternion q)
     BulletPINVOKE.btMatrix3x3_setRotation(swigCPtr, btQuaternion.getCPtr(q));
     if (BulletPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
         throw BulletPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
Esempio n. 4
 public void setMotorTarget(btQuaternion qAinB, float dt)
     BulletPINVOKE.btHingeConstraint_setMotorTarget__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, btQuaternion.getCPtr(qAinB), dt);
     if (BulletPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
         throw BulletPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
Esempio n. 5
 public static void calculateDiffAxisAngleQuaternion(btQuaternion orn0, btQuaternion orn1a, btVector3 axis, SWIGTYPE_p_float angle)
     BulletPINVOKE.btTransformUtil_calculateDiffAxisAngleQuaternion(btQuaternion.getCPtr(orn0), btQuaternion.getCPtr(orn1a), btVector3.getCPtr(axis), SWIGTYPE_p_float.getCPtr(angle));
     if (BulletPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
         throw BulletPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
Esempio n. 6
 public void setMotorTargetInConstraintSpace(btQuaternion q)
     BulletPINVOKE.btConeTwistConstraint_setMotorTargetInConstraintSpace(swigCPtr, btQuaternion.getCPtr(q));
     if (BulletPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
         throw BulletPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
Esempio n. 7
 public BulletDotNETScene(string sceneIdentifier)
     BulletLock = new object();
     // m_sceneIdentifier = sceneIdentifier;
     VectorZero   = new btVector3(0, 0, 0);
     QuatIdentity = new btQuaternion(0, 0, 0, 1);
     TransZero    = new btTransform(QuatIdentity, VectorZero);
     m_gravity    = new btVector3(0, 0, gravityz);
Esempio n. 8
 public BulletDotNETScene(string sceneIdentifier)
     // m_sceneIdentifier = sceneIdentifier;
     VectorZero     = new btVector3(0, 0, 0);
     QuatIdentity   = new btQuaternion(0, 0, 0, 1);
     TransZero      = new btTransform(QuatIdentity, VectorZero);
     m_gravity      = new btVector3(0, 0, gravityz);
     _origheightmap = new float[(int)Constants.RegionSize * (int)Constants.RegionSize];
Esempio n. 9
        public btQuaternion nearest(btQuaternion qd)
            btQuaternion ret = new btQuaternion(BulletPINVOKE.btQuaternion_nearest(swigCPtr, btQuaternion.getCPtr(qd)), true);

            if (BulletPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
                throw BulletPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
Esempio n. 10
        public static btQuaternion shortestArcQuatNormalize2(btVector3 v0, btVector3 v1)
            btQuaternion ret = new btQuaternion(BulletPINVOKE.shortestArcQuatNormalize2(btVector3.getCPtr(v0), btVector3.getCPtr(v1)), true);

            if (BulletPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
                throw BulletPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
Esempio n. 11
        public static btVector3 quatRotate(btQuaternion rotation, btVector3 v)
            btVector3 ret = new btVector3(BulletPINVOKE.quatRotate(btQuaternion.getCPtr(rotation), btVector3.getCPtr(v)), true);

            if (BulletPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
                throw BulletPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
Esempio n. 12
        public static btQuaternion slerp(btQuaternion q1, btQuaternion q2, float t)
            btQuaternion ret = new btQuaternion(BulletPINVOKE.slerp(btQuaternion.getCPtr(q1), btQuaternion.getCPtr(q2), t), true);

            if (BulletPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
                throw BulletPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
Esempio n. 13
        public static btQuaternion inverse(btQuaternion q)
            btQuaternion ret = new btQuaternion(BulletPINVOKE.inverse(btQuaternion.getCPtr(q)), true);

            if (BulletPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
                throw BulletPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
Esempio n. 14
        public static float btAngle(btQuaternion q1, btQuaternion q2)
            float ret = BulletPINVOKE.btAngle__SWIG_1(btQuaternion.getCPtr(q1), btQuaternion.getCPtr(q2));

            if (BulletPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
                throw BulletPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
Esempio n. 15
        public static float length(btQuaternion q)
            float ret = BulletPINVOKE.length(btQuaternion.getCPtr(q));

            if (BulletPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
                throw BulletPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
Esempio n. 16
        public float dot(btQuaternion q)
            float ret = BulletPINVOKE.btQuaternion_dot(swigCPtr, btQuaternion.getCPtr(q));

            if (BulletPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
                throw BulletPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
Esempio n. 17
        public btQuaternion slerp(btQuaternion q, float t)
            btQuaternion ret = new btQuaternion(BulletPINVOKE.btQuaternion_slerp(swigCPtr, btQuaternion.getCPtr(q), t), true);

            if (BulletPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
                throw BulletPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
Esempio n. 18
 public override void Dispose()
     VectorZero   = null;
     QuatIdentity = null;
        // private CollisionEventUpdate CollisionEventsThisFrame = new CollisionEventUpdate();

        public BulletDotNETCharacter(string avName, BulletDotNETScene parent_scene, PhysicsVector pos, PhysicsVector size, float pid_d, float pid_p, float capsule_radius, float tensor, float density, float height_fudge_factor, float walk_divisor, float rundivisor)
            m_taintedForce    = new PhysicsVector();
            m_velocity        = new PhysicsVector();
            m_target_velocity = new PhysicsVector();
            m_position        = pos;
            m_zeroPosition    = new PhysicsVector(pos.X, pos.Y, pos.Z); // this is a class, not a struct.  Must make new, or m_zeroPosition will == position regardless
            m_acceleration    = new PhysicsVector();
            m_parent_scene    = parent_scene;
            PID_D             = pid_d;
            PID_P             = pid_p;
            CAPSULE_RADIUS    = capsule_radius;
            m_density         = density;
            heightFudgeFactor = height_fudge_factor;
            walkDivisor       = walk_divisor;
            runDivisor        = rundivisor;

            for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++)
                m_colliderarr[i] = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++)
                m_colliderGroundarr[i] = false;
            CAPSULE_LENGTH           = (size.Z * 1.15f) - CAPSULE_RADIUS * 2.0f;
            m_tainted_CAPSULE_LENGTH = CAPSULE_LENGTH;
            m_isPhysical             = false; // current status: no ODE information exists
            m_tainted_isPhysical     = true;  // new tainted status: need to create ODE information


            // m_name = avName;
            tempVector1 = new btVector3(0, 0, 0);
            tempVector2 = new btVector3(0, 0, 0);
            tempVector3 = new btVector3(0, 0, 0);
            tempVector4 = new btVector3(0, 0, 0);

            tempVector5RayCast = new btVector3(0, 0, 0);
            tempVector6RayCast = new btVector3(0, 0, 0);
            tempVector7RayCast = new btVector3(0, 0, 0);

            tempQuat1  = new btQuaternion(0, 0, 0, 1);
            tempTrans1 = new btTransform(tempQuat1, tempVector1);
            // m_movementComparision = new PhysicsVector(0, 0, 0);
            m_CapsuleOrientationAxis = new btVector3(1, 0, 1);
Esempio n. 20
		public static void integrateTransform( ref btTransform curTrans, ref btVector3 linvel, ref btVector3 angvel
			, double timeStep, out btTransform predictedTransform )
			btVector3 tmp;
			btVector3 tmp2;
			linvel.Mult( timeStep, out tmp );
			curTrans.getOrigin( out tmp2 );
            tmp2.Add( ref tmp, out predictedTransform.m_origin );
		btQuaternion predictedOrn = curTrans.getRotation();
		predictedOrn += (angvel predictedOrn) * (timeStep 0.5);
			//Exponential map
			//google for "Practical Parameterization of Rotations Using the Exponential Map", F. Sebastian Grassia

			btVector3 axis;
			double fAngle = angvel.length();
			//limit the angular motion
			if( fAngle * timeStep > ANGULAR_MOTION_THRESHOLD )
				fAngle = ANGULAR_MOTION_THRESHOLD / timeStep;

			if( fAngle < 0.001 )
				// use Taylor's expansions of sync function
				angvel.Mult( ( btScalar.BT_HALF * timeStep - ( timeStep * timeStep * timeStep ) * ( 0.020833333333 ) * fAngle * fAngle ), out axis );
				// sync(fAngle) = sin(cfAngle)/t
				angvel.Mult( ( btScalar.btSin( btScalar.BT_HALF * fAngle * timeStep ) / fAngle ), out axis );
			btQuaternion dorn = new btQuaternion( axis.x, axis.y, axis.z, btScalar.btCos( fAngle * timeStep * 0.5 ) );
			btQuaternion orn0;
			curTrans.getRotation( out orn0 );

			btQuaternion predictedOrn;
			dorn.Mult( ref orn0, out predictedOrn );
			btMatrix3x3.setRotation( out predictedTransform.m_basis, ref predictedOrn);
			//predictedTransform.setRotation( ref predictedOrn );
Esempio n. 21
		internal static void calculateVelocityQuaternion( ref btVector3 pos0, ref btVector3 pos1, ref btQuaternion orn0, ref btQuaternion orn1, double timeStep, out btVector3 linVel, out btVector3 angVel )
			btVector3 tmp;
			pos1.Sub( ref pos0, out tmp );
			tmp.Div( timeStep, out linVel );
			btVector3 axis;
			double angle;
			if( !orn0.Equals(ref orn1 ) )
				calculateDiffAxisAngleQuaternion( ref orn0, ref orn1, out axis, out angle );
				axis.Mult( angle, out tmp );
				tmp.Div( timeStep, out angVel );
				angVel = btVector3.Zero;
Esempio n. 22
        private void LimitRotation(float timestep)
            btQuaternion rot     = m_body.getWorldTransform().getRotation();
            bool         changed = false;

            if (m_RollreferenceFrame != Quaternion.Identity)
                if (rot.getX() >= m_RollreferenceFrame.X)
                    rot = new btQuaternion(rot.getX() - (m_RollreferenceFrame.X / 2), rot.getY(), rot.getZ(), rot.getW());
                if (rot.getX() <= -m_RollreferenceFrame.X)
                    rot = new btQuaternion(rot.getX() + (m_RollreferenceFrame.X / 2), rot.getY(), rot.getZ(), rot.getW());

                if (rot.getY() >= m_RollreferenceFrame.Y)
                    rot = new btQuaternion(rot.getX(), rot.getY() - (m_RollreferenceFrame.Y / 2), rot.getZ(), rot.getW());
                if (rot.getY() <= -m_RollreferenceFrame.Y)
                    rot = new btQuaternion(rot.getX(), rot.getY() + (m_RollreferenceFrame.Y / 2), rot.getZ(), rot.getW());

                changed = true;
            if ((m_flags & VehicleFlag.LOCK_ROTATION) != 0)
                rot     = new btQuaternion(0, 0, rot.getZ(), rot.getW());
                changed = true;

            if (changed)
                btTransform trans = m_body.getWorldTransform();
Esempio n. 23
		public static void quatRotate( ref btQuaternion rotation, ref btVector3 v, out btVector3 result )
			btQuaternion q;
			btQuaternion tmp;
			rotation.Mult( ref v, out q );
			rotation.inverse( out tmp );
			q.Mult( ref tmp, out result );
Esempio n. 24
		/*@brief Return the inverse of a quaternion*/
		public static void inverse( ref btQuaternion q, out btQuaternion result )
			q.inverse( out result );
Esempio n. 25
		/*@brief Return the length of a quaternion */
		public double length( ref btQuaternion q )
			return q.length();
Esempio n. 26
		public static void Apply( ref btVector3 w, ref btQuaternion q, out btQuaternion result )
			result.x = +w.x * q.w + w.y * q.z - w.z * q.y;
			result.y = +w.y * q.w + w.z * q.x - w.x * q.z;
			result.z = +w.z * q.w + w.x * q.y - w.y * q.x;
			result.w = -w.x * q.x - w.y * q.y - w.z * q.z;
Esempio n. 27
		/*@brief Return the angle between this quaternion and the other along the shortest path
		 @param q The other quaternion */
		public double angleShortestPath( ref btQuaternion q )
			double s = btScalar.btSqrt( length2() * q.length2() );
			//Debug.Assert( s != 0.0 );
			if( dot( ref q ) < 0 ) // Take care of long angle case see
				btQuaternion b;
				q.inverse( out b );
				return btScalar.btAcos( dot( ref b ) / s ) * 2.0;
				return btScalar.btAcos( dot( ref q ) / s ) * 2.0;
Esempio n. 28
		/*@brief Return a normalized version of this quaternion */
		void normalized( out btQuaternion result )
			Div( ref this, length(), out result );
Esempio n. 29
		/*@brief Add two quaternions
		  @param q The quaternion to add to this one */
		public void Add( ref btQuaternion q2, out btQuaternion result )
			result.x = x + q2.x;
			result.y = y + q2.y;
			result.z = z + q2.z;
			result.w = w + q2.w;
Esempio n. 30
        public void ProcessTaints(float timestep)
            if (m_tainted_isPhysical != m_isPhysical)
                if (m_tainted_isPhysical)
                    // Create avatar capsule and related ODE data
                    if (!(Shell == null && Body == null))
                        m_log.Warn("[PHYSICS]: re-creating the following avatar ODE data, even though it already exists - "
                                   + (Shell != null ? "Shell " : "")
                                   + (Body != null ? "Body " : ""));
                    AvatarGeomAndBodyCreation(m_position.X, m_position.Y, m_position.Z);
                    // destroy avatar capsule and related ODE data

                    tempVector1 = new btVector3(0, 0, 0);
                    tempVector2 = new btVector3(0, 0, 0);
                    tempVector3 = new btVector3(0, 0, 0);
                    tempVector4 = new btVector3(0, 0, 0);

                    tempVector5RayCast = new btVector3(0, 0, 0);
                    tempVector6RayCast = new btVector3(0, 0, 0);
                    tempVector7RayCast = new btVector3(0, 0, 0);

                    tempQuat1  = new btQuaternion(0, 0, 0, 1);
                    tempTrans1 = new btTransform(tempQuat1, tempVector1);
                    // m_movementComparision = new PhysicsVector(0, 0, 0);
                    m_CapsuleOrientationAxis = new btVector3(1, 0, 1);

                m_isPhysical = m_tainted_isPhysical;

            if (m_tainted_CAPSULE_LENGTH != CAPSULE_LENGTH)
                if (Body != null)
                    m_pidControllerActive = true;
                    // no lock needed on _parent_scene.OdeLock because we are called from within the thread lock in OdePlugin's simulate()
                    float prevCapsule = CAPSULE_LENGTH;
                    CAPSULE_LENGTH = m_tainted_CAPSULE_LENGTH;
                    //m_log.Info("[SIZE]: " + CAPSULE_LENGTH.ToString());

                    tempVector1 = new btVector3(0, 0, 0);
                    tempVector2 = new btVector3(0, 0, 0);
                    tempVector3 = new btVector3(0, 0, 0);
                    tempVector4 = new btVector3(0, 0, 0);

                    tempVector5RayCast = new btVector3(0, 0, 0);
                    tempVector6RayCast = new btVector3(0, 0, 0);
                    tempVector7RayCast = new btVector3(0, 0, 0);

                    tempQuat1  = new btQuaternion(0, 0, 0, 1);
                    tempTrans1 = new btTransform(tempQuat1, tempVector1);
                    // m_movementComparision = new PhysicsVector(0, 0, 0);
                    m_CapsuleOrientationAxis = new btVector3(1, 0, 1);

                    AvatarGeomAndBodyCreation(m_position.X, m_position.Y,
                                              m_position.Z + (Math.Abs(CAPSULE_LENGTH - prevCapsule) * 2));
                    Velocity = Vector3.Zero;
                    m_log.Warn("[PHYSICS]: trying to change capsule size, but the following ODE data is missing - "
                               + (Shell == null ? "Shell " : "")
                               + (Body == null ? "Body " : ""));
            if (m_taintRemove)
Esempio n. 31
        /// <summary>
        /// This creates the Avatar's physical Surrogate at the position supplied
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="npositionX"></param>
        /// <param name="npositionY"></param>
        /// <param name="npositionZ"></param>

        // WARNING: This MUST NOT be called outside of ProcessTaints, else we can have unsynchronized access
        // to ODE internals. ProcessTaints is called from within thread-locked Simulate(), so it is the only
        // place that is safe to call this routine AvatarGeomAndBodyCreation.
        private void AvatarGeomAndBodyCreation(float npositionX, float npositionY, float npositionZ)
            if (CAPSULE_LENGTH <= 0)
                m_log.Warn("[PHYSICS]: The capsule size you specified in aurora.ini is invalid!  Setting it to the smallest possible size!");
                CAPSULE_LENGTH = 0.01f;

            if (CAPSULE_RADIUS <= 0)
                m_log.Warn("[PHYSICS]: The capsule size you specified in aurora.ini is invalid!  Setting it to the smallest possible size!");
                CAPSULE_RADIUS = 0.01f;

            Shell = new btCapsuleShape(CAPSULE_RADIUS, CAPSULE_LENGTH);

            if (m_bodyPosition == null)
                m_bodyPosition = new btVector3(npositionX, npositionY, npositionZ);

            m_bodyPosition.setValue(npositionX, npositionY, npositionZ);

            if (m_bodyOrientation == null)
                m_bodyOrientation = new btQuaternion(m_CapsuleOrientationAxis, (Utils.DEG_TO_RAD * 90));

            if (m_bodyTransform == null)
                m_bodyTransform = new btTransform(m_bodyOrientation, m_bodyPosition);
                m_bodyTransform = new btTransform(m_bodyOrientation, m_bodyPosition);

            if (m_bodyMotionState == null)
                m_bodyMotionState = new btDefaultMotionState(m_bodyTransform);

            m_mass = Mass;

            Body = new btRigidBody(m_mass, m_bodyMotionState, Shell);
            // this is used for self identification. User localID instead of body handle
            Body.setUserPointer(new IntPtr((int)m_localID));

            if (ClosestCastResult != null)
            ClosestCastResult = new ClosestNotMeRayResultCallback(Body);

            if (m_aMotor != null)
                if (m_aMotor.Handle != IntPtr.Zero)
                m_aMotor = null;

            m_aMotor = new btGeneric6DofConstraint(Body, m_parent_scene.TerrainBody,
                                                   m_parent_scene.TransZero, false);
Esempio n. 32
        static void Main(string[] args)
            btVector3 testvec = new btVector3(-2, 1, 0);

            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Original: {0}", testvec.testStr()));
            btVector3 testvec2 = testvec.absolute();

            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("absolute: {0}", testvec2.testStr()));
            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("angle:{0}", testvec.angle(testvec2)));
            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("closestAxis(orig):{0}", testvec.closestAxis()));
            btVector3 testvec3 = testvec.cross(testvec2);

            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("cross: {0}", testvec3.testStr()));
            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("distance: {0}", testvec.distance(testvec2)));
            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("distance2: {0}", testvec.distance2(testvec2)));
            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("dot: {0}",;
            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("furthestAxis(orig): {0}", testvec.furthestAxis()));
            btVector3 testvec4 = testvec.normalized();

            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("normalized: {0}", testvec4.testStr()));
            testvec4.setInterpolate3(testvec, testvec2, 0.5f);
            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("interpolate3: {0}", testvec4.testStr()));
            testvec4.setValue(7f, -0.09f, 2.5f);
            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("setvec: {0}", testvec4.testStr()));
            testvec.setValue(0, 0, -1024);
            testvec2.setValue(256, 256, 1024);
            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("setvecIndividual: {0}", testvec4.testStr()));
            btAxisSweep3 testbtAxisSweep3 = new btAxisSweep3(testvec, testvec2, 50);
            btDefaultCollisionConfiguration     colconfig     = new btDefaultCollisionConfiguration();
            btCollisionDispatcher               coldisp       = new btCollisionDispatcher(colconfig);
            btSequentialImpulseConstraintSolver seqimpconssol = new btSequentialImpulseConstraintSolver();
            btDiscreteDynamicsWorld             dynamicsWorld = new btDiscreteDynamicsWorld(coldisp, testbtAxisSweep3, seqimpconssol,

            dynamicsWorld.setGravity(new btVector3(0, 0, -9.87f));
            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("stepWorld: {0}", dynamicsWorld.stepSimulation((6f / 60), 5, (1f / 60))));
            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("stepWorld: {0}", dynamicsWorld.stepSimulation((6f / 60), 5, (1f / 60))));
            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("stepWorld: {0}", dynamicsWorld.stepSimulation((6f / 60), 5, (1f / 60))));
            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("stepWorld: {0}", dynamicsWorld.stepSimulation((6f / 60), 5, (1f / 60))));
            btQuaternion testquat     = new btQuaternion(50, 0, 0, 1);
            btQuaternion testquatnorm = testquat.normalized();

            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("testquat: {0}", testquat.testStr()));
            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("testquatnormalize: {0}", testquatnorm.testStr()));
            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("testquatLength: {0}", testquat.length()));
            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("testquatnormalizeLength: {0}", testquatnorm.length()));

            float[] heightdata = new float[256 * 256];
            for (int j = 0; j < 256 * 256; j++)
                if (j % 2 == 0)
                    heightdata[j] = 21f;
                    heightdata[j] = 28f;

            btHeightfieldTerrainShape obj = new btHeightfieldTerrainShape(256, 256, heightdata, 1.0f, 0, 256,
                                                                          PHY_FLOAT, false);

            btCapsuleShape cap = new btCapsuleShape(0.23f, 3);

            btTriangleMesh testMesh = new btTriangleMesh(true, false);

            testMesh.addTriangle(new btVector3(1, 0, 1), new btVector3(1, 0, -1), new btVector3(-1, 0, -1), false);
            testMesh.addTriangle(new btVector3(1, -1, 1), new btVector3(1, -1, -1), new btVector3(-1, -1, -1), false);
            testMesh.addTriangle(new btVector3(1, -1, 1), new btVector3(1, 0, 1), new btVector3(-1, -1, -1), false);
            testMesh.addTriangle(new btVector3(1, 0, 1), new btVector3(1, -1, -1), new btVector3(-1, 0, -1), false);
            testMesh.addTriangle(new btVector3(1, -1, -1), new btVector3(-1, 0, -1), new btVector3(-1, -1, -1), false);
            testMesh.addTriangle(new btVector3(1, -1, -1), new btVector3(1, 0, -1), new btVector3(-1, 0, -1), false);
            testMesh.addTriangle(new btVector3(1, 0, 1), new btVector3(1, -1, -1), new btVector3(1, 0, -1), false);
            testMesh.addTriangle(new btVector3(1, -1, 1), new btVector3(1, -1, -1), new btVector3(1, 0, 1), false);
            btGImpactMeshShape meshtest = new btGImpactMeshShape(testMesh);


            btRigidBody groundbody = new btRigidBody(0,
                                                     new btDefaultMotionState(
                                                         new btTransform(new btQuaternion(0, 0, 0, 1),
                                                                         new btVector3(128, 128, 256f / 2f))), obj,
                                                     new btVector3(0, 0, 0));

            btRigidBody capbody = new btRigidBody(200,
                                                  new btDefaultMotionState(
                                                      new btTransform(new btQuaternion(0, 0, 0, 1),
                                                                      new btVector3(128, 128, 25))), cap,
                                                  new btVector3(0, 0, 0));

            btRigidBody meshbody = new btRigidBody(200,
                                                   new btDefaultMotionState(
                                                       new btTransform(new btQuaternion(0, 0, 0, 1),
                                                                       new btVector3(128, 128, 29))), meshtest,
                                                   new btVector3(0, 0, 0));

            btRigidBodyConstructionInfo constructioninfotest = new btRigidBodyConstructionInfo();

            constructioninfotest.m_collisionShape = new btBoxShape(new btVector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f));
            constructioninfotest.m_localInertia   = new btVector3(0, 0, 0);
            constructioninfotest.m_motionState    = new btDefaultMotionState(new btTransform(new btQuaternion(0.3f, -0.4f, 0.8f, 0.1f), new btVector3(128.5f, 128, 25)),
                                                                             new btTransform(new btQuaternion(0, 0, 0, 1), new btVector3(0, 0.25f, 0)));
            constructioninfotest.m_startWorldTransform = new btTransform(new btQuaternion(0, 0, 0, 1), new btVector3(0, 0, 0));
            constructioninfotest.m_mass                                 = 2000000;
            constructioninfotest.m_linearDamping                        = 0;
            constructioninfotest.m_angularDamping                       = 0;
            constructioninfotest.m_friction                             = 0.1f;
            constructioninfotest.m_restitution                          = 0;
            constructioninfotest.m_linearSleepingThreshold              = 0.8f;
            constructioninfotest.m_angularSleepingThreshold             = 1;
            constructioninfotest.m_additionalDamping                    = false;
            constructioninfotest.m_additionalDampingFactor              = 0.005f;
            constructioninfotest.m_additionalLinearDampingThresholdSqr  = 0.01f;
            constructioninfotest.m_additionalAngularDampingThresholdSqr = 0.01f;
            constructioninfotest.m_additionalAngularDampingFactor       = 0.01f;
            btRigidBody cubetest = new btRigidBody(constructioninfotest);


            int frame = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++)
                int frames = dynamicsWorld.stepSimulation(((i % 60) / 60f), 10, (1f / 60));
                frame += frames;
                Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Cube: frame {0} frames: {1} POS:{2}, quat:{3}", frame, frames, cubetest.getInterpolationWorldTransform().getOrigin().testStr(), cubetest.getWorldTransform().getRotation().testStr()));
                Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Cap: frame {0} frames: {1} POS:{2}, quat:{3}", frame, frames, capbody.getInterpolationWorldTransform().getOrigin().testStr(), capbody.getWorldTransform().getRotation().testStr()));
                Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Mesh: frame {0} frames: {1} POS:{2}, quat:{3}", frame, frames, meshbody.getInterpolationWorldTransform().getOrigin().testStr(), meshbody.getWorldTransform().getRotation().testStr()));


Esempio n. 33
        private void MoveLinear(float timestep)
            if (!m_linearMotorDirection.ApproxEquals(Vector3.Zero, 0.01f))  // requested m_linearMotorDirection is significant
                // add drive to body
                Vector3 addAmount = m_linearMotorDirection / (m_linearMotorTimescale / timestep);
                m_lastLinearVelocityVector += (addAmount * 10);  // lastLinearVelocityVector is the current body velocity vector?

                // This will work temporarily, but we really need to compare speed on an axis
                // KF: Limit body velocity to applied velocity?
                if (Math.Abs(m_lastLinearVelocityVector.X) > Math.Abs(m_linearMotorDirectionLASTSET.X))
                    m_lastLinearVelocityVector.X = m_linearMotorDirectionLASTSET.X;
                if (Math.Abs(m_lastLinearVelocityVector.Y) > Math.Abs(m_linearMotorDirectionLASTSET.Y))
                    m_lastLinearVelocityVector.Y = m_linearMotorDirectionLASTSET.Y;
                if (Math.Abs(m_lastLinearVelocityVector.Z) > Math.Abs(m_linearMotorDirectionLASTSET.Z))
                    m_lastLinearVelocityVector.Z = m_linearMotorDirectionLASTSET.Z;

                // decay applied velocity
                Vector3 decayfraction = ((Vector3.One / (m_linearMotorDecayTimescale / timestep)));
                //Console.WriteLine("decay: " + decayfraction);
                m_linearMotorDirection -= m_linearMotorDirection * decayfraction * 0.5f;
                //Console.WriteLine("actual: " + m_linearMotorDirection);
            {        // requested is not significant
                // if what remains of applied is small, zero it.
                if (m_lastLinearVelocityVector.ApproxEquals(Vector3.Zero, 0.01f))
                    m_lastLinearVelocityVector = Vector3.Zero;

            // convert requested object velocity to world-referenced vector
            m_dir = m_lastLinearVelocityVector;
            btQuaternion rot  = m_body.getWorldTransform().getRotation();
            Quaternion   rotq = new Quaternion(rot.getX(), rot.getY(), rot.getZ(), rot.getW()); // rotq = rotation of object

            m_dir *= rotq;                                                                      // apply obj rotation to velocity vector

            // add Gravity andBuoyancy
            // KF: So far I have found no good method to combine a script-requested
            // .Z velocity and gravity. Therefore only 0g will used script-requested
            // .Z velocity. >0g (m_VehicleBuoyancy < 1) will used modified gravity only.
            Vector3 grav = Vector3.Zero;
            // There is some gravity, make a gravity force vector
            // that is applied after object velocity.

            float objMass = m_prim.Mass;

            // m_VehicleBuoyancy: -1=2g; 0=1g; 1=0g;
            //Rev: bullet does gravity internally
            grav.Z = -parent_scene.gravityz * objMass * m_VehicleBuoyancy; //parent_scene.gravityz/* * objMass*/ * (1f - m_VehicleBuoyancy);

            // Preserve the current Z velocity
            btVector3 pos = m_body.getWorldTransform().getOrigin();

            btVector3 newpos = pos;

            m_dir.Z = m_prim.Velocity.Z; // Preserve the accumulated falling velocity

            Vector3 posChange = new Vector3();

            posChange.X = newpos.getX() - m_lastPositionVector.getX();
            posChange.Y = newpos.getY() - m_lastPositionVector.getY();
            posChange.Z = newpos.getZ() - m_lastPositionVector.getZ();
            btQuaternion Orientation2 = m_body.getWorldTransform().getRotation();

            /*if (m_BlockingEndPoint != Vector3.Zero)
             * {
             *  if (newpos.getX() >= (m_BlockingEndPoint.X - (float)1))
             *      newpos.setX(newpos.getX() - (posChange.X + 1));
             *  if (newpos.getY() >= (m_BlockingEndPoint.Y - (float)1))
             *      newpos.setY(newpos.getY() - (posChange.Y + 1));
             *  if (newpos.getZ() >= (m_BlockingEndPoint.Z - (float)1))
             *      newpos.setZ(newpos.getZ() - (posChange.Z + 1));
             *  if (newpos.getX() <= 0)
             *      newpos.setX(newpos.getX() + (posChange.X + 1));
             *  if (newpos.getY() <= 0)
             *      newpos.setY(newpos.getY() + (posChange.Y + 1));
             * }
            if (newpos.getZ() < parent_scene.GetTerrainHeightAtXY(newpos.getX(), newpos.getY()))
                newpos.setZ(parent_scene.GetTerrainHeightAtXY(newpos.getX(), newpos.getY()) + 2);

            // Check if hovering
            if ((m_Hoverflags & (VehicleFlag.HOVER_WATER_ONLY | VehicleFlag.HOVER_TERRAIN_ONLY | VehicleFlag.HOVER_GLOBAL_HEIGHT)) != 0)
                float diff = (newpos.getZ() - m_VhoverTargetHeight);
                // We should hover, get the target height
                if ((m_Hoverflags & VehicleFlag.HOVER_WATER_ONLY) != 0)
                    m_VhoverTargetHeight = parent_scene.GetWaterLevel() + m_VhoverHeight;
                if ((m_Hoverflags & VehicleFlag.HOVER_TERRAIN_ONLY) != 0)
                    m_VhoverTargetHeight = parent_scene.GetTerrainHeightAtXY(pos.getX(), pos.getY()) + m_VhoverHeight;
                if ((m_Hoverflags & VehicleFlag.HOVER_GLOBAL_HEIGHT) != 0)
                    m_VhoverTargetHeight = m_VhoverHeight;

                if ((m_Hoverflags & VehicleFlag.HOVER_UP_ONLY) != 0)
                    // If body is aready heigher, use its height as target height
                    if (newpos.getZ() > m_VhoverTargetHeight)
                        m_VhoverTargetHeight = newpos.getZ();
                if ((m_Hoverflags & VehicleFlag.LOCK_HOVER_HEIGHT) != 0)
                    if (diff > .2 || diff < -.2)
                        newpos.setValue(newpos.getX(), newpos.getY(), m_VhoverTargetHeight);
                        btTransform trans = new btTransform(Orientation2, newpos);
                    // Replace Vertical speed with correction figure if significant
                    if (Math.Abs(diff) > 0.01f)
                        m_dir.Z = -((diff * timestep * 50.0f) / m_VhoverTimescale);
                        m_dir.Z = 0f;

            /*if ((m_flags & (VehicleFlag.LIMIT_MOTOR_UP)) != 0)
             * {
             *  //Start Experimental Values
             *  if (Zchange > .3)
             *      grav.Z = (float)(grav.Z * 3);
             *  if (Zchange > .15)
             *      grav.Z = (float)(grav.Z * 2);
             *  if (Zchange > .75)
             *      grav.Z = (float)(grav.Z * 1.5);
             *  if (Zchange > .05)
             *      grav.Z = (float)(grav.Z * 1.25);
             *  if (Zchange > .025)
             *      grav.Z = (float)(grav.Z * 1.125);
             *  float terraintemp = parent_scene.GetTerrainHeightAtXY(pos.getX(), pos.getY());
             *  float postemp = (pos.getZ() - terraintemp);
             *  if (postemp > 2.5f)
             *      grav.Z = (float)(grav.Z * 1.037125);
             *  //End Experimental Values
             * }*/

            if ((m_flags & (VehicleFlag.NO_X)) != 0)
                m_dir.X = 0;
            if ((m_flags & (VehicleFlag.NO_Y)) != 0)
                m_dir.Y = 0;
            if ((m_flags & (VehicleFlag.NO_Z)) != 0)
                m_dir.Z = 0;

            m_lastPositionVector = new btVector3(m_prim.Position.X, m_prim.Position.Y, m_prim.Position.Z);
            // Apply velocity
            //if(m_dir != Vector3.Zero)
            //    m_body.setLinearVelocity(new btVector3(m_dir.X, m_dir.Y, m_dir.Z));
            m_body.applyCentralImpulse(new btVector3(m_dir.X, m_dir.Y, m_dir.Z));
            // apply gravity force
            //m_body.applyCentralImpulse(new btVector3(0, 0, 9.8f));

            /*ector3 newpos2 = new Vector3(newpos.getX(), newpos.getY(), newpos.getZ());
             * if (newpos2.X != m_prim.Position.X || newpos2.Y != m_prim.Position.Y || newpos2.Z != m_prim.Position.Z)
             * {
             *  btTransform trans = new btTransform(Orientation2, newpos);
             *  m_body.setWorldTransform(trans);
             * }*/

            // apply friction
            Vector3 decayamount = Vector3.One / (m_linearFrictionTimescale / timestep);

            m_lastLinearVelocityVector -= m_lastLinearVelocityVector * decayamount;
Esempio n. 34
        private void MoveAngular(float timestep)
             * private Vector3 m_angularMotorDirection = Vector3.Zero;            // angular velocity requested by LSL motor
             * private int m_angularMotorApply = 0;                            // application frame counter
             * private float m_angularMotorVelocity = 0;                        // current angular motor velocity (ramps up and down)
             * private float m_angularMotorTimescale = 0;                        // motor angular velocity ramp up rate
             * private float m_angularMotorDecayTimescale = 0;                    // motor angular velocity decay rate
             * private Vector3 m_angularFrictionTimescale = Vector3.Zero;        // body angular velocity  decay rate
             * private Vector3 m_lastAngularVelocity = Vector3.Zero;            // what was last applied to body

            // Get what the body is doing, this includes 'external' influences
            btVector3 angularVelocity = m_body.getInterpolationAngularVelocity();

            //         Vector3 angularVelocity = Vector3.Zero;

            if (m_angularMotorApply > 0)
                // ramp up to new value
                //   current velocity  +=                         error                       /    (time to get there / step interval)
                //                               requested speed            -  last motor speed
                m_angularMotorVelocity.X += (m_angularMotorDirection.X - m_angularMotorVelocity.X) / (m_angularMotorTimescale / timestep);
                m_angularMotorVelocity.Y += (m_angularMotorDirection.Y - m_angularMotorVelocity.Y) / (m_angularMotorTimescale / timestep);
                m_angularMotorVelocity.Z += (m_angularMotorDirection.Z - m_angularMotorVelocity.Z) / (m_angularMotorTimescale / timestep);

                m_angularMotorApply--;        // This is done so that if script request rate is less than phys frame rate the expected
                // velocity may still be acheived.
                // no motor recently applied, keep the body velocity

                /*        m_angularMotorVelocity.X = angularVelocity.X;
                 *      m_angularMotorVelocity.Y = angularVelocity.Y;
                 *      m_angularMotorVelocity.Z = angularVelocity.Z; */

                // and decay the velocity
                m_angularMotorVelocity -= m_angularMotorVelocity / (m_angularMotorDecayTimescale / timestep);
            } // end motor section

            // Vertical attractor section
            Vector3 vertattr = Vector3.Zero;

            if (m_verticalAttractionTimescale < 300)
                float VAservo = 0.2f / (m_verticalAttractionTimescale * timestep);
                // get present body rotation
                btQuaternion rot  = m_body.getWorldTransform().getRotation();
                Quaternion   rotq = new Quaternion(rot.getX(), rot.getY(), rot.getZ(), rot.getW());
                // make a vector pointing up
                Vector3 verterr = Vector3.Zero;
                verterr.Z = 1.0f;
                // rotate it to Body Angle
                verterr = verterr * rotq;
                // verterr.X and .Y are the World error ammounts. They are 0 when there is no error (Vehicle Body is 'vertical'), and .Z will be 1.
                // As the body leans to its side |.X| will increase to 1 and .Z fall to 0. As body inverts |.X| will fall and .Z will go
                // negative. Similar for tilt and |.Y|. .X and .Y must be modulated to prevent a stable inverted body.
                if (verterr.Z < 0.0f)
                    verterr.X = 2.0f - verterr.X;
                    verterr.Y = 2.0f - verterr.Y;
                // Error is 0 (no error) to +/- 2 (max error)
                // scale it by VAservo
                verterr = verterr * VAservo;
                //if (frcount == 0) Console.WriteLine("VAerr=" + verterr);

                // As the body rotates around the X axis, then verterr.Y increases; Rotated around Y then .X increases, so
                // Change  Body angular velocity  X based on Y, and Y based on X. Z is not changed.
                vertattr.X = verterr.Y;
                vertattr.Y = -verterr.X;
                vertattr.Z = 0f;

                // scaling appears better usingsquare-law
                float bounce = 1.0f - (m_verticalAttractionEfficiency * m_verticalAttractionEfficiency);
                vertattr.X += bounce * angularVelocity.getX();
                vertattr.Y += bounce * angularVelocity.getY();
            } // else vertical attractor is off

            //        m_lastVertAttractor = vertattr;

            // Bank section tba
            // Deflection section tba

            // Sum velocities
            m_lastAngularVelocity = m_angularMotorVelocity + vertattr; // + bank + deflection

            if ((m_flags & (VehicleFlag.NO_DEFLECTION_UP)) != 0)
                m_lastAngularVelocity.X = 0;
                m_lastAngularVelocity.Y = 0;

            // apply friction
            Vector3 decayamount = Vector3.One / (m_angularFrictionTimescale / timestep);

            m_lastAngularVelocity -= m_lastAngularVelocity * decayamount;

            // Apply to the body
            m_body.setAngularVelocity(new btVector3(m_lastAngularVelocity.X, m_lastAngularVelocity.Y, m_lastAngularVelocity.Z));
Esempio n. 35
		public void shortestArcQuatNormalize2( ref btVector3 v0, ref btVector3 v1, out btQuaternion result )
			btVector3 _v0;
			btVector3 _v1;
			v0.normalized( out _v0 );
			v1.normalized( out _v1 );
			shortestArcQuat( ref _v0, ref _v1, out result );
Esempio n. 36
		/*@brief Subtract out a quaternion
		  @param q The quaternion to subtract from this one */
		public static void Sub( ref btQuaternion q1, ref btQuaternion q2, out btQuaternion result )
			result.x = q1.x - q2.x;
			result.y = q1.y - q2.y;
			result.z = q1.z - q2.z;
			result.w = q1.w - q2.w;
Esempio n. 37
 public static void calculateVelocityQuaternion(btVector3 pos0, btVector3 pos1, btQuaternion orn0, btQuaternion orn1, float timeStep, btVector3 linVel, btVector3 angVel)
     BulletPINVOKE.btTransformUtil_calculateVelocityQuaternion(btVector3.getCPtr(pos0), btVector3.getCPtr(pos1), btQuaternion.getCPtr(orn0), btQuaternion.getCPtr(orn1), timeStep, btVector3.getCPtr(linVel), btVector3.getCPtr(angVel));
     if (BulletPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
         throw BulletPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
Esempio n. 38
		/*@brief Return the negative of this quaternion 
		 * This simply negates each element */
		public void Sub( btQuaternion q, out btQuaternion result )
			result.x = x - q.x;
			result.y = y - q.y;
			result.z = z - q.z;
			result.w = w - q.w;
Esempio n. 39
		/*@brief Return the []half[] angle between this quaternion and the other
		 @param q The other quaternion */
		double angle( ref btQuaternion q )
			double s = btScalar.btSqrt( length2() * q.length2() );
			//Debug.Assert( s != 0.0 );
			return btScalar.btAcos( dot( ref q ) / s );
Esempio n. 40
		/*@brief Return the quaternion which is the result of Spherical Linear Interpolation between this and the other quaternion
		 * @param q The other quaternion to interpolate with 
		 * @param t The ratio between this and q to interpolate. * If t = 0 the result is this, if t=1 the result is q.
		 * Slerp interpolates assuming constant velocity.  */
		void slerp( ref btQuaternion q, double t, out btQuaternion result )
			double magnitude = btScalar.btSqrt( length2() * q.length2() );
			//Debug.Assert( magnitude > (double)( 0 ) );

			double product = dot( ref q ) / magnitude;
			if( btScalar.btFabs( product ) < 1 )
				// Take care of long angle case see
				double sign = ( product < 0 ) ? -1 : 1;

				double theta = btScalar.btAcos( sign * product );
				double s1 = btScalar.btSin( sign * t * theta );
				double d = 1.0 / btScalar.btSin( theta );
				double s0 = btScalar.btSin( ( 1.0 - t ) * theta );
				result.x = ( x * s0 + q.x * s1 ) * d;
				result.y = ( y * s0 + q.y * s1 ) * d;
				result.z = ( z * s0 + q.z * s1 ) * d;
				result.w = ( w * s0 + q.w * s1 ) * d;
				result = this;
Esempio n. 41
		/*@brief Return the inverse of this quaternion */
		public void inverse( out btQuaternion result )
			result.x = -x;
			result.y = -y;
			result.z = -z;
			result.w = w;
Esempio n. 42
        public btQuaternion getOrientation()
            btQuaternion ret = new btQuaternion(BulletPINVOKE.btRigidBody_getOrientation(swigCPtr), true);

Esempio n. 43
		/*@todo document this and it's use */
		public void nearest( ref btQuaternion qd, out btQuaternion result )
			btQuaternion diff, sum;
			this.Sub( ref qd, out diff );
			this.Add( ref qd, out sum );
			if( ref diff ) < ref sum ) )
				result = qd;
			qd.inverse( out result );
Esempio n. 44
        public static btQuaternion getIdentity()
            btQuaternion ret = new btQuaternion(BulletPINVOKE.btQuaternion_getIdentity(), false);

Esempio n. 45
		//public double getw { return w; }
		public void serialize(struct btQuaternionData& dataOut);

public void deSerialize(stringstruct btQuaternionData& dataIn);

	public void serializeFloat(struct btQuaternionFloatData& dataOut);

public void deSerializeFloat(stringstruct btQuaternionFloatData& dataIn);

	public void serializeDouble(struct btQuaternionDoubleData& dataOut);

public void deSerializeDouble(stringstruct btQuaternionDoubleData& dataIn);

		public static void Apply( ref btQuaternion q, ref btVector3 w, out btQuaternion result )
			result.x = q.w * w.x + q.y * w.z - q.z * w.y;
			result.y = q.w * w.y + q.z * w.x - q.x * w.z;
			result.z = q.w * w.z + q.x * w.y - q.y * w.x;
			result.w = -q.x * w.x - q.y * w.y - q.z * w.z;
Esempio n. 46
		public void Mult( ref btQuaternion q2, out btQuaternion result )
			result.x = w * q2.x + x * q2.w + y * q2.z - z * q2.y;
			result.y = w * q2.y + y * q2.w + z * q2.x - x * q2.z;
			result.z = w * q2.z + z * q2.w + x * q2.y - y * q2.x;
			result.w = w * q2.w - x * q2.x - y * q2.y - z * q2.z;
Esempio n. 47
		/*@brief Calculate the dot product between two quaternions */
		public static double dot( ref btQuaternion q1, ref btQuaternion q2 )
			return ref q2 );
Esempio n. 48
		public void Mult( ref btVector3 w, out btQuaternion result )
			result.x = this.w * w.x + y * w.z - z * w.y;
			result.y = this.w * w.y + z * w.x - x * w.z;
			result.z = this.w * w.z + x * w.y - y * w.x;
			result.w = -x * w.x - y * w.y - z * w.z;
Esempio n. 49
		/*@brief Return the angle between two quaternions*/
		public static double btAngle( ref btQuaternion q1, ref btQuaternion q2 )
			return q1.angle( ref q2 );
Esempio n. 50
		/*@brief Return the dot product between this quaternion and another
		  @param q The other quaternion */
		public double dot( ref btQuaternion q )
			return x * q.x +
					y * q.y +
					z * q.z +
					w * q.w;
Esempio n. 51
		/*@brief Return the result of spherical linear interpolation betwen two quaternions 
		  @param q1 The first quaternion
		  @param q2 The second quaternion 
		  @param t The ration between q1 and q2.  t = 0 return q1, t=1 returns q2 
		  Slerp assumes constant velocity between positions. */
		public void slerp( ref btQuaternion q1, ref btQuaternion q2, double t, out btQuaternion result )
			q1.slerp( ref q2, t, out result );
Esempio n. 52
		/*@brief Return a scaled version of this quaternion
		  @param s The scale factor */
		public void Mult( double s, out btQuaternion result )
			result.x = x * s;
			result.y = y * s;
			result.z = z * s;
			result.w = w * s;
Esempio n. 53
		public static void shortestArcQuat( ref btVector3 v0, ref btVector3 v1, out btQuaternion result ) // Game Programming Gems 2.10 make sure v0,v1 are normalized
			btVector3 c;
			v0.cross( ref v1, out c );
			double d = ref v1 );

			if( d < -1.0 + btScalar.SIMD_EPSILON )
				btVector3 n, unused;
				btVector3.btPlaneSpace1( ref v0, out n, out unused );
				result.x = n.x; result.y = n.y; result.z = n.z; result.w = 0.0f; // just pick any vector that is orthogonal to v0

			double s = btScalar.btSqrt( ( 1.0f + d ) * 2.0f );
			double rs = 1.0f / s;
			result.x = c.x * rs;
			result.y = c.y * rs;
			result.z = c.z * rs;
			result.w = s * 0.5f;
Esempio n. 54
		/*@brief Return an inversely scaled versionof this quaternion
		  @param s The inverse scale factor */
		public static void Div( ref btQuaternion q, double s, out btQuaternion result )
			//Debug.Assert( s != 0.0 );
			q.Mult( ( 1.0 / s ), out result );
Esempio n. 55
		public bool Equals( ref btQuaternion q )
			return ( q.x == x ) && ( q.y == y ) && ( q.z == z ) && ( q.w == w );
Esempio n. 56
        public btQuaternion getRotation()
            btQuaternion ret = new btQuaternion(BulletPINVOKE.btTransform_getRotation(swigCPtr), true);

Esempio n. 57
		public static void Mult( ref btQuaternion q, double s, out btVector3 result )
			result.x = q.x * s;
			result.y = q.y * s;
			result.z = q.z * s;
			result.w = q.w * s;
Esempio n. 58
		/*@brief Multiply this quaternion by q on the right
		  @param q The other quaternion 
		  Equivilant to this = this * q */
		public static void Mult( ref btQuaternion q1, ref btQuaternion q2, out btQuaternion result )
			result.x = q1.w * q2.x + q1.x * q2.w + q1.y * q2.z - q1.z * q2.y;
			result.y = q1.w * q2.y + q1.y * q2.w + q1.z * q2.x - q1.x * q2.z;
			result.z = q1.w * q2.z + q1.z * q2.w + q1.x * q2.y - q1.y * q2.x;
			result.w = q1.w * q2.w - q1.x * q2.x - q1.y * q2.y - q1.z * q2.z;
Esempio n. 59
		/*@brief Subtract out a quaternion
		  @param q The quaternion to subtract from this one */
		public void Sub( ref btQuaternion q2, out btQuaternion result )
			result.x = x - q2.x;
			result.y = y - q2.y;
			result.z = z - q2.z;
			result.w = w - q2.w;
Esempio n. 60
 internal static global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef getCPtr(btQuaternion obj)
     return((obj == null) ? new global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef(null, global::System.IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr);