Esempio n. 1
 static void CopyPrice(int[] cost, board[] MinBoards)
     for (int i = 0; i < cost.Length; i++)
         cost[i] = MinBoards[i].price;
Esempio n. 2
        public ActionResult <int> DeleteNodes([FromRoute] Int32 boardId, [FromBody] dynamic requestBody)
            string authorization = Request.Headers["Authorization"];
            string token         = authorization.Substring("Bearer ".Length).Trim();
            Int16  userId        = _userService.GetUserId(token);
            board  board         = _context.board.FirstOrDefault(x => == boardId && x.owner_id == userId && x.deleted_at == null);

            if (board == null)
                throw new MindnoteException("嗚喔! 分類已經被刪除,無法瀏覽", HttpStatusCode.NotFound);

            int[] nodeIds = requestBody.nodeIds.ToObject <int[]>();

            List <node> nodes = _context.node.Where(x => nodeIds.Contains( && x.board_id ==;

            foreach (node node in nodes)
                node.deleted_at = DateTime.Now;
                node.updated_at = DateTime.Now;

Esempio n. 3
        public ActionResult <view_node> GetNode([FromRoute] Int32 boardId, [FromRoute] Int32 nodeId)
            view_node result = _contextForView.view_node.FirstOrDefault(x =>
                                                               == nodeId && x.deleted_at == null && x.board_id == boardId);

            board board = _context.board.FirstOrDefault(x => == boardId && x.deleted_at == null);

            if (board == null)
                throw new MindnoteException("嗚喔! 筆記的分類已經被刪除,無法瀏覽", HttpStatusCode.NotFound);
            else if (!board.is_public)
                throw new MindnoteException("這個分類被作者隱藏起來了~~", HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized);
            else if (result == null)
                throw new MindnoteException("嗚喔! 筆記已經被刪除,無法瀏覽", HttpStatusCode.NotFound);
Esempio n. 4
 public void TestMethod1()
     board b = new board();
Esempio n. 5
 public boardAnalyzer(board boardInstance, int direction)  //Overridden constructor -- boardAnalyzer.directionIndex
     board            = boardInstance;
     currentDirection = direction;
Esempio n. 6
 moves.AddRange(GetKingMoves(board, piecePos));
Esempio n. 7
 void Awake()
     gb = GameObject.Find("mboard").GetComponent <board>();
Esempio n. 8
 moves.AddRange(Rook.GetRookMoves(board, piecePos));
Esempio n. 9
 return(GetRookMoves(board, piecePos));
Esempio n. 10
 return(GetBishopMoves(board, piecePos));
Esempio n. 11
 // Use this for initialization
 void Awake()
     gb    = GameObject.Find("mboard").GetComponent <board>();
     text1 = GameObject.Find("Canvas/Text1");
Esempio n. 12
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()

        switch (YetiGameData.SelectedYeti)
        case YetiGameData.YetiType.NormalYeti:

        case YetiGameData.YetiType.LankyYeti:

        case YetiGameData.YetiType.FemaleYeti:


        currentBoard = 0;
        currentYeti  = 0;

        //targetTransform = startingCameraTransform;

        mainCamera.enabled     = true;
        startingCamera.enabled = false;
        leftCamera.enabled     = false;
        rightCamera.enabled    = false;
        clerkCamera.enabled    = false;

        //default board
        boardArray[0] = new board("Basic Board", 0, "A basic board to start you off.", snowBoard1, YetiGameData.BoardType.NormalBoard);

        //sideSpeed board
        boardArray[1] = new board("Agile Board", 50, "A board that handles well, allowing you to move side to side easier.", snowBoard2, YetiGameData.BoardType.YetiBoard);

        //accel board
        boardArray[2] = new board("Sleek Board", 100, "This board is slimmer and sleeker then the others, allowing you to reach your top speeds faster!", snowBoard3, YetiGameData.BoardType.WampBoard);

        //mag board
        boardArray[3] = new board("Magnetic Board", 300, "This board has a built in Cold Cash magnet!", snowBoard4, YetiGameData.BoardType.ATATBoard);

        //c val board
        boardArray[4] = new board("Money Board", 500, "A board with the innate ability to make Cold Cash more valuable.", snowBoard5, YetiGameData.BoardType.CashBoard);

        //default yeti
        yetiArray[0] = new yeti("OG Yeti", 0, "The original yeti.", yeti1, YetiGameData.YetiType.NormalYeti);

        //lanky yeti
        yetiArray[1] = new yeti("Lanky Yeti", 1500, "A lankier, smoother yeti.", yeti2, YetiGameData.YetiType.LankyYeti);

        //lanky yeti
        yetiArray[2] = new yeti("Female Yeti", 1500, "Yetis can be female too.", yeti3, YetiGameData.YetiType.FemaleYeti);

        whichView = 1;
Esempio n. 13
        static void heapify(board[] arr)
            int end = arr.Length - 1;   //last child
            int start = (end - 1) / 2;  //last parent

            while (start >= 0)
                siftDown(arr, start, end);
Esempio n. 14
        static void FindMinCost(board[] boards, int M, int K)
            int N = boards.Length;
            board[] cost = new board[K];

            int minCost;
            int totalCost = 0;

            int ndx;

            for (ndx = 0; ndx < K; ndx++)
                cost[ndx] = boards[ndx];    //Get the 1st K boards
                cost[ndx].InHeap = true;
                cost[ndx].HeapIndex = ndx;
                totalCost += cost[ndx].price;
            //Place Cost arr in Max Heap

            //For the 1st M boards, we will have the Min Cost at the end of the loop
            for (; ndx < M; ndx++)
                if (cost[0].price > boards[ndx].price)
                    cost[0].InHeap = false;  //Remove from heap
                    cost[0].HeapIndex = -1; //reset heap index to -1
                    totalCost -= cost[0].price;
                    cost[0] = boards[ndx];
                    cost[0].InHeap = true;
                    cost[0].HeapIndex = 0;
                    totalCost += cost[0].price;
                    siftDown(cost, 0, cost.Length - 1);
            int[] MinArr = new int[cost.Length];
            CopyPrice(MinArr, cost);
            minCost = totalCost;
            //Iterate over each M consecutive boards
            int start = 0;
            for (; ndx < N; ndx++)
                if (boards[start].InHeap)   //remove element out of current window
                    //Remove from heap
                    boards[start].InHeap = false;
                    totalCost -= boards[start].price;
                    cost[boards[start].HeapIndex] = boards[ndx];
                    totalCost += boards[ndx].price;
                    cost[boards[start].HeapIndex].HeapIndex = boards[start].HeapIndex;
                    boards[start].HeapIndex = -1;
                    siftDown(cost, 0, cost.Length - 1);
                else if (cost[0].price > boards[ndx].price)
                    cost[0].InHeap = false; //Replace Max Heap element with element in current window
                    cost[0].HeapIndex = -1;
                    totalCost -= cost[0].price;
                    cost[0] = boards[ndx];
                    cost[0].InHeap = true;
                    cost[0].HeapIndex = 0;
                    totalCost += cost[0].price;
                    siftDown(cost, 0, cost.Length - 1);
                if (totalCost < minCost)
                    CopyPrice(MinArr, cost);
                    minCost = totalCost;

            Console.Write("Min cost elements: ");
            foreach (int i in MinArr)
                Console.Write("{0} ", i);
            Console.WriteLine("\nTotal min cost = {0}", minCost);
Esempio n. 15
        static void siftDown(board[] arr, int start, int end)
            int root = start;

            while ((2 * root + 1) <= end)
                int child = 2 * root + 1;
                int swap = root;

                if (arr[swap].price < arr[child].price)
                    swap = child;

                if ((child + 1 <= end) && (arr[swap].price < arr[child + 1].price))
                    swap = child + 1;

                if (swap != root)
                    board temp = arr[swap];
                    arr[swap] = arr[root];
                    arr[swap].HeapIndex = swap;
                    arr[root] = temp;
                    arr[root].HeapIndex = root;
Esempio n. 16
        static void Main(string[] args)
            int[] price = { 7, 10, 9, 3, 10, 12, 4, 8, 6, 5 };
            board[] boards = new board[price.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < price.Length; i++)
                boards[i] = new board(price[i]);

            FindMinCost(boards, 7, 3);
Esempio n. 17
 // Array of all letters' list of coordinates.
 IList <(int x, int y)>[] charToPositionMappingArray = MapLettersFromBoardIntoArray(board: board);
Esempio n. 18
 base.TakeTurn(board, spot);
Esempio n. 19
        private void compMove()
            //snapshot and worker square[8, 8] arrays
            board brd = new board();

            Array.Copy(game.squares, brd.snapshot, game.squares.Length);

            Array.Copy(game.squares, brd.worker, game.squares.Length);

            //blank moveBoard
            MoveBoard[,] movboard = new MoveBoard[8, 8];

            //blank panels
            Panel[,] pans = new Panel[8, 8];

            //Piece being evaled
            Piece currEval = new Piece();

            //dictionary that stores points that each piece has in algorithm
            Dictionary <Piece, int> hits = new Dictionary <Piece, int>();

            //dictionary that temporarily stores the max points a Piece has, used for deciding which move a piece will make
            Dictionary <Piece, int> tempHits = new Dictionary <Piece, int>();

            //dictionary that temporarily stores the max points a Piece has, used for deciding best move to make after initial piece move
            Dictionary <Piece, int> tempHits_2 = new Dictionary <Piece, int>();

            //populate dictionary
            foreach (Piece pce in game.opponentPieces)
                if (pce.alive)
                    hits.Add(pce, 0);
                    tempHits.Add(pce, 0);

            //how far to look ahead, based on difficulty
            int limiter = 0;

            if (game.difficulty == "easy")
                limiter = 20;
            else if (game.difficulty == "medium")
                limiter = 30;
                limiter = 40;

            foreach (Piece pce in game.opponentPieces)
                /*Here we start by making every piece have a shot at moving first, the one that allows the best future moves,
                 * will be selected and moved. I know it's primitive, but we're not trying to outdo HAL! */

                Array.Copy(brd.snapshot, brd.worker, brd.snapshot.Length);
                Array.Clear(movboard, 0, movboard.Length);

                currEval = pce;

                bool isCheck = false;

                if (pce.alive)
                    //first move
                    showValidMoves(pce, brd.worker, ref movboard, ref pans);

                    //now cycle through each potetial move of each potential piece we could move
                    for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++)
                        for (int y = 0; y < 8; y++)
                            if (movboard[x, y].moveable)
                                //now move to each movable slot
                                move(pce, x, y, false, ref brd.worker, out isCheck);
                                if (!isCheck)
                                    //add points to piece since it was able to be moved, helps AI break check situation
                                    hits[pce] += 10;

                                    //now we dig deeper
                                    for (int a = 0; a < limiter; a++)
                                        //run through pieces, the one that has most move options is chosen
                                        // NOTE : IN FUTURE, OPTIMIZE THIS SECTION FOR BETTER CRITERIA!

                                        foreach (Piece nextPce in game.opponentPieces)
                                            showValidMoves(nextPce, brd.worker, ref movboard, ref pans);
                                            for (int p = 0; p < 8; p++)
                                                for (int q = 0; q < 8; q++)
                                                    if (movboard[p, q].moveable)
                                                        if (brd.worker[p, q].name != null)
                                                            hits[pce]           += 40;
                                                            tempHits_2[nextPce] += 40;
                                                        hits[pce]           += 10;
                                                        tempHits_2[nextPce] += 10;

                                        //make move
                                        Piece holdr = new Piece();
                                        int   max   = 0;
                                        foreach (KeyValuePair <Piece, int> temp in tempHits_2)
                                            if (temp.Value > max)
                                                holdr = temp.Key;
                                                max   = temp.Value;

                                        //continue here, we made first move, now we found most profitable next move
                                        //finding moves that have holdr above average could be a better way of identing profitability
                                        //challenge : pick where holdr (most profitable piece moves to)

                                        foreach (Piece pice in game.opponentPieces)
                                            if ( ==
                                                //move most profitable second piece
Esempio n. 20
 BFS(board, visited, x, board[0].Length - 1);
Esempio n. 21
        }//end board class

        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //some issues on how click new button.. should need to create new user and password

            string urlstring = "" + newPlayer.getOperation().ToString() + "?user="******"&pass="******"Error".ToString())
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Close form");

                Int64[] tempboard = new Int64[64];

                for (int i = 0; i < tempboard.Length; i++)
                    //this creates a problem as it invalid operation exception in Newtonsoft.Json.dll
                    tempboard[i] = (Int64)jObject.Root["Board"][i];
                }//end for loop

                board gameboard = new board(tempboard);
                //test printing

                Button[] buttons    = Controls.OfType <Button>().OrderBy(b => b.TabIndex).ToArray();
                int      tempbutton = 0;

                //buttons[1].Click += (sender1, ex) => System.Console.WriteLine("button " + 1 + " pressed");


                for (int i = 0; i < tempboard.Length; i++)
                    tempbutton = gameboard.getvalue(i);

                    //cheat to create the click handlers for setOnClick()
                    //System.Console.WriteLine("button[" + i + "].Click += (sender1, ex) => System.Console.WriteLine(\"button \" + " + i + " + \" pressed\");");

                    buttons[i].Text = "" + tempbutton;

                    if (tempbutton == 1)
                        //it does not work while candies inside test2project, only on C drive

                        //   buttons[i].BackgroundImage = (Bitmap)Image.FromFile(@"C:\tmp\candy1.bmp", true);//there seems to be issue with buttons as it is not working..
                        buttons[i].BackgroundImage = (Bitmap)Image.FromFile(@"C:\Users\User\Desktop\candies\candies1.bmp", true);
                    else if (tempbutton == 2)
                        //    buttons[i].BackgroundImage = (Bitmap)Image.FromFile(@"C:\tmp\candy2.bmp", true);//there seems to be issue with buttons as it is not working..
                        buttons[i].BackgroundImage = (Bitmap)Image.FromFile(@"C:\Users\User\Desktop\candies\candies2.bmp", true);
                    else if (tempbutton == 3)
                        //     buttons[i].BackgroundImage = (Bitmap)Image.FromFile(@"C:\tmp\candy3.bmp", true);//there seems to be issue with buttons as it is not working..
                        buttons[i].BackgroundImage = (Bitmap)Image.FromFile(@"C:\Users\User\Desktop\candies\candies3.bmp", true);
                    else if (tempbutton == 4)
                        //      buttons[i].BackgroundImage = (Bitmap)Image.FromFile(@"C:\tmp\candy4.bmp", true);//there seems to be issue with buttons as it is not working..
                        buttons[i].BackgroundImage = (Bitmap)Image.FromFile(@"C:\Users\User\Desktop\candies\candies4.bmp", true);
                } //end for
            }     //end json error block

            //added the else statement to make clear

                MessageBox.Show("Bad user name or password");
        }//end form 1 load method
Esempio n. 22
 if (IsValid(board, i, j))
    static int Main(string[] args)
        theboard = new board();

            for (int y = 0; y < 3; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++)
                    if (theboard.myboard[x, y] == board.field.none)
                    else if (theboard.myboard[x, y] == board.field.x)
                    else if (theboard.myboard[x, y] == board.field.o)
            string turn = "o";
            if (xTurn)
                turn = "x";
            Console.WriteLine("It is " + turn + "'s Turn!");
            string input;

            Console.WriteLine("Pls input value");
            input = Console.ReadLine();

            if (!input.Contains(","))

            string[]   substrings   = input.Split(',');
            List <int> i_substrings = new List <int>();
            foreach (string s in substrings)
                int parsedinput;
                if (int.TryParse(s, out parsedinput))
                    Console.Write("not a valid number");
                    error = true;
            if (xTurn)
                theboard.myboard[i_substrings[1], i_substrings[0]] = board.field.x;
                theboard.myboard[i_substrings[1], i_substrings[0]] = board.field.o;
            xTurn = !xTurn;
        }while (!error);

 // 添加网站首页的公告
 public board Add([FromBody] board b)
Esempio n. 25
        //main game
        public static void Play(playerClass p, board[] b, int f)
            floor = f;
            character = p;
            gameMaps = b;
            ConsoleKeyInfo cki;
                if (f > gameMaps.Length - 1)
                board presentMap = gameMaps[f];
                Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 0);
                int[] player = presentMap.playerLocation();
                int x = player[0];
                int y = player[1];

                if (

                    Console.WriteLine("Where would you like to go?");
                    Console.Write("(G)eneral Store, (A)rmory, (O)ut of Town:");
                    cki = Console.ReadKey();
                    if (cki.Key == ConsoleKey.G)
                        generalStore genStore = Program.generateGeneralStore(f);
                    else if (cki.Key == ConsoleKey.A)
                        itemShop ItemShop = Program.generateItemStore(f);
                    else if (cki.Key == ConsoleKey.O)
                    cki = Console.ReadKey();
                    if (cki.Key == ConsoleKey.UpArrow)
                        presentMap.moveUP(x, y);
                    else if (cki.Key == ConsoleKey.DownArrow)
                        presentMap.moveDOWN(x, y);
                    else if (cki.Key == ConsoleKey.LeftArrow)
                        presentMap.moveLEFT(x, y);
                    else if (cki.Key == ConsoleKey.RightArrow)
                        presentMap.moveRIGHT(x, y);
                    if (presentMap.checkStairs(x, y))
                    if (cki.Key == ConsoleKey.Enter)
            } while (cki.Key != ConsoleKey.Escape);
            Program.Save(character, gameMaps, f);
Esempio n. 26
 return(TryPlacePiece(board, piece, out bitmap, out x, out y));
Esempio n. 27
 return(GetKnightMoves(board, piecePos));
Esempio n. 28
 //creates gameSave
 public gameSave(playerClass p, board[] b, int f)
     player = p;
     gameBoard = b;
     floor = f;
Esempio n. 29
        }//end board class

        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string urlstring = "";

            //urlstring +=

            WebClient    client = new WebClient();
            Stream       stream = client.OpenRead(urlstring);
            StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream);

            Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject jObject = Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject.Parse(reader.ReadLine());

            // instead of WriteLine, 2 or 3 lines of code here using WebClient to download the file

            //i wonder if this is an issue??


            Int64[] tempboard = new Int64[64];

            for (int i = 0; i < tempboard.Length; i++)
                //this creates a problem as it invalid operation exception in Newtonsoft.Json.dll
                tempboard[i] = (Int64)jObject.Root["Board"][i];
            }//end for loop

            board gameboard = new board(tempboard);

            //test printing

            Button[] buttons    = this.Controls.OfType <Button>().ToArray();
            int      tempbutton = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < tempboard.Length; i++)
                tempbutton = gameboard.getvalue(i);

                System.Console.WriteLine(tempbutton + " tempbutton " + i + " is the i");

                buttons[i].Text = "" + tempbutton;

                if (tempbutton == 1)
                    //it does not work while candies inside test2project, only on C drive
                    //buttons[i].BackgroundImage = new Bitmap(@"C:\Users\User\Desktop\candies\candies1.bmp");//button works, only with C directory instead of local C# project directory..

                    //BackgroundImage or Image

                    // Set the image property.
                    buttons[i].BackgroundImage = (Bitmap)Image.FromFile(@"C:\Users\User\Desktop\candies\candies1.bmp", true);
                else if (tempbutton == 2)
                    buttons[i].BackgroundImage = new Bitmap(@"C:\Users\User\Desktop\candies\candies2.bmp");
                else if (tempbutton == 3)
                    buttons[i].BackgroundImage = new Bitmap(@"C:\Users\User\Desktop\candies\candies3.bmp");
                else if (tempbutton == 4)
                    buttons[i].BackgroundImage = new Bitmap(@"C:\Users\User\Desktop\candies\candies4.bmp");
            } //end for
        }     //end form 1 load method
Esempio n. 30
        static void FindMinCost(board[] boards, int M, int K)
            int N = boards.Length;

            board[] cost = new board[K];

            int minCost;
            int totalCost = 0;

            int ndx;

            for (ndx = 0; ndx < K; ndx++)
                cost[ndx]           = boards[ndx]; //Get the 1st K boards
                cost[ndx].InHeap    = true;
                cost[ndx].HeapIndex = ndx;
                totalCost          += cost[ndx].price;
            //Place Cost arr in Max Heap

            //For the 1st M boards, we will have the Min Cost at the end of the loop
            for (; ndx < M; ndx++)
                if (cost[0].price > boards[ndx].price)
                    cost[0].InHeap    = false; //Remove from heap
                    cost[0].HeapIndex = -1;    //reset heap index to -1
                    totalCost        -= cost[0].price;
                    cost[0]           = boards[ndx];
                    cost[0].InHeap    = true;
                    cost[0].HeapIndex = 0;
                    totalCost        += cost[0].price;
                    siftDown(cost, 0, cost.Length - 1);
            int[] MinArr = new int[cost.Length];
            CopyPrice(MinArr, cost);
            minCost = totalCost;
            //Iterate over each M consecutive boards
            int start = 0;

            for (; ndx < N; ndx++)
                if (boards[start].InHeap)   //remove element out of current window
                    //Remove from heap
                    boards[start].InHeap                    = false;
                    totalCost                              -= boards[start].price;
                    cost[boards[start].HeapIndex]           = boards[ndx];
                    totalCost                              += boards[ndx].price;
                    cost[boards[start].HeapIndex].HeapIndex = boards[start].HeapIndex;
                    boards[start].HeapIndex                 = -1;
                    siftDown(cost, 0, cost.Length - 1);
                else if (cost[0].price > boards[ndx].price)
                    cost[0].InHeap    = false; //Replace Max Heap element with element in current window
                    cost[0].HeapIndex = -1;
                    totalCost        -= cost[0].price;
                    cost[0]           = boards[ndx];
                    cost[0].InHeap    = true;
                    cost[0].HeapIndex = 0;
                    totalCost        += cost[0].price;
                    siftDown(cost, 0, cost.Length - 1);
                if (totalCost < minCost)
                    CopyPrice(MinArr, cost);
                    minCost = totalCost;

            Console.Write("Min cost elements: ");
            foreach (int i in MinArr)
                Console.Write("{0} ", i);
            Console.WriteLine("\nTotal min cost = {0}", minCost);