protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { this.ucMessanger1.ClearMessages(); this.ucMessanger1.UnmarkControls(); bizMessage bizM = new bizMessage(); if (this.lstExecutives.SelectedValue == "") { this.ucMessanger1.ProcessMessage("Account Executive: " + bizM.GetMessageText("ValueNotSelected"), Enums.enMsgType.Err, "", null, true); return; } bizClient biz = new bizClient(); if (biz.TransferClient(int.Parse(Request.QueryString["cid"]), this.lstExecutives.SelectedValue) == true) { Response.Redirect("FindClient.aspx", false); } this.ucMessanger1.ProcessMessages(biz.MSGS, true); } catch (Exception ex) { bizLog.InsertExceptionLog(ex); Response.Redirect("~/ErrorPage.aspx", false); } }
private void PopulateOpportunities() { var bizM = new bizMessage(); var biz = new bizClient(); var ss = biz.FindOpportunities(txtFindOpportunity.Text); lstOpportunity.Items.Clear(); if (txtFindOpportunity.Text != "") { foreach (var s in ss) { lstOpportunity.Items.Add(new ListItem(s, s)); } lstOpportunity.Visible = true; divOpportunities.Visible = true; lblFoundOpportunities.Text = lstOpportunity.Items.Count + " opportunities found"; } else { lstOpportunity.Visible = false; divSource.Visible = false; lblFoundOpportunities.Text = ""; } }
private void PopulateClientDetails() { bizMessage bizM = new bizMessage(); bizClient biz = new bizClient(); Client c; c = biz.GetClient(int.Parse(Request.QueryString["cid"])); this.ucMessanger1.ProcessMessages(biz.MSGS, true); if (c == null) { return; } //client details this.lblClientName.Text = c.ClientName; this.lblOfficePhone.Text = c.OfficePhone; if (c.Address == null) { this.lblAddress.Text = "no address"; this.lblAddress.CssClass = "page-text-nodata"; } else { this.lblAddress.Text = c.Address + ", " + c.Location + " " + c.StateCode + " " + c.PostCode; } if (c.Industry != null) { this.lblAssociation.Text = c.Industry.IndustryName + " (" + c.Industry.AnzsicCode + ")"; } if (c.AssociationCode != null) { this.lblAssociation.Text = c.Association.AssociationName; } //executive var u = bizUser.GetSMIAccountExecutiveIdBOAMPSUserName(c.AccountExecutiveID); bizUser.enGageUser exec = bizUser.GetAccountExecutive(u); this.ucMessanger1.ProcessMessages(biz.MSGS, false); this.lblAccountExecutive.Text = "<b>" + exec.DisplayName + "</b>" + ", " + exec.Branch + " (" + exec.Region + ")"; if (c.Inactive == true) { this.lblClientName.Enabled = false; this.lblOfficePhone.Enabled = false; this.lblAddress.Enabled = false; this.lblAssociation.Enabled = false; this.lblAccountExecutive.Enabled = false; } else { this.lblClientName.Enabled = true; this.lblOfficePhone.Enabled = true; this.lblAddress.Enabled = true; this.lblAssociation.Enabled = true; this.lblAccountExecutive.Enabled = true; } }
private void PopulateClientFromBA() { bizMessage bizM = new bizMessage(); bizClient biz = new bizClient(); List <sp_engage_get_clientResult> client; client = biz.GetClientFromBA(Request.QueryString["cc"].ToString()); this.ucMessanger1.ProcessMessages(biz.MSGS, true); if (client.Count == 1) { this.txtClientCode.Text = client[0].ClientCode; this.txtClientName.Text = client[0].ClientName; this.txtAddress.Text = client[0].Address_Line_1 + "\n" + client[0].Address_Line_2 + "\n" + client[0].Address_Line_3; this.txtOfficePhone.Text = client[0].Phone; this.txtOfficeFacsimilie.Text = client[0].Fax; this.txtABNACN.Text = client[0].ABN; int result; if (int.TryParse(client[0].Postcode, out result) == true && client[0].Postcode.Length == 4) { this.ucAUPSS1.PostCode = client[0].Postcode; } //if (this.ucAUPSS1.SuburbControl.Items.FindByValue(client[0].Suburb) != null) //{ // this.ucAUPSS1.Suburb = client[0].Suburb; //} this.txtSource.Text = "iBAIS"; if (client[0].Anzsic_Code != "") { this.txtFindIndustry.Text = client[0].Anzsic_Code; } PopulateIndustries(); if (this.lstIndustry.Items.Count == 1) { this.lstIndustry.SelectedIndex = 0; } if (client[0].ActiveClientInd.ToString() == "N") { if (this.ddlBusinessType.Items.Count > 0) { this.ddlBusinessType.SelectedValue = this.ddlBusinessType.Items.FindByText("Reclaimed business").Value; } } else { if (this.ddlBusinessType.Items.Count > 0) { this.ddlBusinessType.SelectedValue = this.ddlBusinessType.Items.FindByText("New business (Existing clients)").Value; } } } }
private void PopulateContacts() { bizClient biz = new bizClient(); List <sp_web_ListClientContactsResult> ccs = biz.ListClientContacts(int.Parse(Request.QueryString["cid"])); this.ucMessanger1.ProcessMessages(biz.MSGS, false); this.ddlContact.Items.Add(new ListItem("-- Please Select --", "")); foreach (sp_web_ListClientContactsResult cc in ccs) { this.ddlContact.Items.Add(new ListItem(cc.ContactName, cc.ContactID.ToString())); } }
private void PopulateClientDetails() { bizMessage bizM = new bizMessage(); bizSetting bizS = new bizSetting(); bizClient biz = new bizClient(); Client c; c = biz.GetClient(Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["cid"])); this.ucMessanger1.ProcessMessages(biz.MSGS, true); if (c == null) { return; } //general this.lblClientName.Text = c.ClientName; this.lblOfficeFacsimilie.Text = c.OfficeFacsimilie; this.lblOfficePhone.Text = c.OfficePhone; //address this.lblAddress.Text = c.Address + ", " + c.Location + " " + c.StateCode + " " + c.PostCode; //executive var u = bizUser.GetSMIAccountExecutiveIdBOAMPSUserName(c.AccountExecutiveID); bizUser.enGageUser exec = bizUser.GetAccountExecutive(u); this.ucMessanger1.ProcessMessages(biz.MSGS, false); this.lblAccountExecutive.Text = "<b>" + exec.DisplayName + "</b>" + ", " + exec.Branch + " (" + exec.Region + ")"; //active contacts bizContact bizA = new bizContact(); List <Contact> acons = c.Contacts.Where(co => co.Inactive == false).ToList(); this.grvActiveContacts.DataSource = acons; this.ucMessanger1.ProcessMessages(bizA.MSGS, false); this.grvActiveContacts.DataBind(); this.lblActiveContacts.Text = acons.Count.ToString(); //inactive contacts bizContact bizI = new bizContact(); List <Contact> icons = c.Contacts.Where(co => co.Inactive == true).ToList(); this.grvInactiveContacts.DataSource = icons; this.ucMessanger1.ProcessMessages(bizI.MSGS, false); this.grvInactiveContacts.DataBind(); this.lblInactiveContacts.Text = icons.Count.ToString(); //buttons this.btnBack.PostBackUrl = "ViewClient.aspx?cid=" + c.ClientID.ToString(); }
private void PopulateClientDetails() { bizMessage bizM = new bizMessage(); bizSetting bizS = new bizSetting(); bizClient biz = new bizClient(); Client c; c = biz.GetClient(Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["cid"])); this.ucMessanger1.ProcessMessages(biz.MSGS, true); if (c == null) { return; } //general this.lblClientName.Text = c.ClientName; this.lblOfficeFacsimilie.Text = c.OfficeFacsimilie; this.lblOfficePhone.Text = c.OfficePhone; //address this.lblAddress.Text = c.Address + ", " + c.Location + " " + c.StateCode + " " + c.PostCode; //executive var u = bizUser.GetSMIAccountExecutiveIdBOAMPSUserName(c.AccountExecutiveID); bizUser.enGageUser exec = bizUser.GetAccountExecutive(u); this.ucMessanger1.ProcessMessages(biz.MSGS, false); this.lblAccountExecutive.Text = "<b>" + exec.DisplayName + "</b>" + ", " + exec.Branch + " (" + exec.Region + ")"; //open opportunities List <sp_web_ListClientOpenOpportunitiesResult> ooppos = biz.ListClientOpenOpportunities(c.ClientID); this.ucMessanger1.ProcessMessages(biz.MSGS, false); this.grvOpenOpportunities.DataSource = ooppos; this.grvOpenOpportunities.DataBind(); this.lblOpenOpportunities.Text = ooppos.Count.ToString(); //open opportunities List <sp_web_ListClientClosedOpportunitiesResult> coppos = biz.ListClientClosedOpportunities(c.ClientID); this.ucMessanger1.ProcessMessages(biz.MSGS, false); this.grvClosedOpportunities.DataSource = coppos; this.grvClosedOpportunities.DataBind(); this.lblClosedOpportunities.Text = coppos.Count.ToString(); //buttons this.btnBack.PostBackUrl = "ViewClient.aspx?cid=" + c.ClientID.ToString(); }
private void PopulateAssociations() { bizMessage bizM = new bizMessage(); bizClient biz = new bizClient(); IQueryable <Association> asss = biz.ListAssociationsByIndustry(this.lstIndustry.SelectedValue); this.ucMessanger1.ProcessMessages(biz.MSGS, true); this.ddlAssociation.Items.Clear(); this.ddlAssociation.Items.Add(new ListItem("-- Please Select --", "")); foreach (Association ass in asss) { this.ddlAssociation.Items.Add(new ListItem(ass.AssociationName, ass.AssociationCode)); } }
protected void btnSetPrimary_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { bizClient biz = new bizClient(); if (biz.SetPrimaryContact(int.Parse(Request.QueryString["cid"]), int.Parse(Request.QueryString["coid"])) == true) { this.ucMessanger1.ProcessMessages(biz.MSGS, true); } } catch (Exception ex) { bizLog.InsertExceptionLog(ex); Response.Redirect("~/ErrorPage.aspx", false); } }
protected void grvContacts_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e) { try { if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) { Contact c = (Contact)e.Row.DataItem; if (c.Mobile == "") { e.Row.Cells[4].Text = "no mobile"; e.Row.Cells[4].CssClass = "lightgrey-italic"; } if (c.DirectLine == "") { e.Row.Cells[5].Text = "no direct line"; e.Row.Cells[5].CssClass = "lightgrey-italic"; } if (c.Email == "") { e.Row.Cells[6].Text = "no email address"; e.Row.Cells[6].CssClass = "lightgrey-italic"; } bizClient biz = new bizClient(); Client client = biz.GetClient(c.ClientID); if (client.PrimaryContactID == c.ContactID) { e.Row.Cells[3].CssClass = "blue-bold"; } e.Row.Attributes.Add("OnMouseOver", " = '#F4F3F0';'hand';"); e.Row.Attributes.Add("OnMouseOut", " = 'white';"); e.Row.Attributes["onClick"] = "location.href='ViewContact.aspx?cid=" + DataBinder.Eval(e.Row.DataItem, "ClientID") + "&coid=" + DataBinder.Eval(e.Row.DataItem, "ContactID") + "'"; } } catch (Exception ex) { bizLog.InsertExceptionLog(ex); Response.Redirect("~/ErrorPage.aspx", false); } }
protected void btnActiveInactive_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { bizClient biz = new bizClient(); bool flag = false; if (this.btnActiveInactive.Text == "Inactivate") { flag = true; } if (biz.SetInactiveField(int.Parse(Request.QueryString["cid"]), flag) == true) { PopulateClientDetails(); } this.ucMessanger1.ProcessMessages(biz.MSGS, true); } catch (Exception ex) { bizLog.InsertExceptionLog(ex); Response.Redirect("~/ErrorPage.aspx", false); } }
private void SetControls() { ((Main)Master).HeaderTitle = "Add Client"; bizSetting bizS = new bizSetting(); ((Main)Master).HeaderDetails = "Client to be added by " + bizActiveDirectory.GetUserFullName(bizS.GetSetting(bizUser.GetCurrentUserNameWithoutDomain())) + " (Now)"; //executive bizClient biz = new bizClient(); bizUser.enGageUser user = (bizUser.enGageUser)Session["USER"]; bizUser.enGageUser exec = bizUser.GetAccountExecutive(user.SMIUserName); this.ucMessanger1.ProcessMessages(biz.MSGS, false); this.lblAccountExecutive.Text = "<b>" + exec.DisplayName + "</b>" + ", " + exec.Branch + " (" + exec.Region + ")"; //defaults this.ddlFlagged.SelectedValue = "false"; if (Request.QueryString["name"] != null) { txtClientName.Text = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString["name"]); } }
private void PopulateContactDetails() { bizMessage bizM = new bizMessage(); bizSetting bizS = new bizSetting(); bizContact biz = new bizContact(); Contact c; c = biz.GetContact(Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["coid"])); this.ucMessanger1.ProcessMessages(biz.MSGS, true); if (c == null) { return; } //general this.txtContactName.Text = c.ContactName; this.ddlTitle.SelectedValue = c.Title; this.txtMobile.Text = c.Mobile; this.txtDirectLine.Text = c.DirectLine; this.txtEmail.Text = c.Email; //audit ((Main)Master).HeaderDetails = "Client added by " + bizActiveDirectory.GetUserFullName(c.AddedBy) + " (" + string.Format("{0:dd-MMM-yy}", c.Added) + ")"; if (c.Modified.HasValue == true) { ((Main)Master).HeaderDetails += " / modified by " + bizActiveDirectory.GetUserFullName(c.ModifiedBy) + " (" + string.Format("{0:dd-MMM-yy}", c.Modified.Value) + ")"; } bizClient bizC = new bizClient(); Client cl = bizC.GetClient(int.Parse(Request.QueryString["cid"])); var u = bizUser.GetSMIAccountExecutiveIdBOAMPSUserName(cl.AccountExecutiveID); bizUser.enGageUser exec = bizUser.GetAccountExecutive(u); this.ucMessanger1.ProcessMessages(bizC.MSGS, false); if (Session["USER"] == null) { this.ucMessanger1.ProcessMessage("Session: " + bizM.GetMessageText("SessionMissing"), Enums.enMsgType.Err, "", null, true); return; } bizUser.enGageUser user = (bizUser.enGageUser)Session["USER"]; switch (user.Role) { case (int)Enums.enUserRole.Executive: if (user.Branch == exec.Branch) { if (user.DisplayName != exec.DisplayName) { this.btnSave.Visible = false; } } else { Response.Redirect("~/FindClient.aspx", false); return; } break; case (int)Enums.enUserRole.Branch: if (user.Branch != exec.Branch) { Response.Redirect("~/FindClient.aspx", false); return; } break; case (int)Enums.enUserRole.Region: if (user.Region == exec.Region) { this.btnSave.Visible = false; } else { Response.Redirect("~/FindClient.aspx", false); return; } break; case (int)Enums.enUserRole.Company: this.btnSave.Visible = false; break; case (int)Enums.enUserRole.Administrator: // full access break; } }
protected void btnSetReminder_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bizClient biz = new bizClient(); Client c; c = biz.GetClient(int.Parse(Request.QueryString["cid"])); bizOpportunity biz2 = new bizOpportunity(); Opportunity o; o = biz2.GetOpportunity(int.Parse(Request.QueryString["oid"])); bizActivity biz3 = new bizActivity(); Activity a; a = biz3.GetActivity(Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["aid"])); string subject = string.Format("enGage Follow-up: {0},{1} - {2}", c.ClientName, o.OpportunityName, a.Status.StatusName); //To do - set this to the name of the activity. DateTime startDate = DateTime.MinValue; DateTime endDate = DateTime.MinValue; if (a.FollowUpDate != null) { startDate = DateTime.Parse(string.Format("{0} 08:00 AM", string.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}", a.FollowUpDate))); endDate = DateTime.Parse(string.Format("{0} 08:05 AM", string.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}", a.FollowUpDate))); } string urlPort = (HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.IsDefaultPort) ? "":":" + HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Port.ToString(); string activityURL = "http://" + HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host + urlPort + "/ViewActivity.aspx?"; List <string> queryStringList = new List <string>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["cid"])) { queryStringList.Add(String.Format("cid={0}", Request.QueryString["cid"])); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["oid"])) { queryStringList.Add(String.Format("oid={0}", Request.QueryString["oid"])); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["aid"])) { queryStringList.Add(String.Format("aid={0}", Request.QueryString["aid"])); } activityURL += string.Join("&", queryStringList.ToArray()); string t = "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\n" + "PRODID:-//Microsoft Corporation//Outlook MIMEDIR//EN\n" + "VERSION:2.0\n" + "BEGIN:VEVENT\n" + "DTSTART:" + startDate.ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyyMMddTHHmmssZ") + "\n" + "DTEND:" + endDate.ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyyMMddTHHmmssZ") + "\n" + //"LOCATION:My office\n" + //"CATEGORIES:Business\n" + "DESCRIPTION;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:" + Helper.CalenderUtilities.EncodeQuotedPrintable("Activity Note: " + a.ActivityNote + "\n\n" + activityURL) + "=0D=0A\n" + "SUMMARY:" + subject + "\n" + "PRIORITY:3\n" + "END:VEVENT\n" + "END:VCALENDAR"; Response.Clear(); Response.ContentType = "application/VCS"; Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=\"calendar.vcs\""); Response.Write(t.ToString()); Response.End(); /* * */ }
private void PopulateClientDetails() { bizMessage bizM = new bizMessage(); bizSetting bizS = new bizSetting(); bizClient biz = new bizClient(); Client c; c = biz.GetClient(Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["cid"])); this.ucMessanger1.ProcessMessages(biz.MSGS, true); if (c == null) { return; } //read only this.lblClientName.Text = c.ClientName; this.lblOfficeFacsimilie.Text = c.OfficeFacsimilie; this.lblOfficePhone.Text = c.OfficePhone; if (c.Address == null) { this.lblAddress.Text = "no address"; this.lblAddress.CssClass = "page-text-nodata"; } else { this.lblAddress.Text = c.Address + ", " + c.Location + " " + c.StateCode + " " + c.PostCode; } //executive var u = bizUser.GetSMIAccountExecutiveIdBOAMPSUserName(c.AccountExecutiveID); bizUser.enGageUser exec = bizUser.GetAccountExecutive(u); ucMessanger1.ProcessMessages(biz.MSGS, false); lblAccountExecutive.Text = "<b>" + exec.DisplayName + "</b>" + ", " + exec.Branch + " (" + exec.Region + ")"; //general //this.ddlAccountExecutive.SelectedValue = c.AccountExecutiveID.ToString(); this.txtClientCode.Text = c.ClientCode; this.txtClientName.Text = c.ClientName; this.txtRegisteredName.Text = c.RegisteredName; this.txtInsuredName.Text = c.InsuredName; if (c.ABNACN != null) { this.txtABNACN.Text = c.ABNACN; } this.txtSource.Text = c.Source; this.txtOfficeFacsimilie.Text = c.OfficeFacsimilie; this.txtOfficePhone.Text = c.OfficePhone; //address this.txtAddress.Text = c.Address; if (c.Location != null) { this.ucAUPSS1.PostCode = c.PostCode; this.ucAUPSS1.SetSuburbAndStateCode(c.Location, c.StateCode); //this.ucAUPSS1.Suburb = c.Location; //this.ucAUPSS1.StateCode = c.StateCode; this.rblAddressTypes.SelectedIndex = 0; } else { this.rblAddressTypes.SelectedIndex = 1; } //industry if (c.AnzsicCode != null) { bizIndustry bizI = new bizIndustry(); Industry ind = bizI.GetIndustry(c.AnzsicCode); this.ucMessanger1.ProcessMessages(bizI.MSGS, false); this.lstIndustry.Items.Add(new ListItem(ind.IndustryName + " (" + ind.AnzsicCode + ")", ind.AnzsicCode)); this.lstIndustry.SelectedIndex = 0; if (this.lstIndustry.Items.Count > 0) { this.lstIndustry.Visible = true; } PopulateAssociations(); if (c.AssociationCode == null) { this.ddlAssociation.SelectedIndex = 0; } else { this.ddlAssociation.Items.RemoveAt(0); this.ddlAssociation.SelectedValue = c.AssociationCode; } this.txtAssociationMemberNumber.Text = c.AssociationMemberNumber; } //audit ((Main)Master).HeaderDetails = "Client added by " + bizActiveDirectory.GetUserFullName(c.AddedBy) + " (" + string.Format("{0:dd-MMM-yy}", c.Added) + ")"; if (c.Modified.HasValue == true) { ((Main)Master).HeaderDetails += " / modified by " + bizActiveDirectory.GetUserFullName(c.ModifiedBy) + " (" + string.Format("{0:dd-MMM-yy}", c.Modified.Value) + ")"; } }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { this.ucMessanger1.ClearMessages(); this.ucMessanger1.UnmarkControls(); bizMessage bizM = new bizMessage(); if (this.txtAddress.Text.Length > this.txtAddress.MaxLength) { this.ucMessanger1.ProcessMessage("Address: " + bizM.GetMessageText("ValueGreaterThanMax"), Enums.enMsgType.Err, "", null, true); return; } Client c = new Client(); bizClient biz = new bizClient(); c.ClientID = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["cid"]); //if (this.ddlAccountExecutive.SelectedValue != "") // c.AccountExecutiveID = int.Parse(this.ddlAccountExecutive.SelectedValue); c.ClientCode = this.txtClientCode.Text; c.ClientName = this.txtClientName.Text; c.RegisteredName = this.txtRegisteredName.Text; c.InsuredName = this.txtInsuredName.Text; if (this.txtABNACN.Text != "") { c.ABNACN = this.txtABNACN.Text; } c.Source = this.txtSource.Text; c.OfficeFacsimilie = this.txtOfficeFacsimilie.Text; c.OfficePhone = this.txtOfficePhone.Text; //address if (this.txtAddress.Text != "") { c.Address = this.txtAddress.Text; } if (this.rblAddressTypes.SelectedIndex == 0 && this.ucAUPSS1.SuburbControl.SelectedIndex > -1) { if (this.ucAUPSS1.PostCode != "") { c.PostCode = this.ucAUPSS1.PostCode; } if (this.ucAUPSS1.StateCode != "") { c.StateCode = this.ucAUPSS1.StateCode; } if (this.ucAUPSS1.Suburb != "") { c.Location = this.ucAUPSS1.Suburb; } } //industry if (this.lstIndustry.SelectedValue != "") { c.AnzsicCode = this.lstIndustry.SelectedValue; } if (this.ddlAssociation.SelectedValue != "") { c.AssociationCode = this.ddlAssociation.SelectedValue; } c.AssociationMemberNumber = this.txtAssociationMemberNumber.Text; //audit c.ModifiedBy = bizUser.GetCurrentUserName(); c.Modified = DateTime.Now; //action if (biz.ValidateClient(c) == false) { this.ucMessanger1.ProcessMessages(biz.MSGS, true); return; } if (biz.UpdateClient(c) == true) { Response.Redirect("ViewClient.aspx?cid=" + c.ClientID.ToString(), false); } this.ucMessanger1.ProcessMessages(biz.MSGS, true); } catch (Exception ex) { bizLog.InsertExceptionLog(ex); Response.Redirect("~/ErrorPage.aspx", false); } }
private void PopulateClientDetails() { bizMessage bizM = new bizMessage(); bizSetting bizS = new bizSetting(); bizClient biz = new bizClient(); Client c; c = biz.GetClient(Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["cid"])); this.ucMessanger1.ProcessMessages(biz.MSGS, true); if (c == null) { return; } //general this.lblClientCode.Text = c.ClientCode; this.lblClientName.Text = c.ClientName; this.lblRegisteredName.Text = c.RegisteredName; this.lblInsuredName.Text = c.InsuredName; if (c.ABNACN != null) { this.lblABNACN.Text = c.ABNACN; } this.lblSource.Text = c.Source; this.lblOfficeFacsimilie.Text = c.OfficeFacsimilie; this.lblOfficePhone.Text = c.OfficePhone; //address if (c.Address == null) { this.lblAddress.Text = "no address"; this.lblAddress.CssClass = "page-text-nodata"; } else { this.lblAddress.Text = c.Address + ", " + c.Location + " " + c.StateCode + " " + c.PostCode; } //industry if (c.AnzsicCode != null) { this.lblIndustry.Text = c.Industry.IndustryName + " (" + c.Industry.AnzsicCode + ")"; } if (c.AssociationCode != null) { this.lblAssociationName.Text = c.Association.AssociationName; this.lblAssociationMemberNumber.Text = c.AssociationMemberNumber; } //executive var u = bizUser.GetSMIAccountExecutiveIdBOAMPSUserName(c.AccountExecutiveID); bizUser.enGageUser exec = bizUser.GetAccountExecutive(u); this.ucMessanger1.ProcessMessages(biz.MSGS, false); if (exec != null) { this.lblAccountExecutive.Text = "<b>" + exec.DisplayName + "</b>" + ", " + exec.Branch + " (" + exec.Region + ")"; } else { this.lblAccountExecutive.Text = "<b>" + c.AccountExecutiveID + "</b>" + ", Unknown Branch (Unknown Region)"; } //contacts bizContact bizC = new bizContact(); List <Contact> cons = c.Contacts.Where(co => co.Inactive == false).ToList(); this.grvContacts.DataSource = cons; this.ucMessanger1.ProcessMessages(bizC.MSGS, false); this.grvContacts.DataBind(); this.lblActiveContacts.Text = cons.Count.ToString(); this.lblInactiveContacts.Text = (c.Contacts.Count - cons.Count).ToString(); //opportunities List <sp_web_ListClientOpenOpportunitiesResult> oppos = biz.ListClientOpenOpportunities(c.ClientID); this.grvOpportunities.DataSource = oppos; this.ucMessanger1.ProcessMessages(bizC.MSGS, false); this.grvOpportunities.DataBind(); this.lblOpenOpportunities.Text = oppos.Count.ToString(); List <sp_web_ListClientClosedOpportunitiesResult> coppos = biz.ListClientClosedOpportunities(c.ClientID); this.lblClosedOpportunities.Text = (coppos.Count).ToString(); //audit ((Main)Master).HeaderDetails = "Client added by " + bizActiveDirectory.GetUserFullName(c.AddedBy) + " (" + string.Format("{0:dd-MMM-yy}", c.Added) + ")"; if (c.Modified.HasValue == true) { ((Main)Master).HeaderDetails += " / modified by " + bizActiveDirectory.GetUserFullName(c.ModifiedBy) + " (" + string.Format("{0:dd-MMM-yy}", c.Modified.Value) + ")"; } //buttons this.hplContactsSeeAll.NavigateUrl = "ClientContactsAll.aspx?cid=" + c.ClientID.ToString(); if (c.Contacts.Count - cons.Count == 0) { this.hplContactsSeeAll.Enabled = false; } this.hplOpportunitiesSeeAll.NavigateUrl = "ClientOpportunitiesAll.aspx?cid=" + c.ClientID.ToString(); if (coppos.Count == 0) { this.hplOpportunitiesSeeAll.Enabled = false; } this.btnAddContact.PostBackUrl = "AddContact.aspx?cid=" + c.ClientID.ToString(); this.btnAddOpportunity.PostBackUrl = "AddOpportunity.aspx?cid=" + c.ClientID.ToString(); if (c.Inactive == true) { this.lblClientName.Enabled = false; this.lblOfficePhone.Enabled = false; this.lblAddress.Enabled = false; this.lblOfficeFacsimilie.Enabled = false; this.btnAddContact.Enabled = false; this.btnAddOpportunity.Enabled = false; this.btnActiveInactive.Text = "Activate"; this.btnEditClient.Enabled = false; } else { this.lblClientName.Enabled = true; this.lblOfficePhone.Enabled = true; this.lblAddress.Enabled = true; this.lblOfficeFacsimilie.Enabled = true; this.btnAddContact.Enabled = true; this.btnAddOpportunity.Enabled = true; this.btnActiveInactive.Text = "Inactivate"; this.btnEditClient.Enabled = true; } this.btnEditClient.PostBackUrl = "EditClient.aspx?cid=" + c.ClientID.ToString(); this.btnTransfer.PostBackUrl = "TransferClient.aspx?cid=" + c.ClientID.ToString(); // SECURITY //sp_web_GetUserByIDResult exec = biz.GetAccountExecutive(c.AccountExecutiveID); //this.ucMessanger1.ProcessMessages(biz.MSGS, false); bizUser.enGageUser user = (bizUser.enGageUser)Session["USER"]; switch (user.Role) { case (int)Enums.enUserRole.Executive: if (user.Branch == exec.Branch) { if (exec == null) { } else if (user.DisplayName != exec.DisplayName) { DisableButtons(); DisableGrids(); } } else { Response.Redirect("~/FindClient.aspx", false); return; } break; case (int)Enums.enUserRole.Branch: if (exec == null) { } else if (user.Branch == exec.Branch) { if (user.DisplayName != exec.DisplayName) { //DisableButtons(); //DisableGrids(); } } else { Response.Redirect("~/FindClient.aspx", false); return; } break; case (int)Enums.enUserRole.Region: if (exec == null) { DisableButtons(); DisableGrids(); } else if (user.Region == exec.Region) { if (user.DisplayName != exec.DisplayName) { DisableButtons(); DisableGrids(); } } else { Response.Redirect("~/FindClient.aspx", false); return; } break; case (int)Enums.enUserRole.Company: if (exec == null) { DisableButtons(); DisableGrids(); } else if (user.DisplayName != exec.DisplayName) { DisableButtons(); DisableGrids(); } break; case (int)Enums.enUserRole.Administrator: // full access break; } }
private void LoadClientsBA() { bizMessage bizM = new bizMessage(); //this.ucMessanger1.ClearMessages(); if (this.txtSearchCriteria.Text == "") { this.ucMessanger1.ProcessMessage(bizM.GetMessageText("EmptyField"), Enums.enMsgType.Err, "SearchCriteria", typeof(TextBox), false); return; } bizSetting bizS = new bizSetting(); int MaxRecords = int.Parse(bizS.GetSetting("FindClient.MaxRecords")); bizClient biz = new bizClient(); int? records = 0; List <sp_engage_search_clientResult> clients = biz.FindClientInBA(this.txtSearchCriteria.Text , this.ddlClient.SelectedValue , char.Parse(this.ddlMatch.SelectedValue) , MaxRecords , ref records); this.ucMessanger1.ProcessMessages(biz.MSGS, false); if (clients == null) { return; } if (records == 0) { this.btnAdd.Visible = true; this.tdHeaderBA.Visible = false; this.grvClientsBA.Visible = false; this.tdFooterBA.Visible = false; this.ucMessanger1.ProcessMessage("iBAIS: " + bizM.GetMessageText("NoClientsFound"), Enums.enMsgType.Warn, "", null, false); } if (records > 0 && records <= MaxRecords) { this.btnAdd.Visible = true; this.lblResultCountBA.Text = clients.Count.ToString(); this.lblSearchBA.Text = this.txtSearchCriteria.Text; this.tdHeaderBA.Visible = true; this.grvClientsBA.DataSource = clients; this.grvClientsBA.DataBind(); this.grvClientsBA.Visible = true; this.tdFooterBA.Visible = true; this.lnkBA.Enabled = true; if (clients.Count <= this.grvClientsBA.PageSize) { this.lnkBA.Enabled = false; } if (records == MaxRecords) { this.ucMessanger1.ProcessMessage("iBAIS: " + bizM.GetMessageText("MaxClientsReached"), Enums.enMsgType.Warn, "", null, false); } } if (records > MaxRecords) { this.btnAdd.Visible = false; this.tdHeaderBA.Visible = false; this.grvClientsBA.Visible = false; this.tdFooterBA.Visible = false; this.ucMessanger1.ProcessMessage("iBAIS: " + bizM.GetMessageText("TooManyClientsFound"), Enums.enMsgType.Warn, "", null, false); } }
private void LoadClients() { bizMessage biz = new bizMessage(); this.ucMessanger1.ClearMessages(); this.txtSearchCriteria.CssClass = "control"; //this.ucMessanger1.UnmarkControls(); // todo: doesn't work this.grvClientsClientName.Visible = false; this.grvClientsAddress.Visible = false; this.grvClientsIndustry.Visible = false; if (this.txtSearchCriteria.Text == "") { this.ucMessanger1.ProcessMessage(biz.GetMessageText("EmptyField"), Enums.enMsgType.Err, "SearchCriteria", typeof(TextBox), false); return; } bizSetting bizS = new bizSetting(); int MaxRecords = int.Parse(bizS.GetSetting("FindClient.MaxRecords")); bizClient bizC = new bizClient(); int? records = 0; List <sp_web_FindClientByFieldResult> clients = bizC.FindClientByField(this.txtSearchCriteria.Text , this.ddlClient.SelectedValue , char.Parse(this.ddlMatch.SelectedValue) , null , MaxRecords , ref records); this.ucMessanger1.ProcessMessages(bizC.MSGS, true); if (clients == null) { return; } // get all users in AD var allusersResult = bizUser.GetUsersAccountExecutives(clients.Select <sp_web_FindClientByFieldResult, string>(x => x.AccountExecutiveID).Distinct().ToList()); // change all clients clients.ForEach( x => { if (x.AccountExecutiveID != "" && allusersResult.ContainsKey(x.AccountExecutiveID)) { bizUser.enGageUser exec = allusersResult[x.AccountExecutiveID]; //bizUser.GetAccountExecutive(x.AccountExecutiveID); if (exec != null) { x.DisplayName = exec.DisplayName; } else { x.DisplayName = x.AccountExecutiveID; } } } ); List <sp_web_FindClientByFieldResult> cn = clients.Where(c => c.Match == "client").ToList(); List <sp_web_FindClientByFieldResult> add = clients.Where(c => c.Match == "address").ToList(); List <sp_web_FindClientByFieldResult> ind = clients.Where(c => c.Match == "industry").ToList(); if (records == 0) { this.btnAdd.Visible = true; this.tdHeaderCN.Visible = false; this.tdFooterCN.Visible = false; this.tdHeaderAD.Visible = false; this.tdFooterAD.Visible = false; this.tdHeaderIND.Visible = false; this.tdFooterIND.Visible = false; this.ucMessanger1.ProcessMessage("enGage: " + biz.GetMessageText("NoClientsFound"), Enums.enMsgType.Warn, "", null, false); // change the new postpack url btnAdd.PostBackUrl += "?name=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(this.txtSearchCriteria.Text); return; } if (records > 0 && records <= MaxRecords) { this.btnAdd.Visible = true; /*foreach (sp_web_FindClientByFieldResult c in cn) * { * if (c.AccountExecutiveID != "") * { * bizUser.enGageUser exec = bizUser.GetAccountExecutive(c.AccountExecutiveID); * if (exec != null) * c.DisplayName = exec.DisplayName; * else * c.DisplayName = c.AccountExecutiveID; * } * } * foreach (sp_web_FindClientByFieldResult c in add) * { * if (c.AccountExecutiveID != "") * { * bizUser.enGageUser exec = bizUser.GetAccountExecutive(c.AccountExecutiveID); * if (exec != null) * c.DisplayName = exec.DisplayName; * else * c.DisplayName = c.AccountExecutiveID; * } * } * foreach (sp_web_FindClientByFieldResult c in ind) * { * if (c.AccountExecutiveID != "") * { * bizUser.enGageUser exec = bizUser.GetAccountExecutive(c.AccountExecutiveID); * if (exec != null) * c.DisplayName = exec.DisplayName; * else * c.DisplayName = c.AccountExecutiveID; * } * }*/ if (cn.Count == 0) { this.tdHeaderCN.Visible = false; this.grvClientsClientName.Visible = false; this.tdFooterCN.Visible = false; } else { this.lblResultCountCN.Text = cn.Count.ToString(); this.lblSearchCN.Text = this.txtSearchCriteria.Text; this.tdHeaderCN.Visible = true; this.grvClientsClientName.DataSource = cn; this.grvClientsClientName.DataBind(); this.grvClientsClientName.Visible = true; this.tdFooterCN.Visible = true; this.lnkCN.Enabled = true; if (cn.Count <= this.grvClientsClientName.PageSize) { this.lnkCN.Enabled = false; } } if (add.Count == 0) { this.tdHeaderAD.Visible = false; this.grvClientsAddress.Visible = false; this.tdFooterAD.Visible = false; } else { this.lblResultCountAD.Text = add.Count.ToString(); this.lblSearchAD.Text = this.txtSearchCriteria.Text; this.tdHeaderAD.Visible = true; this.grvClientsAddress.DataSource = add; this.grvClientsAddress.DataBind(); this.grvClientsAddress.Visible = true; this.tdFooterAD.Visible = true; this.lnkAD.Enabled = true; if (add.Count <= this.grvClientsAddress.PageSize) { this.lnkAD.Enabled = false; } } if (ind.Count == 0) { this.tdHeaderIND.Visible = false; this.grvClientsIndustry.Visible = false; this.tdFooterIND.Visible = false; } else { this.lblResultCountIND.Text = ind.Count.ToString(); this.lblSearchIND.Text = this.txtSearchCriteria.Text; this.tdHeaderIND.Visible = true; this.grvClientsIndustry.DataSource = ind; this.grvClientsIndustry.DataBind(); this.grvClientsIndustry.Visible = true; this.tdFooterIND.Visible = true; this.lnkIND.Enabled = true; if (ind.Count <= this.grvClientsIndustry.PageSize) { this.lnkIND.Enabled = false; } } if (records == MaxRecords) { this.ucMessanger1.ProcessMessage("enGage: " + biz.GetMessageText("MaxClientsReached"), Enums.enMsgType.Warn, "", null, false); } return; } if (records > MaxRecords) { this.btnAdd.Visible = false; this.tdHeaderCN.Visible = false; this.tdFooterCN.Visible = false; this.tdHeaderAD.Visible = false; this.tdFooterAD.Visible = false; this.tdHeaderIND.Visible = false; this.tdFooterIND.Visible = false; this.ucMessanger1.ProcessMessage("enGage: " + biz.GetMessageText("TooManyClientsFound"), Enums.enMsgType.Warn, "", null, false); return; } }
protected void SetReminder() { bizClient biz = new bizClient(); Client c; c = biz.GetClient(int.Parse(Request.QueryString["cid"])); bizOpportunity biz2 = new bizOpportunity(); Opportunity o; o = biz2.GetOpportunity(int.Parse(Request.QueryString["oid"])); bizActivity biz3 = new bizActivity(); Activity a; a = biz3.GetActivity(int.Parse(Request.QueryString["aid"])); string subject = string.Format("Client Follow-up: {0}, {1} - {2}", c.ClientName, o.OpportunityName, a.Status.StatusName); //To do - set this to the name of the activity. DateTime startDate = DateTime.MinValue; DateTime endDate = DateTime.MinValue; if (a.FollowUpDate != null) { startDate = DateTime.Parse(string.Format("{0} 08:00 AM", string.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}", a.FollowUpDate))); endDate = DateTime.Parse(string.Format("{0} 08:05 AM", string.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}", a.FollowUpDate))); } string urlPort = (HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.IsDefaultPort) ? "" : ":" + HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Port.ToString(); string activityURL = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Path).Replace(Request.Url.Segments[Request.Url.Segments.Length - 1], "") + "ViewOpportunity.aspx?"; List <string> queryStringList = new List <string>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["cid"])) { queryStringList.Add(String.Format("cid={0}", Request.QueryString["cid"])); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["oid"])) { queryStringList.Add(String.Format("oid={0}", Request.QueryString["oid"])); } queryStringList.Add(String.Format("aid={0}", Request.QueryString["aid"])); activityURL += string.Join("&", queryStringList.ToArray()); var htmltab = @" \;"; var opportunityDue = ((a.Opportunity.OpportunityDue.HasValue) ? @"<br><B>Renewal Date :</B> " + htmltab + a.Opportunity.OpportunityDue.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + "<br>" : "<br>"); string t = "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\n" + "PRODID:-//Microsoft Corporation//Outlook MIMEDIR//EN\n" + "VERSION:2.0\n" + "BEGIN:VEVENT\n" + "DTSTART:" + startDate.ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyyMMddTHHmmssZ") + "\n" + "DTEND:" + endDate.ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyyMMddTHHmmssZ") + "\n" + //"LOCATION:My office\n" + //"CATEGORIES:Business\n" + "DESCRIPTION;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:" + Helper.CalenderUtilities.EncodeQuotedPrintable("Currently at:" + a.Status.StatusName + "\n" + ((a.Opportunity.OpportunityDue.HasValue) ? "Renewal Date : " + a.Opportunity.OpportunityDue.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + "\n" : "") + "Activity Note: " + a.ActivityNote + "\n\n" + activityURL) + "=0D=0A\n" + "SUMMARY:" + subject + "\n" + "PRIORITY:0\n" + "X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:" + @"<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \""-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN\"">\n<HTML>\n<HEAD>\n<TITLE></TITLE>\n</HEAD>\n<BODY>\n" + "<b>Currently at:</b> " + htmltab + a.Status.StatusName + opportunityDue + @"<br><b>Activity Note:</b> " + htmltab + a.ActivityNote + "<br><br>" + "<A HREF=\"" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(activityURL) + "\">" + activityURL + "</A>" + "<br>" + "</BODY>\n</HTML> " + "X-MICROSOFT-CDO-BUSYSTATUS:FREE" + "TRIGGER:-PT15M" + "END:VEVENT" + "END:VCALENDAR"; var tempPage = new Page(); Response.Clear(); Response.ContentType = "application/VCS"; Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=\"calendar.vcs\""); Response.Write(t.ToString()); Response.Flush(); // Response.End(); }
private void LoadClients() { bizMessage bizM = new bizMessage(); bizSetting bizS = new bizSetting(); int MaxRecords = int.Parse(bizS.GetSetting("FindClient.MaxRecords")); bizClient biz = new bizClient(); this.ucMessanger1.ClearMessages(); if (Request.QueryString["gr"] == "ba") { int?records = 0; List <sp_engage_search_clientResult> clients = biz.FindClientInBA(Request.QueryString["sc"] , Request.QueryString["f1"] , char.Parse(Request.QueryString["f2"]) , MaxRecords , ref records); this.ucMessanger1.ProcessMessages(biz.MSGS, true); if (clients == null) { return; } this.grvClientsBA.DataSource = clients; this.grvClientsBA.DataBind(); this.lblResultCount.Text = clients.Count.ToString(); } else { int?records = 0; List <sp_web_FindClientByFieldResult> clients = biz.FindClientByField(Request.QueryString["sc"] , Request.QueryString["f1"] , char.Parse(Request.QueryString["f2"]) , Request.QueryString["gr"] , MaxRecords , ref records); this.ucMessanger1.ProcessMessages(biz.MSGS, true); if (clients == null) { return; } foreach (sp_web_FindClientByFieldResult c in clients) { if (c.AccountExecutiveID != "") { using (Timeline.Capture("bizUser.GetAccountExecutive", "AD")) { var u = bizUser.GetSMIAccountExecutiveIdBOAMPSUserName(c.AccountExecutiveID); bizUser.enGageUser exec = bizUser.GetAccountExecutive(u); if (exec != null) { c.DisplayName = exec.DisplayName; } else { c.DisplayName = c.AccountExecutiveID; } } } } this.grvClients.DataSource = clients; this.grvClients.DataBind(); this.lblResultCount.Text = clients.Count.ToString(); } this.lblSearch.Text = Request.QueryString["sc"]; this.btnBack.PostBackUrl = "FindClient.aspx?" + "sc=" + Request.QueryString["sc"] + "&" + "f1=" + Request.QueryString["f1"] + "&" + "f2=" + Request.QueryString["f2"]; }
protected void grvClients_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e) { try { if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) { if (Session["USER"] == null) { return; } bizUser.enGageUser user = (bizUser.enGageUser)Session["USER"]; sp_web_FindClientByFieldResult client = (sp_web_FindClientByFieldResult)e.Row.DataItem; bizClient biz = new bizClient(); bizUser.enGageUser exec; using (Timeline.Capture("bizUser.GetAccountExecutive", "AD")) { var u = bizUser.GetSMIAccountExecutiveIdBOAMPSUserName(client.AccountExecutiveID); exec = bizUser.GetAccountExecutive(u); } //if (client.ClientName != null) //{ // if (client.ClientName.Length > 35) e.Row.Cells[2].Text = client.ClientName.Remove(33) + ".."; //} //if (client.IndustryName != null) //{ // if (client.IndustryName.Length > 35) e.Row.Cells[3].Text = client.IndustryName.Remove(33) + ".."; //} //if (e.Row.Cells[4].Text != "") //{ // if (e.Row.Cells[4].Text.Length > 15) e.Row.Cells[4].Text = e.Row.Cells[4].Text.Remove(13) + ".."; //} //if (e.Row.Cells[5].Text != "") //{ // if (e.Row.Cells[5].Text.Length > 15) e.Row.Cells[5].Text = e.Row.Cells[5].Text.Remove(13) + ".."; //} if (e.Row.Cells[5].Text != "") { e.Row.Cells[5].Text = Regex.Replace(e.Row.Cells[5].Text, Request.QueryString["sc"], "<b>" + Request.QueryString["sc"].ToUpper() + "</b>", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); } if (client.Inactive == true) { e.Row.CssClass = "lightgrey"; } else { if (client.FollowUpDate < DateTime.Now) { e.Row.Cells[2].CssClass = "ochre-bold"; } } // SECURITY Image img = (Image)e.Row.FindControl("imgArrow"); switch (user.Role) { case (int)Enums.enUserRole.Executive: if (exec != null) { if (user.DisplayName != exec.DisplayName) { e.Row.CssClass = "darkgrey"; } if (user.Branch != exec.Branch) { img.ImageUrl = "~/images/ArrowHollowSmall.gif"; e.Row.Enabled = false; if (client.Inactive == true) { e.Row.CssClass = "lightgrey-italic"; } else { e.Row.CssClass = "darkgrey"; } } } else { e.Row.CssClass = "darkgrey"; img.ImageUrl = "~/images/ArrowHollowSmall.gif"; e.Row.Enabled = false; if (client.Inactive == true) { e.Row.CssClass = "lightgrey-italic"; } else { e.Row.CssClass = "darkgrey"; } } break; case (int)Enums.enUserRole.Branch: if (exec != null) { if (user.DisplayName != exec.DisplayName) { e.Row.CssClass = "darkgrey"; } if (user.Branch != exec.Branch) { img.ImageUrl = "~/images/ArrowHollowSmall.gif"; e.Row.Enabled = false; if (client.Inactive == true) { e.Row.CssClass = "lightgrey-italic"; } else { e.Row.CssClass = "darkgrey"; } } } else { e.Row.CssClass = "darkgrey"; img.ImageUrl = "~/images/ArrowHollowSmall.gif"; //e.Row.Enabled = false; if (client.Inactive == true) { e.Row.CssClass = "lightgrey-italic"; } else { e.Row.CssClass = "darkgrey"; } } break; case (int)Enums.enUserRole.Region: if (exec != null) { if (user.DisplayName != exec.DisplayName) { e.Row.CssClass = "darkgrey"; } if (user.Region != exec.Region) { img.ImageUrl = "~/images/ArrowHollowSmall.gif"; e.Row.Enabled = false; if (client.Inactive == true) { e.Row.CssClass = "lightgrey-italic"; } else { e.Row.CssClass = "darkgrey"; } } } else { e.Row.CssClass = "darkgrey"; img.ImageUrl = "~/images/ArrowHollowSmall.gif"; e.Row.Enabled = false; if (client.Inactive == true) { e.Row.CssClass = "lightgrey-italic"; } else { e.Row.CssClass = "darkgrey"; } } break; case (int)Enums.enUserRole.Company: if (exec != null) { if (user.DisplayName != exec.DisplayName) { e.Row.CssClass = "darkgrey"; } } else { e.Row.CssClass = "darkgrey"; img.ImageUrl = "~/images/ArrowHollowSmall.gif"; e.Row.Enabled = false; if (client.Inactive == true) { e.Row.CssClass = "lightgrey-italic"; } else { e.Row.CssClass = "darkgrey"; } } break; case (int)Enums.enUserRole.Administrator: // do nothing if (exec == null) { //e.Row.CssClass = "darkgrey"; img.ImageUrl = "~/images/ArrowHollowSmall.gif"; e.Row.Cells[4].Enabled = false; //if (client.Inactive == true) e.Row.CssClass = "lightgrey-italic"; //else e.Row.CssClass = "darkgrey"; } break; } e.Row.Attributes.Add("OnMouseOver", " = '#F4F3F0';'hand';"); e.Row.Attributes.Add("OnMouseOut", " = 'white';"); e.Row.Attributes["onClick"] = "location.href='ViewClient.aspx?cid=" + DataBinder.Eval(e.Row.DataItem, "ClientID") + "'"; } } catch (Exception ex) { bizLog.InsertExceptionLog(ex); Response.Redirect("~/ErrorPage.aspx", false); } }
private void InsertQuickCall() { Client c = new Client(); bizClient biz = new bizClient(); //CLIENT// //general c.Inactive = false; bizUser.enGageUser user = (bizUser.enGageUser)Session["USER"]; c.AccountExecutiveID = user.UserName; c.ClientCode = this.txtClientCode.Text; c.ClientName = this.txtClientName.Text; c.RegisteredName = this.txtRegisteredName.Text; //c.InsuredName = this.txtInsuredName.Text; if (this.txtABNACN.Text != "") { c.ABNACN = this.txtABNACN.Text; } c.Source = this.txtSource.Text; c.OfficeFacsimilie = this.txtOfficeFacsimilie.Text; c.OfficePhone = this.txtOfficePhone.Text; //address if (this.txtAddress.Text != "") { c.Address = this.txtAddress.Text; } if (this.rblAddressTypes.SelectedIndex == 0) { if (this.ucAUPSS1.PostCode != "") { c.PostCode = this.ucAUPSS1.PostCode; } if (this.ucAUPSS1.StateCode != "") { c.StateCode = this.ucAUPSS1.StateCode; } if (this.ucAUPSS1.Suburb != "") { c.Location = this.ucAUPSS1.Suburb; } } //industry if (this.lstIndustry.SelectedValue != "") { c.AnzsicCode = this.lstIndustry.SelectedValue; } if (this.ddlAssociation.SelectedValue != "") { c.AssociationCode = this.ddlAssociation.SelectedValue; } c.AssociationMemberNumber = this.txtAssociationMemberNumber.Text; //audit c.AddedBy = bizUser.GetCurrentUserName(); c.Added = DateTime.Now; if (biz.ValidateClient(c) == false) { this.ucMessanger1.ProcessMessages(biz.MSGS, true); return; } //CONTACT// Contact cl = new Contact(); bizContact bizC = new bizContact(); if (this.ckbAddContact.Checked == true) { //general cl.ContactName = this.txtContactName.Text; cl.Title = this.ddlTitle.SelectedValue; cl.Mobile = this.txtMobile.Text; cl.DirectLine = this.txtDirectLine.Text; cl.Email = this.txtEmail.Text; //audit cl.AddedBy = bizUser.GetCurrentUserName(); cl.Added = DateTime.Now; } if (this.ckbAddContact.Checked == true) { if (bizC.ValidateContact(cl) == false) { this.ucMessanger1.ProcessMessages(bizC.MSGS, true); return; } c.Contacts.Add(cl); } //OPPORTUNITY// Opportunity o = new Opportunity(); bizOpportunity bizO = new bizOpportunity(); //general o.OpportunityName = this.txtOpportunityName.Text; if (this.txtOpportunityDue.Text != "") { o.OpportunityDue = DateTime.Parse(this.txtOpportunityDue.Text); } o.IncumbentBroker = this.txtIncumbentBroker.Text; o.IncumbentInsurer = this.txtIncumbentInsurer.Text; if (this.ddlClassification.SelectedValue != "") { o.ClassificationID = int.Parse(this.ddlClassification.SelectedValue); } if (this.ddlBusinessType.SelectedValue != "") { o.BusinessTypeID = int.Parse(this.ddlBusinessType.SelectedValue); } if (this.ddlFlagged.SelectedValue != "") { o.Flagged = bool.Parse(this.ddlFlagged.SelectedValue); } //o.NetBrokerageQuoted = decimal.Parse(this.txtNetBrokerageQuoted.Text); //o.NetBrokerageActual = decimal.Parse(this.txtNetBrokerageActual.Text); //audit o.AddedBy = bizUser.GetCurrentUserName(); o.Added = DateTime.Now; if (bizO.ValidateQuickQuoteOpportunity(o) == false) { this.ucMessanger1.ProcessMessages(bizO.MSGS, true); return; } c.Opportunities.Add(o); //ACTIVITY// bizActivity bizA = new bizActivity(); char ot = 'S'; List <sp_web_ListStatusesByOutcomeTypeResult> ss = bizA.ListStatusesByOutcomeType(ot); foreach (var s in ss) { Activity na = new Activity(); //general na.OpportunityStatusID = s.StatusID; if (this.txtFollowUpDate.Text != "") { na.FollowUpDate = DateTime.Parse(this.txtFollowUpDate.Text); } na.Inactive = false; if (s.StatusName == "Go-to-Market") { na.ActivityNote = this.txtActivityNote.Text; } else { na.ActivityNote = "Quick call"; } //audit na.AddedBy = bizUser.GetCurrentUserName(); na.Added = DateTime.Now; o.Activities.Add(na); if (s.StatusName == "Go-to-Market") { break; } } foreach (Activity na in o.Activities) { if (bizA.ValidateActivity(na, true) == false) { this.ucMessanger1.ProcessMessages(bizA.MSGS, true); return; } } int oid = biz.InsertClient(c); if (oid != 0) { this.ucMessanger1.ProcessMessages(biz.MSGS, true); Response.Redirect("ViewClient.aspx?cid=" + oid.ToString(), false); } this.ucMessanger1.ProcessMessages(biz.MSGS, true); }