Esempio n. 1
        public override void InitVelocityConstraints(b2TimeStep step)
            b2Body b = m_bodyB;

            float mass = b.GetMass();

            // Frequency
            float omega = 2.0f * Mathf.PI * m_frequencyHz;

            // Damping co-efficient
            float d = 2.0f * mass * m_dampingRatio * omega;

            // Spring stiffness
            float k = mass * omega * omega;

            // magic formulas
            // gamma has units of inverse mass
            // beta hs units of inverse time
            //b2Settings.b2Assert(d + step.dt * k > Number.MIN_VALUE)
            m_gamma = step.dt * (d + step.dt * k);
            m_gamma = m_gamma != 0.0f ? 1.0f / m_gamma:0.0f;
            m_beta  = step.dt * k * m_gamma;

            b2Mat22 tMat;

            // Compute the effective mass matrix.
            //b2Vec2 r = b2Mul(b->m_xf.R, m_localAnchor - b->GetLocalCenter());
            tMat = b.m_xf.R;
            float rX = m_localAnchor.x - b.m_sweep.localCenter.x;
            float rY = m_localAnchor.y - b.m_sweep.localCenter.y;
            float tX = (tMat.col1.x * rX + tMat.col2.x * rY);

            rY = (tMat.col1.y * rX + tMat.col2.y * rY);
            rX = tX;

            // K    = [(1/m1 + 1/m2) * eye(2) - skew(r1) * invI1 * skew(r1) - skew(r2) * invI2 * skew(r2)]
            //      = [1/m1+1/m2     0    ] + invI1 * [r1.y*r1.y -r1.x*r1.y] + invI2 * [r1.y*r1.y -r1.x*r1.y]
            //        [    0     1/m1+1/m2]           [-r1.x*r1.y r1.x*r1.x]           [-r1.x*r1.y r1.x*r1.x]
            float invMass = b.m_invMass;
            float invI    = b.m_invI;

            //b2Mat22 K1;
            K1.col1.x = invMass;    K1.col2.x = 0.0f;
            K1.col1.y = 0.0f;               K1.col2.y = invMass;

            //b2Mat22 K2;
            K2.col1.x = invI * rY * rY;    K2.col2.x = -invI * rX * rY;
            K2.col1.y = -invI * rX * rY;    K2.col2.y = invI * rX * rX;

            //b2Mat22 K = K1 + K2;
            K.col1.x += m_gamma;
            K.col2.y += m_gamma;

            //m_ptpMass = K.GetInverse();

            //m_C = b.m_position + r - m_target;
            m_C.x = b.m_sweep.c.x + rX - m_target.x;
            m_C.y = b.m_sweep.c.y + rY - m_target.y;

            // Cheat with some damping
            b.m_angularVelocity *= 0.98f;

            // Warm starting.
            m_impulse.x *= step.dtRatio;
            m_impulse.y *= step.dtRatio;
            //b.m_linearVelocity += invMass * m_impulse;
            b.m_linearVelocity.x += invMass * m_impulse.x;
            b.m_linearVelocity.y += invMass * m_impulse.y;
            //b.m_angularVelocity += invI * b2Cross(r, m_impulse);
            b.m_angularVelocity += invI * (rX * m_impulse.y - rY * m_impulse.x);
Esempio n. 2
    internal override void InitVelocityConstraints(b2SolverData data)
        m_indexB = m_bodyB.m_islandIndex;

        m_localCenterB = m_bodyB.m_sweep.localCenter;
        m_invMassB     = m_bodyB.m_invMass;
        m_invIB        = m_bodyB.m_invI;

        b2Vec2 cB = data.positions[m_indexB].c;
        float  aB = data.positions[m_indexB].a;
        b2Vec2 vB = data.velocities[m_indexB].v;
        float  wB = data.velocities[m_indexB].w;

        b2Rot qB = new b2Rot(aB);

        float mass = m_bodyB.GetMass();

        // Frequency
        float omega = 2.0f * Settings.b2_pi * m_frequencyHz;

        // Damping coefficient
        float d = 2.0f * mass * m_dampingRatio * omega;

        // Spring stiffness
        float k = mass * (omega * omega);

        // magic formulas
        // gamma has units of inverse mass.
        // beta has units of inverse time.
        float h = data.step.dt;

        Debug.Assert(d + h * k > float.Epsilon);
        m_gamma = h * (d + h * k);
        if (m_gamma != 0.0f)
            m_gamma = 1.0f / m_gamma;
        m_beta = h * k * m_gamma;

        // Compute the effective mass matrix.

        m_rB = Utils.b2Mul(qB, m_localAnchorB - m_localCenterB);

        // K    = [(1/m1 + 1/m2) * eye(2) - skew(r1) * invI1 * skew(r1) - skew(r2) * invI2 * skew(r2)]
        //      = [1/m1+1/m2     0    ] + invI1 * [r1.y*r1.y -r1.x*r1.y] + invI2 * [r1.y*r1.y -r1.x*r1.y]
        //        [    0     1/m1+1/m2]           [-r1.x*r1.y r1.x*r1.x]           [-r1.x*r1.y r1.x*r1.x]
        b2Mat22 K = new b2Mat22();

        K.ex.x = m_invMassB + m_invIB * m_rB.y * m_rB.y + m_gamma;
        K.ex.y = -m_invIB * m_rB.x * m_rB.y;
        K.ey.x = K.ex.y;
        K.ey.y = m_invMassB + m_invIB * m_rB.x * m_rB.x + m_gamma;

        m_mass = K.GetInverse();

        m_C  = cB + m_rB - m_targetA;
        m_C *= m_beta;

        // Cheat with some damping
        wB *= 0.98f;

        if (data.step.warmStarting)
            m_impulse *= data.step.dtRatio;
            vB        += m_invMassB * m_impulse;
            wB        += m_invIB * Utils.b2Cross(m_rB, m_impulse);

        data.velocities[m_indexB].v = vB;
        data.velocities[m_indexB].w = wB;
Esempio n. 3
        public override void InitVelocityConstraints(b2TimeStep step)
            b2Mat22 tMat;
            float   tX;

            b2Body bA = m_bodyA;
            b2Body bB = m_bodyB;

            // Compute the effective mass matrix.
            //b2Vec2 rA = b2Mul(bA->m_xf.R, m_localAnchorA - bA->GetLocalCenter());
            tMat = bA.m_xf.R;
            float rAX = m_localAnchorA.x - bA.m_sweep.localCenter.x;
            float rAY = m_localAnchorA.y - bA.m_sweep.localCenter.y;

            tX  = (tMat.col1.x * rAX + tMat.col2.x * rAY);
            rAY = (tMat.col1.y * rAX + tMat.col2.y * rAY);
            rAX = tX;
            //b2Vec2 rB = b2Mul(bB->m_xf.R, m_localAnchorB - bB->GetLocalCenter());
            tMat = bB.m_xf.R;
            float rBX = m_localAnchorB.x - bB.m_sweep.localCenter.x;
            float rBY = m_localAnchorB.y - bB.m_sweep.localCenter.y;

            tX  = (tMat.col1.x * rBX + tMat.col2.x * rBY);
            rBY = (tMat.col1.y * rBX + tMat.col2.y * rBY);
            rBX = tX;

            // J = [-I -r1_skew I r2_skew]
            //     [ 0       -1 0       1]
            // r_skew = [-ry; rx]

            // Matlab
            // K = [ mA+r1y^2*iA+mB+r2y^2*iB,  -r1y*iA*r1x-r2y*iB*r2x,          -r1y*iA-r2y*iB]
            //     [  -r1y*iA*r1x-r2y*iB*r2x, mA+r1x^2*iA+mB+r2x^2*iB,           r1x*iA+r2x*iB]
            //     [          -r1y*iA-r2y*iB,           r1x*iA+r2x*iB,                   iA+iB]

            float mA = bA.m_invMass;
            float mB = bB.m_invMass;
            float iA = bA.m_invI;
            float iB = bB.m_invI;

            b2Mat22 K = new b2Mat22();

            K.col1.x = mA + mB;     K.col2.x = 0.0f;
            K.col1.y = 0.0f;        K.col2.y = mA + mB;

            K.col1.x += iA * rAY * rAY;     K.col2.x += -iA * rAX * rAY;
            K.col1.y += -iA * rAX * rAY;     K.col2.y += iA * rAX * rAX;

            K.col1.x += iB * rBY * rBY;     K.col2.x += -iB * rBX * rBY;
            K.col1.y += -iB * rBX * rBY;     K.col2.y += iB * rBX * rBX;


            m_angularMass = iA + iB;
            if (m_angularMass > 0.0f)
                m_angularMass = 1.0f / m_angularMass;

            if (step.warmStarting)
                // Scale impulses to support a variable time step.
                m_linearImpulse.x *= step.dtRatio;
                m_linearImpulse.y *= step.dtRatio;
                m_angularImpulse  *= step.dtRatio;

                b2Vec2 P = m_linearImpulse;

                bA.m_linearVelocity.x -= mA * P.x;
                bA.m_linearVelocity.y -= mA * P.y;
                bA.m_angularVelocity  -= iA * (rAX * P.y - rAY * P.x + m_angularImpulse);

                bB.m_linearVelocity.x += mB * P.x;
                bB.m_linearVelocity.y += mB * P.y;
                bB.m_angularVelocity  += iB * (rBX * P.y - rBY * P.x + m_angularImpulse);
                m_angularImpulse = 0.0f;
        public override void InitVelocityConstraints(b2SolverData data)
            m_indexA       = m_bodyA.IslandIndex;
            m_indexB       = m_bodyB.IslandIndex;
            m_localCenterA = m_bodyA.Sweep.localCenter;
            m_localCenterB = m_bodyB.Sweep.localCenter;
            m_invMassA     = m_bodyA.InvertedMass;
            m_invMassB     = m_bodyB.InvertedMass;
            m_invIA        = m_bodyA.InvertedI;
            m_invIB        = m_bodyB.InvertedI;

            float  aA = data.positions[m_indexA].a;
            b2Vec2 vA = data.velocities[m_indexA].v;
            float  wA = data.velocities[m_indexA].w;

            float  aB = data.positions[m_indexB].a;
            b2Vec2 vB = data.velocities[m_indexB].v;
            float  wB = data.velocities[m_indexB].w;

            b2Rot qA = new b2Rot(aA);
            b2Rot qB = new b2Rot(aB);

            // Compute the effective mass matrix.
            m_rA = b2Math.b2Mul(qA, m_localAnchorA - m_localCenterA);
            m_rB = b2Math.b2Mul(qB, m_localAnchorB - m_localCenterB);

            // J = [-I -r1_skew I r2_skew]
            //     [ 0       -1 0       1]
            // r_skew = [-ry; rx]

            // Matlab
            // K = [ mA+r1y^2*iA+mB+r2y^2*iB,  -r1y*iA*r1x-r2y*iB*r2x,          -r1y*iA-r2y*iB]
            //     [  -r1y*iA*r1x-r2y*iB*r2x, mA+r1x^2*iA+mB+r2x^2*iB,           r1x*iA+r2x*iB]
            //     [          -r1y*iA-r2y*iB,           r1x*iA+r2x*iB,                   iA+iB]

            float mA = m_invMassA, mB = m_invMassB;
            float iA = m_invIA, iB = m_invIB;

            b2Mat22 K = new b2Mat22();

            K.exx = mA + mB + iA * m_rA.y * m_rA.y + iB * m_rB.y * m_rB.y;
            K.exy = -iA * m_rA.x * m_rA.y - iB * m_rB.x * m_rB.y;
            K.eyx = K.ex.y;
            K.eyy = mA + mB + iA * m_rA.x * m_rA.x + iB * m_rB.x * m_rB.x;

            m_linearMass = K.GetInverse();

            m_angularMass = iA + iB;
            if (m_angularMass > 0.0f)
                m_angularMass = 1.0f / m_angularMass;

            if (data.step.warmStarting)
                // Scale impulses to support a variable time step.
                m_linearImpulse  *= data.step.dtRatio;
                m_angularImpulse *= data.step.dtRatio;

                b2Vec2 P = new b2Vec2(m_linearImpulse.x, m_linearImpulse.y);
                vA -= mA * P;
                wA -= iA * (b2Math.b2Cross(m_rA, P) + m_angularImpulse);
                vB += mB * P;
                wB += iB * (b2Math.b2Cross(m_rB, P) + m_angularImpulse);
                m_angularImpulse = 0.0f;

            data.velocities[m_indexA].v = vA;
            data.velocities[m_indexA].w = wA;
            data.velocities[m_indexB].v = vB;
            data.velocities[m_indexB].w = wB;
Esempio n. 5
    internal override void InitVelocityConstraints(b2SolverData data)
        m_indexA = m_bodyA.m_islandIndex;
        m_indexB = m_bodyB.m_islandIndex;

        m_localCenterA = m_bodyA.m_sweep.localCenter;

        m_localCenterB = m_bodyB.m_sweep.localCenter;
        m_invMassA     = m_bodyA.m_invMass;
        m_invMassB     = m_bodyB.m_invMass;
        m_invIA        = m_bodyA.m_invI;
        m_invIB        = m_bodyB.m_invI;

        b2Vec2 cA = data.positions[m_indexA].c;
        float  aA = data.positions[m_indexA].a;
        b2Vec2 vA = data.velocities[m_indexA].v;
        float  wA = data.velocities[m_indexA].w;

        b2Vec2 cB = data.positions[m_indexB].c;
        float  aB = data.positions[m_indexB].a;
        b2Vec2 vB = data.velocities[m_indexB].v;
        float  wB = data.velocities[m_indexB].w;

        b2Rot qA = new b2Rot(aA);
        b2Rot qB = new b2Rot(aB);

        // Compute the effective mass matrix.

        m_rA = Utils.b2Mul(qA, m_linearOffset - m_localCenterA);

        m_rB = Utils.b2Mul(qB, -m_localCenterB);

        // J = [-I -r1_skew I r2_skew]
        // r_skew = [-ry; rx]

        // Matlab
        // K = [ mA+r1y^2*iA+mB+r2y^2*iB,  -r1y*iA*r1x-r2y*iB*r2x,          -r1y*iA-r2y*iB]
        //     [  -r1y*iA*r1x-r2y*iB*r2x, mA+r1x^2*iA+mB+r2x^2*iB,           r1x*iA+r2x*iB]
        //     [          -r1y*iA-r2y*iB,           r1x*iA+r2x*iB,                   iA+iB]

        float mA = m_invMassA;
        float mB = m_invMassB;
        float iA = m_invIA;
        float iB = m_invIB;

        // Upper 2 by 2 of K for point to point
        b2Mat22 K = new b2Mat22();

        K.ex.x = mA + mB + iA * m_rA.y * m_rA.y + iB * m_rB.y * m_rB.y;
        K.ex.y = -iA * m_rA.x * m_rA.y - iB * m_rB.x * m_rB.y;
        K.ey.x = K.ex.y;
        K.ey.y = mA + mB + iA * m_rA.x * m_rA.x + iB * m_rB.x * m_rB.x;

        m_linearMass = K.GetInverse();

        m_angularMass = iA + iB;
        if (m_angularMass > 0.0f)
            m_angularMass = 1.0f / m_angularMass;

        m_linearError  = cB + m_rB - cA - m_rA;
        m_angularError = aB - aA - m_angularOffset;

        if (data.step.warmStarting)
            // Scale impulses to support a variable time step.
            m_linearImpulse  *= data.step.dtRatio;
            m_angularImpulse *= data.step.dtRatio;

            b2Vec2 P = new b2Vec2(m_linearImpulse.x, m_linearImpulse.y);
            vA -= mA * P;
            wA -= iA * (Utils.b2Cross(m_rA, P) + m_angularImpulse);
            vB += mB * P;
            wB += iB * (Utils.b2Cross(m_rB, P) + m_angularImpulse);
            m_angularImpulse = 0.0f;

        data.velocities[m_indexA].v = vA;
        data.velocities[m_indexA].w = wA;

        data.velocities[m_indexB].v = vB;
        data.velocities[m_indexB].w = wB;