Esempio n. 1
        // Convert all batch objects into xml and place them in cnpRequest, then build the Session file.
        public string Serialize()
            var xmlHeader = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>\r\n<cnpRequest version=\"12.5\"" +
                            " xmlns=\"\" " +
                            "numBatchRequests=\"" + numOfCnpBatchRequest + "\">";

            var xmlFooter = "\r\n</cnpRequest>";

            // Create the Session file.
            finalFilePath = cnpFile.createRandomFile(requestDirectory, Path.GetFileName(finalFilePath), ".xml", cnpTime);
            var filePath = finalFilePath;

            // Add the header into the Session file.
            cnpFile.AppendLineToFile(finalFilePath, xmlHeader);
            // Add authentication.
            cnpFile.AppendLineToFile(finalFilePath, authentication.Serialize());

            // batchFilePath is not null when some batch is added into the batch request.
            if (batchFilePath != null)
                cnpFile.AppendFileToFile(finalFilePath, batchFilePath);
                throw new CnpOnlineException("No batch was added to the CnpBatch!");

            // Add the footer into Session file
            cnpFile.AppendLineToFile(finalFilePath, xmlFooter);

            finalFilePath = null;

        public string Serialize()
            string xmlHeader = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>\r\n<litleRequest version=\"9.3\"" +
                               " xmlns=\"\" " +
                               "numBatchRequests=\"" + numOfLitleBatchRequest + "\">";

            string xmlFooter = "\r\n</litleRequest>";

            string filePath;

            finalFilePath = litleFile.createRandomFile(requestDirectory, Path.GetFileName(finalFilePath), ".xml", litleTime);
            filePath      = finalFilePath;

            litleFile.AppendLineToFile(finalFilePath, xmlHeader);
            litleFile.AppendLineToFile(finalFilePath, authentication.Serialize());

            if (batchFilePath != null)
                litleFile.AppendFileToFile(finalFilePath, batchFilePath);
                throw new LitleOnlineException("No batch was added to the LitleBatch!");

            litleFile.AppendLineToFile(finalFilePath, xmlFooter);

            finalFilePath = null;

Esempio n. 3
        public string Serialize()
            string xmlHeader = generateXmlHeader();
            string xmlFooter = generateXmlFooter();

            string filePath;

            finalFilePath = litleFile.createRandomFile(requestDirectory, Path.GetFileName(finalFilePath), ".xml", litleTime);
            filePath      = finalFilePath;

            litleFile.AppendLineToFile(finalFilePath, xmlHeader);
            litleFile.AppendLineToFile(finalFilePath, authentication.Serialize());

            if (batchFilePath != null)
                litleFile.AppendFileToFile(finalFilePath, batchFilePath);
                throw new LitleOnlineException("No batch was added to the LitleBatch!");

            litleFile.AppendLineToFile(finalFilePath, xmlFooter);

            finalFilePath = null;
