private void button_app_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Hide(); appSettings appSForm = new appSettings(); appSForm.ShowDialog(); }
public static bool ValidateCard(OrderDetails details, ref string result, appSettings _config) { try { ServicesContainer.ConfigureService(new GatewayConfig { MerchantId = _config.MerchantId, AccountId = _config.AccountId, SharedSecret = _config.SharedSecret, ServiceUrl = _config.ServiceUrl }); int expYear = 0; int expMonth = 0; int.TryParse(details.CardExpYear, out expYear); int.TryParse(details.CardExpMonth, out expMonth); // create the card object var card = new CreditCardData { Number = details.CardNumber, ExpMonth = expMonth, ExpYear = expYear, Cvn = details.CardCvn, CardHolderName = details.CardHolderName }; try { // process an auto-capture authorization decimal amount = 0.0m; decimal.TryParse(details.Amount, out amount); Transaction GPresponse = card.Verify() .Execute(); responseMsg["message"] = GPresponse.ResponseMessage; responseMsg["code"] = GPresponse.ResponseCode; responseMsg["SchemeId"] = GPresponse.SchemeId; result = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(responseMsg); return(true); } catch (ApiException ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); // TODO: Add your error handling here } } catch (Exception ex) { result = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ex.Message); return(false); } }
/// <summary> /// вернуть переменную типа bool /// </summary> /// <param name="Key"></param> /// <param name="id_project"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool?GetBoolSetting(string Key, int id_project) { appSettings apps = Get_Setting(Key, id_project); if (apps == null) { return(null); } if (GetTypeValue(apps.IDTypeValue) == typeof(Boolean)) { return(Boolean.Parse(apps.Value)); } return(null); }
/// <summary> /// вернуть переменную типа string /// </summary> /// <param name="Key"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string GetStringSetting(string Key, int id_project) { appSettings apps = Get_Setting(Key, id_project); if (apps == null) { return(null); } if (GetTypeValue(apps.IDTypeValue) == typeof(String)) { return(apps.Value); } return(null); }
/// <summary> /// вернуть переменную типа int /// </summary> /// <param name="Key"></param> /// <returns></returns> public int?GetIntSetting(string Key, int id_project) { appSettings apps = Get_Setting(Key, id_project); if (apps == null) { return(null); } if (GetTypeValue(apps.IDTypeValue) == typeof(Int32)) { return(int.Parse(apps.Value)); } return(null); }
public BrandController(IProductImageRepository productImageRepository, IProductRepository productRepository, IBrandRepository brandRepository, ICategoryRepository categoryRepository, IHostingEnvironment environment, IOptions <appSettings> appSettings) { _productImageRepository = productImageRepository; _productRepository = productRepository; _brandRepository = brandRepository; _categoryRepository = categoryRepository; _appSettings = appSettings.Value; _environment = environment; _serializerSettings = new JsonSerializerSettings { Formatting = Formatting.Indented }; }
public CustomerController(IOptions <JwtIssuerOptions> jwtOptions, IUserRepository userRepository, IRoleRepository roleRepository, IUserInRoleRepository userInRoleRepository, IHostingEnvironment environment, IOptions <appSettings> appSettings, IEmailSender emailsender) { _jwtOptions = jwtOptions.Value; _roleRepository = roleRepository; _userInRoleRepository = userInRoleRepository; _userRepository = userRepository; _appSettings = appSettings.Value; _environment = environment; _mailSender = emailsender; _serializerSettings = new JsonSerializerSettings { Formatting = Formatting.Indented }; }
public StoreController(IUserRepository userRepository, IStoreRepository storeRepository, IProductRepository productRepository, IProductImageRepository productImageRepository, IHostingEnvironment environment, IOptions <appSettings> appSettings) { _userRepository = userRepository; _storeRepository = storeRepository; _appSettings = appSettings.Value; _environment = environment; _productRepository = productRepository; _productImageRepository = productImageRepository; _serializerSettings = new JsonSerializerSettings { Formatting = Formatting.Indented }; }
public AddressController(IOptions <JwtIssuerOptions> jwtOptions, IUserRepository userRepository, IUserInRoleRepository userInRoleRepository, IRoleRepository roleRepository, ICustomerRepository customerRepository, IHostingEnvironment environment, IOptions <appSettings> appSettings) { _jwtOptions = jwtOptions.Value; _roleRepository = roleRepository; _userInRoleRepository = userInRoleRepository; _customerRepository = customerRepository; _userRepository = userRepository; _appSettings = appSettings.Value; _environment = environment; _serializerSettings = new JsonSerializerSettings { Formatting = Formatting.Indented }; }
public appSettings DeleteSettings(string Key, int id_project) { appSettings setting = context.appSettings.Where(s => s.Key == Key && s.IDProject == id_project).FirstOrDefault(); if (setting == null) { return(null); } appSettings dbEntry = context_edit.appSettings.Find(setting.IDAppSettings); if (dbEntry != null) { context_edit.appSettings.Remove(dbEntry); context_edit.SaveChanges(); } return(dbEntry); }
public int SaveSettings(appSettings appSettings) { appSettings dbEntry; if (context.appSettings.Where(s => s.Key == appSettings.Key && s.IDProject == appSettings.IDProject).FirstOrDefault() == null) { dbEntry = new appSettings() { IDAppSettings = appSettings.IDAppSettings, Key = appSettings.Key, Value = appSettings.Value, Description = appSettings.Description, IDProject = appSettings.IDProject, IDTypeValue = appSettings.IDTypeValue }; context_edit.appSettings.Add(dbEntry); } else { int id = context.appSettings.Where(s => s.Key == appSettings.Key && s.IDProject == appSettings.IDProject).FirstOrDefault().IDAppSettings; dbEntry = context_edit.appSettings.Find(id); if (dbEntry != null) { dbEntry.Key = appSettings.Key; dbEntry.Value = appSettings.Value; dbEntry.Description = appSettings.Description; dbEntry.IDTypeValue = appSettings.IDTypeValue; } } try { context_edit.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception e) { return(-1); } return(dbEntry.IDAppSettings); }
/// <summary> /// Получить значение Setting(string) по указаному Key. Если в базе нет значения считать из файлв app.config и если указан create создать Setting в базе данных /// </summary> /// <param name="Key"></param> /// <param name="id_project"></param> /// <param name="create"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string GetStringSettingConfigurationManager(string Key, int id_project, bool create) { string result = GetStringSetting(Key, id_project); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(result)) { result = GetStringConfigurationManager(Key); if (result != null & create) { appSettings setting = new appSettings() { IDAppSettings = 0, Key = Key, Value = result, Description = "", IDProject = id_project, IDTypeValue = (int)GetTypeValue(SettingsType.STRING.ToString()) }; SaveSetting(setting); } } return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Получить значение Setting(bool) по указаному Key. Если в базе нет значения считать из файлв app.config и если указан create создать Setting в базе данных /// </summary> /// <param name="Key"></param> /// <param name="id_project"></param> /// <param name="create"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool?GetBoolSettingConfigurationManager(string Key, int id_project, bool create) { bool?result = GetBoolSetting(Key, id_project); if (result == null) { result = GetBoolConfigurationManager(Key); if (result != null & create) { appSettings setting = new appSettings() { IDAppSettings = 0, Key = Key, Value = result.ToString(), Description = "", IDProject = id_project, IDTypeValue = (int)GetTypeValue(SettingsType.BOOLEAN.ToString()) }; SaveSetting(setting); } } return(result); }
public Login( IUserService userService, IOptions <appSettings> appSettings) { _userService = userService; _appSettings = appSettings.Value; }
public CardPayment(appSettings config) { _config = config; }
var(appSettings, configuration) = BootstrapWithoutValidation <T>(args);
/// <summary> /// Сохранить Project /// </summary> /// <param name="tv"></param> /// <returns></returns> public int SaveSetting(appSettings setting) { return(rep_AppSettings.SaveSettings(setting)); }
private void btnSaveRes_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!CheckRes()) { MessageBox.Show("�������� ���� ������� ���������"); return; } results = new ResStr[2]; if (gbR1.Visible) { results[0].res = ResRoute1; if (rbR1.Checked) { results[0].resType = resTypeE.ROUTE; } else { results[0].resType = resTypeE.SUM; } } else { results[0].res = ""; results[0].resType = resTypeE.NONE; } if (gbR2.Visible) { if (rbTime2.Checked) { results[1].res = rbTime2.Text; } else if (rbFall2.Checked) { results[1].res = rbFall2.Text; } else if (rbDisq2.Checked) { results[1].res = rbDisq2.Text; } else { results[1].res = rbNya2.Text; } if (rbR2.Checked) { results[1].resType = resTypeE.ROUTE; } else { results[1].resType = resTypeE.SUM; } } else { results[1].resType = resTypeE.NONE; results[1].res = ""; } appSettings aSet = appSettings.Default; aSet.SysR1 = rbR1.Checked; aSet.SysR2 = rbR2.Checked; aSet.Save(); //StaticClass.SaveDataToRegistry("SysR1", rbR1.Checked.ToString()); //StaticClass.SaveDataToRegistry("SysR2", rbR2.Checked.ToString()); cancel = false; this.Close(); }
public PaymentController(IOptions <appSettings> appIdentitySettingsAccessor) { _config = appIdentitySettingsAccessor.Value; }
public PayPalPayment(appSettings config) { _config = config; }
public void Read_Setting() { // Arrange - create the mock repository mock_tv.Setup(m => m.TypeValue).Returns(new TypeValue[] { new TypeValue { IDTypeValue = 1, TypeValue1 = "INT" }, new TypeValue { IDTypeValue = 2, TypeValue1 = "STRING" }, new TypeValue { IDTypeValue = 3, TypeValue1 = "BOOLEAN" } }.AsQueryable()); mock_apps.Setup(m => m.appSettings).Returns(new appSettings[] { new appSettings { Key = "Seting1", Value = "12", Description = "DescriptionSeting1", IDProject = 1, IDTypeValue = 1 }, new appSettings { Key = "Seting2", Value = "Value_Seting2", Description = "DescriptionValue_Seting2", IDProject = 2, IDTypeValue = 2 }, new appSettings { Key = "Seting3", Value = "458", Description = "DescriptionValue_Seting3", IDProject = 1, IDTypeValue = 1 }, }.AsQueryable()); mock_pr.Setup(m => m.Project).Returns(new Project[] { new Project { IDProject = 1, Project1 = "Project#1", ProjectDescription = "Description_Project1" }, new Project { IDProject = 2, Project1 = "Project#2", ProjectDescription = "Description_Project2" }, }.AsQueryable()); // Arrange - create the controller Settings target = new Settings(mock_apps.Object, mock_pr.Object, mock_tv.Object); // Act // Проверка appSettings appSettings apps = target.Get_Setting("Seting1", 1); int? cs1 = target.GetIntSetting("Seting1", 1); string cs2 = target.GetStringSetting("Seting2", 2); appSettings apps_null = target.Get_Setting("Seting1", 2); // Проверка TypeValue Type type_int = target.GetTypeValue(1); Type type_string = target.GetTypeValue(2); Type type_Boolean = target.GetTypeValue(3); Type type_null = target.GetTypeValue(0); int max_id_TypeValue = target.GetMaxIDTypeValue(); int?id_int = target.GetTypeValue("INT"); int?id_string = target.GetTypeValue("STRING"); int?id_boolean = target.GetTypeValue("BOOLEAN"); int?id_null = target.GetTypeValue("Null"); int?id_int_up = target.GetTypeValue("int"); // Проверка Project Project pr = target.Get_Project(1); Project pr_null = target.Get_Project(0); // списки List <TypeValue> list_TypeValue = target.Get_TypeValue().ToList(); List <appSettings> list_Settings = target.Get_Setting().ToList(); // Assert // appSettings Assert.AreEqual("12", apps.Value); Assert.AreEqual(1, apps.IDTypeValue); Assert.AreEqual("DescriptionSeting1", apps.Description); Assert.AreEqual(1, apps.IDProject); Assert.AreEqual(1, apps.IDTypeValue); Assert.AreEqual(null, apps_null); // TypeValue Assert.AreEqual(typeof(Int32), type_int); Assert.AreEqual(typeof(String), type_string); Assert.AreEqual(typeof(Boolean), type_Boolean); Assert.AreEqual(12, cs1); Assert.AreEqual("Value_Seting2", cs2); Assert.AreEqual(null, type_null); Assert.AreEqual(3, max_id_TypeValue); Assert.AreEqual(1, id_int); Assert.AreEqual(2, id_string); Assert.AreEqual(3, id_boolean); Assert.AreEqual(null, id_null); Assert.AreEqual(1, id_int_up); // Project Assert.AreEqual(1, pr.IDProject); Assert.AreEqual("Project#1", pr.Project1); Assert.AreEqual("Description_Project1", pr.ProjectDescription); Assert.AreEqual(null, pr_null); // списки Assert.AreEqual(3, list_TypeValue.Count()); Assert.AreEqual(3, list_Settings.Count()); }