protected void runExitAnimation() { artToFade.color -= new Color(0, 0, 0, fullHereColor.a / amountToFadeBy) * Time.deltaTime; if (artToFade.color.a <= 0) { currentAnimationState = animationStates.EXITEND; } }
protected void runEnterAnimation() { artToFade.color += new Color(0, 0, 0, fullHereColor.a / amountToFadeBy) * Time.deltaTime; if (artToFade.color.a >= fullHereColor.a) { currentAnimationState = animationStates.NONE; } }
public void StartClip() { if (this.MyState == animationStates.STOPPED) { currentTimeValue = TimeSpan.Zero; currentKeyframe = 0; } this.MyState = animationStates.PLAYING; // initialize bone transforms to the bind pose skinningDataValue.BindPose.CopyTo(boneTransforms, 0); Update(new TimeSpan(0), true, Matrix.Identity); }
public AnimationPlayer(SkinningData skinningData, string animKey) { if (skinningData == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("skinningData"); } this.skinningDataValue = skinningData; this.AnimationKey = animKey; this.MyState = animationStates.STOPPED; boneTransforms = new Matrix[skinningData.BindPose.Count]; worldTransforms = new Matrix[skinningData.BindPose.Count]; skinTransforms = new Matrix[skinningData.BindPose.Count]; currentClipValue = null; if (!skinningData.AnimationClips.TryGetValue(animKey, out currentClipValue)) { currentClipValue = new AnimationClip(new TimeSpan(1), new List <Keyframe>()); } if (currentClipValue == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("clip"); } }
public void PauseClip() { this.MyState = animationStates.PAUSED; }
public void StopClip() { this.MyState = animationStates.STOPPED; }
public void startExitAnimation() { currentAnimationState = animationStates.EXIT; }
public void startEnterAnimation() { currentAnimationState = animationStates.ENTER; }
protected void setDefaultFadeState() { fullHereColor = artToFade.color; // used for our fade in and out; artToFade.color = new Color(fullHereColor.r, fullHereColor.g, fullHereColor.b, emptyAlphaValue); currentAnimationState = animationStates.NONE; }
protected void changeAnimationState(animationStates newAnimationState) { currentAnimationState = newAnimationState; }