public void LoadRFModel(string file_name = "")
            if (file_name == "")
                file_name = RF_model_file_path_;
            decisionForest = new dforest.decisionforest();
            alglib.serializer Serializer = new alglib.serializer();
            string modelFile = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(file_name);
            dforest.dfunserialize(Serializer, decisionForest);
            Console.WriteLine("Finish loading the RF model");
            Console.WriteLine("Total tree size: {0}", decisionForest.trees.Length);
            int treeSize = (int)(decisionForest.trees.Length / decisionForest.ntrees);
            Console.WriteLine("single tree size:{0}", treeSize);
            Console.WriteLine("Number of variable: {0}", decisionForest.nvars);
            Console.WriteLine("ntress: {0}", decisionForest.ntrees);
            Console.WriteLine("nclasses: {0}", decisionForest.nclasses);
            // turn the tree from double type to int type to make it more efficient
            trees_int_ = new int[decisionForest.trees.Length];
            Console.WriteLine("Length of the original tree: {0}", trees_int_.Length);
            for (int i = 0; i < decisionForest.trees.Length; i++)
                trees_int_[i] = (int)Math.Ceiling(decisionForest.trees[i]);

 /* ######################### */
 // load the random forest model from the file to the class property decisionForest
 private void LoadRFModel() {
     string modelFilePath = + "\\FeatureVectureBlue149.rf.model";
     Console.WriteLine("Model file path {0}", modelFilePath);
     string modelFile = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(modelFilePath);            
     alglib.serializer Serializer = new alglib.serializer();
     dforest.dfunserialize(Serializer, decisionForest);
     Console.WriteLine("Finish loading the RF model");