//Start new AI and create a equivalent struct
    void StartAI(int i)
        Vector3 randomPosition = new Vector3(Random.Range(-terrainDistance, terrainDistance), 1.0f, Random.Range(-terrainDistance, terrainDistance));

        listOfAiObjects[i] = (GameObject)Instantiate(prefabGameObject);

        listOfAiObjects[i].transform.position = randomPosition;

        listOfAiStructs[i] = new aiStruct(randomPosition, Vector3.zero);
    //Helps struct rotate via LERP, checks if we are looking at the new position
    //We round with a precision variable to create a proper interpolation
    public bool isLookingAt(float p, aiStruct automat)
        Vector3 randomPos = automat.randomPos;

        Vector3 autDir = Vector3.Normalize(automat.dir);

        autDir = new Vector3(Mathf.Round(autDir.x * p) / p, Mathf.Round(autDir.y * p) / p, Mathf.Round(autDir.z * p) / p);

        Vector3 direction = Vector3.Normalize(randomPos - automat.pos);

        direction = new Vector3(Mathf.Round(direction.x * p) / p, Mathf.Round(direction.y * p) / p, Mathf.Round(direction.z * p) / p);

        return(direction == autDir);
    //For generating new positions for our struct
    aiStruct updateStruct(aiStruct automat)
        RaycastHit hit;

        //If we reached our destination, create new target position
        if ((automat.pos - automat.randomPos).magnitude <= 0.2f || automat.randomPos == Vector3.zero)
            automat.randomPos = new Vector3(Random.Range(-terrainDistance, terrainDistance), automat.pos.y, Random.Range(-terrainDistance, terrainDistance));

            //If this created position hits an obstacle, stay where we are
            if (Physics.Raycast(automat.pos, automat.randomPos - automat.pos, out hit, 20, -1))
                automat.randomPos = automat.pos;


        Vector3 randomPos = automat.randomPos;

        //If poisition inside the terrain
        if (isInside(randomPos, terrainDistance))
            Vector3 randir = (randomPos - automat.pos).normalized;

            //Are we looking at the new target position?
            if ((automat.dir - randir).magnitude > 0.05f)
                //If no, interpolate till we looking at it
                automat.dir = Vector3.Lerp(automat.dir, randir, 0.2f).normalized;
                //If yes, move towards that position
                automat.pos += automat.dir * forwardVel * Time.deltaTime;
            automat.randomPos = automat.pos;

    //Used to check whether a GameObject AI is on the field of view of our camera
    void manageRendering()
        for (int i = 0; i < listOfAiObjects.Length; i++)
            //We turn our AI position into a Viewport point,
            //If the x,y elements of this point are between 0 and 1
            //and the y between 0 and 50 (Basically the far and near planes)
            //means that this point is on the field of view of the camera
            Vector3 pointOnScreen;

            bool isInsideSphere;

            //Is the AI GameObject is the one active

            if (listOfAiObjects [i].activeSelf)
                //we save its position
                pointOnScreen = Camera.main.WorldToViewportPoint(listOfAiObjects [i].transform.position);

                isInsideSphere = isOnLeichtgewichtRender(listOfAiObjects [i].transform.position);
                pointOnScreen = Camera.main.WorldToViewportPoint(listOfAiStructs [i].pos);

                isInsideSphere = isOnLeichtgewichtRender(listOfAiStructs[i].pos);

            //If AI or Struct inside of the field of view
            if (pointOnScreen.z > 0 && pointOnScreen.z < 50 && pointOnScreen.x > 0 && pointOnScreen.x < 1 && pointOnScreen.y > 0 && pointOnScreen.y < 1)
                listOfAiObjects [i].SetActive(true);

                //If the struct is the one active
                if (listOfAiStructs [i].isActivated)
                    aiStruct currentAi = listOfAiStructs [i];

                    //We pass this values to the GameObject itself
                    //And deactive the struct
                    listOfAiObjects [i].transform.forward = currentAi.dir;

                    listOfAiObjects [i].transform.position = currentAi.pos;

                    listOfAiObjects [i].GetComponent <AIController> ().randomPos = currentAi.randomPos;

                    //This line is to pass the new destination to the NavMesh.
                    //If we send this to our NavMesh before our AIController script gets fired
                    //We get a nullpoint exception, since the other in which the values get started
                    //Change from one script to the other
                    listOfAiObjects [i].GetComponent <AIController> ().setValue(currentAi.randomPos);

                    listOfAiStructs [i].isActivated = false;

                //If inside the sphere but not inside the field of view
            else if (isInsideSphere)
                //If our struct isnt active yet
                if (!listOfAiStructs [i].isActivated)
                    //And our GameObject is
                    if (listOfAiObjects [i].activeSelf)
                        //We pass those values to the struct and deactive the GameObject
                        listOfAiStructs [i].pos = listOfAiObjects [i].transform.position;

                        listOfAiStructs [i].dir = listOfAiObjects [i].transform.forward;

                        listOfAiStructs [i].randomPos = listOfAiObjects [i].GetComponent <AIController> ().randomPos;

                        listOfAiObjects [i].SetActive(false);

                    //We start the struct
                    listOfAiStructs [i].isActivated = true;

                //And update its position
                listOfAiStructs [i] = updateStruct(listOfAiStructs [i]);
                //If AI outside of everything, deactivate them
                listOfAiObjects [i].SetActive(false);

                listOfAiStructs [i].isActivated = false;