public ActionResult BadgeDescription(int achievementID) { string achievementTitle, achievementDescription, imageUri; using (UnitOfWork work = new UnitOfWork()) { achievement_template template = work.AchievementRepository.GetTemplateById(achievementID); if (template == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.NotFound)); } achievementTitle = template.title; achievementDescription = template.description; imageUri = JppUriInfo.GetAbsoluteUri(Request, template.icon); } var badgeDescription = new { // TODO: truncate data if too large; see name = achievementTitle, description = achievementDescription, image = imageUri, criteria = JppUriInfo.GetCurrentDomain(Request) + Url.RouteUrl("AchievementsPlayersRoute", new { id = achievementID }), issuer = JppUriInfo.GetCurrentDomain(Request) + Url.RouteUrl("OpenBadgesIssuerRoute"), // TODO: tags (optional) }; return(Json(badgeDescription, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public ActionResult Assertion(int userID, int achievementID) { string userEmail, achievementImageURL; DateTime achievementDate; using (UnitOfWork work = new UnitOfWork()) { // Verify user actually has achievement if (!work.AchievementRepository.DoesUserHaveAchievement(userID, achievementID)) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.NotFound)); } // If so, get data and generate assertion userEmail = work.UserRepository.GetUser(userID).email; achievement_template achievementTemplate = work.AchievementRepository.GetTemplateById(achievementID); achievementImageURL = JppUriInfo.GetAbsoluteUri(Request, achievementTemplate.icon); achievement_instance achievementInstance = work.AchievementRepository.GetUserAchievementInstance(userID, achievementID); achievementDate = achievementInstance.achieved_date; } string salt = "CoeA8DQf"; // As we are exposing the salt anyway, using a constant isn't an issue, and it saves us from having to store every randomly-generated salt in the db string hashedEmail; hashedEmail = Sha256Helper.HashStringWithSalt(userEmail, salt); var badgeAssertion = new { uid = GenerateUniqueId(userID, achievementID), recipient = new { identity = "sha256$" + hashedEmail, type = "email", hashed = true, salt = salt }, image = achievementImageURL, badge = JppUriInfo.GetCurrentDomain(Request) + Url.RouteUrl("OpenBadgeDescriptionRoute", new { Action = "BadgeDescription", achievementID = achievementID }), verify = new { type = "hosted", url = JppUriInfo.GetCurrentDomain(Request) + Url.RouteUrl("OpenBadgeRoute", new { Action = "Assertion", userID = userID, achievementID = achievementID }), }, issuedOn = achievementDate.ToString("s", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), evidence = JppUriInfo.GetCurrentDomain(Request) + Url.RouteUrl("AchievementsPlayersRoute", new { id = achievementID, playerID = userID }), }; return(Json(badgeAssertion, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }