Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates quaternion representing a rotation around
        /// an axis by an angle.
        /// </summary>
        // todo ISSUE 20090420 andi : sm, rft: What about adding an AxisAngle struct?.
        public __rot3t__(__v3t__ axis, __ft__ angleInRadians)
            var halfAngle = angleInRadians / 2;

            W = halfAngle.Cos();
            V = axis.Normalized * halfAngle.Sin();
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a quaternion representing a rotation from one
        /// vector into another.
        /// </summary>
        public __rot3t__(__v3t__ from, __v3t__ into)
            var     a        = from.Normalized;
            var     b        = into.Normalized;
            var     angle    = Fun.Clamp(__v3t__.Dot(a, b), -1, 1).Acos();
            var     angleAbs = angle.Abs();
            __v3t__ axis;

            // some vectors do not normalize to 1.0 -> Vec.Dot = -0.99999999999999989 || -0.99999994f
            // acos => 3.1415926386886319 or 3.14124632f -> delta of 1e-7 or 1e-3
            if (angle < __rotIntoEps__)
                axis  = a;
                angle = 0;
            else if (__pi__ - angleAbs < __rotIntoEps__)
                axis  = a.AxisAlignedNormal();
                angle = __pi__;
                axis = __v3t__.Cross(a, b).Normalized;

            this = new __rot3t__(axis, angle);
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Transforms direction vector v (v.w is presumed 0.0) by quaternion q.
        /// </summary>
        public static __v3t__ TransformDir(__rot3t__ q, __v3t__ v)
            // first transforming quaternion to __m33t__ is approximately equal in terms of operations ...

            // ... than direct multiplication ...
            //QuaternionF r = q.Conjugated() * new QuaternionF(0, v) * q;
            //return new __v3t__(r.X, r.Y, r.Z);
Esempio n. 4
        public static __v3t__ Transform(this __type__ rot, __v3t__ v)
            __ftype__ a = Fun.Cos(rot.Angle);
            __ftype__ b = Fun.Sin(rot.Angle);

            return(new __v3t__(a * v.X + -b * v.Y,
                               b * v.X + a * v.Y,
Esempio n. 5
        public static __v3t__ Multiply(__rot2t__ rot, __v3t__ vec)
            __ft__ ca = (__ft__)System.Math.Cos(rot.Angle);
            __ft__ sa = (__ft__)System.Math.Sin(rot.Angle);

            return(new __v3t__(ca * vec.X + sa * vec.Y,
                               -sa * vec.X + ca * vec.Y,
Esempio n. 6
        public static __v3t__ InvTransform(this __type__ r, __v3t__ v)
            var w = r.X * v.X + r.Y * v.Y + r.Z * v.Z;
            var x = r.W * v.X - r.Y * v.Z + r.Z * v.Y;
            var y = r.W * v.Y - r.Z * v.X + r.X * v.Z;
            var z = r.W * v.Z - r.X * v.Y + r.Y * v.X;

            return(new __v3t__(
                       w * r.X + x * r.W + y * r.Z - z * r.Y,
                       w * r.Y + y * r.W + z * r.X - x * r.Z,
                       w * r.Z + z * r.W + x * r.Y - y * r.X
 public static __rot3t__ HalfWayVec(__v3t__ from, __v3t__ into)
     if (from.Dot(into).ApproximateEquals(-1))
         return(new __rot3t__(0, from.AxisAlignedNormal()));
         __v3t__   half = Vec.Normalized(from + into);
         __quatt__ q    = new __quatt__(Vec.Dot(from, half), Vec.Cross(from, half));
         return(new __rot3t__(q.Normalized));
Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Inverts this quaternion (multiplicative inverse).
        /// Returns this.
        /// </summary>
        public void Invert()
            var norm = NormSquared;

            if (norm == 0)
                throw new ArithmeticException("quaternion is not invertible");
            var scale = 1 / norm;

            W *= scale;
            V *= -scale;
            public static __rot3t__ HalfWayQuat(__v3t__ from, __v3t__ into)
                var d = Vec.Dot(from, into);

                if (d.ApproximateEquals(-1))
                    return(new __rot3t__(0, from.AxisAlignedNormal()));
                    __quatt__ q = new __quatt__(d + 1, Vec.Cross(from, into));
                    return(new __rot3t__(q.Normalized));
Esempio n. 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Normalizes this quaternion.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>This.</returns>
        public void Normalize()
            var norm = Norm;

            if (norm == 0)
                this = __rot3t__.Identity;
                var scale = 1 / norm;
                W *= scale;
                V *= scale;
Esempio n. 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Create from Rodrigues axis-angle vactor
        /// </summary>
        public static __rot3t__ FromAngleAxis(__v3t__ angleAxis)
            __ft__ theta2 = angleAxis.LengthSquared;

            if (theta2 > Constant <__ft__> .PositiveTinyValue)
                var theta     = Fun.Sqrt(theta2);
                var thetaHalf = theta / 2;
                var k         = Fun.Sin(thetaHalf) / theta;
                return(new __rot3t__(Fun.Cos(thetaHalf), k * angleAxis));
                return(new __rot3t__(1, 0, 0, 0));
Esempio n. 12
        public static void ToAxisAngle(this __type__ r, ref __v3t__ axis, ref __ftype__ angleInRadians)
            angleInRadians = 2 * Fun.Acos(r.W);
            var s = Fun.Sqrt(1 - r.W * r.W); // assuming quaternion normalised then w is less than 1, so term always positive.

            if (s < 0.001)
            {                 // test to avoid divide by zero, s is always positive due to sqrt
                // if s close to zero then direction of axis not important
                axis.X = r.X; // if it is important that axis is normalised then replace with x=1; y=z=0;
                axis.Y = r.Y;
                axis.Z = r.Z;
                axis.X = r.X / s; // normalise axis
                axis.Y = r.Y / s;
                axis.Z = r.Z / s;
            public static __rot3t__ Original(__v3t__ from, __v3t__ into)
                var angle = from.AngleBetween(into);

                //# var rotIntoEps = isDouble ? "1e-15" : "1e-6f";
                if (angle < __rotIntoEps__)
                else if (__pi__ - angle < __rotIntoEps__)
                    return(new __rot3t__(0, from.AxisAlignedNormal()));
                    __v3t__ axis = Vec.Cross(from, into).Normalized;
                    return(__rot3t__.Rotation(axis, angle));
Esempio n. 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts this Rotation to the axis angle representation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="axis">Output of normalized axis of rotation.</param>
        /// <param name="angleInRadians">Output of angle of rotation about axis (Right Hand Rule).</param>
        public void ToAxisAngle(ref __v3t__ axis, ref __ft__ angleInRadians)
            if (!Fun.ApproximateEquals(NormSquared, 1, 0.001))
                throw new ArgumentException("Quaternion needs to be normalized to represent a rotation.");
            angleInRadians = 2 * (__ft__)System.Math.Acos(W);
            var s = (__ft__)System.Math.Sqrt(1 - W * W); // assuming quaternion normalised then w is less than 1, so term always positive.

            if (s < 0.001)
            {               // test to avoid divide by zero, s is always positive due to sqrt
                // if s close to zero then direction of axis not important
                axis.X = X; // if it is important that axis is normalised then replace with x=1; y=z=0;
                axis.Y = Y;
                axis.Z = Z;
                axis.X = X / s; // normalise axis
                axis.Y = Y / s;
                axis.Z = Z / s;
Esempio n. 15
 /// <summary>
 /// Transforms direction vector v (v.w is presumed 0.0) by the inverse of this rigid transformation.
 /// Actually, only the rotation is used.
 /// </summary>
 public __v3t__ InvTransformDir(__v3t__ v)
     return(InvTransformDir(this, v));
Esempio n. 16
 /// <summary>
 /// Transforms direction vector v (v.w is presumed 0.0) by this rigid transformation.
 /// Actually, only the rotation is used.
 /// </summary>
 public __v3t__ TransformDir(__v3t__ v)
     return(TransformDir(this, v));
Esempio n. 17
 /// <summary>
 /// Transforms point p (p.w is presumed 1.0) by the inverse of the rigid transformation r.
 /// </summary>
 public static __v3t__ InvTransformPos(__e3t__ r, __v3t__ p)
     return(r.Rot.InvTransformPos(p - r.Trans));
Esempio n. 18
 /// <summary>
 /// Transforms direction vector v (v.w is presumed 0.0) by the inverse of the rigid transformation r.
 /// Actually, only the rotation is used.
 /// </summary>
 public static __v3t__ InvTransformDir(__e3t__ r, __v3t__ v)
Esempio n. 19
 /// <summary>
 /// Transforms point p (p.w is presumed 1.0) by rigid transformation r.
 /// </summary>
 public static __v3t__ TransformPos(__e3t__ r, __v3t__ p)
     return(r.Rot.TransformPos(p) + r.Trans);
Esempio n. 20
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates quaternion (w, (x, y, z)).
 /// </summary>
 // todo ISSUE 20090420 andi : sm, rft: Add asserts for unit-length constraint
 public __rot3t__(__ft__ w, __ft__ x, __ft__ y, __ft__ z)
     W = w;
     V = new __v3t__(x, y, z);
Esempio n. 21
 /// <summary>
 /// Transforms point p (p.w is presumed 1.0) by this quaternion.
 /// For quaternions, this method is equivalent to TransformDir, and
 /// is made available only to provide a consistent set of operations
 /// for all transforms.
 /// </summary>
 public __v3t__ TransformPos(__v3t__ p)
     return(TransformDir(this, p));
Esempio n. 22
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 public static __rot3t__ FromFrame(__v3t__ x, __v3t__ y, __v3t__ z)
     return(From__m33t__(__m33t__.FromCols(x, y, z)));
Esempio n. 23
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates quaternion from array starting at specified index.
 /// (w = a[start], (x = a[start+1], y = a[start+2], z = a[start+3])).
 /// </summary>
 public __rot3t__(__ft__[] a, int start)
     W = a[start];
     V = new __v3t__(a[start + 1], a[start + 2], a[start + 3]);
Esempio n. 24
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates quaternion (w, (v.x, v.y, v.z)).
 /// </summary>
 public __rot3t__(__ft__ w, __v3t__ v)
     W = w;
     V = v;
Esempio n. 25
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a rigid transformation from a rotation <paramref name="rot"/> and a (subsequent) translation <paramref name="trans"/>.
 /// </summary>
 public __e3t__(__r3t__ rot, __v3t__ trans)
     Rot   = rot;
     Trans = trans;
Esempio n. 26
 /// <summary>
 /// Transforms point p (p.w is presumed 1.0) by the inverse of this rigid transformation.
 /// </summary>
 public __v3t__ InvTransformPos(__v3t__ p)
     return(InvTransformPos(this, p));
Esempio n. 27
 /// <summary>
 /// Inverts this rigid transformation (multiplicative inverse).
 /// this = [Rot^T,-Rot^T Trans]
 /// </summary>
 public void Invert()
     Trans = -Rot.TransformDir(Trans);
Esempio n. 28
 /// <summary>
 /// Conjugates this quaternion. Returns this.
 /// For normalized rotation-quaternions this is the same as Invert().
 /// </summary>
 public void Conjugate()
     V = -V;
Esempio n. 29
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a rigid transformation from a rotation matrix <paramref name="rot"/> and a (subsequent) translation <paramref name="trans"/>.
 /// </summary>
 public __e3t__(M3__s3f__ rot, __v3t__ trans, __ft__ epsilon = __eps__)
     Rot   = __r3t__.FromM3__s3f__(rot, epsilon);
     Trans = trans;
Esempio n. 30
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates quaternion from array.
 /// (w = a[0], (x = a[1], y = a[2], z = a[3])).
 /// </summary>
 public __rot3t__(__ft__[] a)
     W = a[0];
     V = new __v3t__(a[1], a[2], a[3]);