private void CalculatePath()
        path = new ArrayList();
        navmesh = GameObject.Find ("NavmeshGenerator").GetComponent<NavmeshSpawner> ().GetNavmesh ();

        // cast rays up, down, left, right and if its longer than it should be, ignore the impact
        float expectedDist = navmesh.gameUnitStep + fudge;

        // Start the calculation by finding the closest node to the player (or GameObject to which we are attached)
        GameObject startPoint = FindClosestNavmeshPointTo(sourceClick);
        startPoint.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer> ().enabled = true;
        startPoint.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer> ().color =;
        //Debug.Log ("Starting from: (" + startPoint.transform.position.x + ", " + startPoint.transform.position.y + ")");

        _SearchElement startElement = new _SearchElement(startPoint, 0.0f);

        // Then find the closest GameObject to the target
        endPoint = FindClosestNavmeshPointTo(destClick);
        endPoint.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer> ().enabled = true;
        endPoint.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer> ().color =;
        //Debug.Log ("Ending at: (" + endPoint.transform.position.x + ", " + endPoint.transform.position.y + ")");

        // Keep a priority queue of points on the frontier, sorted in increasing order by F = G + H
        // The CompareTo() function of each _SearchElement takes into account the H value
        SortedList openSet = new SortedList();
        // Keep a list of NavmeshPoints we have already found in the SPT
        ArrayList closedSet = new ArrayList();

        openSet.Add(startElement, null);

        _SearchElement finalSearchElement = null;

        while (openSet.Count > 0) {

            // Dequeue the element in the openSet with the smallest distance
            _SearchElement current = openSet.GetKey(0) as _SearchElement;

            // Is this what we are looking for?
            if (current.point == endPoint) {
                finalSearchElement = current;


            // Remove this NavmeshPoint from the openSet and add it to the closedSet
            current.point.layer = 9;

            //Debug.Log ("Processing point at (" + current.point.transform.position.x
            //           + ", " + current.point.transform.position.y + ")");

            // Get all NavmeshPoints adjacent to this point in the form of _SearchElements whose dists are current.dist
            // plus however long the edge from current to the adjacent point is (measured in terms of game space dist)
            ArrayList adj = GetAdjacentPoints(current, expectedDist);

            // Find out if any points adjacent to current are already in the openSet
            // If they are, find out if the distance through the current path is shorter than the distance
            // they are currently at through other paths. If the distance through current is shorter, update the dist
            // to be the dist through current, and update the from field to be current.

            // Note: We do not explicitly handle the heuristic estimate at this time, as it is taken care of for us
            // behind the scenes in the openSet.Add() function by the IComparable interface implemented by _SearchElement
            foreach (_SearchElement newFrontierElement in adj) {

                bool elementInOpenSet = false;
                bool replaceExistingElement = false;
                _SearchElement existingElementIndex = null;

                foreach (_SearchElement establishedFrontierElement in openSet.Keys) {
                    if (newFrontierElement.point == establishedFrontierElement.point) {

                        // This NavmeshPoint exists in the openSet
                        elementInOpenSet = true;

                        if (newFrontierElement.dist < establishedFrontierElement.dist) {

                            // The new path is a better path than the current path
                            replaceExistingElement = true;
                            existingElementIndex = establishedFrontierElement;

                        // Break out of the openSet for-loop; we are done here since we found a match

                if (!elementInOpenSet) {
                    openSet.Add(newFrontierElement, null);

                else if (elementInOpenSet && replaceExistingElement) {
                    openSet.Add(newFrontierElement, null);


        // We either ran out of elements in the navmesh and should throw an error, or we arrived at the target
        if (finalSearchElement == null) {
            throw new Exception("Target element not found by A* algorithm");
        else {

            // We shouldn't show the close navpoints any longer

            // Reconstruct the path that won
            path = new ArrayList();
            pathDist = 0.0f;

            _SearchElement pathPoint = finalSearchElement;
            while (pathPoint != null) {
                pathDist += pathPoint.dist;
                pathPoint = (_SearchElement)pathPoint.from;

            // Finally, reverse the path, since we added elements to it in reverse order (i.e. starting from target)
            foreach (GameObject navmeshPoint in path) {
                SpriteRenderer sr = navmeshPoint.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>();
                sr.enabled = true;
                sr.color =;


            //Debug.Log ("Final path distance: " + pathDist);

 public _SearchElement(GameObject g, float d)
     point = g;
     dist = d;
     from = null;
 public _SearchElement(GameObject g, float d, _SearchElement f)
     point = g;
     dist = d;
     from = f;
    // Returns an ArrayList of up to four adjacent _SearchElements in the up, down, left, right directions
    // relative to element, with their relevant fields filled out
    private ArrayList GetAdjacentPoints(_SearchElement element, float expectedDist)
        // Set the NavmeshPoint pointed to by element.point to be invisible to raycasting so that we can raycast
        // from inside it
        int oldLayer = element.point.layer;
        element.point.layer = 8;

        // Cast rays up, down, left, right
        // We don't need to cast diagonally because we will have path smoothing kicking in for that later
        // If they intersect with a GameObject with tag NavmeshObject in <= expectedDist, add that point to AdjPoints
        ArrayList adj = new ArrayList();

        RaycastHit2D raycastHitUp = Physics2D.Raycast(element.point.transform.position, Vector2.up, expectedDist, layerMask);
        RaycastHit2D raycastHitDown = Physics2D.Raycast(element.point.transform.position, -Vector2.up, expectedDist, layerMask);
        RaycastHit2D raycastHitLeft = Physics2D.Raycast(element.point.transform.position, -Vector2.right, expectedDist, layerMask);
        RaycastHit2D raycastHitRight = Physics2D.Raycast(element.point.transform.position, Vector2.right, expectedDist, layerMask);

        RaycastHit2D raycastHitUpLeft = Physics2D.Raycast(element.point.transform.position, (Vector2.up - Vector2.right), expectedDist*sqrt_2, layerMask);
        RaycastHit2D raycastHitUpRight = Physics2D.Raycast(element.point.transform.position, (Vector2.up + Vector2.right), expectedDist*sqrt_2, layerMask);
        RaycastHit2D raycastHitDownLeft = Physics2D.Raycast(element.point.transform.position, (-Vector2.up - Vector2.right), expectedDist*sqrt_2, layerMask);
        RaycastHit2D raycastHitDownRight = Physics2D.Raycast(element.point.transform.position, (-Vector2.up + Vector2.right), expectedDist*sqrt_2, layerMask);

        // If the raycast hits something, and it's a NavmeshPoint, add it to adj with dist = G (we account for H later,
        // when adding to the priority queue) and with its from field pointing to element
        //Debug.Log ("Rays are cast");
        if (raycastHitUp.collider != null) {
            if (raycastHitUp.collider.gameObject.CompareTag("NavmeshObject")) {
                adj.Add(new _SearchElement(raycastHitUp.collider.gameObject,
                                          + Vector2.Distance(raycastHitUp.point, element.point.transform.position),
                //Debug.Log ("Adding frontier element at ("
                //           + raycastHitUp.collider.gameObject.transform.position.x
                //           + ", "
                //           + raycastHitUp.collider.gameObject.transform.position.y
                //           + ")");
        if (raycastHitDown.collider != null) {
            if (raycastHitDown.collider.gameObject.CompareTag("NavmeshObject")) {
                adj.Add(new _SearchElement(raycastHitDown.collider.gameObject,
                                          + Vector2.Distance(raycastHitDown.point, element.point.transform.position),
                //Debug.Log ("Adding frontier element at ("
                //           + raycastHitDown.collider.gameObject.transform.position.x
                //           + ", "
                //           + raycastHitDown.collider.gameObject.transform.position.y
                //           + ")");

        if (raycastHitLeft.collider != null) {
            if (raycastHitLeft.collider.gameObject.CompareTag("NavmeshObject")) {
                adj.Add(new _SearchElement(raycastHitLeft.collider.gameObject,
                                          + Vector2.Distance(raycastHitLeft.point, element.point.transform.position),
                //Debug.Log ("Adding frontier element at ("
                //           + raycastHitLeft.collider.gameObject.transform.position.x
                //           + ", "
                //           + raycastHitLeft.collider.gameObject.transform.position.y
                //           + ")");

        if (raycastHitRight.collider != null) {
            if (raycastHitRight.collider.gameObject.CompareTag("NavmeshObject")) {
                adj.Add(new _SearchElement(raycastHitRight.collider.gameObject,
                                          + Vector2.Distance(raycastHitRight.point, element.point.transform.position),
                //Debug.Log ("Adding frontier element at ("
                //           + raycastHitRight.collider.gameObject.transform.position.x
                //           + ", "
                //           + raycastHitRight.collider.gameObject.transform.position.y
                //           + ")");

        if (raycastHitUpLeft.collider != null) {
            if (raycastHitUpLeft.collider.gameObject.CompareTag("NavmeshObject")) {
                adj.Add(new _SearchElement(raycastHitUpLeft.collider.gameObject,
                                          + Vector2.Distance(raycastHitUpLeft.point, element.point.transform.position),
                //Debug.Log ("Adding frontier element at ("
                //           + raycastHitUpLeft.collider.gameObject.transform.position.x
                //           + ", "
                //           + raycastHitUpLeft.collider.gameObject.transform.position.y
                //           + ")");

        if (raycastHitUpRight.collider != null) {
            if (raycastHitUpRight.collider.gameObject.CompareTag("NavmeshObject")) {
                adj.Add(new _SearchElement(raycastHitUpRight.collider.gameObject,
                                          + Vector2.Distance(raycastHitUpRight.point, element.point.transform.position),
                //Debug.Log ("Adding frontier element at ("
                //           + raycastHitUpRight.collider.gameObject.transform.position.x
                //           + ", "
                //           + raycastHitUpRight.collider.gameObject.transform.position.y
                //           + ")");

        if (raycastHitDownLeft.collider != null) {
            if (raycastHitDownLeft.collider.gameObject.CompareTag("NavmeshObject")) {
                adj.Add(new _SearchElement(raycastHitDownLeft.collider.gameObject,
                                          + Vector2.Distance(raycastHitDownLeft.point, element.point.transform.position),
                //Debug.Log ("Adding frontier element at ("
                //           + raycastHitDownLeft.collider.gameObject.transform.position.x
                //           + ", "
                //           + raycastHitDownLeft.collider.gameObject.transform.position.y
                //           + ")");

        if (raycastHitDownRight.collider != null) {
            if (raycastHitDownRight.collider.gameObject.CompareTag("NavmeshObject")) {
                adj.Add(new _SearchElement(raycastHitDownRight.collider.gameObject,
                                          + Vector2.Distance(raycastHitDownRight.point, element.point.transform.position),
                //Debug.Log ("Adding frontier element at ("
                //           + raycastHitDownRight.collider.gameObject.transform.position.x
                //           + ", "
                //           + raycastHitDownRight.collider.gameObject.transform.position.y
                //           + ")");


        // Reset old element.point.layer
        element.point.layer = oldLayer;

        return adj;