public bool ValidateNewPasswordEncryptedWithOldNt(_SAMPR_ENCRYPTED_USER_PASSWORD target)
            _SAMPR_ENCRYPTED_USER_PASSWORD expected = GetNewPasswordEncryptedWithOldNt();
            bool isSame = ObjectUtility.DeepCompare(expected, target);

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a password encrypted with session key.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="password">The password to be encrypted</param>
        /// <param name="sessionKey">The session key used for encryption.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Raised when session key is null</exception>
        /// <returns>The encrypted password.</returns>
        private _SAMPR_ENCRYPTED_USER_PASSWORD GetPasswordEncryptedWithSessionKey(
            string password,
            byte[] sessionKey)
            if (sessionKey == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("sessionKey");


            encryptedPwd.Buffer = new byte[encryptedPwdSize + pwdLenSize];

            // Get new password bytes
            byte[] passwordBytes = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(password);
            // Copy password bytes to the tail of the encryptedPwdSize bytes of buffer
            Array.Copy(passwordBytes, 0, encryptedPwd.Buffer,
                       encryptedPwdSize - passwordBytes.Length, passwordBytes.Length);
            // Set password length for the last pwdLenSize bytes of the (encryptedPwdSize + pwdLenSize) bytes
            byte[] lengthBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(passwordBytes.Length);
            Array.Copy(lengthBytes, 0, encryptedPwd.Buffer, encryptedPwdSize, pwdLenSize);

            // Do RC4 encryption
            encryptedPwd.Buffer = RC4Encrypt(encryptedPwd.Buffer, 0, encryptedPwd.Buffer.Length, sessionKey);

        /// <summary>
        /// Validate the existing password encrypted with session key.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sessionKey">The session key used for encryption.</param>
        /// <param name="target"> the target to be validate</param>
        /// <returns>validate result</returns>
        public bool ValidateOldPasswordEncryptedWithSessionKey(byte[] sessionKey, _SAMPR_ENCRYPTED_USER_PASSWORD target)
            _SAMPR_ENCRYPTED_USER_PASSWORD expected = GetOldPasswordEncryptedWithSessionKey(sessionKey);
            bool isSame = ObjectUtility.DeepCompare(expected, target);

        public _SAMPR_ENCRYPTED_USER_PASSWORD GetNewPasswordEncryptedWithOldNt()

            encryptedPwd.Buffer = new byte[encryptedPwdSize + pwdLenSize];

            // Get new password bytes
            byte[] newPwdBytes = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(newPwd);
            // Copy password bytes to the tail of the encryptedPwdSize bytes of buffer
            Array.Copy(newPwdBytes, 0, encryptedPwd.Buffer,
                       encryptedPwdSize - newPwdBytes.Length, newPwdBytes.Length);
            // Set password length for the last pwdLenSize bytes of the (encryptedPwdSize + pwdLenSize) bytes
            byte[] lengthBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(newPwdBytes.Length);
            Array.Copy(lengthBytes, 0, encryptedPwd.Buffer, encryptedPwdSize, pwdLenSize);

            // Get NT hash of existing password
            byte[] oldNtowf = GetHashWithNTOWFv1(existingPwd);
            // Do RC4 encryption
            encryptedPwd.Buffer = RC4Encrypt(encryptedPwd.Buffer, 0, encryptedPwd.Buffer.Length, oldNtowf);

        public _SAMPR_ENCRYPTED_USER_PASSWORD GetNewPasswordEncryptedWithOldLm(PasswordType passwordType)

            encryptedPwd.Buffer = new byte[encryptedPwdSize + pwdLenSize];

            Encoding targetEncoding;

            if (passwordType == PasswordType.Oem)
                // Windows OEM encoding is ASCII
                targetEncoding = Encoding.ASCII;
            else if (passwordType == PasswordType.Unicode)
                targetEncoding = Encoding.Unicode;
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid password type");

            // Get new password bytes
            byte[] newPwdBytes = targetEncoding.GetBytes(newPwd);
            // Copy password bytes to the tail of the encryptedPwdSize bytes of buffer
            Array.Copy(newPwdBytes, 0, encryptedPwd.Buffer, encryptedPwdSize - newPwdBytes.Length,
            // Set password length for the last pwdLenSize bytes of the (encryptedPwdSize + pwdLenSize) bytes
            byte[] lengthBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(newPwdBytes.Length);
            Array.Copy(lengthBytes, 0, encryptedPwd.Buffer, encryptedPwdSize, lengthBytes.Length);

            // Get LM hash of existing password
            byte[] oldLmowf = GetHashWithLMOWFv1(existingPwd);
            // Do RC4 encryption
            encryptedPwd.Buffer = RC4Encrypt(encryptedPwd.Buffer, 0, encryptedPwd.Buffer.Length, oldLmowf);
