public HmdSwapTextureSet(IntPtr hmdPtr, Device device, int width, int height)
            var cDesc = new _D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC()
                Width              = (uint)width,
                Height             = (uint)height,
                MipLevels          = (uint)1,
                ArraySize          = (uint)1,
                Format             = (uint)DrawSystem.GetRenderTargetFormat(),
                SampleDesc_Count   = (uint)1,
                SampleDesc_Quality = (uint)0,
                Usage              = (uint)ResourceUsage.Default,
                BindFlags          = (uint)(BindFlags.RenderTarget | BindFlags.ShaderResource),
                CPUAccessFlags     = (uint)CpuAccessFlags.None,
                MiscFlags          = (uint)ResourceOptionFlags.None,

                IntPtr textureSetPtr;
                int    result = LibOVR.ovrHmd_CreateSwapTextureSetD3D11(hmdPtr, device.NativePointer, (IntPtr)(&cDesc), out textureSetPtr);
                if (result != 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("Failed to ovrHmd_CreateSwapTexturesetD3D11() code=" + result);

                var textureSet = CRef <LibOVR.ovrSwapTextureSet> .FromPtr(textureSetPtr);

                if (textureSet == null)

                var textureList = new List <CRef <LibOVR.ovrTexture> >();
                for (int texIndex = 0; texIndex < textureSet.Value.TextureCount; ++texIndex)
                    IntPtr texPtr = textureSet.Value.Textures + sizeof(LibOVR.ovrTexture) * texIndex;
                    var    tex    = CRef <LibOVR.ovrTexture> .FromPtr(texPtr);


                m_hmdPtr     = hmdPtr;
                m_textureSet = textureSet;
                m_textures   = textureList.ToArray();

            var csize = m_textures[0].Value.Header.TextureSize;

            m_resolution = new Size(csize.w, csize.h);

            // make SharpDx resource
            m_textureResList = m_textures.Select(t => new Texture2D(t.Value.Texture)).ToList();

            // make and set texture views
            m_renderTargetViewList = m_textureResList.Select(t => new RenderTargetView(device, t)).ToList();
            _SetTextureView(0, m_renderTargetViewList[0]);
            _SetTextureView(1, m_renderTargetViewList[1]);
        public HmdMirrorTexture(IntPtr hmdPtr, Device device, int width, int height)
            var cDesc = new _D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC()
                Width              = (uint)width,
                Height             = (uint)height,
                MipLevels          = (uint)1,
                ArraySize          = (uint)1,
                Format             = (uint)DrawSystem.GetRenderTargetFormat(),
                SampleDesc_Count   = (uint)1,
                SampleDesc_Quality = (uint)0,
                Usage              = (uint)ResourceUsage.Default,
                BindFlags          = (uint)BindFlags.None,
                CPUAccessFlags     = (uint)CpuAccessFlags.None,
                MiscFlags          = (uint)ResourceOptionFlags.None,

                IntPtr mirrorTexturePtr;
                int    result = LibOVR.ovrHmd_CreateMirrorTextureD3D11(hmdPtr, device.NativePointer, (IntPtr)(&cDesc), out mirrorTexturePtr);
                if (result != 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("Failed to ovrHmd_CreateMirrorTextureD3D11() code=" + result);

                IntPtr nativeTexturePtr = ((LibOVR.ovrTexture *)mirrorTexturePtr)->Texture;
                var    texture          = new Texture2D(nativeTexturePtr);

                // succeeded all
                m_mirrorTexturePtr = mirrorTexturePtr;
                m_hmdPtr           = hmdPtr;
                m_texture          = texture;