private void SendDailyServiceCheckSMS() { try { if (DateTime.Now.Hour == 7 && DailyServiceCheckSMSDate < DateTime.Now) { this.IsBusy = true; if (this.AttendanceConfig.is_enable_sms_service) { string smsContent = "Attendance service running..."; using (ZkTecoClient bioMatrixClient = new ZkTecoClient("")) { try { bool isConnected = bioMatrixClient.ConnectToZKTeco(); if (!isConnected) { smsContent = "Failed to connect to the biometric device"; } } catch (Exception ex) { smsContent = "Failed to connect to the biometric device"; logger.Error(ex.Message, ex); } } BasecampSMSSender smssender = new BasecampSMSSender("*****@*****.**", "abc987"); string res = smssender.SendSms("8801714042726", smsContent); logger.Info($"SMS- {smsContent} {Environment.NewLine}Status: {res}"); DailyServiceCheckSMSDate = DateTime.Now; } } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.Message, ex); } finally { this.IsBusy = false; } }
private void ProcessDailyAttendanceLog() { bool isValidTimeRange = ((DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay > this.AttendanceConfig.job_start_time && DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay < this.AttendanceConfig.job_end_time) || DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay > (new TimeSpan(23, 54, 00))); if (!(isValidTimeRange && this.ProcessAttendanceLog_LastRunTime.AddMinutes(this.AttendanceConfig.interval_minute) < DateTime.Now && !this.IsBusy)) { return; } logger.Info($"Process Attendance Log - Start".ToUpper()); this.IsBusy = true; this.ProcessAttendanceLog_LastRunTime = DateTime.Now; DateTime lastProcessDate = DateTime.MinValue; ICollection <BiometricLogModel> biometricLogData = new HashSet <BiometricLogModel>(); try { logger.Info($"Get Biometric Data - Start"); using (ZkTecoClient biometricClient = new ZkTecoClient("")) { biometricLogData = biometricClient.GetBiometricData(); SentBiometricDeviceError = false; logger.Info($"{biometricLogData.Count} records found."); } logger.Info("Get Biometric Data - End"); using (AttendanceDbContext dbContext = new AttendanceDbContext()) { if (dbContext.BiometricLogs.Any()) { lastProcessDate = dbContext.BiometricLogs.Max(x => x.datetime_record); } biometricLogData = biometricLogData.Where(x => x.DateTimeRecord > lastProcessDate) .OrderBy(x => x.DateTimeRecord).ToList(); try { foreach (var log in biometricLogData) { dbContext.BiometricLogs.Add(new Data.Models.BiometricLog { machine_id = log.MachineNumber, ind_reg_iD = log.IndRegID, datetime_record = log.DateTimeRecord }); } ///Save BiometricLogs dbContext.SaveChanges(); ICollection <BiometricLog> unprocessedBiometricLogData = dbContext.BiometricLogs .Where(x => !x.is_processed).OrderBy(x => x.datetime_record).ToList(); foreach (DateTime date in unprocessedBiometricLogData.Select(x => x.datetime_record.Date).Distinct()) { this.MakeStudentAbsent(dbContext, date); this.MakeStaffAbsent(dbContext, date); } foreach (var log in unprocessedBiometricLogData) { try { bool isStudentLog = this.UpdateStudentAttendanceStatus(log, dbContext); if (!isStudentLog) { this.UpdateStaffAttendanceStatus(log, dbContext); } log.is_processed = true; dbContext.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Info(ex.Message, ex); } } //Update Student/Staff Attendance Status dbContext.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Info(ex.Message, ex); } } } catch (ZkTecoClientException ex) { if (!this.SentBiometricDeviceError) { this.SentBiometricDeviceError = true; this.SendServiceStetusSms(ex.Message); } logger.Error(ex.Message, ex); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.Message, ex); } finally { this.IsBusy = false; logger.Info($"Process Attendance Log - End".ToUpper()); } }