public static void RenderJsResource(string RsPath, string JsPath) { //var RsPath = "~//App_GlobalResources//resource1.resx"; //var JsPath = "~//common//js//abc.js"; RsPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(RsPath); JsPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(JsPath); var script = new StringBuilder(); using (var resourceReader = new System.Resources.ResXResourceReader(RsPath)) { foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in resourceReader) { var key = ZConvert.ToString(entry.Key).Replace('.', '_'); var value = ZConvert.ToString(entry.Value); script.Append(","); script.Append(key); script.Append(":"); script.Append('"' + value + '"'); script.Append("\r\n"); } } try { var str = "var lang = {\r\n " + script.ToString().Trim(',') + "}"; ZFiles.DeleteFiles(JsPath); ZFiles.WriteStrToTxtFile(JsPath, str, FileMode.CreateNew); } catch { } }
private string GetTemplate(string pageType, string codeType) { var templatePath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(String.Format("~/Areas/Sys/Template/{0}/{1}.cshtml", pageType, codeType)); var template = ZFiles.ReadTxtFile(templatePath); return(template); }
public void Download() { if (_fileStream != null && _fileStream.Length > 0) { ZFiles.DownloadFile(HttpContext.Current, _fileStream, string.Format("{0}.{1}", _fileName, _suffix), 1024 * 1024 * 10); } }
private string GetFilePath(string path, string fileName = "") { var server = HttpContext.Current.Server; ZFiles.CreateDirectory(server.MapPath(path)); return(server.MapPath(path + fileName)); }
public void Post(JToken data) { var type = data.Value <string>("type"); var database = data.Value <string>("database"); var area = data.Value <string>("area"); var table = data.Value <string>("table"); var controller = data.Value <string>("controller"); var path = data.Value <string>("path"); var SQLProvider = this.GetSQLProvider(database); using (var db = Db.Context(database)) { var Columns = db.Sql(SQLProvider.SqlGetTableSchemas(table)).QueryMany <TableSchema>(); var Keys = db.Sql(SQLProvider.SqlGetTableKeys(table)).QueryMany <TableKey>().Select <TableKey, string>(x => x.column_name).ToList <string>(); var Model = new { Database = database, Area = area, TableName = table, Columns = Columns, PrimaryKeys = Keys, Identity = Zephyr.Core.Generator.Util.GetIdentity(Columns), Data = data }; var modelCode = Razor.Parse(GetTemplate(type, "Model"), Model); //这而报错,提示索引超出范围 var controllerCode = Razor.Parse(GetTemplate(type, "Controller"), Model); var viewCode = Razor.Parse(GetTemplate(type, "View"), Model); // var codePath = path + controller + "/"; //张欢欢 修改2015 12 14 var codePath = path + "/Models/"; ZFiles.SaveStreamToFile(GetStreamFromString(modelCode), GetFilePath(codePath, table + ".cs")); codePath = path + "/Controllers/"; ZFiles.SaveStreamToFile(GetStreamFromString(controllerCode), GetFilePath(codePath, controller + "Controller.cs")); codePath = path + "/Views/" + controller + "/"; ZFiles.SaveStreamToFile(GetStreamFromString(viewCode), GetFilePath(codePath, "Index.cshtml")); if (this.Request.RequestUri.Host == "localhost") { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(GetFilePath(codePath)); //如果是本地访问就直接打开文件夹 } //return new { // model=modelCode, // controller=controllerCode, // view=viewCode //}; //using (var zip = new ZipFile()) //{ // zip.AddEntry(table + ".cs", GetStreamFromString(modelCode)); // zip.AddEntry(controller + "Controller.cs", GetStreamFromString(controllerCode)); // zip.AddEntry("Index.cshtml", GetStreamFromString(viewCode)); // Stream zipStream = new MemoryStream(); // zip.Save(zipStream); // ZFiles.DownloadFile(HttpContext.Current, zipStream, controller + "", 1024 * 1024 * 10); //} } }
public static void PopulateFromRomFiles(ZFiles romFiles) { var banks = new List <IAnimationBank>(); banks.Add(new AnimationBank("Inline with model")); foreach (var other in romFiles.Others) { var region = other.Region; if (other.FileName == "link_animetion") { banks.Add(new AnimationBank(other.FileName, new RomBank { Region = region })); } } foreach (var obj in romFiles.Objects) { var fileName = obj !.FileName !.ToLower(); var region = obj.Region; if (fileName.Contains("object_") && fileName.Contains("_anime")) { banks.Add(new AnimationBank(obj.BetterFileName !, new RomBank { Region = region })); } } AnimationBanks.Banks = banks; }
public void Populate(ZFiles zFiles) { this.betterTreeView_.BeginUpdate(); var root = this.betterTreeView_.Root; var modelsNode = root.Add("Actor models"); this.AddZFileNodeFor(null, modelsNode); foreach (var model in zFiles.Objects) { var modelNode = modelsNode.Add(model.BetterFileName !); this.AddZFileNodeFor(model, modelNode); } var actorCodeNode = root.Add("Actor code"); this.AddZFileNodeFor(null, actorCodeNode); foreach (var code in zFiles.ActorCode) { var codeNode = actorCodeNode.Add(code.BetterFileName !); this.AddZFileNodeFor(code, codeNode); } var scenesNode = root.Add("Scenes"); this.AddZFileNodeFor(null, scenesNode); foreach (var scene in zFiles.Scenes) { var sceneNode = scenesNode.Add(scene.BetterFileName !); this.AddZFileNodeFor(scene, sceneNode); foreach (var map in Asserts.Assert(scene.Maps)) { var mapNode = sceneNode.Add(map.BetterFileName !); this.AddZFileNodeFor(map, mapNode); } } var othersNode = root.Add("Others"); this.AddZFileNodeFor(null, othersNode); foreach (var other in zFiles.Others) { var otherNode = othersNode.Add(other.BetterFileName !); this.AddZFileNodeFor(other, otherNode); } this.InitializeAutocomplete_(); this.betterTreeView_.EndUpdate(); }
public static void PopulateFromRomFiles(ZFiles romFiles) { RamBanks.ActiveBank5Type = Bank5Type.FIELD; foreach (var other in romFiles.Others) { var region = other.Region; switch (other.FileName) { case "gameplay_keep": { RamBanks.GameplayKeep.Region = region; break; } case "gameplay_field_keep": { RamBanks.GameplayFieldKeep.Region = region; break; } case "gameplay_dangeon_keep": { RamBanks.GameplayDangeonKeep.Region = region; break; } case "icon_item_static": { RamBanks.IconItemStatic.Region = region; break; } case "icon_item_24_static": { RamBanks.IconItem24Static.Region = region; break; } } } }
/// <summary> /// 上传文件,并添加到数据库 /// </summary> /// <param name="rsm">通知参数类</param> /// <param name="hpFile">http文件</param> /// <param name="lenth">最大长度,kb</param> /// <param name="SourceTable">来源表</param> /// <param name="ToId">主体Id</param> /// <param name="ShowName">显示名</param> /// <returns></returns> private TT_FilesInsuran AddFileOne(out HttpReSultMode rsm, HttpPostedFile hpFile, string[] allowExtensions, int lenth, string SourceTable, string ToId, string ShowName) { try { string FileName = hpFile.FileName; string ext = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(FileName);// 后缀名 FileName = FileName.Substring(FileName.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1); TT_FilesInsuran file = new TT_FilesInsuran(); file.ToId = ToId; file.AddTime = DateTime.Now; file.SourceTable = SourceTable; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ShowName)) { file.ShowName = ShowName + ext; } else { file.ShowName = FileName; } file.Suffix = ext; file.FileType = "文件"; file.isValid = true; file.isDeleted = false; string HttpFileWeb = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["HttpFileWeb"].ToString(); //文件 http站点 string HttpFileRoute = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["HttpFileRoute"].ToString(); //文件保存本地路径根目录 string FileRelativeRoute = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TransactRoute"].ToString(); //文件保存相对目录 //给文件取随及名 Guid Pguid = Guid.NewGuid(); FileName = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss") + "_" + Pguid + ext; file.Route = HttpFileWeb; file.RelativePath = FileRelativeRoute + FileName; file.FileName = FileName; //保存文件路径 string path = HttpFileRoute + FileRelativeRoute; rsm = ZFiles.FilesUpload(hpFile, allowExtensions, lenth, path, FileName); if (rsm.Code > 0) { /*添加一条信息;*/ object resId = OPBiz.Add(file); if (resId != null) { file.FileId = long.Parse(resId.ToString()); return(file); } else { return(null); } } else { return(null); } } catch (Exception ex) { rsm = new HttpReSultMode() { Code = -13, Data = ex.Message, Msg = "系统出错:" + ex.Message }; return(null); } }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; //context.Response.Write("Hello World"); string action = context.Request["action"]; HttpReSultMode jmsg = new HttpReSultMode(); switch (action) { case "addImg": //上传单图片 返回文件信息json jmsg = addImg(context); context.Response.Write(JsonHelper.ToJson(jmsg)); context.Response.End(); break; case "addFile": //上传文件 返回文件信息json jmsg = addFile(context); context.Response.Write(JsonHelper.ToJson(jmsg)); context.Response.End(); break; case "GetFileList": //根据id集获取文件列表 #region string id = context.Request["ToId"]; string SourceTable = context.Request["SourceTable"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) { var mql = TT_FilesInsuranSet.SelectAll().Where(TT_FilesInsuranSet.ToId.Equal(id).And(TT_FilesInsuranSet.SourceTable.Equal(SourceTable))); List <TT_FilesInsuran> list = OPBiz.GetOwnList(mql); context.Response.Write(JsonHelper.ToJson(list, true)); } else { context.Response.Write("[]"); } context.Response.End(); #endregion break; case "SaveToid": //保存更改ToID #region string Tid = FilterTools.FilterSpecial(context.Request["ToId"]); string IdSet = FilterTools.FilterSpecial(context.Request["IdSet"]); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Request["ToId"]) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Request["IdSet"])) { string sql = " update TT_FilesInsuran set ToId='" + Tid + "' where FileId in (" + IdSet + ")"; int i = OPBiz.ExecuteSqlWithNonQuery(sql); if (i > 0) { jmsg.Code = 11; jmsg.Data = i.ToString(); jmsg.Msg = "上传成功"; } else { jmsg.Code = -11; jmsg.Data = "0"; jmsg.Msg = "上传失败"; } } else { jmsg.Code = -11; jmsg.Data = "0"; jmsg.Msg = "数据为空"; } context.Response.Write(JsonHelper.ToJson(jmsg, true)); context.Response.End(); #endregion break; case "Delfile": //删除文件 #region if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Request["IdSet"])) { string[] IDSet = context.Request["IdSet"].ToString().Split(','); var mql2 = TT_FilesInsuranSet.FileId.In(IDSet); var selectm = TT_FilesInsuranSet.SelectAll().Where(mql2); List <TT_FilesInsuran> listDel = OPBiz.GetEntities(selectm); //数据库删除 int f = OPBiz.Remove <TT_FilesInsuranSet>(mql2); if (f > 0) { jmsg.Code = 11; jmsg.Data = f.ToString(); jmsg.Msg = "删除成功"; #region 文件删除 try { string HttpFileRoute = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["HttpFileRoute"].ToString(); //文件保存本地路径根目录 for (int i = 0; i < listDel.Count; i++) { string path = HttpFileRoute + listDel[i].RelativePath; ZFiles.FilePicDelete(path); } } catch (Exception ex) { //jmsg.Code = -13; //jmsg.Data = ex.Message; //jmsg.Msg = "删除失败"; } #endregion } else { jmsg.Code = -11; jmsg.Data = "0"; jmsg.Msg = "删除失败"; } } else { jmsg.Code = -11; jmsg.Data = "0"; jmsg.Msg = "数据为空"; } context.Response.Write(JsonHelper.ToJson(jmsg, true)); context.Response.End(); #endregion break; case "Download": #region if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Request["Url"])) { // 检查请求下载文件的有效性 string filePath = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(context.Request["Url"]); if (!System.IO.File.Exists(filePath)) { throw new ArgumentException("无效文件,文件不存在!"); } //WriteFile实现下载 string fileName = context.Request["fileName"]; //客户端保存的文件名 FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(filePath); context.Response.Clear(); context.Response.ClearContent(); context.Response.ClearHeaders(); context.Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=" + fileName); context.Response.AddHeader("Content-Length", fileInfo.Length.ToString()); context.Response.AddHeader("Content-Transfer-Encoding", "binary"); context.Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream"; context.Response.ContentEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("gb2312"); context.Response.WriteFile(fileInfo.FullName); context.Response.Flush(); context.Response.End(); } #endregion break; } }
private void DownCourseQrCode() { var Server = HttpContext.Current.Server; int course_id = RequestHelper.GetFormInt("course_id"); string WebPath = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["WebPath"]; string webApi_address = WebPath + "/QrCode.aspx"; BLL.course_info bll = new BLL.course_info(); Model.course_info course = bll.GetModel(course_id); if (course != null) { string course_name =; //1、生成书籍的二维码文件夹 string virualRootPath = string.Format("/tempDown/{0}",; string tempRootPath = Server.MapPath(string.Format("/tempDown/{0}", course_name)).Trim(); if (Directory.Exists(tempRootPath)) { Directory.Delete(tempRootPath, true); } if (!Directory.Exists(tempRootPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(tempRootPath); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(webApi_address)) { writeMsgError(-1, "没有配置WebPath地址!"); return; } string bookQrCodePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(tempRootPath, string.Format("{0}_书籍资源.png", course_name)).Trim(); string course_qrcode = string.Format("{0}/html/course_details.html?id={1}", WebPath,; //要根据各个的生成规则生成二维码 string logoPath = course.qrcode_logo; //二维码logo if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(logoPath)) { Model.common_albums defaultlogo = new BLL.common_albums().GetModel(" group_id = " + (int)Appoa.Common.EnumCollection.img_group.系统默认二维码logo); if (defaultlogo != null) { logoPath = defaultlogo.original_path; } else { logoPath = "/html/images/Logo.png"; } } using (var ms = new MemoryStream()) { QrCodeHelper.GetRQCodeCombin(course_qrcode, ms, bookQrCodePath, Server.MapPath(logoPath)); } //2、生成章的文件夹 BLL.course_chapter ccBll = new BLL.course_chapter(); BLL.common_resource crBll = new BLL.common_resource(); List <Model.course_chapter> firstChapterList = ccBll.GetModelList(" group_id = 1 and chapter_level = 1 and course_id = " +; foreach (Model.course_chapter chapter in firstChapterList) { string chapterPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(tempRootPath, string.Format("章_{0}",; if (Directory.Exists(chapterPath)) { Directory.Delete(chapterPath, true); } if (!Directory.Exists(chapterPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(chapterPath); } //3、生成节的文件夹 //List<Model.course_chapter> secondChapterList = ccBll.GetModelList(" group_id = 1 and chapter_level = 2 and course_id = " + + " and parent_id = " +; //foreach (Model.course_chapter part in secondChapterList) //{ // string partPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(chapterPath, string.Format("节_{0}",; // if (Directory.Exists(partPath)) // { // Directory.Delete(partPath, true); // } // if (!Directory.Exists(partPath)) // { // Directory.CreateDirectory(partPath); // } //4、生成章下所有资源二维码图片 List <Model.common_resource> resourceList = crBll.GetModelList(" is_del = 0 and from_id = " + (int)EnumCollection.resource_from.精品微课 + " and data_id = " +; foreach (Model.common_resource item in resourceList) { string resCode = string.Empty; switch (item.type) { case (int)EnumCollection.resource_type.图文资源: if (item.from_id == (int)EnumCollection.resource_from.精品微课) { resCode = WebPath + "/html/article_details.html?id=" +; } else { resCode = WebPath + "/html/knowledge_details.html?id=" +; } break; case (int)EnumCollection.resource_type.文档资源: item.path = item.path.Substring(0, item.path.LastIndexOf('.')); //resCode = WebPath + item.path + ".html"; resCode = "/html/doc_detail.html?id=" +; break; case (int)EnumCollection.resource_type.音频资源: resCode = WebPath + "/html/video_details.html?id=" +; break; case (int)EnumCollection.resource_type.视频资源: resCode = WebPath + "/html/video_details.html?id=" +; break; case (int)EnumCollection.resource_type.英文发音: resCode = WebPath + "/html/voice_detail.html?id=" +; break; case (int)EnumCollection.resource_type.维模型: resCode = WebPath + "/html/3d.html?id=" +; break; } //生成明细资源 //string resPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(partPath, string.Format("{0}_{1}_资源_{2}.png",,, item.title.Trim())).Trim(); string resPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(chapterPath, item.title.Trim() + ".png").Trim(); using (var ms = new MemoryStream()) { QrCodeHelper.GetRQCodeCombin(resCode, ms, resPath, Server.MapPath(logoPath)); } } //} } //打包—下载 FastZip fz = new FastZip(); fz.CreateEmptyDirectories = true; fz.CreateZip(string.Format("{0}.zip", tempRootPath), tempRootPath, true, ""); // ZFiles.DownLoadFile(Server.MapPath(string.Format("{0}.zip", virualRootPath))); ZFiles.DownloadFile(System.Web.HttpContext.Current, Server.MapPath(string.Format("{0}.zip", virualRootPath)), 1024 * 50); } }
public string PostFileData(string id, string tName, string tId, int type) { if (tId != null && tId != "") { tId = tId.Remove(tId.Length - 1, 1); string sql = string.Format(@" delete QMS_QualityReportDoc where ID in({0})", tId); using (var db = Db.Context("Mms")) { db.Sql(sql).Execute(); } } string info = string.Empty; try { //获取客户端上传的文件集合 HttpFileCollection files = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Files; //判断是否存在文件 Random rd = new Random(); if (files.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < files.Count; i++) { //获取文件集合中的第一个文件(每次只上传一个文件) HttpPostedFile file = files[i]; if (file.FileName == "") { continue; } //定义文件存放的目标路径 string targetDir = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Upload/" + new HomeApiController().GetPath(tName)); //创建目标路径 ZFiles.CreateDirectory(targetDir); //组合成文件的完整路径 var r = rd.Next(9999, 99999); string newFileName = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss") + r + "." + file.FileName.Substring(file.FileName.LastIndexOf('.') + 1, file.FileName.Length - file.FileName.LastIndexOf('.') - 1); string path = System.IO.Path.Combine(targetDir, System.IO.Path.GetFileName(newFileName)); //保存上传的文件到指定路径中 try { file.SaveAs(path); } catch (Exception) { continue; } info = "上传成功"; //string filePath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Upload/" + path) + newFileName; string InsertSql = string.Format(@"insert into QMS_QualityReportDoc values('',{5},'{0}','{1}',1,'{2}',getdate(),'{2}',getdate(),'{3}','{4}')", newFileName, path, MmsHelper.GetUserName(), file.FileName, id, type); using (var db = Db.Context("Mms")) { db.Sql(InsertSql).Execute(); } } } else { info = "上传失败"; } } catch { info = "上传失败"; } return(info); }