public GDataResultAggregator(string playlistURL) { YouTubeRequestSettings settings = new YouTubeRequestSettings(APPNAME, CLIENTID, DEVELKEY); YouTubeRequest request = new YouTubeRequest(settings); _videoFeed = request.Get<Video>(new Uri(playlistURL)); }
private static IObservable<IReadOnlyList<ISong>> RealSearch(string searchTerm) { var query = new YouTubeQuery(YouTubeQuery.DefaultVideoUri) { OrderBy = "relevance", Query = searchTerm, SafeSearch = YouTubeQuery.SafeSearchValues.None, NumberToRetrieve = RequestLimit }; var settings = new YouTubeRequestSettings("Espera", ApiKey); var request = new YouTubeRequest(settings); return Observable.FromAsync(async () => { Feed<Video> feed = await Task.Run(() => request.Get<Video>(query)); List<Video> entries = await Task.Run(() => feed.Entries.ToList()); return (from video in entries let url = video.WatchPage.OriginalString.Replace("&feature=youtube_gdata_player", String.Empty).Replace("https://", "http://") select new YoutubeSong() { Artist = video.Uploader, Title = video.Title, OriginalPath = url }).ToList(); }) .Catch<IReadOnlyList<YoutubeSong>, Exception>(ex => Observable.Throw<IReadOnlyList<YoutubeSong>>(new Exception("YoutubeSongFinder search failed", ex))); }
public IEnumerable<VideoModel> Search(string searchText) { var modelList = new List<VideoModel>(); var settings = new YouTubeRequestSettings("YouTunes", "AIzaSyCgNs6G_0w36g6dhAxxBL4nL7wD3C6jmOw"); var request = new YouTubeRequest(settings); var query = new YouTubeQuery("") { Query = searchText }; Feed<Video> feed = null; try { feed = request.Get<Video>(query); foreach (var video in feed.Entries) { modelList.Add(new VideoModel() { VideoTitle = video.Title, VideoId = video.VideoId }); } } catch (GDataRequestException gdre) { } return modelList; }
protected void BBuscador(String track) { string spotUrl = String.Format("{0}", track); WebClient spotService = new WebClient(); spotService.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8; spotService.DownloadStringCompleted += new DownloadStringCompletedEventHandler(SpotService_DownloadTracksCompleted); spotService.DownloadStringAsync(new Uri(spotUrl)); YouTubeRequest request = new YouTubeRequest(settings); YouTubeQuery query = new YouTubeQuery(YouTubeQuery.DefaultVideoUri); query.OrderBy = "relevance"; query.Query = track; query.SafeSearch = YouTubeQuery.SafeSearchValues.None; Feed<Video> videoFeed = request.Get<Video>(query); if (videoFeed.Entries.Count() > 0) { video1 = videoFeed.Entries.ElementAt(0); literal1.Text = String.Format(embed, video1.VideoId); if (videoFeed.Entries.Count() > 1) { video1 = videoFeed.Entries.ElementAt(1); literal1.Text += String.Format(embed, video1.VideoId); } } }
// // GET: /Candidates/Details/5 public ViewResult Details(int id) { Candidate candidate = context.Candidates.Single(x => x.Id == id); YouTubeRequest req = new YouTubeRequest(new YouTubeRequestSettings("OpenPac", "AI39si5R4licFRGAWgvNI5G6ANPqGfcuyuTWW55nb7rE49bv5kIyMm7YbGpfvUpCX_5nNBJYXztGiUvhULoBQOoEUVQD8xI-Nw")); Uri u = new Uri(string.Format("{0}/uploads", candidate.YouTubeId)); Feed<Video> videos = req.Get<Video>(u); List<YouTubeVideo> videoUrls = new List<YouTubeVideo>(); foreach (Video v in videos.Entries) { videoUrls.Add(new YouTubeVideo { VideoId = v.YouTubeEntry.VideoId, Description = v.Description, Title = v.Title, Rating = v.YouTubeEntry.Rating == null ? 0.0 : v.YouTubeEntry.Rating.Average, Updated = v.YouTubeEntry.Updated, Duration = v.YouTubeEntry.Duration.IntegerValue, YouTubeUrl = v.WatchPage.ToString() }); } ViewBag.YouTubeVideos = videoUrls; return View(candidate); }
private void AddVideo(YouTubeRequest request, string urlTemplate, string maxResultsKey, VideoList videoList) { int maxResults = ConfigService.GetConfig(maxResultsKey, 0); if (maxResults > 0) { string url = string.Format(urlTemplate, maxResults); Feed<Video> videos = request.Get<Video>(new Uri(url)); YouTubeVideoParser parser = new YouTubeVideoParser(); parser.Parse(videos, videoList); } }
private void Guncelle() { using (OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection(@"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=hesap.mdb")) { conn.Open(); OleDbCommand komut = new OleDbCommand(); komut.Connection = conn; komut.CommandText = "Select * from hesap"; // sorgu / komut cumlemi yazıyorum. komut.ExecuteNonQuery(); // insert , updateiçin gerekli satir sayisi donduruyoruz. OleDbDataReader dr = komut.ExecuteReader(); // datareader olusturup komut sorgulayıp veritabaninda okuma işlemini tanıtıyoruz while (dr.Read()) // datareader ile okuyoruz. { string hadi = dr["hadi"].ToString(); string kadi = dr["kadi"].ToString(); string q; using (WebClient asd = new WebClient()) { asd.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8; q = asd.DownloadString("" + kadi + "/uploads?v=2&alt=jsonc&max-results=0"); } string[] adet1 = q.Split(new string[] { "totalItems\":" }, StringSplitOptions.None); string[] adet2 = adet1[1].Split(','); listView1.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new string[] { hadi, "Adet: "+adet2[0] })); } dr.Close(); komut.ExecuteNonQuery(); // insert , updateiçin gerekli satir sayisi donduruyoruz. dr = komut.ExecuteReader(); // datareader olusturup komut sorgulayıp veritabaninda okuma işlemini tanıtıyoruz while (dr.Read()) // datareader ile okuyoruz. { string kadi = dr["hadi"].ToString(); // veritabanimdaki "kadi" alanımdaki veriyi alip kadi değişkenine atıyorum(yukarıda string olusturmustum) string sifre = dr["hsifresi"].ToString(); // aynı durum söz konusu string devkey = dr["devkey"].ToString(); Random a = new Random(); string id = a.Next(100000, 999999).ToString(); YouTubeRequestSettings settings = new YouTubeRequestSettings(id, devkey, kadi,sifre); YouTubeRequest request = new YouTubeRequest(settings); string feedUrl = ""; Feed<Video> videoFeed = request.Get<Video>(new Uri(feedUrl)); foreach (Video entry in videoFeed.Entries) { string vid_thumb =""+entry.VideoId+"/0.jpg"; int izlenme = entry.ViewCount; if(izlenme == -1) izlenme = 0; listView1.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new string[] { kadi,entry.YouTubeEntry.Title.Text,izlenme.ToString() })); } } } }
public void PerformSearch(string searchVal) { YouTubeQuery query = new YouTubeQuery(YouTubeQuery.DefaultVideoUri); //order results by the number of views (most viewed first) query.OrderBy = "relevance"; // perform querying with restricted content included in the results // query.SafeSearch could also be set to YouTubeQuery.SafeSearchValues.Moderate query.Query = searchVal; query.SafeSearch = YouTubeQuery.SafeSearchValues.None; this.video_results = yt_request.Get <Video> (query); }
// one simple intuitive public access point for the client (thus, FACADE) // the client no longer needs to know how to work with Youtube, // it just need to give the FACADE a string of the video id, and all the work with Youtube is done here! public string GetVideoKeyWords(string i_VideoID) { string keyWords = string.Empty; string videoURI = k_YouTubeAPIVideoAddress + i_VideoID; Feed <Video> videoFeed = m_YouTubeRequest.Get <Video>(new Uri(videoURI)); foreach (Google.YouTube.Video video in videoFeed.Entries) { keyWords += "," + video.Keywords; } return(keyWords); }
private static IEnumerable <Video> GetVideos(YouTubeQuery q) { YouTubeRequest request = GetRequest(); Feed <Video> feed = null; try { feed = request.Get <Video>(q); } catch (GDataRequestException gdre) { var response = (HttpWebResponse)gdre.Response; } return(feed != null ? feed.Entries : null); }
public static List <Video> Search(string text) { try { List <Video> vids = new List <Video>(); YouTubeQuery query = new YouTubeQuery(YouTubeQuery.DefaultVideoUri); query.OrderBy = "viewCount"; query.Query = text; Feed <Video> videofeed = yourequest.Get <Video>(query); foreach (Video entry in videofeed.Entries) { vids.Add(entry); } return(vids); } catch { return(null); } }
private void AddVideo(YouTubeRequest request, string maxResultsKey, string query, VideoList videoList) { int maxResults = ConfigService.GetConfig(maxResultsKey, 0); if (maxResults > 0) { YouTubeQuery youtubeQuery = new YouTubeQuery(YouTubeQuery.DefaultVideoUri); youtubeQuery.Query = "%22" + query + "%22"; youtubeQuery.SafeSearch = YouTubeQuery.SafeSearchValues.Strict; youtubeQuery.NumberToRetrieve = maxResults; Feed<Video> videos = request.Get<Video>(youtubeQuery); YouTubeVideoParser parser = new YouTubeVideoParser(); parser.Parse(videos, videoList); } }
internal List<KeyValuePair<string, List<Video>>> GetListOfSubscriptions(Settings i_settings) { List<KeyValuePair<string, List<Video>>> resObj = new List<KeyValuePair<string, List<Video>>> (); YouTubeRequestSettings settings = new YouTubeRequestSettings( i_settings.appName , i_settings.devKey , i_settings.username , i_settings.password); YouTubeRequest request = new YouTubeRequest(settings); Feed<Subscription> feedOfSubcr = request.GetSubscriptionsFeed(i_settings.userShort); string[] stringSeparators = new string[] { "Activity of:" }; foreach (Subscription subItem in feedOfSubcr.Entries) { string keyStr = subItem.ToString().Split(stringSeparators, StringSplitOptions.None)[1].Trim(); List<Video> listOfVideos = new List<Video>(); string userName = subItem.UserName; string url = string.Format(i_settings.urlFormatter, userName); Feed<Video> videoFeed = request.Get<Video>(new Uri(url)); int depth = 0; foreach (Video entry in videoFeed.Entries) { //strBuilder.AppendLine(" " + entry.Title); listOfVideos.Add(entry); depth++; if (depth >= i_settings.feedDepth) { break; } } if (listOfVideos.Count > 0) { KeyValuePair<string, List<Video>> subscriptionO = new KeyValuePair<string, List<Video>>(keyStr, listOfVideos); resObj.Add(subscriptionO); } } return resObj; }
private static IObservable<IReadOnlyList<YoutubeSong>> RealSearch(string searchTerm) { var query = new YouTubeQuery(YouTubeQuery.DefaultVideoUri) { OrderBy = "relevance", Query = searchTerm, SafeSearch = YouTubeQuery.SafeSearchValues.None, NumberToRetrieve = RequestLimit }; // NB: I have no idea where this API blocks exactly var settings = new YouTubeRequestSettings("Espera", ApiKey); var request = new YouTubeRequest(settings); return Observable.FromAsync(async () => { Feed<Video> feed = await Task.Run(() => request.Get<Video>(query)); List<Video> entries = await Task.Run(() => feed.Entries.ToList()); var songs = new List<YoutubeSong>(); foreach (Video video in entries) { var duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Int32.Parse(video.YouTubeEntry.Duration.Seconds)); string url = video.WatchPage.OriginalString .Replace("&feature=youtube_gdata_player", String.Empty) // Unnecessary long url .Replace("https://", "http://"); // Secure connections are not always easy to handle when streaming var song = new YoutubeSong(url, duration) { Artist = video.Uploader, Title = video.Title, Description = video.Description, Rating = video.RatingAverage >= 1 ? video.RatingAverage : (double?)null, ThumbnailSource = new Uri(video.Thumbnails[0].Url), Views = video.ViewCount }; songs.Add(song); } return songs; }) // The API gives no clue what can throw, wrap it all up .Catch<IReadOnlyList<YoutubeSong>, Exception>(ex => Observable.Throw<IReadOnlyList<YoutubeSong>>(new NetworkSongFinderException("YoutubeSongFinder search failed", ex))); }
private static IObservable <IReadOnlyList <YoutubeSong> > RealSearch(string searchTerm) { var query = new YouTubeQuery(YouTubeQuery.DefaultVideoUri) { OrderBy = "relevance", Query = searchTerm, SafeSearch = YouTubeQuery.SafeSearchValues.None, NumberToRetrieve = RequestLimit }; // NB: I have no idea where this API blocks exactly var settings = new YouTubeRequestSettings("Espera", ApiKey); var request = new YouTubeRequest(settings); return(Observable.FromAsync(async() => { Feed <Video> feed = await Task.Run(() => request.Get <Video>(query)); List <Video> entries = await Task.Run(() => feed.Entries.ToList()); var songs = new List <YoutubeSong>(); foreach (Video video in entries) { var duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Int32.Parse(video.YouTubeEntry.Duration.Seconds)); string url = video.WatchPage.OriginalString .Replace("&feature=youtube_gdata_player", String.Empty) // Unnecessary long url .Replace("https://", "http://"); // Secure connections are not always easy to handle when streaming var song = new YoutubeSong(url, duration) { Artist = video.Uploader, Title = video.Title, Description = video.Description, Rating = video.RatingAverage >= 1 ? video.RatingAverage : (double?)null, ThumbnailSource = new Uri(video.Thumbnails[0].Url), Views = video.ViewCount }; songs.Add(song); } return songs; }) // The API gives no clue what can throw, wrap it all up .Catch <IReadOnlyList <YoutubeSong>, Exception>(ex => Observable.Throw <IReadOnlyList <YoutubeSong> >(new NetworkSongFinderException("YoutubeSongFinder search failed", ex)))); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { YouTubeRequestSettings yy = new YouTubeRequestSettings("aa", "AIzaSyC6No029dfRA2FiZ5Hi3bRSAtWhSzDmRNE"); YouTubeRequest request = new YouTubeRequest(yy); YouTubeQuery query = new YouTubeQuery(YouTubeQuery.DefaultVideoUri + "?region=SG"); //order results by the number of views (most viewed first) // query.OrderBy = "viewCount"; // search for puppies and include restricted content in the search results // query.SafeSearch could also be set to YouTubeQuery.SafeSearchValues.Moderate query.Query = "People's Action Party"; query.SafeSearch = YouTubeQuery.SafeSearchValues.None; Feed <Video> videoFeed = request.Get <Video>(query); printVideoFeed(videoFeed); }
public static Feed<Google.YouTube.Video> GetCurtVideos() { try { YouTubeRequestSettings settings = new YouTubeRequestSettings("eLocal", "AI39si6iCFZ_NutrvZe04i9_m7gFhgmPK1e7LF6-yHMAwB-GDO3vC3eD0R-5lberMQLdglNjH3IWUMe3tJXe9qrFe44n2jAUyg"); YouTubeRequest req = new YouTubeRequest(settings); YouTubeQuery query = new YouTubeQuery(YouTubeQuery.DefaultVideoUri); query.Author = "curtmfg"; query.Formats.Add(YouTubeQuery.VideoFormat.Embeddable); query.OrderBy = "viewCount"; // We need to load the feed data for the CURTMfg Youtube Channel Feed<Google.YouTube.Video> video_feed = req.Get<Google.YouTube.Video>(query); return video_feed; } catch (Exception) { return null; } }
/// <summary> /// Returns a list of tracks from one of the YouTube feeds /// </summary> /// <param name="feed">The feed</param> /// <returns>An observable collection of TrackData that represents the most viewed YouTube tracks</returns> public static ObservableCollection <TrackData> TopFeed(string feed = "top_rated") { ObservableCollection <TrackData> tracks = new ObservableCollection <TrackData>(); try { YouTubeRequest request = new YouTubeRequest(settings); int maxFeedItems = 50; string filter = SettingsManager.YouTubeFilter; if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filter) || filter == "None") { filter = ""; } else { filter = String.Format("_{0}", filter); } int i = 1; Feed <Video> videoFeed = request.Get <Video>(new Uri(uriBase + "/feeds/api/standardfeeds/" + feed + filter + "?format=5")); foreach (Video entry in videoFeed.Entries) { if (i++ > maxFeedItems) { break; } if (entry != null) { tracks.Add(CreateTrack(entry)); } } } catch (Exception e) { U.L(LogLevel.Warning, "YouTube", "Could not fetch top rated: " + e.Message); VerifyConnectivity(); } TrackSource = tracks; return(tracks); }
void fetch() { YouTubeQuery query = new YouTubeQuery(YouTubeQuery.DefaultVideoUri); YouTubeRequest request = new YouTubeRequest(new YouTubeRequestSettings("", DeveloperKey)); query.Query = keyword; query.NumberToRetrieve = ChunkSize; query.StartIndex = CurrentIndex; query.SafeSearch = YouTubeQuery.SafeSearchValues.None; // p**n // TODO: find out how to async this Feed <Video> videoFeed = request.Get <Video>(query); foreach (Video vid in videoFeed.Entries) { menu.AddToEnd(CreateItem(vid)); CurrentIndex++; } }
public void GetStats() { YouTubeRequest request = GetRequest(); Uri uri = new Uri("" + this.videoID + "?v=2"); try { Feed <Video> feed = request.Get <Video>(uri); foreach (Video entry in feed.Entries) { this.CommentCount = entry.CommmentCount; this.Views = entry.ViewCount; this.Title = entry.Title; this.Updated = entry.Updated; this.Link = entry.WatchPage.ToString(); } } catch { } }
private void youTubeSearch(string searchTerm) { YouTubeRequestSettings settings = new YouTubeRequestSettings("SmartHome", developerKeyV2); YouTubeRequest request = new YouTubeRequest(settings); YouTubeQuery query = new YouTubeQuery(YouTubeQuery.DefaultVideoUri); //For Categories //AtomCategory category1 = new AtomCategory("News", YouTubeNameTable.KeywordSchema); //query.Categories.Add(new QueryCategory(category1); //For Playlist // YouTubeQuery query = new YouTubeQuery(YouTubeQuery.BaseUserUri); // Feed<Google.YouTube.Playlist> userPlayList = request.GetPlaylistsFeed("*****@*****.**"); // foreach (Google.YouTube.Playlist p in userPlayList.Entries) // { // Feed<PlayListMember> list = request.GetPlaylist(p); // foreach (Google.YouTube.Video entry in list.Entries) // { // System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(entry.Title); // } // } //order results by the number of views (most viewed first) query.OrderBy = "viewCount"; query.NumberToRetrieve = 50; // search for puppies and include restricted content in the search results // query.SafeSearch could also be set to YouTubeQuery.SafeSearchValues.Moderate query.Query = searchTerm; query.SafeSearch = YouTubeQuery.SafeSearchValues.None; Feed<Google.YouTube.Video> videoFeed = request.Get<Google.YouTube.Video>(query); foreach (Google.YouTube.Video entry in videoFeed.Entries) { //System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(entry.Title); } }
public override List<Result> Search(string pKeyWords) { string youtubeApplicationName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["youtube-application-name"]; string youtubeDeveloperKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["youtube-developer-key"]; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(youtubeApplicationName) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(youtubeDeveloperKey)) throw new Exception("App was unable to find Youtube credentials on the current settings file. Please add youtube-application-name and youtube-developer-key to the appSettings section."); YouTubeRequestSettings requestSettings = new YouTubeRequestSettings(youtubeApplicationName, youtubeDeveloperKey); requestSettings.AutoPaging = false; YouTubeRequest youtubeRequest = new YouTubeRequest(requestSettings); YouTubeQuery youtubeQuery = new YouTubeQuery(YouTubeQuery.DefaultVideoUri) { OrderBy = "viewCount", Query = pKeyWords, NumberToRetrieve = this.MaxResultSearch }; Feed<Video> youtubeVideos = youtubeRequest.Get<Video>(youtubeQuery); List<Result> domainResults = new List<Result>(); foreach (Video video in youtubeVideos.Entries) { domainResults.Add( new Result() { CreatedDate = video.Updated, Type = SourceType.YouTube, Text = string.Format("{0} {1}", video.Description, video.Keywords), Title = video.Title, URL = video.WatchPage.OriginalString } ); } return domainResults; }
private void CreateVideoFeed(string s) { YouTubeRequestSettings settings = new YouTubeRequestSettings("most_viewed", YouTubeDeveloperKey); YouTubeRequest request = new YouTubeRequest(settings); //Link to the feed we wish to read from string feedUrl = String.Format("" + s); dtVideoData.Columns.Add("Title"); dtVideoData.Columns.Add("DateUploaded"); dtVideoData.Columns.Add("VideoID"); dtVideoData.Columns.Add("Duration"); DataRow drVideoData; Feed<Video> videoFeed = request.Get<Video>(new Uri(feedUrl)); //Iterate through each video entry and store details in DataTable foreach (Video videoEntry in videoFeed.Entries) { drVideoData = dtVideoData.NewRow(); drVideoData["Title"] = videoEntry.Title; drVideoData["DateUploaded"] = videoEntry.Updated.ToShortDateString(); drVideoData["VideoID"] = videoEntry.YouTubeEntry.VideoId; drVideoData["Duration"] = videoEntry.YouTubeEntry.Duration.Seconds.ToString(); dtVideoData.Rows.Add(drVideoData); } RadGrid1.DataSource = dtVideoData; RadGrid1.DataBind(); }
/* private int GetYoutubeVideos(BikeModel bike, int howManyVideosToAdd = 900) { // 1000 is the max * int pageSize = 50; * int howManyAdded = 0; * int loopNumber = 0; * while (howManyAdded < howManyVideosToAdd) { * * Feed<Google.YouTube.Video> vids = GetVideos(bike.Title, (loopNumber * pageSize) + 1, pageSize); * * try { * if (vids.TotalResults <= 0) break; * } catch (Google.GData.Client.GDataRequestException) { * // ran out of videos - so break * break; * } * * // add video info to our database * howManyAdded += AddToDatabase(vids, bike.ID); * loopNumber++; * if (vids.TotalResults < loopNumber * pageSize) break; * } * return howManyAdded; * } */ private Feed <Google.YouTube.Video> GetVideos(string keyword) //, int startIndex, int pageLength { YouTubeQuery query = new YouTubeQuery(YouTubeQuery.DefaultVideoUri); // tag search (lowercase - upper would mean category search) AtomCategory category1 = new AtomCategory(keyword, YouTubeNameTable.KeywordSchema); query.Categories.Add(new QueryCategory(category1)); //query.Query = keyword; // normal 'everything' search query.NumberToRetrieve = 4; //query.StartIndex = startIndex; query.LR = "en"; query.Time = YouTubeQuery.UploadTime.ThisWeek; query.SafeSearch = YouTubeQuery.SafeSearchValues.Moderate; query.OrderBy = "rating"; YouTubeRequestSettings settings = new YouTubeRequestSettings("HowLong", Beweb.Util.GetSetting("YoutubeApi")); YouTubeRequest request = new YouTubeRequest(settings); Feed <Google.YouTube.Video> feed = request.Get <Google.YouTube.Video>(query); return(feed); }
private void CreateVideoFeed(string s) { YouTubeRequestSettings settings = new YouTubeRequestSettings("most_viewed", YouTubeDeveloperKey); YouTubeRequest request = new YouTubeRequest(settings); //Link to the feed we wish to read from string feedUrl = String.Format("" + s); dtVideoData.Columns.Add("Title"); dtVideoData.Columns.Add("DateUploaded"); dtVideoData.Columns.Add("VideoID"); dtVideoData.Columns.Add("Duration"); DataRow drVideoData; Feed <Video> videoFeed = request.Get <Video>(new Uri(feedUrl)); //Iterate through each video entry and store details in DataTable foreach (Video videoEntry in videoFeed.Entries) { drVideoData = dtVideoData.NewRow(); drVideoData["Title"] = videoEntry.Title; drVideoData["DateUploaded"] = videoEntry.Updated.ToShortDateString(); drVideoData["VideoID"] = videoEntry.YouTubeEntry.VideoId; drVideoData["Duration"] = videoEntry.YouTubeEntry.Duration.Seconds.ToString(); dtVideoData.Rows.Add(drVideoData); } RadGrid1.DataSource = dtVideoData; RadGrid1.DataBind(); }
/// <summary> /// Searches YouTube for tracks matching a certain query /// </summary> /// <param name="query">The query to search for</param> /// <returns>An observable collection of TrackData with all YouTube tracks that match query</returns> public static ObservableCollection <TrackData> Search(string query) { ObservableCollection <TrackData> tracks = new ObservableCollection <TrackData>(); try { string filter = SettingsManager.YouTubeFilter; YouTubeQuery q = new YouTubeQuery(YouTubeQuery.DefaultVideoUri); q.OrderBy = "relevance"; q.Query = query; q.Formats.Add(YouTubeQuery.VideoFormat.Embeddable); q.NumberToRetrieve = 50; q.SafeSearch = YouTubeQuery.SafeSearchValues.None; if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filter) && filter != "None") { AtomCategory category = new AtomCategory(filter, YouTubeNameTable.CategorySchema); q.Categories.Add(new QueryCategory(category)); } YouTubeRequest request = new YouTubeRequest(settings); Feed <Video> videoFeed = request.Get <Video>(q); foreach (Video entry in videoFeed.Entries) { tracks.Add(YouTubeManager.CreateTrack(entry)); } } catch (Exception exc) { U.L(LogLevel.Error, "YOUTUBE", "Error while performing search: " + exc.Message); VerifyConnectivity(); } TrackSource = tracks; return(tracks); }
public static string getVideos(string searchq) { YouTubeRequestSettings yy = new YouTubeRequestSettings("unitysg", "AIzaSyAS1TLHGyfD6yP596kpmckOhUepSPmo8hM"); YouTubeRequest request = new YouTubeRequest(yy); YouTubeQuery query = new YouTubeQuery(YouTubeQuery.DefaultVideoUri + "?region=SG&v=2"); //order results by the number of views (most viewed first) // query.OrderBy = "viewCount"; // search for puppies and include restricted content in the search results // query.SafeSearch could also be set to YouTubeQuery.SafeSearchValues.Moderate query.Query = searchq.TrimEnd(); query.SafeSearch = YouTubeQuery.SafeSearchValues.None; string[] url = new string[5]; int viewcount = 0; int totalrelatedvideos = 0; Feed <Video> videoFeed = request.Get <Video>(query); printVideoFeed(videoFeed); int i = 0; foreach (Video entry in videoFeed.Entries) { if (i == 5) { break; } else { url[i] = entry.WatchPage.ToString(); viewcount = int.Parse(entry.ViewCount.ToString()); totalrelatedvideos = int.Parse(videoFeed.TotalResults.ToString()); } i++; } return(new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(url) + "," + viewcount + "," + totalrelatedvideos); }
public static WebFeed ReadFeedYT(string url, string tematica) { YouTubeRequestSettings settings = new YouTubeRequestSettings("IndignadoFramework", clave); YouTubeRequest request = new YouTubeRequest(settings); //YouTubeQuery query = new YouTubeQuery(url); YouTubeQuery query = new YouTubeQuery(YouTubeQuery.DefaultVideoUri); //order results by the number of views (most viewed first) query.OrderBy = "relevance"; // search for puppies and include restricted content in the search results // query.SafeSearch could also be set to YouTubeQuery.SafeSearchValues.Moderate query.Query = tematica; query.SafeSearch = YouTubeQuery.SafeSearchValues.None; Feed <Video> videoFeed = request.Get <Video>(query); WebFeed wf = new WebFeed { Title = "You Tube", Tipo = WebFeed.TipoFuente.VIDEO, Nodes = new List <WebFeedNode>() }; foreach (Video video in videoFeed.Entries) { wf.Nodes.Add(new WebFeedNode() { Link = video.WatchPage.ToString(), ThumbnailUrl = video.Thumbnails.First().Url.ToString(), Updated = video.Updated.ToString(), Title = video.Title }); } return(wf); }
public void CreatePlaylist() { Playlist playlistBlueprint = new Playlist(); playlistBlueprint.Title = _playlistName; playlistBlueprint.Summary = _playlistSummary; Playlist playlist; try { playlist = _request.Insert(new Uri(""), playlistBlueprint); } catch (InvalidCredentialsException) { throw new InvalidLoginInfoException(); } foreach (var query in _queryList) { YouTubeQuery ytQuery = new YouTubeQuery(YouTubeQuery.DefaultVideoUri); //ytQuery.OrderBy = "viewCount"; ytQuery.Query = query; ytQuery.SafeSearch = YouTubeQuery.SafeSearchValues.None; Feed <Video> results = _request.Get <Video>(ytQuery); Video firstVideo = results.Entries.ToList()[0]; PlayListMember playlistMember = new PlayListMember(); playlistMember.VideoId = firstVideo.VideoId; _request.AddToPlaylist(playlist, playlistMember); } int idIndex = playlist.Id.IndexOf("playlist:"); string id = playlist.Id.Substring(idIndex + "playlist:".Length); PlaylistUrl = "" + id; }
public Form2(string username, string password) { InitializeComponent(); Feed<Video> videoFeed = null; string devKey = "yt-dev-key"; try { YouTubeRequestSettings settings = new YouTubeRequestSettings("MassVideoEdit", devKey, username, password); request = new YouTubeRequest(settings); //getting all videos entry string uri = ""; videoFeed = request.Get<Video>(new Uri(uri)); //Uri videoEntryUrl = new Uri( } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show(e.Message); } createFormEntry(videoFeed); }
/// <summary> /// Starts the <see cref="YoutubeSongFinder"/>. /// </summary> public override void Start() { var query = new YouTubeQuery(YouTubeQuery.DefaultVideoUri) { OrderBy = "relevance", Query = searchString, SafeSearch = YouTubeQuery.SafeSearchValues.None }; var settings = new YouTubeRequestSettings("Espera", ApiKey); var request = new YouTubeRequest(settings); Feed <Video> feed = request.Get <Video>(query); foreach (Video video in feed.Entries) { var duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Int32.Parse(video.YouTubeEntry.Duration.Seconds)); string url = video.WatchPage.OriginalString .Replace("&feature=youtube_gdata_player", String.Empty) /* Unnecessary long url */ .Replace("https://", "http://"); /* VLC doesn't like https */ var song = new YoutubeSong(url, AudioType.Mp3, duration, CoreSettings.Default.StreamYoutube) { Title = video.Title, Description = video.Description, Rating = video.RatingAverage >= 1 ? video.RatingAverage : (double?)null, ThumbnailSource = new Uri(video.Thumbnails[0].Url), Views = video.ViewCount }; this.InternSongsFound.Add(song); this.OnSongFound(new SongEventArgs(song)); } this.OnFinished(EventArgs.Empty); }
public static bool ParseChannel(string pChannelName, string pAppName, string pDevKey, int pLevel) { ///ReInitialize All Data /// channelName = ""; channelId = ""; startIndex = 1; recordCount = 0; updatedFlag = false; ///ReInitializing Done /// multithreadingChannelName = pChannelName; string channelFileName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["channelsFileName"].ToString(); string channelFileNameXML = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["channelsFileNameXML"].ToString(); //File.AppendAllText(pChannelName + "/" + log, "Entered Inside Parse Channel at : " + DateTime.Now + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine); //This Request will give us 10 channels from index 1, which is searched by adding its name. //e.g." + pChannelName + "&start-index=1&max-results=10&v=2 //q=<Channel Name> //start-index = <start Index of Search result> (by default 1st Index is '1') //max-result = <page size (containing number of channels)> //v = Not known yet. :S //e.g." + pChannelName + "&start-index=1&max-results=10&v=2 string channelUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ChannelSearchUrl"].ToString() + pChannelName + "&start-index=1&max-results=10&v=2"; WebRequest nameRequest = WebRequest.Create(channelUrl); HttpWebResponse nameResponse = (HttpWebResponse)nameRequest.GetResponse(); Stream nameStream = nameResponse.GetResponseStream(); StreamReader nameReader = new StreamReader(nameStream); string xmlData = nameReader.ReadToEnd(); File.WriteAllText(pChannelName + "/" + channelFileNameXML, xmlData); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(pChannelName + "/" + channelFileNameXML); XmlNamespaceManager namespaceManager = new XmlNamespaceManager(doc.NameTable); namespaceManager.AddNamespace("Atom", ""); XmlNodeList listResult = doc.SelectNodes(channelTitleXPath, namespaceManager); int count = 0; foreach (XmlNode node in listResult) { count++; if (node.FirstChild.InnerText.Equals(pChannelName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { break; } } XmlNodeList entryNode = doc.SelectSingleNode(channelAtomEntry + "[" + count + "]", namespaceManager).ChildNodes; foreach (XmlNode n in entryNode) { if (n.Name.Equals("title")) { File.AppendAllText(pChannelName + "/" + channelFileName, "Channel Name: " + n.InnerText + "\r\n"); } else if (n.Name.Equals("yt:channelStatistics")) { File.AppendAllText(pChannelName + "/" + channelFileName, "Subscribers Count: " + n.Attributes["subscriberCount"].Value + "\r\n"); File.AppendAllText(pChannelName + "/" + channelFileName, "Views Count: " + n.Attributes["viewCount"].Value + "\r\n"); } else if (n.Name.Equals("link")) { if (n.Attributes["rel"].Value.Equals("alternate", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { File.AppendAllText(pChannelName + "/" + channelFileName, "Channel URL: " + n.Attributes["href"].Value + "\r\n"); channelUrlMain = n.Attributes["href"].Value; } } else if (n.Name.Equals("id")) { string id = n.InnerText; string[] arrId = n.InnerText.Split(new Char[] { ':' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); bool indexFound = false; for (int i = 0; i < arrId.Length; i++) { if (arrId[i].Equals("Channel", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { indexFound = true; continue; } if (indexFound) { channelId = arrId[i]; break; } } } } //"AI39si7SUChDwy6-ms_bz7rY-mzkqWc9vouhT_XZfh_xery5HjOujHc4USzQJ-M6XeWPCmGtaMzBgs3QP5S4O3vFBHoxmCfIjA" YouTubeRequestSettings settings = new YouTubeRequestSettings(pAppName, pDevKey); YouTubeRequest request = new YouTubeRequest(settings); Uri videoEntryUrl = new Uri("" + pChannelName); Feed <Video> videoFeed = request.Get <Video>(videoEntryUrl); foreach (Entry e in videoFeed.Entries) { File.AppendAllText(pChannelName + "/" + channelFileName, "Channel Description: " + e.Summary + "\r\n"); break; } Constant.tempFiles.Add(channelFileNameXML); //Constant.tempFiles.Add(pChannelName + "/" + log); Dictionary <string, VideoWrapper> videoDictionary = new Dictionary <string, VideoWrapper>(); File.AppendAllText(pChannelName + "/" + channelFileName, "Video Lists \r\n"); startIndex = 1; //File.AppendAllText(pChannelName + "/" + log, "\tEntering WriteVideoList at: " + DateTime.Now + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine); WriteVideoLists(pChannelName, channelId, startIndex, videoDictionary, Enumeration.VideoRequestType.All); //File.AppendAllText(pChannelName + "/" + log, "\t\tTotal Dictionary Items : " + videoDictionary.Count + Environment.NewLine); //File.AppendAllText(pChannelName + "/" + log, "\r\n\tLeft WriteVideoList at: " + DateTime.Now + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine); //File.AppendAllText(pChannelName + "/" + "Count.txt", "Count After complete Request Response (Expected 1000) : " + recordCount + "\r\n"); //File.AppendAllText(pChannelName + "/" + log, "Leaving Parse Channel at : " + DateTime.Now); //ChannelVideo.parseVideo(videoDictionary, pChannelName); ///Done Crawling video description ///Crawl Comments /// ChannelComment.CrawlComments(videoDictionary, pChannelName); ///Done Crawling Comments /// ///Remove All Temporary Files here /// Common.RemoveTempFiles(Constant.tempFiles, pChannelName); ///Done /// //Commenting Temporarily on Paolo Request.. <04/19/2013> if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["BothLevelsFlag"].ToString().Equals("true", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { /////ReInitialize All Data ///// channelName = ""; channelId = ""; startIndex = 1; recordCount = 0; updatedFlag = false; /////ReInitializing Done dictionary = new Dictionary <string, VideoCommentWrapper>(); dictionary = GlobalConstants.commentDictionary; int testCount = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, VideoCommentWrapper> pair in dictionary) { GlobalConstants.commentDictionary = new Dictionary <string, VideoCommentWrapper>(); VideoCommentWrapper videoComment = pair.Value; ParseChannelLevel2(videoComment, pAppName, pDevKey); testCount++; //if (testCount > 3) // break; } } return(true); }
public void GetMyPlaylist() { try { if (isLoggedIn == false) return; YouTubeRequestSettings settings = new YouTubeRequestSettings(APP_NAME, DEV_KEY, USERNAME, PASSWORD); YouTubeRequest reqeuest = new YouTubeRequest(settings); Feed<Playlist> pl_feeds = reqeuest.Get<Playlist>(new Uri("")); List<List<VideoBase>> list = new List<List<VideoBase>>(); List<string> playlistName = new List<string>(); foreach (Playlist pl in pl_feeds.Entries) { playlistName.Add(pl.Title + " " + pl.CountHint + " video(s)"); myPlaylistIDs.Add(new PlaylistId(pl.Id)); Feed<PlayListMember> video_list = reqeuest.GetPlaylist(pl); Playlist certain_pl = new Playlist(); certain_pl = pl; List<VideoBase> subVideo = new List<VideoBase>(); foreach (Video video in video_list.Entries) { subVideo.Add(ConvertToVideoBase(video)); } list.Add(subVideo); } MyPlaylistsName = playlistName; MyPlaylistVideo = list; MyPlaylist = pl_feeds.Entries.ToList(); } catch { } }
private void button10_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { label38.Text = "Search Results:"; try { string searchupd = "" + textBox7.Text; HttpWebRequest searchreq = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(searchupd); WebResponse searchres = searchreq.GetResponse(); System.IO.StreamReader sr = new System.IO.StreamReader(searchres.GetResponseStream(), System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("windows-1252")); string pluginsavail = sr.ReadToEnd(); } catch { } listView1.Items.Clear(); YouTubeRequest request = new YouTubeRequest(settings); YouTubeQuery query = new YouTubeQuery(YouTubeQuery.DefaultVideoUri); //order results by the number of views (most viewed first) query.OrderBy = "relevance"; // search for puppies and include restricted content in the search results // query.SafeSearch could also be set to YouTubeQuery.SafeSearchValues.Moderate query.Query = textBox7.Text; query.SafeSearch = YouTubeQuery.SafeSearchValues.None; Feed<Video> videoFeed = request.Get<Video>(query); printVideoFeed(videoFeed); }
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// <summary>runs a test on the YouTube factory object</summary> ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [Test] public void YouTubePagingTest() { Tracing.TraceMsg("Entering YouTubePagingTest"); YouTubeRequestSettings settings = new YouTubeRequestSettings("NETUnittests", this.ytClient, this.ytDevKey, this.ytUser, this.ytPwd); settings.PageSize = 15; YouTubeRequest f = new YouTubeRequest(settings); Feed<Video> feed = f.GetStandardFeed(YouTubeQuery.MostPopular); Feed<Video> prev = f.Get<Video>(feed, FeedRequestType.Prev); Assert.IsTrue(prev == null, "the first chunk should not have a prev"); Feed<Video> next = f.Get<Video>(feed, FeedRequestType.Next); Assert.IsTrue(next != null, "the next chunk should exist"); prev = f.Get<Video>(next, FeedRequestType.Prev); Assert.IsTrue(prev != null, "the prev chunk should exist now"); }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // music player popup // this logic open player with playlists, songs, and other player related stuff public ActionResult MPL() { // 1.genral declarations //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hypster_tv_DAL.playlistManagement playlistManager = new hypster_tv_DAL.playlistManagement(); hypster_tv_DAL.memberManagement memberManager = new hypster_tv_DAL.memberManagement(); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // 2.get requested media type (playlist, single song, default palylist) //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- string MEDIA_TYPE = ""; if (Request.QueryString["media_type"] != null) { MEDIA_TYPE = Request.QueryString["media_type"]; ViewBag.MEDIA_TYPE = MEDIA_TYPE; } else { ViewBag.MEDIA_TYPE = ""; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hypster_tv_DAL.Member member = new hypster_tv_DAL.Member(); if (Request.QueryString["us_id"] != null) { ViewBag.UserID = Request.QueryString["us_id"]; int us_id = 0; Int32.TryParse(Request.QueryString["us_id"], out us_id); if (us_id > 0) { member = memberManager.getMemberByID(us_id); } } else { if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { member = memberManager.getMemberByUserName(User.Identity.Name); ViewBag.UserID =; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // 3.parse media type //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hypster.ViewModels.videoPlayerViewModel model = new ViewModels.videoPlayerViewModel(); switch (MEDIA_TYPE) { // //display requested playlist case "playlist": int PLAYLIST_ID = 0; if (Request.QueryString["playlist_id"] != null) { if (Int32.TryParse(Request.QueryString["playlist_id"], out PLAYLIST_ID) == false) { PLAYLIST_ID = 0; } } playlistManager.AddPlaylistView(PLAYLIST_ID); if (ViewBag.UserID != null && PLAYLIST_ID != null) { model.songs_list = playlistManager.GetSongsForPlayList(Int32.Parse(ViewBag.UserID.ToString()), (int)PLAYLIST_ID); } ViewBag.PlaylistID = PLAYLIST_ID; break; // //display single song case "": ViewBag.MEDIA_TYPE = "song"; string SongGuid = ""; if (Request.QueryString["song_guid"] != null) { SongGuid = Request.QueryString["song_guid"]; ViewBag.SongGuid = SongGuid.Replace("&", "amp;"); } string SongTitle = ""; if (Request.QueryString["song_title"] != null) { SongTitle = Request.QueryString["song_title"]; ViewBag.SongTitle = SongTitle.Replace("&", "amp;"); } hypster_tv_DAL.PlaylistData_Song song = new hypster_tv_DAL.PlaylistData_Song(); song.YoutubeId = SongGuid; song.Title = SongTitle; model.songs_list.Add(song); if (model.songs_list.Count > 0) { ViewBag.SongGuid = model.songs_list[0].YoutubeId; } break; // //display default palylist case "DEFPL": ViewBag.MEDIA_TYPE = "playlist"; int PLAYLIST_ID_DEF = member.active_playlist; playlistManager.AddPlaylistView(member.active_playlist); if (ViewBag.UserID != null && PLAYLIST_ID_DEF != null) { model.songs_list = playlistManager.GetSongsForPlayList(Int32.Parse(ViewBag.UserID.ToString()), (int)PLAYLIST_ID_DEF); } ViewBag.PlaylistID = member.active_playlist; ViewBag.UserID =; break; // //display default palylist case "Radio": ViewBag.MEDIA_TYPE = "radio"; string Genre_str = ""; if (Request.QueryString["Genre"] != null) { Genre_str = Request.QueryString["Genre"]; Genre_str = Genre_str.Replace("&", "amp;"); ViewBag.Genre = Genre_str; } #region GET_RADIO_GENRE int G_User = 0; int G_Plst = 0; switch (Genre_str) { case "Dance": G_User = Int32.Parse(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Radio_User_Dance"]); G_Plst = Int32.Parse(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Radio_Plst_Dance"]); playlistManager.AddPlaylistView(member.active_playlist); model.songs_list = playlistManager.GetSongsForPlayList(G_User, G_Plst); break; case "Jazz": G_User = Int32.Parse(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Radio_User_Jazz"]); G_Plst = Int32.Parse(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Radio_Plst_Jazz"]); playlistManager.AddPlaylistView(member.active_playlist); model.songs_list = playlistManager.GetSongsForPlayList(G_User, G_Plst); break; case "Bluegrass": G_User = Int32.Parse(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Radio_User_Bluegrass"]); G_Plst = Int32.Parse(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Radio_Plst_Bluegrass"]); playlistManager.AddPlaylistView(member.active_playlist); model.songs_list = playlistManager.GetSongsForPlayList(G_User, G_Plst); break; case "Classical": G_User = Int32.Parse(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Radio_User_Classical"]); G_Plst = Int32.Parse(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Radio_Plst_Classical"]); playlistManager.AddPlaylistView(member.active_playlist); model.songs_list = playlistManager.GetSongsForPlayList(G_User, G_Plst); break; case "Reggae": G_User = Int32.Parse(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Radio_User_Reggae"]); G_Plst = Int32.Parse(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Radio_Plst_Reggae"]); playlistManager.AddPlaylistView(member.active_playlist); model.songs_list = playlistManager.GetSongsForPlayList(G_User, G_Plst); break; case "Rap": G_User = Int32.Parse(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Radio_User_Rap"]); G_Plst = Int32.Parse(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Radio_Plst_Rap"]); playlistManager.AddPlaylistView(member.active_playlist); model.songs_list = playlistManager.GetSongsForPlayList(G_User, G_Plst); break; case "Rock": G_User = Int32.Parse(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Radio_User_Rock"]); G_Plst = Int32.Parse(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Radio_Plst_Rock"]); playlistManager.AddPlaylistView(member.active_playlist); model.songs_list = playlistManager.GetSongsForPlayList(G_User, G_Plst); break; case "Soundtrack": G_User = Int32.Parse(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Radio_User_Soundtrack"]); G_Plst = Int32.Parse(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Radio_Plst_Soundtrack"]); playlistManager.AddPlaylistView(member.active_playlist); model.songs_list = playlistManager.GetSongsForPlayList(G_User, G_Plst); break; case "Blues": G_User = Int32.Parse(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Radio_User_Blues"]); G_Plst = Int32.Parse(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Radio_Plst_Blues"]); playlistManager.AddPlaylistView(member.active_playlist); model.songs_list = playlistManager.GetSongsForPlayList(G_User, G_Plst); break; case "Pop": G_User = Int32.Parse(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Radio_User_Pop"]); G_Plst = Int32.Parse(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Radio_Plst_Pop"]); playlistManager.AddPlaylistView(member.active_playlist); model.songs_list = playlistManager.GetSongsForPlayList(G_User, G_Plst); break; case "Country": G_User = Int32.Parse(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Radio_User_Country"]); G_Plst = Int32.Parse(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Radio_Plst_Country"]); playlistManager.AddPlaylistView(member.active_playlist); model.songs_list = playlistManager.GetSongsForPlayList(G_User, G_Plst); break; case "Opera": G_User = Int32.Parse(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Radio_User_Opera"]); G_Plst = Int32.Parse(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Radio_Plst_Opera"]); playlistManager.AddPlaylistView(member.active_playlist); model.songs_list = playlistManager.GetSongsForPlayList(G_User, G_Plst); break; case "Hip-Hop": G_User = Int32.Parse(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Radio_User_HipHop"]); G_Plst = Int32.Parse(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Radio_Plst_HipHop"]); playlistManager.AddPlaylistView(member.active_playlist); model.songs_list = playlistManager.GetSongsForPlayList(G_User, G_Plst); break; case "Latin": G_User = Int32.Parse(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Radio_User_Latin"]); G_Plst = Int32.Parse(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Radio_Plst_Latin"]); playlistManager.AddPlaylistView(member.active_playlist); model.songs_list = playlistManager.GetSongsForPlayList(G_User, G_Plst); break; case "Electronic": G_User = Int32.Parse(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Radio_User_Electronic"]); G_Plst = Int32.Parse(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Radio_Plst_Electronic"]); playlistManager.AddPlaylistView(member.active_playlist); model.songs_list = playlistManager.GetSongsForPlayList(G_User, G_Plst); break; case "R&B": G_User = Int32.Parse(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Radio_User_RandB"]); G_Plst = Int32.Parse(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Radio_Plst_RandB"]); playlistManager.AddPlaylistView(member.active_playlist); model.songs_list = playlistManager.GetSongsForPlayList(G_User, G_Plst); break; case "NewAge": G_User = Int32.Parse(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Radio_User_NewAge"]); G_Plst = Int32.Parse(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Radio_Plst_NewAge"]); playlistManager.AddPlaylistView(member.active_playlist); model.songs_list = playlistManager.GetSongsForPlayList(G_User, G_Plst); break; case "Folk": G_User = Int32.Parse(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Radio_User_Folk"]); G_Plst = Int32.Parse(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Radio_Plst_Folk"]); playlistManager.AddPlaylistView(member.active_playlist); model.songs_list = playlistManager.GetSongsForPlayList(G_User, G_Plst); break; case "J-Pop": G_User = Int32.Parse(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Radio_User_JPop"]); G_Plst = Int32.Parse(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Radio_Plst_JPop"]); playlistManager.AddPlaylistView(member.active_playlist); model.songs_list = playlistManager.GetSongsForPlayList(G_User, G_Plst); break; case "Soul": G_User = Int32.Parse(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Radio_User_Soul"]); G_Plst = Int32.Parse(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Radio_Plst_Soul"]); playlistManager.AddPlaylistView(member.active_playlist); model.songs_list = playlistManager.GetSongsForPlayList(G_User, G_Plst); break; case "Instrumental": G_User = Int32.Parse(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Radio_User_Instrumental"]); G_Plst = Int32.Parse(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Radio_Plst_Instrumental"]); playlistManager.AddPlaylistView(member.active_playlist); model.songs_list = playlistManager.GetSongsForPlayList(G_User, G_Plst); break; case "Adult Contemporary": G_User = Int32.Parse(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Radio_User_AdultContemp"]); G_Plst = Int32.Parse(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Radio_Plst_AdultContemp"]); playlistManager.AddPlaylistView(member.active_playlist); model.songs_list = playlistManager.GetSongsForPlayList(G_User, G_Plst); break; case "Alternative": G_User = Int32.Parse(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Radio_User_Alternative"]); G_Plst = Int32.Parse(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Radio_Plst_Alternative"]); playlistManager.AddPlaylistView(member.active_playlist); model.songs_list = playlistManager.GetSongsForPlayList(G_User, G_Plst); break; default: //if custom search started string search_str = ""; if (Request.QueryString["search"] != null) { search_str = Request.QueryString["search"]; = search_str; } YouTubeRequestSettings settings = new YouTubeRequestSettings("hypster", "AI39si5TNjKgF6yiHwUhKbKwIui2JRphXG4hPXUBdlrNh4XMZLXu--lf66gVSPvks9PlWonEk2Qv9fwiadpNbiuh-9TifCNsqA"); YouTubeRequest request = new YouTubeRequest(settings); int this_page = 1; for (this_page = 1; this_page < 10; this_page++) { string feedUrl = "" + Genre_str + "&category=Music&format=5&restriction=" + Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"] + "&safeSearch=none&start-index=" + ((this_page * 25) - 24) + "&orderby=viewCount"; Feed <Video> videoFeed = request.Get <Video>(new Uri(feedUrl)); foreach (Video item in videoFeed.Entries) { hypster_tv_DAL.PlaylistData_Song song_add1 = new hypster_tv_DAL.PlaylistData_Song(); song_add1.YoutubeId = item.VideoId; song_add1.Title = item.Title; model.songs_list.Add(song_add1); } } break; } #endregion ViewBag.UserID = G_User; ViewBag.PlaylistID = G_Plst; break; default: break; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( != 0) { model.userPlaylists_list = playlistManager.GetUserPlaylists(; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- return(View(model)); }
public void GetVideos() { var settings = new YouTubeRequestSettings("API_YouTube", "AI39si5WA7mB2YVdMdstabh0A-aG8w44dcuKIhyisCCJDP_PbVzFdVT8uBJ760wbgqmZqE33XMRUbblrS0c1dhq3nWc5POg2TQ"); int counter = 0; while (channelNames[counter] != null) { int index = 1; int pageSize = 50; string[] videoTitles = new string[1000]; int[] videoDuration = new int[1000]; string[] videoDate = new string[1000]; string[] videoURL = new string[1000]; string day; string month; string year; // Clear Videos int count = 0; while (videoTitles[count] != null) { videoTitles[count] = null; videoDuration[count] = 0; videoDate[count] = null; videoURL[count] = null; count++; } #region Get Data var request = new YouTubeRequest(settings); var query = new YouTubeQuery("" + channelNames[counter] + "/uploads"); query.OrderBy = "published"; query.StartIndex = index; query.NumberToRetrieve = pageSize; Feed <Video> feed = null; try { feed = request.Get <Video>(query); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error have occurred while retrieving data from YouTube: {0}", ex.Message); } if (feed != null && feed.Entries != null) { count = 0; try { int videoCounter = 0; foreach (var entry in feed.Entries) { string url = "" + entry.VideoId.ToString(); if (url == latestChannelVideos[counter]) { break; } else { if (videoCounter == 0) { AddToLatestVideo(channelNames[counter], url); } } if (specifics[counter, 0] != null) { // Check specifications int tempCounter = 0; bool matchSpecifics = false; while (specifics[counter, tempCounter] != null) { if (SearchString(entry.Title.ToUpper(), specifics[counter, tempCounter].ToUpper())) { matchSpecifics = true; } tempCounter++; } if (matchSpecifics) { videoTitles[count] = entry.Title; videoDuration[count] = Convert.ToInt32(entry.YouTubeEntry.Duration.Seconds); videoDate[count] = entry.Updated.Date.ToString().Substring(0, InString(entry.Updated.Date.ToString(), " 12:00:00 AM")); // Edit date day = videoDate[count].Substring(0, InString(videoDate[count], "/")); videoDate[count] = videoDate[count].Substring(InString(videoDate[count], "/") + 1, videoDate[count].Length - (InString(videoDate[count], "/") + 1)); month = videoDate[count].Substring(0, InString(videoDate[count], "/")); videoDate[count] = videoDate[count].Substring(InString(videoDate[count], "/") + 1, videoDate[count].Length - (InString(videoDate[count], "/") + 1)); year = videoDate[count]; videoDate[count] = month + "/" + day + "/" + year; videoURL[count] = "" + entry.VideoId.ToString(); count++; } } else { videoTitles[count] = entry.Title; videoDuration[count] = Convert.ToInt32(entry.YouTubeEntry.Duration.Seconds); videoDate[count] = entry.Updated.Date.ToString().Substring(0, InString(entry.Updated.Date.ToString(), " 12:00:00 AM")); // Edit date day = videoDate[count].Substring(0, InString(videoDate[count], "/")); videoDate[count] = videoDate[count].Substring(InString(videoDate[count], "/") + 1, videoDate[count].Length - (InString(videoDate[count], "/") + 1)); month = videoDate[count].Substring(0, InString(videoDate[count], "/")); videoDate[count] = videoDate[count].Substring(InString(videoDate[count], "/") + 1, videoDate[count].Length - (InString(videoDate[count], "/") + 1)); year = videoDate[count]; videoDate[count] = month + "/" + day + "/" + year; videoURL[count] = "" + entry.VideoId.ToString(); count++; } videoCounter++; } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error have occurred while retrieving data from YouTube: {0}", ex.Message); break; } if (count < pageSize) { // Success! } index = index + count + 1; } else { MessageBox.Show("Error have occurred while retrieving data from YouTube."); break; } #endregion // Show Videos count = 0; while (videoTitles[count] != null) { AddRow(videoTitles[count], channelNames[counter], videoDuration[count], videoDate[count], videoURL[count]); count++; } counter++; } }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { int userId = -1; string genre = ""; string page = ""; string search = ""; if (context.Request.QueryString["genre"] != null) { genre = context.Request.QueryString["genre"]; } if (context.Request.QueryString["page"] != null) { page = context.Request.QueryString["page"]; } if (context.Request.QueryString["search"] != null) { search = context.Request.QueryString["search"]; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //current radio logic //if search is (1) then straight go to youtube api if not //then try to find radio playlist accorging to genre //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YouTubeRequestSettings settings = new YouTubeRequestSettings("hypster", "AI39si5TNjKgF6yiHwUhKbKwIui2JRphXG4hPXUBdlrNh4XMZLXu--lf66gVSPvks9PlWonEk2Qv9fwiadpNbiuh-9TifCNsqA"); YouTubeRequest request = new YouTubeRequest(settings); //string feedUrl = String.Format("{0}&category=Music&format=5&restriction={1}&safeSearch=none&start-index={2}&orderby=relevance", HttpUtility.UrlEncode(genre), context.Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"], 1); //string feedUrl = ""; //YouTubeQuery query = new YouTubeQuery(); //request.GetVideoForActivity( //string feedUrl = ""; //string feedUrl = "" + genre + "?v=2&start-index=1&orderby=viewCount"; int this_page = 1; string feedUrl = "" + genre + "&category=Music&format=5&restriction=" + context.Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"] + "&safeSearch=none&start-index=" + this_page + "&orderby=viewCount"; Feed <Video> videoFeed = request.Get <Video>(new Uri(feedUrl)); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XElement xml; XNamespace jwNS = ""; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //prepare playlist songs //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ArrayList tracks_list_xml = new ArrayList(); foreach (Video item in videoFeed.Entries) { XElement songs_xml = new XElement("track", new XAttribute("id", "0"), new XElement("youtubeId", item.VideoId ?? "null"), new XElement("type", (item.VideoId == "") ? "mp3" : "youtube"), new XElement("title", item.Title), new XElement("link", ""), new XElement("location", "") ); tracks_list_xml.Add(songs_xml); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- this_page += 1; string feedUrl_2 = "" + genre + "&category=Music&format=5&restriction=" + context.Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"] + "&safeSearch=none&start-index=" + (this_page * 25) + "&orderby=viewCount"; Feed <Video> videoFeed_2 = request.Get <Video>(new Uri(feedUrl_2)); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //prepare playlist songs //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- foreach (Video item in videoFeed_2.Entries) { XElement songs_xml = new XElement("track", new XAttribute("id", "0"), new XElement("youtubeId", item.VideoId ?? "null"), new XElement("type", (item.VideoId == "") ? "mp3" : "youtube"), new XElement("title", item.Title), new XElement("link", ""), new XElement("location", "") ); tracks_list_xml.Add(songs_xml); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- this_page += 3; string feedUrl_3 = "" + genre + "&category=Music&format=5&restriction=" + context.Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"] + "&safeSearch=none&start-index=" + (this_page * 25) + "&orderby=viewCount"; Feed <Video> videoFeed_3 = request.Get <Video>(new Uri(feedUrl_3)); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //prepare playlist songs //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- foreach (Video item in videoFeed_3.Entries) { XElement songs_xml = new XElement("track", new XAttribute("id", "0"), new XElement("youtubeId", item.VideoId ?? "null"), new XElement("type", (item.VideoId == "") ? "mp3" : "youtube"), new XElement("title", item.Title), new XElement("link", ""), new XElement("location", "") ); tracks_list_xml.Add(songs_xml); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //populate playlist //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- xml = new XElement("playlist", new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xmlns + "jwplayer", jwNS.NamespaceName), new XElement("tracklist", tracks_list_xml), new XElement("data", new XElement("title", " - Hypster Radio"), new XElement("username", "N/A"), new XElement("photo", "N/A"), new XElement("truename", "N/A"), new XElement("gender", "N/A"), new XElement("country", "N/A"), new XElement("city", "N/A"), new XElement("introduce", "N/A"))); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- context.Response.ContentType = "text/xml"; context.Response.Write(xml.ToString(SaveOptions.DisableFormatting)); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
public static void ParseChannelLevel2(VideoCommentWrapper commentWrapper, string pAppName, string pDevKey) { try { string channelName = commentWrapper.userName;//displayName is not working in 1 case.. Got Luv2bbeautiful ., contains space + . string userId = commentWrapper.userName; string channelCleanedName = Common.CleanFileName(channelName); if (!Directory.Exists(channelCleanedName)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(channelCleanedName); } else { Directory.Delete(channelCleanedName, true); Directory.CreateDirectory(channelCleanedName); } //Search for Channel... // If Channel doesn't exit Search for following things //1. Favourties, 2. Uploaded , 3. Playlist multithreadingChannelName = channelCleanedName; string channelFileName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["channelsFileName"].ToString(); string channelFileNameXML = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["channelsFileNameXML"].ToString(); //File.AppendAllText(channelCleanedName + "/" + log, "Entered Inside Parse Channel at : " + DateTime.Now + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine); string videoUrl = "" + channelName + "/uploads?&start-index=" + startIndex; HttpWebRequest nameRequest1 = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(videoUrl); nameRequest1.KeepAlive = false; nameRequest1.ProtocolVersion = HttpVersion.Version10; HttpWebResponse nameResponse1 = (HttpWebResponse)nameRequest1.GetResponse(); Stream nameStream1 = nameResponse1.GetResponseStream(); StreamReader nameReader1 = new StreamReader(nameStream1); string xmlData1 = nameReader1.ReadToEnd(); File.WriteAllText(channelCleanedName + "/" + channelFileNameXML, xmlData1); //Constant.tempFiles.Add(channelFileNameXML); XmlDocument doc1 = new XmlDocument(); doc1.Load(channelCleanedName + "/" + channelFileNameXML); XmlNamespaceManager namespaceManager2 = new XmlNamespaceManager(doc1.NameTable); namespaceManager2.AddNamespace("Atom", ""); //XmlNodeList listResult1 = doc1.SelectNodes(channelAtomEntry, namespaceManager2); ////Getting total Record XmlNamespaceManager namespaceManager3 = new XmlNamespaceManager(doc1.NameTable); namespaceManager3.AddNamespace("openSearch", ""); XmlNode nodeTotal = doc1.SelectSingleNode("//openSearch:totalResults", namespaceManager3); int total = Int32.Parse(nodeTotal.InnerText); if (total != 0) { string channelUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ChannelSearchUrl"].ToString() + channelName + "&start-index=1&max-results=10&v=2"; WebRequest nameRequest = WebRequest.Create(channelUrl); HttpWebResponse nameResponse = (HttpWebResponse)nameRequest.GetResponse(); Stream nameStream = nameResponse.GetResponseStream(); StreamReader nameReader = new StreamReader(nameStream); string xmlData = nameReader.ReadToEnd(); File.WriteAllText(channelCleanedName + "/" + channelFileNameXML, xmlData); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(channelCleanedName + "/" + channelFileNameXML); XmlNamespaceManager namespaceManager1 = new XmlNamespaceManager(doc.NameTable); namespaceManager1.AddNamespace("openSearch", ""); XmlNode node1 = doc.SelectSingleNode("//openSearch:totalResults", namespaceManager1); //This means Channel Exists XmlNamespaceManager namespaceManager = new XmlNamespaceManager(doc.NameTable); namespaceManager.AddNamespace("Atom", ""); XmlNodeList listResult = doc.SelectNodes(channelTitleXPath, namespaceManager); int count = 0; foreach (XmlNode node in listResult) { count++; if (node.FirstChild.InnerText.Equals(channelName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { break; } } XmlNodeList entryNode = doc.SelectSingleNode(channelAtomEntry + "[" + count + "]", namespaceManager).ChildNodes; foreach (XmlNode n in entryNode) { if (n.Name.Equals("title")) { File.AppendAllText(channelCleanedName + "/" + channelFileName, "Channel Name: " + n.InnerText + "\r\n"); } else if (n.Name.Equals("yt:channelStatistics")) { File.AppendAllText(channelCleanedName + "/" + channelFileName, "Subscribers Count: " + n.Attributes["subscriberCount"].Value + "\r\n"); File.AppendAllText(channelCleanedName + "/" + channelFileName, "Views Count: " + n.Attributes["viewCount"].Value + "\r\n"); } //else if (n.Name.Equals("summary")) //{ // File.AppendAllText(pChannelName + "/" + channelFileName, "Channel Description: " + n.InnerText + "\r\n"); //} else if (n.Name.Equals("link")) { if (n.Attributes["rel"].Value.Equals("alternate", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { File.AppendAllText(channelCleanedName + "/" + channelFileName, "Channel URL: " + n.Attributes["href"].Value + "\r\n"); channelUrlMain = n.Attributes["href"].Value; } } else if (n.Name.Equals("id")) { string id = n.InnerText; string[] arrId = n.InnerText.Split(new Char[] { ':' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); bool indexFound = false; for (int i = 0; i < arrId.Length; i++) { if (arrId[i].Equals("Channel", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { indexFound = true; continue; } if (indexFound) { channelId = arrId[i]; break; } } } } //"AI39si7SUChDwy6-ms_bz7rY-mzkqWc9vouhT_XZfh_xery5HjOujHc4USzQJ-M6XeWPCmGtaMzBgs3QP5S4O3vFBHoxmCfIjA" YouTubeRequestSettings settings = new YouTubeRequestSettings(pAppName, pDevKey); YouTubeRequest request = new YouTubeRequest(settings); Uri videoEntryUrl = new Uri("" + channelName); Feed<Video> videoFeed = request.Get<Video>(videoEntryUrl); foreach (Entry e in videoFeed.Entries) { File.AppendAllText(channelCleanedName + "/" + channelFileName, "Channel Description: " + e.Summary + "\r\n"); break; } Constant.tempFiles.Add(channelFileNameXML); Dictionary<string, VideoWrapper> videoDictionary = new Dictionary<string, VideoWrapper>(); File.AppendAllText(channelCleanedName + "/" + channelFileName, "Video Lists \r\n"); startIndex = 1; //File.AppendAllText(channelCleanedName + "/" + log, "\tEntering WriteVideoList at: " + DateTime.Now + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine); WriteVideoLists(channelName, channelId, startIndex, videoDictionary, Enumeration.VideoRequestType.All); //File.AppendAllText(channelCleanedName + "/" + log, "\t\tTotal Dictionary Items : " + videoDictionary.Count + Environment.NewLine); //File.AppendAllText(channelCleanedName + "/" + log, "\r\n\tLeft WriteVideoList at: " + DateTime.Now + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine); //File.AppendAllText(channelCleanedName + "/" + "Count.txt", "Count After complete Request Response (Expected 1000) : " + recordCount + "\r\n"); //File.AppendAllText(channelCleanedName + "/" + log, "Leaving Parse Channel at : " + DateTime.Now); ///Crawl Comments /// ChannelComment.CrawlComments(videoDictionary, channelName); ///Done Crawling Comments //ChannelVideo.parseVideo(videoDictionary, channelName); ///Done Crawling video description ///Remove All Temporary Files here /// Common.RemoveTempFiles(Constant.tempFiles, channelName); ///Done /// ///ReInitialize All Data /// //channelName = ""; channelId = ""; startIndex = 1; recordCount = 0; updatedFlag = false; ///ReInitializing Done } //Extract Playlists ExtractFromPlaylist(channelName, userId, 1); ///ReInitialize All Data /// //channelName = ""; channelId = ""; startIndex = 1; recordCount = 0; updatedFlag = false; ///ReInitializing Done //Extract Favourites ExtractFromUserFavourite(channelName, userId, 1); } catch (Exception ex) { Thread.Sleep(10000); ParseChannelLevel2(commentWrapper, pAppName, pDevKey); } }
public List<VideoBase> GetRecommendedVideos() { List<VideoBase> list = new List<VideoBase>(); try { if (isLoggedIn == false) return null; YouTubeRequestSettings settings = new YouTubeRequestSettings(APP_NAME, DEV_KEY, USERNAME, PASSWORD); YouTubeRequest reqeuest = new YouTubeRequest(settings); Feed<Video> pl_feeds = reqeuest.Get<Video>(new Uri("")); foreach (Video video in pl_feeds.Entries) { list.Add(ConvertToVideoBase(video)); } } catch { } return list; }
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// <summary> /// Page_Load runs when the control is loaded /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// </remarks> /// <history> /// </history> /// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- protected void Page_Load(System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e) { base.Page_Load(sender, e); try { ServiceReference service = new ServiceReference("~/DesktopModules/ATI_Base/resources/services/StreamService.asmx"); service.InlineScript = true; ScriptManager.GetCurrent(Page).Services.Add(service); imgAd.Src = ResolveUrl("/portals/0/images/adTastyPaleo.jpg"); imgCheck.ImageUrl = ResolveUrl("~/DesktopModules/ATI_Base/resources/images/iCheck.png"); if (!Page.IsPostBack && !Page.IsCallback) { baseUrl = ResolveUrl("~/"); long wId = 0; if (HttpContext.Current.Items["w"] != null) { wId = Convert.ToInt64(HttpContext.Current.Items["w"]); } else if (Request["w"] != null) { wId = Convert.ToInt64(Request["w"]); } // Are we viewing a specific workout ? if (wId > 0) { divMainLinks.Visible = true; atiProfile.Visible = false; hiddenWorkoutKey.Value = "" + wId; aqufitEntities entities = new aqufitEntities(); WOD wod = entities.WODs.Include("WODType").Include("WODSets").Include("WODSets.WODExercises").Include("WODSets.WODExercises.Exercise").FirstOrDefault(w => w.Id == wId); if (base.UserSettings != null && wod.Standard == 0) { User2WODFav fav = entities.User2WODFav.FirstOrDefault(mr => mr.WOD.Id == wod.Id && mr.UserSetting.Id == UserSettings.Id); bAddWorkout.Visible = fav == null; bRemoveWorkout.Visible = fav != null; } lWorkoutTitle.Text = wod.Name; // lWorkoutDescription.Text = wod.Description; // constructWorkoutInfo(wod); lWorkoutInfo.Text = wod.Description; if (wod.Standard > 0) { imgCrossFit.Visible = true; imgCrossFit.Src = ResolveUrl("~/DesktopModules/ATI_Base/resources/images/xfit.png"); atiProfileImg.Visible = false; } else { atiProfileImg.Settings = entities.UserSettings.FirstOrDefault(us => us.Id == wod.UserSettingsKey); } atiWorkoutPanel.Visible = false; atiWorkoutViewer.Visible = true; // Get the leader board IQueryable <Workout> stream = entities.UserStreamSet.OfType <Workout>().Where(w => w.WOD.Id == wId); long typeId = entities.WODs.Where(w => w.Id == wId).Select(w => w.WODType.Id).FirstOrDefault(); switch (typeId) { case (long)Affine.Utils.WorkoutUtil.WodType.AMRAP: case (long)Affine.Utils.WorkoutUtil.WodType.SCORE: atiScoreRangePanel.Visible = true; stream = stream.OrderByDescending(w => w.Score); break; case (long)Affine.Utils.WorkoutUtil.WodType.MAX_WEIGHT: atiMaxRangePanel.Visible = true; atiMaxWeightUnitsFirst.UnitList.Add(Affine.Utils.UnitsUtil.MeasureUnit.UNIT_LBS); atiMaxWeightUnitsFirst.UnitList.Add(Affine.Utils.UnitsUtil.MeasureUnit.UNIT_KG); atiMaxWeightUnitsFirst.Selected = WeightUnits; atiMaxWeightUnitsLast.UnitList.Add(Affine.Utils.UnitsUtil.MeasureUnit.UNIT_LBS); atiMaxWeightUnitsLast.UnitList.Add(Affine.Utils.UnitsUtil.MeasureUnit.UNIT_KG); atiMaxWeightUnitsLast.Selected = WeightUnits; stream = stream.OrderByDescending(w => w.Max); break; case (long)Affine.Utils.WorkoutUtil.WodType.TIMED: atiTimeSpanePanel.Visible = true; stream = stream.OrderBy(w => w.Duration); break; default: stream = stream.OrderByDescending(w => w.TimeStamp); break; } string js = string.Empty; atiShareLink.ShareLink = "http://" + Request.Url.Host + "/workout/" + wod.Id; atiShareLink.ShareTitle = " crossfit WOD " + wod.Name; workoutTabTitle.Text = " " + (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(wod.Name) ? "Untitled" : wod.Name) + " "; Affine.WebService.StreamService ss = new WebService.StreamService(); string jsonEveryone = ss.getStreamDataForWOD(wod.Id, -1, 0, 15, true, true, -1, -1, -1); string jsonYou = string.Empty; js += " Aqufit.Page." + atiWorkoutHighChart.ID + ".fromStreamData('" + jsonEveryone + "'); "; if (base.UserSettings != null) { hlLogWorkout.HRef = baseUrl + UserSettings.UserName + "?w=" + wId; hlWorkouts.HRef = baseUrl + UserSettings.UserName + "/workout-history"; jsonYou = ss.getStreamDataForWOD(wod.Id, base.UserSettings.Id, 0, 10, true, true, -1, -1, -1); js += "Aqufit.Page.atiYouStreamScript.generateStreamDom('" + jsonYou + "');"; js += " Aqufit.Page." + atiWorkoutHighChart.ID + ".fromYourStreamData('" + jsonYou + "'); "; // TODO: this could be improved on... Workout thisWod = entities.UserStreamSet.OfType <Workout>().FirstOrDefault(w => w.UserSetting.Id == UserSettings.Id && w.WOD.Id == wId); if (thisWod != null) { // graphs of this wod hlGraph.HRef = ResolveUrl("~/") + UserSettings.UserName + "/workout/" + thisWod.Id; } else { // just grab any workout then.. Workout any = entities.UserStreamSet.OfType <Workout>().OrderByDescending(w => w.Id).FirstOrDefault(w => w.UserSetting.Id == UserSettings.Id); if (any != null) { hlGraph.HRef = ResolveUrl("~/") + UserSettings.UserName + "/workout/" + any.Id; } else { // no workouts ??? say what.. slack man :) hide graph hlGraph.Visible = false; } } } else { hlGraph.HRef = ResolveUrl("~/Login"); hlLogWorkout.HRef = hlGraph.HRef; hlWorkouts.HRef = hlGraph.HRef; atiPanelYourProgress.Visible = false; } hlCreateWOD.HRef = baseUrl + "Profile/WorkoutBuilder"; hlMyWorkouts.HRef = baseUrl + "Profile/MyWorkouts"; js += " Aqufit.Page." + atiWorkoutHighChart.ID + ".drawChart(); "; ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, Page.GetType(), "SimilarRouteList", "$(function(){ " + js + " Aqufit.Page.atiEveryoneStreamScript.generateStreamDom('" + jsonEveryone + "'); });", true); YouTubeQuery query = new YouTubeQuery(YouTubeQuery.DefaultVideoUri); //order results by the number of views (most viewed first) query.OrderBy = "viewCount"; query.NumberToRetrieve = 3; query.SafeSearch = YouTubeQuery.SafeSearchValues.Moderate; YouTubeRequestSettings settings = new YouTubeRequestSettings(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["youtubeApp"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["youtubeKey"]); YouTubeRequest request = new YouTubeRequest(settings); const int NUM_ENTRIES = 50; IList <Video> videos = new List <Video>(); IList <Video> groupVideo = new List <Video>(); // first try to find videos with regard to users group Feed <Video> videoFeed = null; if (this.UserSettings != null) { long[] groupIds = entities.UserFriends.Where(f => (f.SrcUserSettingKey == UserSettings.Id || f.DestUserSettingKey == UserSettings.Id) && f.Relationship >= (int)Affine.Utils.ConstsUtil.Relationships.GROUP_OWNER).Select(f => f.SrcUserSettingKey == UserSettings.Id ? f.DestUserSettingKey : f.SrcUserSettingKey).ToArray(); Group business = entities.UserSettings.OfType <Group>().Where(Utils.Linq.LinqUtils.BuildContainsExpression <Group, long>(us => us.Id, groupIds)).FirstOrDefault(g => g.GroupType.Id == 1); if (business != null) { // TODO: need the business name... query.Query = business.UserName; } else { UserSettings creator = entities.UserSettings.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Id == wod.UserSettingsKey); if (creator is Group) { // TODO: need the business name... query.Query = creator.UserFirstName + " " + creator.UserLastName; } else { query.Query = UserSettings.UserFirstName + " " + UserSettings.UserLastName; } } videoFeed = request.Get <Video>(query); foreach (Video v in videoFeed.Entries) { groupVideo.Add(v); } } if (videos.Count < NUM_ENTRIES) { // now try the crossfit WOD name query.NumberToRetrieve = NUM_ENTRIES - videos.Count; query.Query = "crossfit wod " + wod.Name; videoFeed = request.Get <Video>(query); foreach (Video v in videoFeed.Entries) { videos.Add(v); } if (videos.Count < NUM_ENTRIES) { // this is last resort .. just get videos about crossfit... query.NumberToRetrieve = NUM_ENTRIES - videos.Count; query.Query = "crossfit wod"; videoFeed = request.Get <Video>(query); foreach (Video v in videoFeed.Entries) { videos.Add(v); } } } const int TAKE = 3; if (videos.Count > TAKE) { Random random = new Random((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks); int rand = random.Next(videos.Count - TAKE); videos = videos.Skip(rand).Take(TAKE).ToList(); if (groupVideo.Count > 0) { // always replace one of the main videos with a gorup one.. (if possible) rand = random.Next(groupVideo.Count - 1); videos[0] = groupVideo[rand]; } atiYoutubeThumbList.VideoFeed = videos; } else { atiVideoPanel.Visible = false; } } else { atiVideoPanel.Visible = false; atiPanelQuickView.Visible = false; hlGraph.Visible = false; aqufitEntities entities = new aqufitEntities(); var exerciseArray = entities.Exercises.OrderBy(x => x.Name).Select(x => new{ Text = x.Name, Value = x.Id }).ToArray(); RadListBoxExcerciseSource.DataSource = exerciseArray; RadListBoxExcerciseSource.DataBind(); string order = orderDate.Checked ? "date" : "popular"; if (Settings["Configure"] != null && Convert.ToString(Settings["Configure"]).Equals("ConfigureMyWorkouts")) { this.IsMyWorkouts = true; atiProfile.ProfileSettings = base.UserSettings; atiProfile.IsOwner = true; atiProfile.IsSmall = true; atiWorkoutPanel.Visible = true; workoutTabTitle.Text = "My Workouts"; liMyWorkouts.Visible = false; liFindWorkout.Visible = true; WebService.StreamService streamService = new WebService.StreamService(); string json = streamService.GetWorkouts(base.UserSettings.Id, 0, 30, order, null); ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, Page.GetType(), "WorkoutList", "$(function(){ Aqufit.Page.atiWorkoutListScript.isMyRoutes = true; Aqufit.Page.atiWorkoutListScript.generateStreamDom('" + json + "'); });", true); } else { this.IsMyWorkouts = false; atiProfile.Visible = false; workoutTabTitle.Text = "Workouts"; atiWorkoutPanel.Visible = true; atiWorkoutViewer.Visible = false; WebService.StreamService streamService = new WebService.StreamService(); string json = streamService.GetWorkouts(-1, 0, 30, order, null); ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, Page.GetType(), "WorkoutList2", "$(function(){ Aqufit.Page.atiWorkoutListScript.generateStreamDom('" + json + "'); });", true); } } } } catch (Exception exc) //Module failed to load { Exceptions.ProcessModuleLoadException(this, exc); } }
public IEnumerable<VideoEntry> Search(string term) { var request = new YouTubeRequest(_settings); Feed<Video> videoFeed = request.Get<Video>(new YouTubeQuery(YouTubeQuery.DefaultVideoUri) { Query = term }); return videoFeed.Entries.Select(video => _videoEntryFactory.Build(video)); }
public List<Playlist> GetMyFavorite() { List<Playlist> list = new List<Playlist>(); try { if (isLoggedIn == false) return null; YouTubeRequestSettings settings = new YouTubeRequestSettings(APP_NAME, DEV_KEY, USERNAME, PASSWORD); YouTubeRequest reqeuest = new YouTubeRequest(settings); Feed<Playlist> pl_feeds = reqeuest.Get<Playlist>(new Uri("")); list = pl_feeds.Entries.ToList(); MyFavorite = list; } catch { } return list; }
private static string GetYoutubeLink(string artist, string title) { string videoUrl; try { YouTubeRequestSettings requestSettings = new YouTubeRequestSettings(Configuration.GDataApp, Configuration.DeveloperKey); YouTubeRequest youTubeRequest = new YouTubeRequest(requestSettings); YouTubeQuery youTubeQuery = new YouTubeQuery(YouTubeQuery.DefaultVideoUri); youTubeQuery.Query = artist + " " + title; //youTubeQuery.OrderBy = "viewCount"; use default of relevance instead youTubeQuery.NumberToRetrieve = 1; Feed<Video> videoFeed = youTubeRequest.Get<Video>(youTubeQuery); if (videoFeed.TotalResults == 0) { return ""; } videoUrl = ""; foreach (Video vid in videoFeed.Entries) { videoUrl += vid.VideoId; } } catch (Exception) { videoUrl = ""; } return videoUrl; }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // perform youtube search public ActionResult Music() { if (Request.QueryString["ss"] != null) { //--------------------------------------------------------------------- string search_string = Request.QueryString["ss"].ToString(); ViewBag.search_string = search_string.Replace(" ", "+"); //--------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------- int Curr_Page = 1; if (Request.QueryString["page"] != null) { if (Int32.TryParse(Request.QueryString["page"], out Curr_Page) == false) { Curr_Page = 1; } } ViewBag.CurrPage = Curr_Page; //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // "orderBy" //--------------------------------------------------------------------- string orderBy = ""; if (Request.QueryString["orderBy"] != null) { orderBy = Request.QueryString["orderBy"].ToString(); } ViewBag.orderBy = orderBy; //--------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #region save_recent_searches_to_application-varibles //save recent searches to application varibles if (HttpContext.Application["RECENT_SEARCHES"] != null) { List <string> recent_searches = (List <string>)HttpContext.Application["RECENT_SEARCHES"]; recent_searches.Add(search_string); if (recent_searches.Count > MAX_RECENT_SEARCHES_NUM) { recent_searches.RemoveAt(recent_searches.Count - 1); } HttpContext.Application["RECENT_SEARCHES"] = recent_searches; } else { List <string> recent_searches = new List <string>(); recent_searches.Add(search_string); HttpContext.Application["RECENT_SEARCHES"] = recent_searches; } if (HttpContext.Application["RECENT_SEARCHES"] != null) { ViewBag.recent_searches = (List <string>)HttpContext.Application["RECENT_SEARCHES"]; } #endregion //--------------------------------------------------------------------- YouTubeRequestSettings settings = new YouTubeRequestSettings("hypster", "AI39si5TNjKgF6yiHwUhKbKwIui2JRphXG4hPXUBdlrNh4XMZLXu--lf66gVSPvks9PlWonEk2Qv9fwiadpNbiuh-9TifCNsqA"); YouTubeRequest request = new YouTubeRequest(settings); //order by relevance //string feedUrl = String.Format("{0}&category=Music&format=5&restriction={1}&safeSearch=none&start-index={2}&orderby=relevance", HttpUtility.UrlEncode(search_string.Replace("+"," ")), Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"], (Curr_Page * 25) + 1); //(page.HasValue ? page * 25 : 0) + 1); //order by viewCount //string feedUrl = String.Format("{0}&category=Music&format=5&restriction={1}&safeSearch=none&start-index={2}&orderby=viewCount", HttpUtility.UrlEncode(search_string.Replace("+"," ")), Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"], (Curr_Page * 25) + 1); //(page.HasValue ? page * 25 : 0) + 1); //Feed<Video> videoFeed = null; //add orderBy if selected if (orderBy != "") { orderBy = "&orderby=" + orderBy; } //original sorting order string feedUrl = String.Format("{0}&category=Music&format=5&restriction={1}&safeSearch=none&start-index={2}" + orderBy, HttpUtility.UrlEncode(search_string.Replace("+", " ")), Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"], (Curr_Page * 25) - 25 + 1); Feed <Video> videoFeed = null; try { videoFeed = request.Get <Video>(new Uri(feedUrl)); } catch (Exception ex) { } return(View(videoFeed)); } // NEED TO CHECK AND FIX THIS SECTION else { if (HttpContext.Application["RECENT_SEARCHES"] != null) { ViewBag.recent_searches = (List <string>)HttpContext.Application["RECENT_SEARCHES"]; } return(View()); } }
protected void btnSearchVideoKeywords_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtVideoKeywords.Text.Trim().Length == 0) return; var dtVideos = new DataTable(); dtVideos.Columns.Add("Title", typeof(string)); dtVideos.Columns.Add("ThumbnailUrl", typeof(string)); dtVideos.Columns.Add("VideoUrl", typeof(string)); dtVideos.Columns.Add("ID", typeof(int)); var settings = new YouTubeRequestSettings("eStream-ezFixUp", null, "AI39si7DZKHR_khn2HMQ-fABrE1J7OI4fT-LTH5fFexEn3Cfl-D2ZIpErZhZiKTAGoSHZA2e3Aeh9RAqrZ9lq7RxtAYbUFyf3g"); var request = new YouTubeRequest(settings); var query = new YouTubeQuery(YouTubeQuery.DefaultVideoUri); //order results by the number of views (most viewed first) query.OrderBy = "viewCount"; query.Query = txtVideoKeywords.Text.Trim(); query.SafeSearch = YouTubeQuery.SafeSearchValues.None; Feed<Video> videoFeed; try { videoFeed = request.Get<Video>(query); } catch (Exception err) { Global.Logger.LogError("YouTube search for " + txtVideoKeywords.Text, err); return; } foreach (var video in videoFeed.Entries) { if (video.Contents == null || video.Contents.Count == 0 || video.Thumbnails == null || video.Thumbnails.Count == 0) continue; var thumbnailUrl = video.Thumbnails[0].Url; var videoUrl = video.Contents[0].Url; dtVideos.Rows.Add(new object[] { video.Title, thumbnailUrl, videoUrl, 0 }); } /* // Old search implementation //string uri = "" + // txtVideoKeywords.Text.Trim().Replace(' ', '/'); string uri = "" + Server.UrlEncode(txtVideoKeywords.Text.Trim()); XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.Load(uri); XmlNamespaceManager nsMgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(xmlDoc.NameTable); nsMgr.AddNamespace("def", ""); nsMgr.AddNamespace("media", ""); XmlNodeList nodes = xmlDoc.SelectNodes("/def:feed/def:entry", nsMgr); foreach (XmlNode node in nodes) { if (node.SelectSingleNode("media:group/media:content", nsMgr) == null) continue; string title = node.SelectSingleNode("def:title", nsMgr).InnerText; string thumbUrl = node.SelectSingleNode("media:group/media:thumbnail", nsMgr).Attributes["url"].InnerText; string videoUrl = node.SelectSingleNode("media:group/media:content", nsMgr).Attributes["url"].InnerText; dtVideos.Rows.Add(new object[] { title, thumbUrl, videoUrl, 0 }); } */ dlVideos.DataSource = dtVideos; dlVideos.DataBind(); divVideoPreview.Visible = false; }
public static void ParseChannelLevel2(VideoCommentWrapper commentWrapper, string pAppName, string pDevKey) { try { string channelName = commentWrapper.userName;//displayName is not working in 1 case.. Got Luv2bbeautiful ., contains space + . string userId = commentWrapper.userName; string channelCleanedName = Common.CleanFileName(channelName); if (!Directory.Exists(channelCleanedName)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(channelCleanedName); } else { Directory.Delete(channelCleanedName, true); Directory.CreateDirectory(channelCleanedName); } //Search for Channel... // If Channel doesn't exit Search for following things //1. Favourties, 2. Uploaded , 3. Playlist multithreadingChannelName = channelCleanedName; string channelFileName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["channelsFileName"].ToString(); string channelFileNameXML = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["channelsFileNameXML"].ToString(); //File.AppendAllText(channelCleanedName + "/" + log, "Entered Inside Parse Channel at : " + DateTime.Now + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine); string videoUrl = "" + channelName + "/uploads?&start-index=" + startIndex; HttpWebRequest nameRequest1 = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(videoUrl); nameRequest1.KeepAlive = false; nameRequest1.ProtocolVersion = HttpVersion.Version10; HttpWebResponse nameResponse1 = (HttpWebResponse)nameRequest1.GetResponse(); Stream nameStream1 = nameResponse1.GetResponseStream(); StreamReader nameReader1 = new StreamReader(nameStream1); string xmlData1 = nameReader1.ReadToEnd(); File.WriteAllText(channelCleanedName + "/" + channelFileNameXML, xmlData1); //Constant.tempFiles.Add(channelFileNameXML); XmlDocument doc1 = new XmlDocument(); doc1.Load(channelCleanedName + "/" + channelFileNameXML); XmlNamespaceManager namespaceManager2 = new XmlNamespaceManager(doc1.NameTable); namespaceManager2.AddNamespace("Atom", ""); //XmlNodeList listResult1 = doc1.SelectNodes(channelAtomEntry, namespaceManager2); ////Getting total Record XmlNamespaceManager namespaceManager3 = new XmlNamespaceManager(doc1.NameTable); namespaceManager3.AddNamespace("openSearch", ""); XmlNode nodeTotal = doc1.SelectSingleNode("//openSearch:totalResults", namespaceManager3); int total = Int32.Parse(nodeTotal.InnerText); if (total != 0) { string channelUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ChannelSearchUrl"].ToString() + channelName + "&start-index=1&max-results=10&v=2"; WebRequest nameRequest = WebRequest.Create(channelUrl); HttpWebResponse nameResponse = (HttpWebResponse)nameRequest.GetResponse(); Stream nameStream = nameResponse.GetResponseStream(); StreamReader nameReader = new StreamReader(nameStream); string xmlData = nameReader.ReadToEnd(); File.WriteAllText(channelCleanedName + "/" + channelFileNameXML, xmlData); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(channelCleanedName + "/" + channelFileNameXML); XmlNamespaceManager namespaceManager1 = new XmlNamespaceManager(doc.NameTable); namespaceManager1.AddNamespace("openSearch", ""); XmlNode node1 = doc.SelectSingleNode("//openSearch:totalResults", namespaceManager1); //This means Channel Exists XmlNamespaceManager namespaceManager = new XmlNamespaceManager(doc.NameTable); namespaceManager.AddNamespace("Atom", ""); XmlNodeList listResult = doc.SelectNodes(channelTitleXPath, namespaceManager); int count = 0; foreach (XmlNode node in listResult) { count++; if (node.FirstChild.InnerText.Equals(channelName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { break; } } XmlNodeList entryNode = doc.SelectSingleNode(channelAtomEntry + "[" + count + "]", namespaceManager).ChildNodes; foreach (XmlNode n in entryNode) { if (n.Name.Equals("title")) { File.AppendAllText(channelCleanedName + "/" + channelFileName, "Channel Name: " + n.InnerText + "\r\n"); } else if (n.Name.Equals("yt:channelStatistics")) { File.AppendAllText(channelCleanedName + "/" + channelFileName, "Subscribers Count: " + n.Attributes["subscriberCount"].Value + "\r\n"); File.AppendAllText(channelCleanedName + "/" + channelFileName, "Views Count: " + n.Attributes["viewCount"].Value + "\r\n"); } //else if (n.Name.Equals("summary")) //{ // File.AppendAllText(pChannelName + "/" + channelFileName, "Channel Description: " + n.InnerText + "\r\n"); //} else if (n.Name.Equals("link")) { if (n.Attributes["rel"].Value.Equals("alternate", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { File.AppendAllText(channelCleanedName + "/" + channelFileName, "Channel URL: " + n.Attributes["href"].Value + "\r\n"); channelUrlMain = n.Attributes["href"].Value; } } else if (n.Name.Equals("id")) { string id = n.InnerText; string[] arrId = n.InnerText.Split(new Char[] { ':' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); bool indexFound = false; for (int i = 0; i < arrId.Length; i++) { if (arrId[i].Equals("Channel", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { indexFound = true; continue; } if (indexFound) { channelId = arrId[i]; break; } } } } //"AI39si7SUChDwy6-ms_bz7rY-mzkqWc9vouhT_XZfh_xery5HjOujHc4USzQJ-M6XeWPCmGtaMzBgs3QP5S4O3vFBHoxmCfIjA" YouTubeRequestSettings settings = new YouTubeRequestSettings(pAppName, pDevKey); YouTubeRequest request = new YouTubeRequest(settings); Uri videoEntryUrl = new Uri("" + channelName); Feed <Video> videoFeed = request.Get <Video>(videoEntryUrl); foreach (Entry e in videoFeed.Entries) { File.AppendAllText(channelCleanedName + "/" + channelFileName, "Channel Description: " + e.Summary + "\r\n"); break; } Constant.tempFiles.Add(channelFileNameXML); Dictionary <string, VideoWrapper> videoDictionary = new Dictionary <string, VideoWrapper>(); File.AppendAllText(channelCleanedName + "/" + channelFileName, "Video Lists \r\n"); startIndex = 1; //File.AppendAllText(channelCleanedName + "/" + log, "\tEntering WriteVideoList at: " + DateTime.Now + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine); WriteVideoLists(channelName, channelId, startIndex, videoDictionary, Enumeration.VideoRequestType.All); //File.AppendAllText(channelCleanedName + "/" + log, "\t\tTotal Dictionary Items : " + videoDictionary.Count + Environment.NewLine); //File.AppendAllText(channelCleanedName + "/" + log, "\r\n\tLeft WriteVideoList at: " + DateTime.Now + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine); //File.AppendAllText(channelCleanedName + "/" + "Count.txt", "Count After complete Request Response (Expected 1000) : " + recordCount + "\r\n"); //File.AppendAllText(channelCleanedName + "/" + log, "Leaving Parse Channel at : " + DateTime.Now); ///Crawl Comments /// ChannelComment.CrawlComments(videoDictionary, channelName); ///Done Crawling Comments //ChannelVideo.parseVideo(videoDictionary, channelName); ///Done Crawling video description ///Remove All Temporary Files here /// Common.RemoveTempFiles(Constant.tempFiles, channelName); ///Done /// ///ReInitialize All Data /// //channelName = ""; channelId = ""; startIndex = 1; recordCount = 0; updatedFlag = false; ///ReInitializing Done } //Extract Playlists ExtractFromPlaylist(channelName, userId, 1); ///ReInitialize All Data /// //channelName = ""; channelId = ""; startIndex = 1; recordCount = 0; updatedFlag = false; ///ReInitializing Done //Extract Favourites ExtractFromUserFavourite(channelName, userId, 1); } catch (Exception ex) { Thread.Sleep(10000); ParseChannelLevel2(commentWrapper, pAppName, pDevKey); } }
/// <summary> /// Returns a list of tracks from one of the YouTube feeds /// </summary> /// <param name="feed">The feed</param> /// <returns>An observable collection of TrackData that represents the most viewed YouTube tracks</returns> public static ObservableCollection<TrackData> TopFeed(string feed = "top_rated") { ObservableCollection<TrackData> tracks = new ObservableCollection<TrackData>(); try { YouTubeRequest request = new YouTubeRequest(settings); int maxFeedItems = 50; string filter = SettingsManager.YouTubeFilter; if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filter) || filter == "None") filter = ""; else filter = String.Format("_{0}", filter); int i = 1; Feed<Video> videoFeed = request.Get<Video>(new Uri(uriBase + "/feeds/api/standardfeeds/" + feed + filter + "?format=5")); foreach (Video entry in videoFeed.Entries) { if (i++ > maxFeedItems) break; if (entry != null) tracks.Add(CreateTrack(entry)); } } catch (Exception e) { U.L(LogLevel.Warning, "YouTube", "Could not fetch top rated: " + e.Message); VerifyConnectivity(); } TrackSource = tracks; return tracks; }
public static List<VideoBase> searchByKeyWord(string keyword) { List<VideoBase> list = new List<VideoBase>(); try { YouTubeRequest ytRequest = new YouTubeRequest(new YouTubeRequestSettings(APP_NAME, DEV_KEY)); Feed<Video> vid_feed = ytRequest.Get<Video>(new Uri("" + keyword + "&max-results=20&v=2")); foreach (Video video in vid_feed.Entries) { VideoBase baseVideo = ConvertToVideoBase(video); list.Add(baseVideo); } } catch { } return list; }
private void getUploadedBw_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { List<object> genericlist = e.Argument as List<object>; String username = (String)genericlist.ElementAt(0); List<VideoBase> result = new List<VideoBase>(); try { Uri uri = new Uri("" + username + "/uploads"); YouTubeRequest req = new YouTubeRequest(new YouTubeRequestSettings("YouViewer", DEV_KEY)); Feed<Video> videoFeeds = req.Get<Video>(uri); for (int i = 0; i < videoFeeds.Entries.Count(); i++) { Video video = videoFeeds.Entries.ElementAt(i); result.Add(YoutubeProvider.ConvertToVideoBase(video)); } } catch (Google.GData.Client.GDataRequestException gdre) { } List<object> arg = new List<object>(); arg.Add(result); e.Result = arg; }
/// <summary> /// Searches YouTube for tracks matching a certain query /// </summary> /// <param name="query">The query to search for</param> /// <returns>An observable collection of TrackData with all YouTube tracks that match query</returns> public static ObservableCollection<TrackData> Search(string query) { ObservableCollection<TrackData> tracks = new ObservableCollection<TrackData>(); try { string filter = SettingsManager.YouTubeFilter; YouTubeQuery q = new YouTubeQuery(YouTubeQuery.DefaultVideoUri); q.OrderBy = "relevance"; q.Query = query; q.Formats.Add(YouTubeQuery.VideoFormat.Embeddable); q.NumberToRetrieve = 50; q.SafeSearch = YouTubeQuery.SafeSearchValues.None; if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filter) && filter != "None") { AtomCategory category = new AtomCategory(filter, YouTubeNameTable.CategorySchema); q.Categories.Add(new QueryCategory(category)); } YouTubeRequest request = new YouTubeRequest(settings); Feed<Video> videoFeed = request.Get<Video>(q); foreach (Video entry in videoFeed.Entries) { tracks.Add(YouTubeManager.CreateTrack(entry)); } } catch (Exception exc) { U.L(LogLevel.Error, "YOUTUBE", "Error while performing search: " + exc.Message); VerifyConnectivity(); } TrackSource = tracks; return tracks; }
private void VideolariGetir(string kanalAdi) { try { int toplam = 0; lstmanual.Items.Clear(); string q; using (WebClient asd = new WebClient()) { asd.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8; q = asd.DownloadString("" + kanalAdi + "/uploads?v=2&alt=jsonc&max-results=0"); } string[] adet1 = q.Split(new string[] { "totalItems\":" }, StringSplitOptions.None); string[] adet2 = adet1[1].Split(','); string adet3 = adet2[0]; lstmanual.Items.Add(adet3); YouTubeRequestSettings settings = new YouTubeRequestSettings("Contentor", dataGridView1.Rows[0].Cells[3].Value.ToString(), dataGridView1.Rows[0].Cells[1].Value.ToString(), dataGridView1.Rows[0].Cells[2].Value.ToString()); YouTubeRequest request = new YouTubeRequest(settings); int index = 1; for (int i = 1; i <= Convert.ToInt16(adet3) / 50; i++) { Uri uri = new Uri("" + kanalAdi + "/uploads?&max-results=50&start-index=" + index); Feed<Video> videoFeed = request.Get<Video>(uri); foreach (Video entry in videoFeed.Entries) { lstmanual.Items.Add("" + entry.VideoId + "|" + kanal_sayisi++); if (kanal_sayisi > 47) kanal_sayisi = 0; } index += 50; } toplam = ((Convert.ToInt16(adet3) / 50) * 50) + 1; Uri uri2 = new Uri("" +kanalAdi+ "/uploads?&max-results=50&start-index=" + toplam); Feed<Video> videoFeed2 = request.Get<Video>(uri2); foreach (Video entry in videoFeed2.Entries) { lstmanual.Items.Add("" + entry.VideoId + "|" + kanal_sayisi++); if (kanal_sayisi > 47) kanal_sayisi = 0; } } catch { } }
public static bool ParseChannel(string pChannelName, string pAppName, string pDevKey, int pLevel) { ///ReInitialize All Data /// channelName = ""; channelId = ""; startIndex = 1; recordCount = 0; updatedFlag = false; ///ReInitializing Done /// multithreadingChannelName = pChannelName; string channelFileName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["channelsFileName"].ToString(); string channelFileNameXML = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["channelsFileNameXML"].ToString(); //File.AppendAllText(pChannelName + "/" + log, "Entered Inside Parse Channel at : " + DateTime.Now + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine); //This Request will give us 10 channels from index 1, which is searched by adding its name. //e.g." + pChannelName + "&start-index=1&max-results=10&v=2 //q=<Channel Name> //start-index = <start Index of Search result> (by default 1st Index is '1') //max-result = <page size (containing number of channels)> //v = Not known yet. :S //e.g." + pChannelName + "&start-index=1&max-results=10&v=2 string channelUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ChannelSearchUrl"].ToString() + pChannelName + "&start-index=1&max-results=10&v=2"; WebRequest nameRequest = WebRequest.Create(channelUrl); HttpWebResponse nameResponse = (HttpWebResponse)nameRequest.GetResponse(); Stream nameStream = nameResponse.GetResponseStream(); StreamReader nameReader = new StreamReader(nameStream); string xmlData = nameReader.ReadToEnd(); File.WriteAllText(pChannelName + "/" + channelFileNameXML, xmlData); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(pChannelName + "/" + channelFileNameXML); XmlNamespaceManager namespaceManager = new XmlNamespaceManager(doc.NameTable); namespaceManager.AddNamespace("Atom", ""); XmlNodeList listResult = doc.SelectNodes(channelTitleXPath, namespaceManager); int count = 0; foreach (XmlNode node in listResult) { count++; if (node.FirstChild.InnerText.Equals(pChannelName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { break; } } XmlNodeList entryNode = doc.SelectSingleNode(channelAtomEntry + "[" + count + "]", namespaceManager).ChildNodes; foreach (XmlNode n in entryNode) { if (n.Name.Equals("title")) { File.AppendAllText(pChannelName + "/" + channelFileName, "Channel Name: " + n.InnerText + "\r\n"); } else if (n.Name.Equals("yt:channelStatistics")) { File.AppendAllText(pChannelName + "/" + channelFileName, "Subscribers Count: " + n.Attributes["subscriberCount"].Value + "\r\n"); File.AppendAllText(pChannelName + "/" + channelFileName, "Views Count: " + n.Attributes["viewCount"].Value + "\r\n"); } else if (n.Name.Equals("link")) { if (n.Attributes["rel"].Value.Equals("alternate", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { File.AppendAllText(pChannelName + "/" + channelFileName, "Channel URL: " + n.Attributes["href"].Value + "\r\n"); channelUrlMain = n.Attributes["href"].Value; } } else if (n.Name.Equals("id")) { string id = n.InnerText; string[] arrId = n.InnerText.Split(new Char[] { ':' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); bool indexFound = false; for (int i = 0; i < arrId.Length; i++) { if (arrId[i].Equals("Channel", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { indexFound = true; continue; } if (indexFound) { channelId = arrId[i]; break; } } } } //"AI39si7SUChDwy6-ms_bz7rY-mzkqWc9vouhT_XZfh_xery5HjOujHc4USzQJ-M6XeWPCmGtaMzBgs3QP5S4O3vFBHoxmCfIjA" YouTubeRequestSettings settings = new YouTubeRequestSettings(pAppName, pDevKey); YouTubeRequest request = new YouTubeRequest(settings); Uri videoEntryUrl = new Uri("" + pChannelName); Feed<Video> videoFeed = request.Get<Video>(videoEntryUrl); foreach (Entry e in videoFeed.Entries) { File.AppendAllText(pChannelName + "/" + channelFileName, "Channel Description: " + e.Summary + "\r\n"); break; } Constant.tempFiles.Add(channelFileNameXML); //Constant.tempFiles.Add(pChannelName + "/" + log); Dictionary<string, VideoWrapper> videoDictionary = new Dictionary<string, VideoWrapper>(); File.AppendAllText(pChannelName + "/" + channelFileName, "Video Lists \r\n"); startIndex = 1; //File.AppendAllText(pChannelName + "/" + log, "\tEntering WriteVideoList at: " + DateTime.Now + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine); WriteVideoLists(pChannelName, channelId, startIndex, videoDictionary, Enumeration.VideoRequestType.All); //File.AppendAllText(pChannelName + "/" + log, "\t\tTotal Dictionary Items : " + videoDictionary.Count + Environment.NewLine); //File.AppendAllText(pChannelName + "/" + log, "\r\n\tLeft WriteVideoList at: " + DateTime.Now + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine); //File.AppendAllText(pChannelName + "/" + "Count.txt", "Count After complete Request Response (Expected 1000) : " + recordCount + "\r\n"); //File.AppendAllText(pChannelName + "/" + log, "Leaving Parse Channel at : " + DateTime.Now); //ChannelVideo.parseVideo(videoDictionary, pChannelName); ///Done Crawling video description ///Crawl Comments /// ChannelComment.CrawlComments(videoDictionary, pChannelName); ///Done Crawling Comments /// ///Remove All Temporary Files here /// Common.RemoveTempFiles(Constant.tempFiles, pChannelName); ///Done /// //Commenting Temporarily on Paolo Request.. <04/19/2013> if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["BothLevelsFlag"].ToString().Equals("true", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { /////ReInitialize All Data ///// channelName = ""; channelId = ""; startIndex = 1; recordCount = 0; updatedFlag = false; /////ReInitializing Done dictionary = new Dictionary<string, VideoCommentWrapper>(); dictionary = GlobalConstants.commentDictionary; int testCount = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair<string, VideoCommentWrapper> pair in dictionary) { GlobalConstants.commentDictionary = new Dictionary<string, VideoCommentWrapper>(); VideoCommentWrapper videoComment = pair.Value; ParseChannelLevel2(videoComment, pAppName, pDevKey); testCount++; //if (testCount > 3) // break; } } return true; }
private string[] getChannelVideos(int type,string channelUserName,string devKey,string userName, string pass) { List<string> videos = new List<string>(); YouTubeRequestSettings settings = new YouTubeRequestSettings("Contentor", devKey, userName, pass); YouTubeRequest request = new YouTubeRequest(settings); try { int toplam = 0; string q; using (WebClient asd = new WebClient()) { asd.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8; q = asd.DownloadString("" + channelUserName + "/uploads?v=2&alt=jsonc&max-results=0"); } string[] adet1 = q.Split(new string[] { "totalItems\":" }, StringSplitOptions.None); string[] adet2 = adet1[1].Split(','); string adet3 = adet2[0]; int index = 1; for (int i = 1; i <= Convert.ToInt16(adet3) / 50; i++) { Uri uri = new Uri("" + channelUserName + "/uploads?&max-results=50&start-index=" + index); Feed<Video> videoFeed = request.Get<Video>(uri); foreach (Video entry in videoFeed.Entries) { videos.Add(entry.VideoId); } index += 50; } toplam = ((Convert.ToInt16(adet3) / 50) * 50) + 1; Uri uri2 = new Uri("" + channelUserName + "/uploads?&max-results=50&start-index=" + toplam); Feed<Video> videoFeed2 = request.Get<Video>(uri2); foreach (Video entry in videoFeed2.Entries) { videos.Add(entry.VideoId); } } catch { MessageBox.Show("Sayfa Adında Sorun Var!"); } if (type == 1) { List<string> checkedVideos = new List<string>(); foreach (string s in videos) { Uri videoEntryUrl = new Uri(""+s); Video video = request.Retrieve<Video>(videoEntryUrl); if (video.Media != null && video.Media.Rating != null) { checkedVideos.Add(s+" restricted: "+video.Media.Rating.Country); } if (video.IsDraft) { string stateName = video.Status.Name; checkedVideos.Add(s + " not live: "+stateName); /*if (stateName == "processing") { checkedVideos.Add(s + " processing: " + video.Media.Rating.Country); } else if (stateName == "rejected") { checkedVideos.Add(s+" rejected: "+video.Status.Value); } else if (stateName == "failed") { checkedVideos.Add(s+" failed uploading: "+ video.Status.Value); }*/ } } return checkedVideos.ToArray(); } else return videos.ToArray(); }