public FSNotificationServicePolicyBase(NotificationService apnsService)
     if (apnsService != null)
         ApnsService = apnsService;
     _dbContext = new YintaiHangzhouContext();
 public void BulkDelete(int jobId)
     using (var unWrapContext = new YintaiHangzhouContext())
         unWrapContext.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(@"exec dbo.ProductBulkDelete @jobId",
                                                  new[] { new SqlParameter("@jobId", jobId) });
 public IEnumerable <ProductPublishResult> Publish(int customerId, int jobId)
     using (var unWrapContext = new YintaiHangzhouContext())
         return(unWrapContext.Database.SqlQuery <ProductPublishResult>(@"exec dbo.ProductStagePublish2 @inUser,@jobId"
                                                                       , new[] { new SqlParameter("inUser", customerId)
                                                                                 , new SqlParameter("jobId", jobId) }).ToList());
 public IEnumerable <ProductValidateResult> Validate(int customerId, int jobId)
     using (var unWrapContext = new YintaiHangzhouContext())
         var result = unWrapContext.Database.SqlQuery <ProductValidateResult>(@"exec dbo.ProductStageValidate @inUser,@jobId",
                                                                              new[] { new SqlParameter("inUser", customerId)
                                                                                      , new SqlParameter("jobId", jobId) });
Esempio n. 5
        private void IndexHotwork(ElasticClient client, DateTime benchDate)
            ILog      log          = LogManager.GetLogger(this.GetType());
            int       cursor       = 0;
            int       size         = 100;
            int       successCount = 0;
            Stopwatch sw           = new Stopwatch();

            using (var db = new YintaiHangzhouContext("YintaiHangzhouContext"))
                var words = from p in db.HotWords
                            where (p.CreatedDate >= benchDate || p.UpdatedDate >= benchDate)
                            select p;
                var prods = from p in words.ToList()
                            select new ESHotword()
                    Id        = p.Id,
                    SortOrder = p.SortOrder,
                    Status    = p.Status,
                    Type      = p.Type,
                    Word      = p.Type == 1?p.Word:JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <dynamic>(p.Word).name,
                    BrandId   = p.Type == 1?0:JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <dynamic>(p.Word).id

                int totalCount = prods.Count();
                client.MapFromAttributes <ESHotword>();
                while (cursor < totalCount)
                    var result = client.IndexMany(prods.OrderByDescending(p => p.Id).Skip(cursor).Take(size));
                    if (!result.IsValid)
                        foreach (var item in result.Items)
                            if (item.OK)
                                log.Info(string.Format("id index failed:{0}", item.Id));
                        successCount += result.Items.Count();

                    cursor += size;
            log.Info(string.Format("{0} hotwords in {1} => {2} docs/s", successCount, sw.Elapsed, successCount / sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds));
Esempio n. 6
        private void IndexStorePromotion(ElasticClient client, DateTime benchDate)
            ILog      log          = LogManager.GetLogger(this.GetType());
            int       cursor       = 0;
            int       size         = 100;
            int       successCount = 0;
            Stopwatch sw           = new Stopwatch();

            using (var db = new YintaiHangzhouContext("YintaiHangzhouContext"))
                var prods = db.StorePromotions.Where(r => r.CreateDate >= benchDate || r.UpdateDate >= benchDate)
                            .GroupJoin(db.PointOrderRules.Where(r => r.Status != (int)DataStatus.Deleted), o => o.Id, i => i.StorePromotionId,
                                       (o, i) => new { S = o, R = i });

                int totalCount = prods.Count();
                client.MapFromAttributes <ESStorePromotion>();
                while (cursor < totalCount)
                    var linq = from l in prods.OrderByDescending(p => p.S.Id).Skip(cursor).Take(size).ToList()
                               select new ESStorePromotion().FromEntity <ESStorePromotion>(l.S, s => {
                        s.ExchangeRule = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(l.R.Select(r => new {
                            rangefrom = r.RangeFrom,
                            rangeto   = r.RangeTo,
                            ratio     = r.Ratio
                    var result = client.IndexMany(linq);
                    if (!result.IsValid)
                        foreach (var item in result.Items)
                            if (item.OK)
                                log.Info(string.Format("id index failed:{0}", item.Id));
                        successCount += result.Items.Count();

                    cursor += size;
            log.Info(string.Format("{0} store promotions in {1} => {2} docs/s", successCount, sw.Elapsed, successCount / sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds));
Esempio n. 7
        private void IndexTag(ElasticClient client, DateTime benchDate)
            ILog      log          = LogManager.GetLogger(this.GetType());
            int       cursor       = 0;
            int       size         = 100;
            int       successCount = 0;
            Stopwatch sw           = new Stopwatch();

            using (var db = new YintaiHangzhouContext("YintaiHangzhouContext"))
                var prods = from p in db.Tags
                            where (p.CreatedDate >= benchDate || p.UpdatedDate >= benchDate)
                            select new ESTag()
                    Id          = p.Id,
                    Name        = p.Name,
                    Description = p.Description,
                    Status      = p.Status,
                    SortOrder   = p.SortOrder

                int totalCount = prods.Count();
                client.MapFromAttributes <ESTag>();
                while (cursor < totalCount)
                    var result = client.IndexMany(prods.OrderByDescending(p => p.Id).Skip(cursor).Take(size));
                    if (!result.IsValid)
                        foreach (var item in result.Items)
                            if (item.OK)
                                log.Info(string.Format("id index failed:{0}", item.Id));
                        successCount += result.Items.Count();

                    cursor += size;
            log.Info(string.Format("{0} tags in {1} => {2} docs/s", successCount, sw.Elapsed, successCount / sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds));
Esempio n. 8
        public void Execute(IJobExecutionContext context)
            ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(this.GetType());

            JobDataMap data      = context.JobDetail.JobDataMap;
            var        benchDate = data.ContainsKey("benchdate")?data.GetDateTime("benchdate"):DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1);

            int successCount = 0;
            int cursor       = 0;
            int size         = 100;

            Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();

            using (var db = new YintaiHangzhouContext("YintaiHangzhouContext"))
                var prods = from r in db.UserAccounts
                            where r.AccountType == (int)AccountType.Point &&
                            (from p in db.PointHistories
                             where (p.CreatedDate >= benchDate || p.UpdatedDate >= benchDate) &&
                             p.User_Id == r.User_Id
                             select p).Any()
                            select r;

                int totalCount = prods.Count();
                while (cursor < totalCount)
                    var linq = prods.OrderByDescending(p => p.Id).Skip(cursor).Take(size).ToList();
                    foreach (var l in linq)
                        var sumPoints = db.PointHistories.Where(p => p.User_Id == l.User_Id && p.Status != (int)DataStatus.Deleted).Sum(p => p.Amount);
                        if (sumPoints == l.Amount)
                        l.Amount          = sumPoints > 0 ? sumPoints : 0;
                        l.UpdatedDate     = DateTime.Now;
                        db.Entry(l).State = System.Data.EntityState.Modified;

                    cursor += size;
            log.Info(string.Format("{0} accounts in {1} => {2} docs/s", successCount, sw.Elapsed, successCount / sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds));
        protected virtual void QueueNotification(PushBroker push, IJobExecutionContext context)
            ILog      log          = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(ApnsNotificationJob));
            int       cursor       = 0;
            int       size         = 100;
            int       successCount = 0;
            DateTime  startDate    = DateTime.Today;
            DateTime  endDate      = startDate.AddDays(1);
            Stopwatch sw           = new Stopwatch();

            using (var db = new YintaiHangzhouContext("YintaiHangzhouContext"))
                var prods = (from p in db.Promotions
                             where (p.StartDate >= startDate && p.StartDate < endDate) &&
                             p.Status == 1
                             select p).OrderByDescending(p => p.IsTop).ThenByDescending(p => p.CreatedDate).FirstOrDefault();
                if (prods != null)
                    var devices = (from d in db.DeviceLogs
                                   where d.Status == 1

                                   select new { DeviceToken = d.DeviceToken }).Distinct();

                    int totalCount = devices.Count();
                    while (cursor < totalCount)
                        var pageDevices = devices.OrderBy(o => o.DeviceToken).Skip(cursor).Take(size);
                        foreach (var device in pageDevices)
                            push.QueueNotification(new AppleNotification()
                                                   .WithCustomItem("from", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { targettype = (int)PushSourceType.Promotion, targetvalue = prods.Id.ToString() }))

                        cursor += size;
            log.Info(string.Format("{0} notifications in {1} => {2} notis/s", successCount, sw.Elapsed, successCount / sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds));
        private void Query(YintaiHangzhouContext db, int minPoints, Action <IQueryable <LinqInner> > callback)
            var accounts = from p in db.UserAccounts
                           join c in db.Cards on p.User_Id equals c.User_Id
                           where p.AccountType == (int)AccountType.Point &&
                           p.Status == (int)DataStatus.Normal &&
                           p.Amount >= minPoints &&
                           c.CardNo.Length > 0
                           select new LinqInner()
                U = p,
                C = c

            if (callback != null)
Esempio n. 11
        private void IndexPromotionCode(ElasticClient client, DateTime benchDate)
            ILog      log          = LogManager.GetLogger(this.GetType());
            int       cursor       = 0;
            int       size         = 100;
            int       successCount = 0;
            Stopwatch sw           = new Stopwatch();

            using (var db = new YintaiHangzhouContext("YintaiHangzhouContext"))
                var prods = from r in db.CouponHistories
                            where (r.CreatedDate >= benchDate)
                            select r;

                int totalCount = prods.Count();
                while (cursor < totalCount)
                    var linq = prods.OrderByDescending(p => p.Id).Skip(cursor).Take(size).ToList();
                    foreach (var l in linq)
                                                  , () => l.Composing());
                        catch (Exception ex)

                    cursor += size;
            log.Info(string.Format("{0} promotion codes in {1} => {2} docs/s", successCount, sw.Elapsed, successCount / sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds));
Esempio n. 12
        private void IndexSpecialTopic(ElasticClient client, DateTime?benchDate, Func <IQueryable <SpecialTopicEntity>, YintaiHangzhouContext, IQueryable <SpecialTopicEntity> > whereCondition)
            ILog      log          = LogManager.GetLogger(this.GetType());
            int       cursor       = 0;
            int       size         = 100;
            int       successCount = 0;
            Stopwatch sw           = new Stopwatch();

            using (var db = new YintaiHangzhouContext("YintaiHangzhouContext"))
                var linq = db.SpecialTopics.AsQueryable();
                if (benchDate.HasValue)
                    linq = linq.Where(p => p.CreatedDate >= benchDate.Value || p.UpdatedDate >= benchDate.Value);
                else if (whereCondition != null)
                    linq = whereCondition(linq, db);
                var prods = from p in linq
                            let resource = (from r in db.Resources
                                            where r.SourceId == p.Id &&
                                            r.SourceType == 9
                                            select new ESResource()
                    Domain = r.Domain,
                    Name = r.Name,
                    SortOrder = r.SortOrder,
                    IsDefault = r.IsDefault,
                    Type = r.Type,
                    Width = r.Width,
                    Height = r.Height
                                           select new ESSpecialTopic()
                    Id          = p.Id,
                    Name        = p.Name,
                    Description = p.Description,
                    Status      = p.Status,
                    CreatedDate = p.CreatedDate,
                    CreateUser  = p.CreatedUser,
                    Resource    = resource,
                    Type        = p.Type,
                    TargetValue = p.TargetValue

                int totalCount = prods.Count();
                client.MapFromAttributes <ESSpecialTopic>();
                while (cursor < totalCount)
                    var result = client.IndexMany(prods.OrderByDescending(p => p.Id).Skip(cursor).Take(size));
                    if (!result.IsValid)
                        foreach (var item in result.Items)
                            if (item.OK)
                                log.Info(string.Format("id index failed:{0}", item.Id));
                        successCount += result.Items.Count();

                    cursor += size;
            log.Info(string.Format("{0} special topics in {1} => {2} docs/s", successCount, sw.Elapsed, successCount / sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds));
            if (successCount > 0 && CascadPush)
                //index related products
                log.Info("index products affected by related specialtopic ");
                IndexProds(client, null,
                           (p, db) =>
                    return(p.Where(prod => (from pro in db.SpecialTopics
                                            from ppr in db.SpecialTopicProductRelations
                                            where ppr.SpecialTopic_Id == pro.Id &&
                                            (pro.CreatedDate >= benchDate || pro.UpdatedDate >= benchDate) &&
                                            ppr.Product_Id == prod.Id
                                            select ppr.Product_Id).Any()));
Esempio n. 13
        public void Execute(IJobExecutionContext context)
            ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(this.GetType());

            JobDataMap data        = context.JobDetail.JobDataMap;
            var        interval    = data.ContainsKey("interval") ? data.GetIntValue("interval") : 24 * 60;
            var        benchDate   = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-interval);
            var        host        = data.GetString("awshost");
            var        public_key  = data.GetString("publickey");
            var        private_key = data.GetString("privatekey");

            dynamic jsonResponse = null;

            AwsHelper.SendHttpMessage(host, new
                benchdate = benchDate.ToUniversalTime()
            }, public_key, private_key, r => jsonResponse = r, null);

            if (jsonResponse == null)
                log.Info("request error!");
            int       successCount = 0;
            Stopwatch sw           = new Stopwatch();

            using (var db = new YintaiHangzhouContext("YintaiHangzhouContext"))
                foreach (var dynamicObject in
                        string           code             = dynamicObject.code;
                        int?             status           = dynamicObject.status;
                        DateTime         opeDate          = dynamicObject.created_at;
                        CouponStatus     targetStatus     = CouponStatus.Used;
                        CouponActionType targetActionType = CouponActionType.Consume;
                        if (status.HasValue && status.Value == -1)
                            targetStatus     = CouponStatus.Normal;
                            targetActionType = CouponActionType.Rebate;
                        switch ((int)dynamicObject.coupontype)
                        case 1:
                            var coupon = db.StoreCoupons.Where(s => s.Code == code && s.Status != (int)CouponStatus.Deleted).FirstOrDefault();
                            if (coupon != null)
                                coupon.Status          = (int)targetStatus;
                                coupon.UpdateDate      = opeDate.ToLocalTime();
                                coupon.UpdateUser      = 0;
                                db.Entry(coupon).State = EntityState.Modified;

                                db.CouponLogs.Add(new CouponLogEntity()
                                    ActionType     = (int)targetActionType,
                                    BrandNo        = dynamicObject.brandno,
                                    Code           = code,
                                    ConsumeStoreNo = dynamicObject.storeno,
                                    CreateDate     = opeDate.ToLocalTime(),
                                    CreateUser     = 0,
                                    ReceiptNo      = dynamicObject.receiptno,
                                    Type           = 1


                        case 2:
                            var coupon2 = db.CouponHistories.Where(s => s.CouponId == code && s.Status != (int)CouponStatus.Deleted).FirstOrDefault();
                            if (coupon2 != null)
                                coupon2.Status          = (int)targetStatus;
                                db.Entry(coupon2).State = EntityState.Modified;

                                db.CouponLogs.Add(new CouponLogEntity()
                                    ActionType     = (int)targetActionType,
                                    BrandNo        = dynamicObject.brandno,
                                    Code           = code,
                                    ConsumeStoreNo = dynamicObject.storeno,
                                    CreateDate     = opeDate.ToLocalTime(),
                                    CreateUser     = 0,
                                    ReceiptNo      = dynamicObject.receiptno,
                                    Type           = 2
                    catch (Exception ex)
            log.Info(string.Format("{0} status logs in {1} => {2} docs/s", successCount, sw.Elapsed, successCount / sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds));
        protected override void QueueNotification(PushBroker push, IJobExecutionContext context)
            ILog       log          = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(ApnsNotificationCommonJob));
            JobDataMap data         = context.JobDetail.JobDataMap;
            var        interval     = data.GetIntValue("intervalofsec");
            int        cursor       = 0;
            int        size         = 100;
            int        successCount = 0;
            var        benchDate    = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(-interval);
            Stopwatch  sw           = new Stopwatch();

            using (var db = new YintaiHangzhouContext("YintaiHangzhouContext"))
                var prods = (from p in db.NotificationLogs
                             where p.CreateDate >= benchDate &&
                             p.Status == (int)NotificationStatus.Default
                             select p);
                if (prods != null)
                    int totalCount = prods.Count();
                    while (cursor < totalCount)
                        var linq = prods.OrderByDescending(p => p.Id).Skip(cursor).Take(size).ToList();
                        foreach (var l in linq)
                                if (l.SourceType.Value == (int)SourceType.Comment)
                                    // if it's comment, always notify all comments owners of this item
                                    var comment = db.Comments.Find(l.SourceId);
                                    if (comment == null)
                                    var relatedComments = db.Comments.Where(c => c.SourceType == comment.SourceType &&
                                                                            c.SourceId == comment.SourceId &&
                                                                            c.User_Id != comment.User_Id)
                                                          .Join(db.DeviceLogs.Where(d => d.User_Id > 0),
                                                                o => o.User_Id,
                                                                i => i.User_Id,
                                                                (o, i) => new { Token = i.DeviceToken }).ToList();
                                    if (comment.SourceType == (int)SourceType.Product)
                                        var product = db.Products.Where(p => p.Id == comment.SourceId && p.RecommendUser != comment.User_Id)
                                                      .Join(db.DeviceLogs.Where(d => d.User_Id > 0),
                                                            o => o.CreatedUser,
                                                            i => i.User_Id,
                                                            (o, i) => new { Token = i.DeviceToken }).FirstOrDefault();
                                        if (product != null)
                                            relatedComments.Add(new { Token = product.Token });
                                    else if (comment.SourceType == (int)SourceType.Promotion)
                                        var promotion = db.Promotions.Where(p => p.Id == comment.SourceId && p.RecommendUser != comment.User_Id)
                                                        .Join(db.DeviceLogs.Where(d => d.User_Id > 0),
                                                              o => o.CreatedUser,
                                                              i => i.User_Id,
                                                              (o, i) => new { Token = i.DeviceToken }).FirstOrDefault();
                                        if (promotion != null)
                                            relatedComments.Add(new { Token = promotion.Token });
                                    foreach (var device in relatedComments.Distinct())
                                        push.QueueNotification(new AppleNotification()
                                                               .WithCustomItem("from", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { targettype = (int)PushSourceType.SelfComment, targetvalue = comment.SourceId }))
                                    l.NotifyDate      = DateTime.Now;
                                    l.Status          = (int)NotificationStatus.Notified;
                                    db.Entry(l).State = System.Data.EntityState.Modified;
                            catch (Exception ex)

                        cursor += size;
            log.Info(string.Format("{0} notifications in {1} => {2} notis/s", successCount, sw.Elapsed, successCount / sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds));
        public void Execute(IJobExecutionContext context)
            ILog       log                  = LogManager.GetLogger(this.GetType());
            JobDataMap data                 = context.JobDetail.JobDataMap;
            var        privatekey           = data.GetString("privatekey");
            var        publickey            = data.GetString("publickey");
            var        minPoints            = data.GetInt("minpoints");
            var        groupPointConvertUrl = data.GetString("pointconverturl");
            int        point2GroupRatio     = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["point2groupratio"]);
            string     appStoreNo           = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["appStoreNoInGroup"];

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(appStoreNo))
                log.Info("app store no in group is empty!");

            int       cursor       = 0;
            int       successCount = 0;
            int       size         = 100;
            int       totalCount   = 0;
            Stopwatch sw           = new Stopwatch();

            Type linqType = new { U = (UserAccountEntity)null, C = (CardEntity)null }.GetType();

            using (var db = new YintaiHangzhouContext("YintaiHangzhouContext"))
                Query(db, minPoints, a => totalCount = a.Count());
            while (cursor < totalCount)
                List <LinqInner> accounts = null;
                using (var db = new YintaiHangzhouContext("YintaiHangzhouContext"))
                    Query(db, minPoints, acs => accounts = acs.OrderBy(a => a.U.Id).Skip(cursor).Take(size).ToList());
                foreach (var account in accounts)
                    using (var ts = new TransactionScope())
                        // step1: check account balanced
                        using (var db = new YintaiHangzhouContext("YintaiHangzhouContext"))
                            var correctPoints = db.PointHistories.Where(p => p.User_Id == account.U.User_Id && p.Status != (int)DataStatus.Deleted).Sum(p => p.Amount);
                            var convertPoints = correctPoints - correctPoints % point2GroupRatio;
                            if (convertPoints < minPoints)

                            //step 2: insert deduct point history
                            db.PointHistories.Add(new PointHistoryEntity()
                                Amount          = -convertPoints,
                                CreatedDate     = DateTime.Now,
                                CreatedUser     = 0,
                                Description     = string.Format("转换为集团积点{0}", -convertPoints),
                                Name            = string.Format("转换为集团积点{0}", -convertPoints),
                                PointSourceType = (int)PointSourceType.System,
                                PointSourceId   = 0,
                                Status          = (int)DataStatus.Normal,
                                Type            = (int)PointType.Convert2Group,
                                UpdatedDate     = DateTime.Now,
                                UpdatedUser     = 0,
                                User_Id         = account.U.User_Id

                            // step 3: call group service to convert points
                            string errorMsg;
                            bool   canConvert = GroupServiceHelper.SendHttpMessage(groupPointConvertUrl,
                                cardno  = account.C.CardNo,
                                amount  = convertPoints / point2GroupRatio,
                                storeno = appStoreNo
                                                                                   out errorMsg);
                            if (canConvert)
                                log.Info(string.Format("convert points failed for cardno:{0},msg:{1}", account.C.CardNo, errorMsg));
                cursor += size;
            log.Info(string.Format("{0} points from app2group in {1} => {2} docs/s", successCount, sw.Elapsed, successCount / sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds));
Esempio n. 16
        private void IndexProds(ElasticClient client, DateTime?benchDate, Func <IQueryable <ProductEntity>, YintaiHangzhouContext, IQueryable <ProductEntity> > whereCondition)
            ILog      log          = LogManager.GetLogger(this.GetType());
            int       cursor       = 0;
            int       successCount = 0;
            int       size         = 100;
            Stopwatch sw           = new Stopwatch();

            using (var db = new YintaiHangzhouContext("YintaiHangzhouContext"))
                var linq = db.Products.AsQueryable();
                if (benchDate.HasValue)
                    linq = linq.Where(p => p.CreatedDate >= benchDate.Value || p.UpdatedDate >= benchDate.Value);
                else if (whereCondition != null)
                    linq = whereCondition(linq, db);

                var prods = from p in linq
                            join s in db.Stores on p.Store_Id equals s.Id
                            join b in db.Brands on p.Brand_Id equals b.Id
                            join t in db.Tags on p.Tag_Id equals t.Id
                            let resource = (from r in db.Resources
                                            where r.SourceId == p.Id &&
                                            r.SourceType == 1
                                            select new ESResource()
                    Domain = r.Domain,
                    Name = r.Name,
                    SortOrder = r.SortOrder,
                    IsDefault = r.IsDefault,
                    Type = r.Type,
                    Width = r.Width,
                    Height = r.Height
                                           let specials = from psp in db.SpecialTopicProductRelations
                                                          where psp.Product_Id == p.Id
                                                          join sp in db.SpecialTopics on psp.SpecialTopic_Id equals sp.Id
                                                          select new ESSpecialTopic
                    Id          = sp.Id,
                    Name        = sp.Name,
                    Description = sp.Description
                let promotions = from ppr in db.Promotion2Product
                                 where ppr.ProdId == p.Id
                                 join pro in db.Promotions on ppr.ProId equals pro.Id
                                 select new ESPromotion {
                    Id          = pro.Id,
                    Name        = pro.Name,
                    Description = pro.Description,
                    CreatedDate = p.CreatedDate,
                    StartDate   = pro.StartDate,
                    EndDate     = pro.EndDate,
                    Status      = pro.Status
                select new ESProduct()
                    Id                = p.Id,
                    Name              = p.Name,
                    Description       = p.Description,
                    CreatedDate       = p.CreatedDate,
                    Price             = p.Price,
                    RecommendedReason = p.RecommendedReason,
                    Status            = p.Status,
                    CreateUserId      = p.CreatedUser,
                    SortOrder         = p.SortOrder,
                    Tag               = new ESTag()
                        Id          = t.Id,
                        Name        = t.Name,
                        Description = t.Description
                    Store = new ESStore()
                        Id          = s.Id,
                        Name        = s.Name,
                        Description = s.Description,
                        Address     = s.Location,
                        Location    = new Location
                            Lon = s.Longitude,
                            Lat = s.Latitude
                        GpsAlt = s.GpsAlt,
                        GpsLat = s.GpsLat,
                        GpsLng = s.GpsLng,
                        Tel    = s.Tel
                    Brand = new ESBrand()
                        Id          = b.Id,
                        Name        = b.Name,
                        Description = b.Description,
                        EngName     = b.EnglishName
                    Resource     = resource,
                    SpecialTopic = specials,
                    Promotion    = promotions
                int totalCount = prods.Count();
                client.MapFromAttributes <ESProduct>();
                while (cursor < totalCount)
                    var result = client.IndexMany(prods.OrderByDescending(p => p.Id).Skip(cursor).Take(size));
                    if (!result.IsValid)
                        foreach (var item in result.Items)
                            if (item.OK)
                                log.Info(string.Format("id index failed:{0}", item.Id));
                        successCount += result.Items.Count();

                    cursor += size;
            log.Info(string.Format("{0} products in {1} => {2} docs/s", successCount, sw.Elapsed, successCount / sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds));
Esempio n. 17
        private void IndexResource(ElasticClient client, DateTime benchDate)
            ILog      log          = LogManager.GetLogger(this.GetType());
            int       cursor       = 0;
            int       size         = 100;
            int       successCount = 0;
            Stopwatch sw           = new Stopwatch();

            using (var db = new YintaiHangzhouContext("YintaiHangzhouContext"))
                var prods = from r in db.Resources
                            where (r.CreatedDate >= benchDate || r.UpdatedDate >= benchDate)
                            select new ESResource()
                    Id         = r.Id,
                    Status     = r.Status,
                    Domain     = r.Domain,
                    Name       = r.Name,
                    SortOrder  = r.SortOrder,
                    IsDefault  = r.IsDefault,
                    Type       = r.Type,
                    Width      = r.Width,
                    Height     = r.Height,
                    SourceId   = r.SourceId,
                    SourceType = r.SourceType

                int totalCount = prods.Count();
                client.MapFromAttributes <ESResource>();
                while (cursor < totalCount)
                    var result = client.IndexMany(prods.OrderByDescending(p => p.Id).Skip(cursor).Take(size));
                    if (!result.IsValid)
                        foreach (var item in result.Items)
                            if (item.OK)
                                log.Info(string.Format("id index failed:{0}", item.Id));
                        successCount += result.Items.Count();

                    cursor += size;
            log.Info(string.Format("{0} resources in {1} => {2} docs/s", successCount, sw.Elapsed, successCount / sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds));
            //update related source if any affected
            if (successCount > 0 && CascadPush)
                //index related products
                log.Info("index products affected by related resources ");
                IndexProds(client, null,
                           (p, db) =>
                    return(p.Where(prod => (from r in db.Resources
                                            where r.SourceId == prod.Id &&
                                            (r.CreatedDate >= benchDate || r.UpdatedDate >= benchDate) &&
                                            r.SourceType == (int)SourceType.Product
                                            select r.Id).Any()));
                //index related promotions
                log.Info("index promotions affected by related resources ");
                IndexPros(client, null,
                          (p, db) =>
                    return(p.Where(prod => (from r in db.Resources
                                            where r.SourceId == prod.Id &&
                                            (r.CreatedDate >= benchDate || r.UpdatedDate >= benchDate) &&
                                            r.SourceType == (int)SourceType.Promotion
                                            select r.Id).Any()));
                //index related specialtopics
                log.Info("index specialtopics affected by related resources ");
                IndexSpecialTopic(client, null,
                                  (p, db) =>
                    return(p.Where(prod => (from r in db.Resources
                                            where r.SourceId == prod.Id &&
                                            (r.CreatedDate >= benchDate || r.UpdatedDate >= benchDate) &&
                                            r.SourceType == (int)SourceType.SpecialTopic
                                            select r.Id).Any()));
Esempio n. 18
        private void IndexBrand(ElasticClient client, DateTime benchDate)
            ILog      log          = LogManager.GetLogger(this.GetType());
            int       cursor       = 0;
            int       size         = 100;
            int       successCount = 0;
            Stopwatch sw           = new Stopwatch();

            using (var db = new YintaiHangzhouContext("YintaiHangzhouContext"))
                var prods = from p in db.Brands
                            where (p.CreatedDate >= benchDate || p.UpdatedDate >= benchDate)
                            select new ESBrand()
                    Id          = p.Id,
                    Name        = p.Name,
                    Description = p.Description,
                    Status      = p.Status,
                    Group       = p.Group

                int totalCount = prods.Count();
                client.MapFromAttributes <ESBrand>();
                while (cursor < totalCount)
                    var result = client.IndexMany(prods.OrderByDescending(p => p.Id).Skip(cursor).Take(size));
                    if (!result.IsValid)
                        foreach (var item in result.Items)
                            if (item.OK)
                                log.Info(string.Format("id index failed:{0}", item.Id));
                        successCount += result.Items.Count();

                    cursor += size;
            log.Info(string.Format("{0} brands in {1} => {2} docs/s", successCount, sw.Elapsed, successCount / sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds));
            //update related source if any affected
            if (successCount > 0 && CascadPush)
                //index related products
                log.Info("index products affected by related brands ");
                IndexProds(client, null,
                           (p, db) =>
                    return(p.Where(prod => (from r in db.Brands
                                            where (r.CreatedDate >= benchDate || r.UpdatedDate >= benchDate) &&
                                            r.Id == prod.Brand_Id
                                            select r.Id).Any()));
Esempio n. 19
        private void IndexStore(ElasticClient client, DateTime benchDate)
            ILog      log          = LogManager.GetLogger(this.GetType());
            int       cursor       = 0;
            int       size         = 100;
            int       successCount = 0;
            Stopwatch sw           = new Stopwatch();

            using (var db = new YintaiHangzhouContext("YintaiHangzhouContext"))
                var prods = from s in db.Stores
                            let resource = (from r in db.Resources
                                            where r.SourceId == s.Id &&
                                            r.SourceType == (int)SourceType.StoreLogo
                                            select new ESResource()
                    Domain = r.Domain,
                    Name = r.Name,
                    SortOrder = r.SortOrder,
                    IsDefault = r.IsDefault,
                    Type = r.Type,
                    Width = r.Width,
                    Height = r.Height
                                           where (s.CreatedDate >= benchDate || s.UpdatedDate >= benchDate)
                                           select new ESStore()
                    Id          = s.Id,
                    Name        = s.Name,
                    Description = s.Description,
                    Address     = s.Location,
                    Location    = new Location
                        Lon = s.Longitude,
                        Lat = s.Latitude
                    GpsAlt   = s.GpsAlt,
                    GpsLat   = s.GpsLat,
                    GpsLng   = s.GpsLng,
                    Tel      = s.Tel,
                    Status   = s.Status,
                    Resource = resource

                int totalCount = prods.Count();
                client.MapFromAttributes <ESStore>();
                while (cursor < totalCount)
                    var result = client.IndexMany(prods.OrderByDescending(p => p.Id).Skip(cursor).Take(size));
                    if (!result.IsValid)
                        foreach (var item in result.Items)
                            if (item.OK)
                                log.Info(string.Format("id index failed:{0}", item.Id));
                        successCount += result.Items.Count();

                    cursor += size;
            log.Info(string.Format("{0} stores in {1} => {2} docs/s", successCount, sw.Elapsed, successCount / sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds));
Esempio n. 20
        private void IndexBanner(ElasticClient client, DateTime benchDate)
            ILog      log          = LogManager.GetLogger(this.GetType());
            int       cursor       = 0;
            int       size         = 100;
            int       successCount = 0;
            Stopwatch sw           = new Stopwatch();

            using (var db = new YintaiHangzhouContext("YintaiHangzhouContext"))
                var prods = from p in db.Banners
                            join pro in db.Promotions on p.SourceId equals pro.Id
                            where (p.CreatedDate >= benchDate || p.UpdatedDate >= benchDate) &&
                            p.SourceType == 2
                            let resource = (from r in db.Resources
                                            where r.SourceId == p.Id &&
                                            r.SourceType == 11
                                            select new ESResource()
                    Domain = r.Domain,
                    Name = r.Name,
                    SortOrder = r.SortOrder,
                    IsDefault = r.IsDefault,
                    Type = r.Type,
                    Width = r.Width,
                    Height = r.Height

                                           select new ESBanner()
                    Id          = p.Id,
                    SortOrder   = p.SortOrder,
                    CreatedDate = p.CreatedDate,
                    Status      = p.Status,
                    SourceType  = p.SourceType,
                    Promotion   = new ESPromotion()
                        Id = pro.Id
                    Resource = resource

                int totalCount = prods.Count();
                client.MapFromAttributes <ESBanner>();
                while (cursor < totalCount)
                    var result = client.IndexMany(prods.OrderByDescending(p => p.Id).Skip(cursor).Take(size));
                    if (!result.IsValid)
                        foreach (var item in result.Items)
                            if (item.OK)
                                log.Info(string.Format("id index failed:{0}", item.Id));
                        successCount += result.Items.Count();

                    cursor += size;
            log.Info(string.Format("{0} banners in {1} => {2} docs/s", successCount, sw.Elapsed, successCount / sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds));
Esempio n. 21
        private void IndexPros(ElasticClient client, DateTime?benchDate, Func <IQueryable <PromotionEntity>, YintaiHangzhouContext, IQueryable <PromotionEntity> > whereCondition)
            ILog      log          = LogManager.GetLogger(this.GetType());
            int       cursor       = 0;
            int       size         = 100;
            int       successCount = 0;
            Stopwatch sw           = new Stopwatch();

            using (var db = new YintaiHangzhouContext("YintaiHangzhouContext"))
                var linq = db.Promotions.AsQueryable();
                if (benchDate.HasValue)
                    linq = linq.Where(p => p.CreatedDate >= benchDate.Value || p.UpdatedDate >= benchDate.Value);
                else if (whereCondition != null)
                    linq = whereCondition(linq, db);
                var prods = from p in linq
                            join s in db.Stores on p.Store_Id equals s.Id
                            let resource = (from r in db.Resources
                                            where r.SourceId == p.Id &&
                                            r.SourceType == 2
                                            select new ESResource()
                    Domain = r.Domain,
                    Name = r.Name,
                    SortOrder = r.SortOrder,
                    IsDefault = r.IsDefault,
                    Type = r.Type,
                    Width = r.Width,
                    Height = r.Height
                                           select new ESPromotion()
                    Id            = p.Id,
                    Name          = p.Name,
                    Description   = p.Description,
                    CreatedDate   = p.CreatedDate,
                    StartDate     = p.StartDate,
                    EndDate       = p.EndDate,
                    FavoriteCount = p.FavoriteCount,
                    IsTop         = p.IsTop,
                    Status        = p.Status,
                    CreateUserId  = p.CreatedUser,
                    Store         = new ESStore()
                        Id          = s.Id,
                        Name        = s.Name,
                        Description = s.Description,
                        Address     = s.Location,
                        Location    = new Location {
                            Lon = s.Longitude,
                            Lat = s.Latitude
                        GpsAlt = s.GpsAlt,
                        GpsLat = s.GpsLat,
                        GpsLng = s.GpsLng,
                        Tel    = s.Tel
                    Resource   = resource,
                    ShowInList = p.IsMain.HasValue?p.IsMain.Value:true,
                    PublicCode = p.PublicProCode

                int totalCount = prods.Count();
                client.MapFromAttributes <ESPromotion>();

                while (cursor < totalCount)
                    var result = client.IndexMany(prods.OrderByDescending(p => p.Id).Skip(cursor).Take(size));
                    if (!result.IsValid)
                        foreach (var item in result.Items)
                            if (item.OK)
                                log.Info(string.Format("id index failed:{0}", item.Id));
                        successCount += result.Items.Count();

                    cursor += size;
            log.Info(string.Format("{0} promotions in {1} => {2} docs/s", successCount, sw.Elapsed, successCount / sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds));
            if (successCount > 0 && CascadPush)
                //index related products
                log.Info("index products affected by related promotions ");
                IndexProds(client, null,
                           (p, db) => {
                    return(p.Where(prod => (from pro in db.Promotions
                                            from ppr in db.Promotion2Product
                                            where ppr.ProId == pro.Id &&
                                            (pro.CreatedDate >= benchDate || pro.UpdatedDate >= benchDate) &&
                                            ppr.ProdId == prod.Id
                                            select ppr.ProdId).Any()));
Esempio n. 22
        public void Execute(IJobExecutionContext context)
            JobDataMap data             = context.JobDetail.JobDataMap;
            var        privatekey       = data.GetString("privatekey");
            var        publickey        = data.GetString("publickey");
            var        awsExpireurl     = data.GetString("awsexpireurl");
            int        point2GroupRatio = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["point2groupratio"]);
            ILog       log          = LogManager.GetLogger(this.GetType());
            int        cursor       = 0;
            int        successCount = 0;
            int        size         = 100;
            DateTime   fromDate     = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1);
            Stopwatch  sw           = new Stopwatch();

            using (var db = new YintaiHangzhouContext("YintaiHangzhouContext"))
                var coupons = from p in db.StoreCoupons
                              where p.ValidEndDate >= fromDate && p.ValidEndDate < DateTime.Today &&
                              p.Status == (int)CouponStatus.Normal
                              select p;

                int totalCount = coupons.Count();
                while (cursor < totalCount)
                    foreach (var coupon in coupons.OrderBy(c => c.Id).Skip(cursor).Take(size))
                        bool canRebate = AwsHelper.SendHttpMessage(awsExpireurl, new { code = coupon.Code }
                                                                   , publickey
                                                                   , privatekey
                                                                   , null
                                                                   , null);
                        if (canRebate)
                            var point = db.PointHistories.Where(u => u.User_Id == coupon.UserId.Value && u.Type == (int)PointType.VoidCoupon && u.Description == coupon.Code).FirstOrDefault();
                            if (point == null)
                                db.PointHistories.Add(new PointHistoryEntity()
                                    Amount          = (decimal)coupon.Points * point2GroupRatio,
                                    CreatedDate     = DateTime.Now,
                                    CreatedUser     = 0,
                                    Description     = coupon.Code,
                                    Name            = string.Format("代金券过期返回积点{0}", coupon.Points * point2GroupRatio),
                                    PointSourceType = (int)PointSourceType.System,
                                    PointSourceId   = 0,
                                    Status          = (int)DataStatus.Normal,
                                    Type            = (int)PointType.VoidCoupon,
                                    UpdatedDate     = DateTime.Now,
                                    UpdatedUser     = 0,
                                    User_Id         = coupon.UserId.Value
                    cursor += size;
            log.Info(string.Format("{0} rebate points in {1} => {2} docs/s", successCount, sw.Elapsed, successCount / sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds));