Esempio n. 1
        public async Task YahooPriceHistoryHandlerTest(string firstDate, string lastDate, YahooInterval interval, int count)
            var query = new YahooPriceHistoryQuery()
                Symbol    = "MSFT",
                FirstDate = DateTime.Parse(firstDate),
                LastDate  = DateTime.Parse(lastDate),
                Interval  = interval,

            var handler = new YahooPriceHistoryHandler(YahooPriceHistoryHelper.MockIHttpClientFactory());
            var result  = await handler.Handle(query, CancellationToken.None);

            Assert.Equal(count, result.Prices.Count());
Esempio n. 2
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        protected override async Task Handle(StockPriceUpdaterCommand request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            YahooInterval interval = request.Frequency switch
                Frequency.Daily => YahooInterval.Daily,
                Frequency.Weekly => YahooInterval.Weekly,
                Frequency.Monthly => YahooInterval.Monthly,
                Frequency.Quarterly => YahooInterval.Quorterly,
                _ => throw new NotImplementedException(),

            using var db = this.contextFactory.CreateDbContext();

            // Get list of symbols to process.
            var stocks = await db.Stocks.AsNoTracking()
                         .Select(s => new { s.Id, s.Symbol, })

            int count = 20;

            foreach (var item in stocks)
                if (count-- <= 0)

                // Get the database stock price.
                var oldPrices = await db.StockPrices
                                .Where(p => p.StockId == item.Id && p.Frequency == request.Frequency)
                                .OrderBy(p => p.Period)
                                .ToListAsync(cancellationToken: cancellationToken);

                DateTime?firstDate = oldPrices.Select(p => (DateTime?)p.Period).FirstOrDefault();
                DateTime?lastDate  = oldPrices.Select(p => (DateTime?)p.Period).LastOrDefault();

                var query = new YahooPriceHistoryQuery
                    Symbol    = item.Symbol,
                    FirstDate = firstDate ?? DateTime.Today.AddYears(-10),
                    LastDate  = DateTime.Today,
                    Interval  = interval,

                // Get prices.
                var yahooResult = await this.mediator.Send(query, cancellationToken);

                if (yahooResult.ErrorMessage != null)
                    this.logger.LogWarning("{0} for {1} from {2:M-d-Y} to {3:M-d-Y} for {4}", yahooResult.ErrorMessage, query.Symbol, query.FirstDate, query.LastDate, query.Interval);
                    // Update prices if any.
                    if (oldPrices.Any())
                        List <StockPriceEntity> toUpdate = new();
                        var lookup = new Dictionary <DateTime, YahooPrice>(yahooResult.Prices.Select(a => new KeyValuePair <DateTime, YahooPrice>(a.Date, a)));
                        foreach (var oldItem in oldPrices)
                            if (lookup.TryGetValue(oldItem.Period, out YahooPrice quote) &&
                                (oldItem.Open != quote.Open ||
                                 oldItem.High != quote.High ||
                                 oldItem.Low != quote.Low ||
                                 oldItem.Close != quote.Close ||
                                 oldItem.AdjClose != quote.AdjClose ||
                                 oldItem.Volume != quote.Volume))
                                oldItem.Open     = quote.Open;
                                oldItem.High     = quote.High;
                                oldItem.Low      = quote.Low;
                                oldItem.Close    = quote.Close;
                                oldItem.AdjClose = quote.AdjClose;
                                oldItem.Volume   = quote.Volume;

                        if (toUpdate.Any())
                            await db.SaveChangesAsync(cancellationToken);

                    // Add prices if any.
                    var toAdd = yahooResult.Prices.Where(q => lastDate == null || q.Date > lastDate)
                                .Union(yahooResult.Prices.Where(q => lastDate != null && q.Date < firstDate))
                                .Select(q => new StockPriceEntity()
                        StockId   = item.Id,
                        Frequency = request.Frequency,
                        Period    = q.Date,
                        Open      = q.Open,
                        High      = q.High,
                        Low       = q.Low,
                        Close     = q.Close,
                        AdjClose  = q.AdjClose,
                        Volume    = q.Volume,

                    if (toAdd.Any())
                        await db.SaveChangesAsync(cancellationToken);

                await Task.Delay(100, cancellationToken);