     * Params: yleProgram
     * Description: Create item list with an item prefab, then set its values.
    private void CreateList(YLEProgram yleProgram)
        if (yleProgram.data != null)

            Debug.Log("data is not null");

            foreach (Datum program in yleProgram.data)
                // Instantiate the item list
                GameObject item = GameObject.Instantiate(listItemPrefab);
                // Set the item list parent as 'programList' then the scale is fixed
                item.transform.localScale = Vector3.one;

                // Pass 'Datum' object to ProgramDatum component that is used then to show the details
                item.GetComponentInChildren <ProgramDatum> ().program = program;

                // Setting the item title
                Text itemTxt = item.GetComponentInChildren <Text> ();

                if (program.itemTitle.fi != null)
                    itemTxt.text = program.itemTitle.fi;
                else if (program.itemTitle.sv != null)
                    itemTxt.text = program.itemTitle.sv;
                else if (program.itemTitle.en != null)
                    itemTxt.text = program.itemTitle.en;

                if (itemTxt.text.Length > maxCharacters)
                    itemTxt.text = itemTxt.text.Substring(0, maxCharacters) + "...";
            Debug.Log("data is NULL");
     * Coroutine that invokes a network call
     * to use the API and then populate
     * the program list
    private IEnumerator GetPrograms()
        Debug.Log("Searching Programs from YLE");


        // Constructing the URI
        string apiUri = GetAPIUri();

        Debug.Log("APIUri: " + apiUri);

        using (UnityWebRequest www = UnityWebRequest.Get(apiUri))
            searchingPrograms = true;

            yield return(www.Send());

            if (www.isNetworkError || www.isHttpError)
                // Show results as text

                // YLEProgram is a model that deserialize the json values obtained by the API call
                YLEProgram response = JsonUtility.FromJson <YLEProgram> (www.downloadHandler.text);

                // Lets test the response
                Debug.Log("YLE Api Version: " + response.apiVersion);

                // Now create the program list

                // Or retrieve results as binary data
                //byte[] results = www.downloadHandler.data;

            searchingPrograms = false;
