Esempio n. 1
//		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//		/// <summary>
//		/// Given a spec that might be some sort of element, or might be something wrapping a flow object
//		/// around that element, return the element. Or, it might be a "frag" element wrapping all of that.
//		/// </summary>
//		/// <param name="viewSpec">The view spec.</param>
//		/// <returns></returns>
//		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//		XmlNode ExtractFromFlow(XmlNode viewSpec)
//		{
//			if (viewSpec == null)
//				return null;
//			if (viewSpec.Name == "frag")
//				viewSpec = viewSpec.FirstChild;
//			if (viewSpec.Name == "para" || viewSpec.Name == "div")
//		{
//				if (viewSpec.ChildNodes.Count == 2 && viewSpec.FirstChild.Name == "properties")
//					return viewSpec.ChildNodes[1];
//				else if (viewSpec.ChildNodes.Count == 1)
//					return viewSpec.FirstChild;
//		}
//			return viewSpec; // None of the special flow object cases, use the node itself.
//		}

        #region StringFinder Members

        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Stringses the specified hvo.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hvo">The hvo.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public string[] Strings(int hvo)
                string[] result = null;
                if (m_layoutName == null)
                    result = StringsFor(hvo, m_colSpec, m_vc.WsForce);
                if (result == null)
                    XmlNode layout = XmlVc.GetNodeForPart(hvo, m_layoutName, true, m_sda, m_layouts);
                    if (layout == null)
                        return(new string[0]);                        // cell will be empty.
                    result = StringsFor(hvo, layout, m_vc.WsForce);

                if (result == null)
                    return(new string[0]);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new Exception("Failed to get strings for object " + hvo, e);
Esempio n. 2
        private string[] GetChildObjKey(XmlNode layout, int hvo, IManyOnePathSortItem item, int pathIndex, bool sortedFromEnd)
            ICmObject childObj   = m_cache.ServiceLocator.ObjectRepository.GetObject(hvo);
            string    layoutName = XmlUtils.GetOptionalAttributeValue(layout, "layout");
            XmlNode   part       = XmlVc.GetNodeForPart(hvo, layoutName, true, m_sda, m_layouts);
            var       key        = GetKey(part, childObj, item, pathIndex, sortedFromEnd);

            if (key != null)
            return(CallSortMethod(childObj, sortedFromEnd));
Esempio n. 3
        private string GetChildObjKey(XmlNode layout, int hvo, ManyOnePathSortItem item, int pathIndex, bool sortedFromEnd)
            ICmObject childObj   = CmObject.CreateFromDBObject(m_cache, hvo);
            string    layoutName = XmlUtils.GetManditoryAttributeValue(layout, "layout");
            XmlNode   part       = XmlVc.GetNodeForPart(hvo, layoutName, true, m_sda, m_layouts);
            string    key        = GetKey(part, childObj, item, pathIndex, sortedFromEnd);

            if (key != null)
            return(CallSortMethod(childObj, sortedFromEnd));
Esempio n. 4
        // Display the first child (item in the vector) in a special mode which suppresses everything except the child
        // marked singlegraminfofirst, to show the POS.
        private void DisplayFirstChildPOS(int firstChildHvo, int childFrag)
            var    dispCommand = (MainCallerDisplayCommand)m_viewConstructor.m_idToDisplayCommand[childFrag];
            string layoutName;
            var    parent = dispCommand.GetNodeForChild(out layoutName, childFrag, m_viewConstructor, firstChildHvo);

            foreach (XmlNode gramInfoPartRef in parent.ChildNodes)
                if (XmlUtils.GetOptionalBooleanAttributeValue(gramInfoPartRef, "singlegraminfofirst", false))
                    // It really is the gram info part ref we want.
                    //m_viewConstructor.ProcessPartRef(gramInfoPartRef, firstChildHvo, m_vwEnv); no! the sense is not on the stack.
                    var sVisibility = XmlUtils.GetOptionalAttributeValue(gramInfoPartRef, "visibility", "always");
                    if (sVisibility == "never")
                        return;                         // user has configured gram info first, but turned off gram info.
                    string morphLayoutName = XmlUtils.GetManditoryAttributeValue(gramInfoPartRef, "ref");
                    var    part            = m_viewConstructor.GetNodeForPart(firstChildHvo, morphLayoutName, false);
                    if (part == null)
                        throw new ArgumentException("Attempt to display gram info of first child, but part for " + morphLayoutName + " does not exist");
                    var objNode = XmlUtils.GetFirstNonCommentChild(part);
                    if (objNode == null || objNode.Name != "obj")
                        throw new ArgumentException("Attempt to display gram info of first child, but part for " + morphLayoutName + " does not hav a single <obj> child");
                    int flid      = XmlVc.GetFlid(objNode, firstChildHvo, m_viewConstructor.DataAccess);
                    int hvoTarget = m_viewConstructor.DataAccess.get_ObjectProp(firstChildHvo, flid);
                    if (hvoTarget == 0)
                        return;                         // first sense has no category.
                    int fragId = m_viewConstructor.GetSubFragId(objNode, gramInfoPartRef);
                    if (m_vwEnv is ConfiguredExport)
                        (m_vwEnv as ConfiguredExport).BeginCssClassIfNeeded(gramInfoPartRef);
                    m_vwEnv.AddObj(hvoTarget, m_viewConstructor, fragId);
                    if (m_vwEnv is ConfiguredExport)
                        (m_vwEnv as ConfiguredExport).EndCssClassIfNeeded(gramInfoPartRef);
            throw new ArgumentException("Attempt to display gram info of first child, but template has no singlegraminfofirst");
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a key from the item.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item">The item.</param>
        /// <param name="sortedFromEnd">if set to <c>true</c> [sorted from end].</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override string[] SortStrings(IManyOnePathSortItem item, bool sortedFromEnd)
            if (item.KeyObject == 0)
                return(new string[0]);

            // traverse the part tree from the root, the root object and the root layout node should
            // be compatible
            XmlNode layout     = XmlVc.GetNodeForPart(item.RootObjectHvo, m_layoutName, true, m_sda, m_layouts);
            var     rootObject = item.RootObjectUsing(m_cache);
            var     key        = GetKey(layout, rootObject, item, 0, sortedFromEnd);

            if (key == null)
                // the root object sort method is not tried in GetKey
                key = CallSortMethod(rootObject, sortedFromEnd);

                if (key == null)
                    // try calling the sort method on the key object
                    var keyCmObjectUsing = item.KeyObjectUsing(m_cache);
                    key = CallSortMethod(keyCmObjectUsing, sortedFromEnd);

                    if (key == null)
                        // Try the default fallback if we can't find the method.
                        var firstKey = keyCmObjectUsing.SortKey ?? "";
                        if (sortedFromEnd)
                            firstKey = TsStringUtils.ReverseString(firstKey);

                        return(new [] { firstKey, keyCmObjectUsing.SortKey2Alpha });

Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a key from the item.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item">The item.</param>
        /// <param name="sortedFromEnd">if set to <c>true</c> [sorted from end].</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override string[] SortStrings(ManyOnePathSortItem item, bool sortedFromEnd)

            if (item.KeyCmObject == null)
                return(new string[0]);

            // traverse the part tree from the root, the root object and the root layout node should
            // be compatible
            XmlNode layout = XmlVc.GetNodeForPart(item.RootObject.Hvo, m_layoutName, true, m_sda, m_layouts);
            string  key    = GetKey(layout, item.RootObject, item, 0, sortedFromEnd);

            if (key == null)
                // the root object sort method is not tried in GetKey
                key = CallSortMethod(item.RootObject, sortedFromEnd);

                if (key == null)
                    // try calling the sort method on the key object
                    key = CallSortMethod(item.KeyCmObject, sortedFromEnd);

                    if (key == null)
                        // Try the default fallback if we can't find the method.
                        key = item.KeyCmObject.SortKey ?? "";
                        if (sortedFromEnd)
                            key = StringUtils.ReverseString(key);

                        key = key + " " + item.KeyCmObject.SortKey2Alpha;

            return(new string[] { key });
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// make sure we can get a PartNode for this child, if not,
        /// try to (recursively) generate parts refering to the parent(s) until we can find the owner of the layout.
        /// clone this (generic) part:
        /// <code>
        ///		<part id="{className}-Jt-$fieldName" type="jtview">
        ///			<obj class="{className}" field="{OwnerOfClassVirtualProperty}" layout="$fieldName"/>
        ///		</part>
        /// </code>
        /// into this (specific) part:
        /// <code>
        ///		<part id="{className}-Jt-{layoutName}" type="jtview">
        ///			<obj class="{className}" field="{OwnerOfClassVirtualProperty}" layout="{layoutName}"/>
        ///		</part>
        /// </code>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="layoutClass"></param>
        /// <param name="fieldNameForReplace"></param>
        /// <param name="fieldIdForWs"></param>
        /// <param name="layoutNode"></param>
        /// <returns>list of part nodes generated</returns>
        protected List <XmlNode> GeneratePartsFromLayouts(int layoutClass, string fieldNameForReplace, int fieldIdForWs, ref XmlNode layoutNode)
            if (m_vc == null || layoutClass == 0)
            string layout = XmlUtils.GetOptionalAttributeValue(layoutNode, "layout");

            if (layout == null)
            string className      = m_mdc.GetClassName(layoutClass);
            string layoutGeneric  = "";
            string layoutSpecific = "";

            if (layout.Contains("$fieldName") && !fieldNameForReplace.Contains("$fieldName"))
                // this is generic layout name that requires further specification.
                layoutGeneric = layout;

                // first try to substitute the field name to see if we can get an existing part.
                XmlNode layoutNodeForCustomField = layoutNode.CloneNode(true);
                ReplaceParamsInAttributes(layoutNodeForCustomField, "", fieldNameForReplace, fieldIdForWs, className);
                layoutSpecific = XmlUtils.GetOptionalAttributeValue(layoutNodeForCustomField, "layout");
                // possibly need to look for the most generic layout name by default.
                layoutGeneric  = "$fieldName";
                layoutSpecific = layout;
            XmlNode partNode = m_vc.GetNodeForPart(layoutSpecific, false, layoutClass);

            if (partNode != null)
                // Enhance: Validate existing part!
                // specific part already exists, just keep it.

            // couldn't find a specific part, so get the generic part in order to generate the specific part
            partNode = m_vc.GetNodeForPart(layoutGeneric, false, layoutClass);
            if (partNode == null)
#if !__MonoCS__
            { throw new ApplicationException("Couldn't find generic Part (" + className + "-Jt-" + layout + ")"); }
            {                   // TODO-Linux: Fix this in the correct way.
            if (partNode != null)
                var generatedParts = new List <XmlNode>();
                // clone the generic node so we can substitute any attributes that need to be substituted.
                XmlNode generatedPartNode = partNode.CloneNode(true);
                ReplaceParamsInAttributes(generatedPartNode, "", fieldNameForReplace, fieldIdForWs, className);
                Inventory.GetInventory("parts", m_vc.Cache.ProjectId.Name).AddNodeToInventory(generatedPartNode);
                // now see if we need to create other parts from further generic layouts.
                if (fieldNameForReplace.Contains("$fieldName"))
                    // use the generated part, since it contains a template reference.
                    partNode = generatedPartNode;

                XmlNode      nextLayoutNode = null;
                XmlAttribute layoutAttr     = partNode.Attributes["layout"];
                if (layoutAttr != null && layoutAttr.Value.Contains("$fieldName"))
                    nextLayoutNode = partNode;
                else if (partNode.ChildNodes.Count > 0)
                    nextLayoutNode = partNode.SelectSingleNode(".//*[contains(@layout, '$fieldName')]");
                if (nextLayoutNode != null)
                    // now build the new node from its layouts
                    string         fieldName             = XmlUtils.GetManditoryAttributeValue(nextLayoutNode, "field");
                    int            field                 = m_vc.Cache.DomainDataByFlid.MetaDataCache.GetFieldId(className, fieldName, true);
                    int            nextLayoutClass       = m_vc.Cache.GetDestinationClass(field);
                    List <XmlNode> furtherGeneratedParts = GeneratePartsFromLayouts(nextLayoutClass, fieldNameForReplace, fieldIdForWs,
                                                                                    ref nextLayoutNode);
                    if (furtherGeneratedParts != null)
Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the sort key by traversing the part tree, calling the sort method at the leaves.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="layout">The layout.</param>
        /// <param name="cmo">The object.</param>
        /// <param name="item">The item.</param>
        /// <param name="pathIndex">Index of the path.</param>
        /// <param name="sortedFromEnd">if set to <c>true</c> [sorted from end].</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string[] GetKey(XmlNode layout, ICmObject cmo, IManyOnePathSortItem item, int pathIndex, bool sortedFromEnd)
            if (layout == null)

            switch (layout.Name)
            case "obj":
                int flid = GetFlid(layout, cmo.Hvo);
                if (pathIndex != -1 && (pathIndex == item.PathLength || flid != item.PathFlid(pathIndex)))
                    // we are now off of the path
                    pathIndex = -1;

                int objHvo = m_cache.MainCacheAccessor.get_ObjectProp(cmo.Hvo, flid);
                if (objHvo != 0)
                    if (pathIndex != -1 &&
                        (pathIndex < item.PathLength - 1 && objHvo == item.PathObject(pathIndex + 1)) ||
                        (pathIndex == item.PathLength - 1 && objHvo == item.KeyObject))
                        return(GetChildObjKey(layout, objHvo, item, pathIndex + 1, sortedFromEnd));

                    // we are off of the path
                    return(GetChildObjKey(layout, objHvo, item, -1, sortedFromEnd));

            case "seq":
                int flid = GetFlid(layout, cmo.Hvo);
                if (pathIndex != -1 && (pathIndex == item.PathLength || flid != item.PathFlid(pathIndex)))
                    // we are now off of the path
                    pathIndex = -1;

                int           size = m_cache.MainCacheAccessor.get_VecSize(cmo.Hvo, flid);
                StringBuilder sb   = null;
                for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                    int objHvo = m_cache.MainCacheAccessor.get_VecItem(cmo.Hvo, flid, i);
                    if (pathIndex != -1 &&
                        (pathIndex < item.PathLength - 1 && objHvo == item.PathObject(pathIndex + 1)) ||
                        (pathIndex == item.PathLength - 1 && objHvo == item.KeyObject))
                        return(GetChildObjKey(layout, objHvo, item, pathIndex + 1, sortedFromEnd));

                    // if we are off of the path, we concatenate all vector keys to create an
                    // aggregate key
                    var childObjKey = GetChildObjKey(layout, objHvo, item, -1, sortedFromEnd);
                    if (childObjKey != null)
                        if (sb == null)
                            sb = new StringBuilder();
                        foreach (var subKey in childObjKey)
                if (sb != null)
                    return new [] { sb.ToString() }

            case "layout":
            case "part":
                string partref = XmlUtils.GetOptionalAttributeValue(layout, "ref");
                if (partref != null)
                    XmlNode part = XmlVc.GetNodeForPart(cmo.Hvo, partref, true, m_sda, m_layouts);

                    return(GetKey(part, cmo, item, pathIndex, sortedFromEnd));

                foreach (XmlNode child in layout.ChildNodes)
                    if (child is XmlComment)

                    var key = GetKey(child, cmo, item, pathIndex, sortedFromEnd);
                    if (key != null)