Esempio n. 1
        public TestDidLoadXml(ITestOutputHelper output)
            this.output = output;
            //TextReader xmlString = File.OpenText(@"C:\Users\scott\dev\OSS\\test\resources\metadata\sample.xml");
            StreamReader xmlReader = File.OpenText(@"..\..\..\resources\metadata\sample.xml");
            string       xmlString = xmlReader.ReadToEnd();

            mappings = XmlLoader.LoadFromString(xmlString);
Esempio n. 2
        public TestXml2Yaml(ITestOutputHelper output)
            this.output = output;

            // retrieve metadata as xml from target server
            string sqlStatementForTablesToImport = @"
select (
select mappingName = N'm_sync_' + tables.[name],
    mappingDescription = N'HSTG',
    [enabled] = 'true',
    [schemaExt] = (
            select objectSchema = schema_name(tables.[schema_id]),
                objectName = tables.[name]
            for xml path('underlyingSource'), root('AzP_EDW'), type
    [source] = (
            select dataStore = (
                        select connectionKey = 'HSTG_PRD'
                        for xml path(''), type
                [language] = 'T-SQL',
                code = 'select * from ' + schema_name(tables.[schema_id]) + N'.' + tables.[name] + N' where OMD_INSERT_DATETIME > ? AND OMD_INSERT_DATETIME <= ?;'
            for xml path(''), type
    [target] = (
            select dataStore = (
                        select connectionKey = 'HSTG'
                        for xml path(''), type
                objectSchema = schema_name(tables.[schema_id]),
                objectName = tables.[name]
            for xml path(''), type
    mappedDataItems = (
            select sourceDataItem = (select columnName = columns.[name] for xml path(''), type),
                targetColumn = (select columnName = columns.[name] for xml path(''), type)
            from sys.columns
            where columns.[object_id] = tables.[object_id]
                and columns.[name] not like 'OMD\_%' escape '\'
            order by columns.column_id
            for xml path('MappedDataItem'), type
from EDW_150_History_Area.sys.tables
    inner join openquery(AUBIWSQLPRD, '
            select schema_name(tables.[schema_id]) as [schema_name]
                , tables.[name]
            from EDW_150_History_Area.sys.tables;
            ') src
        on src.[schema_name] = schema_name(tables.[schema_id])
        and src.[name] = tables.[name]
where schema_name(tables.[schema_id]) = N'dbo'
order by schema_name(tables.[schema_id]), tables.[name]
for xml path('MappedDataSet'), root('ArrayOfMappedDataSet')
) as xmlColumn;

            using (OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection(@"Provider=SQLNCLI11;Server=(local);Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=EDW_150_History_Area;"))
                OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand(sqlStatementForTablesToImport, conn);

                OleDbDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

                string xmlString = "";
                while (reader.Read())
                    // read xml to string (assuming single row)
                    xmlString = reader.GetString(0);

                // load to object model
                List <MappedDataSet> loaded = XmlLoader.LoadFromString(xmlString);