/// <summary>
        /// This method is called whenever an Item has been successfully
        /// reconstituted from the request's entity.
        /// It uses the information curren tin the XmlInventoryCollection
        /// to complete the item's specification, including any implied
        /// context and asset associations.
        /// It fails the request if any necessary item or asset information
        /// is missing.
        /// </summary>

        private void Validate(XmlInventoryCollection ic)
            // There really should be an item present if we've
            // called validate. So fail if there is not.

            if (ic.Item == null)
                Rest.Log.ErrorFormat("{0} Unable to parse request", MsgId);
                ic.Fail(Rest.HttpStatusCodeBadRequest, "request parse error");

            // Every item is required to have a name (via REST anyway)

            if (ic.Item.Name == String.Empty)
                Rest.Log.ErrorFormat("{0} An item name MUST be specified", MsgId);
                ic.Fail(Rest.HttpStatusCodeBadRequest, "item name required");

            // An item MUST have an asset ID. AssetID should never be zero
            // here. It should always get set from the information stored
            // when the Asset element was processed.

            if (ic.Item.AssetID == UUID.Zero)
                Rest.Log.ErrorFormat("{0} Unable to complete request", MsgId);
                Rest.Log.InfoFormat("{0} Asset information is missing", MsgId);
                ic.Fail(Rest.HttpStatusCodeBadRequest, "asset information required");

            // If the item is new, then assign it an ID

            if (ic.Item.ID == UUID.Zero)
                ic.Item.ID = UUID.Random();

            // If the context is being implied, obtain the current
            // folder item's ID. If it was specified explicitly, make
            // sure that theparent folder exists.

            if (ic.Item.Folder == UUID.Zero)
                ic.Item.Folder = ic.Parent();
                bool found = false;

                foreach (InventoryFolderBase parent in ic.rdata.folders)
                    if (parent.ID == ic.Item.Folder)
                        found = true;

                if (!found)
                    Rest.Log.ErrorFormat("{0} Invalid parent ID ({1}) in item {2}",
                                         MsgId, ic.Item.Folder, ic.Item.ID);
                    ic.Fail(Rest.HttpStatusCodeBadRequest, "parent information required");

            // If this is an inline asset being constructed in the context
            // of a new Item, then use the itm's name here too.

            if (ic.Asset != null)
                if (ic.Asset.Name == String.Empty)
                    ic.Asset.Name = ic.Item.Name;
                if (ic.Asset.Description == String.Empty)
                    ic.Asset.Description = ic.Item.Description;

            // Assign permissions

            ic.Item.CurrentPermissions  = ic.CurrentPermissions;
            ic.Item.EveryOnePermissions = ic.EveryOnePermissions;
            ic.Item.BasePermissions     = ic.BasePermissions;
            ic.Item.GroupPermissions    = ic.GroupPermissions;
            ic.Item.NextPermissions     = ic.NextPermissions;

            // If no type was specified for this item, we can attempt to
            // infer something from the file type maybe. This is NOT as
            // good as having type be specified in the XML.

            if (ic.Item.AssetType == (int) AssetType.Unknown ||
                ic.Item.InvType   == (int) InventoryType.Unknown)
                Rest.Log.DebugFormat("{0} Attempting to infer item type", MsgId);

                string[] parts = ic.Item.Name.Split(Rest.CA_PERIOD);

                if (Rest.DEBUG)
                    for (int i = 0; i < parts.Length; i++)
                        Rest.Log.DebugFormat("{0} Name part {1} : {2}",
                                             MsgId, i, parts[i]);

                // If the associated item name is multi-part, then maybe
                // the last part will indicate the item type - if we're
                // lucky.

                if (parts.Length > 1)
                    Rest.Log.DebugFormat("{0} File type is {1}",
                                         MsgId, parts[parts.Length - 1]);
                    switch (parts[parts.Length - 1])
                    case "jpeg2000" :
                    case "jpeg-2000" :
                    case "jpg2000" :
                    case "jpg-2000" :
                        Rest.Log.DebugFormat("{0} Type {1} inferred",
                                             MsgId, parts[parts.Length-1]);
                        if (ic.Item.AssetType == (int) AssetType.Unknown)
                            ic.Item.AssetType = (int) AssetType.ImageJPEG;
                        if (ic.Item.InvType == (int) InventoryType.Unknown)
                            ic.Item.InvType   = (int) InventoryType.Texture;
                    case "jpg" :
                    case "jpeg" :
                        Rest.Log.DebugFormat("{0} Type {1} inferred",
                                             MsgId, parts[parts.Length - 1]);
                        if (ic.Item.AssetType == (int) AssetType.Unknown)
                            ic.Item.AssetType = (int) AssetType.ImageJPEG;
                        if (ic.Item.InvType == (int) InventoryType.Unknown)
                            ic.Item.InvType   = (int) InventoryType.Texture;
                    case "tga" :
                        if (parts[parts.Length - 2].IndexOf("_texture") != -1)
                            if (ic.Item.AssetType == (int) AssetType.Unknown)
                                ic.Item.AssetType = (int) AssetType.TextureTGA;
                            if (ic.Item.InvType == (int) AssetType.Unknown)
                                ic.Item.InvType   = (int) InventoryType.Texture;
                            if (ic.Item.AssetType == (int) AssetType.Unknown)
                                ic.Item.AssetType = (int) AssetType.ImageTGA;
                            if (ic.Item.InvType == (int) InventoryType.Unknown)
                                ic.Item.InvType   = (int) InventoryType.Snapshot;
                    default :
                        Rest.Log.DebugFormat("{0} Asset/Inventory type could not be inferred for {1}",

            /// If this is a TGA remember the fact

            if (ic.Item.AssetType == (int) AssetType.TextureTGA ||
                ic.Item.AssetType == (int) AssetType.ImageTGA)
                Bitmap temp;
                Stream tgadata = new MemoryStream(ic.Asset.Data);

                temp = LoadTGAClass.LoadTGA(tgadata);
                    ic.Asset.Data = OpenJPEG.EncodeFromImage(temp, true);
                catch (DllNotFoundException)
                    Rest.Log.ErrorFormat("OpenJpeg is not installed correctly on this system.   Asset Data is emtpy for {0}", ic.Item.Name);
                    ic.Asset.Data = new Byte[0];
                catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
                    Rest.Log.ErrorFormat("OpenJpeg was unable to encode this.   Asset Data is emtpy for {0}", ic.Item.Name);
                    ic.Asset.Data = new Byte[0];
                catch (Exception)
                    Rest.Log.ErrorFormat("OpenJpeg was unable to encode this.   Asset Data is emtpy for {0}", ic.Item.Name);
                    ic.Asset.Data = new Byte[0];
