public static void Save(XmlImportIngredient ingredient, string menuitemguid, string menuitemname) { var db = new Database("RedRobin"); var records = db.Fetch<XmlIngredientsXref>(" where xmlguid=@0 and xmlmenuitemguid=@1", ingredient.ItemIngredientGuid, menuitemguid); if (records.Count >= 1) return; var insert = new XmlIngredientsXref(); insert.xmlguid = new Guid(ingredient.ItemIngredientGuid); insert.xmlingredientname = ingredient.ItemIngredientName; insert.xmlmenuitemguid = new Guid(menuitemguid); insert.xmlmenuitemname = menuitemname; insert.Save(); }
public static void Save(XmlImportIngredient ingredient, string menuitemguid, string menuitemname) { var db = new Database("RedRobin"); var records = db.Fetch <XmlIngredientsXref>(" where xmlguid=@0 and xmlmenuitemguid=@1", ingredient.ItemIngredientGuid, menuitemguid); if (records.Count >= 1) { return; } var insert = new XmlIngredientsXref(); insert.xmlguid = new Guid(ingredient.ItemIngredientGuid); insert.xmlingredientname = ingredient.ItemIngredientName; insert.xmlmenuitemguid = new Guid(menuitemguid); insert.xmlmenuitemname = menuitemname; insert.Save(); }
private static void MatchNewXmlToOldImport() { Console.WriteLine("starting"); try { var xmlitems = XmlService.ParseXml(@"C:\root\dev\Spring Menu XML for Customizer 2.29.2012.xml"); var db = new PetaPoco.Database("RedRobin"); foreach (XmlMenuItem xmlMenuItem in xmlitems) //foreach item in the xml { var mxr = new XmlMenuItemsXref(); mxr.xmlguid = new Guid(xmlMenuItem.ItemGuid); mxr.xmlitemname = xmlMenuItem.ItemName; Console.WriteLine("Xml Item: " + xmlMenuItem.ItemName); var importmenuitem = GetMenuItemByName(xmlMenuItem.ItemName); //get the previous import item if (importmenuitem != null) // new in xml or can't find mapping by name { MenuItem menuitem = null; try { menuitem = db.Fetch <MenuItem>("select * from menuitems where DataObjectId=@0", importmenuitem.ItemGuid).SingleOrDefault(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } if (menuitem != null) // means the xmlimport and the database do not match { Console.WriteLine("Menu Item: " +; mxr.menuitemguid = menuitem.DataObjectId; mxr.menuitemname =; } } mxr.Insert(); foreach (var xmlIngredient in xmlMenuItem.Ingredients) { Console.WriteLine("Xml Ingredient Item: " + xmlIngredient.ItemIngredientName); var ixr = new XmlIngredientsXref(); ixr.xmlguid = new Guid(xmlIngredient.ItemIngredientGuid); ixr.xmlingredientname = xmlIngredient.ItemIngredientName; if (importmenuitem != null) { var db2 = new PetaPoco.Database("RedRobin"); var importingredientitem = GetIngredients(xmlIngredient.ItemIngredientName, importmenuitem.XmlImportMenuItemId); //get xml import ingredient if (importingredientitem != null) //mean couldn't find this ingredient, deal with later { Ingredient ingredientitem = null; try { ingredientitem = db2.Fetch <Ingredient>("select * from ingredients where DataObjectId=@0", importingredientitem.ItemIngredientGuid).SingleOrDefault(); } catch (Exception exception) { Console.WriteLine(exception); } if (ingredientitem != null) //means no match in database { ixr.igredientname = ingredientitem.managename; ixr.ingredientsguid = ingredientitem.DataObjectId; } } } ixr.xmlmenuitemguid = new Guid(xmlMenuItem.ItemGuid); ixr.xmlmenuitemname = xmlMenuItem.ItemName; ixr.Insert(); } } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit"); Console.ReadLine(); }