public void DoInjury(Injury inj) { if (m_Player == null || m_Player.Deleted) { Delete(); return; } if (m_Player is PlayerMobile && (m_Player as PlayerMobile).RessSick) return; bool hasInjury = false; foreach (InjuryTimer iT in CurrentInjuries) { if (iT.Injury == inj) { hasInjury = true; continue; } } if (!hasInjury) return; switch (inj) { case Injury.Bloodied: { int dmg = Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 5); if (m_Player.Hits - dmg < 1) dmg = m_Player.Hits - (m_Player.Hits - 1); m_Player.Damage(dmg); Blood newBlood = new Blood(); newBlood.MoveToWorld(m_Player.Location, m_Player.Map); m_Player.SendMessage(37, "You're bleeding."); break; } case Injury.BrokenBack: { int pMin = 120 - m_Player.StamMax - m_Player.ManaMax; if (pMin < 15) pMin = 15; XmlParalyze newParalysis = new XmlParalyze(pMin); newParalysis.Name = "Injury Paralysis"; XmlAttach.AttachTo(m_Player, newParalysis); m_Player.SendMessage(37, "You are wracked with paralytic back spasms and cannot move!"); m_Player.Emote("*spasms!*"); break; } case Injury.BrokenJaw: { ArrayList muteAtt = XmlAttach.FindAttachments(m_Player, typeof(XmlBackground)); bool attached = false; foreach (XmlBackground att in muteAtt) { if (att.Background == BackgroundList.Mute) attached = true; } if (!attached) { int muteTime = 180 - m_Player.StamMax - m_Player.ManaMax; if (muteTime < 20) muteTime = 20; XmlBackground newMute = new XmlBackground(BackgroundList.Mute, 1, muteTime); newMute.Name = "Injury Mute"; XmlAttach.AttachTo(m_Player, newMute); m_Player.SendMessage(37, "Your jaw is broken, causing you great pain and rendering you unable to speak."); } break; } case Injury.BrokenLeftArm: { Item LeftArmItem = m_Player.FindItemOnLayer(Layer.TwoHanded); if (LeftArmItem != null && !LeftArmItem.Deleted && m_Player.Alive) { LeftArmItem.MoveToWorld(m_Player.Location, m_Player.Map); m_Player.PlaySound(LeftArmItem.GetDropSound()); if (LeftArmItem.Name != null && LeftArmItem.Name != "") m_Player.Emote("*drops " + LeftArmItem.Name + " due to " + (m_Player.Female ? "her" : "his") + " wounds*"); } //Remainder is handled in PlayerMobile.cs break; } case Injury.BrokenLeftLeg: { ArrayList lameAtts = XmlAttach.FindAttachments(m_Player, typeof(XmlBackground)); bool attached = false; foreach (XmlBackground att in lameAtts) { if (att.Background == BackgroundList.Lame) attached = true; } if (!attached) { int lameTime = 100 - m_Player.StamMax - m_Player.ManaMax; if (lameTime < 5) lameTime = 5; XmlBackground lameAtt = new XmlBackground(BackgroundList.Lame, 1, lameTime); lameAtt.Name = "Injury Left Lame"; XmlAttach.AttachTo(m_Player, lameAtt); m_Player.SendMessage(37, "Your left leg is broken, hindering your movement."); } break; } case Injury.BrokenNeck: { if (Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 100) > Utility.RandomMinMax(1 + (m_Player.ManaMax / 2), 100 + m_Player.ManaMax)) { int pMin = 120 - m_Player.StamMax - m_Player.ManaMax; if (pMin < 15) pMin = 15; XmlParalyze parAtt = new XmlParalyze(pMin); parAtt.Name = "Injury Paralysis Neck"; XmlAttach.AttachTo(m_Player, parAtt); m_Player.SendMessage(37, "Your neck is broken, and your body is paralyzed with pain!"); m_Player.Emote("*spasms!*"); } break; } case Injury.BrokenRightArm: { Item RightArmItem = m_Player.FindItemOnLayer(Layer.OneHanded); if (RightArmItem == null || RightArmItem.Deleted) RightArmItem = m_Player.FindItemOnLayer(Layer.FirstValid); if ((RightArmItem == null || RightArmItem.Deleted) && m_Player.FindItemOnLayer(Layer.TwoHanded) is BaseWeapon) RightArmItem = m_Player.FindItemOnLayer(Layer.TwoHanded); if (RightArmItem != null && !RightArmItem.Deleted && m_Player.Alive) { RightArmItem.MoveToWorld(m_Player.Location, m_Player.Map); m_Player.PlaySound(RightArmItem.GetDropSound()); if (RightArmItem.Name != null && RightArmItem.Name != "") m_Player.Emote("*drops " + RightArmItem.Name + " due to " + (m_Player.Female ? "her" : "his") + " wounds*"); } //Remainder is handled in PlayerMobile.cs break; } case Injury.BrokenRightLeg: { ArrayList lameAtts = XmlAttach.FindAttachments(m_Player, typeof(XmlBackground)); bool attached = false; foreach (XmlBackground att in lameAtts) { if (att.Background == BackgroundList.Lame) attached = true; } if (!attached) { int lameTime = 100 - m_Player.StamMax - m_Player.ManaMax; if (lameTime < 5) lameTime = 5; XmlBackground lameAtt = new XmlBackground(BackgroundList.Lame, 1, lameTime); lameAtt.Name = "Injury Right Lame"; XmlAttach.AttachTo(m_Player, lameAtt); m_Player.SendMessage(37, "Your right leg is broken, hindering your movement."); } break; } case Injury.Bruised: { bool alreadyBruised = false; foreach (StatMod mod in m_Player.StatMods) { if (mod.Name.ToLower().Contains("bruise")) { alreadyBruised = true; continue; } } if (!alreadyBruised) { int bruiseTime = 180 - m_Player.StamMax - m_Player.ManaMax; if (bruiseTime < 20) bruiseTime = 20; XmlHits bruising = new XmlHits(Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 10) * -1, bruiseTime); bruising.Name = "Bruise"; XmlAttach.AttachTo(m_Player, bruising); m_Player.SendMessage("You are badly bruised."); } break; } case Injury.DeepCut: { int HPLoss = m_Player.HitsMax / Utility.RandomMinMax(10, 20); if (m_Player.Hits - HPLoss <= 0) break; else if ( m_Player.Hits - HPLoss > 0 ) { m_Player.Damage(HPLoss); m_Player.SendMessage(37, "You have been cut deeply, and continue to bleed."); Blood newBlood = new Blood(); newBlood.MoveToWorld(m_Player.Location, m_Player.Map); m_Player.PlaySound(0x050); } break; } case Injury.Exhausted: { int StamLoss = 0; if (m_Player is PlayerMobile) { double numerator = m_Player.StamMax; StamLoss = (int)(numerator / (m_Player as PlayerMobile).Level); } else StamLoss = Utility.Random(1, 10); if (m_Player.StamMax - StamLoss < 1) StamLoss = m_Player.Stam - 1; m_Player.Stam -= StamLoss; if(Utility.RandomMinMax(1,100) > 90) m_Player.SendMessage(37, "You are exhausted, drained of " + StamLoss.ToString() + " stamina."); break; } case Injury.FracturedLeftArm: { //Handled in BaseWeapon and BaseShield.cs break; } case Injury.FracturedLeftLeg: { if (Utility.RandomBool() && m_Player.Stam - 1 > 0) m_Player.Stam--; //Handled in PlayerMobile.cs break; } case Injury.FracturedRibs: { int damage = Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 10); if (m_Player.Hits - damage > 0) { m_Player.Damage(damage); if(Utility.RandomMinMax(1,100) < 25) m_Player.SendMessage(37, "Your ribs are fractured, making movement painful and even debilitating!"); } break; } case Injury.FracturedRightArm: { //Handled in BaseWeapon.cs break; } case Injury.FracturedRightLeg: { if (Utility.RandomBool() && m_Player.Stam - 1 > 0) m_Player.Stam--; //Handled in PlayerMobile.cs break; } case Injury.FracturedSkull: { m_Player.Mana = 0; int intLoss = (-1 * (m_Player.RawInt - m_Player.ManaMax)) / 10; if(intLoss > 0) intLoss = 0; XmlAttach.AttachTo(m_Player, new XmlInt(intLoss, InjuryLevel * 100)); m_Player.SendMessage(37, "Your skull is fractured, causing you to feel dizzy and confused!"); break; } case Injury.InternalBleeding: { int HPLoss = m_Player.HitsMax / Utility.RandomMinMax(10, 20); if (m_Player.Hits - HPLoss > 0) { m_Player.Damage(HPLoss); } m_Player.SendMessage(37, "You are bleeding internally!"); m_Player.PlaySound(m_Player.Female ? 813 : 1087); m_Player.Say("*pukes*"); if (!m_Player.Mounted) m_Player.Animate(32, 5, 1, true, false, 0); Point3D p = new Point3D(m_Player.Location); switch (m_Player.Direction) { case Direction.North: p.Y--; break; case Direction.South: p.Y++; break; case Direction.East: p.X++; break; case Direction.West: p.X--; break; case Direction.Right: p.X++; p.Y--; break; case Direction.Down: p.X++; p.Y++; break; case Direction.Left: p.X--; p.Y++; break; case Direction.Up: p.X--; p.Y--; break; default: break; } p.Z = m_Player.Map.GetAverageZ(p.X, p.Y); bool canFit = Server.Spells.SpellHelper.AdjustField(ref p, m_Player.Map, 12, false); if (canFit) { Puke puke = new Puke(); puke.Name = "blood"; puke.Hue = Utility.RandomList(1157, 1609, 2206, 2778, 2795); puke.Map = m_Player.Map; puke.Location = p; } if (CombatSystemAttachment.GetCSA(m_Player).CruiseControl) { CombatSystemAttachment.GetCSA(m_Player).DisableAutoCombat(); m_Player.SendMessage("It is difficult for you focus on combat right now."); } break; } case Injury.LaceratedTorso: { int HPLoss = m_Player.HitsMax / Utility.RandomMinMax(10, 20); if (m_Player.Hits - HPLoss > 0) { m_Player.Damage(HPLoss); m_Player.SendMessage(37, "You are severely injured!"); } break; } case Injury.MajorConcussion: { m_Player.Mana = 0; if (m_Player.Warmode) m_Player.Warmode = false; if (m_Player.Mount != null && !(m_Player.Mount as BaseCreature).Deleted && Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 100) > ( 50 - ( m_Player.HitsMax - m_Player.Hits))) { IMount mount = m_Player.Mount; mount.Rider = null; if (m_Player is PlayerMobile) { PlayerMobile pm = m_Player as PlayerMobile; if (pm.DismountedTimer != null) pm.DismountedTimer.Stop(); pm.DismountedTimer = new Misc.Dismount.DismountTimer(pm, 1); pm.DismountedTimer.Start(); Spells.SpellHelper.Damage(TimeSpan.FromTicks(1), pm, pm, Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 6)); pm.Emote("*falls from {0} mount*", pm.Female == true ? "her" : "his"); } else { m_Player.Emote("*falls off " + (m_Player.Female == true ? "her" : "his") + " mount!*"); if (m_Player is Soldier) (mount as BaseCreature).Kill(); } } if (Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 100) > 95) { CombatSystemAttachment csa = CombatSystemAttachment.GetCSA(m_Player); csa.DoTrip(1); } if (Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 100) > 25) XmlAttach.AttachTo(m_Player, new XmlBackground(BackgroundList.Deaf, 1, 5)); if(Utility.RandomMinMax(1,100) > 95) m_Player.SendMessage(37, "You are severely concussed!"); break; } case Injury.MassiveBleeding: { foreach (Item item in m_Player.Items) { if (Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 100) > 75) { XmlAttach.AttachTo(item, new XmlHue(1157, 30)); continue; } } XmlAttach.AttachTo(m_Player, new XmlHue(2419, 30)); XmlAttach.AttachTo(m_Player, new XmlHits(-1 * Utility.RandomMinMax(1, InjuryLevel), InjuryLevel * 100)); Blood newBlood = new Blood(); newBlood.MoveToWorld(m_Player.Location, m_Player.Map); m_Player.Mana = 0; break; } case Injury.MinorConcussion: { m_Player.Mana = 0; switch(Utility.RandomMinMax(1,3)) { case 1: if (m_Player.Warmode) { m_Player.Warmode = false; if(Utility.RandomMinMax(1,100) > 90) m_Player.SendMessage(37, "You are concussed!"); } break; case 2: { if (m_Player.Mount != null && !(m_Player.Mount as BaseCreature).Deleted && Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 100) > ( 50 - ( m_Player.HitsMax - m_Player.Hits))) { IMount mount = m_Player.Mount; mount.Rider = null; if (m_Player is PlayerMobile) { PlayerMobile pm = m_Player as PlayerMobile; if (pm.DismountedTimer != null) pm.DismountedTimer.Stop(); pm.DismountedTimer = new Misc.Dismount.DismountTimer(pm, 1); pm.DismountedTimer.Start(); Spells.SpellHelper.Damage(TimeSpan.FromTicks(1), pm, pm, Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 6)); pm.Emote("*falls from {0} mount*", pm.Female == true ? "her" : "his"); } else { m_Player.Emote("*falls off " + (m_Player.Female == true ? "her" : "his") + " mount!*"); if (m_Player is Soldier) (mount as BaseCreature).Kill(); } } break; } case 3: { if (Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 100) > 95) { CombatSystemAttachment csa = CombatSystemAttachment.GetCSA(m_Player); csa.DoTrip(1); m_Player.SendMessage(37, "You are concussed!"); } break; } } break; } case Injury.MinorCut: { int dmg = Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 3); if (m_Player.Hits - dmg > 0) { m_Player.Damage(dmg); m_Player.SendMessage(37, "You have been cut, and are still bleeding."); } break; } case Injury.BrokenSkull: { m_Player.Mana = 0; int intLoss = (-1 * (m_Player.RawInt - m_Player.ManaMax)) / 10; if (intLoss > 0) intLoss = 0; XmlAttach.AttachTo(m_Player, new XmlInt(intLoss, InjuryLevel * 100)); new EyeRaking.EyeRakingTimer(m_Player, 10); m_Player.SendMessage("You have been blinded!"); m_Player.SendMessage(37, "Your skull is broken, causing your perception to fade in and out!"); break; } case Injury.Winded: { m_Player.Mana -= Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 10); int stamDmg = Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 5); if (m_Player.Stam - stamDmg > 0) m_Player.Stam -= stamDmg; else m_Player.Stam = 1; m_Player.SendMessage(37, "You're winded."); break; } default: break; } }
protected override void OnTick() { if (m_Addict == null || m_Addict.Deleted) { Stop(); return; } if (!m_Addict.Alive) return; if (m_Addict.Map == Map.Internal) return; if (m_Addict is PlayerMobile && (m_Addict as PlayerMobile).Reforging) return; if (m_RecoveryCount >= HungerMax) { m_Addict.SendMessage(2006, "You have successfully recovered from your addiction to " + m_Crave.ToLower() + "."); XmlAddiction addAtt = XmlAttach.FindAttachment(m_Addict, typeof(XmlAddiction)) as XmlAddiction; if (addAtt != null) { if (addAtt.Addictions.Contains(this)) addAtt.Addictions.Remove(this); } Stop(); return; } if (Hunger < HungerMax / 2) { int statLoss = HungerMax - m_Addict.ManaMax - m_Addict.StamMax; if (statLoss < 5) statLoss = 5; if (Hunger <= 0) { XmlHits withdrawal1 = new XmlHits(0 - statLoss, HungerMax * 10); withdrawal1.Name = "Severe Withdrawal"; XmlAttach.AttachTo(m_Addict, withdrawal1); XmlHue withdrawal2 = new XmlHue(2419, HungerMax * 10); withdrawal2.Name = "Severe Withdrawal"; XmlAttach.AttachTo(m_Addict, withdrawal2); m_Addict.SendMessage(37, "You grow weak and pale with your desire for " + m_Crave.ToLower() + "."); m_RecoveryCount++; } if (m_Crave == "Tobacco") { XmlDex withdrawal = new XmlDex(0 - statLoss, HungerMax * 1); withdrawal.Name = "Tobacco Withdrawal"; XmlAttach.AttachTo(m_Addict, withdrawal); m_Addict.SendMessage(37, "You've developed the shakes!"); } else if (m_Crave == "Swampweed") { XmlInt withdrawal = new XmlInt(0 - statLoss, HungerMax * 10); withdrawal.Name = "Swampweed Withdrawal"; XmlAttach.AttachTo(m_Addict, withdrawal); m_Addict.SendMessage(37, "You have a splitting migraine!"); } else if (m_Crave == "Qat") { XmlStam withdrawal = new XmlStam(0 - statLoss, HungerMax * 10); withdrawal.Name = "Qat Withdrawal"; XmlAttach.AttachTo(m_Addict, withdrawal); m_Addict.SendMessage(37, "You feel lethargic."); } else if (m_Crave == "Banestone") { XmlMana withdrawal1 = new XmlMana(0 - statLoss, HungerMax * 10); withdrawal1.Name = "Banestone Withdrawal"; XmlAttach.AttachTo(m_Addict, withdrawal1); XmlInt withdrawal2 = new XmlInt(0 - statLoss, HungerMax * 10); withdrawal2.Name = "Banestone Withdrawal"; XmlAttach.AttachTo(m_Addict, withdrawal2); if (Utility.RandomBool()) { new TripFoe.TripFoeTimer(m_Addict, 3); m_Addict.Emote("*collapses, thrashing violently!*"); } else { int damage = (HungerMax - Hunger); if(damage < 1) damage = 1; if(m_Addict.HitsMax / 10 < 1) damage = 1; else damage = damage / (m_Addict.HitsMax / 10); m_Addict.PlaySound(0x133); m_Addict.Damage(damage, m_Addict); Blood blood = new Blood(); blood.ItemID = Utility.Random(0x122A, 5); blood.MoveToWorld(m_Addict.Location, m_Addict.Map); m_Addict.Emote("*blood flows from " + (m_Addict.Female ? "her" : "his") + " nose as " + (m_Addict.Female ? "her" : "his") + " eyes roll to the back of " + (m_Addict.Female ? "her" : "his") + " head!*"); } m_Addict.SendMessage(1609, "You are wracked with seizures!"); } else if (m_Crave == "Opium") { XmlDex withdrawal = new XmlDex(0 - statLoss, HungerMax * 10); withdrawal.Name = "Opium Withdrawal"; XmlAttach.AttachTo(m_Addict, withdrawal); m_Addict.Hunger--; m_Addict.SendMessage(37, "You feel a gnawing hunger."); } } Hunger--; if (Hunger < 0) Hunger = 0; base.OnTick(); }
public bool DoDisease(Disease dis) { if (m_Player == null || m_Player.Deleted || !m_Player.Alive || (m_Player is PlayerMobile && (m_Player as PlayerMobile).RessSick)) return false; if (m_Player.Map == Map.Internal) return false; if (!HasDisease(dis)) return false; switch (dis) { case Disease.Influenza: { List<StatMod> removeMod = new List<StatMod>(); foreach (StatMod mod in m_Player.StatMods) { if (mod.Name.Contains("[Influenza]")) removeMod.Add(mod); } for (int i = 0; i < removeMod.Count; i++) if(m_Player.StatMods.Contains(removeMod[i])) m_Player.StatMods.Remove(removeMod[i]); int amount = (m_Player.StamMax / 2) * -1; m_Player.Emote("*sweats profusely*"); XmlStam influenza = new XmlStam(amount, 300); influenza.Name = " [Disease] [Influenza] "; XmlAttach.AttachTo(m_Player, influenza); DiseaseMessage(dis); return true; } case Disease.HundredDaysCough: { List<StatMod> removeMod = new List<StatMod>(); foreach (StatMod mod in m_Player.StatMods) { if (mod.Name.Contains("[HundredDaysCough]")) removeMod.Add(mod); } for (int i = 0; i < removeMod.Count; i++) if(m_Player.StatMods.Contains(removeMod[i])) m_Player.StatMods.Remove(removeMod[i]); m_Player.Emote("*cough cough cough!*"); if (m_Player.Female) { if (Utility.RandomBool()) m_Player.PlaySound(0x311); else m_Player.PlaySound(0x312); } else { if (Utility.RandomBool()) m_Player.PlaySound(0x420); else m_Player.PlaySound(0x421); } XmlStam cough = new XmlStam(-5, 60); XmlHits ache = new XmlHits(-5, 300); cough.Name = " [Disease] [HundredDaysCough] [1] "; ache.Name = " [Disease] [HundredDaysCough] [2] "; XmlAttach.AttachTo(m_Player, cough); XmlAttach.AttachTo(m_Player, ache); DiseaseMessage(dis); return true; } case Disease.Diptheria: { List<StatMod> removeMod = new List<StatMod>(); foreach (StatMod mod in m_Player.StatMods) { if (mod.Name.Contains("[Diptheria]")) removeMod.Add(mod); } for (int i = 0; i < removeMod.Count; i++) if(m_Player.StatMods.Contains(removeMod[i])) m_Player.StatMods.Remove(removeMod[i]); int amount = (m_Player.Dex / 3) * -1; m_Player.Emote("*drools over " + (m_Player.Female ? "her" : "his") + " swollen neck*"); XmlDex diptheria = new XmlDex(amount, 600); diptheria.Name = " [Disease] [Diptheria] "; XmlAttach.AttachTo(m_Player, diptheria); DiseaseMessage(dis); return true; } case Disease.Dysentery: { List<StatMod> removeMod = new List<StatMod>(); foreach (StatMod mod in m_Player.StatMods) { if (mod.Name.Contains("[Dysentery]")) removeMod.Add(mod); } for (int i = 0; i < removeMod.Count; i++) if(m_Player.StatMods.Contains(removeMod[i])) m_Player.StatMods.Remove(removeMod[i]); m_Player.Emote("*doubles over in pain!*"); m_Player.Hunger -= 10; if (m_Player.Hunger < 0) m_Player.Hunger = 0; m_Player.Thirst -= 10; if (m_Player.Thirst < 0) m_Player.Thirst = 0; XmlHits dysentery = new XmlHits(-10, 3600); dysentery.Name = " [Disease] [Dysentery] "; XmlAttach.AttachTo(m_Player, dysentery); DiseaseMessage(dis); return true; } case Disease.Consumption: { List<StatMod> removeMod = new List<StatMod>(); foreach (StatMod mod in m_Player.StatMods) { if (mod.Name.Contains("[Consumption]")) removeMod.Add(mod); } for (int i = 0; i < removeMod.Count; i++) if(m_Player.StatMods.Contains(removeMod[i])) m_Player.StatMods.Remove(removeMod[i]); m_Player.Emote("*cough cough cough!*"); if (m_Player.Female) { if(Utility.RandomBool()) m_Player.PlaySound(0x311); else m_Player.PlaySound(0x312); } else { if (Utility.RandomBool()) m_Player.PlaySound(0x420); else m_Player.PlaySound(0x421); } int hitsamount = (m_Player.HitsMax / 4) * -1; int stamamount = (m_Player.StamMax / 4) * -1; XmlHits consumption1 = new XmlHits(hitsamount, 1200); XmlStam consumption2 = new XmlStam(stamamount, 1200); consumption1.Name = " [Disease] [Consumption] [1] "; consumption2.Name = " [Disease] [Consumption] [2] "; XmlAttach.AttachTo(m_Player, consumption1); XmlAttach.AttachTo(m_Player, consumption2); if (!m_Player.Mounted) m_Player.Animate(32, 5, 1, true, false, 0); Point3D p = new Point3D(m_Player.Location); switch (m_Player.Direction) { case Direction.North: p.Y--; break; case Direction.South: p.Y++; break; case Direction.East: p.X++; break; case Direction.West: p.X--; break; case Direction.Right: p.X++; p.Y--; break; case Direction.Down: p.X++; p.Y++; break; case Direction.Left: p.X--; p.Y++; break; case Direction.Up: p.X--; p.Y--; break; default: break; } p.Z = m_Player.Map.GetAverageZ(p.X, p.Y); bool canFit = Server.Spells.SpellHelper.AdjustField(ref p, m_Player.Map, 12, false); if (canFit) { Puke puke = new Puke(); puke.Name = "blood"; puke.Hue = Utility.RandomList(1157, 1609, 2206, 2778, 2795); puke.Map = m_Player.Map; puke.Location = p; } DiseaseMessage(dis); return true; } case Disease.AzhuranFever: { List<StatMod> removeMod = new List<StatMod>(); foreach (StatMod mod in m_Player.StatMods) { if (mod.Name.Contains("[AzhuranFever]")) removeMod.Add(mod); } for (int i = 0; i < removeMod.Count; i++) if (m_Player.StatMods.Contains(removeMod[i])) m_Player.StatMods.Remove(removeMod[i]); m_Player.Emote("*sweats profusely!*"); if(m_Player is PlayerMobile) HallucinationEffect.BeginHallucinating(m_Player as PlayerMobile, 120); XmlHue yellowFever = new XmlHue(1052, 120); int stamamount =(m_Player.StamMax / 3) * -1; int stramount = (m_Player.Str / 4) * -1; XmlStam azhuranStam = new XmlStam(stamamount, 60); XmlStr azhuranStr = new XmlStr(stramount, 60); yellowFever.Name = " [Disease] [AzhuranFever] [1] "; azhuranStam.Name = " [Disease] [AzhuranFever] [2] "; azhuranStr.Name = " [Disease] [AzhuranFever] [3] "; XmlAttach.AttachTo(m_Player, yellowFever); XmlAttach.AttachTo(m_Player, azhuranStam); XmlAttach.AttachTo(m_Player, azhuranStr); DiseaseMessage(dis); return true; } case Disease.Bile: { List<StatMod> removeMod = new List<StatMod>(); foreach (StatMod mod in m_Player.StatMods) { if (mod.Name.Contains("[Bile]")) removeMod.Add(mod); } for (int i = 0; i < removeMod.Count; i++) if (m_Player.StatMods.Contains(removeMod[i])) m_Player.StatMods.Remove(removeMod[i]); m_Player.Emote("*doubles over in pain, losing control of " + (m_Player.Female ? "her" : "his") + " bodily functions*"); m_Player.Hunger -= 20; if (m_Player.Hunger < 0) m_Player.Hunger = 0; m_Player.Thirst -= 20; if (m_Player.Thirst < 0) m_Player.Thirst = 0; XmlHits dysentery = new XmlHits(-20, 3600); dysentery.Name = " [Disease] [Bile] "; XmlAttach.AttachTo(m_Player, dysentery); if (!m_Player.Mounted) m_Player.Animate(32, 5, 1, true, false, 0); Point3D p = new Point3D(m_Player.Location); switch (m_Player.Direction) { case Direction.North: p.Y--; break; case Direction.South: p.Y++; break; case Direction.East: p.X++; break; case Direction.West: p.X--; break; case Direction.Right: p.X++; p.Y--; break; case Direction.Down: p.X++; p.Y++; break; case Direction.Left: p.X--; p.Y++; break; case Direction.Up: p.X--; p.Y--; break; default: break; } p.Z = m_Player.Map.GetAverageZ(p.X, p.Y); bool canFit = Server.Spells.SpellHelper.AdjustField(ref p, m_Player.Map, 12, false); if (canFit) { Puke puke = new Puke(); puke.Name = "vomit"; puke.Hue = 2964; puke.Map = m_Player.Map; puke.Location = p; if (m_Player.Female) m_Player.PlaySound(0x32D); else m_Player.PlaySound(0x43F); } if (m_Player.Female) m_Player.PlaySound(0x318); else m_Player.PlaySound(0x428); DiseaseMessage(dis); return true; } case Disease.Leprosy: { XmlAosAttribute leprosy = new XmlAosAttribute(AosAttribute.RegenHits, -25, 15); leprosy.Name = " [Disease] [Leprosy] "; XmlAttach.AttachTo(m_Player, leprosy); Disfigurement++; DiseaseMessage(dis); return true; } case Disease.TyreanDisease: { List<StatMod> removeMod = new List<StatMod>(); foreach (StatMod mod in m_Player.StatMods) { if (mod.Name.Contains("[TyreanDisease]")) removeMod.Add(mod); } for (int i = 0; i < removeMod.Count; i++) if (m_Player.StatMods.Contains(removeMod[i])) m_Player.StatMods.Remove(removeMod[i]); XmlAosAttribute tyrean = new XmlAosAttribute(AosAttribute.RegenHits, -50, 15); tyrean.Name = " [Disease] [TyreanDisease] "; XmlAttach.AttachTo(m_Player, tyrean); int amount = (m_Player.Int / 2) * -1; XmlInt madness = new XmlInt(amount, 600); madness.Name = " [Disease] [TyreanDisease] "; XmlAttach.AttachTo(m_Player, madness); Disfigurement++; DiseaseMessage(dis); return true; } } return false; }