private void GenTJFormatFileHead(string path) { string logMsg = ""; XmlVisitor allFileRoot = null; string filename = string.Format("{0}\\all_beacons.xml", path); XmlFileHelper allxmlFile = XmlFileHelper.CreateFromString(null); AddLogHead(ref allxmlFile); allxmlFile.SetRoot("Beacons", null); allxmlFile.Save2File(filename); allFileRoot = allxmlFile.GetRoot(); allFileRoot.UpdateAttribute("NUMBERS", sydb.GetBeacons().Count()); foreach (IBeaconInfo beacon in sydb.GetBeacons()) { string telValue = ""; if (isITC) {//BMGR-0004 TraceMethod.RecordInfo("iTC not support now!"); telValue = "iTC not support"; } else { BeaconMessage bm = new BeaconMessage(); telValue = bm.GenerateMessage(beacon, sydb.LineID); } byte[] urstel = DataOpr.String2byte(telValue); XmlVisitor beaconNode = XmlVisitor.Create("Beacon", null); beaconNode.UpdateAttribute("ID", beacon.ID); beaconNode.UpdateAttribute("NAME", beacon.Name); byte[] content = new byte[128]; bool result = DataOpr.PackCallScram_Tel(urstel, content); if (result) { string tel1 = DataOpr.Byte2string(content); beaconNode.AppendChild("Telegram0", telValue); beaconNode.AppendChild("Telegram1", tel1); } else { logMsg = string.Format("Encoding Error!"); TraceMethod.RecordInfo(logMsg); continue; } allFileRoot.AppendChild(beaconNode); } allxmlFile.Save2File(filename); logMsg = "Generate basic_beacons.xml file successfully!"; TraceMethod.RecordInfo(logMsg); }
private bool Save2Config(TextBox textBox, string nodeName) { XmlFileHelper configInfo = XmlFileHelper.CreateFromFile(configFile); XmlVisitor root = configInfo.GetRoot(); XmlVisitor compiler = root.FirstChildByPath(nodeName); if (null == compiler) { root.AppendChild(nodeName, textBox.Text); } else { compiler.Value = textBox.Text; } configInfo.Save2File(configFile); return(true); }
//BMRG-0037 private Dictionary <string, List <PathInfo> > GetConfigBeacon(string filename) { Dictionary <string, List <PathInfo> > allBeacons = new Dictionary <string, List <PathInfo> >(); XmlFileHelper xmlfile = XmlFileHelper.CreateFromFile(filename); if (null != xmlfile) { XmlVisitor root = xmlfile.GetRoot(); List <XmlVisitor> beacons = root.Children().ToList(); foreach (XmlVisitor node in beacons) { string beaconName = node.GetAttribute("name"); List <PathInfo> list = new List <PathInfo>(); List <XmlVisitor> pathList = node.Children().ToList(); foreach (XmlVisitor up in pathList) { string pathName = up.GetAttribute("name"); List <PointInfo> pointList = new List <PointInfo>(); List <XmlVisitor> pnList = up.Children().ToList(); foreach (XmlVisitor pn in pnList) { string ptName = pn.GetAttribute("name"); int id = DataOpr.Xmlvalue2Int(pn, "id"); Point point = (Point)Sys.GetNode(id, Sydb.pointInfoList.Cast <Basic>().ToList()); string pos = pn.FirstChildByPath("position").Value; string orit = pn.FirstChildByPath("orientation_in_route").Value; if (orit == Sys.Convergent || orit == Sys.Divergent) { PointInfo info = new PointInfo(point, pos, orit, true); pointList.Add(info); } else { //log error } } PathInfo path = new PathInfo(pathName, pointList); list.Add(path); } allBeacons.Add(beaconName, list); } } return(allBeacons); }
public bool Init(string bmvFile) { if (Option.LEURF == this.option) { try { XmlFileHelper xmlfile = XmlFileHelper.CreateFromFile(bmvFile); xmlBMVInfo = xmlfile.GetRoot(); } catch (System.Exception ex) { logMsg = "Read block mode variant file error, please check!"; WriteLog(logMsg, LogManager.Level.Error); return(false); } return(true); } else { return(false); } }
private bool GenerateBMVFile(string filename) { XmlFileHelper xmlFile = XmlFileHelper.CreateFromString(null); AddLogHead(ref xmlFile); xmlFile.SetRoot("Block_mode_beacons", null); XmlVisitor root = xmlFile.GetRoot(); root.UpdateAttribute("LINE_ID", sydb.LineID);//BMGR-0014 log lineID foreach (BEACON beacon in GetValidBeaconList()) { XmlVisitor beaconNode = XmlVisitor.Create("Beacon", null); if (false == beacon.SetBeaconInfoNode_BMVF(ref beaconNode) || false == GenerateLEUInfoNode(beacon.m_ibbmInfo, ref beaconNode) || false == GenerateBMBSDDBDisInfoNode(beacon, ref beaconNode)) { //log error TraceMethod.RecordInfo($"Warning:GenerateBMVFile base info[Beacon][LEU][BMBSDDB_Distance] faild for {beacon.Info}."); } //then all reopen sig and the approach sig foreach (OriginSignal orgSig in beacon.GetOrgSignalList()) { beaconNode.AppendChild(orgSig.GetXmlNode(beacon.Name)); } beaconNode.AppendChild(CalBMVariantNode(beacon)); root.AppendChild(beaconNode); } xmlFile.Save2File(filename); return(true); }
public bool Init(string file1, string file2) { if (Option.BEACON == this.option) { try { XmlFileHelper xmlfile = XmlFileHelper.CreateFromFile(file1); XmlVisitor root = xmlfile.GetRoot(); xmlBeaconInfo = root.FirstChildByPath("Beacons"); } catch (System.Exception ex) { logMsg = "Read beacon layout file error, please check!"; WriteLog(logMsg, LogManager.Level.Error); return(false); } this.balComPath = file2; return(true); } else if (Option.BMV == this.option) { XmlFileHelper xmlfile = null; try { xmlfile = XmlFileHelper.CreateFromFile(file1); XmlVisitor root = xmlfile.GetRoot(); xmlBeaconInfo = root.FirstChildByPath("Beacons"); } catch (System.Exception ex) { logMsg = "Read beacon layout file error, please check!"; WriteLog(logMsg, LogManager.Level.Error); return(false); } try { xmlfile = XmlFileHelper.CreateFromFile(file2); xmlSyDBInfo = xmlfile.GetRoot(); } catch (System.Exception ex) { logMsg = "Read system database file error, please check!"; WriteLog(logMsg, LogManager.Level.Error); return(false); } return(true); } else if (Option.LEUXML == this.option) { XmlFileHelper xmlfile = null; try { xmlfile = XmlFileHelper.CreateFromFile(file1); xmlLEURFInfo = xmlfile.GetRoot(); } catch (System.Exception ex) { logMsg = "Read LEU Result Filtered Value file error, please check!"; WriteLog(logMsg, LogManager.Level.Error); return(false); } try { xmlfile = XmlFileHelper.CreateFromFile(file2); xmlLEUTFInfo = xmlfile.GetRoot(); } catch (System.Exception ex) { logMsg = "Read LEU XML Template file error, please check!"; WriteLog(logMsg, LogManager.Level.Error); return(false); } return(true); } else if (Option.LEUBIN == this.option) { this.leuFilesDir = file1; this.leuComPath = file2; return(true); } else { logMsg = "The option does not match the input files, please check!"; WriteLog(logMsg, LogManager.Level.Error); return(false); } }
public Restriction(string xmlfullname) { XmlFileHelper f = XmlFileHelper.CreateFromFile(xmlfullname); root = f.GetRoot(); }
//for tj format private bool GenBasciXml(string leuFile, string outputPath) { LEU_filtered_values leurfxml = FileLoader.Load <LEU_filtered_values>(leuFile); List <BasicBeacon> BeaconInfoList = new List <BasicBeacon>(); foreach (LEU_filtered_values.leu leurf in leurfxml.LEU) { foreach (LEU_filtered_values.leu.BEACON leuBeacon in leurf.Beacon) { BasicBeacon baBeacon = new BasicBeacon(leuBeacon); var signal = (GENERIC_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS.SIGNALS.SIGNAL)Sys.GetNode((string)leuBeacon.LINKED_SIGNAL,sydb.signalInfoList.Cast <Node>().ToList()); if (null == signal) { continue; } baBeacon.SignalId = signal.ID; baBeacon.SignalName = signal.Name; baBeacon.MsgList = new List <MsgRank>(); foreach (LEU_filtered_values.leu.BEACON.MESSAGE msg in leuBeacon.msgList) { MsgRank msgRk = new MsgRank(); msgRk.routeInfo = new List <string>(); //按照Upstream_section,Reopening_section,Approach_section,Overlap_section的顺序将进路上的道岔和信号机依次取出 //先算道岔,再算信号机 List <string> ptList = new List <string>(); List <string> sigList = new List <string>(); if (null != msg.Combined_sections) { JudgeSection(msg.Combined_sections.Upstream_section,ptList,sigList); JudgeSection(msg.Combined_sections.Reopening_section,ptList,sigList); JudgeSection(msg.Combined_sections.Approach_section,ptList,sigList); JudgeSection(msg.Combined_sections.Overlap_section,ptList,sigList); } msgRk.routeInfo.AddRange(ptList); msgRk.routeInfo.AddRange(sigList); //计算tel0和tel1 msgRk.Tel0 = msg.Interoperable; byte[] content = new byte[128]; byte[] telValue = DataOpr.String2byte(msgRk.Tel0); bool result = ScrambleTel(telValue,content); if (result) { msgRk.Tel1 = DataOpr.Byte2string(content); } else { TraceMethod.RecordInfo("Encoding Error!"); continue; } baBeacon.MsgList.Add(msgRk); } BeaconInfoList.Add(baBeacon); } } //写入可变报文配置文件 string allFileName = string.Format("{0}\\basic_beacons.xml",outputPath); XmlFileHelper allxmlFile = XmlFileHelper.CreateFromString(null); AddLogHead(ref allxmlFile); allxmlFile.SetRoot("Beacons",null); allxmlFile.Save2File(allFileName); XmlVisitor allFileRoot = allxmlFile.GetRoot(); allFileRoot.UpdateAttribute("NUMBERS",BeaconInfoList.Count); foreach (BasicBeacon basBeacon in BeaconInfoList) { XmlVisitor beaconNode = XmlVisitor.Create("Beacon",null); beaconNode.UpdateAttribute("ID",basBeacon.ID); beaconNode.UpdateAttribute("NAME",basBeacon.Name); beaconNode.UpdateAttribute("RANKS",basBeacon.MsgList.Count()); beaconNode.UpdateAttribute("TYPE",basBeacon.Type); beaconNode.UpdateAttribute("LINKED_SIGNALID",basBeacon.SignalId); beaconNode.UpdateAttribute("LINKED_SIGNALName",basBeacon.SignalName); for (int i = 0; i < basBeacon.MsgList.Count(); i++) { XmlVisitor rankNode = XmlVisitor.Create("Message",null); rankNode.UpdateAttribute("Rank",i); string route = ""; foreach (string info in basBeacon.MsgList[i].routeInfo) { route += info + "|"; } if (route.EndsWith('|'.ToString())) { route = route.Remove(route.LastIndexOf('|')); } if ("" != route) { rankNode.AppendChild("Route", route); } rankNode.AppendChild("Telegram0", basBeacon.MsgList[i].Tel0); rankNode.AppendChild("Telegram1", basBeacon.MsgList[i].Tel1); beaconNode.AppendChild(rankNode); } allFileRoot.AppendChild(beaconNode); } allxmlFile.Save2File(allFileName); return(true); }
private bool GenerateLEUResultFilterFile(string filename) { XmlFileHelper xmlFile = XmlFileHelper.CreateFromString(null); AddLogHead(ref xmlFile); //BMGR-0044 xmlFile.SetRoot("LEU_filtered_values", null); xmlFile.Save2File(filename); XmlVisitor root = xmlFile.GetRoot(); //BMGR-0044 root.UpdateAttribute("LINE_ID", sydb.LineID); //BMGR-0045 List <LEU> orderLEULst = m_LEULst.OrderBy(o => o.ID).ToList(); foreach (LEU leu in orderLEULst) { XmlVisitor LEUnode = XmlVisitor.Create("LEU", null); //set LEU info if (false == GenerateLEUInfoNode(leu, ref LEUnode)) { return(false); } string[] bNames = leu.GetBeaconNames(); //BMGR-0046 for (int i = 0; i < bNames.Count(); ++i) { string bName = bNames[i]; if ("" == bName) { continue; } int Bidx = m_BeaconLst.FindIndex(x => (x.Name == bName)); if (-1 == Bidx) { TraceMethod.RecordInfo($"Warning:LEU[{leu.Name}] contain beacon[{bName}] which not in valid beacon List, this beacon will be ignore!"); continue; } XmlVisitor beaconnode = XmlVisitor.Create("Beacon", null); if (false == GenerateBeaconInfoNode(m_BeaconLst[Bidx], ref beaconnode, i + 1)) { // } m_BeaconLst[Bidx].m_MsgLst = GenerateMessage(m_BeaconLst[Bidx]); if (m_BeaconLst[Bidx].m_MsgLst.Count() > 128) {//BMGR-0050 TraceMethod.RecordInfo($"LEU[{leu.Info} {m_BeaconLst[Bidx].Info}] generate messages {m_BeaconLst[Bidx].m_MsgLst.Count()} > 128"); } foreach (Message msg in m_BeaconLst[Bidx].m_MsgLst) { //mes and combine_sections XmlVisitor msgNode = msg.GetXmlNode(); //BMGR-0051 Variant_state string varstate = GetMsgVar(msg, m_BeaconLst[Bidx]); if (BEACON.MAXVARNUM != varstate.Length) { TraceMethod.RecordInfo($"Beacon[{m_BeaconLst[Bidx].Name}] Variant_state[{varstate}] length != {BEACON.MAXVARNUM}"); } msgNode.AppendChild("Variant_state", varstate); string msgBuff = ""; //Urbalis_iTC if (0 == msg.GetRank()) {//BMGR-0004 leu default msg for input beacon varstate = ""; } //don't output Urbalis_iTC for BMGen tool this time #if itcsupport msgBuff = m_BeaconLst[Bidx].GenMsgItc(varstate); if (86 != msgBuff.Length) { TraceMethod.RecordInfo(string.Format("Beacon[{0}] Urbalis_iTC message length != 16", m_BeaconLst[Bidx].Name)); return(false); } msgNode.AppendChild("Urbalis_iTC", msgBuff); #endif //Interoperable BeaconMessage bm = new BeaconMessage(); msgBuff = bm.GenerateMessage(m_BeaconLst[Bidx], sydb.LineID, msg); if (311 != msgBuff.Length) { TraceMethod.RecordInfo($"{m_BeaconLst[Bidx].Info} Interoperable message length != 311"); } msgNode.AppendChild("Interoperable", msgBuff); beaconnode.AppendChild(msgNode); } LEUnode.AppendChild(beaconnode); } root.AppendChild(LEUnode); } xmlFile.Save2File(filename); return(true); }