public SocialSymptom(XmlDbRow row) : base(row) { if (BooterLogger.Exists(row, "Social", Guid)) { mSocial = row.GetString("Social"); if (mSocial != "Braaaiiins") { if (ActionData.Get(mSocial) == null) { BooterLogger.AddError(Guid + " Invalid Social: " + mSocial); } } } if (BooterLogger.Exists(row, "RoomOnly", Guid)) { mRoomOnly = row.GetBool("RoomOnly"); } mScoring = row.GetString("Scoring"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mScoring)) { if (ScoringLookup.GetScoring(mScoring) == null) { BooterLogger.AddError(Guid + " Invalid Scoring: " + mScoring); } mMinimum = row.GetInt("Minimum", 0); } }
public MoodletSymptom(XmlDbRow row) : base(row) { if (BooterLogger.Exists(row, "BuffName", Guid)) { if (!row.TryGetEnum <BuffNames>("BuffName", out mBuff, BuffNames.Undefined)) { mBuff = (BuffNames)row.GetUlong("BuffName", 0); if (mBuff == 0) { mBuff = (BuffNames)ResourceUtils.HashString64(row.GetString("BuffName")); } if (!BuffManager.BuffDictionary.ContainsKey((ulong)mBuff)) { BooterLogger.AddError(Guid + " Unknown BuffName: " + row.GetString("BuffName")); } } } mMoodValue = row.GetInt("MoodValue", 0); mDuration = row.GetInt("Duration", 30); if (mDuration <= 0) { mDuration = -1; } mOrigin = (Origin)row.GetUlong("Origin", 0); if (mOrigin == Origin.None) { mOrigin = (Origin)ResourceUtils.HashString64(row.GetString("Origin")); } }
public override bool Parse(XmlDbRow row, ref string error) { if (!row.Exists("AgeGender")) { error = "AgeGender Missing"; } else { if (!ParserFunctions.TryParseEnum <CASAgeGenderFlags>(row.GetString("AgeGender"), out mAgeGender, CASAgeGenderFlags.None)) { error = "Unknown AgeGender " + row.GetString("AgeGender"); return(false); } } StringToSpeciesList converter = new StringToSpeciesList(); mSpecies = converter.Convert(row.GetString("Species")); if (mSpecies == null) { error = converter.mError; return(false); } return(base.Parse(row, ref error)); }
public override bool Parse(XmlDbRow row, ref string error) { if (!base.Parse(row, ref error)) { return(false); } if (!row.Exists("Type")) { error = "Type missing"; return(false); } else if (!ParserFunctions.TryParseEnum <SimType>(row.GetString("Type"), out mType, SimType.None)) { error = "Unknown Type " + row.GetString("Type"); return(false); } if (!row.Exists("OtherType")) { error = "OtherType missing"; return(false); } else if (!ParserFunctions.TryParseEnum <SimType>(row.GetString("OtherType"), out mOtherType, SimType.None)) { error = "Unknown OtherType " + row.GetString("OtherType"); return(false); } return(true); }
protected override void Perform(BooterHelper.BootFile file, XmlDbRow row) { TagStaticData data = new TagStaticData(); string name = row.GetString("TypeName"); string icon = row.GetString("Icon"); string color = row.GetString("ColorHEX"); bool business = row.GetBool("isBusinessType"); try { data.SetGUID(name); } catch (ArgumentException e) { Common.Exception("", e); } if (!data.Valid) { return; } = name; data.icon = icon; data.isBusinessType = business; data.SetColorHex(color); if (!Tagger.staticData.ContainsKey(data.GUID)) { Tagger.staticData.Add(data.GUID, data); EnumInjection.InjectEnums <CommercialLotSubType>(new string[] { name }, new object[] { data.GUID }, false); } }
protected override void Perform(BooterHelper.BootFile file, XmlDbRow row) { BooterHelper.DataBootFile dataFile = file as BooterHelper.DataBootFile; if (dataFile == null) { return; } mIndex++; string personalityName = row.GetString("Name"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(personalityName)) { BooterLogger.AddError(file + " : Method " + mIndex + " Unnamed"); return; } BooterLogger.AddTrace("Found " + personalityName); if (GetPersonality(personalityName) != null) { BooterLogger.AddError(personalityName + " Name already in use"); return; } Type classType = row.GetClassType("FullClassName"); if (classType == null) { BooterLogger.AddError(personalityName + " No Class"); return; } SimPersonality personality = null; try { personality = classType.GetConstructor(new Type[0]).Invoke(new object[0]) as SimPersonality; } catch { } if (personality == null) { BooterLogger.AddError(personalityName + ": Constructor Fail " + row.GetString("FullClassName")); } else { XmlDbTable optionTable = dataFile.GetTable(personalityName); if (personality.Parse(row, optionTable)) { sLookup.Add(personalityName.ToLower(), personality); } else { BooterLogger.AddError(personalityName + ": Parsing Fail"); } } }
public override bool Parse(XmlDbRow row, SimPersonality personality, ref string error) { if (!base.Parse(row, personality, ref error)) { return(false); } if (!row.Exists("Name")) { error = "Name missing"; return(false); } else if (!row.Exists("Default")) { error = "Default missing"; return(false); } else { CASAgeGenderFlags ageGender; if (!ParserFunctions.TryParseEnum <CASAgeGenderFlags>(row.GetString("AgeGender"), out ageGender, CASAgeGenderFlags.None)) { error = "Unknown AgeGender " + row.GetString("AgeGender"); return(false); } mAge = ageGender & CASAgeGenderFlags.AgeMask; if (mAge == CASAgeGenderFlags.None) { mAge = CASAgeGenderFlags.AgeMask; } mGender = ageGender & CASAgeGenderFlags.GenderMask; if (mGender == CASAgeGenderFlags.None) { mGender = CASAgeGenderFlags.GenderMask; } StringToSpeciesList converter = new StringToSpeciesList(); mSpecies = converter.Convert(row.GetString("Species")); if (mSpecies == null) { error = converter.mError; return(false); } if (mSpecies.Count == 0) { mSpecies.Add(CASAgeGenderFlags.Human); } } mName = row.GetString("Name"); SetValue(row.GetBool("Default")); return(true); }
public override bool Parse(XmlDbRow row, ref string error) { if (!base.Parse(row, ref error)) { return(false); } if (row.Exists("CustomSkill")) { mSkill = SkillManager.sSkillEnumValues.ParseEnumValue(row.GetString("CustomSkill")); if (mSkill == SkillNames.None) { //error = "CustomSkill unknown: " + row.GetString("CustomSkill"); return(false); } } else { mSkill = SkillManager.sSkillEnumValues.ParseEnumValue(row.GetString("Skill")); if (mSkill == SkillNames.None) { error = "Skill unknown: " + row.GetString("Skill"); return(false); } } return(true); }
public override bool Parse(XmlDbRow row, ref string error) { mName = row.GetString("Name"); if (!mMinimum.Parse(row, "Minimum", Manager, ref error)) { return(false); } if (!mMaximum.Parse(row, "Maximum", Manager, ref error)) { return(false); } mAllowGoToJail = row.GetBool("AllowGoToJail"); mKeepObject = row.GetBool("KeepObject"); mSneakinessScoring = row.GetString("SneakinessScoring"); mSuccess = new WeightScenarioHelper(Origin.FromBurglar); if (!mSuccess.Parse(row, Manager, "Success", ref error)) { return(false); } mFailure = new WeightScenarioHelper(Origin.FromBurglar); if (!mFailure.Parse(row, Manager, "Failure", ref error)) { return(false); } return(base.Parse(row, ref error)); }
protected override void Perform(BooterHelper.BootFile file, XmlDbRow row) { BooterHelper.DataBootFile careerFile = new BooterHelper.DataBootFile(file.ToString(), row.GetString("Careers"), false); if (!careerFile.IsValid) { BooterLogger.AddError(file.ToString() + ": Unknown Careers File " + row.GetString("Careers")); return; } BooterHelper.DataBootFile careerEventsFile = new BooterHelper.DataBootFile(careerFile.ToString(), row.GetString("CareerEvents"), false); if (careerEventsFile.IsValid) { foreach (Career career in CareerManager.CareerList) { XmlDbTable table3 = careerEventsFile.GetTable(career.Guid.ToString ()); if (table3 != null) { LoadCareerEvents(career, careerEventsFile, table3); } } } BooterHelper.DataBootTable table = new BooterHelper.DataBootTable(careerFile, "CareerList"); if (!table.IsValid) { BooterLogger.AddError(file.ToString() + ": No CareerList " + careerFile.ToString()); return; } table.Load(new CareerLoader(careerEventsFile).LoadCareer); }
protected override void Perform(BooterHelper.BootFile file, XmlDbRow row) { TagStaticData data = new TagStaticData(); string name = row.GetString("TypeName"); string icon = row.GetString("Icon"); string color = row.GetString("ColorHEX"); bool business = row.GetBool("isBusinessType"); try { data.SetGUID(name); } catch (ArgumentException e) { Common.Exception("", e); } if (!data.Valid) { return; } = name; data.icon = icon; data.isBusinessType = business; data.SetColorHex(color); if (!Tagger.staticData.ContainsKey(data.GUID)) { Tagger.staticData.Add(data.GUID, data); EnumInjection.InjectEnums<CommercialLotSubType>(new string[] { name }, new object[] { data.GUID }, false); } }
public override bool Parse(XmlDbRow row, string prefix, bool firstPass, ref string error) { mDelta = row.GetInt(prefix + "PropagateDelta", -25); if (row.Exists(prefix + "PropagateEnemy")) { if (!ParserFunctions.TryParseEnum <WhichSim>(row.GetString(prefix + "PropagateEnemy"), out mEnemySim, WhichSim.Actor)) { error = prefix + "PropagateEnemy unknown"; return(false); } } SimScenarioFilter.RelationshipLevel relationLevel; if (ParserFunctions.TryParseEnum <SimScenarioFilter.RelationshipLevel>(row.GetString(prefix + "PropagateRelationshipGate"), out relationLevel, SimScenarioFilter.RelationshipLevel.Neutral)) { mRelationshipGate = (int)relationLevel; } else { mRelationshipGate = row.GetInt(prefix + "PropagateRelationshipGate", mRelationshipGate); } return(base.Parse(row, prefix, firstPass, ref error)); }
public OmniJournalData(XmlDbRow row, int rowIndex) : base(row, "OmniJournal", rowIndex) { mCareerName = row.GetString("CareerName"); mCareerLevel = ParserFunctions.ParseInt(row.GetString("CareerLevel"), 0); mCurrentEdition = ParserFunctions.ParseInt(row.GetString("StartingEdition"), 1); mMaxEdition = ParserFunctions.ParseInt(row.GetString("MaxEdition"), 1); base.MyType = BookData.BookType.MedicalJournal; Dictionary <int, OmniJournalData> levels; if (!sJournalDataList.TryGetValue(mCareerName, out levels)) { levels = new Dictionary <int, OmniJournalData>(); sJournalDataList.Add(mCareerName, levels); } if (!levels.ContainsKey(mCareerLevel)) { levels.Add(mCareerLevel, this); } }
protected override void Perform(BooterHelper.BootFile file, XmlDbRow row) { string toneName = row.GetString("ToneName"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(toneName)) { BooterLogger.AddError("Tone found with no name"); return; } Type classType = row.GetClassType("FullClassName"); if (classType == null) { BooterLogger.AddError("Tone: " + toneName + " FullClassName no match"); return; } string guid = row.GetString("CareerGuid"); OccupationNames careerGuid = OccupationNames.Undefined; ParserFunctions.TryParseEnum<OccupationNames>(guid, out careerGuid, OccupationNames.Undefined); if (careerGuid == OccupationNames.Undefined) { careerGuid = unchecked((OccupationNames)ResourceUtils.HashString64(guid)); } Career staticCareer = CareerManager.GetStaticCareer (careerGuid); if (staticCareer == null) { BooterLogger.AddError("Tone: " + toneName + " CareerGuid no match"); return; } staticCareer.SharedData.ToneDefinitions.Add(new CareerBooterToneDefinition(row, classType)); }
public MoodletSymptom(XmlDbRow row) : base(row) { if (BooterLogger.Exists(row, "BuffName", Guid)) { if (!row.TryGetEnum<BuffNames>("BuffName", out mBuff, BuffNames.Undefined)) { mBuff = (BuffNames)row.GetUlong("BuffName", 0); if (mBuff == 0) { mBuff = (BuffNames)ResourceUtils.HashString64(row.GetString("BuffName")); } if (!BuffManager.BuffDictionary.ContainsKey((ulong)mBuff)) { BooterLogger.AddError(Guid + " Unknown BuffName: " + row.GetString("BuffName")); } } } mMoodValue = row.GetInt("MoodValue", 0); mDuration = row.GetInt("Duration", 30); if (mDuration <= 0) { mDuration = -1; } mOrigin = (Origin)row.GetUlong("Origin", 0); if (mOrigin == Origin.None) { mOrigin = (Origin)ResourceUtils.HashString64(row.GetString("Origin")); } }
public override bool Parse(XmlDbRow row, ref string error) { if (!row.Exists("Score")) { error = "Score missing"; return(false); } mScore = row.GetInt("Score", 0); if (row.Exists("CustomSkill")) { mSkill = SkillManager.sSkillEnumValues.ParseEnumValue(row.GetString("CustomSkill")); if (mSkill == SkillNames.None) { //error = "CustomSkill unknown: " + row.GetString("CustomSkill"); return(false); } } else { mSkill = SkillManager.sSkillEnumValues.ParseEnumValue(row.GetString("Skill")); if (mSkill == SkillNames.None) { error = "Skill Unknown: " + row.GetString("Skill"); return(false); } } return(true); }
protected void LoadStage(BooterHelper.BootFile file, XmlDbRow row) { Type type = row.GetClassType("FullClassName"); if (type == null) { BooterLogger.AddError("Invalid FullClassName: " + row.GetString("FullClassName")); return; } Stage stage = null; try { stage = type.GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(XmlDbRow) }).Invoke(new object[] { row }) as Stage; } catch (Exception e) { BooterLogger.AddError("Contructor Fail: " + row.GetString("FullClassName")); Common.Exception(file + Common.NewLine + row.GetString("FullClassName") + " Fail", e); } if (stage != null) { mStages.Add(stage); } }
public override bool Parse(XmlDbRow row, ref string error) { mName = new WeightOption.NameOption(row); mInjuredStory = row.GetString("InjuredStory"); if (!ParserFunctions.TryParseEnum <SimDescription.DeathType>(row.GetString("Type"), out mType, SimDescription.DeathType.None)) { error = "Type not valid"; return(false); } if (mType == SimDescription.DeathType.None) { error = "Type cannot be None"; return(false); } mSuccess = new WeightScenarioHelper(Origin.FromWatchingSimSuffer); if (!mSuccess.Parse(row, Manager, this, "Success", ref error)) { return(false); } return(base.Parse(row, ref error)); }
protected override void Perform(BooterHelper.BootFile file, XmlDbRow row) { string worldName = row.GetString("WorldName"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(worldName)) { return; } worldName = worldName.ToLower().Replace(".world", "").Replace(".World", "").Replace(".WORLD", ""); if (sLoadedNames.ContainsKey(worldName)) { return; } string fileName = row.GetString("FileName"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName)) { return; } fileName = fileName.Replace(".nhd", "").Replace(".Nhd", "").Replace(".NHD", ""); sLoadedNames.Add(worldName, fileName); }
public ScoringStage(XmlDbRow row) : base(row) { if (BooterLogger.Exists(row, "Scoring", Name)) { mScoring = row.GetString("Scoring"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mScoring)) { BooterLogger.AddError(Name + " Empty Scoring"); } else if (ScoringLookup.GetScoring(mScoring) == null) { BooterLogger.AddError(Name + " Invalid Scoring: " + mScoring); } } if (row.GetString("Minimum") == "Strength") { mMinimum = int.MinValue; } else { mMinimum = row.GetInt("Minimum", int.MinValue); } mMinMutation = row.GetString("MinMutation"); }
public Data(XmlDbRow row, VectorBooter.Test test) { mGuid = row.GetString("GUID"); mStory = row.GetString("Story"); mTest = test; }
public override bool Parse(XmlDbRow row, SimPersonality personality, ref string error) { if (!base.Parse(row, personality, ref error)) return false; if (!row.Exists("Name")) { error = "Name missing"; return false; } else if (!row.Exists("Default")) { error = "Default missing"; return false; } else { CASAgeGenderFlags ageGender; if (!ParserFunctions.TryParseEnum<CASAgeGenderFlags>(row.GetString("AgeGender"), out ageGender, CASAgeGenderFlags.None)) { error = "Unknown AgeGender " + row.GetString("AgeGender"); return false; } mAge = ageGender & CASAgeGenderFlags.AgeMask; if (mAge == CASAgeGenderFlags.None) { mAge = CASAgeGenderFlags.AgeMask; } mGender = ageGender & CASAgeGenderFlags.GenderMask; if (mGender == CASAgeGenderFlags.None) { mGender = CASAgeGenderFlags.GenderMask; } StringToSpeciesList converter = new StringToSpeciesList(); mSpecies = converter.Convert(row.GetString("Species")); if (mSpecies == null) { error = converter.mError; return false; } if (mSpecies.Count == 0) { mSpecies.Add(CASAgeGenderFlags.Human); } } mName = row.GetString("Name"); SetValue (row.GetBool("Default")); return true; }
protected override void Perform(BooterHelper.BootFile file, XmlDbRow row) { BooterHelper.DataBootFile dataFile = file as BooterHelper.DataBootFile; if (dataFile == null) return; mIndex++; string personalityName = row.GetString("Name"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(personalityName)) { BooterLogger.AddError(file + " : Method " + mIndex + " Unnamed"); return; } BooterLogger.AddTrace("Found " + personalityName); if (GetPersonality(personalityName) != null) { BooterLogger.AddError(personalityName + " Name already in use"); return; } Type classType = row.GetClassType("FullClassName"); if (classType == null) { BooterLogger.AddError(personalityName + " No Class"); return; } SimPersonality personality = null; try { personality = classType.GetConstructor(new Type[0]).Invoke(new object[0]) as SimPersonality; } catch { } if (personality == null) { BooterLogger.AddError(personalityName + ": Constructor Fail " + row.GetString("FullClassName")); } else { XmlDbTable optionTable = dataFile.GetTable(personalityName); if (personality.Parse(row, optionTable)) { sLookup.Add(personalityName.ToLower(), personality); } else { BooterLogger.AddError(personalityName + ": Parsing Fail"); } } }
public ActionDataSetting(string name, XmlDbRow row) : this(name) { mFlags = Flags.None; if (row.Exists("Autonomous")) { mAutonomous = row.GetBool("Autonomous"); mFlags |= Flags.Autonomous; } if (row.Exists("UserDirected")) { mUserDirected = row.GetBool("UserDirected"); mFlags |= Flags.UserDirected; } if (row.Exists("AllowPregnant")) { mAllowPregnant = row.GetBool("AllowPregnant"); mFlags |= Flags.AllowPregnant; } if (row.Exists("ActorAgeSpecies")) { mActorAgeSpecies = row.GetEnum <CASAGSAvailabilityFlags>("ActorAgeSpecies", CASAGSAvailabilityFlags.All); if (mActorAgeSpecies == CASAGSAvailabilityFlags.All) { BooterLogger.AddError("Unknown ActorAgeSpecies: " + row.GetString("ActorAgeSpecies")); } else { mFlags |= Flags.ActorAgeSpecies; mActorAgeSpeciesList = null; } } if (row.Exists("TargetAgeSpecies")) { mTargetAgeSpecies = row.GetEnum <CASAGSAvailabilityFlags>("TargetAgeSpecies", CASAGSAvailabilityFlags.All); if (mTargetAgeSpecies == CASAGSAvailabilityFlags.All) { BooterLogger.AddError("Unknown TargetAgeSpecies: " + row.GetString("TargetAgeSpecies")); } else { mFlags |= Flags.TargetAgeSpecies; mTargetAgeSpeciesList = null; } } }
protected override void Perform(BooterHelper.BootFile file, XmlDbRow row) { SkillNames skill; if (!ParserFunctions.TryParseEnum<SkillNames>(row.GetString("Skill"), out skill, SkillNames.None)) { BooterLogger.AddError("Invalid Skill: " + row.GetString("Skill")); return; } sData.Add(skill, true); BooterLogger.AddTrace(" Child Skill: " + row.GetString("Skill")); }
public HitMissTimedStage(XmlDbRow row) : base(row) { if (BooterLogger.Exists(row, "SuccessStage", Name)) { mSuccessStage.First = row.GetString("SuccessStage"); } if (BooterLogger.Exists(row, "FailureStage", Name)) { mFailureStage.First = row.GetString("FailureStage"); } }
public HitMissStage(XmlDbRow row) : base(row) { if (BooterLogger.Exists(row, "SuccessStage", Name)) { mSuccessStage.First = row.GetString("SuccessStage"); } if (BooterLogger.Exists(row, "FailureStage", Name)) { mFailureStage.First = row.GetString("FailureStage"); } }
protected override void Perform(BooterHelper.BootFile file, XmlDbRow row) { BuffNames buff; if (!ParserFunctions.TryParseEnum<BuffNames>(row.GetString("Moodlet"), out buff, BuffNames.Undefined)) { BooterLogger.AddError("Invalid Moodlet: " + row.GetString("Moodlet")); return; } sData.Add(buff, true); BooterLogger.AddTrace(" Good Lot Moodlet: " + row.GetString("Moodlet")); }
protected override void Perform(BooterHelper.BootFile file, XmlDbRow row) { Type type = row.GetClassType("Type"); if (type == null) { BooterLogger.AddError("Invalid Type: " + row.GetString("Type")); return; } sData.Add(type, true); BooterLogger.AddTrace(" Discount Type: " + row.GetString("Type")); }
protected bool ParseBuffs(XmlDbRow row, string prefix1, string prefix2, Dictionary <BuffNames, Origin> buffs, ref string error) { if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(prefix2)) && (!ParseBuffs(row, prefix1, null, buffs, ref error))) { return(false); } string prefix = prefix1 + prefix2; int index = 0; while (true) { if (!row.Exists(prefix + "Buff" + index)) { break; } BuffNames buff; if (!ParserFunctions.TryParseEnum <BuffNames>(row.GetString(prefix + "Buff" + index), out buff, BuffNames.Undefined)) { error = prefix + "Buff" + index + " unknown"; return(false); } if (buffs.ContainsKey(buff)) { error = prefix + "Buff " + buff + " already found"; return(false); } if (!row.Exists(prefix + "Origin" + index)) { error = prefix + "Origin" + index + " missing"; return(false); } Origin origin; if (!ParserFunctions.TryParseEnum <Origin>(row.GetString(prefix + "Origin" + index), out origin, Origin.None)) { error = prefix + "Origin" + index + " unknown"; return(false); } buffs.Add(buff, origin); index++; } return(true); }
protected override void Perform(BooterHelper.BootFile file, XmlDbRow row) { SkillNames skill; if (!ParserFunctions.TryParseEnum <SkillNames>(row.GetString("Skill"), out skill, SkillNames.None)) { BooterLogger.AddError("Invalid Skill: " + row.GetString("Skill")); return; } sData.Add(skill, true); BooterLogger.AddTrace(" Child Skill: " + row.GetString("Skill")); }
protected override void Perform(BooterHelper.BootFile file, XmlDbRow row) { BuffNames buff; if (!ParserFunctions.TryParseEnum <BuffNames>(row.GetString("Moodlet"), out buff, BuffNames.Undefined)) { BooterLogger.AddError("Invalid Moodlet: " + row.GetString("Moodlet")); return; } sData.Add(buff, true); BooterLogger.AddTrace(" Bad Lot Moodlet: " + row.GetString("Moodlet")); }
public ITUNSettings(string name, XmlDbRow row) : this(name) { mFlags = Flags.None; if (row.Exists("Autonomous")) { mAutonomous = row.GetBool("Autonomous"); mFlags |= Flags.Autonomous; } if (row.Exists("UserDirected")) { mUserDirected = row.GetBool("UserDirected"); mFlags |= Flags.UserDirected; } if (row.Exists("AgeSpecies")) { mAgeSpecies = row.GetEnum <CASAGSAvailabilityFlags>("AgeSpecies", CASAGSAvailabilityFlags.None); if (mAgeSpecies == CASAGSAvailabilityFlags.None) { BooterLogger.AddError("Unknown AgeSpecies: " + row.GetString("AgeSpecies")); } else { mFlags |= Flags.AgeSpecies; mAgeSpeciesList = null; } } if (row.Exists("Availability")) { mAvailability = row.GetEnum <Availability.FlagField>("Availability", Availability.FlagField.None); if (mAvailability == Availability.FlagField.None) { BooterLogger.AddError("Unknown Availability: " + row.GetString("Availability")); } else { mFlags |= Flags.Availability; } } if (row.Exists("Advertised")) { ParseAdvertised(row.GetStringList("Advertised", ',')); } }
public override bool Parse(XmlDbRow row, ref string error) { if (!row.Exists("Occupation")) { error = "Occupation missing"; return(false); } else if (!ParserFunctions.TryParseEnum <OccupationNames>(row.GetString("Occupation"), out mOccupation, OccupationNames.Undefined)) { error = "Unknown Occupation " + row.GetString("Occupation"); return(false); } return(base.Parse(row, ref error)); }
public override bool Parse(XmlDbRow row, ref string error) { if (!row.Exists("OtherTrait")) { error = "OtherTrait missing"; return(false); } else if (!ParserFunctions.TryParseEnum <TraitNames>(row.GetString("OtherTrait"), out mOtherTrait, TraitNames.Unknown)) { error = "Unknown OtherTrait " + row.GetString("OtherTrait"); return(false); } return(base.Parse(row, ref error)); }
public override bool Parse(XmlDbRow row, ref string error) { if (!row.Exists("RabbitHoleType")) { error = "RabbitHoleType missing"; return(false); } else if (!ParserFunctions.TryParseEnum <RabbitHoleType>(row.GetString("RabbitHoleType"), out mType, RabbitHoleType.None)) { error = "Unknown RabbitHoleType " + row.GetString("RabbitHoleType"); return(false); } return(base.Parse(row, ref error)); }
public CareerTransfer(XmlDbRow row, Dictionary <string, Dictionary <int, CareerLevel> > careerLevels, string careerName) : base(row, careerLevels, null) { mStringKey = "NRaas.CareerTransfer:" + row.GetString("EventType"); if (row.Exists("TransferCareer")) { string guid = row.GetString("TransferCareer"); ParserFunctions.TryParseEnum <OccupationNames>(guid, out mTransferCareer, OccupationNames.Undefined); if (mTransferCareer == OccupationNames.Undefined) { mTransferCareer = unchecked ((OccupationNames)ResourceUtils.HashString64(guid)); } } if (row.Exists("TransferBranch")) { mTransferBranch = row.GetString("TransferBranch"); } if (row.Exists("TransferLevelAbsolute")) { mAbsoluteLevel = row.GetInt("TransferLevelAbsolute"); } if (row.Exists("TransferLevelRelative")) { string relativeLevel = row.GetString("TransferLevelRelative"); List <string> relativeLevels = new List <string>(relativeLevel.Split(new char[] { ':' })); mRelativeLevelMin = int.Parse(relativeLevels[0]); if (relativeLevels.Count > 1) { mRelativeLevelMax = int.Parse(relativeLevels[1]); } else { if (mRelativeLevelMin > 0) { mRelativeLevelMax = mRelativeLevelMin; mRelativeLevelMin = 0; } } } }
public CareerTransfer(XmlDbRow row, Dictionary<string, Dictionary<int, CareerLevel>> careerLevels, string careerName) : base(row, careerLevels, null) { mStringKey = "NRaas.CareerTransfer:" + row.GetString("EventType"); if (row.Exists("TransferCareer")) { string guid = row.GetString("TransferCareer"); ParserFunctions.TryParseEnum<OccupationNames>(guid, out mTransferCareer, OccupationNames.Undefined); if (mTransferCareer == OccupationNames.Undefined) { mTransferCareer = unchecked((OccupationNames)ResourceUtils.HashString64(guid)); } } if (row.Exists("TransferBranch")) { mTransferBranch = row.GetString("TransferBranch"); } if (row.Exists("TransferLevelAbsolute")) { mAbsoluteLevel = row.GetInt("TransferLevelAbsolute"); } if (row.Exists("TransferLevelRelative")) { string relativeLevel = row.GetString("TransferLevelRelative"); List<string> relativeLevels = new List<string>(relativeLevel.Split(new char[] { ':' })); mRelativeLevelMin = int.Parse(relativeLevels[0]); if (relativeLevels.Count > 1) { mRelativeLevelMax = int.Parse(relativeLevels[1]); } else { if (mRelativeLevelMin > 0) { mRelativeLevelMax = mRelativeLevelMin; mRelativeLevelMin = 0; } } } }
protected override void Perform(BooterHelper.BootFile file, XmlDbRow row) { string worldName = row.GetString("WorldName"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(worldName)) return; worldName = worldName.ToLower().Replace(".world", "").Replace(".World", "").Replace(".WORLD",""); if (sLoadedNames.ContainsKey(worldName)) return; string fileName = row.GetString("FileName"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName)) return; fileName = fileName.Replace(".nhd", "").Replace(".Nhd", "").Replace(".NHD", ""); sLoadedNames.Add(worldName, fileName); }
public OccultSymptom(XmlDbRow row) : base(row) { if (BooterLogger.Exists(row, "Occult", Guid)) { if (!row.TryGetEnum<OccultTypes>("Occult", out mOccult, OccultTypes.None)) { BooterLogger.AddError(" Unknown Occult: " + row.GetString("Occult")); } } if (BooterLogger.Exists(row, "Remove", Guid)) { mRemove = row.GetBool("Remove"); } if (BooterLogger.Exists(row, "DropOthers", Guid)) { mDropOthers = row.GetBool("DropOthers"); } if (BooterLogger.Exists(row, "AllowIfOthers", Guid)) { mAllowIfOthers = row.GetBool("AllowIfOthers"); } }
public void Perform(BooterHelper.BootFile file, XmlDbRow row) { WorldName world; row.TryGetEnum <WorldName>("World", out world, WorldName.Undefined); List <DaysOfTheWeek> days = ParserFunctions.ParseDayList(row.GetString("Days")); if ((days == null) || (days.Count == 0)) { days = ParserFunctions.ParseDayList("MTWRFSU"); } int startHour = row.GetInt("StartHour"); int endHour = row.GetInt("EndHour"); if (startHour > endHour) { return; } int speed = row.GetInt("Speed"); if (speed <= 0) { speed = Relativity.sOneMinute; } mIntervals.Add(new SpeedInterval(world, days, startHour, endHour, speed)); }
protected override void Perform(BooterHelper.BootFile file, XmlDbRow row) { BooterHelper.DataBootFile careerFile = new BooterHelper.DataBootFile(file.ToString(), row.GetString("Careers"), false); if (!careerFile.IsValid) { BooterLogger.AddError(file.ToString() + ": Unknown Careers File " + row.GetString("Careers")); return; } BooterHelper.DataBootFile careerEventsFile = new BooterHelper.DataBootFile(careerFile.ToString(), row.GetString("CareerEvents"), false); if (careerEventsFile.IsValid) { foreach (Career career in CareerManager.CareerList) { XmlDbTable table3 = careerEventsFile.GetTable(career.Guid.ToString()); if (table3 != null) { LoadCareerEvents(career, careerEventsFile, table3); } } } BooterHelper.DataBootTable table = new BooterHelper.DataBootTable(careerFile, "CareerList"); if (!table.IsValid) { BooterLogger.AddError(file.ToString() + ": No CareerList " + careerFile.ToString()); return; } table.Load(new CareerLoader(careerEventsFile).LoadCareer); }
// Methods public MetricSkillX(XmlDbRow row, int metricNumber) : base(row, metricNumber) { if (SkillGuid == SkillNames.None) { SkillGuid = unchecked((SkillNames)ResourceUtils.HashString64(row.GetString("Args" + metricNumber))); } }
public TestSettingStage(XmlDbRow row) : base(row) { if (BooterLogger.Exists(row, "Setting", Name)) { mSetting = row.GetString("Setting"); } }
public TimedStage(XmlDbRow row) : base(row) { if (BooterLogger.Exists(row, "MinDuration", Name)) { mMinDuration = row.GetInt("MinDuration", 0); } mMinMutation = row.GetString("MinMutation"); if (BooterLogger.Exists(row, "MaxDuration", Name)) { mMaxDuration = row.GetInt("MaxDuration", 0); } mMaxMutation = row.GetString("MaxMutation"); }
public SimpleStage(XmlDbRow row) : base(row) { if (BooterLogger.Exists(row, "NextStage", Name)) { mNextStage.First = row.GetString("NextStage"); } }
public CounterStage(XmlDbRow row) : base(row) { if (BooterLogger.Exists(row, "Counter", Name)) { mCounter = row.GetString("Counter"); } }
protected override void Perform(BooterHelper.BootFile file, XmlDbRow row) { BooterHelper.DocumentBootFile socialData = new BooterHelper.DocumentBootFile(file.ToString(), row.GetString("SocialData"), false); if (!socialData.IsValid) { BooterLogger.AddTrace(file + ": No SocialData"); return; } BooterHelper.DataBootFile availability = new BooterHelper.DataBootFile(file.ToString(), row.GetString("SocializingActionAvailability"), false); if (!availability.IsValid) { BooterLogger.AddTrace(file + ": No SocializingActionAvailability"); return; } Load(socialData, availability); }
public IncrementalStage(XmlDbRow row) : base(row) { if (BooterLogger.Exists(row, "Maximum", Name)) { mMaximum = row.GetInt("Maximum", 0); } mMaxMutation = row.GetString("MaxMutation"); }
protected override void Perform(BooterHelper.BootFile file, XmlDbRow row) { Homemaker.StipendValue key; if (!ParserFunctions.TryParseEnum<Homemaker.StipendValue>(row.GetString("Key"), out key, Homemaker.StipendValue.Undefined)) { BooterLogger.AddError("Stipend Key Missing: " + row.GetString("Key")); return; } int maximum = row.GetInt("Maximum"); int factor = row.GetInt("Factor"); bool positive = row.GetBool("Positive"); sData.Add(key, new Data (maximum, factor, positive)); BooterLogger.AddTrace(" Stipend Loaded: " + row.GetString("Key")); }
public IdleAnimationSymptom(XmlDbRow row) : base(row) { if (BooterLogger.Exists(row, "Mood", Guid)) { if (!row.TryGetEnum<MoodFlavor>("Mood", out mMood, MoodFlavor.Uncomfortable)) { BooterLogger.AddError(" Unknown Mood: " + row.GetString("Mood")); } } if (BooterLogger.Exists(row, "Priority", Guid)) { if (!row.TryGetEnum<IdleAnimationPriority>("Priority", out mPriority, IdleAnimationPriority.NonDistress)) { BooterLogger.AddError(" Unknown Priority: " + row.GetString("Priority")); } } }
public ReactionSymptom(XmlDbRow row) : base(row) { if (BooterLogger.Exists(row, "Type", Guid)) { if (!row.TryGetEnum<ReactionTypes>("Type", out mType, ReactionTypes.None)) { BooterLogger.AddError(Guid + " Unknown Type: " + row.GetString("Type")); } } if (BooterLogger.Exists(row, "Speed", Guid)) { if (!row.TryGetEnum<ReactionSpeed>("Speed", out mSpeed, ReactionSpeed.None)) { BooterLogger.AddError(Guid + " Unknown Speed: " + row.GetString("Speed")); } } }
protected WeatherSettings GetSeason(XmlDbRow row) { Season season = row.GetEnum<Season>("Season", Season.Spring | Season.Summer | Season.Fall | Season.Winter); if (season == (Season.Spring | Season.Summer | Season.Fall | Season.Winter)) { BooterLogger.AddError("Unknown Season: " + row.GetString("Season")); return null; } return Tempest.Settings.GetWeather(season, false); }
public override bool Parse(XmlDbRow row, ref string error) { mOccult = row.GetEnum<OccultTypes>("Occult", OccultTypes.None); if (mOccult == OccultTypes.None) { error = "Occult Fail: " + row.GetString("Occult"); return false; } mAllowHybrid = row.GetBool("AllowHybrid"); return base.Parse(row, ref error); }
protected override void Perform(BooterHelper.BootFile file, XmlDbRow row) { string guid = row.GetString("GUID"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(guid)) { BooterLogger.AddError("Invalid GUID: " + guid); return; } else if (sInstigators.ContainsKey(guid)) { BooterLogger.AddError("Duplicate GUID: " + guid); return; } Type type = row.GetClassType("FullClassName"); if (type == null) { BooterLogger.AddError(guid + " Invalid FullClassName: " + row.GetString("FullClassName")); return; } Data symptom = null; try { symptom = type.GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(XmlDbRow) }).Invoke(new object[] { row }) as Data; } catch (Exception e) { BooterLogger.AddError("Contructor Fail: " + row.GetString("FullClassName")); Common.Exception(guid + Common.NewLine + row.GetString("FullClassName") + " Fail", e); } if (symptom != null) { sInstigators.Add(guid, symptom); } }
protected WeatherProfile GetProfile(XmlDbRow row) { WeatherSettings settings = GetSeason(row); if (settings == null) return null; string name = row.GetString("Name"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { BooterLogger.AddError("Missing Name"); return null; } return settings.AddProfile(name); }
public GenericTest(XmlDbRow row) { string name = row.GetString("GUID"); foreach (string e in row.GetStringList("Event", ',')) { EventTypeId id; if (!ParserFunctions.TryParseEnum<EventTypeId>(e, out id, EventTypeId.kEventNone)) { BooterLogger.AddError(name + " Unknown Event: " + e); } mEvents.Add(id); } }
public OmniJournalData(XmlDbRow row, int rowIndex) : base(row, "OmniJournal", rowIndex) { mCareerName = row.GetString("CareerName"); mCareerLevel = ParserFunctions.ParseInt(row.GetString("CareerLevel"), 0); mCurrentEdition = ParserFunctions.ParseInt(row.GetString("StartingEdition"), 1); mMaxEdition = ParserFunctions.ParseInt(row.GetString("MaxEdition"), 1); base.MyType = BookData.BookType.MedicalJournal; Dictionary<int, OmniJournalData> levels; if (!sJournalDataList.TryGetValue(mCareerName, out levels)) { levels = new Dictionary<int, OmniJournalData>(); sJournalDataList.Add(mCareerName, levels); } if (!levels.ContainsKey(mCareerLevel)) { levels.Add(mCareerLevel, this); } }