Esempio n. 1
        // Start is called before the first frame update
        void Start()
            XmlElement xRoot = XmlDatabaseConnection.load(file);

            // обход всех узлов в корневом элементе
            foreach (XmlNode xnode in xRoot)
                // получаем атрибут speaker
                if (xnode.Attributes.Count > 0)
                    XmlNode attr = xnode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("speaker");

                    if (attr != null)
                        if (attr.Value == "npc")
                            foreach (XmlNode childnode in xnode.ChildNodes)
                                // если узел - text
                                if (childnode.Name == "text")
                                    string text = childnode.InnerText;
                                    npc.GetComponent <DialogueLine>().input = text;
                                    Instantiate(npc, parent);
                        else if (attr.Value == "player")
                            foreach (XmlNode childnode in xnode.ChildNodes)
                                // если узел - text
                                if (childnode.Name == "text")
                                    string text = childnode.InnerText;
                                    player.GetComponent <DialogueLine>().input = text;
                                    Instantiate(player, parent);
Esempio n. 2
    void GetQuestions()
        XmlElement xRoot = XmlDatabaseConnection.load(fileName);

        foreach (XmlNode xnode in xRoot)
            QuizQuestion question = new QuizQuestion();

            if (xnode.Name == "question")
                foreach (XmlNode childnode in xnode.ChildNodes)
                    if (childnode.Name == "text")
                        question.question = childnode.InnerText;
                    if (childnode.Name == "answers")
                        int answerN = 0;

                        foreach (XmlNode answerXnode in childnode.ChildNodes)
                            if (answerXnode.Name == "answer")
                                question.answers[answerN] = answerXnode.InnerText;
                    // если узел points
                    if (childnode.Name == "points")
                        question.points = Int32.Parse(childnode.InnerText);

Esempio n. 3
        // Start is called before the first frame update
        void Start()
            string     fileName = "Questions";
            XmlElement xRoot    = XmlDatabaseConnection.load(fileName);

            // обход всех узлов в корневом элементе
            foreach (XmlNode xnode in xRoot)
                // получаем атрибут name
                // if(xnode.Attributes.Count>0)
                // {
                //     XmlNode attr = xnode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("name");
                //     if (attr!=null)
                //         Debug.Log(attr.Value);
                // }

                // обходим все дочерние узлы элемента question
                foreach (XmlNode childnode in xnode.ChildNodes)
                    // если узел - text
                    if (childnode.Name == "text")
                        Debug.Log($"Вопрос: {childnode.InnerText}");
                    // если узел answer
                    if (childnode.Name == "answer")
                        Debug.Log($"Ответ: {childnode.InnerText}");
                    // если узел points
                    if (childnode.Name == "points")
                        Debug.Log($"Баллов: {childnode.InnerText}");
         * Метод для получения диалога из ".xml" файла
        void getDialogue()
            string     fileName = "Questions";
            XmlElement xRoot    = XmlDatabaseConnection.load(fileName);

            foreach (XmlNode xnode in xRoot)
                DialogueQuestion questions = new DialogueQuestion();
                DialoguePhrase   phrases   = new DialoguePhrase();

                if (xnode.Name == "question")

                    foreach (XmlNode childnode in xnode.ChildNodes)
                        if (childnode.Name == "text")
                            questions.question = childnode.InnerText;
                        if (childnode.Name == "answers")
                            int answerN = 0;

                            foreach (XmlNode answerXnode in childnode.ChildNodes)
                                if (answerXnode.Name == "answer")
                                    questions.answers[answerN] = answerXnode.InnerText;
                        if (childnode.Name == "points")
                            questions.points = Int32.Parse(childnode.InnerText);

                else if (xnode.Name == "phrase")

                    if (xnode.Attributes.Count > 0)
                        XmlNode attr = xnode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("speaker");

                        if (attr != null)
                            if (attr.Value == "npc")
                                phrases.speaker = "npc";

                                foreach (XmlNode childnode in xnode.ChildNodes)
                                    // если узел - text
                                    if (childnode.Name == "text")
                                        phrases.phrase = childnode.InnerText;
                            else if (attr.Value == "player")
                                phrases.speaker = "player";

                                foreach (XmlNode childnode in xnode.ChildNodes)
                                    // если узел - text
                                    if (childnode.Name == "text")
                                        phrases.phrase = childnode.InnerText;
