void GenerateBillToRow(IXlSheet sheet, string name1, object value1, string name2, object value2, XlBorder specificBorder) { using (IXlRow row = sheet.CreateRow()) { // Set the cell font. row.ApplyFormatting(infoFont); // Skip the first cell in the row. row.SkipCells(1); // Create the empty cell with the specified formatting settings. using (IXlCell cell = row.CreateCell()) { cell.ApplyFormatting(infoFormatting); // Set the cell border. cell.ApplyFormatting(specificBorder); } // Create the cell, assign its value and apply specific formatting settings to it. using (IXlCell cell = row.CreateCell()) { cell.Value = name1; cell.ApplyFormatting(infoFormatting); // Set the cell border. cell.ApplyFormatting(specificBorder); cell.Formatting.Font.Bold = true; } // Create the cell, assign its value converted from the custom object and apply specific formatting settings to it. using (IXlCell cell = row.CreateCell()) { cell.Value = XlVariantValue.FromObject(value1); cell.ApplyFormatting(infoFormatting); // Set the cell border. cell.ApplyFormatting(specificBorder); } // Create the cell, assign its value and apply specific formatting settings to it. using (IXlCell cell = row.CreateCell()) { cell.Value = name2; cell.ApplyFormatting(infoFormatting); // Set the cell border. cell.ApplyFormatting(specificBorder); cell.Formatting.Font.Bold = true; } // Create the cell, assign its value converted from the custom object and apply specific formatting settings to it. using (IXlCell cell = row.CreateCell()) { cell.Value = XlVariantValue.FromObject(value2); cell.ApplyFormatting(infoFormatting); // Set the cell border. cell.ApplyFormatting(specificBorder); } // Create three successive cells, apply specific formatting settings to them and set the cell borders. for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { using (IXlCell cell = row.CreateCell()) { cell.ApplyFormatting(infoFormatting); cell.ApplyFormatting(specificBorder); } } } }
void GenerateTitleRow(IXlSheet sheet, string info, string name, object value, int rowHeight, XlFont font, XlNumberFormat specificFormat) { using (IXlRow row = sheet.CreateRow()) { // Set the row height. row.HeightInPixels = rowHeight; // Set the cell font. row.ApplyFormatting(font); // Create the first empty cell. row.SkipCells(1); // Create the blank cell with the specified formatting settings. row.BlankCells(1, leftPanelFormatting); // Create the third cell, assign its value and apply specific formatting settings to it. using (IXlCell cell = row.CreateCell()) { cell.Value = info; cell.ApplyFormatting(leftPanelFormatting); } // Create two blank cells with the specified formatting settings. row.BlankCells(2, leftPanelFormatting); // Create the cell, apply specific formatting settings to it and set the cell right border. using (IXlCell cell = row.CreateCell()) { cell.ApplyFormatting(leftPanelFormatting); cell.ApplyFormatting(leftPanelBorder); } // Create the cell, assign its value and apply specific formatting settings to it. using (IXlCell cell = row.CreateCell()) { cell.Value = name; cell.ApplyFormatting(rightPanelFormatting); cell.Formatting.Alignment.Indent = 1; } // Create the cell, assign its value converted from the custom object and apply specific formatting settings to it. using (IXlCell cell = row.CreateCell()) { cell.Value = XlVariantValue.FromObject(value); cell.ApplyFormatting(rightPanelFormatting); if (specificFormat != null) { cell.ApplyFormatting(specificFormat); } } // Create one blank cell with the specified formatting settings. row.BlankCells(1, rightPanelFormatting); } }
void ExportCell(IXlRow row, int gridRowHandle, GridColumn gridColumn) { using (IXlCell cell = row.CreateCell()) { // Set cell value cell.Value = XlVariantValue.FromObject(this.view.GetRowCellValue(gridRowHandle, gridColumn)); // Get cell appearance AppearanceObject appearance = GetCellAppearance(gridRowHandle, gridColumn); // Apply alignment XlCellAlignment alignment = new XlCellAlignment() { WrapText = appearance.TextOptions.WordWrap.HasFlag(WordWrap.Wrap), VerticalAlignment = ConvertAlignment(appearance.TextOptions.VAlignment), HorizontalAlignment = ConvertAlignment(appearance.TextOptions.HAlignment) }; cell.ApplyFormatting(alignment); // Apply borders Color borderColor = appearance.GetBorderColor(); if (!DXColor.IsTransparentOrEmpty(borderColor)) { cell.ApplyFormatting(XlBorder.OutlineBorders(borderColor)); } // Apply fill if (appearance.Options.UseBackColor) { cell.ApplyFormatting(XlFill.SolidFill(appearance.BackColor)); } // Apply font Font appearanceFont = appearance.Font; XlFont font = XlFont.CustomFont(appearanceFont.Name); font.Size = appearanceFont.SizeInPoints; font.Bold = appearanceFont.Bold; font.Italic = appearanceFont.Italic; font.StrikeThrough = appearanceFont.Strikeout; font.Underline = appearanceFont.Underline ? XlUnderlineType.Single : XlUnderlineType.None; if (appearance.Options.UseForeColor) { font.Color = appearance.ForeColor; } cell.ApplyFormatting(font); } }