Esempio n. 1
        public IXbimMeshGeometry3D GetMeshGeometry3D(XbimMeshFragment frag)
            var m3D = new XbimMeshGeometry3D();
            var m   = Mesh;

            if (m != null)
                for (int i = frag.StartPosition; i <= frag.EndPosition; i++)
                    Point3D  p = m.Positions[i];
                    Vector3D v = m.Normals[i];
                    m3D.Positions.Add(new XbimPoint3D(p.X, p.Y, p.Z));
                    m3D.Normals.Add(new XbimVector3D(v.X, v.Y, v.Z));
                for (int i = frag.StartTriangleIndex; i <= frag.EndTriangleIndex; i++)
                    m3D.TriangleIndices.Add(m.TriangleIndices[i] - frag.StartPosition);
                m3D.Meshes.Add(new XbimMeshFragment(0, 0, 0)
                    EndPosition        = m3D.PositionCount - 1,
                    StartTriangleIndex = frag.StartTriangleIndex - m3D.PositionCount - 1,
                    EndTriangleIndex   = frag.EndTriangleIndex - m3D.PositionCount - 1
Esempio n. 2
        public static void AddElements(this MeshGeometry3D m, IPersistIfcEntity item, XbimMatrix3D wcsTransform)
            var fromModel = item.ModelOf as XbimModel;

            if (fromModel == null || !(item is IfcProduct))
            switch (fromModel.GeometrySupportLevel)
            case 2:
                var context = new Xbim3DModelContext(fromModel);

                var productShape = context.ShapeInstancesOf((IfcProduct)item)
                                   .Where(s => s.RepresentationType != XbimGeometryRepresentationType.OpeningsAndAdditionsExcluded)
                if (!productShape.Any() && item is IfcFeatureElement)
                    productShape = context.ShapeInstancesOf((IfcProduct)item)
                        s => s.RepresentationType == XbimGeometryRepresentationType.OpeningsAndAdditionsExcluded)

                if (!productShape.Any())
                foreach (var shapeInstance in productShape)
                    IXbimShapeGeometryData shapeGeom =
                    switch ((XbimGeometryType)shapeGeom.Format)
                    case XbimGeometryType.PolyhedronBinary:
                               XbimMatrix3D.Multiply(shapeInstance.Transformation, wcsTransform));

                    case XbimGeometryType.Polyhedron:
                               XbimMatrix3D.Multiply(shapeInstance.Transformation, wcsTransform));

            case 1:
                var xm3d        = new XbimMeshGeometry3D();
                var geomDataSet = fromModel.GetGeometryData(item.EntityLabel, XbimGeometryType.TriangulatedMesh);
                foreach (var geomData in geomDataSet)
                    var gd = geomData.TransformBy(wcsTransform);
        public static XbimMeshGeometry3D GetMesh(this XbimModel xbimModel, IEnumerable<IPersistIfcEntity> items, XbimMatrix3D wcsTransform)
            var m = new XbimMeshGeometry3D();

            if (xbimModel.GeometrySupportLevel == 1)
                // this is what happens for version 1 of the engine
                foreach (var item in items)
                    var fromModel = item.ModelOf as XbimModel;
                    if (fromModel == null)
                    var geomDataSet = fromModel.GetGeometryData(item.EntityLabel, XbimGeometryType.TriangulatedMesh);
                    foreach (var geomData in geomDataSet)
                        // todo: add guidance to the TransformBy method so that users can understand how to stop using it (it's marked absolete)
                        m.Add(geomData); // todo: what is the modelid value to be passed?
                // this is what happens for version 2 of the engine
                foreach (var item in items)
                    var fromModel = item.ModelOf as XbimModel;
                    if (fromModel == null || !(item is IfcProduct))
                    var context = new Xbim3DModelContext(fromModel);

                    var productShape =
                        context.ShapeInstancesOf((IfcProduct) item)
                                s => s.RepresentationType != XbimGeometryRepresentationType.OpeningsAndAdditionsExcluded)
                    foreach (var shapeInstance in productShape)
                        IXbimShapeGeometryData shapeGeom = context.ShapeGeometry(shapeInstance.ShapeGeometryLabel);
                        switch ((XbimGeometryType) shapeGeom.Format)
                            case XbimGeometryType.PolyhedronBinary:
                                    XbimMatrix3D.Multiply(shapeInstance.Transformation, wcsTransform));
                            case XbimGeometryType.Polyhedron:
                                m.Read(((XbimShapeGeometry) shapeGeom).ShapeData,
                                    XbimMatrix3D.Multiply(shapeInstance.Transformation, wcsTransform));
            return m;
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the geometry of an entity building it up from layers.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entity">The entity instance</param>
        /// <param name="modelId"></param>
        public IXbimMeshGeometry3D GetMeshGeometry3D(IPersistEntity entity, short modelId)
            var geometry = new XbimMeshGeometry3D();
            var m        = entity.Model;

            foreach (var layer in Layers)
                // an entity model could be spread across many layers (e.g. in case of different materials)
                if (Equals(layer.Model, m))
                    geometry.Add(layer.GetVisibleMeshGeometry3D(entity.EntityLabel, modelId));
 public static void Add(this MeshGeometry3D m3D, XbimMeshGeometry3D addedGeometry3D)
     m3D.TriangleIndices = Extensions.Utility.GeomUtils.CombineIndexCollection(m3D.TriangleIndices, addedGeometry3D.TriangleIndices, m3D.Positions.Count);
     m3D.Positions       = Extensions.Utility.GeomUtils.CombinePointCollection(m3D.Positions, addedGeometry3D.Positions);
     m3D.Normals         = Extensions.Utility.GeomUtils.CombineVectorCollection(m3D.Normals, addedGeometry3D.Normals);
        public static void Read(this XbimMeshGeometry3D m3D, byte[] mesh, XbimMatrix3D?transform = null)
            var indexBase = m3D.Positions.Count;
            var qrd       = new XbimQuaternion();

            XbimMatrix3D?matrix3D = null;

            if (transform.HasValue)
                qrd      = transform.Value.GetRotationQuaternion();
                matrix3D = transform.Value;
            using (var ms = new MemoryStream(mesh))
                using (var br = new BinaryReader(ms))
                    // ReSharper disable once UnusedVariable
                    var version      = br.ReadByte(); //stream format version
                    var numVertices  = br.ReadInt32();
                    var numTriangles = br.ReadInt32();

                    var uniqueVertices  = new List <XbimPoint3D>(numVertices);
                    var vertices        = new List <XbimPoint3D>(numVertices * 4); //approx the size
                    var triangleIndices = new List <int>(numTriangles * 3);
                    var normals         = new List <XbimVector3D>(numVertices * 4);
                    for (var i = 0; i < numVertices; i++)
                        double x = br.ReadSingle();
                        double y = br.ReadSingle();
                        double z = br.ReadSingle();
                        var    p = new XbimPoint3D(x, y, z);
                        if (matrix3D.HasValue)
                            p = matrix3D.Value.Transform(p);
                    var numFaces = br.ReadInt32();

                    for (var i = 0; i < numFaces; i++)
                        var numTrianglesInFace = br.ReadInt32();
                        if (numTrianglesInFace == 0)
                        var isPlanar = numTrianglesInFace > 0;
                        numTrianglesInFace = Math.Abs(numTrianglesInFace);
                        if (isPlanar)
                            var normal = br.ReadPackedNormal().Normal;
                            if (!qrd.IsIdentity())
                                var baseVal = new XbimVector3D(normal.X, normal.Y, normal.Z);
                                XbimQuaternion.Transform(ref baseVal, ref qrd, out normal);
                            var uniqueIndices = new Dictionary <int, int>();
                            for (var j = 0; j < numTrianglesInFace; j++)
                                for (var k = 0; k < 3; k++)
                                    var idx = ReadIndex(br, numVertices);
                                    int writtenIdx;
                                    if (!uniqueIndices.TryGetValue(idx, out writtenIdx)) //we haven't got it, so add it
                                        writtenIdx = vertices.Count;
                                        uniqueIndices.Add(idx, writtenIdx);
                                        //add a matching normal
                                    triangleIndices.Add(indexBase + writtenIdx);
                            var uniqueIndices = new Dictionary <int, int>();
                            for (var j = 0; j < numTrianglesInFace; j++)
                                for (var k = 0; k < 3; k++)
                                    var idx    = ReadIndex(br, numVertices);
                                    var normal = br.ReadPackedNormal().Normal;
                                    int writtenIdx;
                                    if (!uniqueIndices.TryGetValue(idx, out writtenIdx)) //we haven't got it, so add it
                                        writtenIdx = vertices.Count;
                                        uniqueIndices.Add(idx, writtenIdx);

                                        if (!qrd.IsIdentity())
                                            var baseVal = new XbimVector3D(normal.X, normal.Y, normal.Z);
                                            XbimQuaternion.Transform(ref baseVal, ref qrd, out normal);
                                    triangleIndices.Add(indexBase + writtenIdx);

                    m3D.Positions       = m3D.Positions.Concat(vertices).ToList();
                    m3D.TriangleIndices = m3D.TriangleIndices.Concat(triangleIndices).ToList();
                    m3D.Normals         = m3D.Normals.Concat(normals).ToList();
Esempio n. 7
        public static void UpdateElementTransform(IfcStore _model, string projectNumber, string projectName)
            DBOperation.commitInterval = 5000;
            string      currStep        = string.Empty;
            BIMRLCommon _refBIMRLCommon = new BIMRLCommon();

            int commandStatus   = -1;
            int currInsertCount = 0;

            OracleCommand command = new OracleCommand(" ", DBOperation.DBConn);
            XbimMatrix3D  m3D     = new XbimMatrix3D();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(projectName))
                projectName = projectNumber + " - Federated";

            string modelName;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_model.FileName))
                modelName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(_model.FileName);
                modelName = projectNumber + " - " + projectName;

            command.CommandText = "SELECT FEDERATEDID FROM bimrl_federatedmodel WHERE MODELNAME = '" + modelName + "' AND PROJECTNUMBER='" + projectNumber + "' AND PROJECTNAME='" + projectName + "'";
            object oFedID = command.ExecuteScalar();

            if (oFedID == null)

            int fedID = int.Parse(oFedID.ToString());

            command.CommandText = "SELECT ELEMENTID, LINENO FROM " + DBOperation.formatTabName("bimrl_element", fedID) + " WHERE GEOMETRYBODY IS NOT NULL";
            OracleDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();
            SortedDictionary <int, string> elemList = new SortedDictionary <int, string>();

            while (reader.Read())
                string elemid = reader.GetString(0);
                int    lineNo = reader.GetInt32(1);
                elemList.Add(lineNo, elemid);

            Xbim3DModelContext context = new Xbim3DModelContext(_model);

            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, string> elemListItem in elemList)
                //IEnumerable<XbimGeometryData> geomDataList = _model.GetGeometryData(elemListItem.Key, XbimGeometryType.TriangulatedMesh);
                IIfcProduct product = _model.Instances[elemListItem.Key] as IIfcProduct;

                IEnumerable <XbimShapeInstance> shapeInstances = context.ShapeInstancesOf(product).Where(x => x.RepresentationType == XbimGeometryRepresentationType.OpeningsAndAdditionsIncluded);
                if (shapeInstances.Count() == 0)
                    continue;    // SKip if the product has no geometry
                XbimMeshGeometry3D     prodGeom  = new XbimMeshGeometry3D();
                IXbimShapeGeometryData shapeGeom = context.ShapeGeometry(shapeInstances.FirstOrDefault().ShapeGeometryLabel);
                //XbimModelExtensions.Read(prodGeom, shapeGeom.ShapeData, shapeInstances.FirstOrDefault().Transformation);

                //XbimGeometryData sdoGeomData = geomDataList.First();
                //m3D = sdoGeomData.Transform;
                //m3D = XbimMatrix3D.FromArray(sdoGeomData.DataArray2);       // Xbim 3.0 removes Tranform property
                m3D = shapeInstances.FirstOrDefault().Transformation;
                string sqlStmt = "update " + DBOperation.formatTabName("BIMRL_ELEMENT", fedID) + " set TRANSFORM_COL1=:1, TRANSFORM_COL2=:2, TRANSFORM_COL3=:3, TRANSFORM_COL4=:4"
                                 + " Where elementid = '" + elemListItem.Value + "'";
                // int status = DBOperation.updateGeometry(sqlStmt, sdoGeomData);
                currStep            = sqlStmt;
                command.CommandText = sqlStmt;

                    OracleParameter[] sdoGeom = new OracleParameter[4];
                    for (int i = 0; i < sdoGeom.Count(); ++i)
                        sdoGeom[i]             = command.Parameters.Add((i + 1).ToString(), OracleDbType.Object);
                        sdoGeom[i].Direction   = ParameterDirection.Input;
                        sdoGeom[i].UdtTypeName = "MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY";
                        sdoGeom[i].Size        = 1;

                    SdoGeometry trcol1 = new SdoGeometry();
                    trcol1.Dimensionality = 3;
                    trcol1.LRS            = 0;
                    trcol1.GeometryType   = (int)SdoGeometryTypes.GTYPE.POINT;
                    int      gType   = trcol1.PropertiesToGTYPE();
                    SdoPoint trcol1V = new SdoPoint();
                    trcol1V.XD       = m3D.M11;
                    trcol1V.YD       = m3D.M12;
                    trcol1V.ZD       = m3D.M13;
                    trcol1.SdoPoint  = trcol1V;
                    sdoGeom[1].Value = trcol1;

                    SdoGeometry trcol2 = new SdoGeometry();
                    trcol2.Dimensionality = 3;
                    trcol2.LRS            = 0;
                    trcol2.GeometryType   = (int)SdoGeometryTypes.GTYPE.POINT;
                    gType = trcol2.PropertiesToGTYPE();
                    SdoPoint trcol2V = new SdoPoint();
                    trcol2V.XD       = m3D.M21;
                    trcol2V.YD       = m3D.M22;
                    trcol2V.ZD       = m3D.M23;
                    trcol2.SdoPoint  = trcol2V;
                    sdoGeom[2].Value = trcol2;

                    SdoGeometry trcol3 = new SdoGeometry();
                    trcol3.Dimensionality = 3;
                    trcol3.LRS            = 0;
                    trcol3.GeometryType   = (int)SdoGeometryTypes.GTYPE.POINT;
                    gType = trcol3.PropertiesToGTYPE();
                    SdoPoint trcol3V = new SdoPoint();
                    trcol3V.XD       = m3D.M31;
                    trcol3V.YD       = m3D.M32;
                    trcol3V.ZD       = m3D.M33;
                    trcol3.SdoPoint  = trcol3V;
                    sdoGeom[3].Value = trcol3;

                    SdoGeometry trcol4 = new SdoGeometry();
                    trcol4.Dimensionality = 3;
                    trcol4.LRS            = 0;
                    trcol4.GeometryType   = (int)SdoGeometryTypes.GTYPE.POINT;
                    gType = trcol4.PropertiesToGTYPE();
                    SdoPoint trcol4V = new SdoPoint();
                    trcol4V.XD       = m3D.OffsetX;
                    trcol4V.YD       = m3D.OffsetY;
                    trcol4V.ZD       = m3D.OffsetZ;
                    trcol4.SdoPoint  = trcol4V;
                    sdoGeom[4].Value = trcol4;

                    commandStatus = command.ExecuteNonQuery();


                    if (currInsertCount % DBOperation.commitInterval == 0)
                        //Do commit at interval but keep the long transaction (reopen)
                catch (OracleException e)
                    string excStr = "%%Error - " + e.Message + "\n\t" + currStep;
                    //command.Dispose();   // Log Oracle error and continue
                    command = new OracleCommand(" ", DBOperation.DBConn);
                    // throw;
                catch (SystemException e)
                    string excStr = "%%Insert Error - " + e.Message + "\n\t" + currStep;

Esempio n. 8
        public static XbimMeshGeometry3D GetMesh(this XbimModel xbimModel, IEnumerable <IPersistIfcEntity> items, XbimMatrix3D wcsTransform)
            var m = new XbimMeshGeometry3D();

            if (xbimModel.GeometrySupportLevel == 1)
                // this is what happens for version 1 of the engine
                foreach (var item in items)
                    var fromModel = item.ModelOf as XbimModel;
                    if (fromModel == null)
                    var geomDataSet = fromModel.GetGeometryData(item.EntityLabel, XbimGeometryType.TriangulatedMesh);
                    foreach (var geomData in geomDataSet)
                        // todo: add guidance to the TransformBy method so that users can understand how to stop using it (it's marked absolete)
                        m.Add(geomData, xbimModel.UserDefinedId);
                // this is what happens for version 2 of the engine
                foreach (var item in items)
                    var fromModel = item.ModelOf as XbimModel;
                    if (fromModel == null || !(item is IfcProduct))
                    var context = new Xbim3DModelContext(fromModel);

                    var productShape =
                        .Where(s => s.RepresentationType != XbimGeometryRepresentationType.OpeningsAndAdditionsExcluded)
                        .ToList();     // this also returns shapes of voids
                    foreach (var shapeInstance in productShape)
                        IXbimShapeGeometryData shapeGeom = context.ShapeGeometry(shapeInstance.ShapeGeometryLabel);
                        switch ((XbimGeometryType)shapeGeom.Format)
                        case XbimGeometryType.PolyhedronBinary:
                                   XbimMatrix3D.Multiply(shapeInstance.Transformation, wcsTransform));

                        case XbimGeometryType.Polyhedron:
                                   XbimMatrix3D.Multiply(shapeInstance.Transformation, wcsTransform));