Esempio n. 1
        public XI2MouseKeyboard()
            window = new X11WindowInfo();

            window.Display = Functions.XOpenDisplay(IntPtr.Zero);
            using (new XLock(window.Display))
                XSetWindowAttributes attr = new XSetWindowAttributes();

                window.Screen     = Functions.XDefaultScreen(window.Display);
                window.RootWindow = Functions.XRootWindow(window.Display, window.Screen);
                window.Handle     = Functions.XCreateWindow(window.Display, window.RootWindow,
                                                            0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0,
                                                            CreateWindowArgs.InputOnly, IntPtr.Zero,
                                                            SetWindowValuemask.Nothing, attr);

                KeyMap = new X11KeyMap(window.Display);

            if (!IsSupported(window.Display))
                throw new NotSupportedException("XInput2 not supported.");

            // Enable XI2 mouse/keyboard events
            // Note: the input event loop blocks waiting for these events
            // *or* a custom ClientMessage event that instructs us to exit.
            // See SendExitEvent() below.
            using (new XLock(window.Display))
                using (XIEventMask mask = new XIEventMask(1,
                                                          XIEventMasks.RawKeyPressMask |
                                                          XIEventMasks.RawKeyReleaseMask |
                                                          XIEventMasks.RawButtonPressMask |
                                                          XIEventMasks.RawButtonReleaseMask |
                                                          XIEventMasks.RawMotionMask |
                                                          XIEventMasks.MotionMask |
                    XI.SelectEvents(window.Display, window.RootWindow, mask);

            ProcessingThread = new Thread(ProcessEvents);
            ProcessingThread.IsBackground = true;
Esempio n. 2
        public XDisplay(bool fullScreen)
            _display = XOpenDisplay("");

            int    screenNumber = XDefaultScreen(_display);
            int    depth        = XDefaultDepth(_display, screenNumber);
            IntPtr visual       = XDefaultVisual(_display, screenNumber);
            IntPtr screenPtr    = XScreenOfDisplay(_display, screenNumber);
            Screen screen       = Noesis.Marshal.PtrToStructure <Screen>(screenPtr);

            IntPtr root = XRootWindow(_display, screenNumber);

            XSetWindowAttributes attr = new XSetWindowAttributes();

            attr.event_mask = EventMask.FocusChangeMask | EventMask.StructureNotifyMask | EventMask.SubstructureNotifyMask |
                              EventMask.PointerMotionMask | EventMask.ButtonPressMask | EventMask.ButtonReleaseMask | EventMask.KeyPressMask | EventMask.KeyReleaseMask;
            _window = XCreateWindow(_display, root, 0, 0, (uint)screen.width, (uint)screen.height, 0, depth, (uint)WindowClass.InputOutput, visual, (IntPtr)AttributeMask.CWEventMask, ref attr);

            if (fullScreen)
                uint[] data     = { XInternAtom(_display, "_NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN", true) };
                uint   property = XInternAtom(_display, "_NET_WM_STATE", false);

                XChangeProperty(_display, (IntPtr)_window, property, 4 /*XA_ATOM*/, 32, 0 /*PropModeReplace*/, data, 1);

            _xim = XOpenIM(_display, IntPtr.Zero, null, null);
            if (_xim == IntPtr.Zero)
                _xim = XOpenIM(_display, IntPtr.Zero, null, null);

            if (_xim != IntPtr.Zero)
                _xic = XCreateIC(_xim, "inputStyle", (IntPtr)0x0408L, "clientWindow", (IntPtr)_window, "focusWindow", (IntPtr)_window, IntPtr.Zero);
                if (_xic != IntPtr.Zero)
                    _utf8 = new UTF8Encoding();
Esempio n. 3
            public DumbWindow(X11Info x11, IntPtr?parent = null)
                _display = x11.Display;

                /*Handle = XCreateSimpleWindow(x11.Display, XLib.XDefaultRootWindow(_display),
                 *  0, 0, 1, 1, 0, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);*/
                var attr = new XSetWindowAttributes
                    backing_store = 1,
                    bit_gravity   = Gravity.NorthWestGravity,
                    win_gravity   = Gravity.NorthWestGravity,

                parent = parent ?? XDefaultRootWindow(x11.Display);

                Handle = XCreateWindow(_display, parent.Value, 0, 0,
                                       1, 1, 0, 0,
                                       new UIntPtr((uint)(SetWindowValuemask.BorderPixel | SetWindowValuemask.BitGravity |
                                                          SetWindowValuemask.BackPixel |
                                                          SetWindowValuemask.WinGravity | SetWindowValuemask.BackingStore)), ref attr);
Esempio n. 4
        public X11Window(AvaloniaX11Platform platform, IWindowImpl popupParent)
            _platform = platform;
            _popup    = popupParent != null;
            _x11      = platform.Info;
            _mouse    = new MouseDevice();
            _touch    = new TouchDevice();
            _keyboard = platform.KeyboardDevice;

            var glfeature             = AvaloniaLocator.Current.GetService <IPlatformOpenGlInterface>();
            XSetWindowAttributes attr = new XSetWindowAttributes();
            var valueMask             = default(SetWindowValuemask);

            attr.backing_store = 1;
            attr.bit_gravity   = Gravity.NorthWestGravity;
            attr.win_gravity   = Gravity.NorthWestGravity;
            valueMask         |= SetWindowValuemask.BackPixel | SetWindowValuemask.BorderPixel
                                 | SetWindowValuemask.BackPixmap | SetWindowValuemask.BackingStore
                                 | SetWindowValuemask.BitGravity | SetWindowValuemask.WinGravity;

            if (_popup)
                attr.override_redirect = true;
                valueMask |= SetWindowValuemask.OverrideRedirect;

            XVisualInfo?visualInfo = null;

            // OpenGL seems to be do weird things to it's current window which breaks resize sometimes
            _useRenderWindow = glfeature != null;

            var glx = glfeature as GlxPlatformOpenGlInterface;

            if (glx != null)
                visualInfo = *glx.Display.VisualInfo;
            else if (glfeature == null)
                visualInfo = _x11.TransparentVisualInfo;

            var egl = glfeature as EglPlatformOpenGlInterface;

            var visual = IntPtr.Zero;
            var depth  = 24;

            if (visualInfo != null)
                visual        = visualInfo.Value.visual;
                depth         = (int)visualInfo.Value.depth;
                attr.colormap = XCreateColormap(_x11.Display, _x11.RootWindow, visualInfo.Value.visual, 0);
                valueMask    |= SetWindowValuemask.ColorMap;

            int defaultWidth = 0, defaultHeight = 0;

            if (!_popup && Screen != null)
                var monitor = Screen.AllScreens.OrderBy(x => x.PixelDensity)
                              .FirstOrDefault(m => m.Bounds.Contains(Position));

                if (monitor != null)
                    // Emulate Window 7+'s default window size behavior.
                    defaultWidth  = (int)(monitor.WorkingArea.Width * 0.75d);
                    defaultHeight = (int)(monitor.WorkingArea.Height * 0.7d);

            // check if the calculated size is zero then compensate to hardcoded resolution
            defaultWidth  = Math.Max(defaultWidth, 300);
            defaultHeight = Math.Max(defaultHeight, 200);

            _handle = XCreateWindow(_x11.Display, _x11.RootWindow, 10, 10, defaultWidth, defaultHeight, 0,
                                    new UIntPtr((uint)valueMask), ref attr);

            if (_useRenderWindow)
                _renderHandle = XCreateWindow(_x11.Display, _handle, 0, 0, defaultWidth, defaultHeight, 0, depth,
                                              new UIntPtr((uint)(SetWindowValuemask.BorderPixel | SetWindowValuemask.BitGravity |
                                                                 SetWindowValuemask.WinGravity | SetWindowValuemask.BackingStore)), ref attr);
                _renderHandle = _handle;

            Handle    = new PlatformHandle(_handle, "XID");
            _realSize = new PixelSize(defaultWidth, defaultHeight);
            platform.Windows[_handle] = OnEvent;
            XEventMask ignoredMask = XEventMask.SubstructureRedirectMask
                                     | XEventMask.ResizeRedirectMask
                                     | XEventMask.PointerMotionHintMask;

            if (platform.XI2 != null)
                ignoredMask |= platform.XI2.AddWindow(_handle, this);
            var mask = new IntPtr(0xffffff ^ (int)ignoredMask);

            XSelectInput(_x11.Display, _handle, mask);
            var protocols = new[]

            XSetWMProtocols(_x11.Display, _handle, protocols, protocols.Length);
            XChangeProperty(_x11.Display, _handle, _x11.Atoms._NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE, _x11.Atoms.XA_ATOM,
                            32, PropertyMode.Replace, new[] { _x11.Atoms._NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_NORMAL }, 1);

            if (platform.Options.WmClass != null)

            var surfaces = new List <object>
                new X11FramebufferSurface(_x11.DeferredDisplay, _renderHandle,
                                          depth, () => RenderScaling)

            if (egl != null)
                                new EglGlPlatformSurface(egl,
                                                         new SurfaceInfo(this, _x11.DeferredDisplay, _handle, _renderHandle)));
            if (glx != null)
                surfaces.Insert(0, new GlxGlPlatformSurface(glx.Display, glx.DeferredContext,
                                                            new SurfaceInfo(this, _x11.Display, _handle, _renderHandle)));

            Surfaces = surfaces.ToArray();
            _xic = XCreateIC(_x11.Xim, XNames.XNInputStyle, XIMProperties.XIMPreeditNothing | XIMProperties.XIMStatusNothing,
                             XNames.XNClientWindow, _handle, IntPtr.Zero);
            _transparencyHelper = new TransparencyHelper(_x11, _handle, platform.Globals);

            if (_popup)
                PopupPositioner = new ManagedPopupPositioner(new ManagedPopupPositionerPopupImplHelper(popupParent, MoveResize));
            if (platform.Options.UseDBusMenu)
                NativeMenuExporter = DBusMenuExporter.TryCreate(_handle);
            NativeControlHost = new X11NativeControlHost(_platform, this);
            DispatcherTimer.Run(() =>
Esempio n. 5
 public static extern IntPtr XCreateWindow(IntPtr display, IntPtr parent, int x, int y, int width, int height,
                                           int border_width, int depth, int xclass, IntPtr visual, UIntPtr valuemask,
                                           ref XSetWindowAttributes attributes);
Esempio n. 6
        public X11Window(AvaloniaX11Platform platform, bool popup)
            _platform = platform;
            _popup    = popup;
            _x11      = platform.Info;
            _mouse    = platform.MouseDevice;
            _keyboard = platform.KeyboardDevice;

            var glfeature             = AvaloniaLocator.Current.GetService <IWindowingPlatformGlFeature>();
            XSetWindowAttributes attr = new XSetWindowAttributes();
            var valueMask             = default(SetWindowValuemask);

            attr.backing_store = 1;
            attr.bit_gravity   = Gravity.NorthWestGravity;
            attr.win_gravity   = Gravity.NorthWestGravity;
            valueMask         |= SetWindowValuemask.BackPixel | SetWindowValuemask.BorderPixel
                                 | SetWindowValuemask.BackPixmap | SetWindowValuemask.BackingStore
                                 | SetWindowValuemask.BitGravity | SetWindowValuemask.WinGravity;

            if (popup)
                attr.override_redirect = true;
                valueMask |= SetWindowValuemask.OverrideRedirect;

            XVisualInfo?visualInfo = null;

            // OpenGL seems to be do weird things to it's current window which breaks resize sometimes
            _useRenderWindow = glfeature != null;

            var glx = glfeature as GlxGlPlatformFeature;

            if (glx != null)
                visualInfo = *glx.Display.VisualInfo;
            else if (glfeature == null)
                visualInfo = _x11.TransparentVisualInfo;

            var egl = glfeature as EglGlPlatformFeature;

            var visual = IntPtr.Zero;
            var depth  = 24;

            if (visualInfo != null)
                visual        = visualInfo.Value.visual;
                depth         = (int)visualInfo.Value.depth;
                attr.colormap = XCreateColormap(_x11.Display, _x11.RootWindow, visualInfo.Value.visual, 0);
                valueMask    |= SetWindowValuemask.ColorMap;

            _handle = XCreateWindow(_x11.Display, _x11.RootWindow, 10, 10, 300, 200, 0,
                                    new UIntPtr((uint)valueMask), ref attr);

            if (_useRenderWindow)
                _renderHandle = XCreateWindow(_x11.Display, _handle, 0, 0, 300, 200, 0, depth,
                                              new UIntPtr((uint)(SetWindowValuemask.BorderPixel | SetWindowValuemask.BitGravity |
                                                                 SetWindowValuemask.WinGravity | SetWindowValuemask.BackingStore)), ref attr);
                _renderHandle = _handle;

            Handle    = new PlatformHandle(_handle, "XID");
            _realSize = new PixelSize(300, 200);
            platform.Windows[_handle] = OnEvent;
            XEventMask ignoredMask = XEventMask.SubstructureRedirectMask
                                     | XEventMask.ResizeRedirectMask
                                     | XEventMask.PointerMotionHintMask;

            if (platform.XI2 != null)
                ignoredMask |= platform.XI2.AddWindow(_handle, this);
            var mask = new IntPtr(0xffffff ^ (int)ignoredMask);

            XSelectInput(_x11.Display, _handle, mask);
            var protocols = new[]

            XSetWMProtocols(_x11.Display, _handle, protocols, protocols.Length);
            XChangeProperty(_x11.Display, _handle, _x11.Atoms._NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE, _x11.Atoms.XA_ATOM,
                            32, PropertyMode.Replace, new[] { _x11.Atoms._NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_NORMAL }, 1);

            if (platform.Options.WmClass != null)

            var surfaces = new List <object>
                new X11FramebufferSurface(_x11.DeferredDisplay, _renderHandle,
                                          depth, () => Scaling)

            if (egl != null)
                                new EglGlPlatformSurface((EglDisplay)egl.Display, egl.DeferredContext,
                                                         new SurfaceInfo(this, _x11.DeferredDisplay, _handle, _renderHandle)));
            if (glx != null)
                surfaces.Insert(0, new GlxGlPlatformSurface(glx.Display, glx.DeferredContext,
                                                            new SurfaceInfo(this, _x11.Display, _handle, _renderHandle)));

            Surfaces = surfaces.ToArray();
            _xic = XCreateIC(_x11.Xim, XNames.XNInputStyle, XIMProperties.XIMPreeditNothing | XIMProperties.XIMStatusNothing,
                             XNames.XNClientWindow, _handle, IntPtr.Zero);
Esempio n. 7
        public Mini(string[] args)
            if (args.Length > 0)
                if (args[0].Equals("--version"))

            XGCValues            gv;
            XSetWindowAttributes sattr;

            focused_client = null;
            focus_model    = DEFAULT_FOCUS_MODEL;

            //  for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++)
            //    command_line = command_line + argv[i] + " ";

            try {
                dpy = new XDisplay(":0");

                try {
                    font = new XFont(dpy, DEFAULT_FONT);
                } catch {
                    font = new XFont(dpy, "Fixed");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Console.WriteLine("{0} check your DISPLAY variable.", e.Message);

            XEvent ev = new XEvent(dpy);

            ev.ErrorHandlerEvent += new ErrorHandler(ErrorHandler);

            // SET UP ATOMS
            atom_wm_state        = new XAtom(dpy, "WM_STATE", false);
            atom_wm_change_state = new XAtom(dpy, "WM_CHANGE_STATE", false);
            atom_wm_protos       = new XAtom(dpy, "WM_PROTOCOLS", false);
            atom_wm_delete       = new XAtom(dpy, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", false);
            atom_wm_takefocus    = new XAtom(dpy, "WM_TAKE_FOCUS", false);

            XSetWindowAttributes pattr = new XSetWindowAttributes();

            pattr.override_redirect = true;
            _button_proxy_win       = new XWindow(dpy, new Rectangle(-80, -80, 24, 24));
            _button_proxy_win.ChangeAttributes(XWindowAttributeFlags.CWOverrideRedirect, pattr);

            fg               = new XColor(dpy, DEFAULT_FOREGROUND_COLOR);
            bg               = new XColor(dpy, DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_COLOR);
            bd               = new XColor(dpy, DEFAULT_BORDER_COLOR);
            fc               = new XColor(dpy, DEFAULT_FOCUS_COLOR);
            focused_border   = new XColor(dpy, FOCUSED_BORDER_COLOR);
            unfocused_border = new XColor(dpy, UNFOCUSED_BORDER_COLOR);

            //shape = XShapeQueryExtension(dpy, &shape_event, &dummy);

            move_curs  = new XCursor(dpy, XCursors.XC_fleur);
            arrow_curs = new XCursor(dpy, XCursors.XC_left_ptr);


            gv.function   = XGCFunctionMask.GXcopy;
            gv.foreground = fg.Pixel;
            gv.font       = font.FID;
            string_gc     = new XGC(dpy, root, XGCValuesMask.GCFunction | XGCValuesMask.GCForeground | XGCValuesMask.GCFont, gv);

            gv.foreground = unfocused_border.Pixel;
            unfocused_gc  = new XGC(dpy, root, XGCValuesMask.GCForeground | XGCValuesMask.GCFont, gv);

            gv.foreground    = fg.Pixel;
            focused_title_gc = new XGC(dpy, root, XGCValuesMask.GCForeground | XGCValuesMask.GCFont, gv);

            gv.foreground = bd.Pixel;
            gv.line_width = DEFAULT_BORDER_WIDTH;
            border_gc     = new XGC(dpy, root, XGCValuesMask.GCFunction | XGCValuesMask.GCForeground | XGCValuesMask.GCLineWidth, gv);

            gv.foreground     = fg.Pixel;
            gv.function       = XGCFunctionMask.GXinvert;
            gv.subwindow_mode = XSubwindowMode.IncludeInferiors;
            invert_gc         = new XGC(dpy, root, XGCValuesMask.GCForeground | XGCValuesMask.GCFunction | XGCValuesMask.GCSubwindowMode | XGCValuesMask.GCLineWidth | XGCValuesMask.GCFont, gv);

            sattr.event_mask = XEventMask.SubstructureRedirectMask | XEventMask.SubstructureNotifyMask | XEventMask.ButtonPressMask | XEventMask.ButtonReleaseMask | XEventMask.FocusChangeMask | XEventMask.EnterWindowMask | XEventMask.LeaveWindowMask | XEventMask.PropertyChangeMask | XEventMask.ButtonMotionMask;

            root.ChangeAttributes(XWindowAttributeFlags.CWEventMask, sattr);


            ev.KeyPressHandlerEvent         += new KeyPressHandler(handleKeyPressEvent);
            ev.ButtonPressHandlerEvent      += new ButtonPressHandler(handleButtonPressEvent);
            ev.ButtonReleaseHandlerEvent    += new ButtonReleaseHandler(handleButtonReleaseEvent);
            ev.ConfigureRequestHandlerEvent += new ConfigureRequestHandler(handleConfigureRequestEvent);
            ev.MotionNotifyHandlerEvent     += new MotionNotifyHandler(handleMotionNotifyEvent);
            ev.MapRequestHandlerEvent       += new MapRequestHandler(handleMapRequestEvent);
            ev.UnmapNotifyHandlerEvent      += new UnmapNotifyHandler(handleUnmapNotifyEvent);
            ev.DestroyNotifyHandlerEvent    += new DestroyNotifyHandler(handleDestroyNotifyEvent);
            ev.EnterNotifyHandlerEvent      += new EnterNotifyHandler(handleEnterNotifyEvent);
            ev.FocusInHandlerEvent          += new FocusInHandler(handleFocusInEvent);
            ev.FocusOutHandlerEvent         += new FocusOutHandler(handleFocusOutEvent);
            ev.PropertyNotifyHandlerEvent   += new PropertyNotifyHandler(handlePropertyNotifyEvent);
            ev.ExposeHandlerEvent           += new ExposeHandler(handleExposeEvent);
            ev.ShapeHandlerEvent            += new ShapeHandler(handleShapeEvent);
Esempio n. 8
 internal static extern uint XCreateWindow(IntPtr display, ulong parent, int x, int y, uint width, uint height, uint borderWidth, int depth, uint @class, ref Visual visual, ulong valueMask, ref XSetWindowAttributes attributes);
Esempio n. 9
 public static extern Window XCreateWindow(IntPtr display, Window parent, int x, int y, uint width, uint height, uint border_width, int depth, uint @class, IntPtr visual, ulong valuemask, ref XSetWindowAttributes attributes);
Esempio n. 10
        // Internal constructor that is used by the "InputOutputWidget" subclass.
        internal InputOnlyWidget(Widget parent, int x, int y,
                                 int width, int height, Color background,
                                 bool rootAllowed, bool overrideRedirect)
            : base(GetDisplay(parent, rootAllowed), GetScreen(parent),
                   DrawableKind.Widget, parent)
            bool ok = false;

                // Validate the position and size.
                if (x < -32768 || x > 32767 ||
                    y < -32768 || y > 32767)
                    throw new XException(S._("X_InvalidPosition"));
                if (width < 1 || width > 32767 ||
                    height < 1 || height > 32767 ||
                    !ValidateSize(width, height))
                    throw new XException(S._("X_InvalidSize"));

                // Set the initial position and size of the widget.
                this.x         = x;
                this.y         = y;
                this.width     = width;
                this.height    = height;
                this.focusable = true;

                // Lock down the display and create the window handle.
                    IntPtr  display            = dpy.Lock();
                    XWindow pwindow            = parent.GetWidgetHandle();
                    XSetWindowAttributes attrs = new XSetWindowAttributes();
                    attrs.override_redirect = overrideRedirect;
                    XWindow window = Xlib.XCreateWindow
                                         (display, pwindow,
                                         x, y, (uint)width, (uint)height, (uint)0,
                                         screen.DefaultDepth, 1 /* InputOutput */,
                                         ref attrs);
                    if (background.Index == StandardColor.Inherit)
                            (display, window, XPixmap.ParentRelative);
                        Xlib.XSetWindowBackground(display, window,
                    if (parent.AutoMapChildren)
                        Xlib.XMapWindow(display, window);
                        mapped = true;

                // Push the widget down to the default layer.
                layer = 0x7FFFFFFF;
                Layer = 0;
                ok    = true;

                // Select for mouse events.
                SelectInput(EventMask.ButtonPressMask |
                            EventMask.ButtonReleaseMask |
                            EventMask.EnterWindowMask |
                            EventMask.LeaveWindowMask |
                if (!ok)
                    // Creation failed, so detach ourselves from
                    // the parent's widget tree.
Esempio n. 11
		public extern static IntPtr XCreateWindow(IntPtr display, IntPtr parent, int x, int y, int width, int height, int border_width, int depth, int xclass, IntPtr visual, UIntPtr valuemask, ref XSetWindowAttributes attributes);
Esempio n. 12
 extern public static IntPtr XCreateWindow(IntPtr x11display, IntPtr x11window, TInt x, TInt y, TUint width, TUint height, TUint outsideBorderWidth,
                                           TInt depth, TUint cls, IntPtr x11visual, WindowAttributeMask valueMask, ref XSetWindowAttributes attributes);
Esempio n. 13
        public X11Window(AvaloniaX11Platform platform, bool popup)
            _platform = platform;
            _popup    = popup;
            _x11      = platform.Info;
            _mouse    = platform.MouseDevice;
            _keyboard = platform.KeyboardDevice;
            _xic      = XCreateIC(_x11.Xim, XNames.XNInputStyle, XIMProperties.XIMPreeditNothing | XIMProperties.XIMStatusNothing,
                                  XNames.XNClientWindow, _handle, IntPtr.Zero);

            XSetWindowAttributes attr = new XSetWindowAttributes();
            var valueMask             = default(SetWindowValuemask);

            attr.backing_store = 1;
            attr.bit_gravity   = Gravity.NorthWestGravity;
            attr.win_gravity   = Gravity.NorthWestGravity;
            valueMask         |= SetWindowValuemask.BackPixel | SetWindowValuemask.BorderPixel
                                 | SetWindowValuemask.BackPixmap | SetWindowValuemask.BackingStore
                                 | SetWindowValuemask.BitGravity | SetWindowValuemask.WinGravity;

            if (popup)
                attr.override_redirect = true;
                valueMask |= SetWindowValuemask.OverrideRedirect;

            _handle = XCreateWindow(_x11.Display, _x11.RootWindow, 10, 10, 300, 200, 0,
                                    (int)CreateWindowArgs.InputOutput, IntPtr.Zero,
                                    new UIntPtr((uint)valueMask), ref attr);
            _renderHandle = XCreateWindow(_x11.Display, _handle, 0, 0, 300, 200, 0, 24,
                                          new UIntPtr((uint)(SetWindowValuemask.BorderPixel | SetWindowValuemask.BitGravity |
                                                             SetWindowValuemask.WinGravity | SetWindowValuemask.BackingStore)), ref attr);

            Handle    = new PlatformHandle(_handle, "XID");
            _realSize = new PixelSize(300, 200);
            platform.Windows[_handle] = OnEvent;
            XEventMask ignoredMask = XEventMask.SubstructureRedirectMask
                                     | XEventMask.ResizeRedirectMask
                                     | XEventMask.PointerMotionHintMask;

            if (platform.XI2 != null)
                ignoredMask |= platform.XI2.AddWindow(_handle, this);
            var mask = new IntPtr(0xffffff ^ (int)ignoredMask);

            XSelectInput(_x11.Display, _handle, mask);
            var protocols = new[]

            XSetWMProtocols(_x11.Display, _handle, protocols, protocols.Length);
            XChangeProperty(_x11.Display, _handle, _x11.Atoms._NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE, _x11.Atoms.XA_ATOM,
                            32, PropertyMode.Replace, new[] { _x11.Atoms._NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_NORMAL }, 1);

            var feature  = (EglGlPlatformFeature)AvaloniaLocator.Current.GetService <IWindowingPlatformGlFeature>();
            var surfaces = new List <object>
                new X11FramebufferSurface(_x11.DeferredDisplay, _renderHandle, () => Scaling)

            if (feature != null)
                                new EglGlPlatformSurface((EglDisplay)feature.Display, feature.DeferredContext,
                                                         new SurfaceInfo(this, _x11.DeferredDisplay, _handle, _renderHandle)));
            Surfaces = surfaces.ToArray();
Esempio n. 14
 internal static extern WINDOW XCreateWindow(PDISPLAY display, WINDOW parent, int x, int y, uint width, uint height, uint borderWidth,
                                             int depth, uint @class, PVISUAL visual, ULONG valuemask, ref XSetWindowAttributes attributes);