public void Census()
            using (var pub = new XPublisherSocket())
                using (var sub = new XSubscriberSocket())
                    var port = pub.BindRandomPort("tcp://");

                    sub.Connect("tcp://" + port);
                    sub.SendFrame("Message from subscriber");

                    // let the subscriber connect to the publisher before sending a message

                    var txt = pub.ReceiveFrameString();
                    Assert.AreEqual("Message from subscriber", txt);

                    sub.SendFrame(new byte[] { });

                    var msg = pub.ReceiveFrameBytes();
                    Assert.True(msg.Length == 0);
        public void MultiplePublishers()
            using (var pub = new XPublisherSocket())
                using (var pub2 = new XPublisherSocket())
                    using (var sub = new XSubscriberSocket())
                        using (var sub2 = new XSubscriberSocket())
                            var port  = pub.BindRandomPort("tcp://");
                            var port2 = pub2.BindRandomPort("tcp://");

                            // see comments below why verbose option is needed in this test
                            pub.Options.XPubVerbose  = true;
                            pub2.Options.XPubVerbose = true;

                            sub.Connect("tcp://" + port);
                            sub.Connect("tcp://" + port2);

                            sub2.Connect("tcp://" + port);
                            sub2.Connect("tcp://" + port2);

                            // should subscribe to both
                            sub.SendFrame(new byte[] { 1, (byte)'A' });
                            sub2.SendFrame(new byte[] { 1, (byte)'A' });


                            var msg = pub.ReceiveFrameString();
                            Assert.AreEqual(2, msg.Length);
                            Assert.AreEqual(1, msg[0]);
                            Assert.AreEqual('A', msg[1]);

                            var msg2 = pub2.ReceiveFrameBytes();
                            Assert.AreEqual(2, msg2.Length);
                            Assert.AreEqual(1, msg2[0]);
                            Assert.AreEqual('A', msg2[1]);

                            // Next two blocks (pub(2).Receive) will hang without XPub verbose option:
                            // sub and sub2 both have sent `.Send(new byte[] { 1, (byte)'A' });` messages
                            // which are the same, so XPub will discard the second message for .Receive()
                            // because it is normally used to pass topics upstream.
                            // (un)subs are done in XPub.cs at line 150-175, quote:
                            // >> If the subscription is not a duplicate, store it so that it can be
                            // >> passed to used on next recv call.
                            // For verbose:
                            // >> If true, send all subscription messages upstream, not just unique ones

                            // These options must be set before sub2.Send(new byte[] { 1, (byte)'A' });
                            // pub.Options.XPubVerbose = true;
                            // pub2.Options.XPubVerbose = true;
                            // Note that resending sub2.Send(..) here wont help because XSub won't resent existing subs to XPub - quite sane behavior
                            // Comment out the verbose options and the next 8 lines and the test will
                            // still pass, even with non-unique messages from subscribers (see the bottom of the test)

                            msg = pub.ReceiveFrameString();
                            Assert.AreEqual(2, msg.Length);
                            Assert.AreEqual(1, msg[0]);
                            Assert.AreEqual('A', msg[1]);

                            msg2 = pub2.ReceiveFrameBytes();
                            Assert.AreEqual(2, msg2.Length);
                            Assert.AreEqual(1, msg2[0]);
                            Assert.AreEqual('A', msg2[1]);

                            pub.SendFrame("Hello from the first publisher");

                            bool more;
                            Assert.AreEqual("A", sub.ReceiveFrameString(out more));
                            Assert.AreEqual("Hello from the first publisher", sub.ReceiveFrameString(out more));
                            // this returns the result of the latest
                            // connect - address2, not the source of the message
                            // This is documented here:
                            //var ep = sub2.Options.LastEndpoint;
                            //Assert.AreEqual(address, ep);

                            // same for sub2
                            Assert.AreEqual("A", sub2.ReceiveFrameString(out more));
                            Assert.AreEqual("Hello from the first publisher", sub2.ReceiveFrameString(out more));

                            pub2.SendFrame("Hello from the second publisher");

                            Assert.AreEqual("A", sub.ReceiveFrameString(out more));

                            Assert.AreEqual("Hello from the second publisher", sub.ReceiveFrameString(out more));
                            Assert.AreEqual("tcp://" + port2, sub2.Options.LastEndpoint);

                            // same for sub2
                            Assert.AreEqual("A", sub2.ReceiveFrameString(out more));
                            Assert.AreEqual("Hello from the second publisher", sub2.ReceiveFrameString(out more));

                            // send both to address and address2
                            sub.SendFrame("Message from subscriber");
                            sub2.SendFrame("Message from subscriber 2");

                            Assert.AreEqual("Message from subscriber", pub.ReceiveFrameString());
                            Assert.AreEqual("Message from subscriber", pub2.ReceiveFrameString());

                            // Does not hang even though is the same as above, but the first byte is not 1 or 0.
                            // Won't hang even when messages are equal
                            Assert.AreEqual("Message from subscriber 2", pub.ReceiveFrameString());
                            Assert.AreEqual("Message from subscriber 2", pub2.ReceiveFrameString());