public Program() { Get["/speak/"] = x => { IEnumerable <string> signature = Request.Headers["X-Plivo-Signature"]; String[] sign = (String[])signature; String actualsignature = sign[0]; String auth_token = "Your AUHT TOKEN"; Dictionary <string, string> parameters = new Dictionary <string, string>(); if (Request.Query != null) { foreach (String key in Request.Query.Keys) { String value = Request.Query[key]; parameters.Add(key, value); } } String url = Request.Url.SiteBase + Request.Url.Path; if (Request.Form != null) { foreach (String key in Request.Form.Keys) { String value = Request.Form[key]; parameters.Add(key, value); } } bool valid = XPlivoSignature.Verify(url, parameters, actualsignature, auth_token); Debug.WriteLine("Valid : " + valid); Plivo.XML.Response resp = new Plivo.XML.Response(); // Add Speak XML Tag resp.AddSpeak("Hello, Welcome to Plivo", new Dictionary <string, string>() { }); Debug.WriteLine(resp.ToString()); var output = resp.ToString(); var res = (Nancy.Response)output; res.ContentType = "text/xml"; return(res); }; }
public Program() { Get["/receive_sms/"] = x => { IEnumerable <string> signature = Request.Headers["X-Plivo-Signature"]; String[] sign = (String[])signature; String actualsignature = sign[0]; String auth_token = "Your AUHT TOKEN"; Dictionary <string, string> parameters = new Dictionary <string, string>(); if (Request.Query != null) { foreach (String key in Request.Query.Keys) { String value = Request.Query[key]; parameters.Add(key, value); } } String url = Request.Url.SiteBase + Request.Url.Path; if (Request.Form != null) { foreach (String key in Request.Form.Keys) { String value = Request.Form[key]; parameters.Add(key, value); } } bool valid = XPlivoSignature.Verify(url, parameters, actualsignature, auth_token); Debug.WriteLine("Valid : " + valid); String from_number = Request.Query["From"]; String to_number = Request.Query["To"]; String text = Request.Query["Text"]; Debug.WriteLine("From : {0}, To : {1}, Text : {2}", from_number, to_number, text); Console.ReadLine(); return("OK"); }; }