public static XPDataView ExecuteSqlQuery(this UnitOfWork uow, string sSqlString) { var dv = new XPDataView(); var result = uow.ExecuteQueryWithMetadata(sSqlString); if (result.ResultSet[0].Rows.Length > 0) { foreach (var r in result.ResultSet[0].Rows) { dv.AddProperty((string)r.Values[0], DBColumn.GetType((DBColumnType)Enum.Parse(typeof(DBColumnType), (string)r.Values[2]))); } dv.LoadData(new SelectedData(result.ResultSet[1])); } return(dv); }
private void Execute(string sql, bool remoteCommand = false) { try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sql)) { return; } if (!remoteCommand) { EventBusFactory.Default.Publish(new RemoteExecuteCommand(Id, sql)); } var session = new Session(_databaseServer.GetDataLayer()); if (sql.StartsWith("select", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { gridView.Columns.Clear(); XPDataView dv = new XPDataView(); SelectedData data = session.ExecuteQueryWithMetadata(sql); foreach (var row in data.ResultSet[0].Rows) { dv.AddProperty((string)row.Values[0], DBColumn.GetType((DBColumnType)Enum.Parse(typeof(DBColumnType), (string)row.Values[2]))); } dv.LoadData(new SelectedData(data.ResultSet[1])); //如果包含多个结果将丢弃 gridControl.DataSource = dv; PrintLog($"数据行数={dv.Count}"); } else { var count = session.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); PrintLog($"受影响行数={count}"); } session.Disconnect(); _tabPage.Appearance.HeaderActive.BackColor = Color.Empty; } catch (Exception ex) { PrintLog($"{ex.Message}{Environment.NewLine}{ex.StackTrace}"); _tabPage.Appearance.HeaderActive.BackColor = Color.Brown; } }
protected XPDataView AtualizarGrid() { Control.UsuariosControle ctrlUsu = new Control.UsuariosControle(); string dataCadINI = ""; string dataCadFIM = ""; string envolvido = ""; string procNum = ""; string undorca = ""; string situacao = ""; string usuarioEnvio = ""; string assunto = ""; string usuarioDefault = ctrlUsu.GetUsuarioByLogin(HttpContext.Current.Session["pUId"].ToString()).UsuarioID.ToString(); Control.PerfilCtrl perfil = new Control.PerfilCtrl(); bool perfilConsultaGeral = perfil.getPermissaoConsultaProcessos(usuarioDefault); perfil = null; string sqlTable = "select " + "id," + "NUMERO," + "datahoracadastro," + "responsavel," + "nome," + "ENVID," + "descricao," + "UNDABREV ," + "unidfuncnome," + "undunificado," + "usuarioenvio," + "Cast(valor as numeric(15,2)) valor," + "cast(VAL_LIQUIDADO as numeric(15,2)) VAL_LIQUIDADO," + "CENNOME," + "SITUACAO_ATUAL " + "from CONSULTA_PROCESSOS "; if (dtCadastroIni.Value != null) { dataCadINI = "'" + DateTime.Parse(dtCadastroIni.Value.ToString()).ToShortDateString().Replace("/", ".") + "' "; } else { dataCadINI = "DATAHORACADASTRO"; } if (dtCadastroFim.Value != null) { dataCadFIM = "'" + DateTime.Parse(dtCadastroFim.Value.ToString()).ToShortDateString().Replace("/", ".") + "' "; } else { dataCadFIM = "DATAHORACADASTRO"; } if (cbbEnvolvido.Value != null) { envolvido = cbbEnvolvido.Value.ToString(); } else { envolvido = "ENVID "; } if (txtNumProcesso.Value != null) { procNum = " like '" + txtNumProcesso.Value.ToString() + "%'"; } else { procNum = " = NUMERO "; } if (cbbUndOrc.Value != null) { undorca = "= '" + cbbUndOrc.Value.ToString() + "' "; } else { if (!perfilConsultaGeral) { string idUndFunc = Control.UndFuncionalCtrl.getUndFuncByUsuID(usuarioDefault).ToString(); string undOrcCad = Control.UnidadeOrcamentariaCtrl.GetUnidadeOrcamentriaByUnidadeFuncional(idUndFunc).undUnificado; undorca = "in ( SELECT UO.undunificado " + " FROM unidadeorcamentaria UO " + " JOIN und_orc_und_ges UOG ON UOG.uogorgao = UO.undcodorgao AND UOG.uogunidade = UO.undcodigo " + " WHERE " + " uog.uogunidadegestora = " + " (SELECT UOG.uogunidadegestora " + " FROM unidadeorcamentaria UO " + " JOIN und_orc_und_ges UOG ON UOG.uogorgao = UO.undcodorgao AND UOG.uogunidade = UO.undcodigo " + " where uo.undunificado = '" + undOrcCad + "' " + " ) ) "; } else { undorca = "= UNDUNIFICADO "; } } if (cbbAssunto.Value != null) { assunto = cbbAssunto.Value.ToString() ; } else { assunto = "ASSID "; } string idSituacao = string.Empty; if (cbbSituacao.Value != null) { situacao = cbbSituacao.Value.ToString(); } //usuarioEnvio = "USUARIOENVIO"; sqlTable += " WHERE "; sqlTable += " ("; sqlTable += " (DATAHORACADASTRO >= " + dataCadINI + ") "; sqlTable += " AND "; sqlTable += " (DATAHORACADASTRO <= " + dataCadFIM + ")"; sqlTable += " ) "; sqlTable += " AND "; sqlTable += " ENVID = " + envolvido; sqlTable += " AND "; sqlTable += " NUMERO " + procNum; sqlTable += " AND "; //sqlTable += " UNDUNIFICADO = " + undorca; sqlTable += " UNDUNIFICADO " + undorca; if(cbbSituacao.Value != null){ //sqlTable += "and (" + situacao + " in (Select idSituacaoProjeto from webtramite where idProcesso = proc.ID)) "; sqlTable += "and SITID in (Select from webgruposituacoes gsit join websituacaoprocesso sit on sit.id_gruposituacao = where = " + cbbSituacao.Value + ")"; } //sqlTable += " AND "; //sqlTable += "USUARIOENVIO = " + usuarioEnvio; sqlTable += " AND ASSID = "+ assunto; sqlTable += "AND ((EXCLUIR IS NULL AND EXERCICIO <> (SELECT FIRST 1 ENTEXERCICIO FROM ENTIDADE)) "; sqlTable += "OR "; sqlTable += "(EXERCICIO = (SELECT FIRST 1 ENTEXERCICIO FROM ENTIDADE)))"; DevExpress.Xpo.Session xpoSession = new DevExpress.Xpo.Session(); XpoDataSource1.Session = xpoSession; //string connTeste = AcessoDados.AcessoDados.GetConnectionStringXPO(); XpoDataSource1.Session.Connection = Persist.GetConn.getConn(); SelectedData resultSet = xpoSession.ExecuteQuery(sqlTable); XPDataView dv = new XPDataView(); dv.AddProperty("ID", typeof(int)); dv.AddProperty("NUMERO", typeof(string)); dv.AddProperty("DATAHORACADASTRO", typeof(DateTime)); dv.AddProperty("RESPONSAVEL", typeof(string)); dv.AddProperty("NOME", typeof(string)); dv.AddProperty("ENVID", typeof(int)); dv.AddProperty("DESCRICAO", typeof(string)); dv.AddProperty("UNDABREV", typeof(string)); dv.AddProperty("UNIDFUNCNOME", typeof(string)); dv.AddProperty("UNDUNIFICADO", typeof(int)); dv.AddProperty("USUARIOENVIO", typeof(int)); dv.AddProperty("VALOR", typeof(decimal)); dv.AddProperty("VAL_LIQUIDADO", typeof(decimal)); dv.AddProperty("CENNOME", typeof(string)); dv.AddProperty("SITUACAO_ATUAL", typeof(string)); dv.LoadData(resultSet); ASPxGridView1.DataSource = dv; Session["DTable"] = dv; ASPxGridView1.DataBind(); return dv; }
public void atualizaGridEmpenhos(string tipo) { string unidOrc = ""; string empenhoNum = ""; string dataIni = ""; string dataFim = ""; string credor = ""; string processo = ""; if (!tipo.Equals("Limpar")) { bool parametro = Control.Configuracoes.Dados.getParametroGradeDIDComplementar(); if (cbbUndOrc.Value != null) { unidOrc = "'" + cbbUndOrc.Value.ToString() + "'"; } else { Control.UsuariosControle ctrlUsu = new Control.UsuariosControle(); string idUsu = ctrlUsu.GetUsuarioByLogin(HttpContext.Current.Session["pUId"].ToString()).UsuarioID.ToString(); string idUndFunc = Control.UndFuncionalCtrl.getUndFuncByUsuID(idUsu).ToString(); string undOrcCad = Control.UnidadeOrcamentariaCtrl.GetUnidadeOrcamentriaByUnidadeFuncional(idUndFunc).undUnificado; if (parametro == false) { unidOrc = " SELECT UO.undunificado " + " FROM unidadeorcamentaria UO " + " JOIN und_orc_und_ges UOG ON UOG.uogorgao = UO.undcodorgao AND UOG.uogunidade = UO.undcodigo " + " WHERE " + " uog.uogunidadegestora = " + " (SELECT UOG.uogunidadegestora " + " FROM unidadeorcamentaria UO " + " JOIN und_orc_und_ges UOG ON UOG.uogorgao = UO.undcodorgao AND UOG.uogunidade = UO.undcodigo " + " where uo.undunificado = '" + undOrcCad + "' " + " ) "; } else { unidOrc = " select UNDUNIFICADO from SCI_USUARIOS_UNDORC where usu_codigo = " + idUsu + " "; } } if (txtNumEmpenho.Value != null) { empenhoNum = "'" + txtNumEmpenho.Value.ToString() + "'"; } else { empenhoNum = "emp.empnumero"; } if (dtCadastroIni.Value != null) { dataIni = "'" + dtCadastroIni.Value.ToString().Substring(0, 10) + "'"; } else { dataIni = "emp.empdata"; } if (dtCadastroFim.Value != null) { dataFim = "'" + dtCadastroFim.Value.ToString().Substring(0, 10) + "'"; } else { dataFim = "emp.empdata"; } if (cbbCredor.Value != null) { credor = "'" + cbbCredor.Value.ToString() + "'"; } else { credor = "emp.emppessoa"; } if ( txtNumProcesso.Value != null) { processo = "AND PROC.NUMERO = '" + txtNumProcesso.Value.ToString() + "'"; } else { processo = ""; } string sqlTable = "select uo.undunificado, uo.undabrev, emp.empdata, emp.empnumero, emp.emppessoa, " + "emp.empnomepessoa, emp.empnatureza, (emp.empvalor - coalesce(ema.emavalor, 0)) empvalor, lic.licnumero, lic.licdata,"+ "coalesce(proc.NUMERO,(select numero from webprocesso where id = emp.empsemdid)) NUMERO, " + "case when emp.empstatus = 'T' then 'NORMAL' else 'Erro' end " + "empstatus, " + "case " + " when emp.empfundeb = 1 then '1 - Magistério 60%' " + " when emp.empfundeb = 2 then '2 - Administrativo 40%' " + " when emp.empfundeb = 3 then '3 - MDE - Outros' " + " else null " + "end " + "empfundeb, EMP.empcod, " + "CTR.CTRNUMERO, CTR.CTRDATA " + "from empenho emp " + "join unidadeorcamentaria uo on uo.undcodorgao = emp.emporgao and uo.undcodigo = emp.empunidade " + "left join licitacao lic on lic.liccod = emp.emplicitacao " + "LEFT JOIN CONTRATOS CTR ON CTR.ctrcod = EMP.empcontrato " + "LEFT JOIN WEBPROCESSO PROC ON PROC.ID = EMP.EMPDID "+ "Left join empenhoanulacao ema on ema.emaempenho = emp.empcod " + "where uo.undunificado IN (" + unidOrc + ") "+ " and emp.empnumero = " + empenhoNum + " and emp.emppessoa = " + credor + " and (emp.empdata >= " + dataIni.Replace("/", ".") + " and emp.empdata <= " + dataFim.Replace("/", ".") + ") " + processo + " order by emp.empdata desc"; DevExpress.Xpo.Session xpoSession = new DevExpress.Xpo.Session(); XpoDataSource1.Session = xpoSession; //string connTeste = AcessoDados.AcessoDados.GetConnectionStringXPO(); XpoDataSource1.Session.Connection = Persist.GetConn.getConn(); //XpoDataSource1.Session.ConnectionString = connTeste; SelectedData resultSet = xpoSession.ExecuteQuery(sqlTable); XPDataView dv = new XPDataView(); dv.AddProperty("UNDUNIFICADO", typeof(string)); dv.AddProperty("UNDABREV", typeof(string)); dv.AddProperty("EMPDATA", typeof(DateTime)); dv.AddProperty("EMPNUMERO", typeof(string)); dv.AddProperty("EMPPESSOA", typeof(string)); dv.AddProperty("EMPNOMEPESSOA", typeof(string)); dv.AddProperty("EMPNATUREZA", typeof(string)); dv.AddProperty("EMPVALOR", typeof(double)); dv.AddProperty("LICNUMERO", typeof(string)); dv.AddProperty("LICDATA", typeof(DateTime)); dv.AddProperty("NUMERO", typeof(string)); dv.AddProperty("EMPSTATUS", typeof(string)); dv.AddProperty("EMPFUNDEB", typeof(double)); dv.AddProperty("EMPCOD", typeof(int)); dv.AddProperty("CTRNUMERO", typeof(string)); dv.AddProperty("CTRDATA", typeof(DateTime)); dv.LoadData(resultSet); ASPxGridView1.DataSource = dv; Session["DTable"] = dv; ASPxGridView1.DataBind(); } else { ASPxGridView1.DataSourceID = string.Empty; ASPxGridView1.DataBind(); } }
protected XPDataView AtualizarGrid() { UsuariosControle ctrlUsu = new Control.UsuariosControle(); string usuarioDefault = ctrlUsu.GetUsuarioByLogin(HttpContext.Current.Session["pUId"].ToString()).UsuarioID.ToString(); PerfilCtrl perfil = new Control.PerfilCtrl(); bool perfilConsultaGeral = perfil.getPermissaoConsultaProcessos(usuarioDefault); perfil = null; string centrocusto = string.Empty; string undorca = string.Empty; string sqlTable = "select distinct " + "CENCOD,"+ "CENNOME,"+ "FONCOD,"+ "FONNOME,"+ "UNDUNIFICADO,"+ "UNDNOME,"+ "CCCMESES,"+ "DESPJAN,"+ "DESPFEV,"+ "DESPMAR,"+ "DESPABR,"+ "DESPMAI,"+ "DESPJUN,"+ "DESPJUL,"+ "DESPAGO,"+ "DESPSET,"+ "DESPOUT,"+ "DESPNOV,"+ "DESPDEZ,"+ "DIDJAN,"+ "DIDFEV,"+ "DIDMAR,"+ "DIDABR,"+ "DIDMAI,"+ "DIDJUN,"+ "DIDJUL,"+ "DIDAGO,"+ "DIDSET,"+ "DIDOUT,"+ "DIDNOV,"+ "DIDDEZ,"+ "SALDOJAN,"+ "SALDOFEV,"+ "SALDOMAR,"+ "SALDOABR,"+ "SALDOMAI,"+ "SALDOJUN,"+ "SALDOJUL,"+ "SALDOAGO,"+ "SALDOSET,"+ "SALDOOUT,"+ "SALDONOV,"+ "SALDODEZ " + "from VW_FLX_REL_EXT_CENCUSTO_GRID "; if (cbbCentroCusto.Value != null) { centrocusto = cbbCentroCusto.Value.ToString(); } else { centrocusto = "CENCOD "; } if (cbbUndOrc.Value != null) { undorca = "= '" + cbbUndOrc.Value.ToString() + "' "; } else { if (!perfilConsultaGeral) { string idUndFunc = Control.UndFuncionalCtrl.getUndFuncByUsuID(usuarioDefault).ToString(); string undOrcCad = Control.UnidadeOrcamentariaCtrl.GetUnidadeOrcamentriaByUnidadeFuncional(idUndFunc).undUnificado; undorca = "in ( SELECT UO.undunificado " + " FROM unidadeorcamentaria UO " + " JOIN und_orc_und_ges UOG ON UOG.uogorgao = UO.undcodorgao AND UOG.uogunidade = UO.undcodigo " + " WHERE " + " uog.uogunidadegestora = " + " (SELECT UOG.uogunidadegestora " + " FROM unidadeorcamentaria UO " + " JOIN und_orc_und_ges UOG ON UOG.uogorgao = UO.undcodorgao AND UOG.uogunidade = UO.undcodigo " + " where uo.undunificado = '" + undOrcCad + "' " + " ) ) "; } else { undorca = "= UNDUNIFICADO "; } } ////usuarioEnvio = "USUARIOENVIO"; sqlTable += " WHERE "; sqlTable += " CENCOD = " + centrocusto; sqlTable += " AND "; sqlTable += " UNDUNIFICADO " + undorca; DevExpress.Xpo.Session xpoSession = new DevExpress.Xpo.Session(); XpoDataSource1.Session = xpoSession; XpoDataSource1.Session.Connection = Persist.GetConn.getConn(); SelectedData resultSet = xpoSession.ExecuteQuery(sqlTable); XPDataView dv = new XPDataView(); dv.AddProperty("CENCOD", typeof(int)); dv.AddProperty("CENNOME", typeof(string)); dv.AddProperty("FONCOD", typeof(int)); dv.AddProperty("FONNOME", typeof(string)); dv.AddProperty("UNDUNIFICADO", typeof(string)); dv.AddProperty("UNDNOME", typeof(string)); dv.AddProperty("CCCMESES", typeof(decimal)); dv.AddProperty("DESPJAN", typeof(decimal)); dv.AddProperty("DESPFEV", typeof(decimal)); dv.AddProperty("DESPMAR", typeof(decimal)); dv.AddProperty("DESPABR", typeof(decimal)); dv.AddProperty("DESPMAI", typeof(decimal)); dv.AddProperty("DESPJUN", typeof(decimal)); dv.AddProperty("DESPJUL", typeof(decimal)); dv.AddProperty("DESPAGO", typeof(decimal)); dv.AddProperty("DESPSET", typeof(decimal)); dv.AddProperty("DESPOUT", typeof(decimal)); dv.AddProperty("DESPNOV", typeof(decimal)); dv.AddProperty("DESPDEZ", typeof(decimal)); dv.AddProperty("DIDJAN", typeof(decimal)); dv.AddProperty("DIDFEV", typeof(decimal)); dv.AddProperty("DIDMAR", typeof(decimal)); dv.AddProperty("DIDABR", typeof(decimal)); dv.AddProperty("DIDMAI", typeof(decimal)); dv.AddProperty("DIDJUN", typeof(decimal)); dv.AddProperty("DIDJUL", typeof(decimal)); dv.AddProperty("DIDAGO", typeof(decimal)); dv.AddProperty("DIDSET", typeof(decimal)); dv.AddProperty("DIDOUT", typeof(decimal)); dv.AddProperty("DIDNOV", typeof(decimal)); dv.AddProperty("DIDDEZ", typeof(decimal)); dv.AddProperty("SALDOJAN", typeof(decimal)); dv.AddProperty("SALDOFEV", typeof(decimal)); dv.AddProperty("SALDOMAR", typeof(decimal)); dv.AddProperty("SALDOABR", typeof(decimal)); dv.AddProperty("SALDOMAI", typeof(decimal)); dv.AddProperty("SALDOJUN", typeof(decimal)); dv.AddProperty("SALDOJUL", typeof(decimal)); dv.AddProperty("SALDOAGO", typeof(decimal)); dv.AddProperty("SALDOSET", typeof(decimal)); dv.AddProperty("SALDOOUT", typeof(decimal)); dv.AddProperty("SALDONOV", typeof(decimal)); dv.AddProperty("SALDODEZ", typeof(decimal)); dv.LoadData(resultSet); ASPxGridView1.DataSource = dv; Session["DTable"] = dv; ASPxGridView1.DataBind(); return dv; }
public void load_data() { int month = Int32.Parse(hS06dnMonth.Get("month_id").ToString()); int year = Int32.Parse(hS06dnYear.Get("year_id").ToString()); string owner = hS06dnOwner.Get("owner_id").ToString(); string asset = hS06dnAsset.Get("asset_id").ToString(); DateTime fromDate = new DateTime(year, month, 1); int lastmonth = 0; int lastyear = year; if (month == 1) { lastmonth = 12; lastyear = year - 1; } else { lastmonth = month - 1; } m_Sql = "" + "select result.Code as AccountCode, result.Name as AccountName, " + " sum(result.beginDebit) as BeginDebit, "+ " sum(result.beginCredit) as BeginCredit,"+ " sum(result.Debit) as Debit, "+ " sum(result.Credit) as Credit,"+ " case "+ " when sum(result.beginDebit) + sum(result.Debit) - sum(result.beginCredit)- sum(result.Credit) > 0 THEN (sum(result.beginDebit) + sum(result.Debit) - sum(result.Credit)) ELSE 0 end as EndDebit, "+ " case "+ " when sum(result.beginCredit) + sum(result.Credit) - sum(result.beginDebit) - sum(result.Debit) > 0 THEN (sum(result.beginCredit) + sum(result.Credit) - sum(result.Debit)) ELSE 0 end as EndCredit "+ "from "+ " (select transact.Code, transact.Name, "+ " "+ " case "+ " when sum(isnull(BeginDebitBalance,0)) > 0 "+ " THEN sum(isnull(transact.BeginDebitBalance,0)) + sum(transact.Debit) - sum(transact.Credit) ELSE 0 end as beginDebit, "+ " case "+ " when sum(isnull(BeginCreditBalance,0)) > 0 "+ " THEN sum(isnull(transact.BeginCreditBalance,0)) + sum(transact.Credit) - sum(transact.Debit) ELSE 0 end as beginCredit, "+ " 0 as Debit, 0 as Credit"+ " "+ " from "+ " ( "+ " select b.Code, b.Name, a.BeginDebitBalance, a.BeginCreditBalance, 0 as Debit, 0 as Credit "+ " from FinancialGeneralLedgerByYear_Fact a, FinancialAccountDim b "+ " where a.FinancialAccountDimId = b.FinancialAccountDimId"+ " "+ " union all"+ " "+ " select e.Code, e.Name, 0 as BeginDebitBalance, 0 as BeginCreditBalance,"+ " a.CreditSum as Debit, a.DebitSum as Credit"+ " from FinancialGeneralLedgerByMonth a,"+ " FinancialGeneralLedgerByYear_Fact b,"+ " MonthDim c,"+ " YearDim d,"+ " FinancialAccountDim e"+ " where a.FinancialGeneralLedgerByYear_FactId = b.FinancialGeneralLedgerByYear_FactId"+ " and a.MonthDimId = c.MonthDimId"+ " and b.YearDimId = d.YearDimId"+ " and b.FinancialAccountDimId = e.FinancialAccountDimId"+ " and c.Name <= "+ lastmonth.ToString() + " and d.Name = "+ lastyear.ToString() + ") transact "+ " group by transact.Code, transact.Name"+ " "+ " union all"+ " select transact.Code, transact.Name,"+ " 0 as beginDebit, 0 as beginCredit,"+ " transact.Debit, transact.Credit"+ " "+ " from "+ " (select e.Code, e.Name, "+ " sum(CreditSum) as Debit, sum(DebitSum) as Credit "+ " from FinancialGeneralLedgerByMonth a,"+ " FinancialGeneralLedgerByYear_Fact b,"+ " MonthDim c,"+ " YearDim d,"+ " FinancialAccountDim e"+ " where a.FinancialGeneralLedgerByYear_FactId = b.FinancialGeneralLedgerByYear_FactId"+ " and a.MonthDimId = c.MonthDimId"+ " and b.YearDimId = d.YearDimId"+ " and b.FinancialAccountDimId = e.FinancialAccountDimId"+ " and c.Name = "+ month.ToString() + " and d.Name = "+ year.ToString() + " group by b.FinancialAccountDimId, e.Code, e.Name) transact "+ " ) result "+ " where ( " + "result.beginDebit > 0 or " + "result.beginCredit > 0 or " + "result.Debit > 0 or " + "result.Credit > 0 " + ") " + " group by result.Code, result.Name " + " order by result.Code, result.Name "; m_SelectedData = m_Session.ExecuteQuery(m_Sql); xpDataView = new XPDataView(); xpDataView.AddProperty("AccountCode", typeof(string)); xpDataView.AddProperty("AccountName", typeof(string)); xpDataView.AddProperty("BeginDebit", typeof(double)); xpDataView.AddProperty("BeginCredit", typeof(double)); xpDataView.AddProperty("Debit", typeof(double)); xpDataView.AddProperty("Credit", typeof(double)); xpDataView.AddProperty("EndDebit", typeof(double)); xpDataView.AddProperty("EndCredit", typeof(double)); xpDataView.LoadData(m_SelectedData); WebModule.Accounting.Report.S06_DN report = new WebModule.Accounting.Report.S06_DN(); report.DataSource = xpDataView; report.DataMember = ""; report.Parameters["fromDate"].Value = fromDate; S06dnReportViewer.Report = report; }
public XPDataView atualizaGridEmpenhos(string tipo) { string unidOrc = ""; string unidOrcDefault = ""; string empenhoNum = ""; string dataIni = ""; string dataFim = ""; string credor = ""; string sql = string.Empty; XPDataView dv = new XPDataView(); if (!tipo.Equals("Limpar")) { if (!chkRestosPagar.Checked) { Control.UsuariosControle ctrlUsu = new Control.UsuariosControle(); bool parametro = Control.Configuracoes.Dados.getParametroGradeDIDComplementar(); string idUsu = ctrlUsu.GetUsuarioByLogin(HttpContext.Current.Session["pUId"].ToString()).UsuarioID.ToString(); string idUndFunc = Control.UndFuncionalCtrl.getUndFuncByUsuID(idUsu).ToString(); unidOrcDefault = Control.UnidadeOrcamentariaCtrl.GetUnidadeOrcamentriaByUnidadeFuncional(idUndFunc).undUnificado; if (cbbUndOrc.Value != null) { unidOrc = "'" + cbbUndOrc.Value.ToString() + "'"; } else { unidOrc = "uo.undunificado"; } if (txtNumEmpenho.Value != null) { empenhoNum = "'" + txtNumEmpenho.Value.ToString() + "'"; } else { empenhoNum = "emp.empnumero"; } if (dtCadastroIni.Value != null) { dataIni = "'" + dtCadastroIni.Value.ToString().Substring(0, 10) + "'"; } else { dataIni = "emp.empdata"; } if (dtCadastroFim.Value != null) { dataFim = "'" + dtCadastroFim.Value.ToString().Substring(0, 10) + "'"; } else { dataFim = "emp.empdata"; } if (cbbCredor.Value != null) { credor = "'" + cbbCredor.Value.ToString() + "'"; } else { credor = "emp.emppessoa"; } sql = "select uo.undunificado, uo.undabrev, emp.empdata, emp.empnumero, emp.emppessoa, " + "emp.empnomepessoa, emp.empnatureza, (emp.empvalor - coalesce(ema.emavalor,0)) empvalor, lic.licnumero, lic.licdata,proc.numero PROCNUMERO, DIDID," + "case when emp.empstatus = 'T' then 'NORMAL' else 'Erro' end " + "empstatus, " + "(select * from SP_FLUXUS_SALDOLIQUIDACAO( SALDOLIQUIDACAO," + "(select * from SP_FLUXUS_SALDOPAGAMENTO( SALDOPAGAMENTO," + "case " + " when emp.empfundeb = 1 then '1 - Magistério 60%' " + " when emp.empfundeb = 2 then '2 - Administrativo 40%' " + " when emp.empfundeb = 3 then '3 - MDE - Outros' " + " else null " + "end " + "empfundeb, EMP.empcod, " + "CTR.CTRNUMERO, CTR.CTRDATA " + "from empenho emp " + "join unidadeorcamentaria uo on uo.undcodorgao = emp.emporgao and uo.undcodigo = emp.empunidade " + "left join licitacao lic on lic.liccod = emp.emplicitacao " + "LEFT JOIN CONTRATOS CTR ON CTR.ctrcod = EMP.empcontrato " + "join webprocesso proc on emp.empdid = " + "join webDID did on did.numero = proc.numero " + "Left join empenhoanulacao ema on ema.emaempenho = emp.empcod " + "where "; //if (parametro == false) //{ // sql += "uo.undunificado in (SELECT UO.undunificado " + // " FROM unidadeorcamentaria UO " + // " JOIN und_orc_und_ges UOG ON UOG.uogorgao = UO.undcodorgao AND UOG.uogunidade = UO.undcodigo " + // " WHERE " + // " uog.uogunidadegestora = " + // " (SELECT UOG.uogunidadegestora " + // " FROM unidadeorcamentaria UO " + // " JOIN und_orc_und_ges UOG ON UOG.uogorgao = UO.undcodorgao AND UOG.uogunidade = UO.undcodigo " + // " where uo.undunificado = '" + unidOrcDefault + "' " + // " ) " + // ")"; //} //else //{ sql += "uo.undunificado in (select UNDUNIFICADO from SCI_USUARIOS_UNDORC where usu_codigo = " + idUsu; sql += " union " + "SELECT UNDUNIFICADO FROM unidadeorcamentaria UN " + "JOIN webunidadefuncional UF ON UF.unidorccod = UN.undcodigo AND UF.unidorcorg = UN.undcodorgao " + "JOIN sci_usuarios USU ON USU.usu_idundfuncional = UF.unidfuncid " + "WHERE USU.usu_codigo = " + idUsu; sql += " )"; //} if (txtNumEmpenho.Value == null && dtCadastroIni.Value == null && dtCadastroFim.Value == null && cbbCredor.Value == null) { sql += " and (((select * from SP_FLUXUS_SALDOLIQUIDACAO( + (select * from SP_FLUXUS_SALDOPAGAMENTO( <> 0) "; } sql += " and emp.empnumero = " + empenhoNum + " and emp.emppessoa = " + credor + " and uo.undunificado =" + unidOrc + " and (emp.empdata >= " + dataIni.Replace("/", ".") + " and emp.empdata <= " + dataFim.Replace("/", ".") + ") " + "order by emp.empdata desc"; } else { Control.UsuariosControle ctrlUsu = new Control.UsuariosControle(); bool parametro = Control.Configuracoes.Dados.getParametroGradeDIDComplementar(); string idUsu = ctrlUsu.GetUsuarioByLogin(HttpContext.Current.Session["pUId"].ToString()).UsuarioID.ToString(); string idUndFunc = Control.UndFuncionalCtrl.getUndFuncByUsuID(idUsu).ToString(); unidOrcDefault = Control.UnidadeOrcamentariaCtrl.GetUnidadeOrcamentriaByUnidadeFuncional(idUndFunc).undUnificado; if (cbbUndOrc.Value != null) { unidOrc = "'" + cbbUndOrc.Value.ToString() + "'"; } else { unidOrc = "uo.undunificado"; } if (txtNumEmpenho.Value != null) { empenhoNum = "'" + txtNumEmpenho.Value.ToString() + "'"; } else { empenhoNum = "rpemp.rpenumero"; } if (dtCadastroIni.Value != null) { dataIni = "'" + dtCadastroIni.Value.ToString().Substring(0, 10) + "'"; } else { dataIni = "rpemp.rpedata"; } if (dtCadastroFim.Value != null) { dataFim = "'" + dtCadastroFim.Value.ToString().Substring(0, 10) + "'"; } else { dataFim = "rpemp.rpedata"; } if (cbbCredor.Value != null) { credor = "'" + cbbCredor.Value.ToString() + "'"; } else { credor = "rpemp.rpepessoa"; } sql = "select uo.undunificado, uo.undabrev, rpemp.rpedata, rpemp.rpenumero, rpemp.rpepessoa, pes.pesnome as empnomepessoa, " + "rpemp.rpenatureza, (rpemp.rpevalor - coalesce(rpema.rpavalor,0)) rpempvalor, lic.licnumero, lic.licdata, " + "proc.numero PROCNUMERO, DIDID, " + "case when rpemp.rpestatus = 'T' then 'NORMAL' else 'Erro' end rpempstatus, " + "(select VALORLIQ from SP_FLUXUS_SALDORP_NPROC(rpemp.rpenumero)) SALDOLIQUIDACAO, " + "(select VALORLIQ from SP_FLUXUS_SALDORP_PROC(rpemp.rpenumero)) SALDOPAGAMENTO, " + "case " + "when rpemp.rpefundeb = 1 then '1 - Magistério 60%' " + "when rpemp.rpefundeb = 2 then '2 - Administrativo 40%' " + "when rpemp.rpefundeb = 3 then '3 - MDE - Outros' " + "else null end rpefundeb, rpEMP.rpecod, CTR.CTRNUMERO, CTR.CTRDATA " + "from rpempenho rpemp " + "join unidadeorcamentaria uo on uo.undcodorgao = rpemp.rpeorgao and uo.undcodigo = rpemp.rpeunidade " + "left join licitacao lic on lic.liccod = rpemp.rpelicitacao " + "LEFT JOIN CONTRATOS CTR ON CTR.ctrcod = rpEMP.rpecontrato " + "join webprocesso proc on rpemp.rpedid = " + "join webDID did on did.numero = proc.numero " + "Left join rpempenhoanulacao rpema on rpema.rparpempenho = rpemp.rpecod " + "join pessoa pes on pes.pescod = rpemp.rpepessoa where "; sql += "uo.undunificado in (select UNDUNIFICADO from SCI_USUARIOS_UNDORC where usu_codigo = " + idUsu ; sql += " union "+ "SELECT UNDUNIFICADO FROM unidadeorcamentaria UN "+ "JOIN webunidadefuncional UF ON UF.unidorccod = UN.undcodigo AND UF.unidorcorg = UN.undcodorgao "+ "JOIN sci_usuarios USU ON USU.usu_idundfuncional = UF.unidfuncid "+ "WHERE USU.usu_codigo = " + idUsu; sql += " )"; sql += " and rpemp.rpenumero = " + empenhoNum + " and rpemp.rpepessoa = " + credor + " and uo.undunificado =" + unidOrc + " and (rpemp.rpedata >= " + dataIni.Replace("/", ".") + " and rpemp.rpedata <= " + dataFim.Replace("/", ".") + ") " + "order by rpemp.rpedata desc"; } DevExpress.Xpo.Session xpoSession = new DevExpress.Xpo.Session(); XpoDataSource1.Session = xpoSession; //string connTeste = AcessoDados.AcessoDados.GetConnectionStringXPO(); XpoDataSource1.Session.Connection = Persist.GetConn.getConn(); //XpoDataSource1.Session.ConnectionString = connTeste; SelectedData resultSet = xpoSession.ExecuteQuery(sql); dv.AddProperty("UNDUNIFICADO", typeof(string)); dv.AddProperty("UNDABREV", typeof(string)); dv.AddProperty("EMPDATA", typeof(DateTime)); dv.AddProperty("EMPNUMERO", typeof(string)); dv.AddProperty("EMPPESSOA", typeof(string)); dv.AddProperty("EMPNOMEPESSOA", typeof(string)); dv.AddProperty("EMPNATUREZA", typeof(string)); dv.AddProperty("EMPVALOR", typeof(double)); dv.AddProperty("LICNUMERO", typeof(string)); dv.AddProperty("LICDATA", typeof(DateTime)); dv.AddProperty("PROCNUMERO", typeof(string)); dv.AddProperty("DIDID", typeof(int)); dv.AddProperty("EMPSTATUS", typeof(string)); dv.AddProperty("SALDOLIQUIDACAO", typeof(double)); dv.AddProperty("SALDOPAGAMENTO", typeof(double)); dv.AddProperty("EMPFUNDEB", typeof(string)); dv.AddProperty("EMPCOD", typeof(int)); dv.AddProperty("CTRNUMERO", typeof(string)); dv.AddProperty("CTRDATA", typeof(DateTime)); dv.LoadData(resultSet); ASPxGridView1.DataSource = dv; ASPxGridView1.DataBind(); } else { ASPxGridView1.DataSourceID = string.Empty; ASPxGridView1.DataBind(); } Session["DTGRIDEMPENHO"] = dv; return dv; }
public void AtualizarGridLiqPag(string LiqPag) { string sql = string.Empty; if (!chkRestosPagar.Checked) { if (LiqPag == "L") { sql = "select * " + "from (select PROC.ID, PROC.NUMERO PROCNUMERO, EMP.EMPNUMERO, EMP.EMPCOD, " + " (" + " case " + " when PROC.IDPROCESSOPAI is null then TRA.VAL_LIQUIDADO " + " else DID.VALOR " + " end) VALOR, " + " PROC.DATAHORACADASTRO, PROC.RESPONSAVEL, PES.PESNOME as EMPNOMEPESSOA, TRA.NF_LIQUIDACAO NOTAFISCAL, " + " 'X' as PRINT, SP.descricao " + " from WEBPROCESSO PROC " + " join WEBDID DID on DID.NUMERO = PROC.NUMERO " + " join PESSOA PES on PES.PESCOD = DID.IDFORNECEDOR " + " join WEBTRAMITE TRA on TRA.IDPROCESSO = PROC.ID " + " join EMPENHO EMP on EMP.EMPDID = PROC.IDPROCESSOPAI " + " JOIN websituacaoprocesso SP ON = (select first 1 idsituacaoprojeto from webtramite t where idprocesso = order by id desc) " + " where (PROC.IDPROCESSOPAI = (select ID " + " from WEBPROCESSO " + " where NUMERO = " + txtProcNumero.Text + ") and " + " TRA.VAL_LIQUIDADO is not null and " + " TRA.VAL_LIQUIDADO <> 0 AND TRA.nf_liquidacao IS NOT NULL and " + " TRA.ID = (select first 1 ID " + " from WEBTRAMITE TRA3 " + " where TRA3.IDPROCESSO = PROC.ID and " + " TRA3.VAL_LIQUIDADO is not null and " + " TRA3.VAL_LIQUIDADO <> 0 AND TRA3.nf_liquidacao IS NOT NULL " + " order by TRA3.ID desc) " + " ) " + " union all " + " select PROC.ID, PROC.NUMERO PROCNUMERO, EMP.EMPNUMERO, EMP.EMPCOD, " + " ( " + " case " + " when PROC.IDPROCESSOPAI is null then TRA.VAL_LIQUIDADO " + " else DID.VALOR " + " end) VALOR, " + " PROC.DATAHORACADASTRO, PROC.RESPONSAVEL, PES.PESNOME as EMPNOMEPESSOA, TRA.NF_LIQUIDACAO NOTAFISCAL, " + " 'X' as PRINT, SP.descricao " + " from WEBPROCESSO PROC " + " join WEBDID DID on DID.NUMERO = PROC.NUMERO " + " join PESSOA PES on PES.PESCOD = DID.IDFORNECEDOR " + " join WEBTRAMITE TRA on TRA.IDPROCESSO = PROC.ID " + " join EMPENHO EMP on EMP.EMPDID = PROC.ID " + " JOIN websituacaoprocesso SP ON = (select first 1 idsituacaoprojeto from webtramite t where idprocesso = order by id desc) " + " where PROC.NUMERO = " + txtProcNumero.Text + " and " + " TRA.ID = (select first 1 TRA.ID " + " from WEBTRAMITE TRA " + " join WEBPROCESSO PRO on PRO.ID = TRA.IDPROCESSO " + " where PRO.NUMERO = " + txtProcNumero.Text + " and " + " TRA.VAL_LIQUIDADO is not null AND TRA.VAL_LIQUIDADO <> 0 " + " order by TRA.ID desc)) " + "order by ID "; } else { sql = "Select * from (SELECT, proc.numero PROCNUMERO, emp.empnumero, emp.empcod," + "(case when proc.idprocessopai is null then tra.val_pago else did.valor end) valor," + "proc.datahoracadastro," + "PROC.responsavel, pes.pesnome as empnomepessoa, 'X' NOTAFISCAL, '' as Print, SP.descricao " + "from webprocesso proc " + "join webdid did on did.numero = proc.numero " + "join pessoa pes on pes.pescod = did.idfornecedor " + "join webtramite tra on tra.idprocesso = " + "join empenho emp on emp.empdid = proc.idprocessopai " + "JOIN websituacaoprocesso SP ON = (select first 1 idsituacaoprojeto from webtramite t where idprocesso = order by id desc) " + "where (proc.idprocessopai = (select id from webprocesso where numero = " + txtProcNumero.Text + ") and (tra.val_pago is not null and tra.val_pago <> 0)) " + "union ALL " + "SELECT, proc.numero PROCNUMERO, emp.empnumero, emp.empcod, " + "(case when proc.idprocessopai is null then tra.val_pago else did.valor end) valor,proc.datahoracadastro, " + "PROC.responsavel, pes.pesnome as empnomepessoa, 'X' NOTAFISCAL, '' as Print, SP.descricao " + "from webprocesso proc " + "join webdid did on did.numero = proc.numero " + "join pessoa pes on pes.pescod = did.idfornecedor " + "join webtramite tra on tra.idprocesso = " + "join empenho emp on emp.empdid = " + "JOIN websituacaoprocesso SP ON = (select first 1 idsituacaoprojeto from webtramite t where idprocesso = order by id desc) " + "WHERE PROC.numero = " + txtProcNumero.Text + " AND = (select first 1 from webtramite tra join webprocesso pro on " + "= tra.idprocesso where pro.numero = " + txtProcNumero.Text + " and (tra.val_pago is not null and tra.val_pago <>0) order by desc)) order by id"; } } else { if (LiqPag == "L") { sql = "select * " + "from (select PROC.ID, PROC.NUMERO PROCNUMERO, RPEMP.RPENUMERO EMPNUMERO, RPEMP.RPECOD EMPCOD, " + " (" + " case " + " when PROC.IDPROCESSOPAI is null then TRA.VAL_LIQUIDADO " + " else DID.VALOR " + " end) VALOR, " + " PROC.DATAHORACADASTRO, PROC.RESPONSAVEL, PES.PESNOME as EMPNOMEPESSOA, TRA.NF_LIQUIDACAO NOTAFISCAL, " + " 'X' as PRINT, SP.descricao " + " from WEBPROCESSO PROC " + " join WEBDID DID on DID.NUMERO = PROC.NUMERO " + " join PESSOA PES on PES.PESCOD = DID.IDFORNECEDOR " + " join WEBTRAMITE TRA on TRA.IDPROCESSO = PROC.ID " + " join RPEMPENHO RPEMP on RPEMP.RPEDID = PROC.IDPROCESSOPAI " + " JOIN websituacaoprocesso SP ON = (select first 1 idsituacaoprojeto from webtramite t where idprocesso = order by id desc) " + " where (PROC.IDPROCESSOPAI = (select ID " + " from WEBPROCESSO " + " where NUMERO = " + txtProcNumero.Text + ") and " + " TRA.VAL_LIQUIDADO is not null and " + " TRA.VAL_LIQUIDADO <> 0 AND TRA.nf_liquidacao IS NOT NULL and " + " TRA.ID = (select first 1 ID " + " from WEBTRAMITE TRA3 " + " where TRA3.IDPROCESSO = PROC.ID and " + " TRA3.VAL_LIQUIDADO is not null and " + " TRA3.VAL_LIQUIDADO <> 0 AND TRA3.nf_liquidacao IS NOT NULL " + " order by TRA3.ID desc) " + " ) AND PROC.EXERCICIO = (SELECT FIRST 1 ENTEXERCICIO FROM ENTIDADE)" + " union all " + " select PROC.ID, PROC.NUMERO PROCNUMERO, RPEMP.RPENUMERO EMPNUMERO, RPEMP.RPECOD EMPCOD, " + " ( " + " case " + " when PROC.IDPROCESSOPAI is null then TRA.VAL_LIQUIDADO " + " else DID.VALOR " + " end) VALOR, " + " PROC.DATAHORACADASTRO, PROC.RESPONSAVEL, PES.PESNOME as EMPNOMEPESSOA, TRA.NF_LIQUIDACAO NOTAFISCAL, " + " 'X' as PRINT, SP.descricao " + " from WEBPROCESSO PROC " + " join WEBDID DID on DID.NUMERO = PROC.NUMERO " + " join PESSOA PES on PES.PESCOD = DID.IDFORNECEDOR " + " join WEBTRAMITE TRA on TRA.IDPROCESSO = PROC.ID " + " join RPEMPENHO RPEMP on RPEMP.RPEDID = PROC.ID " + " JOIN websituacaoprocesso SP ON = (select first 1 idsituacaoprojeto from webtramite t where idprocesso = order by id desc) " + " where PROC.NUMERO = " + txtProcNumero.Text + " and " + " TRA.ID = (select first 1 TRA.ID " + " from WEBTRAMITE TRA " + " join WEBPROCESSO PRO on PRO.ID = TRA.IDPROCESSO " + " where PRO.NUMERO = " + txtProcNumero.Text + " and " + " TRA.VAL_LIQUIDADO is not null AND TRA.VAL_LIQUIDADO <> 0 " + " order by TRA.ID desc) AND PROC.EXERCICIO = (SELECT FIRST 1 ENTEXERCICIO FROM ENTIDADE)) " + "order by ID "; } else { sql = "Select * from (SELECT, proc.numero PROCNUMERO, RPEMP.RPENUMERO EMPNUMERO, RPEMP.RPECOD EMPCOD," + "(case when proc.idprocessopai is null then tra.val_pago else did.valor end) valor," + "proc.datahoracadastro," + "PROC.responsavel, pes.pesnome as empnomepessoa, 'X' NOTAFISCAL, '' as Print, SP.descricao " + "from webprocesso proc " + "join webdid did on did.numero = proc.numero " + "join pessoa pes on pes.pescod = did.idfornecedor " + "join webtramite tra on tra.idprocesso = " + "join rpempenho rpemp on rpemp.rpedid = proc.idprocessopai " + "JOIN websituacaoprocesso SP ON = (select first 1 idsituacaoprojeto from webtramite t where idprocesso = order by id desc) " + "where (proc.idprocessopai = (select id from webprocesso where numero = " + txtProcNumero.Text + ") and (tra.val_pago is not null and tra.val_pago <> 0)) " + "union ALL " + "SELECT, proc.numero PROCNUMERO, RPEMP.RPENUMERO EMPNUMERO, RPEMP.RPECOD EMPCOD, " + "(case when proc.idprocessopai is null then tra.val_pago else did.valor end) valor,proc.datahoracadastro, " + "PROC.responsavel, pes.pesnome as empnomepessoa, 'X' NOTAFISCAL, '' as Print, SP.descricao " + "from webprocesso proc " + "join webdid did on did.numero = proc.numero " + "join pessoa pes on pes.pescod = did.idfornecedor " + "join webtramite tra on tra.idprocesso = " + "join rpempenho rpemp on rpemp.rpedid = " + "JOIN websituacaoprocesso SP ON = (select first 1 idsituacaoprojeto from webtramite t where idprocesso = order by id desc) " + "WHERE PROC.numero = " + txtProcNumero.Text + " AND = (select first 1 from webtramite tra join webprocesso pro on " + "= tra.idprocesso where pro.numero = " + txtProcNumero.Text + " and (tra.val_pago is not null and tra.val_pago <> 0) order by desc)) order by id"; } } //ASPxGridView2.DataSource = AcessoDados.AcessoDados.dtable(sql); //ASPxGridView2.DataBind(); DevExpress.Xpo.Session xpoSession = new DevExpress.Xpo.Session(); XpoDataSource2.Session = xpoSession; //string connTeste = AcessoDados.AcessoDados.GetConnectionStringXPO(); XpoDataSource2.Session.Connection = Persist.GetConn.getConn(); //XpoDataSource2.Session.ConnectionString = connTeste; SelectedData resultSet = xpoSession.ExecuteQuery(sql); XPDataView dv = new XPDataView(); dv.AddProperty("ID", typeof(int)); dv.AddProperty("PROCNUMERO", typeof(string)); dv.AddProperty("EMPNUMERO", typeof(string)); dv.AddProperty("EMPCOD", typeof(int)); dv.AddProperty("VALOR", typeof(double)); dv.AddProperty("DATAHORACADASTRO", typeof(DateTime)); dv.AddProperty("RESPONSAVEL", typeof(string)); dv.AddProperty("EMPNOMEPESSOA", typeof(string)); dv.AddProperty("NOTAFISCAL", typeof(string)); dv.AddProperty("PRINT", typeof(string)); dv.AddProperty("DESCRICAO", typeof(string)); dv.LoadData(resultSet); ASPxGridView2.DataSource = dv; ASPxGridView2.DataBind(); }
private void BindSchedular() { Session currentSession = ((XPObjectSpace)object_Space).Session; // dummy ds var ds = object_Space.GetObjects <LeavePlanner>().Where(r => r.RequestStatus == RequestStatus.Approved).Select(r => new { Oid = 0, AllDay = 1, Description = "", EndTime = new DateTime(1800, 1, 1), Label = "", Location = "", recurrenceinfo = 0, reminderinfo = 0, firmId = 1, StartTime = new DateTime(1800, 1, 1), Status = "", Subject = "", EvenType = "", Employee = r.Employee }).ToList().Take(1); var ds1 = ds; var ds2 = ds; var ds3 = ds; var ds4 = ds; var ds5 = ds; var ds6 = ds; if (chkPlannedLeaveApprove.Checked) { ds1 = object_Space.GetObjects <LeavePlanner>().Where(r => r.RequestStatus == RequestStatus.Approved).Select(r => new { Oid = (r.Employee != null?r.Employee.Oid:0), AllDay = 1, Description = (r.Employee != null ? r.Employee.FullNameEn:""), EndTime = r.EndDate, Label = "", Location = "", recurrenceinfo = 0, reminderinfo = 0, firmId = 1, StartTime = (r.StartDate.ToString("hh:mm") == "00:00"?r.StartDate.AddMinutes(59).AddHours(23):r.StartDate), Status = "", Subject = (r.Employee != null ? r.Employee.FullNameEn:""), EvenType = "", Employee = r.Employee }); } if (chkPlannedLeaveUnApprove.Checked) { ds2 = object_Space.GetObjects <LeavePlanner>().Where(r => r.RequestStatus != RequestStatus.Approved).Select(r => new { Oid = (r.Employee != null ? r.Employee.Oid : 0), AllDay = 1, Description = (r.Employee != null ? r.Employee.FullNameEn : ""), EndTime = r.EndDate, Label = "", Location = "", recurrenceinfo = 0, reminderinfo = 0, firmId = 1, StartTime = (r.StartDate.ToString("hh:mm") == "00:00" ? r.StartDate.AddMinutes(59).AddHours(23) : r.StartDate), Status = "", Subject = (r.Employee != null ? r.Employee.FullNameEn : ""), EvenType = "", Employee = r.Employee }); } if (chkLeaveApprove.Checked) { ds3 = object_Space.GetObjects <LeaveRequest>().Where(r => r.RequestStatus == RequestStatus.Approved).Select(r => new { Oid = (r.Employee != null ? r.Employee.Oid : 0), AllDay = 1, Description = (r.Employee != null ? r.Employee.FullNameEn : ""), EndTime = r.EndDate, Label = "", Location = "", recurrenceinfo = 0, reminderinfo = 0, firmId = 1, StartTime = (r.StartDate.ToString("hh:mm") == "00:00" ? r.StartDate.AddMinutes(59).AddHours(23) : r.StartDate), Status = "", Subject = (r.Employee != null ? r.Employee.FullNameEn : ""), EvenType = "", Employee = r.Employee }); } if (chkLeaveUnapproved.Checked) { ds4 = object_Space.GetObjects <LeaveRequest>().Where(r => r.RequestStatus != RequestStatus.Approved).Select(r => new { Oid = (r.Employee != null ? r.Employee.Oid : 0), AllDay = 1, Description = (r.Employee != null ? r.Employee.FullNameEn : ""), EndTime = r.EndDate, Label = "", Location = "", recurrenceinfo = 0, reminderinfo = 0, firmId = 1, StartTime = (r.StartDate.ToString("hh:mm") == "00:00" ? r.StartDate.AddMinutes(59).AddHours(23) : r.StartDate), Status = "", Subject = (r.Employee != null ? r.Employee.FullNameEn : ""), EvenType = "", Employee = r.Employee }); } if (chkLeaveApprove.Checked) { ds5 = object_Space.GetObjects <LeaveAmendmentRequest>().Where(r => r.RequestStatus == RequestStatus.Approved).Select(r => new { Oid = (r.Employee != null ? r.Employee.Oid : 0), AllDay = 1, Description = (r.Employee != null ? r.Employee.FullNameEn : ""), EndTime = r.EndDate, Label = "", Location = "", recurrenceinfo = 0, reminderinfo = 0, firmId = 1, StartTime = (r.StartDate.ToString("hh:mm") == "00:00" ? r.StartDate.AddMinutes(59).AddHours(23) : r.StartDate), Status = "", Subject = (r.Employee != null ? r.Employee.FullNameEn : ""), EvenType = "", Employee = r.Employee }); } if (chkLeaveUnapproved.Checked) { ds6 = object_Space.GetObjects <LeaveAmendmentRequest>().Where(r => r.RequestStatus != RequestStatus.Approved).Select(r => new { Oid = (r.Employee != null ? r.Employee.Oid : 0), AllDay = 1, Description = (r.Employee != null ? r.Employee.FullNameEn : ""), EndTime = r.EndDate, Label = "", Location = "", recurrenceinfo = 0, reminderinfo = 0, firmId = 1, StartTime = (r.StartDate.ToString("hh:mm") == "00:00" ? r.StartDate.AddMinutes(59).AddHours(23) : r.StartDate), Status = "", Subject = (r.Employee != null ? r.Employee.FullNameEn : ""), EvenType = "", Employee = r.Employee }); } //String sqlAppointment = "SELECT leave.Oid,0 as AllDay,emp.FullNameEn as Description, (CAST(EndDate as Datetime) + CAST(EndTime as Time)) as EndTime, '' as Label, '' as Location,0 as recurrenceinfo,0 as reminderinfo, 1 as firmId,(CAST(StartDate as Datetime) + CAST(StartTime as Time)) as StartTime,'' as Status,emp.FullNameEn as Subject,'' as EvenType FROM [EmployeeAbsence] leave inner join [Employee] emp on leave.Employee = emp.Oid"; //if (cmbEmployee.Text != "" || cmbDepartment.Text != "") // sqlAppointment += " where "; //if (cmbEmployee.Text != "") // sqlAppointment += " emp.FullNameEn='"+ cmbEmployee.Text + "' "; //if (cmbDepartment.Text != "") // sqlAppointment += " emp.FullNameEn='" + cmbDepartment.Text + "' "; //XPDataView xpDataView1 = new XPDataView(); //xpDataView1.AddProperty("Oid", typeof(int)); //xpDataView1.AddProperty("AllDay", typeof(string)); //xpDataView1.AddProperty("Description", typeof(string)); //xpDataView1.AddProperty("EndTime", typeof(DateTime)); //xpDataView1.AddProperty("Label", typeof(string)); //xpDataView1.AddProperty("Location", typeof(string)); //xpDataView1.AddProperty("recurrenceinfo", typeof(int)); //xpDataView1.AddProperty("reminderinfo", typeof(int)); //xpDataView1.AddProperty("firmId", typeof(int)); //xpDataView1.AddProperty("StartTime", typeof(DateTime)); //xpDataView1.AddProperty("Status", typeof(string)); //xpDataView1.AddProperty("Subject", typeof(string)); //xpDataView1.AddProperty("EvenType", typeof(string)); //xpDataView1.LoadData(currentSession.ExecuteQuery(sqlAppointment)); //ASPxScheduler1.AppointmentDataSource = xpDataView1; ds = ds.Union(ds1).Union(ds2).Union(ds3).Union(ds4).Union(ds5).Union(ds6); if (cmbEmployee.Text != "" && cmbEmployee.Text != null) { ds = ds.Where(x => (x.Employee != null?x.Employee.FullNameEn:"") == cmbEmployee.Text); } if (cmbDepartment.Text != "" && cmbDepartment.Text != null) { ds = ds.Where(x => (x.Employee != null ? (x.Employee.CurrentDepartment != null ? x.Employee.CurrentDepartment.NameEn :""):"") == cmbDepartment.Text); } ASPxScheduler1.AppointmentDataSource = ds; XPDataView xpDataView2 = new XPDataView(); String sqlResource = "SELECT 1 as Id, 'Test' as Model"; xpDataView2.AddProperty("Id", typeof(string)); xpDataView2.AddProperty("Model", typeof(string)); xpDataView2.LoadData(currentSession.ExecuteQuery(sqlResource)); ASPxScheduler1.ResourceDataSource = xpDataView2; ASPxScheduler1.DataBind(); }
protected XPDataView AtualizarGrid() { Control.UsuariosControle ctrlUsu = new Control.UsuariosControle(); string usuarioDefault = ctrlUsu.GetUsuarioByLogin(HttpContext.Current.Session["pUId"].ToString()).UsuarioID.ToString(); Control.PerfilCtrl perfil = new Control.PerfilCtrl(); bool perfilConsultaGeral = perfil.getPermissaoConsultaProcessos(usuarioDefault); perfil = null; string dataIni = string.Empty; string dataFim = string.Empty; string envolvido = string.Empty; string procNum = string.Empty; string undorca = string.Empty; string sqlTable = "select " + "CTRCOD," + "CTRNUMERO," + "CTRPESSOA," + "CTRCONTROLEPORUO," + "PESNOME," + "UO," + "adcobjeto ," + "adcinicio," + "adcfinal," + "licnumero," + "liccod," + "MODALIDADE," + "IDMODALIDADE, " + "VALORCONTRATO, " + "SALDOCONTRATO, " + "SITUACAOADITIVOS " + "from VW_FLX_CONTRATOS "; if (dtCadastroIni.Value != null) { dataIni = "'" + DateTime.Parse(dtCadastroIni.Value.ToString()).ToShortDateString().Replace("/", ".") + "' "; } else { dataIni = "ADCINICIO"; } if (dtCadastroFim.Value != null) { dataFim = "'" + DateTime.Parse(dtCadastroFim.Value.ToString()).ToShortDateString().Replace("/", ".") + "' "; } else { dataFim = "ADCFINAL"; } if (cbbEnvolvido.Value != null) { envolvido = cbbEnvolvido.Value.ToString(); } else { envolvido = "CTRPESSOA "; } if (txtNumProcesso.Value != null) { procNum = " like '" + txtNumProcesso.Value.ToString() + "%'"; } else { procNum = " = CTRNUMERO "; } if (cbbUndOrc.Value != null) { undorca = "= '" + cbbUndOrc.Value.ToString() + "' "; } else { if (!perfilConsultaGeral) { string idUndFunc = Control.UndFuncionalCtrl.getUndFuncByUsuID(usuarioDefault).ToString(); string undOrcCad = Control.UnidadeOrcamentariaCtrl.GetUnidadeOrcamentriaByUnidadeFuncional(idUndFunc).undUnificado; undorca = "in ( SELECT UO.undunificado " + " FROM unidadeorcamentaria UO " + " JOIN und_orc_und_ges UOG ON UOG.uogorgao = UO.undcodorgao AND UOG.uogunidade = UO.undcodigo " + " WHERE " + " uog.uogunidadegestora = " + " (SELECT UOG.uogunidadegestora " + " FROM unidadeorcamentaria UO " + " JOIN und_orc_und_ges UOG ON UOG.uogorgao = UO.undcodorgao AND UOG.uogunidade = UO.undcodigo " + " where uo.undunificado = '" + undOrcCad + "' " + " ) ) "; } else { undorca = "= UO "; } } ////usuarioEnvio = "USUARIOENVIO"; sqlTable += " WHERE "; sqlTable += " ("; sqlTable += " (ADCFINAL >= " + dataFim + ") "; sqlTable += " AND "; sqlTable += " (ADCINICIO <= " + dataIni + ")"; sqlTable += " ) "; sqlTable += " AND "; sqlTable += " CTRPESSOA = " + envolvido; sqlTable += " AND "; sqlTable += " CTRNUMERO " + procNum; sqlTable += " AND "; sqlTable += " UO " + undorca; DevExpress.Xpo.Session xpoSession = new DevExpress.Xpo.Session(); XpoDataSource1.Session = xpoSession; XpoDataSource1.Session.Connection = Persist.GetConn.getConn(); var resultSet = xpoSession.ExecuteQuery(sqlTable); var dv = new XPDataView(); dv.AddProperty("CTRCOD", typeof(int)); dv.AddProperty("CTRNUMERO", typeof(string)); dv.AddProperty("CTRPESSOA", typeof(DateTime)); dv.AddProperty("CTRCONTROLEPORUO", typeof(string)); dv.AddProperty("PESNOME", typeof(string)); dv.AddProperty("UO", typeof(int)); dv.AddProperty("ADCOBJETO", typeof(string)); dv.AddProperty("ADCINICIO", typeof(string)); dv.AddProperty("ADCFINAL", typeof(string)); dv.AddProperty("LICNUMERO", typeof(int)); dv.AddProperty("LICCOD", typeof(int)); dv.AddProperty("MODALIDADE", typeof(decimal)); dv.AddProperty("IDMODALIDADE", typeof(decimal)); dv.AddProperty("VALORCONTRATO", typeof(decimal)); dv.AddProperty("SALDOCONTRATO", typeof(decimal)); dv.AddProperty("SITUACAOADITIVOS", typeof(string)); dv.LoadData(resultSet); ASPxGridView1.DataSource = dv; Session["DTable"] = dv; ASPxGridView1.DataBind(); return dv; }