private BankAccountDialog(PacketAPI api) : base(api) { //this uses EODialogListItems but does not inherit from ListDialog since it is a different size //offsety 50 bgTexture = ((EOGame)Game).GFXManager.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 53); _setSize(bgTexture.Width, bgTexture.Height); m_accountBalance = new XNALabel(new Rectangle(129, 20, 121, 16), Constants.FontSize08pt5) { ForeColor = Constants.LightGrayText, Text = "", TextAlign = LabelAlignment.MiddleRight, AutoSize = false }; m_accountBalance.SetParent(this); XNAButton cancel = new XNAButton(smallButtonSheet, new Vector2(92, 191), _getSmallButtonOut(SmallButton.Cancel), _getSmallButtonOver(SmallButton.Cancel)); cancel.SetParent(this); cancel.OnClick += (o, e) => Close(cancel, XNADialogResult.Cancel); ListDialogItem deposit = new ListDialogItem(this, ListDialogItem.ListItemStyle.Large, 0) { Text = World.GetString(DATCONST2.DIALOG_BANK_DEPOSIT), SubText = string.Format("{0} gold {1}", World.GetString(DATCONST2.DIALOG_BANK_TRANSFER), World.GetString(DATCONST2.DIALOG_BANK_TO_ACCOUNT)), IconGraphic = _getDlgIcon(ListIcon.BankDeposit), OffsetY = 55, ShowItemBackGround = false }; deposit.OnLeftClick += (o, e) => _deposit(); deposit.OnRightClick += (o, e) => _deposit(); ListDialogItem withdraw = new ListDialogItem(this, ListDialogItem.ListItemStyle.Large, 1) { Text = World.GetString(DATCONST2.DIALOG_BANK_WITHDRAW), SubText = string.Format("{0} gold {1}", World.GetString(DATCONST2.DIALOG_BANK_TAKE), World.GetString(DATCONST2.DIALOG_BANK_FROM_ACCOUNT)), IconGraphic = _getDlgIcon(ListIcon.BankWithdraw), OffsetY = 55, ShowItemBackGround = false }; withdraw.OnLeftClick += (o, e) => _withdraw(); withdraw.OnRightClick += (o, e) => _withdraw(); ListDialogItem upgrade = new ListDialogItem(this, ListDialogItem.ListItemStyle.Large, 2) { Text = World.GetString(DATCONST2.DIALOG_BANK_LOCKER_UPGRADE), SubText = World.GetString(DATCONST2.DIALOG_BANK_MORE_SPACE), IconGraphic = _getDlgIcon(ListIcon.BankLockerUpgrade), OffsetY = 55, ShowItemBackGround = false }; upgrade.OnLeftClick += (o, e) => _upgrade(); upgrade.OnRightClick += (o, e) => _upgrade(); DialogClosing += (o, e) => { Instance = null; }; Center(Game.GraphicsDevice); DrawLocation = new Vector2(DrawLocation.X, 50); endConstructor(false); }
public ProgressDialog(string msgText, string captionText = "") { bgTexture = ((EOGame)Game).GFXManager.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PreLoginUI, 18); _setSize(bgTexture.Width, bgTexture.Height); message = new XNALabel(new Rectangle(18, 57, 1, 1), Constants.FontSize10) { ForeColor = Constants.LightYellowText, Text = msgText, TextWidth = 254 }; message.SetParent(this); caption = new XNALabel(new Rectangle(59, 23, 1, 1), Constants.FontSize10) { ForeColor = Constants.LightYellowText, Text = captionText }; caption.SetParent(this); XNAButton ok = new XNAButton(smallButtonSheet, new Vector2(181, 113), _getSmallButtonOut(SmallButton.Ok), _getSmallButtonOver(SmallButton.Ok)); ok.OnClick += (sender, e) => Close(ok, XNADialogResult.Cancel); ok.SetParent(this); dlgButtons.Add(ok); pbBackText = ((EOGame)Game).GFXManager.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PreLoginUI, 19); pbForeText = new Texture2D(Game.GraphicsDevice, 1, pbBackText.Height - 2); //foreground texture is just a fill Color[] pbForeFill = new Color[pbForeText.Width * pbForeText.Height]; for (int i = 0; i < pbForeFill.Length; ++i) pbForeFill[i] = Color.FromNonPremultiplied(0xb4, 0xdc, 0xe6, 0xff); pbForeText.SetData(pbForeFill); endConstructor(); }
private void _addRemoveButtonForMember(PartyMember member) { int delta = m_removeTexture.Height / 3; bool enabled = m_mainIsLeader || member.ID == OldWorld.Instance.MainPlayer.ActiveCharacter.ID; XNAButton nextButton = new XNAButton(m_removeTexture, new Vector2(DrawAreaWithOffset.X + DRAW_REMOVE_X, DRAW_OFFSET_Y), enabled ? new Rectangle(0, 0, m_removeTexture.Width, delta) : new Rectangle(0, delta, m_removeTexture.Width, delta), enabled ? new Rectangle(0, delta * 2, m_removeTexture.Width, delta) : new Rectangle(0, delta, m_removeTexture.Width, delta)); if (enabled) { PartyMember localMember = member; nextButton.OnClick += (sender, args) => RemoveMember(localMember.ID); } nextButton.SetParent(this); m_buttons.Add(nextButton); }
public ScrollingMessageDialog(string msgText) { textSplitter = new TextSplitter("", EOGame.Instance.DBGFont) { LineLength = 275 }; bgTexture = ((EOGame)Game).GFXManager.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PreLoginUI, 40); _setSize(bgTexture.Width, bgTexture.Height); XNAButton ok = new XNAButton(smallButtonSheet, new Vector2(138, 197), _getSmallButtonOut(SmallButton.Ok), _getSmallButtonOver(SmallButton.Ok)); ok.OnClick += (sender, e) => Close(ok, XNADialogResult.OK); ok.SetParent(this); dlgButtons.Add(ok); scrollBar = new ScrollBar(this, new Vector2(320, 66), new Vector2(16, 119), ScrollBarColors.LightOnMed); MessageText = msgText; endConstructor(); }
protected void _setButtons(ScrollingListDialogButtons setButtons) { if (dlgButtons.Count > 0) { dlgButtons.ForEach(_btn => { _btn.SetParent(null); _btn.Close(); }); dlgButtons.Clear(); } _buttons = setButtons; switch (setButtons) { case ScrollingListDialogButtons.BackCancel: case ScrollingListDialogButtons.AddCancel: { SmallButton which = setButtons == ScrollingListDialogButtons.BackCancel ? SmallButton.Back : SmallButton.Add; XNAButton add = new XNAButton(smallButtonSheet, new Vector2(48, 252), _getSmallButtonOut(which), _getSmallButtonOver(which)); add.SetParent(this); add.OnClick += (o, e) => Close(add, setButtons == ScrollingListDialogButtons.BackCancel ? XNADialogResult.Back : XNADialogResult.Add); XNAButton cancel = new XNAButton(smallButtonSheet, new Vector2(144, 252), _getSmallButtonOut(SmallButton.Cancel), _getSmallButtonOver(SmallButton.Cancel)); cancel.SetParent(this); cancel.OnClick += (o, e) => Close(cancel, XNADialogResult.Cancel); dlgButtons.Add(add); dlgButtons.Add(cancel); } break; case ScrollingListDialogButtons.Cancel: { XNAButton cancel = new XNAButton(smallButtonSheet, new Vector2(96, 252), _getSmallButtonOut(SmallButton.Cancel), _getSmallButtonOver(SmallButton.Cancel)); cancel.SetParent(this); cancel.OnClick += (o, e) => Close(cancel, XNADialogResult.Cancel); dlgButtons.Add(cancel); } break; } }
private QuestProgressDialog(PacketAPI api) : base(api) { DialogClosing += (o, e) => { Instance = null; }; _setupBGTexture(); m_history = new XNAButton(smallButtonSheet, new Vector2(288, 252), _getSmallButtonOut(SmallButton.History), _getSmallButtonOver(SmallButton.History)); m_history.SetParent(this); m_history.OnClick += _historyClick; m_progress = new XNAButton(smallButtonSheet, new Vector2(288, 252), _getSmallButtonOut(SmallButton.Progress), _getSmallButtonOver(SmallButton.Progress)) { Visible = false }; m_progress.SetParent(this); m_progress.OnClick += _progressClick; var ok = new XNAButton(smallButtonSheet, new Vector2(380, 252), _getSmallButtonOut(SmallButton.Ok), _getSmallButtonOver(SmallButton.Ok)); ok.SetParent(this); ok.OnClick += (o, e) => Close(ok, XNADialogResult.OK); dlgButtons.AddRange(new[] { m_history, ok }); m_titleText = new XNALabel(new Rectangle(18, 14, 452, 19), Constants.FontSize08pt5) { AutoSize = false, TextAlign = LabelAlignment.MiddleLeft, ForeColor = ColorConstants.LightGrayText, Text = " " }; m_titleText.SetParent(this); m_scrollBar.DrawLocation = new Vector2(449, 44); SmallItemStyleMaxItemDisplay = 10; ListItemType = ListDialogItem.ListItemStyle.Small; }
private ChestDialog(PacketAPI api, byte chestX, byte chestY) : base(api) { CurrentChestX = chestX; CurrentChestY = chestY; XNAButton cancel = new XNAButton(smallButtonSheet, new Vector2(92, 227), _getSmallButtonOut(SmallButton.Cancel), _getSmallButtonOver(SmallButton.Cancel)); cancel.OnClick += (sender, e) => Close(cancel, XNADialogResult.Cancel); dlgButtons.Add(cancel); whichButtons = XNADialogButtons.Cancel; bgTexture = ((EOGame)Game).GFXManager.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 51); _setSize(bgTexture.Width, bgTexture.Height); endConstructor(false); DrawLocation = new Vector2((Game.GraphicsDevice.PresentationParameters.BackBufferWidth - DrawArea.Width) / 2f, 15); cancel.SetParent(this); EOGame.Instance.Hud.SetStatusLabel(DATCONST2.STATUS_LABEL_TYPE_ACTION, DATCONST2.STATUS_LABEL_CHEST_YOU_OPENED, World.GetString(DATCONST2.STATUS_LABEL_DRAG_AND_DROP_ITEMS)); }
private QuestProgressDialog(PacketAPI api) : base(api) { DialogClosing += (o, e) => { Instance = null; }; _setupBGTexture(); m_history = new XNAButton(smallButtonSheet, new Vector2(288, 252), _getSmallButtonOut(SmallButton.History), _getSmallButtonOver(SmallButton.History)); m_history.SetParent(this); m_history.OnClick += _historyClick; m_progress = new XNAButton(smallButtonSheet, new Vector2(288, 252), _getSmallButtonOut(SmallButton.Progress), _getSmallButtonOver(SmallButton.Progress)) { Visible = false }; m_progress.SetParent(this); m_progress.OnClick += _progressClick; var ok = new XNAButton(smallButtonSheet, new Vector2(380, 252), _getSmallButtonOut(SmallButton.Ok), _getSmallButtonOver(SmallButton.Ok)); ok.SetParent(this); ok.OnClick += (o, e) => Close(ok, XNADialogResult.OK); dlgButtons.AddRange(new[] { m_history, ok }); m_titleText = new XNALabel(new Rectangle(18, 14, 452, 19), Constants.FontSize08pt5) { AutoSize = false, TextAlign = LabelAlignment.MiddleLeft, ForeColor = Constants.LightGrayText, Text = " " }; m_titleText.SetParent(this); m_scrollBar.DrawLocation = new Vector2(449, 44); SmallItemStyleMaxItemDisplay = 10; ListItemType = ListDialogItem.ListItemStyle.Small; }
public TextInputDialog(string prompt, int maxInputChars = 12) { bgTexture = ((EOGame)Game).GFXManager.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 54); _setSize(bgTexture.Width, bgTexture.Height); XNALabel lblPrompt = new XNALabel(new Rectangle(16, 20, 235, 49), Constants.FontSize10) { AutoSize = false, ForeColor = Constants.LightGrayDialogMessage, TextWidth = 230, RowSpacing = 3, Text = prompt }; lblPrompt.SetParent(this); //set this back once the dialog is closed. previousSubscriber = ((EOGame)Game).Dispatcher.Subscriber; DialogClosing += (o, e) => ((EOGame)Game).Dispatcher.Subscriber = previousSubscriber; m_inputBox = new XNATextBox(new Rectangle(37, 74, 192, 19), EOGame.Instance.Content.Load<Texture2D>("cursor"), Constants.FontSize08) { MaxChars = maxInputChars, LeftPadding = 4, TextColor = Constants.LightBeigeText }; m_inputBox.SetParent(this); EOGame.Instance.Dispatcher.Subscriber = m_inputBox; XNAButton ok = new XNAButton(smallButtonSheet, new Vector2(41, 103), _getSmallButtonOut(SmallButton.Ok), _getSmallButtonOver(SmallButton.Ok)), cancel = new XNAButton(smallButtonSheet, new Vector2(134, 103), _getSmallButtonOut(SmallButton.Cancel), _getSmallButtonOver(SmallButton.Cancel)); ok.OnClick += (o, e) => Close(ok, XNADialogResult.OK); cancel.OnClick += (o, e) => Close(cancel, XNADialogResult.Cancel); ok.SetParent(this); cancel.SetParent(this); Center(Game.GraphicsDevice); DrawLocation = new Vector2(DrawLocation.X, 107); endConstructor(false); }
private ChestDialog(PacketAPI api, byte chestX, byte chestY) : base(api) { CurrentChestX = chestX; CurrentChestY = chestY; XNAButton cancel = new XNAButton(smallButtonSheet, new Vector2(92, 227), _getSmallButtonOut(SmallButton.Cancel), _getSmallButtonOver(SmallButton.Cancel)); cancel.OnClick += (sender, e) => Close(cancel, XNADialogResult.Cancel); dlgButtons.Add(cancel); whichButtons = XNADialogButtons.Cancel; bgTexture = ((EOGame)Game).GFXManager.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 51); _setSize(bgTexture.Width, bgTexture.Height); endConstructor(false); DrawLocation = new Vector2((Game.GraphicsDevice.PresentationParameters.BackBufferWidth - DrawArea.Width) / 2f, 15); cancel.SetParent(this); EOGame.Instance.Hud.SetStatusLabel(EOResourceID.STATUS_LABEL_TYPE_ACTION, EOResourceID.STATUS_LABEL_CHEST_YOU_OPENED, OldWorld.GetString(EOResourceID.STATUS_LABEL_DRAG_AND_DROP_ITEMS)); }
private void _setDialogButtons() { dlgButtons.ForEach(btn => { btn.SetParent(null); btn.Close(); }); dlgButtons.Clear(); bool morePages = _pageIndex < _pages.Count - 1; bool firstPage = _pageIndex == 0; Vector2 firstLoc = new Vector2(89, 153), secondLoc = new Vector2(183, 153); if (firstPage && morePages) { //show cancel/next XNAButton cancel = new XNAButton(smallButtonSheet, firstLoc, _getSmallButtonOut(SmallButton.Cancel), _getSmallButtonOver(SmallButton.Cancel)); cancel.OnClick += (o, e) => Close(cancel, XNADialogResult.Cancel); cancel.SetParent(this); dlgButtons.Add(cancel); XNAButton next = new XNAButton(smallButtonSheet, secondLoc, _getSmallButtonOut(SmallButton.Next), _getSmallButtonOver(SmallButton.Next)); next.OnClick += (o, e) => _nextPage(); next.SetParent(this); dlgButtons.Add(next); } else if (!firstPage && morePages) { //show back/next XNAButton back = new XNAButton(smallButtonSheet, firstLoc, _getSmallButtonOut(SmallButton.Back), _getSmallButtonOver(SmallButton.Back)); back.OnClick += (o, e) => _prevPage(); back.SetParent(this); dlgButtons.Add(back); XNAButton next = new XNAButton(smallButtonSheet, secondLoc, _getSmallButtonOut(SmallButton.Next), _getSmallButtonOver(SmallButton.Next)); next.OnClick += (o, e) => _nextPage(); next.SetParent(this); dlgButtons.Add(next); } else if (firstPage) { //show cancel/ok XNAButton cancel = new XNAButton(smallButtonSheet, firstLoc, _getSmallButtonOut(SmallButton.Cancel), _getSmallButtonOver(SmallButton.Cancel)); cancel.OnClick += (o, e) => Close(cancel, XNADialogResult.Cancel); cancel.SetParent(this); dlgButtons.Add(cancel); XNAButton ok = new XNAButton(smallButtonSheet, secondLoc, _getSmallButtonOut(SmallButton.Ok), _getSmallButtonOver(SmallButton.Ok)); ok.OnClick += (o, e) => Close(ok, XNADialogResult.OK); ok.SetParent(this); dlgButtons.Add(ok); } else { //show back/ok XNAButton back = new XNAButton(smallButtonSheet, firstLoc, _getSmallButtonOut(SmallButton.Back), _getSmallButtonOver(SmallButton.Back)); back.OnClick += (o, e) => _prevPage(); back.SetParent(this); dlgButtons.Add(back); XNAButton ok = new XNAButton(smallButtonSheet, secondLoc, _getSmallButtonOut(SmallButton.Ok), _getSmallButtonOver(SmallButton.Ok)); ok.OnClick += (o, e) => Close(ok, XNADialogResult.OK); ok.SetParent(this); dlgButtons.Add(ok); } }
public OldScrollBar(XNAControl parent, Vector2 locationRelaiveToParent, Vector2 size, ScrollBarColors palette, INativeGraphicsManager nativeGraphicsManager) : base(locationRelaiveToParent, new Rectangle((int)locationRelaiveToParent.X, (int)locationRelaiveToParent.Y, (int)size.X, (int)size.Y)) { SetParent(parent); scrollArea = new Rectangle(0, 15, 0, (int)size.Y - 15); DrawLocation = locationRelaiveToParent; ScrollOffset = 0; Texture2D scrollSpriteSheet = nativeGraphicsManager.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 29); Rectangle[] upArrows = new Rectangle[2]; Rectangle[] downArrows = new Rectangle[2]; int vertOff; switch (palette) { case ScrollBarColors.LightOnLight: vertOff = 0; break; case ScrollBarColors.LightOnMed: vertOff = 105; break; case ScrollBarColors.LightOnDark: vertOff = 180; break; case ScrollBarColors.DarkOnDark: vertOff = 255; break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(palette)); } //regions based on verticle offset (which is based on the chosen palette) upArrows[0] = new Rectangle(0, vertOff + 15 * 3, 16, 15); upArrows[1] = new Rectangle(0, vertOff + 15 * 4, 16, 15); downArrows[0] = new Rectangle(0, vertOff + 15, 16, 15); downArrows[1] = new Rectangle(0, vertOff + 15 * 2, 16, 15); Rectangle scrollBox = new Rectangle(0, vertOff, 16, 15); Texture2D[] upButton = new Texture2D[2]; Texture2D[] downButton = new Texture2D[2]; Texture2D[] scrollButton = new Texture2D[2]; for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { upButton[i] = new Texture2D(scrollSpriteSheet.GraphicsDevice, upArrows[i].Width, upArrows[i].Height); Color[] upData = new Color[upArrows[i].Width * upArrows[i].Height]; scrollSpriteSheet.GetData(0, upArrows[i], upData, 0, upData.Length); upButton[i].SetData(upData); downButton[i] = new Texture2D(scrollSpriteSheet.GraphicsDevice, downArrows[i].Width, downArrows[i].Height); Color[] downData = new Color[downArrows[i].Width * downArrows[i].Height]; scrollSpriteSheet.GetData(0, downArrows[i], downData, 0, downData.Length); downButton[i].SetData(downData); //same texture for hover, AFAIK scrollButton[i] = new Texture2D(scrollSpriteSheet.GraphicsDevice, scrollBox.Width, scrollBox.Height); Color[] scrollData = new Color[scrollBox.Width * scrollBox.Height]; scrollSpriteSheet.GetData(0, scrollBox, scrollData, 0, scrollData.Length); scrollButton[i].SetData(scrollData); } up = new XNAButton(upButton, new Vector2(0, 0)); up.OnClick += arrowClicked; up.SetParent(this); down = new XNAButton(downButton, new Vector2(0, size.Y - 15)); //update coordinates!!!! down.OnClick += arrowClicked; down.SetParent(this); scroll = new XNAButton(scrollButton, new Vector2(0, 15)); //update coordinates!!!! scroll.OnClickDrag += scrollDragged; scroll.OnMouseEnter += (o, e) => { SuppressParentClickDrag(true); }; scroll.OnMouseLeave += (o, e) => { SuppressParentClickDrag(false); }; scroll.SetParent(this); _totalHeight = DrawAreaWithOffset.Height; }
private EOPaperdollDialog(PacketAPI api, Character character, PaperdollDisplayData data) : base(api) { if (Instance != null) throw new InvalidOperationException("Paperdoll is already open!"); Instance = this; CharRef = character; Texture2D bgSprites = ((EOGame)Game).GFXManager.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 49); _setSize(bgSprites.Width, bgSprites.Height / 2); Color[] dat = new Color[DrawArea.Width * DrawArea.Height]; bgTexture = new Texture2D(Game.GraphicsDevice, DrawArea.Width, DrawArea.Height); bgSprites.GetData(0, DrawArea.WithPosition(new Vector2(0, CharRef.RenderData.gender * DrawArea.Height)), dat, 0, dat.Length); bgTexture.SetData(dat); //not using caption/message since we have other shit to take care of //ok button XNAButton ok = new XNAButton(smallButtonSheet, new Vector2(276, 253), _getSmallButtonOut(SmallButton.Ok), _getSmallButtonOver(SmallButton.Ok)) { Visible = true }; ok.OnClick += (s, e) => Close(ok, XNADialogResult.OK); ok.SetParent(this); dlgButtons.Add(ok); //items for (int i = (int)EquipLocation.Boots; i < (int)EquipLocation.PAPERDOLL_MAX; ++i) { ItemRecord info = World.Instance.EIF.GetItemRecordByID(CharRef.PaperDoll[i]); Rectangle itemArea = _getEquipLocRectangle((EquipLocation)i); //create item using itemArea if (CharRef.PaperDoll[i] > 0) { // ReSharper disable once UnusedVariable PaperdollDialogItem nextItem = new PaperdollDialogItem(m_api, itemArea, this, info, (EquipLocation)i); //auto-added as child of this dialog } else { // ReSharper disable once UnusedVariable PaperdollDialogItem nextItem = new PaperdollDialogItem(m_api, itemArea, this, null, (EquipLocation)i); } } //labels next XNALabel[] labels = { new XNALabel(new Rectangle(228, 22, 1, 1), Constants.FontSize08pt5) { Text = CharRef.Name.Length > 0 ? char.ToUpper(CharRef.Name[0]) + CharRef.Name.Substring(1) : "" }, //name new XNALabel(new Rectangle(228, 52, 1, 1), Constants.FontSize08pt5) { Text = data.Home.Length > 0 ? char.ToUpper(data.Home[0]) + data.Home.Substring(1) : "" }, //home new XNALabel(new Rectangle(228, 82, 1, 1), Constants.FontSize08pt5) { Text = ((ClassRecord)(World.Instance.ECF.Data.Find(_dat => ((ClassRecord)_dat).ID == CharRef.Class) ?? new ClassRecord(0))).Name }, //class new XNALabel(new Rectangle(228, 112, 1, 1), Constants.FontSize08pt5) { Text = data.Partner.Length > 0 ? char.ToUpper(data.Partner[0]) + data.Partner.Substring(1) : "" }, //partner new XNALabel(new Rectangle(228, 142, 1, 1), Constants.FontSize08pt5) { Text = CharRef.Title.Length > 0 ? char.ToUpper(CharRef.Title[0]) + CharRef.Title.Substring(1) : "" }, //title new XNALabel(new Rectangle(228, 202, 1, 1), Constants.FontSize08pt5) { Text = data.Guild.Length > 0 ? char.ToUpper(data.Guild[0]) + data.Guild.Substring(1) : "" }, //guild new XNALabel(new Rectangle(228, 232, 1, 1), Constants.FontSize08pt5) { Text = data.Rank.Length > 0 ? char.ToUpper(data.Rank[0]) + data.Rank.Substring(1) : "" } //rank }; labels.ToList().ForEach(_l => { _l.ForeColor = Constants.LightGrayText; _l.SetParent(this); }); ChatType iconType = EOChatRenderer.GetChatTypeFromPaperdollIcon(data.Icon); m_characterIcon = ChatTab.GetChatIcon(iconType); //should not be centered vertically: only display in game window //first center in the game display window, then move it 15px from top, THEN call end constructor logic //if not done in this order some items DrawAreaWithOffset field does not get updated properly when setting DrawLocation Center(Game.GraphicsDevice); DrawLocation = new Vector2(DrawLocation.X, 15); endConstructor(false); }
public ChangePasswordDialog(Texture2D cursorTexture, KeyboardDispatcher dispatcher) { dispatch = dispatcher; bgTexture = ((EOGame)Game).GFXManager.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PreLoginUI, 21); _setSize(bgTexture.Width, bgTexture.Height); for (int i = 0; i < inputBoxes.Length; ++i) { XNATextBox tb = new XNATextBox(new Rectangle(198, 60 + i * 30, 137, 19), cursorTexture, Constants.FontSize08) { LeftPadding = 5, DefaultText = " ", MaxChars = i == 0 ? 16 : 12, PasswordBox = i > 1, Selected = i == 0, TextColor = Constants.LightBeigeText, Visible = true }; tb.OnTabPressed += (s, e) => { List<XNATextBox> list = inputBoxes.ToList(); int tbIndex = list.FindIndex(txt => txt == s); int next = tbIndex + 1 > 3 ? 0 : tbIndex + 1; inputBoxes[tbIndex].Selected = false; inputBoxes[next].Selected = true; dispatch.Subscriber = inputBoxes[next]; }; tb.OnClicked += (s, e) => { dispatch.Subscriber.Selected = false; dispatch.Subscriber = (s as XNATextBox); dispatcher.Subscriber.Selected = true; }; tb.SetParent(this); inputBoxes[i] = tb; } dispatch.Subscriber = inputBoxes[0]; XNAButton ok = new XNAButton(smallButtonSheet, new Vector2(157, 195), _getSmallButtonOut(SmallButton.Ok), _getSmallButtonOver(SmallButton.Ok)) { Visible = true }; ok.OnClick += (s, e) => { //does some input validation before trying to call Close //check that all fields are filled in, otherwise: return if (inputBoxes.Any(tb => string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tb.Text))) return; if (Username != World.Instance.MainPlayer.AccountName) { EOMessageBox.Show(DATCONST1.CHANGE_PASSWORD_MISMATCH); return; } //check that passwords match, otherwise: return if (inputBoxes[2].Text.Length != inputBoxes[3].Text.Length || inputBoxes[2].Text != inputBoxes[3].Text) { EOMessageBox.Show(DATCONST1.ACCOUNT_CREATE_PASSWORD_MISMATCH); return; } //check that password is > 6 chars, otherwise: return if (inputBoxes[2].Text.Length < 6) { EOMessageBox.Show(DATCONST1.ACCOUNT_CREATE_PASSWORD_TOO_SHORT); return; } Close(ok, XNADialogResult.OK); }; ok.SetParent(this); dlgButtons.Add(ok); XNAButton cancel = new XNAButton(smallButtonSheet, new Vector2(250, 195), _getSmallButtonOut(SmallButton.Cancel), _getSmallButtonOver(SmallButton.Cancel)) { Visible = true }; cancel.OnClick += (s, e) => Close(cancel, XNADialogResult.Cancel); cancel.SetParent(this); dlgButtons.Add(cancel); endConstructor(); }
public EOMessageBox(string msgText, string captionText = "", XNADialogButtons whichButtons = XNADialogButtons.Ok, EOMessageBoxStyle style = EOMessageBoxStyle.SmallDialogLargeHeader) { this.whichButtons = whichButtons; var useSmallHeader = true; switch (style) { case EOMessageBoxStyle.SmallDialogLargeHeader: bgTexture = ((EOGame)Game).GFXManager.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PreLoginUI, 18); useSmallHeader = false; break; case EOMessageBoxStyle.SmallDialogSmallHeader: bgTexture = ((EOGame)Game).GFXManager.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PreLoginUI, 23); break; case EOMessageBoxStyle.LargeDialogSmallHeader: bgTexture = ((EOGame)Game).GFXManager.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PreLoginUI, 25); break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("style", "Unrecognized dialog style!"); } _setSize(bgTexture.Width, bgTexture.Height); message = new XNALabel(new Rectangle(18, 57, 1, 1), Constants.FontSize10); if (useSmallHeader) { //179, 119 //caption 197, 128 //message 197, 156 //ok: 270, 201 //cancel: 363, 201 message.DrawLocation = new Vector2(18, 40); } message.ForeColor = Constants.LightYellowText; message.Text = msgText; message.TextWidth = 254; message.SetParent(this); caption = new XNALabel(new Rectangle(59, 23, 1, 1), Constants.FontSize10); if (useSmallHeader) { caption.DrawLocation = new Vector2(18, 12); } caption.ForeColor = Constants.LightYellowText; caption.Text = captionText; caption.SetParent(this); XNAButton ok, cancel; switch (whichButtons) { case XNADialogButtons.Ok: ok = new XNAButton(smallButtonSheet, new Vector2(181, 113), _getSmallButtonOut(SmallButton.Ok), _getSmallButtonOver(SmallButton.Ok)); ok.OnClick += (sender, e) => Close(ok, XNADialogResult.OK); ok.SetParent(this); dlgButtons.Add(ok); break; case XNADialogButtons.Cancel: cancel = new XNAButton(smallButtonSheet, new Vector2(181, 113), _getSmallButtonOut(SmallButton.Cancel), _getSmallButtonOver(SmallButton.Cancel)); cancel.OnClick += (sender, e) => Close(cancel, XNADialogResult.Cancel); cancel.SetParent(this); dlgButtons.Add(cancel); break; case XNADialogButtons.OkCancel: //implement this more fully when it is needed //update draw location of ok button to be on left? ok = new XNAButton(smallButtonSheet, new Vector2(89, 113), _getSmallButtonOut(SmallButton.Ok), _getSmallButtonOver(SmallButton.Ok)); ok.OnClick += (sender, e) => Close(ok, XNADialogResult.OK); ok.SetParent(this); cancel = new XNAButton(smallButtonSheet, new Vector2(181, 113), _getSmallButtonOut(SmallButton.Cancel), _getSmallButtonOver(SmallButton.Cancel)); cancel.OnClick += (s, e) => Close(cancel, XNADialogResult.Cancel); cancel.SetParent(this); dlgButtons.Add(ok); dlgButtons.Add(cancel); break; } if (useSmallHeader) { if (style == EOMessageBoxStyle.SmallDialogSmallHeader) foreach (XNAButton btn in dlgButtons) btn.DrawLocation = new Vector2(btn.DrawLocation.X, 82); else foreach (XNAButton btn in dlgButtons) btn.DrawLocation = new Vector2(btn.DrawLocation.X, 148); } endConstructor(); }
public OldEOInventory(XNAPanel parent, PacketAPI api) : base(null, null, parent) { m_api = api; //load info from registry Dictionary <int, int> localItemSlotMap = new Dictionary <int, int>(); m_inventoryKey = _tryGetCharacterRegKey(); if (m_inventoryKey != null) { const string itemFmt = "item{0}"; for (int i = 0; i < INVENTORY_ROW_LENGTH * 4; ++i) { int id; try { id = Convert.ToInt32(m_inventoryKey.GetValue(string.Format(itemFmt, i))); } catch { continue; } localItemSlotMap.Add(i, id); } } //add the inventory items that were retrieved from the server List <InventoryItem> localInv = OldWorld.Instance.MainPlayer.ActiveCharacter.Inventory; if (localInv.Find(_item => _item.ItemID == 1).ItemID != 1) { localInv.Insert(0, new InventoryItem(amount: 0, itemID: 1)); //add 0 gold if there isn't any gold } bool dialogShown = false; foreach (var item in localInv) { var rec = OldWorld.Instance.EIF[item.ItemID]; int slot = localItemSlotMap.ContainsValue(item.ItemID) ? localItemSlotMap.First(_pair => _pair.Value == item.ItemID).Key : _getNextOpenSlot(rec.Size); List <Tuple <int, int> > points; if (!_fitsInSlot(slot, rec.Size, out points)) { slot = _getNextOpenSlot(rec.Size); } if (!_addItemToSlot(slot, rec, item.Amount) && !dialogShown) { dialogShown = true; EOMessageBox.Show("Something doesn't fit in the inventory. Rearrange items or get rid of them.", "Warning", EODialogButtons.Ok, EOMessageBoxStyle.SmallDialogSmallHeader); } } //coordinates for parent of EOInventory: 102, 330 (pnlInventory in InGameHud) //extra in photoshop right now: 8, 31 //current weight label (member variable, needs to have text updated when item amounts change) m_lblWeight = new XNALabel(new Rectangle(385, 37, 88, 18), Constants.FontSize08pt5) { ForeColor = ColorConstants.LightGrayText, TextAlign = LabelAlignment.MiddleCenter, Visible = true, AutoSize = false }; m_lblWeight.SetParent(this); UpdateWeightLabel(); Texture2D thatWeirdSheet = ((EOGame)Game).GFXManager.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 27); //oh my gawd the offsets on this bish //(local variables, added to child controls) //'paperdoll' button m_btnPaperdoll = new XNAButton(thatWeirdSheet, new Vector2(385, 9), /*new Rectangle(39, 385, 88, 19)*/ null, new Rectangle(126, 385, 88, 19)); m_btnPaperdoll.SetParent(this); m_btnPaperdoll.OnClick += (s, e) => m_api.RequestPaperdoll((short)OldWorld.Instance.MainPlayer.ActiveCharacter.ID); //'drop' button //491, 398 -> 389, 68 //0,15,38,37 //0,52,38,37 m_btnDrop = new XNAButton(thatWeirdSheet, new Vector2(389, 68), new Rectangle(0, 15, 38, 37), new Rectangle(0, 52, 38, 37)); m_btnDrop.SetParent(this); OldWorld.IgnoreDialogs(m_btnDrop); //'junk' button - 4 + 38 on the x away from drop m_btnJunk = new XNAButton(thatWeirdSheet, new Vector2(431, 68), new Rectangle(0, 89, 38, 37), new Rectangle(0, 126, 38, 37)); m_btnJunk.SetParent(this); OldWorld.IgnoreDialogs(m_btnJunk); }
public TradeDialog(PacketAPI apiHandle) : base(apiHandle) { bgTexture = ((EOGame)Game).GFXManager.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 50); _setSize(bgTexture.Width, bgTexture.Height); Instance = this; DialogClosing += (sender, args) => Instance = null; m_main = World.Instance.MainPlayer.ActiveCharacter; m_leftItems = new List<ListDialogItem>(); m_rightItems = new List<ListDialogItem>(); m_leftPlayerID = 0; m_rightPlayerID = 0; m_leftPlayerName = new XNALabel(new Rectangle(20, 14, 166, 20), Constants.FontSize08pt5) { AutoSize = false, TextAlign = LabelAlignment.MiddleLeft, ForeColor = Constants.LightGrayText }; m_leftPlayerName.SetParent(this); m_rightPlayerName = new XNALabel(new Rectangle(285, 14, 166, 20), Constants.FontSize08pt5) { AutoSize = false, TextAlign = LabelAlignment.MiddleLeft, ForeColor = Constants.LightGrayText }; m_rightPlayerName.SetParent(this); m_leftPlayerStatus = new XNALabel(new Rectangle(195, 14, 79, 20), Constants.FontSize08pt5) { AutoSize = false, TextAlign = LabelAlignment.MiddleLeft, Text = World.GetString(DATCONST2.DIALOG_TRADE_WORD_TRADING), ForeColor = Constants.LightGrayText }; m_leftPlayerStatus.SetParent(this); m_rightPlayerStatus = new XNALabel(new Rectangle(462, 14, 79, 20), Constants.FontSize08pt5) { AutoSize = false, TextAlign = LabelAlignment.MiddleLeft, Text = World.GetString(DATCONST2.DIALOG_TRADE_WORD_TRADING), ForeColor = Constants.LightGrayText }; m_rightPlayerStatus.SetParent(this); m_leftScroll = new ScrollBar(this, new Vector2(252, 44), new Vector2(16, 199), ScrollBarColors.LightOnMed) { LinesToRender = 5 }; m_rightScroll = new ScrollBar(this, new Vector2(518, 44), new Vector2(16, 199), ScrollBarColors.LightOnMed) { LinesToRender = 5 }; //BUTTONSSSS XNAButton ok = new XNAButton(smallButtonSheet, new Vector2(356, 252), _getSmallButtonOut(SmallButton.Ok), _getSmallButtonOver(SmallButton.Ok)); ok.OnClick += _buttonOkClicked; ok.SetParent(this); dlgButtons.Add(ok); XNAButton cancel = new XNAButton(smallButtonSheet, new Vector2(449, 252), _getSmallButtonOut(SmallButton.Cancel), _getSmallButtonOver(SmallButton.Cancel)); cancel.OnClick += _buttonCancelClicked; cancel.SetParent(this); dlgButtons.Add(cancel); Timer localTimer = new Timer(state => { if (m_recentPartnerRemoves > 0) m_recentPartnerRemoves--; }, null, 0, 5000); DialogClosing += (o, e) => { if (e.Result == XNADialogResult.Cancel) { if (!m_api.TradeClose()) ((EOGame)Game).DoShowLostConnectionDialogAndReturnToMainMenu(); ((EOGame)Game).Hud.SetStatusLabel(DATCONST2.STATUS_LABEL_TYPE_ACTION, DATCONST2.STATUS_LABEL_TRADE_ABORTED); } localTimer.Dispose(); }; Center(Game.GraphicsDevice); DrawLocation = new Vector2(DrawLocation.X, 30); endConstructor(false); }
private SessionExpDialog() : base((PacketAPI)null) { bgTexture = ((EOGame)Game).GFXManager.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 61); _setSize(bgTexture.Width, bgTexture.Height); m_icons = ((EOGame)Game).GFXManager.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 68, true); m_signal = new Rectangle(0, 15, 15, 15); m_icon = new Rectangle(0, 0, 15, 15); XNAButton okButton = new XNAButton(smallButtonSheet, new Vector2(98, 214), _getSmallButtonOut(SmallButton.Ok), _getSmallButtonOver(SmallButton.Ok)); okButton.OnClick += (sender, args) => Close(okButton, XNADialogResult.OK); okButton.SetParent(this); XNALabel title = new XNALabel(new Rectangle(20, 17, 1, 1), Constants.FontSize08pt5) { AutoSize = false, Text = OldWorld.GetString(EOResourceID.DIALOG_TITLE_PERFORMANCE), ForeColor = ColorConstants.LightGrayText }; title.SetParent(this); XNALabel[] leftSide = new XNALabel[8], rightSide = new XNALabel[8]; for (int i = 48; i <= 160; i += 16) { leftSide[(i - 48) / 16] = new XNALabel(new Rectangle(38, i, 1, 1), Constants.FontSize08pt5) { AutoSize = false, ForeColor = ColorConstants.LightGrayText }; leftSide[(i - 48) / 16].SetParent(this); rightSide[(i - 48) / 16] = new XNALabel(new Rectangle(158, i, 1, 1), Constants.FontSize08pt5) { AutoSize = false, ForeColor = ColorConstants.LightGrayText }; rightSide[(i - 48) / 16].SetParent(this); } leftSide[0].Text = OldWorld.GetString(EOResourceID.DIALOG_PERFORMANCE_TOTALEXP); leftSide[1].Text = OldWorld.GetString(EOResourceID.DIALOG_PERFORMANCE_NEXT_LEVEL); leftSide[2].Text = OldWorld.GetString(EOResourceID.DIALOG_PERFORMANCE_EXP_NEEDED); leftSide[3].Text = OldWorld.GetString(EOResourceID.DIALOG_PERFORMANCE_TODAY_EXP); leftSide[4].Text = OldWorld.GetString(EOResourceID.DIALOG_PERFORMANCE_TOTAL_AVG); leftSide[5].Text = OldWorld.GetString(EOResourceID.DIALOG_PERFORMANCE_TODAY_AVG); leftSide[6].Text = OldWorld.GetString(EOResourceID.DIALOG_PERFORMANCE_BEST_KILL); leftSide[7].Text = OldWorld.GetString(EOResourceID.DIALOG_PERFORMANCE_LAST_KILL); OldCharacter c = OldWorld.Instance.MainPlayer.ActiveCharacter; rightSide[0].Text = $"{c.Stats.Experience}"; rightSide[1].Text = $"{OldWorld.Instance.exp_table[c.Stats.Level + 1]}"; rightSide[2].Text = $"{OldWorld.Instance.exp_table[c.Stats.Level + 1] - c.Stats.Experience}"; rightSide[3].Text = $"{c.TodayExp}"; rightSide[4].Text = $"{(int) (c.Stats.Experience/(c.Stats.Usage/60.0))}"; int sessionTime = (int)(DateTime.Now - EOGame.Instance.Hud.SessionStartTime).TotalMinutes; rightSide[5].Text = $"{(sessionTime > 0 ? (c.TodayExp/sessionTime) : 0)}"; rightSide[6].Text = $"{c.TodayBestKill}"; rightSide[7].Text = $"{c.TodayLastKill}"; Array.ForEach(leftSide, lbl => lbl.ResizeBasedOnText()); Array.ForEach(rightSide, lbl => lbl.ResizeBasedOnText()); Center(Game.GraphicsDevice); DrawLocation = new Vector2(DrawLocation.X, 15); endConstructor(false); }
private void _addRemoveButtonForMember(PartyMember member) { int delta = m_removeTexture.Height / 3; bool enabled = m_mainIsLeader || member.ID == World.Instance.MainPlayer.ActiveCharacter.ID; XNAButton nextButton = new XNAButton(m_removeTexture, new Vector2(DrawAreaWithOffset.X + DRAW_REMOVE_X, DRAW_OFFSET_Y), enabled ? new Rectangle(0, 0, m_removeTexture.Width, delta) : new Rectangle(0, delta, m_removeTexture.Width, delta), enabled ? new Rectangle(0, delta * 2, m_removeTexture.Width, delta) : new Rectangle(0, delta, m_removeTexture.Width, delta)); if (enabled) { PartyMember localMember = member; nextButton.OnClick += (sender, args) => RemoveMember(localMember.ID); } nextButton.SetParent(this); m_buttons.Add(nextButton); }
public ScrollBar(XNAControl parent, Vector2 relativeLoc, Vector2 size, ScrollBarColors palette) : base(relativeLoc, new Rectangle((int)relativeLoc.X, (int)relativeLoc.Y, (int)size.X, (int)size.Y)) { SetParent(parent); scrollArea = new Rectangle(0, 15, 0, (int)size.Y - 15); DrawLocation = relativeLoc; ScrollOffset = 0; Texture2D scrollSpriteSheet = ((EOGame)Game).GFXManager.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 29); Rectangle[] upArrows = new Rectangle[2]; Rectangle[] downArrows = new Rectangle[2]; int vertOff; switch (palette) { case ScrollBarColors.LightOnLight: vertOff = 0; break; case ScrollBarColors.LightOnMed: vertOff = 105; break; case ScrollBarColors.LightOnDark: vertOff = 180; break; case ScrollBarColors.DarkOnDark: vertOff = 255; break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("palette"); } //regions based on verticle offset (which is based on the chosen palette) upArrows[0] = new Rectangle(0, vertOff + 15 * 3, 16, 15); upArrows[1] = new Rectangle(0, vertOff + 15 * 4, 16, 15); downArrows[0] = new Rectangle(0, vertOff + 15, 16, 15); downArrows[1] = new Rectangle(0, vertOff + 15 * 2, 16, 15); Rectangle scrollBox = new Rectangle(0, vertOff, 16, 15); Texture2D[] upButton = new Texture2D[2]; Texture2D[] downButton = new Texture2D[2]; Texture2D[] scrollButton = new Texture2D[2]; for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { upButton[i] = new Texture2D(scrollSpriteSheet.GraphicsDevice, upArrows[i].Width, upArrows[i].Height); Color[] upData = new Color[upArrows[i].Width * upArrows[i].Height]; scrollSpriteSheet.GetData(0, upArrows[i], upData, 0, upData.Length); upButton[i].SetData(upData); downButton[i] = new Texture2D(scrollSpriteSheet.GraphicsDevice, downArrows[i].Width, downArrows[i].Height); Color[] downData = new Color[downArrows[i].Width * downArrows[i].Height]; scrollSpriteSheet.GetData(0, downArrows[i], downData, 0, downData.Length); downButton[i].SetData(downData); //same texture for hover, AFAIK scrollButton[i] = new Texture2D(scrollSpriteSheet.GraphicsDevice, scrollBox.Width, scrollBox.Height); Color[] scrollData = new Color[scrollBox.Width * scrollBox.Height]; scrollSpriteSheet.GetData(0, scrollBox, scrollData, 0, scrollData.Length); scrollButton[i].SetData(scrollData); } up = new XNAButton(upButton, new Vector2(0, 0)); up.OnClick += arrowClicked; up.SetParent(this); down = new XNAButton(downButton, new Vector2(0, size.Y - 15)); //update coordinates!!!! down.OnClick += arrowClicked; down.SetParent(this); scroll = new XNAButton(scrollButton, new Vector2(0, 15)); //update coordinates!!!! scroll.OnClickDrag += scrollDragged; scroll.OnMouseEnter += (o, e) => { SuppressParentClickDrag(true); }; scroll.OnMouseLeave += (o, e) => { SuppressParentClickDrag(false); }; scroll.SetParent(this); _totalHeight = DrawAreaWithOffset.Height; }
public EOCreateCharacterDialog(Texture2D cursorTexture, KeyboardDispatcher dispatcher) { bgTexture = ((EOGame)Game).GFXManager.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PreLoginUI, 20); _setSize(bgTexture.Width, bgTexture.Height); charCreateSheet = ((EOGame)Game).GFXManager.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PreLoginUI, 22); inputBox = new XNATextBox(new Rectangle(80, 57, 138, 19), cursorTexture, Constants.FontSize08) { LeftPadding = 5, DefaultText = " ", MaxChars = 12, Selected = true, TextColor = Constants.LightBeigeText, Visible = true }; inputBox.SetParent(this); dispatcher.Subscriber = inputBox; //four arrow buttons for (int i = 0; i < arrowButtons.Length; ++i) { XNAButton btn = new XNAButton(charCreateSheet, new Vector2(196, 85 + i * 26), new Rectangle(185, 38, 19, 19), new Rectangle(206, 38, 19, 19)) { Visible = true }; btn.OnClick += ArrowButtonClick; btn.SetParent(this); arrowButtons[i] = btn; } charRender = new CharacterRenderer(new Vector2(269, 83), new CharRenderData { gender = 0, hairstyle = 1, haircolor = 0, race = 0 }); charRender.SetParent(this); srcRects[0] = new Rectangle(0, 38, 23, 19); srcRects[1] = new Rectangle(0, 19, 23, 19); srcRects[2] = new Rectangle(0, 0, 23, 19); srcRects[3] = new Rectangle(46, 38, 23, 19); //ok/cancel buttons XNAButton ok = new XNAButton(smallButtonSheet, new Vector2(157, 195), _getSmallButtonOut(SmallButton.Ok), _getSmallButtonOver(SmallButton.Ok)) { Visible = true }; ok.OnClick += (s, e) => { if (inputBox.Text.Length < 4) { EOMessageBox.Show(DATCONST1.CHARACTER_CREATE_NAME_TOO_SHORT); return; } Close(ok, XNADialogResult.OK); }; ok.SetParent(this); dlgButtons.Add(ok); XNAButton cancel = new XNAButton(smallButtonSheet, new Vector2(250, 195), _getSmallButtonOut(SmallButton.Cancel), _getSmallButtonOver(SmallButton.Cancel)) { Visible = true }; cancel.OnClick += (s, e) => Close(cancel, XNADialogResult.Cancel); cancel.SetParent(this); dlgButtons.Add(cancel); endConstructor(); }
public TradeDialog(PacketAPI apiHandle) : base(apiHandle) { bgTexture = ((EOGame)Game).GFXManager.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 50); _setSize(bgTexture.Width, bgTexture.Height); Instance = this; DialogClosing += (sender, args) => Instance = null; m_main = OldWorld.Instance.MainPlayer.ActiveCharacter; m_leftItems = new List <ListDialogItem>(); m_rightItems = new List <ListDialogItem>(); m_leftPlayerID = 0; m_rightPlayerID = 0; m_leftPlayerName = new XNALabel(new Rectangle(20, 14, 166, 20), Constants.FontSize08pt5) { AutoSize = false, TextAlign = LabelAlignment.MiddleLeft, ForeColor = ColorConstants.LightGrayText }; m_leftPlayerName.SetParent(this); m_rightPlayerName = new XNALabel(new Rectangle(285, 14, 166, 20), Constants.FontSize08pt5) { AutoSize = false, TextAlign = LabelAlignment.MiddleLeft, ForeColor = ColorConstants.LightGrayText }; m_rightPlayerName.SetParent(this); m_leftPlayerStatus = new XNALabel(new Rectangle(195, 14, 79, 20), Constants.FontSize08pt5) { AutoSize = false, TextAlign = LabelAlignment.MiddleLeft, Text = OldWorld.GetString(EOResourceID.DIALOG_TRADE_WORD_TRADING), ForeColor = ColorConstants.LightGrayText }; m_leftPlayerStatus.SetParent(this); m_rightPlayerStatus = new XNALabel(new Rectangle(462, 14, 79, 20), Constants.FontSize08pt5) { AutoSize = false, TextAlign = LabelAlignment.MiddleLeft, Text = OldWorld.GetString(EOResourceID.DIALOG_TRADE_WORD_TRADING), ForeColor = ColorConstants.LightGrayText }; m_rightPlayerStatus.SetParent(this); m_leftScroll = new OldScrollBar(this, new Vector2(252, 44), new Vector2(16, 199), ScrollBarColors.LightOnMed) { LinesToRender = 5 }; m_rightScroll = new OldScrollBar(this, new Vector2(518, 44), new Vector2(16, 199), ScrollBarColors.LightOnMed) { LinesToRender = 5 }; //BUTTONSSSS XNAButton ok = new XNAButton(smallButtonSheet, new Vector2(356, 252), _getSmallButtonOut(SmallButton.Ok), _getSmallButtonOver(SmallButton.Ok)); ok.OnClick += _buttonOkClicked; ok.SetParent(this); dlgButtons.Add(ok); XNAButton cancel = new XNAButton(smallButtonSheet, new Vector2(449, 252), _getSmallButtonOut(SmallButton.Cancel), _getSmallButtonOver(SmallButton.Cancel)); cancel.OnClick += _buttonCancelClicked; cancel.SetParent(this); dlgButtons.Add(cancel); Timer localTimer = new Timer(state => { if (m_recentPartnerRemoves > 0) { m_recentPartnerRemoves--; } }, null, 0, 5000); DialogClosing += (o, e) => { if (e.Result == XNADialogResult.Cancel) { if (!m_api.TradeClose()) { ((EOGame)Game).DoShowLostConnectionDialogAndReturnToMainMenu(); } ((EOGame)Game).Hud.SetStatusLabel(EOResourceID.STATUS_LABEL_TYPE_ACTION, EOResourceID.STATUS_LABEL_TRADE_ABORTED); } localTimer.Dispose(); }; Center(Game.GraphicsDevice); DrawLocation = new Vector2(DrawLocation.X, 30); endConstructor(false); }
public EOInventory(XNAPanel parent, PacketAPI api) : base(null, null, parent) { m_api = api; //load info from registry Dictionary<int, int> localItemSlotMap = new Dictionary<int, int>(); m_inventoryKey = _tryGetCharacterRegKey(); if (m_inventoryKey != null) { const string itemFmt = "item{0}"; for (int i = 0; i < INVENTORY_ROW_LENGTH * 4; ++i) { int id; try { id = Convert.ToInt32(m_inventoryKey.GetValue(string.Format(itemFmt, i))); } catch { continue; } localItemSlotMap.Add(i, id); } } //add the inventory items that were retrieved from the server List<InventoryItem> localInv = World.Instance.MainPlayer.ActiveCharacter.Inventory; if (localInv.Find(_item => == 1).id != 1) localInv.Insert(0, new InventoryItem {amount = 0, id = 1}); //add 0 gold if there isn't any gold bool dialogShown = false; foreach (InventoryItem item in localInv) { ItemRecord rec = World.Instance.EIF.GetItemRecordByID(; int slot = localItemSlotMap.ContainsValue( ? localItemSlotMap.First(_pair => _pair.Value == : _getNextOpenSlot(rec.Size); if (!dialogShown && !_addItemToSlot(slot, rec, item.amount)) { dialogShown = true; EODialog.Show("Something doesn't fit in the inventory. Rearrange items or get rid of them.", "Warning", XNADialogButtons.Ok, EODialogStyle.SmallDialogSmallHeader); } } //coordinates for parent of EOInventory: 102, 330 (pnlInventory in InGameHud) //extra in photoshop right now: 8, 31 //current weight label (member variable, needs to have text updated when item amounts change) m_lblWeight = new XNALabel(new Rectangle(385, 37, 88, 18), "Microsoft Sans MS", 8f) { ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(255, 0xc8, 0xc8, 0xc8), TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter, Visible = true, AutoSize = false }; m_lblWeight.SetParent(this); UpdateWeightLabel(); Texture2D thatWeirdSheet = GFXLoader.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 27); //oh my gawd the offsets on this bish //(local variables, added to child controls) //'paperdoll' button m_btnPaperdoll = new XNAButton(thatWeirdSheet, new Vector2(385, 9), /*new Rectangle(39, 385, 88, 19)*/null, new Rectangle(126, 385, 88, 19)); m_btnPaperdoll.SetParent(this); m_btnPaperdoll.OnClick += (s, e) => m_api.RequestPaperdoll((short)World.Instance.MainPlayer.ActiveCharacter.ID); //'drop' button //491, 398 -> 389, 68 //0,15,38,37 //0,52,38,37 m_btnDrop = new XNAButton(thatWeirdSheet, new Vector2(389, 68), new Rectangle(0, 15, 38, 37), new Rectangle(0, 52, 38, 37)); m_btnDrop.SetParent(this); World.IgnoreDialogs(m_btnDrop); //'junk' button - 4 + 38 on the x away from drop m_btnJunk = new XNAButton(thatWeirdSheet, new Vector2(431, 68), new Rectangle(0, 89, 38, 37), new Rectangle(0, 126, 38, 37)); m_btnJunk.SetParent(this); World.IgnoreDialogs(m_btnJunk); }
/// <summary> /// Create a new item transfer dialog /// </summary> /// <param name="itemName">Name of the item to be displayed</param> /// <param name="transferType">Which transfer is being done (controls title)</param> /// <param name="totalAmount">Maximum amount that can be transferred</param> /// <param name="message">Resource ID of message to control displayed text</param> public ItemTransferDialog(string itemName, TransferType transferType, int totalAmount, DATCONST2 message = DATCONST2.DIALOG_TRANSFER_DROP) { _validateMessage(message); Texture2D weirdSpriteSheet = ((EOGame)Game).GFXManager.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 27); Rectangle sourceArea = new Rectangle(38, 0, 265, 170); //get bgTexture Color[] textureData = new Color[sourceArea.Width * sourceArea.Height]; bgTexture = new Texture2D(Game.GraphicsDevice, sourceArea.Width, sourceArea.Height); weirdSpriteSheet.GetData(0, sourceArea, textureData, 0, textureData.Length); bgTexture.SetData(textureData); //get the title bar - for when it isn't drop items if (transferType != TransferType.DropItems) { Rectangle titleBarArea = new Rectangle(40, 172 + ((int)transferType - 1) * 24, 241, 22); Color[] titleBarData = new Color[titleBarArea.Width * titleBarArea.Height]; m_titleBarGfx = new Texture2D(Game.GraphicsDevice, titleBarArea.Width, titleBarArea.Height); weirdSpriteSheet.GetData(0, titleBarArea, titleBarData, 0, titleBarData.Length); m_titleBarGfx.SetData(titleBarData); } //set the buttons here //ok/cancel buttons XNAButton ok = new XNAButton(smallButtonSheet, new Vector2(60, 125), _getSmallButtonOut(SmallButton.Ok), _getSmallButtonOver(SmallButton.Ok)) { Visible = true }; ok.OnClick += (s, e) => Close(ok, XNADialogResult.OK); ok.SetParent(this); dlgButtons.Add(ok); XNAButton cancel = new XNAButton(smallButtonSheet, new Vector2(153, 125), _getSmallButtonOut(SmallButton.Cancel), _getSmallButtonOver(SmallButton.Cancel)) { Visible = true }; cancel.OnClick += (s, e) => Close(cancel, XNADialogResult.Cancel); cancel.SetParent(this); dlgButtons.Add(cancel); XNALabel descLabel = new XNALabel(new Rectangle(20, 42, 231, 33), Constants.FontSize10) { ForeColor = Constants.LightGrayDialogMessage, TextWidth = 200, Text = string.Format("{0} {1} {2}", World.GetString(DATCONST2.DIALOG_TRANSFER_HOW_MUCH), itemName, World.GetString(message)) }; descLabel.SetParent(this); //set the text box here //starting coords are 163, 97 m_amount = new XNATextBox(new Rectangle(163, 95, 77, 19), Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("cursor"), Constants.FontSize08) { Visible = true, Enabled = true, MaxChars = 8, //max drop/junk at a time will be 99,999,999 TextColor = Constants.LightBeigeText, Text = "1" }; m_amount.SetParent(this); m_prevSubscriber = EOGame.Instance.Dispatcher.Subscriber; EOGame.Instance.Dispatcher.Subscriber = m_amount; DialogClosing += (o, e) => EOGame.Instance.Dispatcher.Subscriber = m_prevSubscriber; m_totalAmount = totalAmount; //slider control Texture2D src = ((EOGame)Game).GFXManager.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 29); //5th index when 'out', 6th index when 'over' Rectangle outText = new Rectangle(0, 15 * 5, 16, 15); Rectangle ovrText = new Rectangle(0, 15 * 6, 16, 15); Color[] outData = new Color[16 * 15]; Color[] ovrData = new Color[16 * 15]; Texture2D[] sliderTextures = new Texture2D[2]; src.GetData(0, outText, outData, 0, outData.Length); src.GetData(0, ovrText, ovrData, 0, ovrData.Length); (sliderTextures[0] = new Texture2D(Game.GraphicsDevice, 16, 15)).SetData(outData); (sliderTextures[1] = new Texture2D(Game.GraphicsDevice, 16, 15)).SetData(ovrData); //starting coords are 25, 96; range rectangle is 122, 15 XNAButton slider = new XNAButton(sliderTextures, new Vector2(25, 96)); slider.OnClickDrag += (o, e) => { s_sliderDragging = true; //ignores updates to slider location during text change MouseState st = Mouse.GetState(); Rectangle sliderArea = new Rectangle(25, 96, 122 - slider.DrawArea.Width, 15); int newX = (st.X - PreviousMouseState.X) + (int)slider.DrawLocation.X; if (newX < sliderArea.X) newX = sliderArea.X; else if (newX > sliderArea.Width + sliderArea.X) newX = sliderArea.Width + sliderArea.X; slider.DrawLocation = new Vector2(newX, slider.DrawLocation.Y); //unchanged y coordinate, slides along x-axis float ratio = (newX - sliderArea.X) / (float)sliderArea.Width; m_amount.Text = ((int)Math.Round(ratio * m_totalAmount) + 1).ToString(); s_sliderDragging = false; }; slider.SetParent(this); m_amount.OnTextChanged += (sender, args) => { int amt = 0; if (m_amount.Text != "" && (!int.TryParse(m_amount.Text, out amt) || amt > m_totalAmount)) { amt = m_totalAmount; m_amount.Text = string.Format("{0}", m_totalAmount); } else if (m_amount.Text != "" && amt < 0) { amt = 1; m_amount.Text = string.Format("{0}", amt); } if (s_sliderDragging) return; //slider is being dragged - don't move its position //adjust the slider (created after m_amount) when the text changes if (amt <= 1) //NOT WORKING { slider.DrawLocation = new Vector2(25, 96); } else { int xCoord = (int)Math.Round((amt / (double)m_totalAmount) * (122 - slider.DrawArea.Width)); slider.DrawLocation = new Vector2(25 + xCoord, 96); } }; _setSize(bgTexture.Width, bgTexture.Height); DrawLocation = new Vector2(Game.GraphicsDevice.PresentationParameters.BackBufferWidth / 2 - bgTexture.Width / 2, 40); //only centered horizontally endConstructor(false); }
public ActiveSpells(XNAPanel parent, PacketAPI api) : base(null, null, parent) { _api = api; _childItems = new List<ISpellIcon>(SPELL_NUM_ROWS * SPELL_ROW_LENGTH); RemoveAllSpells(); var localSpellSlotMap = new Dictionary<int, int>(); _spellsKey = _tryGetCharacterRegKey(); if (_spellsKey != null) { const string spellFmt = "item{0}"; for (int i = 0; i < SPELL_ROW_LENGTH*4; ++i) { int id; try { id = Convert.ToInt32(_spellsKey.GetValue(String.Format(spellFmt, i))); } catch { continue; } localSpellSlotMap.Add(i, id); } } var localSpells = World.Instance.MainPlayer.ActiveCharacter.Spells; // ReSharper disable once LoopCanBeConvertedToQuery foreach (var spell in localSpells) { SpellRecord rec = World.Instance.ESF.GetSpellRecordByID(; int slot = localSpellSlotMap.ContainsValue( ? localSpellSlotMap.First(_pair => _pair.Value == : _getNextOpenSlot(); if (slot < 0 || !_addNewSpellToSlot(slot, rec, spell.level)) { EOMessageBox.Show("You have too many spells! They don't all fit.", "Warning", XNADialogButtons.Ok, EOMessageBoxStyle.SmallDialogSmallHeader); break; } if (slot >= SPELL_ROW_LENGTH*(SPELL_NUM_ROWS/2)) _childItems.Last().Visible = false; } _setSize(parent.DrawArea.Width, parent.DrawArea.Height); _functionKeyGraphics = ((EOGame) Game).GFXManager.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 58, true); _functionKeyRow1SourceRect = new Rectangle(148, 51, 18, 13); _functionKeyRow2SourceRect = new Rectangle(148 + 18*8, 51, 18, 13); _selectedSpellName = new XNALabel(new Rectangle(9, 50, 81, 13), Constants.FontSize08pt5) { Visible = false, Text = "", AutoSize = false, TextAlign = LabelAlignment.MiddleCenter, ForeColor = Constants.LightGrayText }; _selectedSpellName.SetParent(this); _selectedSpellLevel = new XNALabel(new Rectangle(32, 78, 42, 15), Constants.FontSize08pt5) { Visible = true, Text = "0", AutoSize = false, TextAlign = LabelAlignment.MiddleLeft, ForeColor = Constants.LightGrayText }; _selectedSpellLevel.SetParent(this); var skillPoints = World.Instance.MainPlayer.ActiveCharacter.Stats.SkillPoints; _totalSkillPoints = new XNALabel(new Rectangle(32, 96, 42, 15), Constants.FontSize08pt5) { Visible = true, Text = skillPoints.ToString(), AutoSize = false, TextAlign = LabelAlignment.MiddleLeft, ForeColor = Constants.LightGrayText }; _totalSkillPoints.SetParent(this); var buttonSheet = ((EOGame)Game).GFXManager.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 27, true); _levelUpButton1 = new XNAButton(buttonSheet, new Vector2(71, 77), new Rectangle(215, 386, 19, 15), new Rectangle(234, 386, 19, 15)) { FlashSpeed = 500, Visible = false }; _levelUpButton1.OnClick += LevelUp_Click; _levelUpButton1.SetParent(this); _levelUpButton2 = new XNAButton(buttonSheet, new Vector2(71, 95), new Rectangle(215, 386, 19, 15), new Rectangle(234, 386, 19, 15)) { FlashSpeed = 500, Visible = false }; _levelUpButton2.OnClick += LevelUp_Click; _levelUpButton2.SetParent(this); _scroll = new ScrollBar(this, new Vector2(467, 2), new Vector2(16, 115), ScrollBarColors.LightOnMed) { LinesToRender = 2 }; _scroll.UpdateDimensions(4); foreach (var child in children.Where(x => !(x is EmptySpellIcon))) World.IgnoreDialogs(child); }
private SessionExpDialog() { bgTexture = ((EOGame)Game).GFXManager.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 61); _setSize(bgTexture.Width, bgTexture.Height); m_icons = ((EOGame)Game).GFXManager.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 68, true); m_signal = new Rectangle(0, 15, 15, 15); m_icon = new Rectangle(0, 0, 15, 15); XNAButton okButton = new XNAButton(smallButtonSheet, new Vector2(98, 214), _getSmallButtonOut(SmallButton.Ok), _getSmallButtonOver(SmallButton.Ok)); okButton.OnClick += (sender, args) => Close(okButton, XNADialogResult.OK); okButton.SetParent(this); XNALabel title = new XNALabel(new Rectangle(20, 17, 1, 1), Constants.FontSize08pt5) { AutoSize = false, Text = World.GetString(DATCONST2.DIALOG_TITLE_PERFORMANCE), ForeColor = Constants.LightGrayText }; title.SetParent(this); XNALabel[] leftSide = new XNALabel[8], rightSide = new XNALabel[8]; for (int i = 48; i <= 160; i += 16) { leftSide[(i - 48) / 16] = new XNALabel(new Rectangle(38, i, 1, 1), Constants.FontSize08pt5) { AutoSize = false, ForeColor = Constants.LightGrayText }; leftSide[(i - 48) / 16].SetParent(this); rightSide[(i - 48) / 16] = new XNALabel(new Rectangle(158, i, 1, 1), Constants.FontSize08pt5) { AutoSize = false, ForeColor = Constants.LightGrayText }; rightSide[(i - 48) / 16].SetParent(this); } leftSide[0].Text = World.GetString(DATCONST2.DIALOG_PERFORMANCE_TOTALEXP); leftSide[1].Text = World.GetString(DATCONST2.DIALOG_PERFORMANCE_NEXT_LEVEL); leftSide[2].Text = World.GetString(DATCONST2.DIALOG_PERFORMANCE_EXP_NEEDED); leftSide[3].Text = World.GetString(DATCONST2.DIALOG_PERFORMANCE_TODAY_EXP); leftSide[4].Text = World.GetString(DATCONST2.DIALOG_PERFORMANCE_TOTAL_AVG); leftSide[5].Text = World.GetString(DATCONST2.DIALOG_PERFORMANCE_TODAY_AVG); leftSide[6].Text = World.GetString(DATCONST2.DIALOG_PERFORMANCE_BEST_KILL); leftSide[7].Text = World.GetString(DATCONST2.DIALOG_PERFORMANCE_LAST_KILL); Character c = World.Instance.MainPlayer.ActiveCharacter; rightSide[0].Text = string.Format("{0}", c.Stats.Experience); rightSide[1].Text = string.Format("{0}", World.Instance.exp_table[c.Stats.Level + 1]); rightSide[2].Text = string.Format("{0}", World.Instance.exp_table[c.Stats.Level + 1] - c.Stats.Experience); rightSide[3].Text = string.Format("{0}", c.TodayExp); rightSide[4].Text = string.Format("{0}", (int)(c.Stats.Experience / (c.Stats.Usage / 60.0))); int sessionTime = (int)(DateTime.Now - EOGame.Instance.Hud.SessionStartTime).TotalMinutes; rightSide[5].Text = string.Format("{0}", sessionTime > 0 ? (c.TodayExp / sessionTime) : 0); rightSide[6].Text = string.Format("{0}", c.TodayBestKill); rightSide[7].Text = string.Format("{0}", c.TodayLastKill); Array.ForEach(leftSide, lbl => lbl.ResizeBasedOnText()); Array.ForEach(rightSide, lbl => lbl.ResizeBasedOnText()); Center(Game.GraphicsDevice); DrawLocation = new Vector2(DrawLocation.X, 15); endConstructor(false); }
private EOPaperdollDialog(PacketAPI api, OldCharacter character, PaperdollDisplayData data) : base(api) { if (Instance != null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Paperdoll is already open!"); } Instance = this; CharRef = character; Texture2D bgSprites = ((EOGame)Game).GFXManager.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 49); _setSize(bgSprites.Width, bgSprites.Height / 2); Color[] dat = new Color[DrawArea.Width * DrawArea.Height]; bgTexture = new Texture2D(Game.GraphicsDevice, DrawArea.Width, DrawArea.Height); bgSprites.GetData(0, DrawArea.WithPosition(new Vector2(0, CharRef.RenderData.gender * DrawArea.Height)), dat, 0, dat.Length); bgTexture.SetData(dat); //not using caption/message since we have other shit to take care of //ok button XNAButton ok = new XNAButton(smallButtonSheet, new Vector2(276, 253), _getSmallButtonOut(SmallButton.Ok), _getSmallButtonOver(SmallButton.Ok)) { Visible = true }; ok.OnClick += (s, e) => Close(ok, XNADialogResult.OK); ok.SetParent(this); dlgButtons.Add(ok); //items for (int i = (int)EquipLocation.Boots; i < (int)EquipLocation.PAPERDOLL_MAX; ++i) { var info = OldWorld.Instance.EIF[CharRef.PaperDoll[i]]; Rectangle itemArea = _getEquipLocRectangle((EquipLocation)i); //create item using itemArea if (CharRef.PaperDoll[i] > 0) { // ReSharper disable once UnusedVariable PaperdollDialogItem nextItem = new PaperdollDialogItem(m_api, itemArea, this, info, (EquipLocation)i); //auto-added as child of this dialog } else { // ReSharper disable once UnusedVariable PaperdollDialogItem nextItem = new PaperdollDialogItem(m_api, itemArea, this, null, (EquipLocation)i); } } //labels next XNALabel[] labels = { new XNALabel(new Rectangle(228, 22, 1, 1), Constants.FontSize08pt5) { Text = CharRef.Name.Length > 0 ? char.ToUpper(CharRef.Name[0]) + CharRef.Name.Substring(1) : "" }, //name new XNALabel(new Rectangle(228, 52, 1, 1), Constants.FontSize08pt5) { Text = data.Home.Length > 0 ? char.ToUpper(data.Home[0]) + data.Home.Substring(1) : "" }, //home new XNALabel(new Rectangle(228, 82, 1, 1), Constants.FontSize08pt5) { Text = (OldWorld.Instance.ECF[CharRef.Class] ?? new ECFRecord()).Name ?? "" }, //class new XNALabel(new Rectangle(228, 112, 1, 1), Constants.FontSize08pt5) { Text = data.Partner.Length > 0 ? char.ToUpper(data.Partner[0]) + data.Partner.Substring(1) : "" }, //partner new XNALabel(new Rectangle(228, 142, 1, 1), Constants.FontSize08pt5) { Text = CharRef.Title.Length > 0 ? char.ToUpper(CharRef.Title[0]) + CharRef.Title.Substring(1) : "" }, //title new XNALabel(new Rectangle(228, 202, 1, 1), Constants.FontSize08pt5) { Text = data.Guild.Length > 0 ? char.ToUpper(data.Guild[0]) + data.Guild.Substring(1) : "" }, //guild new XNALabel(new Rectangle(228, 232, 1, 1), Constants.FontSize08pt5) { Text = data.Rank.Length > 0 ? char.ToUpper(data.Rank[0]) + data.Rank.Substring(1) : "" } //rank }; labels.ToList().ForEach(_l => { _l.ForeColor = ColorConstants.LightGrayText; _l.SetParent(this); }); ChatIcon icon = OldChatRenderer.GetChatTypeFromPaperdollIcon(data.Icon); m_characterIcon = OldChatTab.GetChatIcon(icon); //should not be centered vertically: only display in game window //first center in the game display window, then move it 15px from top, THEN call end constructor logic //if not done in this order some items DrawAreaWithOffset field does not get updated properly when setting DrawLocation Center(Game.GraphicsDevice); DrawLocation = new Vector2(DrawLocation.X, 15); endConstructor(false); }
private BankAccountDialog(PacketAPI api) : base(api) { //this uses EODialogListItems but does not inherit from ListDialog since it is a different size //offsety 50 bgTexture = ((EOGame)Game).GFXManager.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 53); _setSize(bgTexture.Width, bgTexture.Height); m_accountBalance = new XNALabel(new Rectangle(129, 20, 121, 16), Constants.FontSize08pt5) { ForeColor = ColorConstants.LightGrayText, Text = "", TextAlign = LabelAlignment.MiddleRight, AutoSize = false }; m_accountBalance.SetParent(this); XNAButton cancel = new XNAButton(smallButtonSheet, new Vector2(92, 191), _getSmallButtonOut(SmallButton.Cancel), _getSmallButtonOver(SmallButton.Cancel)); cancel.SetParent(this); cancel.OnClick += (o, e) => Close(cancel, XNADialogResult.Cancel); ListDialogItem deposit = new ListDialogItem(this, ListDialogItem.ListItemStyle.Large, 0) { Text = OldWorld.GetString(EOResourceID.DIALOG_BANK_DEPOSIT), SubText = $"{OldWorld.GetString(EOResourceID.DIALOG_BANK_TRANSFER)} gold {OldWorld.GetString(EOResourceID.DIALOG_BANK_TO_ACCOUNT)}", IconGraphic = _getDlgIcon(ListIcon.BankDeposit), OffsetY = 55, ShowItemBackGround = false }; deposit.OnLeftClick += (o, e) => _deposit(); deposit.OnRightClick += (o, e) => _deposit(); ListDialogItem withdraw = new ListDialogItem(this, ListDialogItem.ListItemStyle.Large, 1) { Text = OldWorld.GetString(EOResourceID.DIALOG_BANK_WITHDRAW), SubText = $"{OldWorld.GetString(EOResourceID.DIALOG_BANK_TAKE)} gold {OldWorld.GetString(EOResourceID.DIALOG_BANK_FROM_ACCOUNT)}", IconGraphic = _getDlgIcon(ListIcon.BankWithdraw), OffsetY = 55, ShowItemBackGround = false }; withdraw.OnLeftClick += (o, e) => _withdraw(); withdraw.OnRightClick += (o, e) => _withdraw(); ListDialogItem upgrade = new ListDialogItem(this, ListDialogItem.ListItemStyle.Large, 2) { Text = OldWorld.GetString(EOResourceID.DIALOG_BANK_LOCKER_UPGRADE), SubText = OldWorld.GetString(EOResourceID.DIALOG_BANK_MORE_SPACE), IconGraphic = _getDlgIcon(ListIcon.BankLockerUpgrade), OffsetY = 55, ShowItemBackGround = false }; upgrade.OnLeftClick += (o, e) => _upgrade(); upgrade.OnRightClick += (o, e) => _upgrade(); DialogClosing += (o, e) => { Instance = null; }; Center(Game.GraphicsDevice); DrawLocation = new Vector2(DrawLocation.X, 50); endConstructor(false); }
public EOInventory(XNAPanel parent, PacketAPI api) : base(null, null, parent) { m_api = api; //load info from registry Dictionary <int, int> localItemSlotMap = new Dictionary <int, int>(); m_inventoryKey = _tryGetCharacterRegKey(); if (m_inventoryKey != null) { const string itemFmt = "item{0}"; for (int i = 0; i < INVENTORY_ROW_LENGTH * 4; ++i) { int id; try { id = Convert.ToInt32(m_inventoryKey.GetValue(string.Format(itemFmt, i))); } catch { continue; } localItemSlotMap.Add(i, id); } } //add the inventory items that were retrieved from the server List <InventoryItem> localInv = World.Instance.MainPlayer.ActiveCharacter.Inventory; if (localInv.Find(_item => == 1).id != 1) { localInv.Insert(0, new InventoryItem { amount = 0, id = 1 }); //add 0 gold if there isn't any gold } bool dialogShown = false; foreach (InventoryItem item in localInv) { ItemRecord rec = World.Instance.EIF.GetItemRecordByID(; int slot = localItemSlotMap.ContainsValue( ? localItemSlotMap.First(_pair => _pair.Value == : GetNextOpenSlot(rec.Size); if (!dialogShown && !AddItemToSlot(slot, rec, item.amount)) { dialogShown = true; EODialog.Show("Something doesn't fit in the inventory. Rearrange items or get rid of them.", "Warning", XNADialogButtons.Ok, EODialogStyle.SmallDialogSmallHeader); } } //coordinates for parent of EOInventory: 102, 330 (pnlInventory in InGameHud) //extra in photoshop right now: 8, 31 //current weight label (member variable, needs to have text updated when item amounts change) m_lblWeight = new XNALabel(new Rectangle(385, 37, 88, 18), "Microsoft Sans MS", 8f) { ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(255, 0xc8, 0xc8, 0xc8), TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter, Visible = true, AutoSize = false }; m_lblWeight.SetParent(this); UpdateWeightLabel(); Texture2D thatWeirdSheet = GFXLoader.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 27); //oh my gawd the offsets on this bish //(local variables, added to child controls) //'paperdoll' button m_btnPaperdoll = new XNAButton(thatWeirdSheet, new Vector2(385, 9), /*new Rectangle(39, 385, 88, 19)*/ null, new Rectangle(126, 385, 88, 19)); m_btnPaperdoll.SetParent(this); m_btnPaperdoll.OnClick += (s, e) => m_api.RequestPaperdoll((short)World.Instance.MainPlayer.ActiveCharacter.ID); //'drop' button //491, 398 -> 389, 68 //0,15,38,37 //0,52,38,37 m_btnDrop = new XNAButton(thatWeirdSheet, new Vector2(389, 68), new Rectangle(0, 15, 38, 37), new Rectangle(0, 52, 38, 37)); m_btnDrop.SetParent(this); m_btnDrop.IgnoreDialog(typeof(EOPaperdollDialog)); m_btnDrop.IgnoreDialog(typeof(EOChestDialog)); //'junk' button - 4 + 38 on the x away from drop m_btnJunk = new XNAButton(thatWeirdSheet, new Vector2(431, 68), new Rectangle(0, 89, 38, 37), new Rectangle(0, 126, 38, 37)); m_btnJunk.SetParent(this); m_btnJunk.IgnoreDialog(typeof(EOPaperdollDialog)); m_btnJunk.IgnoreDialog(typeof(EOChestDialog)); }
public OldActiveSpells(XNAPanel parent, PacketAPI api) : base(null, null, parent) { _api = api; _childItems = new List <ISpellIcon>(SPELL_NUM_ROWS * SPELL_ROW_LENGTH); RemoveAllSpells(); var localSpellSlotMap = new Dictionary <int, int>(); _spellsKey = _tryGetCharacterRegKey(); if (_spellsKey != null) { const string spellFmt = "item{0}"; for (int i = 0; i < SPELL_ROW_LENGTH * 4; ++i) { int id; try { id = Convert.ToInt32(_spellsKey.GetValue(String.Format(spellFmt, i))); } catch { continue; } localSpellSlotMap.Add(i, id); } } var localSpells = OldWorld.Instance.MainPlayer.ActiveCharacter.Spells; // ReSharper disable once LoopCanBeConvertedToQuery foreach (var spell in localSpells) { var rec = OldWorld.Instance.ESF[spell.ID]; int slot = localSpellSlotMap.ContainsValue(spell.ID) ? localSpellSlotMap.First(_pair => _pair.Value == spell.ID).Key : _getNextOpenSlot(); if (slot < 0 || !_addNewSpellToSlot(slot, rec, spell.Level)) { EOMessageBox.Show("You have too many spells! They don't all fit.", "Warning", EODialogButtons.Ok, EOMessageBoxStyle.SmallDialogSmallHeader); break; } if (slot >= SPELL_ROW_LENGTH * (SPELL_NUM_ROWS / 2)) { _childItems.Last().Visible = false; } } _setSize(parent.DrawArea.Width, parent.DrawArea.Height); _functionKeyGraphics = ((EOGame)Game).GFXManager.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 58, true); _functionKeyRow1SourceRect = new Rectangle(148, 51, 18, 13); _functionKeyRow2SourceRect = new Rectangle(148 + 18 * 8, 51, 18, 13); _selectedSpellName = new XNALabel(new Rectangle(9, 50, 81, 13), Constants.FontSize08pt5) { Visible = false, Text = "", AutoSize = false, TextAlign = LabelAlignment.MiddleCenter, ForeColor = ColorConstants.LightGrayText }; _selectedSpellName.SetParent(this); _selectedSpellLevel = new XNALabel(new Rectangle(32, 78, 42, 15), Constants.FontSize08pt5) { Visible = true, Text = "0", AutoSize = false, TextAlign = LabelAlignment.MiddleLeft, ForeColor = ColorConstants.LightGrayText }; _selectedSpellLevel.SetParent(this); var skillPoints = OldWorld.Instance.MainPlayer.ActiveCharacter.Stats.SkillPoints; _totalSkillPoints = new XNALabel(new Rectangle(32, 96, 42, 15), Constants.FontSize08pt5) { Visible = true, Text = skillPoints.ToString(), AutoSize = false, TextAlign = LabelAlignment.MiddleLeft, ForeColor = ColorConstants.LightGrayText }; _totalSkillPoints.SetParent(this); var buttonSheet = ((EOGame)Game).GFXManager.TextureFromResource(GFXTypes.PostLoginUI, 27, true); _levelUpButton1 = new XNAButton(buttonSheet, new Vector2(71, 77), new Rectangle(215, 386, 19, 15), new Rectangle(234, 386, 19, 15)) { FlashSpeed = 500, Visible = false }; _levelUpButton1.OnClick += LevelUp_Click; _levelUpButton1.SetParent(this); _levelUpButton2 = new XNAButton(buttonSheet, new Vector2(71, 95), new Rectangle(215, 386, 19, 15), new Rectangle(234, 386, 19, 15)) { FlashSpeed = 500, Visible = false }; _levelUpButton2.OnClick += LevelUp_Click; _levelUpButton2.SetParent(this); _scroll = new OldScrollBar(this, new Vector2(467, 2), new Vector2(16, 115), ScrollBarColors.LightOnMed) { LinesToRender = 2 }; _scroll.UpdateDimensions(4); foreach (var child in children.Where(x => !(x is EmptySpellIcon))) { OldWorld.IgnoreDialogs(child); } }