Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the annotated attributes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="schema">The schema.</param>
        /// <param name="annotated">The annotated.</param>
        /// <param name="nameSpace">The name space.</param>
        /// <returns>The list of all the attributes.</returns>
        public static List <XSDAttribute> GetAnnotatedAttributes(Schema schema, XMLSchema.annotated annotated, string nameSpace)
            // Attributes enumeration
            List <XSDAttribute> listAttributes = new List <XSDAttribute>();

            if (annotated is XMLSchema.element)
                XMLSchema.element element = annotated as XMLSchema.element;

                if (element.Item is XMLSchema.complexType)
                    XMLSchema.complexType complexType = element.Item as XMLSchema.complexType;
                    listAttributes.AddRange(GetComplexTypeAttributes(schema, complexType, nameSpace));
                else if (element.type != null)
                    //XSDObject xsdObject = this.schema.ElementsByName[DiagramHelpers.QualifiedNameToFullName("type", element.type)] as XSDObject;
                    //if (xsdObject != null)
                    XSDObject xsdObject;
                    if (schema.ElementsByName.TryGetValue(DiagramHelpers.QualifiedNameToFullName("type", element.type), out xsdObject) && xsdObject != null)
                        XMLSchema.annotated annotatedElement = xsdObject.Tag as XMLSchema.annotated;
                        if (annotatedElement is XMLSchema.complexType)
                            XMLSchema.complexType complexType = annotatedElement as XMLSchema.complexType;
                            listAttributes.AddRange(GetComplexTypeAttributes(schema, complexType, nameSpace));
            else if (annotated is XMLSchema.complexType)
                XMLSchema.complexType complexType = annotated as XMLSchema.complexType;
                listAttributes.AddRange(GetComplexTypeAttributes(schema, complexType, nameSpace));
            else if (annotated is XMLSchema.simpleType)
                XMLSchema.attribute       attr = new XMLSchema.attribute();
                XMLSchema.localSimpleType def  = new XMLSchema.localSimpleType();
                def.Item        = (annotated as XMLSchema.simpleType).Item;
                attr.simpleType = def;
                string type = "";
                if (def.Item is XMLSchema.restriction)
                    type = (def.Item as XMLSchema.restriction)[email protected];
                XSDAttribute XSDattr = new XSDAttribute("filename", (annotated as XMLSchema.simpleType).name, "namespace", type, false, "", "", attr);
Esempio n. 2
        private void SelectSchemaElement(XMLSchema.openAttrs openAttrs, string nameSpace)
            this.propertyGridSchemaObject.SelectedObject = openAttrs;

            XMLSchema.annotated annotated = openAttrs as XMLSchema.annotated;
            if (annotated != null)
                // Element documentation
                if (annotated.annotation != null)

                // Show the enumeration

                // Attributes enumeration
                List<XSDAttribute> listAttributes = new List<XSDAttribute>();
                if (annotated is XMLSchema.element)
                    XMLSchema.element element = annotated as XMLSchema.element;

                    if (element.Item is XMLSchema.complexType)
                        XMLSchema.complexType complexType = element.Item as XMLSchema.complexType;
                        listAttributes.AddRange(ShowAttributes(complexType, nameSpace));
                    else if (element.type != null)
                        //XSDObject xsdObject = this.schema.ElementsByName[QualifiedNameToFullName("type", element.type)] as XSDObject;
                        //if (xsdObject != null)
                        XSDObject xsdObject;
                        if (this.schema.ElementsByName.TryGetValue(QualifiedNameToFullName("type", element.type), out xsdObject) && xsdObject != null)
                            XMLSchema.annotated annotatedElement = xsdObject.Tag as XMLSchema.annotated;
                            if (annotatedElement is XMLSchema.complexType)
                                XMLSchema.complexType complexType = annotatedElement as XMLSchema.complexType;
                                listAttributes.AddRange(ShowAttributes(complexType, nameSpace));
                else if (annotated is XMLSchema.complexType)
                    XMLSchema.complexType complexType = annotated as XMLSchema.complexType;
                    listAttributes.AddRange(ShowAttributes(complexType, nameSpace));
                //RC++ Original code

                //foreach (XSDAttribute attribute in listAttributes)
                //    this.listViewAttributes.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new string[] { attribute.Name, attribute.Type, attribute.Use, attribute.DefaultValue })).Tag = attribute;

                //This part i modify
                else if (annotated is XMLSchema.simpleType)
                    XMLSchema.attribute attr = new XMLSchema.attribute();
                    XMLSchema.localSimpleType def = new XMLSchema.localSimpleType();
                    def.Item = (annotated as XMLSchema.simpleType).Item;
                    attr.simpleType = def;
                    string type = "";
                    if (def.Item is XMLSchema.restriction) type = (def.Item as XMLSchema.restriction)[email protected];
                    XSDAttribute XSDattr = new XSDAttribute("filename", (annotated as XMLSchema.simpleType).name, "namespace", type, false, "", "", attr);

                //This part i modify
                foreach (XSDAttribute attribute in listAttributes)
                    string s = "";
                    //dgis fix github issue 2 (attribute.Tag == null ???)
                    if (attribute.Tag != null && attribute.Tag.simpleType != null && attribute.Tag.simpleType.Item is XMLSchema.restriction)
                        XMLSchema.restriction r = attribute.Tag.simpleType.Item as XMLSchema.restriction;
                        if (r.Items != null)
                            for (int i = 0; i < r.Items.Length; i++)
                                s += r.ItemsElementName[i].ToString() + "(" + r.Items[i].id + " " + r.Items[i].value + ");";

                    this.listViewAttributes.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new string[] { attribute.Name, attribute.Type, attribute.Use, attribute.DefaultValue, s })).Tag = attribute;