public static void Reload() { Settings.Load(); Translation.Load(); Permissions.Reload(); Plugins.Reload(); Commands.Reload(); Implementation.Reload(); }
protected override void Load() { Instance = this; CosmeticsStore = new XMLFileAsset <PlayersCosmeticsStore>(Path.Combine(Directory, $"{Name}.cosmetics.xml")); CosmeticsStore.Load(); UnturnedPermissions.OnJoinRequested += OnJoinRequested; SaveManager.onPreSave += OnPreSave; Logger.Log($"Advanced Cosmetics v{Assembly.GetName().Version} has been loaded"); Logger.Log("Do you want more cool plugins? Join now: !"); }
public void DefaultItems() { IAsset <DefaultValues> defaultValues = null; string text = Path.Combine(DShop.Instance.Directory, string.Format("{0}.defaultvalues.xml", DShop.Instance.Name)); try { defaultValues = new XMLFileAsset <DefaultValues>(text, null, null); defaultValues.Load(); if (ObjectListConfigVersion < defaultValues.Instance.FileVersion) { ObjectListConfigVersion = defaultValues.Instance.FileVersion; Dictionary <ushort, ShopObject> items = DShop.Instance.Database.GetAllItems(ItemType.Item); Dictionary <ushort, ShopObject> vehicles = DShop.Instance.Database.GetAllItems(ItemType.Vehicle); Logger.Log("Adding new Default items to database!"); // Start adding items to the database from the defaults file that aren't present in the database. foreach (ShopItem item in defaultValues.Instance.Items) { if (!items.ContainsKey(item.ItemID)) { // Get generate the asset name for the database. item.AssetName(); DShop.Instance.Database.AddItem(ItemType.Item, item as ShopObject); } } foreach (ShopVehicle vehicle in defaultValues.Instance.Vehicles) { if (!vehicles.ContainsKey(vehicle.ItemID)) { // Get generate the asset name for the database. vehicle.AssetName(); DShop.Instance.Database.AddItem(ItemType.Vehicle, vehicle as ShopObject); } } Logger.Log("Finished!"); } //defaultValues.Save(); } catch { Logger.LogWarning("Error parsing the defaults file, skipping loading shop defaults!"); return; } }
public void Reload() { Translation.Load(); Settings.Load(); }
private void Awake() { _whitelistAsset = new XMLFileAsset <WhitelistXml>( Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Environment.PluginsDirectory, ZebraPlugin.Self.Name), "AviZebra.whitelist.xml")); _whitelistAsset.Load(); }