public override void ThrowPushEvent()
            //Test the class with an already known type -- string
            XMLEngine<string>.SaveToFile("testXMLEngineExample.xml", "example string data");
            //load it and output to log to test that too.

            //Test a custom-made type -- our example Map!
            Map map = new Map();
            PopulateExampleMap(ref map);
            XMLEngine<Map>.SaveToFile("testXMLEngineMapExample.xml", map);
Esempio n. 2
        public override void ThrowPushEvent()
            Menu menu = new Menu();

            MenuElement backMenuElement = new MenuElement();

            backMenuElement.SetThrowPushEvent(new Action(() => { Master.Pop(); }));
            backMenuElement.ActiveArea      = new Rectangle(100, 200, 300, 100);
            backMenuElement.ForegroundColor = Color.Aquamarine;
            backMenuElement.BackgroundColor = Color.Indigo;
            backMenuElement.MenuText        = "Back";
            backMenuElement.Selectable      = true;
            backMenuElement.Hidden          = false;
            backMenuElement.SpriteFont      = @"Fonts\MenuItem";

            MenuElement exitMenuElement = new MenuElement();

            exitMenuElement.SetThrowPushEvent(new Action(() => { Master.GetGame().Exit(); }));
            exitMenuElement.ActiveArea            = new Rectangle(100, 450, 300, 100);
            exitMenuElement.ForegroundColor       = Color.Azure;
            exitMenuElement.ActiveForegroundColor = Color.Gold;
            exitMenuElement.BackgroundColor       = Color.AntiqueWhite;
            exitMenuElement.ActiveBackgroundColor = Color.LightCyan;
            exitMenuElement.Hidden     = false;
            exitMenuElement.MenuText   = "Exit Game";
            exitMenuElement.Selectable = true;
            exitMenuElement.SpriteFont = @"Fonts\MenuItem";
            exitMenuElement.Texture2D  = @"Debug\Collision\collisionUnitA";

            List <MenuElement> menuElements = new List <MenuElement>();



            XMLEngine <Menu> .SaveToFile("testSaveMenu-001.xml", menu);