Esempio n. 1
 public void ValidateXmlFormat()
     if (XMLDoc == null)
         XMLData = "<genxml></genxml>";                 // if we don;t have anything, create an empty default to stop errors.
     if (XMLDoc.SelectSingleNode("genxml/hidden") == null)
         SetXmlProperty("genxml/hidden", "");
     if (XMLDoc.SelectSingleNode("genxml/textbox") == null)
         SetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox", "");
     if (XMLDoc.SelectSingleNode("genxml/checkbox") == null)
         SetXmlProperty("genxml/checkbox", "");
     if (XMLDoc.SelectSingleNode("genxml/dropdownlist") == null)
         SetXmlProperty("genxml/dropdownlist", "");
     if (XMLDoc.SelectSingleNode("genxml/radiobuttonlist") == null)
         SetXmlProperty("genxml/radiobuttonlist", "");
     if (XMLDoc.SelectSingleNode("genxml/checkboxlist") == null)
         SetXmlProperty("genxml/checkboxlist", "");
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Replace xml node in NBrightInfo structure
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="strXml">New XML, must be in NBright Strucutre (genxml/...)</param>
        /// <param name="xPathSource">Source path of the xml, this is for the new node and the old existing node</param>
        /// <param name="xPathRootDestination">parent node to place the new node onto</param>
        /// <param name="addNode">add if the node doesn;t already exists.</param>
        public void ReplaceXmlNode(string strXml, string xPathSource, string xPathRootDestination, bool addNode = true)
            var xmlDocNew = new XmlDocument();


            var xmlNod = XMLDoc.SelectSingleNode(xPathSource);

            if (xmlNod != null)
                var xmlNod2 = xmlDocNew.SelectSingleNode(xPathSource);
                if (xmlNod2 != null)
                    var newNod           = XMLDoc.ImportNode(xmlNod2, true);
                    var selectSingleNode = XMLDoc.SelectSingleNode(xPathRootDestination);
                    if (selectSingleNode != null)
                        selectSingleNode.ReplaceChild(newNod, xmlNod);
                        XMLData = XMLDoc.OuterXml;
                if (addNode)
                    AddXmlNode(strXml, xPathSource, xPathRootDestination);
Esempio n. 3
 public void ValidateXmlFormat()
     if (XMLDoc == null)
         XMLData = GenXmlFunctions.GetGenXml(new RepeaterItem(0, ListItemType.Item));                 // if we don;t have anything, create an empty default to stop errors.
     if (XMLDoc.SelectSingleNode("genxml/hidden") == null)
         SetXmlProperty("genxml/hidden", "");
     if (XMLDoc.SelectSingleNode("genxml/textbox") == null)
         SetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox", "");
     if (XMLDoc.SelectSingleNode("genxml/checkbox") == null)
         SetXmlProperty("genxml/checkbox", "");
     if (XMLDoc.SelectSingleNode("genxml/dropdownlist") == null)
         SetXmlProperty("genxml/dropdownlist", "");
     if (XMLDoc.SelectSingleNode("genxml/radiobuttonlist") == null)
         SetXmlProperty("genxml/radiobuttonlist", "");
Esempio n. 4
 public void RemoveXref(string nodeName, string value)
     //Removexref node, if there.
     if (XMLDoc.SelectSingleNode("genxml/" + nodeName + "/id[.='" + value + "']") != null)
         RemoveXmlNode("genxml/" + nodeName + "/id[.='" + value + "']");
Esempio n. 5
        public void RemoveXmlNode(string xPath)
            var xmlNod = XMLDoc.SelectSingleNode(xPath);

            if (xmlNod != null)
                if (xmlNod.ParentNode != null)
            XMLData = XMLDoc.OuterXml;
Esempio n. 6
 public void AddXref(string nodeName, string value)
     //create node if not there.
     if (XMLDoc.SelectSingleNode("genxml/" + nodeName) == null)
         AddXmlNode("<genxml><" + nodeName + "></" + nodeName + "></genxml>", "genxml/" + nodeName, "genxml");
     //Add new xref node, if not there.
     if (XMLDoc.SelectSingleNode("genxml/" + nodeName + "/id[.='" + value + "']") == null)
         AddXmlNode("<genxml><" + nodeName + "><id>" + value + "</id></" + nodeName + "></genxml>",
                    "genxml/" + nodeName + "/id", "genxml/" + nodeName);
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a XML node to a parent destination
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="strXml">source XML</param>
        /// <param name="xPathSource">source xpath</param>
        /// <param name="xPathRootDestination">parent xpath in destination</param>
        public void AddXmlNode(string strXml, string xPathSource, string xPathRootDestination)
            var xmlDocNew = new XmlDocument();


            var xmlTarget = XMLDoc.SelectSingleNode(xPathRootDestination);

            if (xmlTarget != null)
                var xmlNod2 = xmlDocNew.SelectSingleNode(xPathSource);
                if (xmlNod2 != null)
                    var newNod = XMLDoc.ImportNode(xmlNod2, true);
                    XMLData = XMLDoc.OuterXml;
Esempio n. 8
 public string GetXmlNode(string xpath)
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_xmlData) & XMLDoc != null)
             var selectSingleNode = XMLDoc.SelectSingleNode(xpath);
             if (selectSingleNode != null)
         catch (Exception ex)
             return("XML READ ERROR");