protected void ThemLoaiMonMoi() { LoaiMonDTO lmDto = new LoaiMonDTO(); //Lấy tham số client truyền xuống lmDto.Ten_loai_mon = XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "tenloaimon"); lmDto.Ma_loai_mon_cha = int.Parse(XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "maloaimoncha")); lmDto.La_loai_mon_la = bool.Parse(XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "laloaimonla")); //Thêm loại món mới LoaiMonBUS khBus = new LoaiMonBUS(); bool kq = new LoaiMonBUS().ThemLoaiMon(lmDto); XL_THE the = new XL_THE("goc"); XL_THUOC_TINH thuoc_tinh; //Them thanh cong if (kq == true) { thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("kq", "True"); } else { thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("kq", "False"); } //Trả kết quả về client the.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(thuoc_tinh); string chuoi = the.Chuoi(); XL_CHUOI.XuatChuoi(Response, chuoi); }
protected void KiemTraTheTonTai() { string tenloaithe = XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "tenloaithe").ToString(); string sothe = XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "sothe"); DateTime ngayhethan = DateTime.Parse(XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "ngayhethan").ToString()); WS_CardSystem.CardDTO cardDto = new WS_CardSystem.CardDTO(); cardDto.Code = sothe; cardDto.Expried_date = ngayhethan; cardDto.Type = tenloaithe; WS_CardSystem.Service ws = new WS_CardSystem.Service(); XL_THE Kq = new XL_THE("goc"); bool kt = ws.KiemTraHopLe(cardDto); if (kt) { Kq.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(new XL_THUOC_TINH("kq", "true")); } else { Kq.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(new XL_THUOC_TINH("kq", "false")); } XL_CHUOI.XuatChuoi(Response, Kq.Chuoi()); }
protected void XoaLoaiMon() { //Lấy tham số client truyền xuống int maloaimon = int.Parse(XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "maloaimon")); //Xóa loại món LoaiMonBUS khBus = new LoaiMonBUS(); bool kq = new LoaiMonBUS().XoaLoaiMon(maloaimon); XL_THE the = new XL_THE("goc"); XL_THUOC_TINH thuoc_tinh; //Them thanh cong if (kq == true) { thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("kq", "1"); } else { thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("kq", "0"); } //Trả kết quả về client the.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(thuoc_tinh); string chuoi = the.Chuoi(); XL_CHUOI.XuatChuoi(Response, chuoi); }
public static void Main() { String Ho_ten; String Loi_chao; Ho_ten = XL_CHUOI.Nhap("Ho va ten:"); Loi_chao = "Xin chao" + Ho_ten + "\n"; Loi_chao = Loi_chao + "Cam on vi da su dung chuong trinh nay"; XL_CHUOI.Xuat(Loi_chao); }
protected void ThemThucDonTuTao() { //if(Session["User"] == null) // return; //không đc dùng chức năng //test : gán //Session["User"] = "******"; String Username = Session["User"].ToString(); ThucDonCaNhanDTO dto = new ThucDonCaNhanDTO(); dto.Ten_thuc_don = XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "ten"); dto.Gia = decimal.Parse(XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "gia")); dto.Hinh_anh = XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "hinh_anh"); //lấy mã khách hàng if (Session["khachhang"] != null) //đã có thông tin trong session khách hàng { dto.Ma_khach_hang = ((viewKhachHangDTO)Session["khachhang"]).Ma_nguoi_dung; } else { //chưa có thông tin -> đọc thông tin về kh từ username KhachHangBUS khBus = new KhachHangBUS(); viewKhachHangDTO viewKH = khBus.LayThongTinKhachHang(Username); dto.Ma_khach_hang = viewKH.Ma_nguoi_dung; } String strDsMaMonAn = XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "dsmamonan"); String[] M = strDsMaMonAn.Split(new String[] { "-" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); ThucDonCaNhanBUS bus = new ThucDonCaNhanBUS(); int Kq = bus.ThemThucDon(dto, M); XL_THE the = new XL_THE("goc"); XL_THUOC_TINH thuoc_tinh; if (Kq != 0) { thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("kq", "true"); } else { thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("kq", "false"); } the.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(thuoc_tinh); string chuoi = the.Chuoi(); XL_CHUOI.XuatChuoi(Response, chuoi); }
private static Double Nhap_cuc_bo(String Ghi_chu) { Double kq; String Chuoi; do { Chuoi = XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Ghi_chu); } while (!Kiem_tra(Chuoi)); kq = Double.Parse(Chuoi); return(kq); }
public static long Nhap(String Ghi_chu) { long kq; String Chuoi; do { Chuoi = XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Ghi_chu); } while (!Kiem_tra(Chuoi)); kq = long.Parse(Chuoi); return(kq); }
protected void ThemKhachHang() { KhachHangDTO khachhangdto = new KhachHangDTO(); khachhangdto.Ho_ten = XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "hoten"); khachhangdto.Username = XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "username"); khachhangdto.Password = XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "password"); //hex string khachhangdto.Email = XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "email"); khachhangdto.Dia_chi = XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "diachi"); khachhangdto.Dien_thoai = XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "dienthoai"); khachhangdto.Gioi_tinh = bool.Parse(XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "gioitinh")); khachhangdto.Ngay_sinh = DateTime.Parse(XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "date").ToString()); TheThanhToanDTO thedto = new TheThanhToanDTO(); thedto.Ma_loai_the = int.Parse(XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "loaithe").ToString()); thedto.So_the = XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "mathe"); thedto.Ngay_het_han = DateTime.Parse(XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "dateHH").ToString()); int manguoidung = 0; XL_THE the = new XL_THE("goc"); XL_THUOC_TINH thuoctinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("Kq", "false"); try { KhachHangBUS khachhangBUS = new KhachHangBUS(); manguoidung = khachhangBUS.ThemKhachHang(khachhangdto, thedto); if (manguoidung != 0) { thuoctinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("kq", "true"); } else { thuoctinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("kq", "error"); } } catch (SqlException ex) { if (ex.Number == 2627) { thuoctinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("kq", "false"); } } the.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(thuoctinh); string chuoi = the.Chuoi(); XL_CHUOI.XuatChuoi(Response, chuoi); }
private void CapNhatThongTinTheTinDung() { viewKhachHangDTO vkhDto = (viewKhachHangDTO)Session["khachhang"]; TheThanhToanDTO tttDto = new TheThanhToanDTO(); tttDto.Ma_the = vkhDto.Ma_the; //Lấy tham số client truyền xuống tttDto.Ma_loai_the = int.Parse(XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "maloaithe")); //tttDto.So_the = XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "sothe").ToCharArray(); tttDto.So_the = XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "sothe").ToString(); tttDto.Ngay_het_han = DateTime.Parse(Request["ngayhh"].ToString()); //Cập nhật neu co thay doi bool kq = true; if (tttDto.Ma_loai_the != vkhDto.Ma_loai_the || tttDto.So_the != vkhDto.So_the || tttDto.Ngay_het_han != vkhDto.Ngay_het_han) { kq = (new TheThanhToanBUS()).CapNhatTheThanhToan(tttDto); } XL_THE the = new XL_THE("goc"); XL_THUOC_TINH thuoc_tinh; if (kq == true) { //Lưu lại biến trong session vkhDto.Ma_loai_the = tttDto.Ma_loai_the; //vkhDto.Ten_loai_the = (new LoaiTheBUS()).Lay_Ten_Loai_The(tttDto.Ma_loai_the); vkhDto.Ten_loai_the = Request["tenloaithe"].ToString(); vkhDto.So_the = tttDto.So_the; vkhDto.Ngay_het_han = tttDto.Ngay_het_han; Session["khachhang"] = vkhDto; thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("kq", "True"); } else { thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("kq", "False"); } //Trả kết quả về client the.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(thuoc_tinh); string chuoi = the.Chuoi(); XL_CHUOI.XuatChuoi(Response, chuoi); }
public static ArrayList Nhap(String Ghi_chu) { ArrayList kq = new ArrayList(); String Chuoi; do { Chuoi = XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Ghi_chu); } while (!Kiem_tra(Chuoi)); String[] M = Chuoi.Split(new char[] { Ky_tu_phan_cach }); for (int i = 0; i < M.Length; i++) { kq.Add(XL_PHAN_SO.Tao(M[i])); } return(kq); }
public void TaoTaiKhoan() { NguoiDungDTO nguoidung = new NguoiDungDTO(); nguoidung.Ma_loai_nguoi_dung = int.Parse(XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "loai")); nguoidung.Ho_ten = XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "hoten"); nguoidung.Username = XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "username"); nguoidung.Password = XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "password"); nguoidung.Email = XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "email"); nguoidung.Dia_chi = XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "diachi"); nguoidung.Dien_thoai = XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "dienthoai"); nguoidung.Gioi_tinh = bool.Parse(XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "gioitinh")); nguoidung.Ngay_sinh = DateTime.Parse(XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "date").ToString()); nguoidung.Tinh_trang_kich_hoat = bool.Parse(XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "kichhoat")); int manguoidung = 0; XL_THE the = new XL_THE("goc"); XL_THUOC_TINH thuoctinh; try { //oFFS_BUS_WS.WebService service = new oFFS_BUS_WS.WebService(); NguoiDungBUS nguoidungBUS = new NguoiDungBUS(); manguoidung = nguoidungBUS.ThemNguoiDung(nguoidung); if (manguoidung != 0) { thuoctinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("kq", "true"); } else { thuoctinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("kq", "false"); } } catch { thuoctinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("kq", "false"); } the.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(thuoctinh); string chuoi = the.Chuoi(); XL_CHUOI.XuatChuoi(Response, chuoi); }
private void NVCapNhatThongTinCaNhan() { NguoiDungDTO vkhDto = (NguoiDungDTO)Session["nguoidung"]; NguoiDungDTO vkhDto_new = new NguoiDungDTO(vkhDto); //Lấy tham số client truyền xuống vkhDto_new.Ho_ten = XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "hoten"); vkhDto_new.Ngay_sinh = DateTime.Parse(Request["ngaysinh"]); vkhDto_new.Gioi_tinh = bool.Parse((XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "gioitinh"))); vkhDto_new.Dia_chi = XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "diachi"); vkhDto_new.Dien_thoai = XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "dienthoai"); vkhDto_new.Email = XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "email"); //Cập nhật neu co thay doi bool kq = true; if (vkhDto_new.Ho_ten != vkhDto.Ho_ten || vkhDto_new.Ngay_sinh != vkhDto.Ngay_sinh || vkhDto_new.Gioi_tinh != vkhDto.Gioi_tinh || vkhDto_new.Dia_chi != vkhDto.Dia_chi || vkhDto_new.Dien_thoai != vkhDto.Dien_thoai || vkhDto_new.Email != vkhDto.Email) { NguoiDungBUS ndBus = new NguoiDungBUS(); kq = ndBus.CapNhatThongTinNguoiDung(vkhDto_new); } XL_THE the = new XL_THE("goc"); XL_THUOC_TINH thuoc_tinh; //Cập nhật thành công if (kq == true) { Session["nguoidung"] = vkhDto_new; thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("kq", "True"); } else { thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("kq", "False"); } //Trả kết quả về client the.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(thuoc_tinh); string chuoi = the.Chuoi(); XL_CHUOI.XuatChuoi(Response, chuoi); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { int SoCauDaChat = (int)Application["SoCauDaChat"]; String NoiDung; NoiDung = XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "NoiDung"); if (NoiDung != null) { String HoTen = (String)Session["HoTen"]; int SoNguoi = (int)Application["SoNguoiDung"]; Application.Lock(); ArrayList lst = (ArrayList)Application["DanhSachNoiDung"]; NoiDungChat nd = new NoiDungChat(NoiDung, HoTen, SoNguoi); lst.Add(nd); SoCauDaChat++; Application["SoCauDaChat"] = SoCauDaChat; Application.UnLock(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { int ConCo; int ViTri; try { ConCo = int.Parse(XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "ConCo")); ViTri = int.Parse(XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "ViTri")); QUANLY ql = (QUANLY)Application["QUANLY"]; Application.Lock(); ql.BanCo.ViTriCacQuanCo[ConCo] = ViTri; ql.XiNgau = -1; ql.DangDoXiNgau = false; Application.UnLock(); } catch (Exception _e) { } }
public static void Main() { String Ho_ten; DateTime Ngay_sinh; int Tuoi; Ho_ten = XL_CHUOI.Nhap("Ho va ten:"); DateTime Ngay_toi_thieu = XL_NGAY.Ngay_sinh(1, 1, 20); DateTime Ngay_toi_da = XL_NGAY.Ngay_sinh(31, 12, 15); Ngay_sinh = XL_NGAY.Nhap("Ngay sinh:", Ngay_toi_thieu, Ngay_toi_da); int Nam_hien_hanh = DateTime.Today.Year; int Nam_sinh = Ngay_sinh.Year; Tuoi = Nam_hien_hanh - Nam_sinh; String Chuoi; Chuoi = "Hoc sinh " + Ho_ten; Chuoi = Chuoi + " sinh ngay " + Ngay_sinh; Chuoi = Chuoi + " co tuoi la " + Tuoi; XL_CHUOI.Xuat(Chuoi); }
public static TOAN_TU Nhap(String Ghi_chu) { TOAN_TU kq = TOAN_TU.Tru; String Chuoi; do { Chuoi = XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Ghi_chu); } while (!Kiem_tra(Chuoi)); char c = char.Parse(Chuoi); if (c == '+') { kq = TOAN_TU.Cong; } else if (c == '-') { kq = TOAN_TU.Tru; } return(kq); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { int SoCauDaChat = (int)Application["SoCauDaChat"]; String NoiDung; NoiDung = XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "NoiDung"); if (NoiDung != null) { QUANLY ql = (QUANLY)Application["QUANLY"]; int nguoichoithu = int.Parse(Session["NguoiChoiThu"].ToString()); String HoTen = (String)ql.arrNguoiChoi[nguoichoithu].Username; int SoNguoi = ql.SoNguoiChoi + ql.SoNguoiXem; Application.Lock(); ArrayList lst = (ArrayList)Application["DanhSachNoiDung"]; NoiDungChat nd = new NoiDungChat(NoiDung, HoTen, SoNguoi); lst.Add(nd); SoCauDaChat++; Application["SoCauDaChat"] = SoCauDaChat; Application.UnLock(); } }
protected void ThemThucDon() { ThucDonDTO dto = new ThucDonDTO(); dto.Ten_thuc_don = XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "ten"); dto.Ma_loai_thuc_don = int.Parse(XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "maloai")); dto.Mo_ta = XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "mota"); dto.Hinh_anh_minh_hoa = XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "hinhanh"); dto.Gia = decimal.Parse(XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "gia")); dto.Tinh_trang = bool.Parse(XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "tinhtrang")); dto.Trang_thai_hien_thi = bool.Parse(XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "hienthi")); String strTag = XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "tag"); String strDsMaMonAn = XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "dsmamonan"); String[] M = strDsMaMonAn.Split(new String[] { "-" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); ThucDonBUS bus = new ThucDonBUS(); int Kq = bus.ThemThucDon(dto, M, strTag); XL_THE the = new XL_THE("goc"); XL_THUOC_TINH thuoc_tinh; if (Kq != 0) { thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("kq", "true"); } else { thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("kq", "false"); } the.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(thuoc_tinh); string chuoi = the.Chuoi(); XL_CHUOI.XuatChuoi(Response, chuoi); }
private void CapNhatThongTinMatKhau() { viewKhachHangDTO vkhDto = (viewKhachHangDTO)Session["khachhang"]; //Lấy tham số client truyền xuống string mkcu = XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "mkcu"); string mkmoi = XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "mkmoi"); XL_THE the = new XL_THE("goc"); if (mkcu != vkhDto.Password) { the.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(new XL_THUOC_TINH("kq", "False")); XL_CHUOI.XuatChuoi(Response, the.Chuoi()); return; } //Cập nhật int Ma_nguoi_dung = vkhDto.Ma_nguoi_dung; NguoiDungBUS ndBus = new NguoiDungBUS(); bool kq = ndBus.CapNhatThongTinMatKhau(mkmoi, Ma_nguoi_dung); if (kq == true) { vkhDto.Password = mkmoi; Session["khachhang"] = vkhDto; //Lưu thông tin cho biến trong session the.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(new XL_THUOC_TINH("kq", "True")); } else { the.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(new XL_THUOC_TINH("kq", "False")); } XL_CHUOI.XuatChuoi(Response, the.Chuoi()); }
protected void ThemMonMoi() { MonAnDTO monanDTO = new MonAnDTO(); monanDTO.Ten_mon = XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "tenmon"); monanDTO.Ma_loai_mon = int.Parse(XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "loaimon")); monanDTO.Hinh_anh_minh_hoa = XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "hinhanh"); monanDTO.Mo_ta = XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "mota"); monanDTO.Gia = Decimal.Parse(XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "gia")); monanDTO.Don_vi_tinh = XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "donvitinh"); String strTag = XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "tag"); monanDTO.Diem_binh_chon = 0; monanDTO.Tinh_trang = bool.Parse(XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "tinhtrang")); monanDTO.Trang_thai_hien_thi = bool.Parse(XL_CHUOI.Nhap(Request, "hienthi")); MonAnBUS monanBUS = new MonAnBUS(); int Kq = monanBUS.ThemMonAn(monanDTO, strTag); XL_THE the = new XL_THE("goc"); XL_THUOC_TINH thuoc_tinh; if (Kq != 0) { thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("kq", "true"); } else { thuoc_tinh = new XL_THUOC_TINH("kq", "false"); } the.Danh_sach_thuoc_tinh.Add(thuoc_tinh); string chuoi = the.Chuoi(); XL_CHUOI.XuatChuoi(Response, chuoi); }