Esempio n. 1
        private void btnPrint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;


                var sh     = xl.Sheets["Payroll"];
                var header = sh.PrintSettings.Header;

                header = header.Replace("%Date%", DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MMM-yy hh:mm tt"));
                header = header.Replace("%Title%", ItemData.Remarks);
                //header = header.Replace("%Title%", ItemData.DateCovered.ToString("dd MMMM yyyy"));

                sh.PrintSettings.Header = header;

                //sh.PrintSettings.AutoScale = true;
                //sh.PrintSettings.FitPagesAcross = 1;

                panelStatus.Left    = (this.Width / 2) - (panelStatus.Width / 2);
                panelStatus.Visible = true;
                pb.Maximum          = ItemData.Employees.Items.Count();

                var row = 1;
                foreach (var item in ItemData.Employees.Items)

                    var pName = new PersonName();

                    lblStatus.Text = "Generating " + pName.Fullname + "...";

                    sh[row, 0].Value = row - 1;

                    sh[row, 1].Value = item.EmpNum;
                    sh[row, 2].Value = pName.Fullname;
                    sh[row, 5].Value = item.CurrentPosition;

                    sh[row, 8].Value = item.SG;
                    sh[row, 9].Value = item.Step;

                    sh[row, 10].Value = item.GrossBasicSalary;

                    sh[row, 11].Value = item.TaxShortDesc;
                    sh[row, 12].Value = item.TaxExemption;

                    // CREATE PAYSLIP
                    var shPayslip = xl.Sheets["Sheet1"].Clone();
                    shPayslip.Name = "Payslip #" + (row - 1).ToString();

                    //Profile Picture
                    var profilePic = new XLPictureShape(InputControls.GetImage(item.CameraCounter), 50, 1300, 900, 900);
                    profilePic.LineStyle = XLShapeLineStyleEnum.Simple;

                    shPayslip[4, 0].Value = ItemData.Remarks;

                    shPayslip[6, 2].Value = pName.Fullname;
                    shPayslip[7, 2].Value = "Position : " + item.CurrentPosition;
                    shPayslip[8, 2].Value = $"Salary Grade : {item.SG}-{item.Step}";
                    shPayslip[9, 2].Value = $"Tax Code : {item.TaxShortDesc}";

                    shPayslip[11, 4].Value = item.BasicSalary;
                    shPayslip[12, 4].Value = item.GrossBasicSalary;

                    //0111    Medicare(PhilHealth)
                    //0222    PAG - IBIG Premium
                    //0036    BIR Withholding Tax
                    //0001    SSS

                    var sssDeduction        = (decimal)0.00;
                    var birDeduction        = (decimal)0.00;
                    var philHealthDeduction = (decimal)0.00;
                    var pagibigDeduction    = (decimal)0.00;
                    var otherDeduction      = (decimal)0.00;
                    var totalDeduction      = (decimal)0.00;

                    var payslipRow = 16;
                    foreach (var deduction in item.Deductions.Items)
                        totalDeduction += deduction.Amount;

                        switch (deduction.Code)
                        case "0036":
                            birDeduction = deduction.Amount;

                        case "0001":
                            sssDeduction = deduction.Amount;

                        case "0111":
                            philHealthDeduction = deduction.Amount;

                        case "0222":
                            pagibigDeduction = deduction.Amount;

                            otherDeduction += deduction.Amount;

                        //Do Payslip Deductions
                        //var newRow = shPayslip.Rows[16].Clone();
                        //shPayslip.Rows.Insert(16, newRow);

                        shPayslip[payslipRow, 1].Value = deduction.Code;
                        shPayslip[payslipRow, 2].Value = deduction.Description;
                        shPayslip[payslipRow, 4].Value = deduction.Amount;


                    sh[row, 13].Value =
                        birDeduction;        // item.Deductions.Items.FirstOrDefault(_ => _.Code == "0036")?.Amount; // Bir
                    sh[row, 14].Value =
                        sssDeduction;        // item.Deductions.Items.FirstOrDefault(_ => _.Code == "0001")?.Amount; // SSS
                    sh[row, 15].Value =
                        philHealthDeduction; //  item.Deductions.Items.FirstOrDefault(_ => _.Code == "0111")?.Amount; // PhilHealth
                    sh[row, 16].Value =
                        pagibigDeduction;    // item.Deductions.Items.FirstOrDefault(_ => _.Code == "0222")?.Amount; // Pagibig

                    sh[row, 17].Value   = otherDeduction;
                    sh[row, 18].Formula = string.Format("=SUM(N{0}:Q{0})", row + 1);

                    sh[row, 19].Value = item.BasicSalary;

                    shPayslip[13, 4].Value = totalDeduction;

                    shPayslip.Locked = true;

                    pb.Value = row;

                sh.PrintSettings.FitPagesAcross = 1;
                sh.Locked = true;


                var targetFolder = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "amwp");

                var file     = DateTime.Now.ToString("yymmddhhmmss");
                var filename = file + ".xlsx";

                xl.Save(Path.Combine(targetFolder, filename));

                panelStatus.Visible = false;

                Process.Start(Path.Combine(targetFolder, filename));
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageDialog.ShowError(ex, this);
                panelStatus.Visible = false;
        public C1XLBook CreateSample()
            // create C1XLBook
            C1XLBook wb = new C1XLBook();

            // three methods add images to Excel file
            XLPictureShape picture;

            // create images
            Metafile metafile    = (Metafile)Metafile.FromStream(GetManifestResource("meta.emf"));
            Image    spbImage    = Image.FromStream(GetManifestResource("spb.jpg"));
            Image    canadaImage = Image.FromStream(GetManifestResource("canada.bmp"));
            Image    googleImage = Image.FromStream(GetManifestResource("google.bmp"));
            Image    babyImage   = Image.FromStream(GetManifestResource("baby.png"));

            // List "Images" -- three methods add images
            XLSheet sheet = wb.Sheets[0];

            sheet.Name = "Images";
            sheet.PrintSettings.Header = "&LCanada:&G&D&CHeader Center&R&P";
            sheet.PrintSettings.Footer = "&C&Z";

            // first method
            picture = new XLPictureShape(googleImage, 0, 0, 2200, 5000);
            picture.DashedLineStyle = XLShapeDashedLineStyleEnum.Solid;
            picture.LineStyle       = XLShapeLineStyleEnum.Simple;
            picture.LineColor       = Color.BlueViolet;
            picture.Rotation        = 90.0f;
            picture.LineWidth       = 10;
            sheet[1, 7].Value       = picture;
            sheet[1, 1].Value       = metafile;

            // second method
            picture = new XLPictureShape(spbImage, 100, 3000, 8000, 6000);
            //picture = new XLPictureShape(canadaImage);
            picture.Brightness = .55f;
            picture.Contrast   = .5f;

            picture           = new XLPictureShape(canadaImage);
            picture.LineColor = Color.Aqua;
            picture.LineWidth = 100;
            sheet.PrintSettings.HeaderPictureLeft = picture;

            // third method
            picture            = new XLPictureShape(babyImage);
            picture.Rotation   = 30.0f;
            picture.LineColor  = Color.Aqua;
            picture.LineWidth  = 100;
            sheet[15, 2].Value = picture;

            // header or footer image
            //picture = new XLPictureShape(spbImage);
            //picture.Rotation = 45.0f;               // for header or footer ignored
            //picture.LineColor = Color.Blue;
            //picture.LineWidth = 50;
            //picture.Brightness = 0.4f;
            //sheet.PrintSettings.HeaderPictureCenter = picture;

            // List "Types" -- support image types (bmp, png, jpg, emf)
            sheet              = wb.Sheets.Add("Types");
            sheet[1, 0].Value  = "Bmp:";
            sheet[1, 1].Value  = googleImage;
            sheet[8, 0].Value  = "Png:";
            sheet[8, 1].Value  = babyImage;
            sheet[25, 0].Value = "Jpeg:";
            sheet[25, 1].Value = spbImage;
            sheet[34, 0].Value = "Emf:";
            sheet[34, 1].Value = metafile;

            // List "Borders" -- various picture borders
            sheet = wb.Sheets.Add("Borders");
            int row = 1, col = 0;

            foreach (XLShapeLineStyleEnum style in Enum.GetValues(typeof(XLShapeLineStyleEnum)))
                col = 1;
                sheet.Rows[row].Height = 3700;

                foreach (XLShapeDashedLineStyleEnum dashedStyle in Enum.GetValues(typeof(XLShapeDashedLineStyleEnum)))
                    sheet.Columns[col].Width = 2300;
                    picture                   = new XLPictureShape(babyImage);
                    picture.LineWidth         = 100;
                    picture.LineColor         = Color.FromArgb(100, 200, Math.Min(col * 12, 255));
                    picture.DashedLineStyle   = dashedStyle;
                    picture.LineStyle         = style;
                    sheet[row, col].Value     = picture;
                    sheet[row + 1, col].Value = "style: " + style.ToString();
                    sheet[row + 2, col].Value = "dashed: " + dashedStyle.ToString();

                    col += 2;

                row += 4;

            // List "Alignment" -- position image using ContentAlignment
            sheet = wb.Sheets.Add("Alignment");
            row   = 1;
            sheet.Columns[1].Width = sheet.Columns[4].Width = 6000;
            sheet.Columns[7].Width = sheet.Columns[10].Width = 2000;
            foreach (ContentAlignment alignment in Enum.GetValues(typeof(ContentAlignment)))
                sheet.Rows[row].Height = 2400;

                Size cellSize = new Size(sheet.Columns[1].Width, sheet.Rows[row].Height);
                picture             = new XLPictureShape(googleImage, cellSize, alignment, ImageScaling.Clip);
                sheet[row, 1].Value = picture;
                sheet[row, 2].Value = "clip: " + alignment.ToString();

                picture             = new XLPictureShape(googleImage, cellSize, alignment, ImageScaling.Scale);
                sheet[row, 4].Value = picture;
                sheet[row, 5].Value = "scale: " + alignment.ToString();

                row += 4;

            // List "Properties" -- various picture properties
            sheet = wb.Sheets.Add("Properties");

            // associating hyperlink with the shape
            sheet.Rows[1].Height   = 2000;
            sheet.Columns[1].Width = 3600;
            picture           = new XLPictureShape(spbImage);
            picture.Hyperlink = "";
            sheet[1, 1].Value = picture;
            sheet[2, 1].Value = "hyperlink (click on the picture)";

            // others view type
            col = 1;
            sheet.Rows[4].Height = 2000;
            foreach (XLPictureViewType viewType in Enum.GetValues(typeof(XLPictureViewType)))
                sheet.Columns[col].Width = 3600;
                picture             = new XLPictureShape(spbImage);
                picture.ViewType    = viewType;
                sheet[4, col].Value = picture;
                sheet[5, col].Value = "view type: " + viewType.ToString();;

                col += 2;

            // brightness & contrast
            col = 1;
            sheet.Rows[7].Height = sheet.Rows[10].Height = 2000;
            for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i += 10)
                sheet.Columns[col].Width = 3600;
                picture             = new XLPictureShape(spbImage);
                picture.Brightness  = (float)i / 100;
                sheet[7, col].Value = picture;
                sheet[8, col].Value = string.Format("brightness: {0}", picture.Brightness);

                picture              = new XLPictureShape(spbImage);
                picture.Contrast     = (float)i / 100;
                sheet[10, col].Value = picture;
                sheet[11, col].Value = string.Format("contrast: {0}", picture.Contrast);

                col += 2;

            // done