public void AttributeParsing() { string html = @" <html> <body> <a id=01 /class/red >class red</a> <a id=02 /class/= /red >class = red</a> <a id=03 class// / = /red >class = red</a> <a id=04 class / = /red >class = red</a> <a id=05 class = /red >class='/red'</a> <a id=06 class= /red >class='/red'</a> <a id=07 clas:s= red >clas:s='red'</a> <a id=08 class:= red >class:='red'</a> <a id=09 class= 'red'/ >class='red'</a> <a id=10 class=red/ >class='red/'</a> <a id=11 class=red/>class='red/'</a> </body> </html>"; XmlDocument doc = XHtmlLoader.LoadHtml(html); Console.WriteLine(ToFormattedString(doc)); // Linq check LinqCompare(doc, html); }
public void SelfClosingTags() { string html = @" <html><body> <h1>Hello World</h1> Some text <br> Some more text <img src='foobar.jpg'> more text <hr><a>foo</a> <p/> non self-closing </p> </body></html>"; XmlDocument doc = XHtmlLoader.LoadHtml(html); Console.WriteLine(doc.OuterXml); // Ensure img node has attributes, and no children XmlNode imgNode = doc.SelectSingleNode("//img"); Assert.AreEqual("foobar.jpg", imgNode.Attributes["src"].Value); Assert.IsNull(imgNode.FirstChild); // Ensure br node has no attributes, and no children XmlNode brNode = doc.SelectSingleNode("//br"); Assert.AreEqual(0, brNode.Attributes.Count); Assert.IsNull(brNode.FirstChild); // Ensure hr node has no attributes, and no children XmlNode hrNode = doc.SelectSingleNode("//hr"); Assert.AreEqual(0, hrNode.Attributes.Count); Assert.IsNull(hrNode.FirstChild); // Ensure p node has children, because it is non self-closing XmlNode pNode = doc.SelectSingleNode("//p"); Assert.AreEqual(" non self-closing ", pNode.FirstChild.InnerText); }
public void FullyQualifyUrls() { string html = @" <html><body> <a id='1' href='//'>hello</a> <a id='2' href='/helloworld.html'>hello</a> <a id='3' href='helloworld.html'>hello</a> <a id='4' href=''>hello</a> <a id='5' href='../helloworld.html'>hello</a> <a id='6' href='/wiki/Wikipedia:Introduction'>hello</a> </body></html>"; string baseUrl = ""; ParserOptions options = new ParserOptions { BaseUrl = baseUrl }; XmlDocument doc = XHtmlLoader.LoadHtml(html, options); Console.WriteLine(doc.OuterXml); // Ensure the urls are fully qualified... Assert.AreEqual("", doc.SelectSingleNode("//a[@id='1']/@href").Value); Assert.AreEqual("", doc.SelectSingleNode("//a[@id='2']/@href").Value); Assert.AreEqual("", doc.SelectSingleNode("//a[@id='3']/@href").Value); Assert.AreEqual("", doc.SelectSingleNode("//a[@id='4']/@href").Value); Assert.AreEqual("", doc.SelectSingleNode("//a[@id='5']/@href").Value); Assert.AreEqual("", doc.SelectSingleNode("//a[@id='6']/@href").Value); // Linq check LinqCompare(doc, html, options); }
public void TestReadingEncodedFile(string fileName, System.Text.Encoding encoding, System.Text.Encoding defaultEncoding) { // Set some options, so that we can know if things are working... LoaderOptions loaderOptions = new LoaderOptions(); loaderOptions.DetectEncoding = true; loaderOptions.DefaultEncoding = defaultEncoding; loaderOptions.ParserOptions.IncludeMetaData = true; // Load multi-byte html file into memory XmlDocument doc = XHtmlLoader.LoadHtml(_sampleMultiByteHtml); // Ensure Sample directory exists string sampleDir = (new DirectoryInfo(AssemblyDirectory)).Parent.Parent.Parent.FullName + "\\SampleData\\"; if (!Directory.Exists(sampleDir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(sampleDir); } // Create Encoded file string fullName = sampleDir + fileName; using (TextWriter sw = new StreamWriter(File.Create(fullName), encoding)) { doc.Save(sw); } // Re-load into memory XmlDocument doc2 = XHtmlLoader.LoadWebPageAsync("file://" + fullName, loaderOptions).Result; Console.WriteLine("Reading file: " + fileName); Console.WriteLine(doc2.OuterXml); Assert.AreEqual(doc.SelectSingleNode("//body").OuterXml, doc2.SelectSingleNode("//body").OuterXml); }
public void XML_Characters_InResults() { XmlDocument doc = XHtmlLoader.LoadHtml(_testHTML); Console.WriteLine(ToFormattedString(doc)); string query = "<row xpath='//body/div/@class'></row>"; string results = QueryEngine.SelectOnHtml(_testHTML, query).InnerXml; Assert.AreEqual("<row>This & is a test</row>", results); }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Load Html string into an XmlDocument XmlDocument doc1 = XHtmlLoader.LoadHtml("<html><head><title>Hello World!</title><body><h1>Hello World</h1><p>This is a test</body>"); Console.WriteLine("OuterXml is: " + doc1.OuterXml); // Load web page into an XmlDocument XmlDocument doc2 = XHtmlLoader.LoadWebPageAsync("").Result; string title = doc2.SelectSingleNode("//title").InnerText; Console.WriteLine("Title is: " + title); }
public void HelloWorldBasicTest() { string html = @" <html><body> <h1>Hello World</h1> </body></html>"; XmlDocument doc = XHtmlLoader.LoadHtml(html); string doc1 = doc.OuterXml; Console.WriteLine(doc1); // Linq check LinqCompare(doc, html); }
public void HeadTagInsideBodyTag() { string html = @" <html><body> <h1>Hello World</h1><p> para <head>somehead</head> end para </p> </body></html>"; XmlDocument doc = XHtmlLoader.LoadHtml(html); Console.WriteLine(doc.OuterXml); // Ensure the <head> inside the body tag is ingnored Assert.IsNull(doc.SelectSingleNode("//body/head")); // Linq check LinqCompare(doc, html); }
static string[] XHtmlKit_ParseAndSearch(string html, string xpath = null) { List <string> searchResults = new List <string>(); XmlDocument doc = XHtmlLoader.LoadHtml(html); if (xpath != null) { var results = doc.DocumentElement.SelectNodes(xpath); foreach (XmlNode node in results) { string result = node.InnerText; searchResults.Add(result); } } return(searchResults.ToArray()); }
public void FormattingTags() { string html = @" <html><body> <h1>Hello World</h1> Some text <b><i>italics</b></i> </body></html>"; XmlDocument doc = XHtmlLoader.LoadHtml(html); Console.WriteLine(doc.OuterXml); // The <b> tag should contain the <i> tag Assert.AreEqual("<b><i>italics</i></b>", doc.SelectSingleNode("//b").OuterXml); // Linq check LinqCompare(doc, html); }
public void TagWithInvalidXmlChar() { string html = @" <html> <body> <ahref='' target='_blank'>南方医科大学南方医院</a> </body> </html>"; XmlDocument doc = XHtmlLoader.LoadHtml(html); Console.WriteLine(ToFormattedString(doc)); // Ensure the Assert.AreEqual("ahref_x003D__x0027_http_x003A_", doc.SelectSingleNode("//body").FirstChild.Name); // Linq check LinqCompare(doc, html); }
public void TitleRCDataParsingCaps() { string html = @" <html><head> <title>This is a Title!</TITLE> </head> <body> <h1>Hello World</h1> </body></html>"; XmlDocument doc = XHtmlLoader.LoadHtml(html); Console.WriteLine(doc.OuterXml); // Ensure the </TITLE> match is case insenstive... Assert.AreEqual("This is a Title!", doc.SelectSingleNode("//title/text()").Value); // Linq check LinqCompare(doc, html); }
public void NoOuterHtmlTag() { string html = @" <title>a title</title> <body> <h1>Hello World</h1> Some_ _text > hello > © © <b><i>italics</b></i> </body></html>"; XmlDocument doc = XHtmlLoader.LoadHtml(html); Console.WriteLine(ToFormattedString(doc)); // Ensure the document gets constructed properly... Assert.IsTrue(doc.DocumentElement.Name == "html"); Assert.IsTrue(doc.DocumentElement.FirstChild.Name == "head"); Assert.IsTrue(doc.DocumentElement.FirstChild.FirstChild.Name == "title"); // Linq check LinqCompare(doc, html); }
public void BodyTagwithAttributes() { string html = @" <html> <head> <script src='/js/mobileredirect.js'></script> </head> <body class='foo'> <h1>Hello World</h1> </body> </html>"; XmlDocument doc = XHtmlLoader.LoadHtml(html); Console.WriteLine(doc.OuterXml); Assert.AreEqual("foo", doc.SelectSingleNode("//body").Attributes["class"].Value); // Linq check LinqCompare(doc, html); }
public void HtmlTagWithAttributes() { string html = @" <html lang='en'><body> <h1>Hello World</h1><html lang='fr' style='green'> </body></html>"; XmlDocument doc = XHtmlLoader.LoadHtml(html); Console.WriteLine(ToFormattedString(doc)); // Ensure the nested <html> tag is used simply as a source of attributes on the // main <html> tag - the 'lang' attribute should not overwrite the value, but the 'style' // attribute should get tacked on. Assert.IsTrue(doc.DocumentElement.Name == "html"); Assert.AreEqual("en", doc.DocumentElement.Attributes["lang"].Value); Assert.AreEqual("green", doc.DocumentElement.Attributes["style"].Value); // Linq check LinqCompare(doc, html); }
public void ScriptRCDataParsing() { string html = @" <html><body> <h1>Hello World</h1><script> ga('create', 'UA-40765809-1', { 'allowLinker': true, 'cookiePath': '/finance' }); ga('send', 'pageview<table>'); </script> </body></html>"; XmlDocument doc = XHtmlLoader.LoadHtml(html); Console.WriteLine(doc.OuterXml); // Ensure the </body> inside the script is treated as RCData... Assert.IsTrue(doc.SelectSingleNode("//script/text()").Value.Contains("<table>")); // Linq check LinqCompare(doc, html); }
public void HeadTagWithNestedTags() { string html = @" <html> <head> <meta> <a> foobar </a> blah </meta> </head> <body> <h1>Hello World</h1> </body></html>"; XmlDocument doc = XHtmlLoader.LoadHtml(html); Console.WriteLine(doc.OuterXml); // Ensure the text under meta ignored, since meta is a self-closing tag Assert.IsNull(doc.SelectSingleNode("//head/meta/a")); // The <a> tag should go under the body Assert.IsNotNull(doc.SelectSingleNode("//body/a")); // Linq check LinqCompare(doc, html); }
public void FullyQualifyUrls2() { string html = @" <html> <body> <a href='/bakery/bread.html'>Bread</a> </body> </html>"; ParserOptions options = new ParserOptions { BaseUrl = "", FullyQualifyUrls = false }; XmlDocument doc = XHtmlLoader.LoadHtml(html, options); Console.WriteLine(doc.OuterXml); // Ensure the comment shows up at the beginning, and the text at the end... Assert.AreEqual("/bakery/bread.html", doc.SelectSingleNode("//a/@href").Value, "Ensure we don't fully qualify. We set flag to false"); // Linq check LinqCompare(doc, html, options); }
public void BeforeAndAfterFragments() { string html = @" <!----- some comment -----> <html> <body> <h1>Hello World</h1> <p>Some_ _text > hello > © © <b><i>italics</b></i> qrs </p> </body> </html>some after text"; XmlDocument doc = XHtmlLoader.LoadHtml(html); Console.WriteLine(doc.OuterXml); // Ensure the comment shows up at the beginning, and the text at the end... Assert.IsTrue(doc.FirstChild.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Comment); Assert.AreEqual("some after text", doc.SelectSingleNode("//body").LastChild.InnerText); // Linq check LinqCompare(doc, html); }
public static void LoadHtml(this XmlDocument doc, string html) { XHtmlLoader.LoadHtml(doc, new StringReader(html), new ParserOptions()); }