Esempio n. 1
        static bool performSequenceTest(XBridgeTest xBT)
            bool         bRet = true;
            XBridgeTest2 xBT2 = xBT as XBridgeTest2;

            if (xBT2 == null)

            // perform sequence tests (XBridgeTest2)
            // create the sequence which are compared with the results
            bool[]   arBool   = { true, false, true };
            char[]   arChar   = { 'A', 'B', 'C' };
            byte[]   arByte   = { 1, 2, 0xff };
            short[]  arShort  = { Int16.MinValue, 1, Int16.MaxValue };
            UInt16[] arUShort = { UInt16.MinValue, 1, UInt16.MaxValue };
            int[]    arLong   = { Int32.MinValue, 1, Int32.MaxValue };
            UInt32[] arULong  = { UInt32.MinValue, 1, UInt32.MaxValue };
            long[]   arHyper  = { Int64.MinValue, 1, Int64.MaxValue };
            UInt64[] arUHyper = { UInt64.MinValue, 1, UInt64.MaxValue };
            float[]  arFloat  = { 1.1f, 2.2f, 3.3f };
            double[] arDouble = { 1.11, 2.22, 3.33 };
            string[] arString = { "String 1", "String 2", "String 3" };

            Any[]      arAny    = { new Any(true), new Any(11111), new Any(3.14) };
            Object[]   arObject = { new WeakBase(), new WeakBase(), new WeakBase() };
            TestEnum[] arEnum   = { TestEnum.ONE, TestEnum.TWO, TestEnum.CHECK };

            TestElement[] arStruct = { new TestElement(), new TestElement(),
                                       new TestElement() };
            assign(arStruct[0], true, '@', 17, 0x1234, 0xfedc, 0x12345678, 0xfedcba98,
                   0x123456789abcdef0, 0xfedcba9876543210, 17.0815f, 3.1415926359,
                   TestEnum.LOLA, Constants.STRING_TEST_CONSTANT, arObject[0],
                   new Any(typeof(Object), arObject[0]));
            assign(arStruct[1], true, 'A', 17, 0x1234, 0xfedc, 0x12345678, 0xfedcba98,
                   0x123456789abcdef0, 0xfedcba9876543210, 17.0815f, 3.1415926359,
                   TestEnum.TWO, Constants.STRING_TEST_CONSTANT, arObject[1],
                   new Any(typeof(Object), arObject[1]));
            assign(arStruct[2], true, 'B', 17, 0x1234, 0xfedc, 0x12345678, 0xfedcba98,
                   0x123456789abcdef0, 0xfedcba9876543210, 17.0815f, 3.1415926359,
                   TestEnum.CHECK, Constants.STRING_TEST_CONSTANT, arObject[2],
                   new Any(typeof(Object), arObject[2]));

            int[][][] arLong3 = new int[][][] {
                new int[][] { new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }, new int[] { 4, 5, 6 }, new int[] { 7, 8, 9 } },
                new int [][] { new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }, new int[] { 4, 5, 6 }, new int[] { 7, 8, 9 } },
                new int[][] { new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }, new int[] { 4, 5, 6 }, new int[] { 7, 8, 9 } }

                int[][] seqSeqRet = xBT2.setDim2(arLong3[0]);
                bRet = check(compareData(seqSeqRet, arLong3[0]), "sequence test") && bRet;
                int[][][] seqSeqRet2 = xBT2.setDim3(arLong3);
                bRet = check(compareData(seqSeqRet2, arLong3), "sequence test") && bRet;
                Any[] seqAnyRet = xBT2.setSequenceAny(arAny);
                bRet = check(compareData(seqAnyRet, arAny), "sequence test") && bRet;
                bool[] seqBoolRet = xBT2.setSequenceBool(arBool);
                bRet = check(compareData(seqBoolRet, arBool), "sequence test") && bRet;
                byte[] seqByteRet = xBT2.setSequenceByte(arByte);
                bRet = check(compareData(seqByteRet, arByte), "sequence test") && bRet;
                char[] seqCharRet = xBT2.setSequenceChar(arChar);
                bRet = check(compareData(seqCharRet, arChar), "sequence test") && bRet;
                short[] seqShortRet = xBT2.setSequenceShort(arShort);
                bRet = check(compareData(seqShortRet, arShort), "sequence test") && bRet;
                int[] seqLongRet = xBT2.setSequenceLong(arLong);
                bRet = check(compareData(seqLongRet, arLong), "sequence test") && bRet;
                long[] seqHyperRet = xBT2.setSequenceHyper(arHyper);
                bRet = check(compareData(seqHyperRet, arHyper), "sequence test") && bRet;
                float[] seqFloatRet = xBT2.setSequenceFloat(arFloat);
                bRet = check(compareData(seqFloatRet, arFloat), "sequence test") && bRet;
                double[] seqDoubleRet = xBT2.setSequenceDouble(arDouble);
                bRet = check(compareData(seqDoubleRet, arDouble), "sequence test") && bRet;
                TestEnum[] seqEnumRet = xBT2.setSequenceEnum(arEnum);
                bRet = check(compareData(seqEnumRet, arEnum), "sequence test") && bRet;
                UInt16[] seqUShortRet = xBT2.setSequenceUShort(arUShort);
                bRet = check(compareData(seqUShortRet, arUShort), "sequence test") && bRet;
                UInt32[] seqULongRet = xBT2.setSequenceULong(arULong);
                bRet = check(compareData(seqULongRet, arULong), "sequence test") && bRet;
                UInt64[] seqUHyperRet = xBT2.setSequenceUHyper(arUHyper);
                bRet = check(compareData(seqUHyperRet, arUHyper), "sequence test") && bRet;
                Object[] seqObjectRet = xBT2.setSequenceXInterface(arObject);
                bRet = check(compareData(seqObjectRet, arObject), "sequence test") && bRet;
                string[] seqStringRet = xBT2.setSequenceString(arString);
                bRet = check(compareData(seqStringRet, arString), "sequence test") && bRet;
                TestElement[] seqStructRet = xBT2.setSequenceStruct(arStruct);
                bRet = check(compareData(seqStructRet, arStruct), "sequence test") && bRet;
                bool[]     arBoolTemp   = (bool[])arBool.Clone();
                char[]     arCharTemp   = (char[])arChar.Clone();
                byte[]     arByteTemp   = (byte[])arByte.Clone();
                short[]    arShortTemp  = (short[])arShort.Clone();
                UInt16[]   arUShortTemp = (UInt16[])arUShort.Clone();
                int[]      arLongTemp   = (int[])arLong.Clone();
                UInt32[]   arULongTemp  = (UInt32[])arULong.Clone();
                long[]     arHyperTemp  = (long[])arHyper.Clone();
                UInt64[]   arUHyperTemp = (UInt64[])arUHyper.Clone();
                float[]    arFloatTemp  = (float[])arFloat.Clone();
                double[]   arDoubleTemp = (double[])arDouble.Clone();
                TestEnum[] arEnumTemp   = (TestEnum[])arEnum.Clone();
                string[]   arStringTemp = (string[])arString.Clone();
                Object[]   arObjectTemp = (Object[])arObject.Clone();
                Any[]      arAnyTemp    = (Any[])arAny.Clone();
                // make sure this are has the same contents as arLong3[0]
                int[][] arLong2Temp = new int[][] { new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }, new int[] { 4, 5, 6 }, new int[] { 7, 8, 9 } };
                // make sure this are has the same contents as arLong3
                int[][][] arLong3Temp = new int[][][] {
                    new int[][] { new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }, new int[] { 4, 5, 6 }, new int[] { 7, 8, 9 } },
                    new int [][] { new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }, new int[] { 4, 5, 6 }, new int[] { 7, 8, 9 } },
                    new int[][] { new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }, new int[] { 4, 5, 6 }, new int[] { 7, 8, 9 } }

                xBT2.setSequencesInOut(ref arBoolTemp, ref arCharTemp, ref arByteTemp,
                                       ref arShortTemp, ref arUShortTemp, ref arLongTemp,
                                       ref arULongTemp, ref arHyperTemp, ref arUHyperTemp,
                                       ref arFloatTemp, ref arDoubleTemp, ref arEnumTemp,
                                       ref arStringTemp, ref arObjectTemp,
                                       ref arAnyTemp, ref arLong2Temp, ref arLong3Temp);
                bRet = check(
                    compareData(arBoolTemp, arBool) &&
                    compareData(arCharTemp, arChar) &&
                    compareData(arByteTemp, arByte) &&
                    compareData(arShortTemp, arShort) &&
                    compareData(arUShortTemp, arUShort) &&
                    compareData(arLongTemp, arLong) &&
                    compareData(arULongTemp, arULong) &&
                    compareData(arHyperTemp, arHyper) &&
                    compareData(arUHyperTemp, arUHyper) &&
                    compareData(arFloatTemp, arFloat) &&
                    compareData(arDoubleTemp, arDouble) &&
                    compareData(arEnumTemp, arEnum) &&
                    compareData(arStringTemp, arString) &&
                    compareData(arObjectTemp, arObject) &&
                    compareData(arAnyTemp, arAny) &&
                    compareData(arLong2Temp, arLong3[0]) &&
                    compareData(arLong3Temp, arLong3), "sequence test") && bRet;

                bool[]     arBoolOut;
                char[]     arCharOut;
                byte[]     arByteOut;
                short[]    arShortOut;
                UInt16[]   arUShortOut;
                int[]      arLongOut;
                UInt32[]   arULongOut;
                long[]     arHyperOut;
                UInt64[]   arUHyperOut;
                float[]    arFloatOut;
                double[]   arDoubleOut;
                TestEnum[] arEnumOut;
                string[]   arStringOut;
                Object[]   arObjectOut;
                Any[]      arAnyOut;
                int[][]    arLong2Out;
                int[][][]  arLong3Out;

                xBT2.setSequencesOut(out arBoolOut, out arCharOut, out arByteOut,
                                     out arShortOut, out arUShortOut, out arLongOut,
                                     out arULongOut, out arHyperOut, out arUHyperOut,
                                     out arFloatOut, out arDoubleOut, out arEnumOut,
                                     out arStringOut, out arObjectOut, out arAnyOut,
                                     out arLong2Out, out arLong3Out);
                bRet = check(
                    compareData(arBoolOut, arBool) &&
                    compareData(arCharOut, arChar) &&
                    compareData(arByteOut, arByte) &&
                    compareData(arShortOut, arShort) &&
                    compareData(arUShortOut, arUShort) &&
                    compareData(arLongOut, arLong) &&
                    compareData(arULongOut, arULong) &&
                    compareData(arHyperOut, arHyper) &&
                    compareData(arUHyperOut, arUHyper) &&
                    compareData(arFloatOut, arFloat) &&
                    compareData(arDoubleOut, arDouble) &&
                    compareData(arEnumOut, arEnum) &&
                    compareData(arStringOut, arString) &&
                    compareData(arObjectOut, arObject) &&
                    compareData(arAnyOut, arAny) &&
                    compareData(arLong2Out, arLong3[0]) &&
                    compareData(arLong3Out, arLong3), "sequence test") && bRet;
                //test with empty sequences
                int[][] _arLong2  = new int[0][];
                int[][] seqSeqRet = xBT2.setDim2(_arLong2);
                bRet = check(compareData(seqSeqRet, _arLong2), "sequence test") && bRet;
                int[][][] _arLong3   = new int[0][][];
                int[][][] seqSeqRet2 = xBT2.setDim3(_arLong3);
                bRet = check(compareData(seqSeqRet2, _arLong3), "sequence test") && bRet;
                Any[] _arAny    = new Any[0];
                Any[] seqAnyRet = xBT2.setSequenceAny(_arAny);
                bRet = check(compareData(seqAnyRet, _arAny), "sequence test") && bRet;
                bool[] _arBool    = new bool[0];
                bool[] seqBoolRet = xBT2.setSequenceBool(_arBool);
                bRet = check(compareData(seqBoolRet, _arBool), "sequence test") && bRet;
                byte[] _arByte    = new byte[0];
                byte[] seqByteRet = xBT2.setSequenceByte(_arByte);
                bRet = check(compareData(seqByteRet, _arByte), "sequence test") && bRet;
                char[] _arChar    = new char[0];
                char[] seqCharRet = xBT2.setSequenceChar(_arChar);
                bRet = check(compareData(seqCharRet, _arChar), "sequence test") && bRet;
                short[] _arShort    = new short[0];
                short[] seqShortRet = xBT2.setSequenceShort(_arShort);
                bRet = check(compareData(seqShortRet, _arShort), "sequence test") && bRet;
                int[] _arLong    = new int[0];
                int[] seqLongRet = xBT2.setSequenceLong(_arLong);
                bRet = check(compareData(seqLongRet, _arLong), "sequence test") && bRet;
                long[] _arHyper    = new long[0];
                long[] seqHyperRet = xBT2.setSequenceHyper(_arHyper);
                bRet = check(compareData(seqHyperRet, _arHyper), "sequence test") && bRet;
                float[] _arFloat    = new float[0];
                float[] seqFloatRet = xBT2.setSequenceFloat(_arFloat);
                bRet = check(compareData(seqFloatRet, _arFloat), "sequence test") && bRet;
                double[] _arDouble    = new double[0];
                double[] seqDoubleRet = xBT2.setSequenceDouble(_arDouble);
                bRet = check(compareData(seqDoubleRet, _arDouble), "sequence test") && bRet;
                TestEnum[] _arEnum    = new TestEnum[0];
                TestEnum[] seqEnumRet = xBT2.setSequenceEnum(_arEnum);
                bRet = check(compareData(seqEnumRet, _arEnum), "sequence test") && bRet;
                UInt16[] _arUShort    = new UInt16[0];
                UInt16[] seqUShortRet = xBT2.setSequenceUShort(_arUShort);
                bRet = check(compareData(seqUShortRet, _arUShort), "sequence test") && bRet;
                UInt32[] _arULong    = new UInt32[0];
                UInt32[] seqULongRet = xBT2.setSequenceULong(_arULong);
                bRet = check(compareData(seqULongRet, _arULong), "sequence test") && bRet;
                UInt64[] _arUHyper    = new UInt64[0];
                UInt64[] seqUHyperRet = xBT2.setSequenceUHyper(_arUHyper);
                bRet = check(compareData(seqUHyperRet, _arUHyper), "sequence test") && bRet;
                Object[] _arObject    = new Object[0];
                Object[] seqObjectRet = xBT2.setSequenceXInterface(_arObject);
                bRet = check(compareData(seqObjectRet, _arObject), "sequence test") && bRet;
                string[] _arString    = new string[0];
                string[] seqStringRet = xBT2.setSequenceString(_arString);
                bRet = check(compareData(seqStringRet, _arString), "sequence test") && bRet;
                TestElement[] _arStruct    = new TestElement[0];
                TestElement[] seqStructRet = xBT2.setSequenceStruct(_arStruct);
                bRet = check(compareData(seqStructRet, _arStruct), "sequence test") && bRet;

Esempio n. 2
        bool performTest(XBridgeTest xLBT)
            check(xLBT != null, "### no test interface!");
            bool bRet = true;

            if (xLBT == null)

            // this data is never ever granted access to by calls other than equals(), assign()!
            TestDataElements aData = new TestDataElements(); // test against this data

            Object xI = new WeakBase();

            Any aAny = new Any(typeof(Object), xI);

                   true, '@', 17, 0x1234, 0xfedc, 0x12345678, 0xfedcba98,
                   0x123456789abcdef0, 0xfedcba9876543210,
                   17.0815f, 3.1415926359, TestEnum.LOLA,
                   Constants.STRING_TEST_CONSTANT, xI,

            bRet = check(aData.Any.Value == xI, "### unexpected any!") && bRet;
            bRet = check(!(aData.Any.Value != xI), "### unexpected any!") && bRet;

            aData.Sequence    = new TestElement[2];
            aData.Sequence[0] = new TestElement(
                aData.Bool, aData.Char, aData.Byte, aData.Short,
                aData.UShort, aData.Long, aData.ULong,
                aData.Hyper, aData.UHyper, aData.Float,
                aData.Double, aData.Enum, aData.String,
                aData.Interface, aData.Any);       //(TestElement) aData;
            aData.Sequence[1] = new TestElement(); //is empty

            // aData complete

            // this is a manually copy of aData for first setting...
            TestDataElements aSetData = new TestDataElements();
            Any aAnySet = new Any(typeof(Object), xI);

                   aData.Bool, aData.Char, aData.Byte, aData.Short, aData.UShort,
                   aData.Long, aData.ULong, aData.Hyper, aData.UHyper, aData.Float, aData.Double,
                   aData.Enum, aData.String, xI,

            aSetData.Sequence    = new TestElement[2];
            aSetData.Sequence[0] = new TestElement(
                aSetData.Bool, aSetData.Char, aSetData.Byte, aSetData.Short,
                aSetData.UShort, aSetData.Long, aSetData.ULong,
                aSetData.Hyper, aSetData.UHyper, aSetData.Float,
                aSetData.Double, aSetData.Enum, aSetData.String,
                aSetData.Interface, aSetData.Any);    //TestElement) aSetData;
            aSetData.Sequence[1] = new TestElement(); // empty struct

                aSetData.Bool, aSetData.Char, aSetData.Byte, aSetData.Short, aSetData.UShort,
                aSetData.Long, aSetData.ULong, aSetData.Hyper, aSetData.UHyper, aSetData.Float, aSetData.Double,
                aSetData.Enum, aSetData.String, aSetData.Interface, aSetData.Any, aSetData.Sequence, aSetData);

                TestDataElements aRet  = new TestDataElements();
                TestDataElements aRet2 = new TestDataElements();
                    out aRet.Bool, out aRet.Char, out aRet.Byte, out aRet.Short, out aRet.UShort,
                    out aRet.Long, out aRet.ULong, out aRet.Hyper, out aRet.UHyper,
                    out aRet.Float, out aRet.Double, out aRet.Enum, out aRet.String,
                    out aRet.Interface, out aRet.Any, out aRet.Sequence, out aRet2);

                bRet = check(compareData(aData, aRet) && compareData(aData, aRet2), "getValues test") && bRet;

                // set last retrieved values
                TestDataElements aSV2ret = xLBT.setValues2(
                    ref aRet.Bool, ref aRet.Char, ref aRet.Byte, ref aRet.Short, ref aRet.UShort,
                    ref aRet.Long, ref aRet.ULong, ref aRet.Hyper, ref aRet.UHyper, ref aRet.Float,
                    ref aRet.Double, ref aRet.Enum, ref aRet.String, ref aRet.Interface, ref aRet.Any,
                    ref aRet.Sequence, ref aRet2);

                // check inout sequence order
                // => inout sequence parameter was switched by test objects
                TestElement temp = aRet.Sequence[0];
                aRet.Sequence[0] = aRet.Sequence[1];
                aRet.Sequence[1] = temp;

                bRet = check(
                    compareData(aData, aSV2ret) && compareData(aData, aRet2),
                    "getValues2 test") && bRet;
                TestDataElements aRet   = new TestDataElements();
                TestDataElements aRet2  = new TestDataElements();
                TestDataElements aGVret = xLBT.getValues(
                    out aRet.Bool, out aRet.Char, out aRet.Byte, out aRet.Short,
                    out aRet.UShort, out aRet.Long, out aRet.ULong, out aRet.Hyper,
                    out aRet.UHyper, out aRet.Float, out aRet.Double, out aRet.Enum,
                    out aRet.String, out aRet.Interface, out aRet.Any, out aRet.Sequence,
                    out aRet2);

                bRet = check(compareData(aData, aRet) && compareData(aData, aRet2) && compareData(aData, aGVret), "getValues test") && bRet;

                // set last retrieved values
                xLBT.Bool      = aRet.Bool;
                xLBT.Char      = aRet.Char;
                xLBT.Byte      = aRet.Byte;
                xLBT.Short     = aRet.Short;
                xLBT.UShort    = aRet.UShort;
                xLBT.Long      = aRet.Long;
                xLBT.ULong     = aRet.ULong;
                xLBT.Hyper     = aRet.Hyper;
                xLBT.UHyper    = aRet.UHyper;
                xLBT.Float     = aRet.Float;
                xLBT.Double    = aRet.Double;
                xLBT.Enum      = aRet.Enum;
                xLBT.String    = aRet.String;
                xLBT.Interface = aRet.Interface;
                xLBT.Any       = aRet.Any;
                xLBT.Sequence  = aRet.Sequence;
                xLBT.Struct    = aRet2;
                TestDataElements aRet  = new TestDataElements();
                TestDataElements aRet2 = new TestDataElements();
                aRet.Hyper     = xLBT.Hyper;
                aRet.UHyper    = xLBT.UHyper;
                aRet.Float     = xLBT.Float;
                aRet.Double    = xLBT.Double;
                aRet.Byte      = xLBT.Byte;
                aRet.Char      = xLBT.Char;
                aRet.Bool      = xLBT.Bool;
                aRet.Short     = xLBT.Short;
                aRet.UShort    = xLBT.UShort;
                aRet.Long      = xLBT.Long;
                aRet.ULong     = xLBT.ULong;
                aRet.Enum      = xLBT.Enum;
                aRet.String    = xLBT.String;
                aRet.Interface = xLBT.Interface;
                aRet.Any       = xLBT.Any;
                aRet.Sequence  = xLBT.Sequence;
                aRet2          = xLBT.Struct;

                bRet = check(compareData(aData, aRet) && compareData(aData, aRet2), "struct comparison test") && bRet;

                bRet = check(performSequenceTest(xLBT), "sequence test") && bRet;

                // any test
                bRet = check(performAnyTest(xLBT, aData), "any test") && bRet;

                // sequence of call test
                bRet = check(performSequenceOfCallTest(xLBT), "sequence of call test") && bRet;

                // recursive call test
                bRet = check(performRecursiveCallTest(xLBT), "recursive test") && bRet;

                bRet = (compareData(aData, aRet) && compareData(aData, aRet2)) && bRet;

                // check setting of null reference
                xLBT.Interface = null;
                aRet.Interface = xLBT.Interface;
                bRet           = (aRet.Interface == null) && bRet;
            // Test extended attributes that raise exceptions:
            try {
                int i = xLBT.RaiseAttr1;
                bRet &= check(false, "getRaiseAttr1 did not throw");
            } catch (RuntimeException)
            catch (System.Exception) {
                bRet &= check(false, "getRaiseAttr1 threw wrong type");
            try {
                xLBT.RaiseAttr1 = 0;
                bRet           &= check(false, "setRaiseAttr1 did not throw");
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException) {
            } catch (System.Exception) {
                bRet &= check(false, "setRaiseAttr1 threw wrong type");
            try {
                int i = xLBT.RaiseAttr2;
                bRet &= check(false, "getRaiseAttr2 did not throw");
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException) {
            } catch (System.Exception) {
                bRet &= check(false, "getRaiseAttr2 threw wrong type");

            // Test instantiated polymorphic struct types:
                TestPolyStruct poly = new TestPolyStruct(true);
                bRet &= check(
                poly = new TestPolyStruct(12345L);
                xLBT.transportPolyHyper(ref poly);
                bRet &= check((long)poly.member == 12345L, "transportPolyUnsignedHyper");

                Any[] seq = { new Any(33), new Any("ABC") };
                poly = new TestPolyStruct(seq);
                TestPolyStruct poly2;
                xLBT.transportPolySequence(poly, out poly2);
                try {
                    Any[] ar = (Any[])poly2.member;
                    bRet &= check(
                        ar.Length == 2, "transportPolySequence, length");

                    int v0;
                    v0    = (int)ar[0].Value;
                    bRet &= check(v0 == 33, "transportPolySequence, element 0");

                    string v1 = (string)ar[1].Value;
                    bRet &= check(
                        "transportPolySequence, element 1");
                } catch (InvalidCastException)
                    bRet &= check(false, "transportPolySequence");

                try {
                    //When the test object is a cli object then them member is null
                    //otherwise the bridge has provided a default value.
                    TestPolyStruct s = xLBT.getNullPolyLong();
                    if (s.member != null)
                        bRet &= check(((int)s.member) == 0, "getNullPolyLong");

                    s = xLBT.getNullPolyString();
                    if (s.member != null)
                        bRet &= check(((string)s.member).Length == 0,
                    s = xLBT.getNullPolyType();
                    if (s.member != null)
                        bRet &= check(((Type)s.member) == typeof(void),
                    s = xLBT.getNullPolyAny();
                    if (s.member != null)
                        Any nullAny = (Any)s.member;
                        bRet &= check(nullAny.Type == typeof(void),
                    s = xLBT.getNullPolySequence();
                    if (s.member != null)
                        bRet &= check(((bool[])s.member).Length == 0,
                    s = xLBT.getNullPolyEnum();
                    if (s.member != null)
                        bRet &= check(((TestEnum)s.member) == TestEnum.TEST,
                    s = xLBT.getNullPolyStruct();
                    if (s.member != null)
                        bRet &= check(((TestStruct)s.member).member == 0,
                    s     = xLBT.getNullPolyInterface();
                    bRet &= check(s.member == null, "getNullPolyInterface");

                    s     = xLBT.getNullPolyBadEnum();
                    bRet &= check(((TestBadEnum)s.member) == TestBadEnum.M, "getNullPolyBadEnum");
                } catch (InvalidCastException)
                    bRet &= check(false, "getNullPolyXXX, InvalidCastException");

            XBridgeTest2 xBT2 = xLBT as XBridgeTest2;

            if (xBT2 != null)
                try {
                } catch (BadConstructorArguments) {
                    bRet = false;
